32--Articles for\Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, December 20, 1961 27 BILL HAMILTON, Ashburn, Brooklin, ao Office Equipment. tv) selection of reconditioned TV's|t at reasonable wat ee Parkway da vision, 918 Simcoe 5S! North, color TV store. ONE trunk 21x21x36, good condition; "50 Chev. custom radio; 22 Cooey single shot. 725-8503, TYPING paper on sale, letter size, white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and save. 4% Ib. pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib. pkg. $2.00. Circulation lation Dept., Oshawa Times. some new, size 14; new 137 South, Whitby. Visit our store 32--Articles for Sale 35--Legal pidge legos forced air, 10-year guaran. , $2.25 per week,-no down payment Package 'deal, $130. Telephone 725-472° 8. F. GOODRICH Stotes -- Tires, bat teries, Kelvinator réfrigerators, tele vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. _ CIGARETTES carton $3.09. 09. Butter 6 cent lb, Tulip Margarine 4 Ibs. a Bread, 2 loaves .37 cents, Savings ga- lore, shop daily -- Glecoff's Super- market, Ritson Road South, Oshawa. __|Open every night "till 10. DOLL bed and carriage, girls' clothing, BABY SETS knitter Plywood war dade, (all types of knitting. bulky knit sweat- and crocheted, small table: large, 728-3689. Inglis Tappan stove, 30", Visulite oven; also matching play: 21" Crosley television; kitch- en eee, pes power mower; step-ladder; garden tools and various children's toys. Telephone 725-7441 after 7 p.m. AN'S size CCM bicycle, r fied generator light, like new, $35. Apply 49 Ritson Road South. SKATES, new and used, sold and ex- changed. 204 rg Drayton Cycle, Bond Street E corner and cocktail table; Phillirs combination radio-record Sspeed ers, etc. T DY's aioe ~Gamerane, 120 rape iced at $275. Telephone MO ELMER ol get price. soon Ontario, s and selis Beds, dining, bedroom and kitchen fur- niture, ranges, oil heaters, jera- tors, washers, antiques, electric irons, lamps, sewing machines, dishes, cook- ware, mirrors, hand sleighs, electric motors, tools. Everything is priced to save you dollars. Call Elmer, CO aaa DISCOUNT prices, everything the store reduced, excellent sattetion of Christmas gifts. Hassocks, $2.99; card tables, $2.99; cedar sts, $39; plat- form rockers, $: sets, * NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF KATHARINE LANSDOWNE HANCOCK Married Woman, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Kath- arine Lansdowne Hancock, late of the Township of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, Married Woman, deceased, who died on or about the 26th day of October, 1961, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Repre- sentatives of the spid de- ceased on or before the 13th day of Januory, 1962, full particulars of their claims. BULKY knit sweater, on white background, size forty, In per- fect condition, ad worn three times, 655-4715. buffalo pattern $8.88; arborite desks, $18.88; recliner chairs, $36; table lamps from $3.88. Visit our store mow! Ed Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street, WE buy and ell and exchange je used City bee A "ding » 446 Simcoe Street South. furniture or anything you have, CHESTS of drawers for sale, Four drawers $12, five drawers $15. Tele- phone 725-8755. ORDERS taken for wood storm sashes, T.V. TOWERS 40-ft. structure with all- channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed | year. TRIO TELEVISION 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 Visit our new Streamlined Drugette Department -- Dry Goods, Children's Clothing, China and Glassware, Notions, and Kitchenware. GLECOFF SUPERMARKET 174 Ritson Road South, Oshawa Open to 10 p.m. daily FREE TUMBLER WITH $3 GASOLINE at the HILLTOP __ Open 10 a.m, till Midnight _ GOOD RECONDITIONED REFRIGERATORS RANGES AND WASHERS All parts and service. AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE HARWOOD AVE. NORTH AJAX -- WH 2-6410 No. 1 quality. Measurements, estimates free. Terms. 723-4989. OIL painting, garden tools, wheelbar- row, some household articles, large tarpaulin, scaffolding, etc, °59 Vauxhall super. A-1 condition. Apply 102 Rosehill Bivd. CHRISTMAS trees, pine $1.25 up to $2. Pine boughs, sat fee for delivery. 144 Annis. 725-3710. BROWN Alaskan seal, new condition, size 42, full length, modern styling, rea- sonable. Telephone 4 725-6865. CHROME chairs $3.88; also S-plece chrome sets $29; large selection Lane cedar chests, from $39 up; mattresses $16.88; continental beds, spring filled $38; desks $18.88; floor coverings, many pretty patterns, 25¢ per ft. Tremendous savings. Ed. Wilson's Discount Furn ture, 20 Church Street. 17" TELEVISION, radio, record player combination, picture tube so res e700. for 60 days. $69.50, Telephone 728-6780. COMBINATION high-fi, radio and re. cord player, RCA Victor, mahogany in good condition, $225. Telephone 728-5920. | WE pay highest 'prices in the "eity for | used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture Store, 723-3271. 444 Simcoe South. WE buy and sell used furniture, ete. | Call Superior Resale, 140 Simcoe Street South, 728-4873. WINE and cider barrels. Solid oak. All sizes. Oshawa Hardware, 8 Church 723-7624, USED parts and repairs ; for all makes! of wringer type washers, % hp motors, $5 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned wash- ers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton. CO 3- 2241. COFFIELD washing machine, years old, in good condition, Reason- able. Telephone 723-1923 for more par- ticulars. SMITH corona Super portable type- writer, in perfect condition. Telephone three VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE 145 KING WEST Next.to Western Tire 728-4401 We buy, sell exchange used furniture, washer, TV, radios and so forth at prices to top enyone in the city. BSA "Winged Wheel" motorized bie cycle, beautiful metallic blue, 180 miles per gallon, 965. Telephone MO 8-3155. "KELTON" used, Cost $200, sacrifice for $120. Tele-| phone MO 8-3155. ALUMINUM boat, like new, complete with steering wheel, wind- shield, 18 horse motor, controls, up- holstered, $600. MA 3-347. FISH hut for sale. Telephone 725-5379 for further particulars. trailer, FOOD & FREEZER PLAN 'You mey tried the rest, Now try the best. Ect better for less. 80% groceries sup- plied, ell well-known pro- ducts, highest quality meats. Life-time worronty freezer, the only one guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. No down payment. Call now for demonstration -- no obliga- tion. Zenith 9-6100. THOR Gladiron, very reasonable. Young man's winter overcoat, size 38. Telephone 725-2838. TELEVISION eats 17 inch in good eon- eon- dition, $50. Telephone 728-9325. VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes,/| parts, Sitachments, brushes, guaran- teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- ice, 728-0591 anytime. HAWAIAN electric guitar ("Ka: very good condition, plus amplifier al. most new. Would make a lovely mas gift. Telephone 723-7596. FILTER Queen Sales and ger eral trade-in bale OL stration. Telephone 728- SELLING furniture? son buy it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer contact 19 Prince Street. Phone 728- 1131. HOR Gla in perfect condition, ice, lib- demon- FLOOR COVERINGS Clearance of 1961 patterns. Thousands cf yards. 25c PER FOOT WILSON'S FURNITURE DISCOUNT STORE 20 CHURCH. ST. TWO dry pop coolers in good condition, telephone: 723-4245. SIMPLICITY washing machine, reason- able, roe condition. Apply 763 Ritson NG paper on sale, letter size, white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and ' 500 Trees ! 'go-cart, brand new, never diately after the said date the Personal Represen- tatives will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Dshawe this 11th day of December, 1961. ROBERT HANCOCK, FRANK HANCOCK and MARK HANCOCK, Executors, By their solicitors, McGIBBON & BASTEDO, Barristers & Sclicitors, 20 Simcoe Street North, ___OSHAWA - - ONTARIO, _ | Stolen At Pontypool | By MRS. H. M. RICHARDSON |¥ PONTYPOOL -- The WA met | y at Mrs. C. McKay's on Thurs-| day evening. Most of the mem- |bers were present as this was | the final meeting. After takes over with a new execu- tive. Some of the members} have worked in the WA for| over forty years. Brent Fallis got home from St. Joseph's Hospital on Wed- ation. Kenneth Fallis, or six weeks, Garry VanDam broke his leg on Wednesday evening while to- bogganing after school. This is the sccond time he has had the same leg broken. Thicves are quite active in this district, stealing Christmas trecs. Elgin Budd has lost 400- 500 cut and baled trees. A wheel snapped on one of the cars of a freight train near the Kendry crossing recently, causing the track to be pulled up and several rails broken for some distance. his father, | has been in the same hospital | | the |t Inew year the new organization|; ne:day afternoon after an oper- | ¥ 'The section men and the Aux- iliary worked for po hours to get the trains moving again. | the United Church to the) Pontypool Cemetery on Thurs-| day aiternoon, Mr. Jakeman lived in this dis-| trict about 35 years ago. fire. wife was the late Mabel | Chambers of Drum Corner. He! save, 444 Ib. pkg $1.00, 9 Ib pkg. $2.00 MANGLE-type » ironer in perfect tion, $35; also Singer treadle sewing machine, $15. Telephone 725-1508. LIONEL electric train, loads of tracks,| switches, 90 watt transformer. In ex- cellent condition: Reasonable. Apply 356 Cadillac Avenue South. BRIDGE table and four chairs, "red leather, good as new. 923 Byron Street South, Whitby. MO 8-3239. LADY'S muskrat stripe (dark) fur coat, large size, excellent condition, cheap. Phone 723-3378. AWNINGS, canvas. s. Prompt 1 service, CHESTERFIELD SUITES We are overstocked. Gigantic Reductions. We must raise cash, (SALE - FROM $84 WILSON'S FURNITURE DISCOUNT STORE 20 CHURCH STREET free estimates. Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simeoe North. TWO pair figure skates, white, sizes 12 and 1; also one skating outfit, size 7. Telephone 725-3055, 34--Lost & Found LOST: Male brown poodle, vicinity ef Prestonville Road on Tuesday evening, wearing collar with rabie tag. Reward. Telephone 725-7023. LOST: Male Persian eat, black with brown and bits of tan, 1 year old, vicinity Masson. May have been picked up at pound 'n past 2% weeks. Very urgent. 723-7609. Lost: Lady's gold watch, ~ Gruen, at north A and P or Eaton's, Saturday) afternoon. 723-3446 during day or 728- 8554 after 5. LOST: White and red Walker foxhound, Lake Scugog vicinity. Telephone Bow: manville, MA 3: 2704. b2,9,9,9,9,9,9. 4 Pviavsiiatarees NEED A NEW STOVE OR 'FRIDGE? BUY' EM WITH A LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED x x KOO * x xxx xx x x bb tetas' ° xx «xxx x x bs HK THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA LOST in "Whitby, lady's "wallet contain. ing important papers and money, phone booth outside Dominion Store be Thursday, December 14. Reward. Tele-| phone 'MO 8 4979. bracelet, on Simcoe between Consumers Gas and Bassett's Jewellers, on Satur- day atternoon. Reward. | 725-2496. FOUND: : Smal black "dog, 0 one "white | paw, also white under the chin, digger | Person claiming must pay for ad. 725-3210, 35--Legol | I will not be responsible for any =" contracted in my mame by anyone, from this date forward, December 20, 1961, without my written consent. -- Michol Bogowicz, 410 King Street East. ASK FOR OSHAWA TIMES FAMILY WANT ADS condi man, 'Bethany. "| provided they h | Lost: Lady's gold "watch, , expansion | wis a brother of Henry jake- Orono Dante Planned By Oddfellows By MRS. KEN GAMSBY ORONO -- On Friday night | of this week the Oddfellows' serv.ce club are holding their annuai Dance and Draw with| 20 Turkeys on the agenda. This means that 20 persons will re- ceive a turkey for a quarter,| ticket. | Revelairs Orchestra of Port Hope will tunes for round and square |dancing from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. |Adinission $2.00 per couple. This service club started in| |1986 and over the years has| raised considerable finances and| assisted worthy organizations and community service where al little financial assistance was! much needed and used to full] | value. This year the money is to be| usca for community service| wherever the organization de-| cides it is most needed, There will be a number ot| jz and door prizes. | Gifts Exchanged By Uxbridge Kin By MRS. RITA BEDNARZ UXBRIDGE -- Gifts were ex- changed and two pairs of hockey tickets were raffled off at the! Uxbridge Kinsmen club annual enone party on December) Special guest, Deputy Gov- ernor of Zone F, Robert Luke, along with 43 other members enjoyed a dinner and entertain- ment. Each member stood up and announced. his occupation) as part of the Adverising | activities. The funeral of the late Hector |% *;|Jakeman was conducted from| His |y supply the dance |= Chock Full of Wonderful Things Christmas Fowl! Christmas Trees Gifts For Her 4 SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Gifts For The Family Gifts For The Family Holiday Food IF YOU WANT THE BEST IN. « FRESH - KILLED TURKEYS CALL MA 3-5049 W. E. LYMER Highway 2 at Maple Grove Order Your Christmas Fowl from LITZ PROCESSING PLANT Special Rates for ' Ban- quets, Bowling Alleys. 117 Bloor St. E. 723-4722 CHRISTMAS FOWL Capons and Turkeys Dressed and Delivered FRANK HOAG ROSSLAND ROAD WEST DIAL 725-6837 TURKEYS FRESHLY KILLED Young, Tender, Tasty Delivered Oven-Ready Year-Round Supply. Special Prices -- Churches, Banquets Courtice Turkey Ranch 728-5392 AVOID LAST MINUTE DISAPPOINTMENT ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR TURKEY NOW There's no turkey like a freshly killed turkey for flavor and tenderness. You may pay a little more, but you get the best when you buy a Townline Turkey Ranch turkey. Freshly killed, dressed and delivered anywhere in Oshawa. TOWNLINE TURKEY RANCH 725-4233 Christmas Trees "NUMBER ONE Scotch pine, spruce and balsam, plantation stock. Nicely pruned. 302 Oshawa Blvd. South, 723-2281. Free delivery, CHRISTMAS TREES PROFESSIONALLY PRUNED SCOTCH PIN: -- SPRUCE. OSHAWA HOME + LANDSCAPING Loc_.ion"-- Simcoe SN. Al Preston Sunoco Sin. Free Delivery 728-6366 PRUNED CHRISTMAS TREES : FLOWERS - From Our Greenhouses POTTED PLANTS GIFT CERTIFICATES VAN BELLE GARDENS BOWMANVILLE Free Delivery MA 3-5757 SCOTCH PINE HAND PRUNED ALL SIZES 2,000 TREES YOUR CHOICE $1.94 PLUS TAX OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE 1259 SIMCOE NORTH 723-3222 OPEN EVENINGS INSIDE SHOWING NURSERY GROWN PROFESSIONALLY PRUNED SCOTCH PINE SPRUCE and BALSAM IN LARGE, 1ABLE-AND APARTMENT SIZE A.W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1015 KING ST. EAST OPEN EVENINGS 725-1764 PRUNED CHRISTMAS TREES ALL SIZES FREE DELIVERY WHOLESALE & RETAIL C. E. HARDSAND 728-6656 CHRISTMAS TREES Pruned--Forestry Grown Scotch Pines All Sizes--wholesale prices. FOWLER FORESTRIES 306 KING WEST GET YOUR CHRISTMAS TREES NOW Nicely Pruned Spruce, Scotch, and Red Pine All 1. From 50¢ -- HOWARD MILLSON CO 3-2607 er ite PRUNED Scotch pine Christmas trees, 35 cents and up. Telephone COlfax 3-2589, Murphy's. A-T PRUNED SCOTCH PINE PHONE ELGIN BUDD ORONO 8-R-3 CHRISTMAS TREES Spruce, Balsam, Scotch Pine Commercial size 17 foot JACK'S BAR 180 ADELAIDE EAST COLLECT AT 178 ADELAIDE EAST Entertainment PIANIST and banyo player - Dance and sing along with us. Parties, weddings, etc. Telephone 655-4505. Those who hear SIM LASH and his Trio Ask for repeat engagements. Parties dances, receptions, banquets. 725-8762 ! LOCAL ORCHESTRA AVAILABLE FOR PARTIES, DANCES, BANQUETS, CALL 725-7867 ENJOY YOUR PARTY OR BANQUET AT THE CADILLAC HOTEL Se'ect Dates Still Open. Reserve Now. 725-3743 NEW YEAR'S DANCE Sponsored by C.R.A. ue cay DANCE CLUB Old Tyme and Modern Novelties - Lunch - Prizes Saturday Dec. 30th, 8:30 -? $2.50: PER PERSON 728-8334 LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH Reservations Now Being Accepted For SLEIGH RIDES PRIVATE PARTIES During the Winter Season TELEPHONE 725-2737 Gifts for Children TOYLAND ' Bicycles, tricycles, pedal cars, doll carriages, sleighs, tobog- gans, Meccano sets, Dinky toys, Hockey equipment. VICTOR'S 38 BOND W.--723-3141 ¥ 4 Christmas Joy For Girl or Boy BICYCLES C.C.M.--RALEIGH SKATES, / C.C.M.--BAUER Layaway Deposits Let us be Santa, Christmas Eve delivery service. Seven mile radius. WILSON'S CYCLE and SALE 106 Colborne St. East, Whitby MO 8-3746 Gifts For Her Complete line of dresses, party dresses, suits, coats, carcoats, sweaters, blouses, slims. All latest colors and fashions for her at Christmas. Use your credit. Open a charge account. Special Offer: Nylons, seam- less, 3 pair for $1.00 with any purchase or 49c pair anytime. & MORRISON'S § 48 SIMCOE ST. N. Opposite the Armouries "*Oshawa's newest and smartest Ladies wear Store" 725-6312 Thrill Her With Lovely 'FRAGRANCES Attractively Gift Pockaged Tussey's -- Cologne $1.25-$3 -- Dusting Powder $1.75 Yardley's -- Red Roses; Lotus, and Bond Street Per- fumes, from $3: --Spray Mist $2.50. POWELL'S t CHRISTMAS SPECIAL, Wee ssa Salon, Shampoo $1. Ge feos nyged 'or WANT ADS ARE FOR EVERYBODY ! A lifetime of using Want Ads has convinced Gramps that those little ads work Gerda and set, $4.95 and up. call 728-2641, wonders. SKATES NEW ond US§D. A com- plete line of C.C.M. and BAUER Skates, Trade-ins ac- cepted. Skates sharpened by "VICTOR'S 38 BOND W. -- 723-3141 THE IDEAL GIFT BURNS SHOES Gift Certificates for: Foot- wear -- Slippers -- Luggage --Hosiery KING AND SIMCOE STS. 725-4611 LITZ Oshawa Shopping Centre Compare Litz quolity ond prices. LITZ DELICATESSEN 728-1111 FOR A LOVELY GIFT Call At PARKVIEW STORE 98 OLIVE AVE. Religious Articles, Statues, Nativity Sets, Bibles, Rosary, etc, THE IDEAL GIFT Footwear, Slippers, Luggage, Hosiery. Use our convenient Lay-A-Way Plan. BURNS SHOES KING AND SIMCOE CHRISTMAS & MUSIC GO-TOGETHER RECORD PLAYERS R.C.A. Victor Portabie 4 speeds, $24.95, $29.95, $39.95. Automatic Port- able, 4 speeds, $54.95. Stereo - Automatic, 4 speeds, $84.95 up. In imitation leather, Lug- gage type Cases, assorted colors. MEAGHER'S 5 King St. W. 723-3425 35% Simcoe N. 725-4734 Gifts For Him IDEAL GIFTS GO KART ENGINES POWER MOWERS SNOW. BLOWERS 74 BARRIE AVE, 728-2791 SCOTTY'S BARGAINS BEAVER 9' RADIAL SAW A "One-Tool" Workshop 279.15 $279. Millwork & Building Supplies Ltd. 1279 Simcoe North 728-6291 GIVE HIM A WARM CHRISTMAS See our selection of Sports- wear, shirts, sweaters, baw gloves, tie and sock se' SAM ROTISH MEN'S WEAR 7 King St, E -- 725-2433 The best place for a wo- man to shop at Christmas "PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE SPORTSCOATS--HATS GLOVES--SHIRTS SWEATERS--TIES A distinctive selection. 36 SIMCOE ST. N. 723-3612 FREE ! SUBURBAN OR CAR COAT with the purchase of any SUIT PRICED AS LOW AS ($49.50 USE YOUR CREDIT OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT. NO DOWN PAYMENT, DUNN'S 36 KING E. (Downtown) OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Gifts For The Family WATCHES SAVE 20% TO 50% All Leading Makes, For Men, Women, Children HORWICH CREDIT JEWELLERS OSHAWA SHOPFING CENTRE 723-7133 20 SIMCOE S, 725-8443 Permanent Waves Complete 5.95 EDWARD'S BEAUTY PARLOUR 5 CELINA ST. _ 723-7633 IBEX BLANKETS 70 x 90, Reg. 6.95, for $5.69 pr. nan BLANKETS g. $10.95 for $8.95 CHENILLE BEDSPREADS $7.95 VELVET DRESSES Sizes 2-3x, Reg. $4.98 for $2.98 NYLON DRESS $1.75 Up CRINOLINES $1.69 Modern Draperies Discount Prices M&C Dry Goods 74 Celina Street---723-7827 ENJOY CHRISTMAS MUSIC HI-Fl's Electrohome, 1962, Stereo models, famous Dielcraft Cabinets in Fruitwood, Mahogany or Walnut, $329.00 up Convenient Terms, We Finance Our Own Sales MEAGHER'S 5 King St. West 723-3425 VISIT US! SPORTS EQUIPMENT GAMES FOR ALL AGES GIFT SPECIALTIES CAMERAS DYETT'S FIRESIDE CORNER 205 BOND ST. WEST OPEN EVERY EVENING Light a Christmas Tree in the window of your own home this Christmas. Model Display Homes of award-winning designs Down Payment. $1195 ateie ONE.N.H.A, MORTGAGE Southwood Park Town of Ajax Diamond Gaeene Homes Only Give The Gift of Better Health Niagara Cyclo-Massage Home Therapy Equipment Sales, Service or Rentals 725-7927 Write 316 Wilson S., Oshawe BEAT SANTA At His Own Game! ~ FOR THE FAMILY GIVE FOOTWEAR THIS CHRISTMAS Gift Certificates FROM $4.98 UP DAVIDSON'S DRUG STORE. 31 Simcoe North 725-3312 4 Shopping Days Until Christmas VIANNA / For the Finest Selection of: COLD MEATS SMOKED FISH, HERRINGS GERMAN CAKES, PASTRIES VIANNA DELICATESSEN 543 RITSON RD, S$, 728-3281 OPEN EVENINGS Holiday Dining DRAW A DOOR - BREAKER' CROWD to your store with able ads in the Oshawa Times Gift the town's Spotter Section . . busiest market-place. ENJOY YOUR CHRISTMAS PARTY AT SANDALWOOD THIS YEAR No party too small -- 20-120. Phone for Res- ervaticns, 725-9111 BRING HER TO -- Modern Grill HOME MADE PASTRIES _ A SPECIALTY HOT TURKEY AND BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN DINNERS WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS ONLY $1.50 A PLATE WE DELIVER 725-3887 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH Auto Gifts FOR TOP QUALITY APPLES FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING Bushel and half bushels. At Lowest Prices. TRY US PALLOCK ORCHARDS Growers for 35 yeors One Mile North Whitby -- Highway 12 Eost Side Holiday Transportation The Sote Way To Celebrate the Holiday Season - "RIDE WITH MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 14 ALBERT ST. Oshawe's Most Modem Ted Christmes Ideas PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDS Coutts, Hallmark, T: other exclusive lines. .""° WICK PRINTING ir. 1700 Simcoe North 728-5119 A CHRISTMAS GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO THE OSHAWA TIMES le @ yeer- round gift end @ delly reminder ef good- will fer your friends end relatives whe ere awey trem home. THE CIRCULATION DEPT. KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA 723-3474 Will be pleased to ect upen your instructions, USE THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED FOR THE MOTORIST Why not give a Gift Wrapped Membership in the ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE Only $15.00 728- 8334 -- 725-7422 Christmas Flowers FLOWERS AND PLANTS FROM REED'S FLORISTS Artificial Centerpieces, Door Knockers, Holly Wreaths, Winter Wreaths R: B, REED & SONS FLORISTS -- OSHAWA DOWNTOWN 10% KING ST, W. DRIVE-IN SHOP 163 BLOOR ST. W. LOCKE'S FLORISTS OSHAWA. SHOPPING CENTRE FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS PLANTS AND FLOWERS CALL. 728-6555 Say it with flowers this CHRISTMAS! JOHN BURTINSKY'S FLORISTS will wire them for you CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS TABLE CENTRES FANCY PLANTERS We service WHITBY, OSHAWA and District daily. COLUMNS MO 8-3334 124 DUNDAS WEST Christmas Flowers HOLLY PLANTS FOR CHRISTMAS FULL OF RED BERRIES - LIVING PLANTS 5 TO 10 INCHES Beautiful living Christmas gifts. Keep indoors for winter. Plant outdoors next spring. Improved var- ieties. Complete instruction for care $3.50 each -- 3 for $10.00 postpaid. Specialized Growers Association Ltd. 1206 DUNDAS ST. E. MO 8-3501 NO. 2 HIGHWAY -- WHITBY ONTARIO Hobbies Hobbies THE ROYAL COIN and STAMP STORE NOW LOCATED AT 12 PRINCE STREET 728-3221 (next to Grey Goach Terminal) When Christmas Shopping 'for Stamp Albums, Coins Stemps - Coin Folders and other accessories, be sure to see our wide selection. WANTED - COINS OF CANADA Previous to 1900, Also 1925 and 1926 Nickels. Canodion Cents from 1922-1926, Highest prices paid for these items. We also purchase old stamp collections, medals, bodges, curios, early books, documents and maps of Ontario County. NOW! Residents of Hampton, Bowmanville, Brooklin and Whitby for DIRECT LINE WANT AD SERVICE -Call OSHAWA 723-3492