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Dec. 20th, 21st, 22nd ill 9P.M. hb % % ht te % % % ht % % me & i Me CLOSED Monday & Tuesday Dec. 25th & 26th AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT ! LOBLAWS GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE IN $5 & $16 CERTIFICATES "Ideal for Christmas Stockings" WILLARDS CHOCOLATE BARS: Sweet Marie = "Ficit" Golden Milk "ken? Swiss Buds = "Sz"txo"™ sme Qe Be FRESH HOLLY LAST CHANCE °::: FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON! Complete Details. on & CERTIFICATES LUCKY GREEN oF STAMPS Entry Blanks Available in All Loblaw Ontario Markets (Except Lakehead) With Coupon & Purchase Twe 14-072. V.P. Tine FANCY WHOLE KERNEL NIBLETS CORN K-8 Coupon Exp. Dec. 37 With Coupon & Purchase Two I-Ib. Packages Colour Beg Margarine ALLSWEET K-11 Coupon Exp. Dec. 27 With Coupon & Purchase Two 1202. Packages BIRD'S BYE FANCY FROZEN PEAS K-15 Coupon Exp. Dee. 27 With Coupon & Purchase One Loe. Cello Bag SELLS BACON RINDS K-20 Coupon Exp. Dee 27 With Coupon & Purchase One &oz. Package Plain or Ass'td. -- 12 Portion Gruyere SWISS CHEESE -- K-12 Coupon Exp. 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Dec. 37 With Coupon & Purchase Twe 3Veor, Tins KING OSCAR BRISLING SARDINES K3 Coupon Exp, Dec. 27 With Coupon & Purchase One King Size Tube HAIR DRESSING BRYLCREEM K-+4 Coupon Exp. Dec, 37 TABLETS -- SPECIAL ALKA-SELTZER With Coupon & Purchase One Bottle 60. TABLETS ANACIN K-4# Coupon Exp, Dee. 37 With Coupon & Purchase One Mb. Package 8KIM MILK POWDER NUMILK K-7 Coupon Exp. Dee. 37 With Coupon & Purchase Two 48 Fi. Oz, Tins STOKELY'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE K-8 Coupon Exp. Dec, 27 With Coupon & Purchase One 3-02. Aerosol Tin HELENE CURTIS REG. SUPERSOFT SPRAY NET K-10 Coupon Exp. Dec. 27 === |16¢-HOUR DAY tions. Politics fs a full . tim 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 20, 1961. 23 Interests \ GRANBY, Que, (CP) -- Hor- ace Boivin's deceptively mild appearance conceals a whirl- wind of a man who does about a half-dozen jobs for Granby. Abroad and at home, he is probably Canada's best-known mayor. As a businessman, he has worldwide interests. His instinct for swapping ani- mals to populate the local zoo would make a horse - trader drool with envy. In recent years he has be- come a collector of water foun- tains and hiss ig on be- half of Granby parks strikes fear wherever goes. In his constant world travels he is always looking for new in- dustries to provide jobs for Granby's citizens. east of Montreal. At the same time, he'll brush S\aside any suggestion that he is ~ doing it all himself. UNPAID HELP "I get a lot of unpaid help ©\and co - operation from a lot ==\of people." he said during an jinterview in his city hall office, E=|crowded with mementoes and = souvenirs of his travels. His favorite filing cabinet is \his inside coat pocket, bulging = \with letters of inquiry about in- \dustrial sites, thank-you notes =\from visitors, lists of appoint- ments gnd speaking "dates and correspondence about new deals for the zoo. He dresses conservatively, ex- = =\cept for a white handkerchief =\stuck in his left sleeve--a Eu- ropean custom -- and wide- brimmed hats--the kind usually worn by westerners -- cocked over a head of thinning brown hair. He is a heavy smoker of fil- |ter-tip cigarettes and says he gets his energy from vitamin pills that he has been taking regularly for about 12 years. A friendly, quiet talker, he is = more of a soft - sell expert =\than a fast - talking promoter. | His many - sided job keeps him hopping 16 hours a day. == |One recent Sunday he attended E-- | the opening of an art exhibition, =\a couple of receptions at city }ipers given by various groups and a parish tombola. "But I'm not always that = \busy," said the husky 56-year- old father of 10 --e rang:ihe ing from three to 19. The Boivin in Granby and the federal con- stituen Pierre by a cousin, Marcel Boivin. "T never had political ambi- job in itself if a man who be- = = |comes @ member of Parliament I == |!s to make good." Mr. Boivin is always martins. planning for the day -- target is 1973--when lame will have a population of gp 3 000. It now has about 33,000, al most three times as many as when he was first elected ma- yor, by acclamation, in 1939. He has been re-elected unop- posed ever since except in 1958 when he won with a comfort- able margin over a lone op- ponent. READY TO GROW The walls of the city council room are lined with big maps showing future town planning developments, road networks and the like. "We know exactly where we'll be 20, 15 or 25 years from now," " he said. The water- works have been built to supply 100,000 consumers and the planned sewage disposal sys: Library Books Z Suggested For Christmas of Shefford, His father,/man. "It's ivin, was mayor be- Businessman With Abroad tem will be able to serve the same number. © Granby is on a widening stretch of the Yamaska River that serves as a lake for which a park is being planned. Float- ing, bugh, islands of tall grass mar the lake's appearance, and the mayor and other residents who own motorboats sometimes get together on Sundays to tow ste away and clean up the sit f Boivin is always look- iar' ond Granby's city limits for new ideas, travelling thou- sands of miles a year to every continent. , =| And, as a professional town- FP booster, he'll make your head =|swim with his talk about the / glories of this little town nest- >\ling in low hills 45 miles south- 4 HORACE BOIVIN Some of his travels are in connection with his own busi- ness--an elastic and textiles firm now branching out int6 synthetic flooring materials -- but wherever he goes he finds a way to promote Granby. HIDE THE FOUNTAIN After his world tour in 1957, Prime Minister Diefenbaker made a speech here in which he recalled that in many places he was asked whether he knew Horace Boivin. Mr. Diefenbaker said he told: 'Whenever he comes here, we hide all our fountains or lock them up, otherwise he would go away with them." "T love old fountains," said Mr. Boivin, laughing, "I can't resist them and collecting them is my big hobby. I would like Granby to be known as the hall, a civic banquet, three sup-/City of Fountains." Taking a reporter on a Sat- urday afternoon motor tour of parks, co-operative housing de> velopments and industrial sites, spotted a home-owner work- ing on his lawn around what name " tong has|appeared to be an ornate foun- been associated with public life/tain "I's not Pog said the a wash basin they were jas at the plant. tween 1918 and 1930 and Lib-/t brought it home, spruced it eral MP from 1926 to 1930, a post held continuously since 1945 and now sconnected ates ae tain." Horace Boivin has turned) « splendid," beam == down many offers of political hae ee vas, Peer amannen® : =|candidacy by various parties. CATCHING ON As he drove away, he added: 7 "People used to laugh when I started collecting fountains but think the idea of making Granby the City of Fountains is catching on." Collecting old fountains in Y\Europe is easy, he said, "You just mention to the local authorities that it would be a nice frien gesture if they would give Granby an old foun- tain they're not using." Among others, Granby has a Roman fountain 2,200 years old and a Greco-Roman fountain that adorned an Athens square 3,200 years ago. Mayor Boivin is expecting a couple more from Basle, Switzerland, and another from Venice. The slogan-conscious mayor has promoted Granby as the Princess of the Eastern Town- ships (larger Sherbrooke is rec ognized as the queen) and as the City of Parks and Welfare, After the Second World War, during which he served with the 5Y5*Itextiles division of the Wartime Prices Board, Granby was, like other towns, suffering from @ housing shortage. STARTED CO-OP Mr. Boivin started a housing co-operative, plugging the slo- gan A House for Every Family. His family firm, 50 years old in December, provided the land | The following books have beenjand excavation costs for its ADULT DEPARTMENT = suggested by the McLaughlinjemployees' housing co-op. \Public Library as books for Other businesses followed his company's lead, providing lots for employees 'at little or no ni ne Fs Brave and The Fair,|cost. City council encourages TUN 22 ='ford; Inside Europe Today, John With Coupon & Purchase One 12 Fi. Oz. Jar CORONATION HOLLAND CRISPY ONIONS K-19 Coupon Exp. Dec. 27 EXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS. With Coupon & Purchase One ¢Quart Basket McINTOSH APPLES K-24 Coupon Exp Dee. 27 1 Gunther; elen Ferris; Early Canadi home ownership frowning Glass, Gerald Stevens; The'on construction of multiple >\Judas Tree, A. J. Cronin; The|dwelling houses. The mayor's =\Incredible Journey, S. Burn- Living Free, Joy Adamson; Mirror of Canada, Sylvia Seeley; Mrs. Golightly and Other Stories, Ethel Wilson; Ordeal by Fire: Canada 1910- 1945, Ralph Allen; Owls in the/ Family, Farley Mowat: Rocket Richard, Andy O'Brien; The |Serpent's Coil, Farley Mowat; Seven Rivers of Canada, Hugh MacLennan; Watchers at the E==' Pond, Franklin Russell and |When Toronto Was For Kids, = Robert Allen. --=| CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT | The Christ Child, Petersham; == The Eagle of the Ninth, Sut-buy animals, so Mr. Bolvin ITTUUDLLUTUNNUTONNTETT 'cliffe; The Golden Phoenix, fog Sts Lavender's Blue, es; Nkwala, Sharp; Science ie pen Own Backyard, Cooper; Smali Pets from Woods and Fields, Buck; Stories from the Bible, De la Mare; What do .lyou say dear?, Joslin and The Wonderful World of Archeology, own house is an old three-storey stone and masonry building. Granby's best-known attrac- tion is its zoo, which Mr. Boivin started years ago in his own backyard where he kept a deer, some wolves and some bobcats. After he became mayor he had them transferred to cages in a park. "At first the public * thought it was foolish and used to mock, it as 'Horace's zoo.' But now they all love it and it shows a profit, too."' COULDN'T BUY Granby couldn't afford to started swapping beaver bred in the zoo for other animals. The zoo now has a substan- tial] assortment of jungle cats, birds, monkeys, a camel named Suzie who comes running when Mr. Boivin calls, a couple of hippopotami; -kangaroos, llamas, zebras and Russiap (Jessup. ~ 'bears. "