¥Eee os 1 pa gt gl OL aM wey ea Sry PEER Per eS ee Sa 3 aa re . ne geet Pek , at . * np Ais Ge ' i : ' " : . be ey ee Fe ee great @spizy of etutch bowfing. jJonnassen $3, Frank Locke 98, W.,week and four girls won beautiful les included Walt a 744\Holyk 98, Wayne Thertel; 98. We ex-|mecklace and earring sets. The lucky High trip! ee Tess inks wk Cat Fi cn tend @ special welcome to Al "Sticky" |ones were: Alma Henderson, Laundro- ;Lovelock 619 (231, 991), Jerry Marper|and Mrs. J. Barta, Mr. end Sire. H. 617- (211, 262), Harry Fayle 609 (221,|Keys, and Mrs. B, Smith, Mr. and 218), Len Byrne 609 (217), Jerry|Mrs. E. Rahme, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, re raged (217, rei = rag le Mr. and Mrs, 8, Paradise, Mr. (2D, Ja McConkey 603 (221, ),;and Mrs. E, Leslie, Mr, and M: 4 well, ishing: Mullen, Rangettes; Fran Jack Barta Bor (224, 206). Fayle, Mr. and Mrs. oO, Moctiics" # After dropping the first game by 240 pa erage ltr, Mec i yong oe cere ere 91 and ig eee ress hyp bs and Sy whe last aight of this section ts next| |The chickens will be handed out at|to"%etest the Sleepers 2 to 1." Ozsie 210» *|tively. eid Waa vod riday and should prove to be a dandy |the alleys on December 22, so that they Weeks and Al Jamieson led the way for| Good singles The Coolers took . they run@ed frem a 3 to 1 sheffacking. Walt Polley for the TV'ers was the dif- ference between the two teams, while the Dubbers big guns were very quiet, -}Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 20, 1961 OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS Turkey roll. takes place next Thurs- Nels Wilson 100 were by NICKEL PLATE LEAGUE This week we have the Tankers tak- ng the Shiners 4 to 0, and the Polishers © md Gyros over the Automatics and dixers 3 points to one. Only three triples over 600 this week rith V, Williamson leading with 649 _ ollowed by L. Gibson 647 and G. Daw- on 639. In the 200 games, we have J. Smith M1, C. Williams 229, S. S. M. Bailey 5, J. Rekker 215, G. Carr 210, D. wis 207, D, Saunders 207, M. Carl * 06, B, LeBlanc 205 and "'Auke" Vyf- tchaft 202. * Just two Lemon Leaguers this week, >. Bailey 87 and G. Carr 79. DUPLATE SPORTS AND SOCIAL The bowling this week was still be- Ow average, and everyone seems seady to blame the pins for their poor scores, but some individuals are prov- ¢mg that the pins will fall if they are tit right. One in was Glen good contest with Spoilers taking a Thornton 97, J. Gaskell #4, R. Brad- two to one decision with a 3,608 to 3,606|ley 82, S, Bent 81, J. Anthony 81, 84, for Ozarks. Not a bad job for a club/96; I. Mills 59. which . was recently considered a| Don't forget December 21, we are pushover. bowling yd chickens gph aicead Bag ing wee! ecember 28, Lucky Strike came upqwwith a better|and the follow 2 effort than usual with a '3,510. team |there will not be any bowling. score to take one point, {rom ine was\ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE CLUB really hot for the Strikers. The mpeg irene _ to sere and all a Merry Christmas and a eeinaat penta a oe Happy New Year, There will be no Henning racked up a new high three eg sine gg until gmat ae game score of 1,025 (373, 326, 326).|,,We can sea we vave to nave ie This score will be registered with the|*4an points to roll, for. urkey Ontario Bowlers' Council and will be rol} made a big showing for higher recognized for aravecial, Avand." A epee 's ia ee es ler's dream and it couldn't happen| e turkey winners were: reeprig Fe t |Churak, Ruth Parrott, Walli to a better guy. Kapple, * another shooter who has been hav-|Marion Manning, Jean Cook, Normie ing considerable trouble in the majors|Mowbray, Ted Elliott, Stan Taylor. finally came up with a good night,|The King Alleys donated two lovely Fred Schneider toppled the pins for a|gifts that were won by Dud Mills and triple score of 891 (350). This score in-| Bill Glover. also brought Fred one of the| High triples for the night were: Delong who rolled a new high single 'or the year with a 368. The feam standings are -- Untouch- ables 12, Sid's Specials 11, Kickers 11, Ken's Hens 10, Bloopers 9, Tailenders 4, Jupitor 1, 8; Buzzers 8, Raiders 7, Winoes 7, Tea Tipplers 5, Four to One ', Die Hards 5, and Flinstones 4. Some of the good scores were: G. DeLong 768 (368); R. McLeish is (279); H. Brennan 720 (274); V. Sozan- sky. 717 (303); A. Sheridan 694 (276); H. Kellar 687, (261); D, Weatherup 875 (262), Some other good singles were: J. Snelgrove 284, Clare Mason 264, J. Dionne 263, D. Baumhour 252, R. Wod- sisky 247, G. LaLonde 245, J. Bent 244, _F. Gavas 244, J. Conboy 242, H. Curwin © 141, C. Sedore 241 and R. Gardian 241. « The Lemon Leaguers were: J. Sabo 32, J, Conboy 83, A. Nelson 73 and A, Leavitt 72. PLAZA FAMILY DOUBLES If seems that our top bowlers were saving their best shots for the chickens next Friday, no one entered the 700 level, Carl Leslie made a valiant attempt with a very nice 697 (226, 245, 226), followed by Jack McConkey 692 (319); ider turkeys, all he needs now is|Diane Churak with a beautiful 833 ies "aaueage.t 6 favorite remark of |(321, 267, 245); Marion Hutchins 742 Freddy's. | (259, 245, 238); Ted Elliott 639 (268, Other good scores were: Ron Jay|202); Jean Cook 624 (275); Stan Taylor 816 (302); Bill Galbraith 813 (309) 5 | 619 (229); Hugh McMahon 617 (246, Lloyd Sabins 798 (378); John Trott 796207). , 795; "Bud"| 200 Games -- Bertha Sutherland (240, on Sager 785,|210); Ruth Parrott (232, 208); Ab eg Hickey 767,|Hutchins (218, 213); Glen McGee (208, in 741, Roy Nes-| 208); Bill Corbett 277, Bill Glover 208, bitt 739, Ozzie 'eeler 738; Denny |Dan Churak 207, Lorne Curry 207, Walli Brown 736, Hank Sarnovsky 730, Ron|Kapple 205, Len Hornley 205, Geri Swartz 723, Len Watkins 705, Ding) 225, Ross Sutherland 204, Gavas 703, Joe Kastner 701. | Standings -- Dead Shorts 23, Th Scheduled league bowling will take | Breakers 18, Slow Blows 15, Short Cir- place Thursda ynight as usual. A full |cuits 14, Live Wires 14, High Tensions attendance 1s anticipated. 13, Anti Shorts 12, Little Amps 5.\Sorry Ruth, about last week's 211! TOWN AND COUNTRY LEAGUE The Dirty Birds took the first sec- PLAZA FAMILY DOUBLES tion with 34 points and total pins of| As expected, our bowlers had saved 35,435. In second place were the Loons|the best shots for the chickens. Seven with points and 34,651 total pins, bowlers had 700 and better triples and Total 'points of other teams were: |two climbed into the 800 class. Ravens 33 points; Tweety Birds 25; Oscar Morrison topped all with 837 points; Chickadees 20 points; Bobo-|(283, 25% 295), Ray Branton 826 (338, links 18 points; Cuckoos 17 points; Vul-|290). Betty Byrne had the high game tures 17 points. jof the night, 345, and led thé ladies High Triple this week was D./|with a very fine 779. Ed Leslie 715 (253, Randle with 647 (211, 292). Other high/281), Blanche Norton 713 (210, 322), triples -- C. Porter 610 (242, 227); M.|Harold Creamer 704 (232, 226, 246), teams. The Lu Lu's are still tops with |fortunate teammates. 34%, D'Jays 34, Go Karts 33, Orbits 33, Strike Outs 32, Fitsits 31. RADIATOR DEPARTMENT .. The lucky winners in the ehicken rolj} Team Standings: Dubbers 44, Stamp- were Mr. and Mrs, R. Branton, Mr.|ers 33, Sleepers 29, TV Boys 26, Un- and Mrs, L, Byrne, Mr. and Mrs. F,|touchables 26, Has Bins 26, Silent Six Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harper, Mr.|22, Unmentionables 18. and Mrs. B, Mewett, Mr, and Mrs. W.| The TV Boys brought the high flying Baker, Mr. and Mrs. B, Corneal, Mr, 'Dubbers back to earth last night, when as only 3% points separate the top six|may be divided evenly with your less) support from his mates. ables edged the Has Bins, another 3 jto 1 affair, in a close but uninspiring jcontest. In the noisiest series of the e ning, the Silent Six and the Unmen- jtionables battled to a 2-all saw off. {Jackie Dawson can take the credit for|by Bob B: John the 2 points won by his team with a 29, 205; Doug Taylor 248, Bud Edgar|%#%> 16 to be won, let's have /a 242, Howie Vann 239, 212; Willard. St. - | Louis 228, Burdette Dales 227, Mel Wot- ton 223, Bil) Butler 218, Jim Poot 217, 215, Bill Smith 214, Ralph Glover 214, Bill Romanuk 204, John Hodgson 204, and Art Sleeman 202. Lots of lemon pipes this week, led | 250, ,, 85; Frank Sprackett|Severs 226 and Floren ussel . 'Scotty" Wallace 93, 93; John iy ge per cent turnout. Phoebe. Mullen 239, MOTOR CITY SPECIALS We only had one 600 score this week. Hazel Weddup hit 640 (131, 281, 228), Over 200 scores -- Shirley the Freezers one and took three leaving the one, Rangettes * and La w Moring nor Dec. 29. Irene jthe girls a Merry Christm: gid leaving Rangettes Laundromats Standings -- Freezers 33, Coolers 30, undromats be no bowling Dec. 22 he executive would like to: wish all as and @ We had our Christmas draw this Happy New Year. See you all Jan, 5. Jim Huxtable 686 (253, 237); Bill Baker|Goodwin 604 (203, 240); I. Brabin 569|Steve Barta 702 (229, 278), Stan Para- $84 (224, 283); Clayton Lee 682 (244,|(228); T. Patterson 563 (213); M.|dise 671 (266, 230), Jim Huxtable 662 281); Peggy Fayle 681 (225, 222, 234);|O'Connor 559 (210); M. DePratto 548/(221, 265), Ed Salmon 657 (274, 213), Bil) Barta 675 (205, 212, 258); Harry|(241); D. Brabin 545 (215); D. Fisher|Isobel Creamer 651 (211, 287), Bill Fayle 654 (224, 246); Chas. Wright: 643/538 242); M. Richardson 535 (235); E./Barta 651 (316), Carl Leslie 650 (297, (237, 213); Len Byrne (276); Edna|Hutcheson 533 (202); H. Eccles 531/202), Clark Hubbell 650 (245, 233), Peggy Ward 628 (244, 208); Harry Keyes 628|(201); D. Omand 528; M, Bannon 512;|Fayle 648 (203, 223, 222), John Hobbs (247); Olive Morrison 626 (254); Oscar|M. Stovin . 646 (241, 206), Bill Baker 638 (236, 257), Morrison 624 (216, 228); Mavis Taylor| High Singles -- D. Roach 235, J.|Flo Lovelock 634 (243, 205), Jim Mor. 621 (201, 215, 205); John Hobbs 617|Richardson 211 rison 623 (218, 225), Les Gray 622 (248, (224, 216); Jim Morrison 617 219, 211);| Lemon League -- J. Mantha 98, D./224), Bill Gutsell 620 (215, 214), Steve Clark Hubbell 614 (238, 219); Ri -- Branton, 612 (215, 255); 610 (215, 245); Bill Gutsell 609 (249, 215); Madeline Morrison 608 (223, 205). In the hot and cold department Vi Taylor led with a nice 275 single, Dot Haley 251, Bob Corneal 241, 209; Aud- rey Keyes 239, Al Haley 231, 205; Geo. Taylor 236, Betty Byrne 230, 211; Flo Lovelock 228, Harry Norton 226, Peggy Branton 225, Isobel Creamer 224. The Lu Lu's picked up three points to hold their lead in the point race. Go Karts and D'Jays are hot after them with 31. TOYS "GUN SETS Up to 50% OFF HOCKEY GAMES Regular 13.95 ww 10.95 TOY DISHES 40-pieces SPECIAL BES TRUCKS 14" long SPECIAL 88° METAL FOLDING TABLE and CHAIR SETS cu. 8.88 SPECIAL «! HOCKEY STICK & PUCK ony 88° Admiral CLOCK RADIO. NOW LOW, LOW PRICE .... 1.25 WEEKLY Singls Men's High Triple: Gerald Bull 749) (249, 309, 191). | A z a TUBE MANTEL RADIO sigs tense beste tis to Cana 33, ! ; 7 ; B.G.G. PRICE 17.95 Denton Grant 218,..Lynn Powell 201,| Cathy Gooding 229, Phil Lyon 238 and Pop McLaughlin 203. Lemon League games -- Jackie Boddy 91, Cathy Laidler 92, Lily Bull 87. Paddy Grant §1, 93 and Marilyn Barrett 93. OSHAWA MEN'S MAJOR The battle for turkeys produced some of the best scores of the season so far when 22 bowlers racked up three game totals over the 700 mark. Most. outstanding feat of the night) was the 3,961 team total by Ed Wil- son's in their meeting with . the Philishave Speedflex ELECTRIC RAZOR Regular 32.95 B.F.G. 1.00 Down -- 1.00 Week SPEEDSHAVER Regu- lor 25.95 19 95 w B.F.G. PRICE 1.00 Down -- 1.00 Week OPUC LEAGUE Team Standings -- Jets 35,449; Un-| knowns 34,945; Go Getters 34,743; Bud- | dies 34,652; Lions 34,636; Mad Pacers 33,313. Ladies' High Single: Autumn Shaw | 8. | Ladies' High Triple: Autumn Shaw | 632 (181, 258, 193) Men's Hi Gerald Bult 309. With Cushion, - Regular 13.48 B.F.G. PRICE SPRING Rocking Horses Reg. 19.95 15.88 NOW .. Service Stations Reg. 12.50 Complete with cars and pumps 10.95 SPECIAL 2.88 51" Circular : S AW FOLDING PEG DESK Regular 32.95 Folding blackboard peg and 4.95 desk set, has reversible 1.00 Down - 1.00 Week Werlich 34" WAGON Sunshine Zi Lnay make a goed bsiday sonson can upoct TRICYCLES oS best of budgets. Loans are available from jates to fill these needs or any others. Reg. 21.50 Remember, you're welcome to our money! Needless to say, they took all 16.95 SANTA'S | SANTA'S points, Their high game was a dandy LOANS $50 to $5000 SPECIAL 1.00 Down -- 1.00 Week ns {5PECIAL......... Avec ines meso! AMSSOCIATES x : BUDGET PLAN, LTD. - . much of the steam out of the leading | Jay Men who were the unfortunate opposition. | Short Circuits with a 3,700 team score) also" applied the whitewash brush to) their opposition, Rawhides, and this Was no cheap win. | Ozarks and the Electric BLANKETS Regular 29.95 NOW ONLY 19.95 TIT Simcoe St. S., Phone 725-6531 staged a! and adjustable-desk top, the entire desk folds when not in use, height 22". in use, height 22'. B.F.G. Price ... 4.88 6-Piece Cherry Wood CANISTER SET Includes matching salt and pepper. rite BAY e nd LOW B.F.G. PRICE CORNING WARE Fry - boil - bake - freeze and serve all in the same dish. Winter Wife-Saver SIMPLICITY DRYERS REG. 12.95 Regular 249.95 m 199 LOOK AT THESE FEATURES: @ Heat temperature .. . thermostatically controlled @ Free flow lint filter @ Porcelain Cabinet top @ Safety door @ All temp. con- trol for variable heat for all fabrics @ Automatic overloaded pre tector. Century HEATING PADS Only .. 4.88 7.00 Down--1.00 Week SKATES For all ages. FROM .... 4.9 " 1.00 Down--1.00 Week MODEL 805-8 Powerful % H. P. Motor Paper Dust Bag ° Clip-On Tools Vinyl! Swivel Hose Ught ° Quiet * Guaranteed ey scvermruaey vo. re euceuaamcy tea Lave Gon, or avecone Seagram's VO. CANADIAN WHISKY ARARE OLD DELICATE CANADIAN WHISKY SPECIALLY MATURED IN OAK CASKS 10.00 DOWN -- 2.50 WEEK DOLL PRAMS | PEDAL AUTOS Large Selection | © FIRE TRUCKS Special BFG Prices e RANCH WAGONS AND @ JEEPS, Etc, 5.95 up 20.95 v BEGoodrich 88 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA 725-4543 Complete with 7-plece set of cleaning tools. Mfr's original was $99.95 DISTILLED. AGED AND BOTTLED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT NEW BUDGET ACCOUNTS WELCOME POSEPH E. SEAGRAM &-6ONS.LIMITED WATERLOO "ONTARIO "CANADA, DISTILLERS SINCE 1857 Let us Check 'your Battery Free RECHARGE 1.00 PICK YOUR | YOUR TIRES } PRICE TIRES ON TIME PICK WHEEL BALANCING 2.00 §NCLUDING WEIGHTS SNOW TIRES INSTALLED } PT LLLLLLLLAddeldlde 7 i WM