eae SP ee a he eae a al RL PET PIPES, MEE NE Be EEE ee oma, OSHAWA TIMES, December 16, 1961 = es "CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING £ (Continued from Page 21) 32--Articles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale LME: tario,|PAIR snow tires, whitewalls, tubeless, [os oe shies reece, Preeti size ik x 15, re-treads, $10 pair. Phone fields, dining, bedroom and kitchen far. 655-3714. Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity TORONTO in STOCK QUOTES By The Canadian Keg A y 375 to me on the br oll wo gs Exchange this ioe Issues un- ----This Week---__---- 1961 ; Bales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low Btock 50$145 145 145 +4 145 = 138 3670 $56% 54% 514 --i%. 57' * In 29700 $9 8% B8+% W% 6% 950 +% 42 33% -------This Week---~---- 1961 Btock Sales High lee Close Ch'ge High Low Guar Tr pd $55% 55 Sie + % 30% Hardee 3605 $11 10% 10% + % 9% Btock Ogilvie pr Price Br Third CG Zeller's 7900 8950 53450 4200 58 19% Cemetery, mt Meagher's, 5 King Street W: niture, ranges, oil heaters, tors, washers, antiques, electric irons, lamps, sewing machines, dishes, cook- ware, hg ig hand _sleighs, electric | tors, tools. rything is priced to| WIN! save you dollars. Cail Elmer, CO 3-2294. LADY'S piano accordion Camerano, 120 Le aan at $275, Telephone MO SNOW aes one pair eggs 670 . 15, OL cane @orced air), clothes dryer, automatic washing machine. Very re 728-8545. 'and cider barrels. Solid oak. All -- Oshawa Hardware, 723-7624, 8 Church. VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, -brushes, guaran- teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Eineore Repair Serv- ice, anytim: four ply, low 655-3854. ELECTRIC razor service, brug Remington, Schick, Philish: Ron- son, etc, Cords, cutting henge 's n atek. DISCOUNT prices, everything in - ber luced, SET of drums aaa high hat, bass, snare, tom-tom and side cymbal. Phone 655-3714. DOUBLE lestal desk and chair, "x 18"x30"" ag seven drawers. Used two months. $25. Telephone 725-0078. WINCHESTER "32 Special with case, NEWMAN, Alfred Geo: Foroopsige int , East itby, Ontario, on Friday, Desseinee 15, 1961, Alfred George New. Edith/KASTINGER ski boots, size 8%, new Wyatt and father of Mrs. Agnes Law-|$65 February '61, Asking ton, Oshawa, Mrs. Leslie McLaughlin (Gladys) of Montreal, in his 77th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with memorial service in the chapel on Monday, December 18, at 2.00 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn awa, PIERCE, Julia Louise Greer On Friday, December 15, 1961, Julia Louise Greer, widow of Frederick W. Pierce, dear mother of Mrs. 0. C. Conners (Muriel) Toronto, Mrs. F. N. Gay (Sceburn) Detroit, and Mrs. A. H. Dancey (Audrey) of Oshawa. /Resting at the Funeral Chapel of A. W. Miles, 30) St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto, Service| on Monday fatrenoon, at 1.30 o'clock. In- terment St. John's Cemetery, Norway, Toronto. rest in the so. family rest-| visi gifts. sat tables, $2.99; cedar chests, 39, wad form rockers, nd shells. Excellent con- dition. Sasthone 723-1742 for more par ticulars. $29; arborite deske, $18.88; elon $38; table lamps from $3.88. our store now! Ed Wilson Fursiture, 20 Church Street. worn twice, $40. Telephone 723-9096 after 5. CHESTS of drawers for sale, drawers $12, five drawers $15. Phone 725-8755. VALVE trombone, excellent 2nd instru- ment for trumpet player. $45. Phone 655-3714, Four Tele- USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, % hp motors, $5 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned wash- ers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton, CO 3-2241. WE buy and sell Oe exchange used furniture or any! you have, "The City Trading Post", "As Simcoe Street South, 723-1671. 4 ** Owens fibre glass boat, brand Egg at in draw, sacrifice. Must be sold before Christmas. MO 8-486. ERFIELD suite, wine color, pop $25. Junior size bed with MAN'S standard bicycle, in new condi- tion, $25; also Johnson $5 horsepower, pecans overhauled, 725-5868 or 538 Cubert, ORDERS taken for wood storm sashes, headboard, ben large drawers under- 25-7! fier. Good condition, Telephone MA 3-3817. No. 1 quality. |free. Terms, 723-4989. TYPING paper on sale, letter size, white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and save, 4% lb. pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib pkg, $2.00. IN MEMORIAM BILL HAMILTON, Ashburn, Now Hamilton Office Equipment. Brock South, soon, Brooklin, 137 Whitby. Visit our store SUGDEN -- In loving. memory of a dear father, George Sugden, who died December 16, 1943. --Ever remembered and sadly missed by his family. BAILEY -- In loving memory of my husband, Thomas Bailey, who passed away December 16, 1958. Beyond the gate our loved ones Find mir and rest, And there is comfort in the thought That a loving Father knows best. --Lovingly remembered by his wife, Ellen Bailey. Pg play vor --- In loving mem- of a dear husband and father, frchie Terwillegar, whd passed away, nine years ago December 17, 1952. Eternal rest grant him, O Lord, And may perpetual light shine upon him. --Always remembered by wife and family. WARD -- In foving memory of a dear mother and father who passed away De- eember 15, 1954 and November 6, 1943. Their memory is our keepsake With which we'll never part, God has them in His keeping, We have them in our hearts. --Ever remembered by Mrs. M. Selby Hattie) and Mrs. C. Burk (Bernice). LANGMAID -- In loving memory of} a dear husband and father, Gordon Langmaid, who passed away December 16, 1959. You were a loving husband, A pal so good and true; A better husband never lived, Your equal are but few. Looking back with memories Upon the path you I bless the hours I had with ga And leave the rest with God. "Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten by his family. BINGHAM -- In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Agnes Bingham, who passed away D ber 17, 1952. wife Stella, son Murray and GOOD selection of reconditioned TV's at reasonable prices. Parkway Tele- vision, 918 Simcoe. Street North. Your eolor TV store. LLOYD convertible baby carriage, pink| -pc, and white, also mattress, in excellent condition. 'Telephone 725- 4175. MANGLE-type ironer in perfect condl- tion, $35; also Singer treadle sewing machine, $15, Telephone 725-1508. (WO small © "space heaters, T TWO smaij Coleman Circulation Department. Oshawa Times. |. 34--Lost & Found LOST: Small grey beagle hound, ear tattoo W.M.D., vicinity Oshawa Boule- vard and King Street, Telephone 1s ORS oa OT EHtne renee eI een hundred dollars reward for the return of black Labrador female and beagle male, answering to Cindy and Mac. Toronto ¢ lect HU 3-0% 0796. LOST: German im shepherd, black and silver, vicinity Thickson's Road. Re- ward. Telephone Whitby Police Station. Mo | 8-5858, LOST: One pair of men's glasses sina brown leather case with initials R.A.C., in the vicinity of Oshawa (uptown). Telephone 655-3221. ase macs LOST: White and red W: foxhound, Lake Scugog vicinity, Telephone Bow- manville, MA 3-2704. good condition, $25 each. 725-0298 anytime, MAN'S gray topcoat, size 42 - 44. Like new. Reasonable. Telephone 725-9322. BROWN Alaskan seal, new condition, size 42, full length, modern styling, rea- sonable. Telephone | 725- 6865. CHROME chairs $3.88; also S-piece chrome sets $29; large selection Lane cedar chests, from $39 up; mattresses $16.88; continental beds, spring filled $38; desks $18,88; floor coverings, many pretty patterns, 25c per ft. Tremendous savings. Ed. Wilson's Discount Furni- tare, 20 Church Street. 17" TELEVISION, radio, record player combination, picture tube guaranteed for 60 days. $69.50. Telephone 728-6780. COMBINATION high-fi, radio and re- cord player, RCA Victor, mahogany in |good. condition, $225. Telephone 728-5920, AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt. service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture Store, 723-3271. 444 Simcoe South. ELECRIC heater, cedar chest, d kitchen table, portable radio, player, microscope, wicker Phone 725-3276 after 5 p.m. WE buy and sell used furniture, etc. Call Superior Resale, 140 Simcoe Street South, 728-4873. SKATES, new and used, sold and ex- changed. Apply Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond Street East. desk, record chair. Oh happy hours we once enjoyed, How sweet their memory still, But death has left a JOHNSON 25 horsepower outboard motor, 14 foot boat, oriest.. Trailer, 'The world can never nll --Ever remembered by husband and) family. TERWILLEGAR -- In loving memory of our dear dad, Archie Terwillegar, who passed away December 17, 1952. As angels keep their watch up there, Please God let him know That we down here do not forget, GRILL, size, wondeFful dll rey 'hao, Skilsaw and case, almost new, half-inch drill, 35--Legal THE COPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that the coun- cil of. the Cofoporation of the City of Oshawa at its meet- ing to be held on Monday the 2nd day of January, 1962, intends to pass a by- law to stop up and close that part of Dunkirk Avenue be- tween Normandy Street and a point four hundred and seventy-four and forty-four hundreds feet (474.44') east of Normandy Street. AND TAKE NOTICE that at the said meeting the Coun- cil shall hear in person or by its counsel, solicitor or agent any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard. DATED AT OSHAWA THIS 9TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1962. $75. Telephone 725-1563. "L, R, BARRAND"' BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT We love and miss him so. --Lovingly remembered by daughters, Kay, Donna and Frances. A CHRISTMAS TRIBUTE TO YOUR By JOHN BELANGER Canadian Press Staff Writer! It was a dull week, one of| slightly higher volume and de-| Lower Prices In Dull Week Noranda and _ International Nickel advanced $1.62 and $1.12 respectively. Gold trading was light in the Tn earricaeiancmemenrmeee tS waa pats electric with ampli- down from 'sales for the Quotations in cents the week was 19,157,7 gone 19,198,408, Total. year 646,063. unless marked *. WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS By THE CANADIAN PRESS 'This Week. 1961 Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low INDUSTRIALS Mass-F C 67983 $13 12% 1%+% 4% 10% C Husky 44518 $7 6 655 + Ye 7% 440 Trans-Mt 33071 $14% 138% 13%--% 16% 9 Tr Can PL 32901 $27% 26% ae +1% 2% 19% D Bridge 30985 $26% 25 26%c 16% OILs Place 495675 54 44 M6 +d 54 South U 18 615 es % 2 Quonto 14 RA 3 = 18% Dev-Palm 93 + re 4% Am Leduc 82381 Wiltsey Northgate L_ Dufault McWat 484400 Black Bay 483300 30 oH 60 +2382 55 -x275 +7 61 --7 52 748! 6 43 6 555370 770 875 710 6) 49 «652 2% 3 Industrials A and B 4415 $40% 394 399%--Y 43% 1% 275 $2544 25 25 25% 23% Acad-Atl 6042 $12% 11% 11%--¥Y%- 12% 8 Acad-Atl A 1152 $23 22% a % 23 19% Acad-Atl pr 100 101 91% Agnew-S 18 et --% 22% WB Alta Dist 250 260 +5 295 180 Alta' Dist vt 19 195 +5 230 «150 Alta Dist W 3600 100 105 105 145 50 Alta Gas 10903 $38% 36% B%--% WY U4 Alta Gas pr 51 $109% 4 109% + Me 109% 105% Alta Gas wts 9458 $17 Alta Nat 2895 $20 Alg Cen 1565 $24 Alg Cen p 215 $70 Alta-Gas B pr 91 $108 Alg Cen w 2626 $11 Algoma 26085 $48 Alumini 20947 $27% Alum 1 pr 1245 $22% Alum 2 pr 48% Analog 150 Analog w 23 2 he Ang Pulp pr 615 $53% 53% 53% + Anthes Imp A 488 S47% 45% 47% +1% Argus 539 $454 44% 454+ % 46% 32% Argus 250 pr 230 §5: 52 524+ % Argus 260 pr 581 $535 53 53% + % Ash Temp B 325 10 610 Ashdown B 1155 9% MmM--% A St Wire 63360 105. 135 +35 Atlan Acc 25% 26% +1 Atlas Steel 275% ety +% Auto Elec 5% Auto. Fab B 250 Bank Mont 7301 73% Bank NS 5043 82 Bath Pow 180 21% Bath Pow A 520 53% Beatty 570 6% Beatty A gil 95% Beav Lumber 500 30% Bell Phone 18104 58 Bowater pr 435 Bowat 5% pr 275 53% Bow Mer P 603 $5; Bowater 732 Bowes 34 $. Brazil s 15092 3 Br Tank 925 ~ Br Tank pr 63 Bright 60 BA Oil 21857 7982 140 1303 24145 2135 255 846 691 $185 ~e Abitibi Abit pr 26% 22% Forest > Pack A > Pack B > Pow / Phone Brown Build Prod Burlington Burns +10% 10% + % Cand D Cal Pow" 16393 $25% 24% 254 + % Cal Pow 5 pr 35 $104 102% 1024 -- % Can Bread 875 $74 6% 7% +1 C Bread 80 $5744 57% +2 Can Cem pr 229 $28% ccc Stone 700 $17 $74 © Br Alum A 1500 AL B wt 525 Cdn Can A 1155 Cdn Celan 1612 > Cel 175 pr reed > Chem > Chem wts 582) S Collieries 1075 Coli pr 1275 Curt W 3 2 5 105 > Dredge 1820 $13% 13% 13%-- % > Fairbks A 775 $10% 9% %9%--% Fairbks B 1150 81% 7% T%+% y $54 (53% 53% 5 $50 50 50 $8 ™% 8 C Gas In wt 11199 380 5 CG Sec B 3800 $24 Husky 44518 $7 +h > Husky wts 3640 315 200 +5 Hydro Car 3323 $13% 13 4+% > lee Mach 100 s Ice Mach A 300 $13 3 + > Imp Bk C 10184 $74 3 + +% +5 a 'Carpet = a a ae Pie 15% a +: 'mo si0a © 255, vr $60 110 $33 231 $159 27917 $49% 15520 $18% 1300 . $6%' $16 15% 1I%--4% 85% 5% SK+% 165 150 155 Jamaica PS Jefferson 4045 Jeif B wts 8775 Jock C 6880 Jock C pr 150 Jock C wts 14700 Kelly 'DA 1305 36% Kelly wis 2825 320 Kelvinator 2345 $10% 245 16% 27 10 Lt N LAbatt Lafarge wts Lakeland LO Cem LO Cem pr 1026 Laur Fin 6% 100 $22% Lau Fin 140pr 130 $25% Lau F 125 pr 825 $22 Lau Fin 260pr 24 $56 Lambton L $32% Laur Fin $28 Laura Sec $18% $11% $23 $10% 0 440 9515 $164 155 275 365 $12% 5103 ti) 21747 310% 1040 $50% 1435 $3244 31% 32 --% $32% 323 32% el ig 615 85 500 8 85 3925 "$19% a 19 2B: 75 $30 MacLeods A 225 $23 MB and PR 24165 $18% 80 67985 $13 45 $106 382 $109 200 195 51600 250 9745 495 625 Mass-F 5% Maxwell MEPC Metro Stor Met Stor pr Molson pr Mon Foods Mon Inv Mont Loco Mont Trst Moore Nat Drug Nat Drug pr 8766 $20% 66 $33 2320 Nor Phone w 3825 eas NW Util pr 22% $83% 0 Ont Loan 810 $38% Ont Steel Oshawa A Overland pr Page-Hers Parker Pbina Pembina pr Penmans Penmans pr PC Jewel Paantom Pow Corp Premicm Pres Elect Q N Gas 17718 =$7% QN Gas pr 1930 $56 QN Gas wts 10860 245 Quinte A 100 $12 Rapid-G A Reichhold Reitman Reynolds 6768 $24% 9220 $9% 1518 $61% 40000 25 $16 $95 $9 105 pr $9% 16 155 270 350 12 22% 25 17 +% 27 +1 365 350 355 $U% 11% 11% + % 7 90 9 6% 300 31 th--% 0 --10 100 --% 6 --% 155 +10 270 --5 355 12 24+ % BrA+w% ae 22 34 26% 18 11 23 as 50 re a 30 17 106 12% 104% 107% 195 9% 14% 43% 17% 80 53% 16% 16% 28% 395 'om a" ~ 56 }+-2% 324+ %° 27% -- %% 18 + % --"* 23. -- 4 10% -- = dig 18% + Y% 33 106 12% + % 1066 «+2 109 195 4% -- % B%+% 1m%-- % 80 Mu--% 16% --1 16% --1% 28Y Me We--% 19% 32% 83 to 8 37% 23% 700 500 490 500 8% +5 115 13 +h Ya 120 22% 30 72 8% 3 2% 23 19% 15% "1 te 43% Me 5 63% 18' 84 18 x8. 29 21 115 14 12% + %s 14 0! 2 2% 32% -- % 70 tee 51% 514 + &% 9 34 51 M+ 600 820 83 +1% 83% 384+ % 2% + % +60 8% -- % Ya 34% 9 60% 500 315 305 2 21 190 16 95 9 105 5511 $10% hed Bank 6476 $85 15700 $1256 6815 $11% 200 $15 iReIE 28175 $17% 105 pf ton Royal Royalite Russell StL Cem A StL Cp A pr Salada-S St Maurice Salada wts Seven Arts 21060 3150 9233 83% 114 ll 15 103% 16 85 935 13-7 32 +2 94 -- 614 +1% 5 7h + Ye 550 54% +2%S 56 220 12 +1% +20 12 1700 $11% 11% ll'*'+ % 235 $10% 10 10 --1 16 by 10% + % 83% -- % 12%4+% K+ % 15 1034 -- %& 16% -- % 92 +7 335 Ye 26 26) 2 % % ll e Acme Gas AP Cons All Rox Alminex Am Leduc Amcrex Anglo Am Asamera el Bailey SA 70117 955 Bailey S pr 1070 Bail S 5%pr 1995 Banff 7400 Bata 18000 Bralsa 1000 Britalta C Williston Cent Del Charter Oil C Dragon Cc Mic Mac cw 48078 735 690 17700 i = $4% 33% 34 est Pet asa eo im 7 Dev-Pal me Pete Duvex Dynamic Fargo Fr Pete pr 4400 Gr Plains 5755 Home Oil A 16623 Home Oil B 14784 HB Oil G 9693 Jump Pnd 1600 LI Pete Long Point Majtrans Marigold 147525 5 10500 36912 54 «43 5: 355 $13% 12% 41200 41700 4100 28400 73780 Mill City an Pete Cont N Davie Northcal NC Pils NCO wts NCO pr Northid Pac Pete wt 2920 Palliser Ponder Prairie Oil Provo Gas Quonto 210850 Ranger 5800 Sapphire 17100 Sarcee 51933 Secur Free 12870 South U 465150 Spooner 20375 Stanwell 6949 41118 Un Reef P Wayne Wespac 974 W Cdn OG 1 6636 W Cdn OG w 6150 Wsburne 44900 Wstates 26913 350 290 W Decalta 12555 118 107 Windfall 10100 14 «13 Yan Can 34500 4 3 4050 WW 13500 62900 ur Dalhousie ' Mines A and B 17917 13% 10 205700 11% 9 3650 595 560 34689 110 103 6410 41 ed Abacus Acad Uran Advocate Agnico Akaitcho Alba Expl Am-Lard Amal Rare Anacon Anglo Hur Ang Rouyn Ansil Aracdia w Area Arjon A Arcadia A Arcad Bw 10400 18 Atlan CC 16100 107 Atlas Yk Acmacho Aumaque Aunor Bankeno Bankfield Barnat Bary Expl re Met is 890 112900 17 i200 370 335 365 340 «6340 5 13% + % 13 12% + % 19 15% 10% --2% 10 --2 590 10 7 960 +M% +% +5 9200 4% 18% 18 rer = c Macassa Macdon Macfie Madsen Magnet Man Bar Maralgi Marcon Maritime Matatch Maybrun Mcintyre McKen McMar McWat Mentor Merrill Meta Midrim Min Corp Min-Ore Moneta Multi-M Murray Nama Cr Nat Expl Nealon Nello New Alger New Ath New Bid New Cal N Goldvue Harri New Jason N_ Kelore N Man Newnor New Riuya N. Senator New Taku Uran Norlartic Normetal Norpax Northgate N Golderst Rank 08146 14630 86210 36950 5 7125 16300 7500 122 23 66 «660 662 6+ i ia 5 eee 37240 a 21500 8338 19700 32432 1200 28536 12375 pepe 12 31% 30 5% 920 190 45 13 L > 575 710 35 1273 Norsp A wts 400 55 Obaska O'Brien Oka, Rare Patino M 6600 6100 6920 2500 e 3000 15850 11500 250 240 % 7 68 60 1% 12 170 170 88 21 «22 $33 SEoBsSs 8% 6 2 il & * # EB3S.tets. 5 875 180 37% 39 12 13 to N sskcek 3% 1™% 10 i BownnF steed sSeruanbeegesdees RSBSeSEBSHusNEMe wo he BS S Sas 68 +8 2 ih Ows Py 8 0% "io 'ot + 2 625 LOVED ONES Nothing is more befitting. or a greater tribute to the memory of the loved ones 38093 20 4000 ba 49 creased industrial prices. |senior list and prices generally Volume was 19,100,000 shares| mixed Mcintyre Porcupine compared with 18,833,000 last|dropped more than $1.00,. while week, and the industrial. index,|Bralorne, Lamaque and Teck > Ind Gas 5963 $8 wm 8 + Ci 5585 $14% 14% 14% -- € Mare 1940 854 "YH "Be + Cdn Oil 3465 $35 33 «33% Cdn Ol pr 50$156 156 156 CPR 20210 $26% 25% 2% + % Pato 400 Peerless -- Perron Pickle Crow ao Placer 499 Pow Rou 22372 245 155 420 Shawin Shawin A Shawin A pr Shawin B pr Silverwd A Huges all small who have passed on to that bourne from which no traveller returns, thon a memorial verse at Christmas time, It is a beautiful gesture of love and devotion to the memory of'a mother, father, wife, husband, daughter or son , . . Or those beyond the immediate family circle, a faithfui friend or kin, In the sincere hope of rendering helpful service to those who wish to select an appropriate memoriam notice at Christmas, The Classified Department of The Oshawa Times will publish Special Memorial tribute in the CHRISTMAS EVE EDITION To ensure that your message appears at this time, call before Wednesday, December 20th, if more convenient to you, use the mail to send your copy to The Times, TELEPHONE 723-3492 Tobacco Marketing Sales For Friday TILLSONBURG, Ont. bacco Growers' 1,486,025 pounds of tobacco at an average price of 50.07 cents a 26,376,816 pounds have been sold at an a pound. To date, average of 50.49 cents. (CP)-- The Ontario Flue - Cured To- Marketing Board reported sales Friday of a cross - section of 20 market leaders, dropped 1.20 to 611.65. The index reached a record high of 614.27 at the noon com- pilation Wednesday, then de- clined later in the week. The drop was caused by small los- ses among pipe lines, refining oils, steels, utilities and foods. Among pipes and oils, Pem- bina, Supertest, Trans Moun- tain and Trans Prairie all sus- tained falls of $1.00 or less, while Texaco and Interprovin- cial Pipe Line dropped $2 and $1.50 respectively. Trading in all issues was only» light to moderate. STEELS DECLINE The steel group was pock- marked with fractional drops. Montreal Locomotive, Domin- ion Bridge, National Steel, Al- goma and United Steel all lost as much as 62 cents, with Do-| minion Bridge finishing on the! weekly most active list. Utilities featured small drops} to Greater Winnipeg Gas, Tagi- neau Power, Bell Telephone, Union Gas and Northern On-| tario Natural Gas. Speculatives were active, but | showed little of the volume or} marked price changes appare-| ntly in some recent sessions. Lake Dufault issued an assay| vorable copper values in hole} N-130, 200 feet south of N-126, which is 100 feet east .of N-124, the discovery hole. Lake Du-} fault traded 555,370 shares this week, and finished at $7.10, lown -55 cents. Canadian Dyno spurted ahead Friday on news that'a drill will be moved onto the company's NET EARNINGS property in uebec's Duncan Iron Range over the weekend. Dyno advanced 33 cents to $3.20 By THE CANADIAN PRESS Combined Enterprises Ltd., 3 mos. ended Nov. 30: 1961, $356,- 174, 59 cents a share (no com- parative figures because fiscal year changed). Dalfen's Litd., July 31: 1961, net loss $48,257; 1960, net profit $31,026. ~ Denault Ltd., 6 mos. Nov. .12: 1961, $86,668; $52,701. year ended and turned over 195,290 shares on the week. METALS ADVANCE The senior base metals sheet advanced smartly as most is- sues traded moderately. Hud- son Bay Mining and Smelting sustained the largest individual rise -- $2.25 -- while Opemiska, ended/Quemont, United .Keno Hill and| 1960,|Waite Amulet all had rises in|change is given in the currency a low range. report Tuesday that showed fa-| slipped amounts. Western oil trading was steady in the senior list amid rising prices. Bailey Selburn A, Home A and B, Dome and Pa- cific Petroleum all reached new highs during the week, but la- ter declined. All had gains of less than $1.00 in moderate to heavy trading. Index changes at Toronto: Golds down 1.01 to 90.50; base metals up 2.76 to 213.92 and western oils up 3.71 to 115.69. VALUE HIGHER - The total dollar value was $57,547,464 compared with $59,- 889,933 last week. Index changes at Montreal: Banks up 1.22 to 74.30; utilities down .7 to 143.3; industrials up '8 to 339.3; papers down .3 to 498.8 and golds up .45 to 85,49. eeks volume at Montreal was 828,067 industrial shares jcompared with 870,745 the prev- jious week, and 2,835,030 mining gore compared with 3,884,844. Of the 446 issues traded, 165 jadvanced, 149 declined and 132 were unchanged. | Militia Earnings To Build Shelter WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- hicles coming from United |States to Canada via the Am- |bassador Bridge will be ex: pecetd to pay United States money for their toll after De- cember 18. Traffic moving from Canada |to Detroit will not be expected to pay American funds. A spokesman for the Ambas- sador Bridge Co. said Friday that this policy is the same as that used by the company 10 years ago when exchange rates heavily favored the U.S. dollar. He said there has been an in- creasing amount of Canadian money used for paying tolls in both directions which the com- pany is finding too c@stly. At the Detroit - Canada tun- nel, a spokesman said the policy has always been to accept either currency at par and tendered. 3374 15600 155 Cdn Tire A 1838 C_ Vickers CWN Gas pr Chat-Gai Chrysler Cire Bar A Coch-D Cockshutt Col Cell Comb Ent Cinduits Con Bidg 9105 Con Bidg pr 2940 Con Bidg wt 17990 Con Gas 15988 Copp Clark 215 Corby vt 6380 Corby B 560 Cosmos 1014 14225 375 Coronation 10335 $44 42 30985 D Coal pr wd pc Dim Elec 935 Dom Elect w 625 D Fndry 4049 D Magnes 300 Dom seot 40 LDeovco 1950 Dom 17571 Dom 1797 Dom Tar pr 3 Dom Text 7685 Dover 200 Du Pont 5665 a 180 617 Stores 'Tar Eddy Match Eddy Emp Exquisite Exquisite Fain Play Fanny F Fed Farms Fed Grain Fed Grain pr Fleet Mig Fieetwiod Ford (U8) Ford Com Foundatn Fraser Frosst A Gatineau Gat-5. pr 1465 1275 4140 2190 19700 195 pr 4. 325 660 250 1300 409 50 F02% 82% 624 + 4634 0% G P Drill A 2900 GS Wares 2595 3 jares pr 40 m6 5 $24 0 $14% 12 Gen Ing = 257 $158 Life 18% 2529158 $154 12% 9 90 $52 (50 $42% 39% 23% re A T6% $17 $22 $16% $34 30% $51% 51% 550 4 $20 $15% 73M 405 400 10% 11% 1 4 525 425 2 4 9 sinv 18% $18% 18 $124 $12 $H% 14% $84 7% $26% 2 300 «270 148 400 5 39% $29 «26% E to K $330 33 $23% 23% 1S 165 12 913% 12% $16% 15% $26% 27 $5 495 $51 50% $29% 29 79 (66 $20 19% $120% 120 $12%4 . 12% 205 $102% 102% $11"% 11% $13% 13% $29% 29 6 57 $10% 10% i $159 . 155 100 MA 3120 Greening Greyhnd 15% 450 Isis 6% 155% 1556 58% 12% 90 si --1 41%--% Aw +h at +% + % iow % 4 +1 PH) + --200 11 in -- % "a% +1% 10% -- % -- 1%--M% 515. +55 214 -- % 9 --% 18% 18% + % 434 -- % 26% 28 SA+ 50 --1% 24+ "% 6 --7 19% -- 120% --2% 4Ve 12% -- a WY +1% 19a -- % ~\% + % 1 --% 13% --~ Ye 29 4+1% 14% 99% 13% 7% 17% Wy "Yr 25% 82% 68% Ath Phd 41 57 10% + Ve 7 +1 158 1 i" " 18% Ye 17% + 700 +90 9 + 20 «+45 300 * +50 a+ sty ie Silverwd B Simpsons SKD Mfg Slater Ind Slat Ind pr Southam Stafford St Pav Stedman Steel Can Steinberg pr Steinberg A Ster Tr 8 Propane 8S Propane pr Suptest ord Suptest com Suptest pr Switson 1075 $14 10 $104 995 $25 130° $45 1900 $16 410 $25% 580 $14% 100 300 75 $101 2400 145 104 24 45 15% 25% 14 300 100% 140 Theo 210 $21% 1118 $59% 87 $90 5% $8 $74% Tamblyn pr Texaco C Texaco C pr Thom Paper Thirneliffe 410 32901 33071 4639 428 9210 100 1025 110 $574 Gas B pr 8 40 $58 Corp A 25 $30 Corp B 24 Corp pr 100 Fuel A 100 U Fuel B 55 T Fin wts 87 Tr Can PL Trans-Mt Trans PPL Union Acc Union Oil Un Acc 2 pr $10% $15" $11 $30 Vendomatiec Wainwr Walk GW Wat Equip 1262 Webb Knp 600 Westeel 18901 West C Brew 154 W Copper W Cop wis Westfair Westfair pr Weston A Weston B Wsn p 4*# © Wstn pr 6 West A.wts sy White Pass WCoast Tr wir WCoast T vt 18901 $18 Wood J A 1610 $37 3H $9 4430 $18 Wdwd A wts 175 715 Y Knit A 200 152 Y Knit B 100 Zenith 85950 Curb Ang Cdn 55 Anglo-Nfid 946 Asbestos 1050 cD Sug 1447 C Bronze 570 CG Inv 220 C Paper 4505 260 6794 7 100 1310 105 8 200 4967 1650 988 $97 35 $109% $i" $19% D Glass D Oilcloth Hayes Int Pap Lob Inc MO Paper Ogilvie 140 100 987 895 295 21 57 89 5% 7 72 13 57% ti 15 il 54 58 30 109 % 17 15 ag 'ah 650 152 40 275 38% ---% --10 2950 $154 14% 14% -- % 10194 $78% 77% 785% + % 104 + % "a --1 45 16 +% 34+ % 14% 300 100% + hes M50 «+5 21%4--% 57% --2 89 +1 5M a+ % 73% +14 A+ % 57%--% 41 --% 1% --% 27% +1% 2%+% 10% -- % 15 ll $23%4 22% 22%-- % BM a8 2 +1% 30 $25% 23% Pa +1% $5644" 56% 3656 +1% 4 $38% 38Y 38%--% $28% WY 2% + % $20%4 19% 20 --% 109 $i2Kcllh l*-- % Th, -- Ve 19% +2% 18 +2 36 i, 90 17% if % 690 - +30 152. +7 40 +10 280 38% + % 10%4-- % 34% Uu%-- % 199 --% 1004 Black Bay 483300 30 Bordulac 66000 10 Bouzan 32100 47 Bralorne Broul Reef Brunswick Buffad Buff Ank Buff RL Cable 66: Cadamet 10860 Camp RL 300 C Tungsten 7550 Cdn Astoria 63720 Cc D; 75885 Ya 130 125 ee ae 12 8 Coniagas Coniaurum C Calilinan Con C Cad s earerey 37547 Fen 11941 ca Gillies ¢ 8900 CG Arrow 12800 C Halliwell . 99500 C Marben 8700 C Marcus 3642 Con MS C Mogul C Morrison - C Mosher Con Negus Con Nichol C Northid C Persh Cons Que C Red Pop C Regct C Sannorm Conwest Cop Corp Cop-Man Coprand Coprd rs, Coulee Cocrvan Cowich Craigmt Croinor Crowpat 46 18% 6 8 ™% Cusco 3% Daering 61436 18% 13% Dickenson Dome Donalda Dunraine Duvan E Amphi 46 20 6% 8 4 15% 0 Preston Pros Air Purdex Que Ascot Que Chib Que Que Que Lith Que Man Q Metal Renabie Rexspar Rio Algom Rio Rup . Rix Athab Pay Sigma Sil Miller Sil Stand Siscoe Stanrck Starratt Steeloy Steep R Sturgeon Sud Cont Sullivan Sunburst Sylvanite Taurcanis Teck-H Temag Territory 'hom Tomb Torbrit Tormont 7 Asbestos Minda Un Keni Un Fort Upp Can Vandoo Ventures Vespar Violam Vauze Waite Am Wasamac Weedon Werner W Malar W Surf I Willroy Wiltsey Winch Yale Lead Yk Bear c¢ Young HG Yukeno Zerimac Zulapa Curb Bulolo Gaspe Cop Pend Ore Yumoa Con¢ Lab 35800 Mattgmi 3645 1725: 240 13% 940 9 sat A 15 5 12% 190 171 4% 845 23% 8 Ya 000 180 %cl4 M4 4 a = crt ma " u 36% rer) w%--n 2% 11 6 176 4 780 820 22% 2%--% i" 8 171 175 +2 --l" 21 roped 1000 ws 990 1469 127000 35668 30383 953980 4001 5000 11380 62700 8125 12800 ~ 28000 4725 874 600 $26 209 785 830 525 oe 2% +m = 17R 200 209 21% 191 2690 80 Wo 40 41h 8. aS