The Happy Circle Leaders Honored By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT birthday on Saturday, Dec. 9; BROOKLIN -- A group, madeCarol Manning, on Sunday, Dec. WHITBY COUNCIL BRIEFS SHORT MEETING The last meeting of Whitby town council, held on Monday, at 5 p.m., was probably the shortest of the 22 regular meet- Featuring Fruit' 4-H Girls Subject By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN--Seventeen mem- h. ' on s Miss Lois Smith commented record books and Kedron Church Young People's Officers Elected By MRS, R. S. BISHOP Self-Help Market THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridoy, December 15, 1961 5 ing. The board offered buyers slightly more than 1,800,000 pounds Thursday, about 100,- 000 pounds less than Wednes- day. Three plans to remove, pro- cess and store no - sale tob Program Required TILLSONBURG, Ont, (CP)-- A self - help marketing pro- gram by growers may be re- quired to clear the 300,000 pounds of no - sale tobacco that The election was by acclama- tion. piles up in auction exchanges] until it is needed have been, Seothes KEDRON -- The Young Peo- ple's class spent a busy evening on Friday. They met at the church to decorate the Christ- mas trees in the church and the Lower Hall. At 8 p.m. they moved on to the home of Mrs. Harold Werry for their Christ- mas meeting. After a worship service, and the singing of Christmas carols, the slate of officers for the new year.was presented and ap- proved. [yRev. Ronald Love ind the new officers, who are as fol- lows: president, June Davis; vice-president, Karen Pascoe; secretary, Yvonne Hicks; treas- urer, Marlene Wood; Cheer Committee, Barbara Rose, Marie Maidman; telephone committee, Bonnie Dale, Sharon Wilbur, and Lynda Bremner. The class decided to con- tribute to the general fund of the church the $50 they received for caretaking during the early months of the year. A _ con- every day, the Ontario Flue- Cured Tobacco Growers' Mar- keting Board said Thursday, The board said in a statement the province's 4,000 flue - cured tobacco producers would have to accept a change in their mar- keting method if such a pro- gram is adopted, Operations manager William Grant said Thursday night that unsold tobacco continues to av- erage 18 per cent of the offer- bers of the 4-H Girls Home- making Club, The Happy Circle, met on Saturday at 9 a.m. in the basement of Township Hall for continuation classes of fall project unit, Featuring Fruit. Class was held under the lead- érship of Mrs. Albert Cooper, assisted by Mrs, Irwin Shaw. A cordial weleome was ex- tended to guest, Miss Lois Smith, Newmarket, Home Econ- omist of York and Ontario County. Three members of the club| demonstrated table arrange- ments using fruit, cheese trays decorated with fruit, stressing the choice and color scheme for attractive appearance; and how to make an attractive arrange- ment for buffet table for Christ- mas, using various fruits and nuts, proved both interesting and educational. referred to arrangements re- quired for Achievement Day. Each girl brought samples of banana nut loaf made at home, following recipe and instruc- tions given at previous class, testing their culinary arts and attentiveness to lesson. Each girl assisted with prep- aration of lunch, setting table and washing dishes, enabling each member, according _to rules, "to take some part in|. |meeting, and be an active smem- |ber". up of 20 members and friends of|10, and others celebrating dur- 4-H Girls' Club, "The Happyl|ing that week. Circle," gathered at the home| The Christmas tree, gaily . of its leader, Mrs. Albertidecorated with colored lights Cooper on Saturday evening,/and loaded with gifts, was the December 10, for a Christmas|cent;+ of attraction as the party. The group travelled by/group sang Christmas carols. car to Whitby for a session Of|" a¢.mbers exchanged Christ- bowling, from 7 until 8.30. Re-| h turning to the home of thei rjmar gifts by method of eac drawing name from box. vege-| ings of the year. The motion to adjourn was accepted at 6 p.m. Later councillors and town officials met for 'their annual Christmas dinner. CANVASS DATES Dates for canvasses by two organizations were set by coun- cil following application for permission. The March of Dimes carivass will be held on Jan, 22. The canvass for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind will be held from Jan. 29 to Feb. 3. TO HOST PARKS Following a recommendation of the parks committee, the town of Whitby will invite the Ontario Parks Association to hold its annual meeting in Whitby in June of next year. MAKE GRANT A bylaw confirmed a grant of $500 to the Whitby Minor Hock- ey Association. Mayor Stanley Martin reported that the grant was included in the 1961 bud- get and in fact the association placed before the tobacco board recently. At present, farmers take their unsold tobacco home at the end of each day. ELECT TANGANYIKA UNITED NATIONS (CP)-- Tanganyika was elected the 104th member of the United Na- tions Thursday and Prime Min- ister Julius Nyerere took his seat in the General Assembly. CHRISTMAS LUGGAGE COLLINS We Now Have A Top Selection By, McBRINE TRAVELGARD For Both Men & Women 119 BROCK ST. 5. WHITBY Christmas Store Hours: Open Every Evening Except Saturdays to 9 p,m. hostess, they observed a table The leader, Mrs. Albert laden with jellied and table salads, pickles, sand-|Cooper, and assistant leader, wiches, cookies and a host of|Mrs. Irwin Shaw, were sur- delectable items. {prised by a presentation of a A decorated birthday cake!gift to each of a lazy susan centred the table in honor of | dish for pickles by members of Gary Cooper, celebrating his WHITBY BOWLING NEWS WHITBY MEN'S MAJOR 213, 206, G. Forestall 250, .225, Winners of the turkeys: Sel/K. Shilling 203, A. Fry 208, S. Himes, John Brueckle, Manny 'Bilenduke 251, L. King 241, E. Swartz, Bob Murphy, Jack Ross, | |Lesenko 238, Bob Sherman 222, Jack Moore, Bert Mewett and a Weedmark 213, H. Shepherd Bill Moorehouse. ; . Bye 209, D. Vansickle Wilson's Food Market took 3 28 R. Brags 210, sng i points from Hillcrest Dairy;|_ Lemon League -- 0. dhomp- ' . 88, J. Taylor 78, 97. County Bow! split 2-1 with Bur-/ 5°" °°, Me kee tinsky Florists; Bassett Jewel- Team Standings--Catchalls 7, lers won the deciding games Zombies 7, Red Caps 6, Canucks} with Whitby Mercantile; Ham- Hardest Ps eee 3, Try! bly Tire also split 2-1 with Sea- way Motors. CIGARET LEAGUE Whitby Mercantile, under Dick) Triples over 550: Glad Wiles Adams, won this second section |73g, Vi Jordan 718, Isobel Moth- after "wrapping it up' lastjersill 699, Bea Hudson 666, Pat week. Brown 632, Marg Taras 631, Scores over 700 -- J. Brueckle|Mjarg Harvey 625, Clara Row- 871 (331), M. Swartz 792, S.!den 701, Beulah Sturgess 580, Himes 782, D. Brown 757 (304),| Jean King 550. B. Jordon 755 (375), M. Jordan Singles over 200: Isobel Moth- 748 (342), E. Jordan 744, B.|ersill 260, 226, 213; Glad Wiles Murphy 739, M. Tripp 724, D.|959, 206, 280; Clara Rowden 273, Adams 720, J. Ross 709. 223, 205; Pat Brown 217, 208, Standings after 2nd pee --|907: Vi Jordan 251, 255. 212: Whitby Mercantile 15, Wilson's Marg Taras 251, 242; Verna Food "Market, 13, County Bowl/candford 210, Connie Denyer 11, Hillcrest Dairy 10, Seaway} oq; Marvette Kadwell \ 231 Motors 10, Bassett Jewellers 9, | iiten Dalby 203, 217: ATee Burtinsky Florists 8, Hambly pradiey 214, Bea Hudson 207 Tire 8. F . 267; Beulah Sturgess 202, 212; Averages, including Dec. 12 Agnes Johnson 205, Eileen scores -- M. -- 30S: /Moore,2i1, Bev Childs 209, Marg Himes 249, D. Adams 244, E./1y+vey 233, 225; Helen Brown Jordan 242, M. Tripp 235, G-|201 Oliffe 233, M. Reeson' 233, J.\~,, ees Brueckle 231, J. Brown 231, |.,/°ta! team points: 36, Kools 36, Black Cats 30, WHITBY FRIDAY NITERS tna Service Station For Lease Excellent Corner Location 616 BROCK ST. NORTH-WHITBY B.P. of CANADA LTD. 1971 YONGE ST,, TORONTO 7 -- HU 7-4161 Mr. N. Munro BLAME CANADIANS OTTAWA (CP) -- The Polish embassy denied Thursday that it is responsible for any delay in visas for Canadian members af a ski team. If the Canadian ski authori- ties supply the '"'cards of par- ticipation" which they have been i tiga an embassy of- |ficial said, they can get their], .: |\visas the same day. Sauaee bchial. was yore (@ jie The spokesman replied to} Plans were made to have a statements from Mike Guzzell|sleigh ride party in January, to of Port Arthur, immediate past|whict™ the Young People of president of the Canadian Ski/Columbus United Church will be Asscciation, that visas are still| invited. | Bo} ) lacking despite applications} The girls and their guests, \clared a civic holiday by, by-|ceived by a bona fide Salvation|July 18. The Canadian team is|members of the newly formed| law. jArmy representative and sug-|to leave shortly to prepare for|boys' class, enjoyed games of, |gests that they look their can-|the world ski - jumping cham-|shuffleboard and darts until] ings over carefully. 'pionships in Poland Feb. 18-25. |lunch was served. Band Coes With Army Canvass Whitby citizens in the coming days and evenings will hear Christmas carols on _ nearly every street as the band of the} Salvation Army heralds not only Christmas but a visit from .an Army canvasser seeking dona- tions to assist in their Christ- mas welfare work. Major Claude Simpson, of the Whitby corps, says that all can- vassers will be recognized by their Army uniforms and offi- cial collection boxes which bear} the Salvation Army red shield and the name of the army spell- ed°out. It has come to his atten- tion that canvassers other than Army canvassers, may be covering the town also. In any event, he says, the of- ficial canvasser will be accom- } panied by the band which will has received the money. be playing Christmas music. He| asks householders to make cer- CIVIC HOLIDAY tain that their donation to the Dec. 26, Boxing Day, was de-| Salvation Army is being re- Se Cliff Gartshore MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR 129 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY SELLING OUT 4-day treatment $135 Winstons One ORNAIL* capsule brings you 12 hours of continuous relief from stuffy nose, weepy eyes, and sinus pressure. Winchesters 29, Buckinghams High Singles -- S. Bilenduke 27, Cameos 24, Players 22, Ex- 251, R. Bragg 255. |Ports 20. High Triples -- L. Bye 573,| Winners of chickens: Glad G. Forestall 668. |Wiles 738, Verna Sandford 539, 600 Triples -- R. Bragg 648,\Jean King 50, Bea Hudson 666, E. Lesenko 621, G. Childs 631,/Bev Childs 541, Marg Harvey G. Forestall 668. 625, Elsie Fernley 538, Helen 200 Singles -- A. Myers 224,|Brown 478. G. Childs 231, 247, M. Lesenko' Winners Jordan 718, Connie Denyer .529, Eileen Dalby 545, Beulah Stur- gess 580, Barb Howe 513, Doris Borchuk 500, Nevada Kennedy 520, Lyla Torrance 445. * REG. Con. T.M. Off. of chocolates: Vi | TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY NOTICE P.F.N. 2528-61 EVERY ITEM in the store DRASTICALLY REDUCED SAVE $$ QUALITY MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR SALE STARTS Sat., Dec. 16th 9:00 A.M. R.A. NOTICE 4 ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD NOTICE UNDER SECTION 30 OF THE PLANNING ACT TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council. of the Corporation of the Township of Whitby has applied to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuont to the provisions of Section 30 of The Plan- ning Act for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 1826 passed on the 2nd day of November, 1961, Section 1, 2 and 3 of which ore given hereunder. Any person interested may, within fourteen days after the date of this notice, file with the clerk of the Township of Whitby notice of his objection to approval of the said by-law together with a statement of the grounds of such objections. The Ontario Muncipal Board may approve of the said by-law but before doing so it may appoint a time and place where ony objections to the by-law will be considered. DATED at Toronto this 8th day of December, 1961. B. VICKERS, Acting Secretary. SUMMARY OF THE PURPOSE OF BY-LAW 1826 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY INCLUDING A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF LAND TO WHICH IT APPLIES 1, RE: SECTION 1 OF BY-LAW 1826 1. Purpose and Effect The purpose and effect of Section 1 of the by-law Is to extend the provisions, regarding lots having less frontage or area than required, to include lots situated in an Agricultural (A) Zone. This will, in effect, allow for construction of dwellings on some lots now under separate ownership which would otherwise not qualify for building permits under By-law No. 1784. . Application This amendment applies to all land in the Township of Whitby within an Agricultural (A) Zone. 2. RE: SECTION 2 OF BY-LAW 1826 1, Purpose and Effect The purpose and effect of Section 2 of the by-law Is to relax thé restrictions for minimum exterior side yard requirements sufficiently to allow the. issuance of building permits on corner Iéts on ~~ registered plans listed in sub-paragraph (b), 2. Application This omendment applies only to the registered plans listed in sub-paragraph (b). 3. RE: SECTION 3 OF BY-LAW 1826 1, Purpose and Effect The purpose ond.effect of Section 3 (i) of the by-law is to clarify the-meaning of the existing section of By-law 1784, by punctuation, so it is clearly understood that the dwelling referred to is for the use of persons em- ployed on the same lot. The purpose and effect of Section 3 (ii) of the by-low is to relax the restrictions for minimum interior side yard requirements. sufficiently, for residential uses (other than for persons employed on the some lot), to allow the placement of residences in other than the centre of the lot to provide some variety of location and also allow the owner to take advontage of the topo- graphy of the lot. . Application This amendment applies to all lands in the Township Bal Whitby within on Agricultural (A) Zone. MURRAY ROBINSON, Clerk, Township of Whitby, BROOKLIN, Ontario. THROUGH TO SAT., DEC. 23rd MEN'S TOPCOATS, 34-COATS CAR COATS, SUITS, WINDBREAKERS, SPORT COATS 0 DISCOUNTED . TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ON ALL OTHER BRAND NAME MERCHANDISE Arrow & B.V.D. Shirts, McGregor Socks, Biltmore Hats, Pants, Dressing Gowns, Pyjamas, etc. S W eet dreams come true af Christmastime with the magic of novelties| from Laura Secord Christmas Candyland. Watch little eyes light up to these wonderful candy-filled delights, It's a special kind of fun, designed to make children's delightful dreams of Candyland comé trae Laura seetrd Christmas Candyland is a wonderful world of jolly Santas and singing gnomes whose plump tummies 'are just a cover for candies. Giant candy canes and cracker boxes and Christmas stock- ings come crammed with delicious goodies: :,yummy chocolate Santas are all ready to munch! Discover these (and mahy-other) Christmas Candyland Sur- prises soon, OUTFIT YOUR BOY COMPLETELY At These Tremendous Savings We Regret That For This Sale All Sales Must Be Cash TRADITIONALLY FAMOUS FOR FRESHN FAMOUS FOR QUALITY + FAMOUS FOR CHR} ALL sas FINAL NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS CANDIES Simcoe St., at King Street