Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Dec 1961, p. 22

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"i 26--Rooms for Rent THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 15, 1961 2] » ited, rary ceuttal, private entrance. "Nes'|27-- Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estote For Sale sonable. Dial 725-5714. ~--Fesxsomn brick home, oli ie age go bedroo $400 down -- five-room bric' » Ol sso9 DOWN, monthly, $9, te aeuee taor, Good be poe oll red heated, central, $8,300. Mrs, Tierney,|Drice, five rooms, extra water heating, Pd rately. Suitable "tor two pref 725-5207. Howe and Peters, finished, upstairs, hot water heating, or married couple. Light housekeeping ag rl garage, dy 3 Feat ve og Call Douglas . . 128- privileges if desired. Close to transpor. WH ITBY Call a and stores. Apply 216 Chadburn . a ea es treet. ' i NHA Resale, ie we App ly; 4¥% acres, |i" Apple Hill, asking $13,200 with cash a ed commercially, on Duns th rigage or $1,500 down with : ee fee eitgettie nett kon| dos Street West, No, 2 high- |terms, Full' decorated, close to all Chock Full of Wonderful Things 8 SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS pital and downtown, Suit two girls.) way, Write: peeve 0 540-9535. i BOUSERERFING/ room, nicely furnish BOX 745 rruabies paved road's miles. Earle KW Christmas Fowl Christmas Trees Gifts For Her Gifts For The Family §Gifts For The Fomily § Holiday Food -- workable, paved road 8 miles. Earle K. fe tlemen only. Apply 542 em S poy eee 2 ly. Apply ftom OSHAWA TIMES Allen, 725-7782. Howe and Peters. PRUNED Scoten pine Christmas # CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. Gerda NICE furnished room in clean home, $5 NEW bungalow, $13,100 with $500 down, iF YOU WANT THE peed Oe seat one ty. Tannen G Eaeey. care. soe oe ay SKATES THE IDEAL GIFT LITZ - - three bedrooms, finished recreation lurphy's. bc g Peony Le gy F space avail SEMI DETACHED room. South Oshawa, 728-4060. BEST IN : up. For call 728-2661. W view ond USED. A com fron bikin Prataateaiia States atl COME HOME eee FRERKEYS, ArT PRUNED § GIFT SHOP - § Bitien'Stac! SGtinttt f BURNS SHOES § compar Luts ust gentleman, Telephone 723-9225. ' Lacon ping si Alma Street. Tele. i Wh the Cust cepted, Skotes sharpened by ift Certificates for: Foot- : prices. cannes ay eee INC Dhow 125-8 CALL MA 3-5049 & SCOTCH PINE Is Important | experts. wey 09" 'BLITZ DELICATESSEN FURNISHED Pana a apply to 154 William Street East (side ; i EXTRA good value, located in Kings- W. LYMER T ba yas All conveniences, heavy wire |EXTRA good value, located in Kin . &. LYME Items gift wrapped VIC OR'S KING AND SIMCOE STS. 728-1111 yoane ba PAs nae NCEP SRP ps dale A . Six-room brick, all large FURNISHED rooms for rent oil heat- ing, new oil furnace, ful rooms, fully equipped 'with "storms Highway 2 at Maple Grove PHONE ELGIN BUDD Evening Dressas, Sweaters. © 0 oun Ww: <x 793.9141 pea Ttiestone 7252533 for more informa:| basement. Centrally Sec this for real value, $10.900, $1,500 : ORONO 8-R-3 Skirts, Brunch Coats 'and : tion. on lovely large lot. Immedi+ down. Balance one mortgage. Reason- Order Your Christmas Lingerie in beoutiful Christmas # FOR A LOVELY GIFT (Holiday Dining VIANNA : For the Finest Selection of: and board in quiet : 0 do able payments, Schofield-Aker, Real Fowl from t colors. noon rarkne ree, board alae ate possession. $500 down, jtitate. Telephone Henry Stinson, 725- LITZ PROCESSING CHRISTMAS TREES special For Christmas Call At iiey VEU CCLD MEATS : PLAN Spruce, Ba rat cotch Pine HOSE -- 2 pairs $1. PARKVIEW STORE CHRISTMAS PARTY AT SMOKED FISH, HERRINGS Easy terms. 0243, ane CRN eE nS A LARGE bright furnished bedroom, re- pe £2 sata mie and i $1 O.UP Finest quali red. A 3. ; Special Rates for Ban- : anes SMGIINY. ERMAN CAKES, PASTRIES aod business lady preferred. gn M 3 2433 washing machine, central location. Tele- png Bowling Allavs: Gcmmmarctal alee 17. foot 400 denier 98 OLIVE AVE. SANDALWOOD G vate home, Write to Box 215, Oshawa 7 phone seamless mesh VIANNA Hines ees: LTY (eee, Sy Seaep toa JACKS BAR choceli Bor, 1962 Bhat aaa, am Ne parry. too sll = DELICATESSEN a hurry when you use Os ativity Sets, Bibles, Rosary, M Ads to tell find ] i x 27--Reoi os seca al GUIDE REA Times Stench yt Dit ta nate CHRISTMAS FOWL 180 At ELAIDE EAST NESBITT'S ate. oh Phone for Res 543 py oN s. GOOD income home for sale, extra Ww yo : F ' ened Bt ans art = c d Turkeys 33 King §t. E. 725-0532 OPEN EVENINGS eee | MED eee rae ne cose nl cence 178 ADELAIDE EAST : THE IDEAL GIFT 725-9111 oe St. 3. ee r r 53,1 121 or might ia oplioa." Tindall FRANK HOAG Entertainment CHRIS T MAS & Footwear, Slippers, Luggage, BRING HER TO FOR TOP QUALITY bat af Real Estate. 725-0429, ND ROAD WEST PIANIST and banyo player - Dance -§ BUY. LEASE 723 129, ROSSLA 0 MUSIC Hosiery. Use our convenient APPLES and sing along with us, Parties, Lay-A-Way Plan. 4 P, t, at: th ti ' Cape ewe GC aul H m weddings, etc, lephone 4505, be buying your own home. | Vice-President'. Dick Young |=® Automobiles for Sale_ DIAL 725-6837 mdainae, sta drelepbens' es0-tm GO-TOGETHER BURNS SHOES §,, Modern Grill FOR CHRISTMAS Six-room a All Tor Sec,-Treasurer, Lucas Peacock |iicket seats, all other options. Widow TURKEYS Those who hear vices at your doorstep. For vish to settle estate. Telephone R.C.A. Victor Portahie 4 KING AND SIMCOE complete information, call-- MARY STREET 728-8617. FRESHLY KILLED SIM LASH kk, fe ek A SPECIALTY Bush! ond halt bushels W. T. LAMSON Five-room brick bungalow, |%53 GMC % ton panei. A-1 con tion. Young, Tender, Tasty and his Trio $39.95, Automatic Port- W ATCHES f HOT TURKEY AND ith: doubl . Attrac- | $250 or best offer. Telephone 725-1053. Delivered Oven-Ready ble. 4 di 54.95. REAL ESTATE LTD. tee living Sa ond dining |') PONTIAC, convertible, V8, auto- Year-Round Supply; Ask for reccet engagements. able, 4 spends, > 4 BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN f '. : Stereo Automatic, y EVENINGS room, natural fireplace, rec, |matic, white Baer ooh full Special. Prices = ¥ Parties dances, receptions, speeds, $B4,95 Up. SAVE 20% TO 50% DINNERS WITH ALL PALLOCK Mr. McMullen Mrs. Handson room, awnings. Priced ot |------------ are ET Churches, Banquets banquets. In imitation leather, Lug- ; 725-0104 728-5075 $13,500: Owner leaving City |fiaa"serviee Station, @27 'Simcoe Stree! |g Courtice Turkey Ranch 725-8762 gage type Cases, assorted: BF por 'Mor Wine "Children '> Leia ORCHARDS Ager es nTRoaY asad peu aucrg : af : NLY $1 50 Growers .for 35 years and must sell.' Immediate |South = 728-5392 colors. Y > Boh : oor - PRIVATE -- Seed FONTIAG sone ast cierses LOCAL ORCHESTRA# MEAGHER'S HORWICH A PLATE One Mile North Whitby -- CENTRAL .LOCATION OF telephone T2500. ea radia « AVOID LAST MINUTE AVAILABLE. . 5 King St. W. 723-3425 CREDIT JEWELLERS WE DELIVER Highway 12 East Side SALE INCOME HOME $9,950 [jester and directional. signals. Defi DISAPPOINTMENT 3514 Simcoe N. 725-4734 , OSHAWA SHOPFING CENTRE Holiday Transportation Brick, two-storey, four rooms pitely ae rust: Private, 725-5555 or | ORDER YOUR FOK PARTIES, DANCES, ~ - 723-7133 725-3887 y eevvgidal rosin an eehrd Hoo, 'with |a5 VOERSWAGHN In" good conan, |¥ BANQUETS, bel da 20 SIMCOE S._725-8443_ 9% 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH & thy sate Way To Celebrate Six-room brick house -- mod- separate eatance: Large lot, fd alee Se eee | CHRISTMAS AND j CALL 725-7867 lath pia ee What as nee ) t W Auto Gifts ? the _Holi Season ern kitchen, tiled bathroom, and zoned R-4, permitting at CHEV --haitton hae good | NEW YEAR the Oshawa' Times Classified Sec- ermanen aves RIDE WITH chestnut trim, hardwood many uses, shape, $275. Telephone MO 85631. | TURKEY NOW oy poss lL Pa 8 Complete 5.95 FOR THE MOTORIST MERCURY TAXI floors, decorated throughout, Roy Flintoff, Don Smith, 1953 PONTIAC Chieftain, radio, rear | Wh ot give a three-section cellar. Oil Irene ---- Phyllis Jubb, | Be and motor M1 8295, MO 8.563. | Thats" ho ctudey lie Ga wa oe IDEAL GIFTS EDWARD'S : Gift Wrapped Monbaidip Bios gui . Je ck, 'as ae 7 hinder os. & in th . a lined garage. Inspec- ee Ree ae CHEN ROR Aoeiae a sees | freshly killed turkey for flavor CADILLAC HOTEL ¥ GO KART ENGINES BEAUTY PARLOUR ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE Oshawa's Most Modern Taxi ion anytime. Members Oshawa and District - |728-0844 after 6 p.m. for more informa- | and tenderness. You may poy Select Dates Still Open. POWER MOWERS 5 CELINA ST. 723-7633 Only $15.00 : Real Estate Board, tion. ____»___ | a little more, but you get the Reaive NiW: SNOW BLOWERS 728-8334 --- 725-7422 Christmas Ideos $3,000 DOWN We list Photo Co-op, i951 FORD one ton pickup, with one best when you buy a Townline 725-3743 74 BARRIE AVE. IBEX BLANKETS peed transmission, real work horse, Turk R h key. hi *° Balance Reasonable Terms Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. $140. Telephone MO 8-5631. : killed ireteed bet sees : 728-2791 70 es 6.95, Christmas Flowers PERSONALIZED --|i957 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, black, | NEW YEAR'S 'or $9.07 pr. I1'S EASY to place an Oshawa CHRISTMAS CARDS radio, ski racks, whitewalls, A-l condi: | onywhere in Oshawa. DANCE SCOTTY'S BARGAINS WOOL BLANKETS Times Classified. Ad. Call between &% Coutts, Hallmark, Toothills, METCALF Real Estate Limited === TOWNLINE DANCE BRAVE MOL WY hth HOSS IEEYY og Hc Ss = som ser nce "One- " CHENILLE BEDSPREADS $7.95 {y friendly help. BUYING OR SELLING SEE C.R.A. SQUARE DANCE A "One-Tool" Workshop VELVET DRESSES WICK PRINTING LTD. 40 KING ST. E. ---- DIAL RA 8-4678 TED CAMPIN TURKEY RANCH oH NTTS Ha saaane Sines 2-3x, Reg. $4.98° FLOWERS AND 1700 Simeoe Nerth - ee et ee eee Supplies Ltd. NYLON DRESS $1.75 PLANTS t $10,900.00. 5 large rooms, 3 bedrooms, large, broadioomed MOTORS 725-4233 'To he ee 1279 Simeoe North CRINOLINES $1.69 FROM A CHRISTMAS GIFT iving room, loads of kitchen cupboards with good-sized eatin '. 20.> . s Modern D r : orea., Storms, screens, paved Pini Tot 54! x 160". This home "fit eg nh Reg hl eee Trees $2.50 PER PERSON GIVE HIM Bisoun on ; REED'S SUBSCRIPTION is in immaculate shape. Down payment $2,700.00. 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 BUMEES OVE Rome 'pine, sense 728-8334 ' ane CHRISAAS M&C Dry Goods FLORISTS TO THE PRINCE ST. | NAGY MOTOR hia ie aes See our selection of Sports- 7 74 Celina Street---723-7827 OSHAWA TIMES | weor, shirts; sweaters, het, Artificial Centerpieces, 6 large rooms, oil heating, aluminum storm and screens all : around, low taxes, close to separate schools, high school, down- SALES CHRISTMAS TREES LITTLE gloves, tie and sock sets. ENJOY Door py roncing aa is town.. A real buy et $9,500.00 with as low as $1,500.00 down. Mercedes Benz gfe oie eral fee BUCKAROO SAM ROTISH CHRISTMAS MUSIC R. B REED oa "S WEAR Y poe AFTER 5:30 CALL Studeboker, D.K.W. Joe Mago, 725-9191 John Kemp, 728-2392 NSS.U. Sales 'and Service STANDSCAPING® 7 King St. € -- 725-2433 HI-Fl's & SONS round gift Marion Drew, 725-7610 484 KING ST. W. Location -- Simcoe St. N. RANCH 1962, Stereo sayy teenage ond e@ daily Electrohome, Everett Elliott, 723-9290 Dick Barriage, 725-6243 728-5175 Al Preston Sunoco Stn. The best place for a wo- é DOWNTOWN Free Delivery 728-6366 & Reservations Now Being ¥ man to shop at Christmas # "Cdéi*ste im ruitwcod, 10% KING ST. W. reminder of good- $10,990 FULL PRICE with $600 down. 3-bedroom bi low-- i A ted F i DRIVE-IN SHOP renter _ vanity," choice of Gideccd or tle ace. te VOLVO PRUNED SLEIGH RIDES " PEOPLE'S A eS agieag 163 BLOOR ST. W. will for your friends ee W962 MODELS CHRISTMAS TREES PRIVATE PARTIES CLOTHING STORE Convenient Terms, LOCKE'S Sar te doa he ae ge nig tn NOW ON DISPLAY FLOWERS During the Winter Season We Finance Our Own Soles FLORISTS @woy Exclusive location, large lot. i : oe Jake & Bill's Garage From Our Greenhouses TELEPHONE SPORTSCOATS--HATS and relatives who are POTTED PLANTS 725.2737 GLOVES--SHIRTS MEAGHER'S OSHAWA SHOPPING - fen NORTH-WEST AREA -- Attractive brick bungalow, 5 years old, FINA SERVICE GIFT CERTIFICATES * WEATERS-- 5 King St. West 723-3425 CENTRE home. large kitchen with breakfast nook, plus dining area. Aluminum 449 RITSON S. -- 728-0921 ifts for Child S TIES ie sais ts cae ata FOR YOUR storms ard screens, nicely landscaped. Fully decorated, 66' lot, VAN BELLE Gifts for tidren A distinctive selectio CHRISTMAS PLANTS THE CIRCULATION oil furnace. Heating costs $85.00 yearly, priced to sell. W | a E I S GARDENS - 36 SIMCOE ST. N VISIT US | an por 5 DEPT. bn have apartments and houses for rent from $75.00 monthly M O TO R S Free cine uns 5757 fp TOYLAND Fa 361 2 : SPORTS EQUIPMENT KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA up. i) icycles, tricycles, pedal cars, va : * 723-3474 CALL MO 8-5853 OFFICE : ; pink ---- a oe GAMES FOR ALL AGES Say Sti ieee Will be pleased to act upon AFTER 5 CALL AUDREY MOORE, MO 8-4088 Sn Sree nee A-] te gt a ald FREE | GIFT SPECIALTIES JOHN your instructions. Your AUSTIN Dealer |¥ SCOTCH PINE VICTOR'S : soloing ' SE T OLIVE HOWE, Realtor We here Baye! assortment HAND PRUNED 38 BOND W.--723-3141 SUBURBAN : DY vi] BURTINSKY S U HE 130 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY pepe: ALL SIZES OR ETT'S saeco ee 725-0331 2,000 TREES Christmas Joy For will wire them for you OSHAWA TIMES Girl or Boy FIRESIDE CORNER CUT FLOWER J VAN 4 | YOUR CHOICE $1.94 BICYCLES CAR COAT POTTED PLANTS : 2 ERWERDEN, Realtor Ostiauen C.C.M.--RALEIGH Wik a cade 205 BOND ST. WEST § TAsLe CENTRES CLASSIFIED 741 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA 723-4471 SANTA CLAUS GARDEN Donk thd; em eg es OPEN EVERY EVENING erat toet de IN : le service IN WHITBY, very well-built bungalow, 2 years old, excep- SPECI ALS 1259 SIMCOE NORTH ye rg cle, Sess ee Light @ Christmas Tree in the OSHAWA and District daily. COLUMNS egg gE Eg il Rega 723-3222 te "eltery sete Seven SUIT | frie cfgeutew hone me, MOE Se esr kre screens. Has to be sold. Sacrifice price, $11,000 with faith: '59 ee, Coach - OPEN EVENINGS io eee uae PRICED AS LOW AS Christmas. 124 DUNDAS WEST wnateyns Frew ere utomatic transi P 4 ! + 57 Acres Dairy Farm (and 100 Acres adjoining Land rented), a Bade NURSE 106 Colborne St. East, Whitby Model Display HOLLY PLANTS FOR CH RISTMAS good milk contract, barn, with water and hydro, waterbowls, 59 CHEVROLET Station RY MO 8-3746 $49.50 mmo rooms . fone n't tr 4 itis running hile doch --- en GROWN Gifts For Her 4 USE YOUR CREDIT Homes Tian eae water. Full price includes machinery. y with terms. ransmission ... ee 221 Acres General Farm along Lake Ontario, loam soil, creeks; | '59 RONTIAC Sedan -- Weegee iy Soma Complete line of dresses, OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT. . ne ee 5 TO 10 INCHES barn with water and hydro. Natural stone house, with hydro, utomatic tronsmission, A party dresses, suits, coats, NO DOWN PAYMENT, Down Pa ment hot water tank. Full price $32,000 with terms. Se as FAP he re Fam carcoats, sweaters, AT y n Beautiful living Christmas gifts. Keep indoors for 100 Acres General Farm, 90 acres workable, very productive | ~" Ror? "6" Coach -- Ba. IN LARGE, TABLE AND Ouse, Slims. All latest $1195 winter. Plant outdoors next spring. Improved. ery soil, L-shope barns with water and hydro, spring creek, cement : ' APARTMENT SIZE colors and fashions for D U N S BALANCE ONE N.H.A. ieties. Complete instruction for care RB -- oo ss water and heavy duty wiring. Price 56 oa ITIAC Sedan ore A W RUNDLE her at Christmas. oe ection MORTGAGE $3.50 each -- 3 for $10.00 postpaid. : : : ne Pee dit. 36 KING E, (Down Southwood Park T j oie yer EXCELLENT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. In Whitby, 10 55 PONTIAC Station Be ie ae, CSHAWA SHaPhinae Cotirne EDiomond" (Sacthwoed) "bales Specialized Growers Association Ltd Acr f Industrial d Land in pertly built-up. industri reo. Wogon -- Radio. $725 GARDEN CENTRE L acta information, OWNERS HAVE TO SELL. ee "58 CHEVROLET Deluxe 1015 KING ST. EAST Special Offer: Nylons, seam- ¥ Gifts For The Family "6 NO. 2 HIGHWAY. _ WHITBY ONTARIO Sedan -- Automatic OPEN EVENINGS 725-1764 less, 3 pair for $1.00 with W@oRaw A DOOR - BREAKER' transmission. Actual any purchase or 49c pair CROWD to your store with depend- 0 | | y Hobbies Hobbies mileage of 13,000 will PRUNED anytime. able ads in the Oshawa Times Gift Pp t : K ! | J be verified by former 'CHRISTMAS. TREES : anne ; € er OWd [. oni TO CHOOSE FROM ext DELIVERY ppiaebaeai dive The Git of 8 THE ROYAL COIN SS REALTOR FOR AN HONEST DEAL WHO! ESALE & RETAIL Better Health 99 King E. & 52 King W. BOWMANVILLE ae C. £. HARDSAND ae Niagara Cyclo-Massage and STAMP STORE Newtonville, on No. 2 Highway. Modern 6-room bungalow ue hy 728-6656 : "Oshawa's nevest ond ltl a Home Therapy ® Seooo conveniences Full Goniment and attached stint TED CAMPIN CHRISTMAS TREES Ladies weor Store Sor pve o Sh Op p t il g NOW LOCATED AT , --, $1, down. : : . les, Service or Rentals 7 ig a Mom Whyte's Form on Hwy. 401. Stone, 8 room-house with MOTORS Pruned--Forestry Grown 725 6312 72 927 12 PRINCE STREET 728 3221 all conveniences; 30' x 50' barn; dormitory suitable for 3 fami- ; i ' ' Write 316 Wilson S., (next to Grey Coach Terminal) lies. 49%2 acres with stream: All this for the sacrifice price Scotch Pines Thrill Her With Lovely Oshawe of $22,000. Terms arranged. (Ideal for rest home!) 607 KING ST. E. All Sizes--wholesale prices, FRAGRANCES D a VS When Christmas Shopping for Stamp Albums, Coins Stemps - Coin Folders and other accessories, be $1,200 down. $75.00 monthly including toxes buys a 3- OSHAWA FOWLER FORESTRIES Attractively Gift Pockaged BEAT SANTA sure Ab gel our wide selection ? bedroom frame bungalow on Libetry St. N. in Bowmanville. A 306 KING WEST Tussey's -- Cologne $1.25-$3 At His Own Game! : pleasant place to start with -- Why pay rent? U -- Dusting Powder $1.75 FOR THE FAMILY (ust East of Wilson Rd) GET YOUR CHRISTMAS Yardley's -- Red Roses, Lotus, GIVE FOOTWEAR Until WANTED iia COINS OF CANADA Model Home on Parkway Crescent in Bowmanville's choice resi- 723-4494 -- RE y 4 RS dential area. 5-room bungalow with all possible appointments. ith tae TREES NOW . pale a Per THIS CHRISTMAS Piavious to 1900. Also 1925 ond 1926 Nickels. Conodion a . i . i Spaious lot. Sodded front lawn, Storm windows ond doors. |30--Automobiles Wanted Nicely Pruned pen i . Gift rtifi Carport. Priced to be sold at $12,500. Reasonable down [raxesHoRE Auto Wreckers want | SPruce, Scotch, and Red Pine mney (ON 42.90. t_Certif cores Cents from 1922-1926, poyment and one mortgage. Act immediately. ° coh ar wrecking. Highest prices paid. | ae pee a & POWELL'S DAVID N' ® Highest prices paid for these items: Please Call MA 3-2453 GOOD used panel truck wanted," ; SO S ris ° Frontage 0 toh Telemnone sane") HOWENG MOT. «© ~DRUG STORE ly Bootes pesca Pong mp J. A. Barton, MA 3-3098 co Some MA 8264 en CO 3-2607 31 Simcoe North 725-3312 curios, early books, documents and maps of Ontario County. P. . Kowse, MA 3-5868 (Continued on Page 22) ' oS o 8 UME MRMBIRMAM ERIS NOW! Residents of Hampton, Bowmanville, Brooklin and Whitby for DIRECT LINE WANT AD SERVICE Call OSHAWA 723-3492 i

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