Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Dec 1961, p. 21

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, December 15, 1961 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Call the Direct ' Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERVICE DIR |Money to Loan OFFICE HOURS: 8 \.M. to 5 P.M. Monday to Fridey Seturday 8 to 12 EC ay: CLASSIFIFD AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge | 4--Market Basket |17--Male Help Wanted |24--Houses for Rent |25-----Apts. & Flats. for Rent |25--Apts. & Flats for Rent WINTER POTATOES, 75 pound bag,,.DO YOU want your own business, but|MODERN four bedroom brick house on|ONE large furnished room, heat, lights |SPECI $1.40 bag, free delivery, telephone lack capital to get started? Do you)33 Russett Avenue, oi] heated, near|and water, light housekeeping. Kitchen | ment Nes Brooklin 655-4690 after Six p.m. se want to be bs ceri eg * a dealer or|schools, bus stop, Available January 1,'with s Telephone 723-3078. |TV, ample parking. Ideal for couple, EATING and cooking apples, $1 bushel lSiter you "assietance and aidunee ta | see: |UNFURNISHED apartment, consisting Possession January 1. Telephone and up, Hillcrest Orchards, Newcastle, earn a very substantial five-figure in-/OLDER house, newly decorated, clean,|! large room/and kitchenette, refriger- |" suuideieie becename cSt. jMill Street south, (south of 401 turn-off)./come --- no competition and no gim-|oil heated, adults with quiet school-age |@t0r and stove included, every conveni-/THREE-ROOM, newly decorated apart> | : Ee) micks! Write to W. E. Jeffery,,200 Ken- children, Telephone 725-2522, feathers, See eet ene.oeerer'. (ante 2 Smee Bea Eve ey ae -- neth Avenue/ Kitchener, Ontario. . - " ---- 7" ----~ | FOUR-ROOM i " .|ing, two-piece bath. Laundry facilities sa eens ere --_ ae ---- EN - ROOM house, 395 monthly. janeos: aot wien gece d ron foevary |and parking. Apply 444 Centre Street. |TOP MONEY for dead and disabled | ee 725-1343 or 728-0311. Ask for/and parking, bus at door. 165 Verdun' THREE-ROOM apartment in apart M " |Road, 723-3096. |ment building with or without refrige \farm stock. R, Vivian rkham, 1160J, Brhvicsssal jcollect. 24-Hour, seven-day |EXECUTIVE type home. Immediate|BED - SITTING room and kitchen, com-|¢'@tor and range, aerial, washer, park- AL bachelor apartment, in apart. DRIVER SALESMEN Accountants | Dressmaking MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL. and/ |kinds, on ladies' and children's wear. €o., Chartered Accountants, 725 *|Pelephone 723-9148. 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; Ajax, WH 2.0890. = BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Service. C 164 Bond Street West. 725-0397. 123-7 servic! a {my Accounting | mending, ice. | |ALL ALTERATIONS DRESSMAKING Sean Se | | | ed, pants cuffed, collars aprons made, etc. coats hem- turned, 725-4189, } 605. fied T. HOPKINS and Company, Public Accountants, and Co., Licensed Trustees ing Street East, Oshawa; 4 " B Ki c. Accountants in Bankruptcy, Fri mm, CPA. Certi-| for stoves, jphone 728785 ~~ | FIREWOOD. y. YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER nace or fireplace. Fre and Auditors. | 172 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509. B. L. Yale, Res Fuel and Wood FACTORY hardwood cuttings, Suitable g001 phone CO 3-2275. fireplaces, furnaces. Tel: FREE ir ve, fur- delivery. Tele | | Py "MORTGAGE. LOANS 40 years experience. Resi- dential, acreage, apts., bus- iness, summer properties. Members of Ont. Mortgage Brokers Assoc. J, E, Harris, F. G. Harris and R. C, Bint SUMMERLAND SECURITIES 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 3.75 4.13 If not pata within 7 days the Charge rote will apply. orders . for consecutive order Each month. additional 2.25 2.48 Above rotes apply only to origina: insertions Subsequent insertions' ordered at o later date 'constitute o new original Professional and Business tistings $7.50 per month for 3 tines daily line $1.60 per BARRED ROCK Pullets ready to lay, $1.50 each. Call 655-3446, 7 to 9 p.m, |DEAD farm stock picked up promptly, Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721.) |Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Ltd. 115. | scwstiatics Stalin: at Be sBevkoea! 0a i required for the following OSHAWA (4) ; WHITBY (1) | WATER SUPPLY AJA 'SEAWAY WATER SUPPLY) Xx (1) PICKERING ONT., WH 2-1397} 24 Hours o Day--7 Days a Week 500 gallons $5.00 | 1000 gallon, 7.00 1500 gailons Must have car and be avail- able immediately. $2.50 per hour | | | 9.00 { possession, three bedrooms, 40' rec-|pletely equipped, ample cupboards, cen.|!"8- near Shopping Centre, adults. 218 room, two fireplaces, breezeway anditral, suitable for one or two. 12 Burk >¢venson South, den, King East area. FRanklin 2-9992,| Street. 725-8876. Cobourg. UPPER duplex, quite central, five FOR RENT -- three bedroom bunga- low, $90 monthly. Three-bedroom split. level $105 monthly, Two-bedroom, apart- ment, $75 monthly. Bowman and MO 8-3521 ' FOR SALE OR RENT: small down ment, three-bedroom home pay-|equipped, near Shopping Centre, auto- only. Telephone 723-2511. new school, serviced, Transferred. MO 8-8352, Whitby. ibsOn GROUND FLOOR in quiet/matic washing | subdivision, fenced lot, two blocks from |Cromwell Avenue, Apartment 1. |THREE-ROOM apartment, kitchen, liv-|'00MS and bath, oil heating, garage, ing room and bedroom, private, three-|AVailable January 1, Telephone 725. piece bath and entranee, newly deco- |5275 for particulars, ges 2 jrated. Telephone 725-1565. FOUR-ROOM basement apartment, at (00 room, 285 Mary Street, equipped with refrige electrically |T@tor, stove. washer, dryer. Adults ultra modern apartment, pply 208 EXTRA large furnished room in base ment, private bathroom and entrance, facilities. Must vacate. /KING STREET, Bowmanville -- four-|2¢@" shopping centre. Apply 77 Gibbog jroom heated apartment, separate en-|Street or 728-176. yo commission G people to sell magazines, Good |trance and bath, nicely decorated, $65/TWO or three parily furnished rooms, Telephone 723-1990 eve-|monthly. Telephone MA 3-3935. partly furnished rooms, WILSON and BURROWS. Chartered Accountants, 114 King Street East, Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA; G. Edmund Burrows, CA, 728-7554. Auto Parts KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran-| teed ive parts and ies. | 145 King Street West, Oshawa.!| 128-1607-8-9. Five bays te serve you, LIMITED 112 SIMCOE ST _N., OSHAWA PHONE 725-3568 jMortgages {FIRST and second mortgages. Sale jagreements purchased and sold. Hen- {nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King | Street East. 723-7232. lequipped kitchen, Bloor East area, bus jnings and weekends only. =) -5§_--ss | FURNISHED apartment: single house. @t door. Children welcome. Telephone |SEVEN large rooms, completely re-|keeping room, private entrance, cen-|728-4119 00) jdecorated, oil furnace, attached ga- |tral, parking. Reasonable. Apply 96 DUPLEX -- Simcoe Street North, upe rage, large lot. All conveniences. Har-|Centre Street. eee per, lower four-room apartments, twe E a |mony Road North, $75 monthly. 723-2381 /two BEDROOM rtment, furnished bedrooms each, all __ conveniences, arn an earn |S85--SIX beautiful rooms, drive. 568/0F unfurnished, available immediately, |@mple parking, large lot. Telephone National Survival [Crerar Crescent, 728-5023 or RUsselj|APPly 496 Simcoe Street North or/725-5169, . |7-3957 collect. ee a | Telephone 128-3945, J Ono apagtment, kitchen facili. 1 | PICKERING -- eight-room brick house,|BACHELOR apartment, furnished, pri |ties, suit couple' or two individuals, JOIN THE CANAD AN looms futnitiites twenty "ecres land, | vate, in quiet home, heated. Suit pen.| Private entrance. Apply 256 Athol East, | ARMY SPECIAL MILITIA |barn, reliable tenants, near schools, | sioner aoe werk age moe Lg feb ance titres tc OR { |Shopping Centre, 169 Warren Avenue,)® +0wnline Nor si ae FURNISHED apartment, 3 rooms, self | TRAINING PROGRAMME |oshawa. Telephone 723-3317. _____|TWO-ROOM™ Unfurnished apartment, contained, separate entrance, ground TODAY EXECUTIVE type home, five-room bun-|efrigerator and stove, parking. Apply floor, $50 monthly, two adults, WH |galow, partly furnished, attached ga-|43 Nassau Street or telephone 725-3617 2-5135. lr hpeie for more particulars. BACHE! "apar , refri N : * rage, good location. One child welcome, | +0" Pi sed aie A OR apartment, stove, refri; baal ots he rey big $100 monthly, 478 Park Road South. |THREE - ROOM apartment, ground erator, washer, dryer, TV outlet. Pri- arts Jan, 6, ° |FOR SALE or rent -- income home, floor, private entrance and bath, heavy vate entrance, newly decorated, near You will be given all-day good opportunity, reasonable rent or duty wiring, TV outlet, Telephone 728- Sho:ping Centre. Available immediate- training for 5 days a week, |terms, at 160 Park: Road North, Tele-|2524 or 820 Sylvia, jy, SOLOPBONG. TREATED es You will live at home and jphone_725-6133. \ | FOUR room apartment, unfurnished,| BOWMANVILLE -- heated, modern, fia ARE seine (5s |MODERN new ix-room brick bunga-|heated, TV outlet, kitchen cupboards, |three rooms, kitchenette and bathroom, ceive pay as a }low, fireplace ahd garage, $110 month-|and sink. Immediate possession. $65 Washer, dryer, $50. MA 3-5996. Apart- regular soldier plus a separ- _|ly. Adults, baby welcome, North Osh.|Monthly. Telephone 728-6820, ment 4, 63 King West. ate livnig allowance. |TWo-Bi t RECRUITING OFFICE NOW OPEN Mon. to Fri. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. jawa. CO 3-2628, _____|TWO-BEDROOM 'apartment, equipped|MODERN two bedroom apartment in |FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow, oil heat, with stove, refrigerator, and. laundry |apartment building. Refrigerator, stove, » modern kitchen. Near North OSHAWA ARMOURY, Simcoe St. North Each Initial fetter jon, $ and ¢ sign, figure, counts as © word, Box charge !5c additional. All Classified Advertisements |/ must be in by 5 p.m. the day be- |! fore. publication except Births, Memoriams Cards ef Thanks which will be accepted until 9 a.m, Deadline tor Lost end Founda and Cancellations .8:30-a.m, Office Hours: Daily 5, Saturday 8 - 12 REGULATIONS-- The Oshawo Times will not be responsible for errors in odvertise: ments submitted otherwise than in writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of any udver tisement mor beyond the orice charged tur "g single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. And also reserve the right to classify advertising according te its own classification In the case of disploy ativertne ments The Times will not be hela *esponsible for more spoce thor that in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all advertising matter correctly but assumes no fiability of advertisement are contained 't any tmaccurocies in ary form therein. Telephone 723-1831 Men 18-50 "Round the Clock' 24-hr. for Rent \1 1--Articles | burner service | Automatic delivery | It's "White Rose" Fuel. Oit WESTERN OIL CO, 725-1212 Furnace cleaned every year. | | Punch bowls, ice buckets | chafing dishes, | glassware) {sil- | verware, dinnerware, silver tea set with tray for bon- | quets and receptions. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 725-3338 12--Articles Wanted 'oins, in g00d condition, s.€ele } 4790 after 5 for appointment. No dealers. SECOND-hand 1 72: Unified i\Gardening and Supplies WHITBY EXCAVATING DIGGING AND DITCHING |\_MO 8-4172 BLACK LOAM |MORTGAGES -- arranged, bought and \sold. Call Mr. Bolahood, 725-6544 or 725-8333. John A. J. Bolahood Ltd S. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soli- citor, Notary, Alger Bidg., 37 King Street East, 723-4943. Mortgage monies' available. BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister,| Solicitor, Notary Public. Mortgage funds available, 3614 King Street East 72%B-2381. Res. 985-7163. RALPH JONES GREFR, Associate Barristers tors, 130 King Street East. Mortgage loans available. |FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. ar- jranged. W. Schatzmann. Mortgage |Brooker, 101 Dundas West, MO 8-3338. |CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort-| | gage, Mortgage and agreement of sale purchased, NHA mortgages arranged. Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur-| doch 1 | FIRST MORTGAG -- industrial and) commercial projects, second mort-! [gages on houses. D, W. Holden, 51 {Street East, Oshawa. 728-6081 and 723 13376. } "piano in good condition, | 5502, after five. 728-6246 JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB. Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- lic, The Commercial Building, 286 King | DRIVEWAY, West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking | GRAVEL, 2 nae | FILLAND SAND rt MURPHY. BA, | Barrister and Solicitor, ing Street 725-5279 6 Ki East, Osh: , Ontario, 728-2971. ? 'NING F. SWARTZ and RONALD - ARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No) Household Repairs taries. Money loan. Henry Block, a ce ze 2614 King Street East. 723-4697. Resi-/PAINTING, papering, carpentry. Low dence, Dial 723-4029. jwinter rates. G. Goulding, 204 Church/| rion -iclacacensed te 758.979 Jos . MANG: Barrister,| Street, 755-7297. Optometrists Solicitor. Money to loan. Offi r ds in oH . H. TUCK, Please King Street East, Oshawa. | g i 723-3405. {pay accounts downtown Dominion |Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids exam- ined at home. Dial 725-4587 F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom.) -----jetry, the examination of eyes, contact! Fire, | 'enses. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne *| Evenings by appointment. 723-4191, WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS Deer Hides-end Raw Furs (collect) |. TURNER | 723-2043 - 723-3374 | jone child welcome. Nice location, Mary | facilities, on Simcoe North. Telephone new 9 {Street North. Telephone 725-0518, |725-6343, 9 to 5 p.m, Gener; otors. $80 monthly. Available |NEW FOUR room bungalow, fully/MODERN one - bedroom apartment, |immediately. Telephone 728-1904, jfurnished, oil heat, all conveniences,|Stove and refrigerator, laundry facili-| FOR ADULTS wanting advantages, jnorth Oshawa, $85 monthly, immediate |ties, parking space, triplex, avine|yery central, downtown location, desir- possession, 725-9748 after Road, $75 monthly. Telephone 725-5808. |able, self-contained, unfurnished three |LARGE six.room ranch bungalow, three|APARTMENT unfurnished, second|'0om apartment, bath, hall, heavy ____|bedrooms with built-ins, fireplace in 36-|floor, private home, two rooms, kitchen | Witing, heat, water. $60, 728 175. \ft. living-room, breezeway and double | With rangette, private bath, entrance,!THREE-ROOM (large) apartment, new. |garage. TE 9-1586, eh aia water. Grandview Street,|ly decorated, self-contained with ga- FIVE-ROOM house, on two acres of) -- =| TA8h>: Geax echoel, Shopping Ceatts, bas land, oil heated, two miles west of|TWO young school teachers desire a/stop. Stove, refrigerator optional. 725- |Brooklin, $65 monthly. Telephone 655. | sir! or girls to share an apartment | 4344. jai |13--Business | VALLEY CREEK '705 ter Christmas. Telephone 728-2539 REDUCED rent for eight months. --|after 5 p.m, jattractive, two-bedroom apartment. 1070 MAJOR FURNITURE See EUS a ee 145 KING WEST OIL COMPANY | DESIGNER lox heuer: Tapeetnig aeotoeny Droaa. |LARGE, two - bedroom artment, in|Ravine Road, Apartment 2, or tele location, stove,|Phone 723-1202, ,. Next to Western Tire sé Par : jloom, drapery tracks, aluminum |®¢w triplex, 'north-east socket Sales aera 728-4401 REQUIRES Qualified in designing of drill |storms, screens. Wired for washer and|reftigerator, washer, dryer, immediate|THREE-ROOM unfurnished aparim wea * 4 . |aryer. Beantisally i a fenced T 725-3412. |upstairs, bens, light and water, Abstain e buy, sell exchange use |garden. Available january 1. lults|FOUR-ROOM apartment, in apart-|ers. Suit middle-aged couple, $55 month. furniture, washer, TV, radios LESSEE DEALER Paatbens Le ecard or $125 heated, |ment building, lores stove, vibtner ly. Tlephone- 723-7342 4 ne Bb e . jator, built-in cupboards, laundromat, EE-ROOM ; er gon ee Hs fi : ie sities cs *|THREE-ROOM apartment, full bat and so meld ct prices to top FOR |IN AJAX -- Four-room bungalow, com-|Parking. 725-3938 or 68 Wayne Street.| private entrance, couple only, evn anyone in the city. |pletely modern, oil heat, garage, cen- 7 EDROOM apartment, stove, re-|ate y+ east HIGH VOLUME trally located, Telephone WH 2-4754. er, WRITE BOX 744 OSHAWA TIMES y located, Tele) i 54. |frigerator, ryer, TV outlet, |of Si5--FIVE-ROOM house and bath, ren-|PAaved driveway, garage. Near Shopping | THREE-ROOM, listing capital available and qualifications, ovated throughout, Apply to owner at Centre. 349 Frontenac, 728-1002. 238 Kaiser Crescent. |IN APARTMENT build: stove, re-|17 Prince Street, 725-0915, 14---Employment Wanted RELIABLE woman would like to give, chined parts. |FOUR-ROOM winterized cottage, town-|2nd three-room apartmeni PAE Baca abi ince, AS jline east, $45 monthly, close to bus|*igerator, three-piece bath. Reason-|THREE-ROOM apartment, bright, very |stop, shopping, schools, Immediate pos.|#ble 'rent. Downtown location. Tele" |clean, private bath and entrance, TV --. loving day care to child or would board, by the week. Telephone 728-7142. | | FELECIFIC DAY session. Telephone 728-7744. |Phone 725-1932. antenna, heavy duty wiring. Parking NURSERY Good M AN FOUR - ROOM, self-contained house |TWO - BEDROOM ground floor apart-|space. Central. Telephone 725-4497. fe with basement, $45 monthly including|™et, large kitchen and living room, i, 4 Free Pick-up Service by the benefits. Apply stating age, | Week. Reasonable rates. | FOUR room apartment, unfurnished, & = % broadioom throughout, stove and refrig- | 5; iy o hydro, Telephone MO 8-2187. leneiae: tive 'Yainuten feoen. Beatn ties piece private bath, entrance, heavy wire FIVE-ROOM bungalow, | (opp. Oshawo Shopping Centre) education, experience and | 728-2412 salary requirements to: "re jing, TV antenna. Available December newly deco-\eral Motors. Couple preferred. One i 8686. rated, two bedrooms, oil heated, ga-|child malconie: Telephone 725-6924. [ttbesaas a hienstanm forte na jrage. 1 A iate| 639 CARTIER AVE. PERSONNEL MANAGER 16--Female Help Wanted | } venue, I ----_--_---- possession. Telephon |26--Rooms for Rent a . | RELIABLE woman or girl to baby BATA 725-3981. |IN APARTMENT house. self-contained | THREE-BEDROOM bi ~~ large three-room apartment, refrigera- : | ie , rick bungalow, three-piece bathroom,|BED-SITTING room for girl, private jclosets, furnished if desired, laundry bath, broadloom, cooking privileges, by day or week, live in if desired. | | Speedy, Accurate, No Dripping. | jroeeanee Jepeiee Seer SBR ENGINEERING | MORTGAGES | Coll Pickering WH 2 O12. | FROM SHORT ORDER cook, experienced, for Monies available on First tid x) | |Oshawa Golf Club, Telephone 723-1771. | : TRIO |HAIRDRESSER wanted. Apply Hall's |garage, large fenced yard. Available|'" i pgdeat 5. |lroom, parking, reasonable. Apply 23/everything supplied. In better home, i Batawa, Ontario. Mortgages at 7% per annum Beauty Parlor, 15 King Street East. i | January 1, Telephone 728-5444 after without bonus. | | ~~ |20---Room and Board 171 BOND ST. E. | STENOGRAPHE |Nursing Services aur Rewitnicbiind TBeueatbetaar seid SENIOR citizens' boarding home, |Warm, bright rooms in picturesque vil-| jlage. Reasonable rates. Call Orono! |1308 ' |SUNNYBRAE Nursing Home, RN, in attendance. No 2 Highway between; Whitby 'and Oshawa. Call 725-2330, | NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers | Insurance bes ata aceite ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For and Solicitor, 264 King Street East./personal service at your home, call! Telephone: Business 723-2201. Resi-| 725-1625. sence ee: i ______|D, W. HOLDEN--Si King Street CREIGHTON. FRASER, DRYNAN and@/Oshawa, 728-6081 and 723-3376. MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No-|auto and casualty insurance. tary Public, Bank a gg 3 Simcoe Street North, 723- . A Creighton QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K. instruction Dryn: G. ce 14% 278-8232, jigs, milling fixtures, simple dies and other BET . | duct |Painting and Decorating Seger Li 7 Al aoe TAL, CONROY, professional LILLIAN MAE MARSH hool, ': ; DEA. Ballet, Tap. Pre-school aercro:| PAPE oR a PR ae porn Per nee y tock. T § TALD. BA, Barrister, |2&tic. Friday and Saturday. Masonic|¥@Upaper tn stock. 'elephore oo 3 BICHARD JMiare, Pubic. 58% simces| Temple, Centre Street. 723-7253 TV - Radio Repairs DODD & SOUTER Sa RECIEMNSTNGEEN North. 728-2991. Res. 728-2 PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, BC ) iL, Bai | PAINTING AND DECORATING | CONTRACTORS egy ter Solici.(16 vears' e: rience, by interview only. BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, Solici-{ i tor, 94 Miinene South, 128-0002, Hesi-|Sct Sow. 7201000 dence 728-0264. |HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY. Baton, Pai LL. 'ainting, Paperhanging = % CHYN 4 WYLL-|T@P, RAD Ballet, Highland. Register| i gern Boge bleh R. ©,|now. 424 King Street West. 725-6122. Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, | Spray Painting 107 BYRON ST. S. WHITBY | toolings for precision, com- L. Murdoch. NHA mort- mercial and' aircraft On No, 2 Hig! Oshawa, Telephone 725-5937. unfurnished apartment, private entrance and bath, includes one-, two-,|heat and hydro. Apply Princess Grill, ma- SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT | --DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO! CALL 728-5286 "OSHAWA ELECTRONICS _ Humphreys, QC; G. S. Boychyn, BA;| w. - Hillman, LLB, 364 King @jreet| Lawn Mowers East. Phones: Office 725-1177. es: | 725-4604 or Whitby, MO 8-2761; 725-5203. | | | | DAYS MO 8-5131 | Experienced in preparation of Money to loan. WE SHARPEN AND RENT NIGHTS 725-7426 oa ey ALMOST EVERYTHING GIVE US A CALL... | PAINT NOW PAY LATER | STAN'S | RAINBOW oye ¥. er ee methods sheets for precision, GREER and KELLY, Barrister, Solici-| tor, etc., 114 King Street East. Dial 723-2278. Residence phones: J. M.| Greer, BA, Sc., 725-3368; Terrence V. Kelly, PA, BCL, 728-5832. commercial parts. tool designing an asset. and aircraft Some knowledge of A JOYOUS CHRISTMAS AND A HAPRY AND PROSPEROUS MONIES FOR OFFICES, etc. 1962 salary and employee PRIVATE 6-ROOM | STOREY and HALF (Summer kitchen), stove, re- frigerator, washing machine, partially furnished. 24' x 28' building cptional. 214 BLOOR ST. E. |25--Apts. & Flats for Rent) Z. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Salicl-| CORNER KING AT BURK STS. tor etc., 13% Simcoe Street North. | PAINTERS Office 723-1101; Residence, 725-5542. 723-3224 MeGIBBON and BASTEDO. Barsioters,| Reasonable Rates. Low Down Sox mortgages, 30 Simece Street North;| Money to Loan ; Payment. Free Estimates 3 Charles C. MeGibbon, QC;/MONIES available to buy agreements, | PHONE 723-7067 Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. |mortgages, invincible inv Tel- THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli-jephone Z. T. Salmers, 723-1101. |Personal Servi e eitor, and Notary Public, 26% King | WANT a better job? It may be wailing | ic Street East. Phone 728-1763. under "Help Wanted" im the Classified {section today. Look now. | YOUR WALLS, HOMES, for gentleman, adult home, residential area, five minutes' walk downtown. Apply: 280 Montrave Ave. Apt. 5. 725-9341. Apply 171 Nassau Street. TWO rooms, upstairs, one down stairs, AVAILABLE NOW-- MODERN APARTMENTS three-piece bath, laundry facilities, use kitchen, clean and warm. Married couple, girls, gentlemen. Apply 67 Sec- Stove, frig., laundry facili- ties, locker T.V. outlet, low rental. Coll ond Avenue MO 8-3092 BRIGHT furnished corner room, light housekeeping if desired, quiet, clean, or 101 Craydon Rd., Apt. 5 \ Afte: 5 p.m. near hospital. 728-5984 or 728-4401. AVAILABLE NOW-- MODERN APARTMENTS LARGE front upstairs room, furnished or unfurnished, will suit one or two, ladies preferred, kitchen privileges, |parking space. Telephone 725-6662. |FURNISHED room in private home, Wilson Road South, bus to door. Kitch- Stove, frig., laundry facili- ties, locker, T.V. outlet, low rental. Call MO 8-3092 or 101 Craydon Rd., Apt. 5 After 5 p.m. WHITBY CLASSIFIED Telephone 728-9780. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK ROAD N. 728-8671 |FIVE-ROOM house for rent. .Available/THREE room apartment, private en- Dec. 23, all conveniences. 110 Ash/trance, heated, running water, built in Street. Apply south rear door. tas Byron Children welcome. Apply FOR SALE: Good used clean fe arose ko. Ag South, Whitby. Tele- $59. Good reconditioned TV, 17" 21". Your choice from $50 to $99, 46" spring|FOR RENT: Large bed-sitting rooms, filled single bed mattress $14.50 while | with kitchenette, furnished, suitable for they last new. -- ie eee jone or two girls. Central location, |ADDING MACHINES and typewriters|MO 8-315), 0° [0 lfor rent, Hamilton Office Equipment,/aAPARTMENT,. modern, self-con 137 Brock S., Whitby. Phone for free comfortably heated, laclivery. = FOR SALE: Westinghouse automatic| washer, rebuilt and guaranteed. Must sell. $100, MO 8-3889. NEW two bedroomed apartment } semi-detached home, private entrance | with bath and shower, newly decorated, 5-25 Et eee close to school. MO'8-5645. == | ~--s CHRISTMAS TREES, professionally TWO men wanted to work between 4) pruned. All varieties a d_ sizes. Brock 'p.m, and 9 p.m,, if good income is need. |Street South at Victoria, Whitby. Spon- 412 Osh Times, for|Sor: St. John's Anglican Men's Club, laciae -seaeepmeentucy «oaks Order now for best selection. CHRISTMAS TREES: Scotch pines, FOR RENT -- four-room apartment, spruce, and balsam, $1 and up. 706 available January 1, Respectable home, Green * Street, Whitby. {private entrance. Call MO 8-4257. FOR BENT: $60 monthly, 3 and 4|FOR RENT: comfortable bright fur- room apartments, balcony, residential|nished room, reasonable. Telephone MO LET US MACHINE WASH Bookkeeping L. SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE INCOME TAX RETURNS. 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 Building Trades SPECIALIZNG in roofing and repairs. | Also all types home. remodelling. Free | estimates. Phone Harry, 723-2413. CERAMIC, plastic wall tile, woodwork- ing, all floor coverings. Free esti- m Work guaranteed. 728-0850. | YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim neys built and repaired, gas linings in. stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- mates, 723-2997. a ANGER CONSTRUCTION CO., Chim- neys repaired and re-built. Brickwork and concrete. Telephone MA 3-2273. ALL TYPES building repairs, roofing, eavestroughing, chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks, stoops. 728-0394. Gordon May. INPERIOR trim work, kitehen cup- boards, recreation rooms, tile floors, etc. Call Wm. Wilkins, 723-1231. L AND H ROOFING. Specializing in tar and gravel, asphalt shingles, metal roofs, insulating siding and all kinds of| repairs. All work guaranteed. Free esti-| mates, Telephone MO 8-5003 or 725-6937. | WHITBY EXCAVATING DIGGING AND DITCHING MO. 8-4172 Eric E. Moore CABINET MAKER Recreation rooms, kitchen in- stallations, furniture refine | ishing. Workmanship guor- | Day or Evening LOWER duplex, living room with fire- jplace, dining-room, kitchen and bed- room, TV outlet, lots of cupboards, ne |HAthTOOM, large backyard. Nicely deco- ROOM and board for one gentleman, | rated, Rent $75. Garage included. Free. Estimates EASY-GLIDE | INTERIOR WALL WASHING | | MODERN GRILL Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Mortgoges ot reasonable rates. 26% King St- East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 Registered Under Mortgage Brokers' Registered Act. ~ NEED $50 TILL PAY DAY ? Rug--Upholstery Service j | CH ERFIELDS re-built, re-covered| IT COSTS ONLY | like new. Why pay more? Our rates} |S reasonable, Satisfaction guaranteed THREE-BEDROOM home with recrea-\Gibb, Apartment 1, at Simcoe Street|/near hospital. Telephone 725-3093. tion to children. Apply 701 Philip Mur- | near South General Motors. Telephone Monies also available on | | laag' jday shift preferred. Apply 131 Park Telephone 723-4368 or 723-7905. for Sale purchased. Telephone 728-6781 | } quired with good knowledge /Best home cooked meals, lunches pack- Made Pies and Desserts. A r | |IN CLEAN, quiet pri lunches} One-bedroom. \tion room and fenced yard, near|entrance. TWO large rooms, ground floor, built \ray. 723-7877, ' All conveniences, in apart- Second Mortgages. | |Road North or telephone 725-0312. M. F. SWARTZ | TOWERS ond DRIVE-IN | von of shorthand. Age 22-35. |ed. Close to everywhere. Ample park- APARTMENT | |men preferred, hi soon | WE DELIVER men preferred, home cooking, | SKLAR | refrigerator. | and $85. Telephone 725-3302 MODERN Stove Parking. |ROOMS for gentlemen, board jsired, lunches packed, very Apply 296 King Street East. 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH 30 RICHMOND ST. W., |ROOM and board, good mea |packed, single or double rooms, conti Plumbing and Heating OSHAWA etn uous hot water. Apply 260 Athol Street ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies. \17----Male Help W d |East --Male Help Wante : Phone 725-3521. Harold H. Stark, WHITBY, ONTARIO as = Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineer-| SR sae ----~ |PONTIAC INN Room and board APARTMENT AVERAGE $2.50 hourly, Lag ipsae available, home cooked meals, lunches} kl, ing, 255 Simcoe Street South | fig Guat eee THREE - PIECE baths, pressure aa gage th , WEST |peed three neat appearing men, 24 jpacked, have TV lounge, Telephone; Living room, dinette, kitchen tems, sump pump, laundry. tubs, boll . BOX 329 Wile Box 710, Oshaws Tinea Le _____________| and one bedroom. Laundry ers, piping and fittings. Chinn's, corner -- ~- -- \NICE room or room and board, new ies |Hiliside and Park Road, 723-7088. MAN with car for spare time work.|home, office girls, teacher or student| 'C°™ gatos 8 ool head | heu bes OF Topas Sad femeacHing Must be bond good opportunity. |Ride to and from centre town 8.30 and| business couple. Available | 1 hodelling, | For interview, write Mr. J. Murray,|5, Telephone 723-2481 | January 5th, 'in Burns |1574 The Queensway, Toronto 18. Building. Apply jnew and used materials. Reasonable! lie be ss pacha ath <tr SHOE STORE jrates. Estimates free. Dial 728-6931. J.| si RE | | Foley. so Sates ELIABLE boys for Giobe and Mail 22---Store Space & Garages) \paper routes. Good weekly profits. Earn | SORE Sb eniase font Gar TT 725-461] NEW APARTMENTS plenty of spending money and still have Jafter school hours free for fun gnd|basement, rear entrance und store| OPEN FOR INSPECTION NOW LEASING \sports. Telephone 725-4473. front, parking. 295 Simcoe Street South,| MODEL FURNISHED SUITE --___--__--| FRanklin 2-9992, Cobourg. | | CAREERS OPEN |BUILDING for rent in Uxbridge, Ont.,| approximately 2,500 sq. ft. Sui for FOR [wOxER puppies, ready for Christmas, | |brown and white, Price, $40-$50., Tele. | YOUNG MEN « 1 P.M, - 4 P.M. 7 P.M. - 8:30 P.M \brass or aluminum foundry, Partly | |Phone 725-2729 IN THE FIREPROOF & SOUNDPROOF equipped. . Telephone Toronto, EM) CANADIAN MODERATE RENTS schools, churches and bus, No objec-/| 3 in cupboards, heated, private entrance, TWO-BEDROOM FURNISHED light housekeeping room ment building. $89 and up. Mortgages and Agreements Experienced Stenographer re- | noon and board for nice quiet man. Short-term and Builders' | T.V. SERVICE 5-day week. Apply: ing. 81 Park Road South, m gentie-| SIMMACOE at ROSSLAND 725-3887 |pa ked. Telephone 728-3350. & FURNITURE LTD. WELL DIGGING 'by MACHINE SPECIALIZING 'IN 30" TILE 2--Personal Removal of Warts, Moles and | Superfluous Hair Permanently | MARIE MURDUFF \ will be the Genosha 19th, i 20th. 723-4641. Phone for Mattresses re-built, Oshawa Upholstery \Co., 10 'Bond Street West. Dial 725-0311. | ee intment on. th é |\CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and|--cor~ bl re-styled. Free estimates. See our ma-| terial for re-covering. Dalton Upholster- | 3--Pets & Livestock {ng, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. ee CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- covered like new. Get the best for less at Modern Upholstering, 142 Simcoe South, Call 728-6451. Free estimate. in Oshawa at Hotel, Dec. ined, two _ bedrooms, jlarge living room, kitchen, bath, laun. dry dryer. $80 monthly. Telephone 728-2633. DRESSMAKING, suits, coats, dresses, in |alterations, slip covers. Gowns and fit. tings our specialty, Mrs. Toms, MO 8-2372 s MODERN OFFICE SPACE 2,000 squore Building corner Simcoe Streets. May 1, 1962 FOR TWO WEEKS Ask for a MINI-LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED | BOXER, eighteen months old, female,| dark red, registered, house broken, |go0od with children, Tele feet. Burns King and Available Apply: reasonable. Surveyor y dl Phone 985-2853, Port Perry. DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN, Ontario|-- ---------- | jLand Surveyor. Commercial Blue-print-|GERMAN Shepherd, four months old, 11 O1 io Street. 725-5632. jregistered. Telephone 723-9921 after 4 -- m and TROLLOPE |6-1758 or write Box 535, Oshawa Times, | onteed 725-1737 Cartage JOHN'S MOVING end Storage, Oshawa- Wh itby. Reasonable rates. Fully equip- ped and insured. Phone 728-3661. Moving? CITY CARTAGE 725-262 Driving School LEARN TO DRIVE Oshawa Driving School pro- fessional instructors. Dual controlled cars, standard and automatic. Day and evening lessons. Gift certificates available 4 Christmas. Dre: M la celal smoking children's and wear. Reversible skirts spe- ity. Reasonable,~Telephone 723-1739. % 10 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH DIAL 728-7311 ; wade \Land Surveyors, | East. x PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING BILLS PAY 'EM OFF WITH A LOW.COST, LIFE-INSURED x xxx x x x xxxXK KK X THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA tari 216 Adelaide Avenue Phone 725-6881 Tailors ALL ALTERATIONS. Also suits chan ged from double Stanley Borek, 3% Simcoe south .(up- stairs) Telephone to single breasted. 728-7125. El | Se Di TV - Radio Repairs TV, RADIO, makes, Thompson Electronics, 157 , car radio repairs, all liott Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred). |PEOPLE WHO need your Services are turning to the Oshawa Times Classified ction everyday. Tell them about your firm with an inexpensive Classified Ad. aj 723-3492, now T.V. TOWERS 361 GIBBONS ST. 728-8180 Terms. Open evenings. OSHAWA T.V. Free Survey and Estimates T.V. TOWERS _ All. galvanized, no paint. LEN & LOU'S ANTENNAS 728-5804 or 725-7844 f _| REGISTERED BABY budgies for sale ternoon and Sunday. MO 8-2635. |Cochrane Street, Whitby female Boxer \fawn, four months old, $75. | MArket 3-2477, Bowmanville |BEAGLE hound, femaze, 2 years old, | without papers, $30. Telephone 725-8755 |for more information. --|STALLION, tan with white mane and! Tele- tail. six months old, best offer. phone WH 2-1057 evenings. {GERMAN Shepherd, Collie pups, six! Telephone 728-9605 for! |weeks old, $10 further particulars, REGISTERED Beagle . hounds, five {months old. Telephone 723-3575, |TROPICAL fish, jand all supplies; singing \budgies, finches. Poodles appointment, The Curiosity Stevenson Road North. | BEAUTIFUL baby budgie, training, talking strain, | Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. Shop, |LAST CHANCE to have an addition to/ Seven-week- with papers. Monteclare Kennels, Reg'd., Claremont, jthe family for Christmas! old German Shepherds | Box 5. Telephone 93J2. |\FIVE little weeks old, really cute, sonable, Ide. Telephone 725 iL for sale, 3385. Call Saturday 323 r puppy, Telephone aquariums, plants, canaries, clipped by 304 jeady. for Apply Mrs. Burns Shoe Store 725-4611 |23--Wanted to Rent |WAREHOUSE space. 200 square feet 'for light machinery, January to April |Floor must be truck platform height. | 725-7514. * | 24--Houses for Rent | THREE-BEDROOM bungalow in Whit- 'by. Close to schools, storms © and screens. Oil heated. Immediate posses- jsion, Phone MO 8-8379 | 17--Male Help Wanted If you are between the age ; of 17° and 23 and single, qet full intormation on ex- citing career opportunities with the CANADIAN ARMY, Visit your Army Recruiter ot Oshawa Armoury between 1] am. and 3 p.m. on Tuesday -or Thursday or write: Army Recruiting Station, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, TORONTO 7, Ont. FIELD SALES ENGINEER' We require a graduate Mechanical Engineer for an attractive | position inethe industrial: field working out of our Bowmanville Plant. Applicants should be 25 to 35- years of age. Position involves general engineering problems, related to Industrial Rubber Products. Must be willing to travel and have the ability to handle problems and sell on' the executive level, State qualifications in a letter to -- mongrel - puppies, six ae/The GOODYEAR TIRE and RUBBER Co. Christmas gift for child. | OF CANADA, LID. | 4--Market Basket CABBAGE for sale. Wholesale prices.| tee,| One bushel or more, delivered | Telephone 725-5932. Industrial Rubber Products Division BOX 250, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO | MANY EXTRAS PARK PLAZA APTS. 170 PARK RD. S. 725-6544 or 723-3398 BOLAHOOD Realtor LTD. Insurance area, newly decorated, laundry facil-|8-6106 oe Jities, parking, close to schools, chil-| FOR REN jdren's playground, Apply 300 High/three bedroom home, close to schools, | Street. {buses, shopping, furnishings include SKATE Exchange, new Alpine and television, washer, stove, refrigerators Bauer, also 'complete line of usedjalso linen, dishes if desired. Reasom skates, Bring your old skates and let's|able. Possession anytime. MO 83149, . trade. Midtown Furniture, 111 Brock SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Walter Ward, |street North, Whitby. MO 8-4981. Open!>4 Chestnut Street West. Phone MO jevenings, |8-2563, |SKATE EXCHANGE, good skates at/RepAIRS, watches, clocks and jewel ja 'ow price. Mid-to furniture, 111!iery, 24 hour service, 35 years in watche er Completely furnished Oshawa's Finest ARK LANE APTS. BACHELOR SUITES 1 BEDROOM SUITES 2 BEDROOM SUITES --Elevator Service --Private Balcony --Paved Parking --Controlled Entrances Contact MR. DON HOWE 725-7732 or 723-9692 evenings Howe & Peters, Realtors {Brock St. N.| Whitby MO_€-4981, ___. |making business, all work guaranteed, AUTO parts and service, fully guaran-|Midtown Furniture, 111 Brock Street teed at the all new Western Tire and|North, Whitby. MO 8-4981. Auto Supply, 149 Brock Street North,/ FoR SALE: Good choice of nursery MO_8-8791, Leo McCarthy, prop... _| grown Christmas trees, Scotch pine and SKATE exchange. Also new and used|spruce. Apply 814 Byron Street North, bikes, tricycles and skates. Wilson) Whitby. Free delivery. Cycle and Sales, 106 Colborne Street' wanrEp -- 1,000 pairs good 'good used East. MO 69746. skates. Midtown Furniture, 111 Brock THREE bedroom unfurnished apart-| Street North, Whitby MO8-4981. ment, central location in Whitby. Apply |Car FOR SALE? Bring "wyers right to 272 Ritson Road South gr telephone) your door with a fast-action Oshawa 725-1841 Peeavan et Times Classified Ad. Dial 723-3492 now MODERN apartment in Whitby residen: | ~~ sR aa tial district, $75 monthly, hydro, heat included, adults, on bus line. Telephone MO 8-2736 mornings, evenings. | FOR RENT | Chain saws, power tools, boat, box and cabin trailers, For Sale Scotch Pine Christmas Trees WILDE' RENTAL j SERVICE & SALES | WHITBY MO 8-3226 FOR SMALL HOUSE REPAIRS 7 Tminédiate "Aytention Call Labour'and Maintenance Service PHONES MO 8-2379 --~MO 8-5767 Associated with' W. A. Smith | one Supply, 701 Brock | St.

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