Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Dec 1961, p. 15

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Clarence Campbell, (sec- ond from right), president of the National Hockey League, NHL BOSS CLARENCE CAMPBELL GETS ANOTHER JOB has a new job, He is shown above chatting with his new associates after his appoint- and 9. the wishes of her fellow curl- . An added attraction following|ers. A candle-lighted birthday Games Convener Gen. Miller|the curling last Tuesday was ajcake was cut by Mrs, Taylor was in charge of presentation| surprise birthday celebration inand served to all the ladies, of prizes to the winning rinks.|honor of Mayme Taylor, one of|and following a social half-hour She aiso announced that the/the club's senior, and well-loved|the curlers voiced their Christ- next scheduled competition for)members. Mayme owns to hay-jmas wishes to their friends, the Club Trophy will begin on|ing enjoyed 77 wonderful years,)many of whom will not meet Thursday 2nd Friday, January|and she was deeply touched bylagain until' after the New Year. Marj. Armstrong, one win with|4 1 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 14, 1961 15 CLAIMS DRIVING MARK |and 30 minutes behind the ST. THOMAS\PE JOLIETTE, | wheel of a car. Allowing himself Que. (CP) -- Roger Marion of occasional eight-minute stops to St. Thomas de Joliette claimed eat, drink or get gas and going a world record for endurance|newhere in particular, he cov Tuesday after spending 62 hoursiered 2,347 miles. ra | J. Alasdair Fraser, J. W. Hemens, Mr. Campbell and J. M. Wells, --(CP. Wirephoto) ment Wednesday as president of the suburban Lakeshore General Hospital. Left-to- right, are hospital directors By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special London, England Correspondent sees! To The Oshawa Times | LONDON -- Jimmy Greaves is back in English Football. He has played his first game for Tottenham since he was signed from Milan for something like $280,000. But he played in the reserve team in a Combination League game against Plymouth on the latter's ground. He made a glorious debut for the Spurs by scoring two goals in his) side's 4-1 victory. And he at-| 'Jimmy Greaves Is Back In Full- Stride of the table to five points and|Third Lanark, Montrose_and tied for second place, Totten-} ham, Everton, West Ham and) Ipswich. A great deal depends} on the extra games which will) be crowded into the holiday sea- son. There will be no Christmas Day games, for a change, but} games are scheduled for Dec.; 22 and for Boxing Day and New Year's Day, all extras. The table might look a great deal different when the holiday rush is over. | The other league tables are unchanged. Liverpool, in the! tracted 13,000 spectators to the|second division, are eight points} Plymouth ground, 3,000 more/ahead of Leyton Orient, Derby) than vaverage for their first/and Sunderland, tied for second) team, and five times the normal/place. Bournemouth and Ports-| crowd at a reserve side game.| mouth are tied for third division): They saw the former Chelsea|jeadership, two points ahead of| goal-snatcher play a superb game, although he was admit-| tedly not in his own class in| the reserves. Greaves is expected to his first division debut make week's time. He will also be|Colchester, Reading and three points above Peterborough. By beating Col- chester, Wrexham took a two-/ point lead over that team in the fourth division. Aldershot, in in a(third place are a point behind with Millwall and available for Spurs should they|Carlisle tied for fourth one point} reach the semi-final of the Euro-|further back. pean Cup. He was registered by| minimum required by Euro- pean Cup rules. | BURNLEY INCREASE LEAD | Frost and snow played havoc} with the regular game sched-| ules. Six-games in England vor to be cancelled and 10 in Scot- A SCOTTISH CUP pe oe Peeel veges ee ioe Six of the first round Scottish'the top - rated junior tennis ne hn ° \Cup games had to be postponed| player in the United States ac-|26 points. Second place prizes \because of grounds being un-|cording to 1962 rankings re-|were won by Dorothy Munday \playable after a week of heavy | snow and severe frost. The seven games played ran fairly) true to form, the only surprise} being the achievement of sec-| ond division Queen's Park in| land. In the first division, Burn-|drawing 1-1 with Raith Rovers. ley increased its lead at the top| Aberdeen, Arbroath, Clyde, | player ever ranked so high. Lady Curlers Complete Play Junior - Senior a of the Oshawa Curl- : z jing Club wound up their pre- ee" through to\Chistmas schedule play on |Monday and Tuesday of this BITS AND PIECES: The Eng-}week when the last games of lish League has barred any of|the Senior - Junior Competition its clubs taking part in a new/were played. European nations competition : sheets t i next spring. 'The games are duelmiursday' schedule. were ito to be played in May and June,|jande Tierney, Edith Gearing when no organized soccer can|Horis Jamieson and Phylli's be played in England by teams| Rates, skip, who won all six in the English League. The games and collected a total of League feels that with the Euro-|33 plus 8. In second place was pean Cup, the European Cup/fy, Patte, whose rink of Dor- Winners' Cup, the Inter - cities|een Skitch, Liz. Low and Jean Fair Cup and the Friendship| Crawford had five wins with 13 Cup, involving British and Euro-| points, Otler rinks in this draw pean teams, there is no time to|were: Fran. Pollitt, two. wins eriter any further competitions, | with 7; Betty Tipney, two wins especially in World Cup Year/with 10; Toots Mackpess, three . . In an inter-cities fairs cup | wins with 3; Fran. Maroosis, game at Birmingham, four play-| four wins with 26 plus 5; Marg. ers were ordered off the field,|Humphreys, two wins with 5; two from Birmingham and two Stell. Sutton, three wins with from Espanol, their Spanish op-|17; Joyce Fulton, two wins with ponents. Rough play leading to|8; Dorie Cox, three wins with fights on the field were re-|12 plus 5; Jean Bradley, two sponsible. wins with 7; Beth Kemp, one win with 5. Tuesday Friday schedule ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP)| winners were Trudy Hill, Booty National champion Charles Pas-|Snyder, Ruth Clemens, and ell, a Puerto Rican boy, is) May Ridgley, skip, with a rec- ord of five wins and a total of RATED TOP JUNIOR leased Wednesday by the U.S./and her rink, composed of Lawn Tennis Association. The| Eileen McMillan, Helen Glover, top-rated boy player is Bill Har-|Pearl Stacey. They also had ris of West Balm Beach, Fla.|five wins, but with a total of Ranked just behind Pasarell|16 plus. Other rinks in this was Mike Belkin of Miamijdraw: Marg. Storie, two wins Beach, Fla., at 16 the youngest|with 11; Ethel Butler, four wins with 17 plus 2; Gen. Miller, one win with 6; Till Stephens, 'Edmonton Eskimos Had Big Deficit . EDMONTON (CP) -- Edmon- ton Eskimos, victims of chilling fan support, suffered a stagger- ing $73,000 deficit in the West- ' ern Football Conference last ' season. The loss was termed "disas- trous" Tuesday night by club president Gordon Wynn. He said "instant remedial action must be taken if we are going to continue to have a football ' club." Wynn, speaking at the club's annual meeting, said the Eski- * mos had: expected to have an operating account of $25,000, ' from which bonuses for new players signing for the 1962 sea- * son would be taken. Looking to the future, he de- "; clared: "Reductions must be * made in operating costs. Costs must come down." The Eskimos, who finished in |sécond place in the five - team league last season but were eliminated by Calgary Stamped- ers in the semi - fina playoffs, reported expenses at $549,898 and receipts of $476,256. AVERAGE IS DOWN Wynn said the club had anti- cipated 15,000 to 16,000 fans at each game, but only an average of 13,000 turned out. Treasurer Dave Bentley said this included a record 21,600 fans at a Sept. 16 game in which Edmonton tied Toronto Argenauts of the Eastern Con- ference 8-8 and "one of the smallest crowds in Eskimo his- tory" when 9,000 watched Ed- monton Bombers Nov. 4. Wynn said he could not under- stand the small attraction the play Winnipeg _ Blue) three wins with -10; Marion Piper, two wins with 9; Kay Derumaux, four wins with 13; Lene Burkhart, two wins with 5; Peg Phipps, two wins with 7; Myrtle Donald, two wins with 14 plus 1; May Johnson, three wins with 13 plus 2. In the Senior Competition, prizes for the Monday - Thurs- and oe were won by Phyl. when it was the best-drawing|Fordham's rink, made up of team on the road, helping to|Bileen ron coy Black and draw record crowds at Ottawa i a fe acobi. This foursome and Hamilton last season. ad four wins with a total score oo 5 : of 15-2. Tuesday - Friday win- 'It is evident we were t00/ners were Alice McDiarmid meng We had witgd Helen Brock, Ethel Stone and son to believe we could expect! yma iichris i : tt ka ia Gram AO bel Gilchrist, skip, with four t g 0 wins and a total of 22-5. 16,000 fans at every game in @/ Other senior rinks competin city which is the fourth largest\in the two schedules en in Canada. Merlee Lawrence, four wins "Instead we had an average|with 16-1; Marion Campbell of just. over 13,000." : three wins with 17; Eileen Cop He said last year the club al- pin, three wins with 15-1; Molly lowed coach Eagle Keys to take Jenkin, three wins with 8; Effie 28 United States imports and a|Hezzelwood, two wins with 11; number of Canadian players} = == BODY TAICUM NEW! OLD SPICE Gift Set: After Shave Lotion, Stick Deodorant, Cologne, Body Talcum, Clear Hair Tonic. 6.75, Other Old Spice Gift Sets from'1.00 to 10.00 7 } ESCAPADE EARLY AMERICAN OLD SPICE Spray Cologne. 2.50 FRIENDSHIP GARDEN Spray Cologne. 2.50 DESERT FLOWER Spray Cologne, 2.50 ESCAPADE Spray Cologne, 2.50 Everyone you love will love a Christmas gift dis OtuSpie Ne, 'it ping OLD SPICE After Shave Lotion. OLD SPICE Shd¥ing Set: After Shave Lotion, 2.25 and 1.50 i Bata HOD aR 'ftp wll "NEW! Beauty . NEW! Gift Set: Dusting Powder, Bath. 2.5 Spray Cologne, 4.75 New Super Smooth Shave, After Shave Talcum, 4.00 Before-Shave Lotion. 1.25 and 7$ ,.. give him famous Old Spice grooming aids! OLD SPICE Pro-Electric NEW! OLD SPICE Gift Set: Alter Shave Lotion, Roll-On Deodorant. 2.75 NEW! Gift Set: Hand and Body Lotion, Dusting Powder, Toilet Water. 3.00 into camp. 'Perhaps we were wrong, as it does cost a lot of money to bring in players and then sub- sequently have to send them club held for Edmonton fans home. This cost must be dras- | tically reduced." | Medical Pharmacy Leads Minor Loop The Oshawa Y's Men's Club|John's Cadets by the score of: had three very close and ex-|30 to nine. In the first half, they ' citing games in the Minor| completely outshot the St. John League division, at Simcoe Hall| boys by a score of 16 to 3. Settlement House, on Saturday) In the second half, the St. morning. |John boys tried to make a In the first game the Provin-|comeback, but the Bolahood cial Tile boys downed the CKLB|team outclassed and outplayed crew by the score of 22 to 18,|them. In the first half, CKLB led the game by a score of ten to|12, M. Stefaniak 6, D. Romano, eight. In the second half the|B. Kennedy 4, R. Salway, Cle- ; CKLB boys seemed to have fall-/ment, Pace, G. Gaatch 6, A. : en apart and the Provincial Tile|Glecoff % Coach J. Behunin. took advantage of. them and/Foul shots made, two out of took over the game by a score! eight. of 22 to 18, | ST, JOHN CADETS -- P. Kil- PROVINCIAL TILE -- R. lisitoff, B, Willis 1, B. Shedy, ' Dobbins 6, M. Cole, Heholt, D.|J. Marchut 4, C. Williams, E. Vavassori 2, Bob. Corby,/Burke, J. Aksuiczyce 4. Coach, * Planche, M. Densham 14, C./H. Bingham. Foul shots» made, Felix. Coach Gil Graham. Foul|three out of six. hot: de, t ut of twelve. "CKLB --' Horne 7, S. Baken-| .PHARMACY STILL TOPS . BOLAHO@D'S -- C. Wayling| WHERE DO YOU TURN ... For Gifts for The Handyman A Gift For The Whole Family? Whaot better way to surprise the family at Christmas than with a gift "For The Whole Family' out the year. If you have been thinking about a recreation matched field goal for field goal and foul shot for foul shot in a well-played, tight-checking sec- ond half. | The final score of this game) |was Medical' Pharmacy, coach-| jed by wee Robbie Goddard 24° jand Firefighters, coached by R.| /Simon, 20. | This gives the Medical Phar- macy crew undisputed posses- your selection. If your man is a do-it-yourself fan, do all his shop- ping at Oshawa Wood Products. You will find a large selection and friendly clerks to help you make © HAND TOOLS © POWER TOOLS © ACCESSORIES © ETC. sion of first place. M. PHARMACY -- §, Koles- nik 4, Palter 8, Rajkovic 1, Bill Corby, D. Barnoski 5, S. Strzele- zyk 6, A. Smelko, R. Liebregts. FIREFIGHTERS -- Kocho, E. Arych 3, Campbell, P. Hasko 3, B. Fedorczenko 12, S. Bradica, W. Haas, D. Sawyer 2. LEAGUE STANDINGS WL P's, M. Pharmacy ? Firefighters room . .. now would be the ideal time to start making plans for. completing such an addition to your home. The season of indoor entertaining is here and a recreation. room makes such entertaining more enjoycble with no worries about damaging expensive rugs and f costs phone Oshawa Wood Products and one of our courteous fepresentatives will call at your home, FOR A GIFT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY CALL OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS SOON START NOW! Have Your "Rec" Room Finished For The ++. @ gift that will be used through- For an i of and MAY BE PURCHASED WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT AND NO PAYMENTS UNTIL MAY AT WHICH TIME SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS WOULD : COMMENCE. OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS wicz, J. Filletti 6, D. Morris, B: Crothers 5, M. Planche, Bobyk, 8. Stepinak, R. Liebreglo. Coach G. Baldwin. Foul shots made, * four out of nine. EASY FOR BOLAHOOD'S In the final game of the morn- ing, the two first place teams tangled in what proved to be the big game. Firefighters fell behind Med- ical Pharmacy in the first half Bolahoods CKLB Provincial Tile St. John Cadets Games for Saturday, Dec. 16, are as follows: 9.50 a.m.--CKLB of this game by the score of| vs Medical Pharmacy; 10.25 In the second game, the much/twelve to eight and this four- a.m. -- St. John Cadets vs Fire- improved Bolahood's Sports-|point margin proved to be the fighters and 11.00 a.m, -- Wied haven completely outclassed St.'winning points, as both teams|vincial Tile ve Bolahoods. January Party Season All HEAD OFFICE an or our location in THE DO-IT-YOURSELF or Let Our HOME MODERNIZATION DIVISION do the job. ~ Where You May Buy Lumber and Building Materials 3 Ways kEGULAR SERVICE POLICY -- CASH and CARRY -- CASH ond DELIVERY MITED Sepfices Available At: d SHOWROOM -- COURTICE 728-1611 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- 728-1617

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