Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Dec 1961, p. 8

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MRS. S. V. BARLOW AND MRS, URIAH JONES \ ~ Lyceum Club Presents Gift IF reshen Refrig. To Mrs. S. V. Barlow, Retiring 0 Holiday Load The incoming president, Mrs. Uriah Jones, presented Mrs. S. V. Barlow, retiring after a four-year term of office, with) an engraved silver tray on be-| Mrs. half of the members of the|Jones, were given by Mrs. Avern Taylor, Mrs. Frank Brown, §. C. Larmer, Mrs. Uriah ing on Monday afternoon. The complete slate of cers for 1962 was presented by ' Mrs. R. A. Wallace as follows:|French and then in English. Honorary president, Mrs.| Miss Evelyn Everson intro- $. D. Rendall, Toronto; honor-|duced Mrs. A G. Brooks of To- ary vice-president, Miss Mayjronto, @ specialist in artistic) Dillon; past president, Mrs./decorations, who demonstrated| S. V. Barlow; president, Mrs.|the making of many unusual Uriah Jones; 1st vice-president,| motifs for Christmas. | Mrs. Frank Turney; 2nd vice-| Mrs. Brooks advised collect- president, Mrs. Lucas Peacock; | ing leaves, cones and pods early offi-|sation group, Mrs. BE. i. C antl unit a ty, inish j Once you've finished with the|yo> a success. an enrichment of the club cul-/freezer, get to work on the re-| yore plans were made for turally, socialiy and financially /frigerator. It will be housing the turkey and all its trappings S0/pownie leaders. It was decid- e it's imperative that it b Mrs. A. W. Armstrong,|orderly, sweet and clean. Re-\c 4. yall for use of same for Lyceum Club and Women's Art| Mrs. Walter Johnson, Mrs. R. T.|move shelves, vegetable crisper| i. bazaar "Associaiton at the annual meet-|Gray, Mrs. C. D. Wright and thelang ali other accessories, in- gl convener of the French conver-| cluding ice trays, and while the| , ; wash each| 4 "$3 who gave her report first in) well in a baking soda solution ~_|lowed by election of officers for is defrosting lagain it's two table spoons of} : '| ; baking soda per quart of water.| The new slate of officers is \If shelves have stubborn grease|as I spills, apply soda dry with a/C. G. Floody; vice - damp sponge. When defrosting|Mrs. W. E. Linton; is done, sponge down the walls,|Mrs. Leslie Magee; treasurer, floor, compartment, freezing|Mrs. Harold Braund; phone unit and gasket with the soda/conveners, E : solution. Rinse with clear water|Gingerich, Mrs. William Blair, $rd vice - president, Mrs. R. A./in the fall and spraying them) sad ry. secretary,|with gold or silver paint in} Wallace; recording _ in| treasurer, readiness. She displayed artistic) Mrs. Avern Taylor; UNDER CONTROL {attendance at the Local Asso-| & ciation meetings. | Games and prizes were ar-| » ranged by Mrs. Leonard Jack. GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES - CHRIST CAURCA EVE. GUYLD|tola now tne various hymns| President, "Mrs. Jack Lee;|son, Mrs. Alyn Elliott, and Mrs. The Evening Guild of Christ}came to be written with the|vice - president, Mrs. Jack Elmer Ostle. Mrs. Gordon Mc- Memorial Church held its final} members joining in the singing| Harper; secretary, Mrs. Lorne, Quaid was the winner of the business meeting recently. Mrs. | of each hymn. Atkinson; treasurer, Mrs. Otto|Christmas cake. Frzd Porter read the minutes) Mrs, Fred Farmer took| Young; telephone conveners, for) The January meeting will be and Mrs. M. B. Proctor gave|charge of the business and the| Brownies, Mrs. Otto Young; for|held on Tuesday, January 2,| the treasurer's report also the|treasurer announced that a fur-|Guides, Mrs John Findlay; rep-/ 1962 at the home of Mrs. Elmer' \report of the Christmas bazaar.|ther amount of $1700 had been|resentatives to Local Associa-|Lesenko, 104 Conant Street. During the business session turned over to the building fund, | tion, Mrs. Gordon McQuaid, i the Guild agreed to purchase) The members were urged not| Mrs. John Findlay and Mrs.| pee new surplices for the senior,to forget their Gold Bond cer-| Jack Lee. FIRE WARNING | choir, A donation was sent to|tificates if turning in any books} The Brownies' "Good Turn') Christmas trees are a fire the flower convener for altar ge ogetnge! ithis year will be to attend the anes To gee yee spray i flowers for Christmas. Seven s was the last meeting of i +,,|Waterglass, and keep green by) prayer books will be purchased the group under the Woman's| one sa, vO ee wae standing in a crock or pail con-) and donated for use in the Association. The group will be|Sit Sunday on December 17./taining water. Never use inflam- chapel of Hillsdale Manor. As known next year as the United|Mrs. Stephen Wotton, Guide| mable decorations, such as their Christmas gift to Hillsdale| Church Women. The first meet-| Commissioner, brought greet-| those made 0! paper, near elec- Manor chapel, each member ing will be held the second|ings, and asked for a regularitric light bulbs. gave a donation to purchase the Wednesday in January with the; purple and the red, Burse and officers being installed on the) Vell, to be used at the Com-|previous Sunday which is In-| munion services in the chapel.|augural Sunday for all United! Churches, | # a The Rev. W. J. Goodswan | A program of games and dis- OSHAWA : AJAX WEST HILL spoke on Christian Education) } and the future needs of the tribution of gifts were looked after by Mrs. John Maiel and THE FOOD SHOP OSHAWA AND WHITBY PLAZA church school. her committee, Arrangements were made for ithe Christmas supper to be held 9747 paRENTS' COMMITTEE jon December 14 at 6.30 Pinel The annual Christmas party, aa. room of te) and pot luck supper of the 9th Parents' Committee of the Girl | 47H PARENTS' COMMITTEE | Guide Association was held at Cedardale United Church with' The November meeting of the 16 present. The supper was fol-| Parents' Committee of the 4th Oshawa Girl Guides was held| lowed by a short business meet- ing. at the home of Mrs. Harold | Braund. Mrs. Harry Mosier,| The "Snowflake Tea" to aid! the Rangers on their trip to \president, presided. Minutes) | Banff was discussed and the 9th Specials: Thursday, Friday, Saturday MINCEMEAT PIE ..... 5i¢ | DELICATELY SPICED . 83¢ jwere read and treasurer's re- Parents' Committee will con- | port showed the annual bazaar vene the home bake sale. Mrs. Elmer Ostle brought the luniforms for the new Guide and tide Slate of officers for) CREME-AU-BEAURRE CAKE FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR ALL BUTTER Shop at the bakery with the large variety. led to send $5 donation to the pase TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. General business was taken care of and correspondence fol- ee a President, Mrs. president, | secretary, follows: Mrs. Edward Mrs. Richard Crouter, and Mrs. /Thomas Hornsby; card conven- RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS jer, Mrs. John Parker. Food Savings we 174 RITSON RD. SOUTH, OSHAWA SUPERMARKET Fine Foods... FOR CHRISTMAS MIXED NUTS" FRESH GRADE BUTTER u. 65* TOMATO SOUP 4': 49% MARGARINE "" 4 u:1.00 EXPORT "A" CIGARETTES ** <0 2.99 OTHER BRANDS 3.09 Tomato Juice 7 ™: 1.00 SALT *" 2 xcs. 25° MAXWELL HOUSE -- WITH 3.95 CARAFE BOTH FOR 2.35 STAFFORD JARS Instant Coffee = som Assoried Jams 4 *x: 95° uv. 49° STOKELY 20-02. TINS Mrs. F. M. Newcomb; corre-| wreaths and swags, mounted on} | amen 50 i 7 .| wi hristmas trees ;... | Local Association representa- sponding secretary, Mrs. H. W.| wire forms and C! To keep a bowl from slipping}; ves D Watent Comittee MEA: Sheridan; archivist, Mrs. Leon- Ce ee cane. filled! on & working surface place it/john Black; 4th Oshawa Girl ve Richer. i ae ee ae ae grees velvet tol" ® dampened dish cloth, sug-|Guides, Mrs. Melville Coolidge; onveners: Art, Mrs. Rober s T. Gray; literary, Mrs. H. G.|great effect with cones andigests the Food Department of/4th Oshawa Brownies, Mrs. Willes and Mrs. W. R. Johnson;|milkweed pods and made a Macdonald Institute, Guelph, {Harold Braund. Sliced Bread """"* 2 10 37* Powdered Milk 2.39 TOILET TISSUE 8 xu; 69* MEDIUM EGGS """' "to 40° SURF GIANT SIZE 67* CHOICE SMOKED & FRESH MEATS EE TE SS EES EN SEE 10-LB, PKG, Mrs. 18¢ OFF PKG. fate 36 and LEAN ROLLED Pot Roasts of Beef Premium Franks ""* u. BUTT ROAST FRESH PORK WITH OR WITHOUT DRESSING SHOULDER ROASTS »-. Oshawa -- Bowmanville - Whitby Old Spice AFTER SHAVE LOTION Reguler 1.50 .. Regular 2.25 49° 49° SK Je LB. : BULKY-KNIT | CARDIGANS 4.99 | ELABORATELY - PATTERNED KNIT in 100% "Orion"; trim F little collar she can wear up yor down White and lovely colors. Girls' sizes 8-14, Bayer ASPIRIN Regul os 40° PEEPS 2S ENTE MEIC LUE LL LEAN PORK LB, 95° Regular oeeeeeee Reg. 2.25 NO DOWN PAYMENT BUY NOW! PAY NEXT YEAR ! TWIN SWEATER SIZES 14 to 20 PULLOVER CARDIGANS fey "on French, Mrs. E. L. Chant;/ wreath of massed otk es HARMONY WA _ THIS CHRISTMAS opera, Mrs. C. D. Wright;|flowers, lightly sprayed W 1! "itriendly atmosphere. C.| A pot-luck supper was enjoyed membership, Miss Flossie gold. She showed how figurines Ewart McLaughlin and Mrs.|by the members and guests of) Coyte; program, Mrs. E. C.|might be used with ei |Ralph Wallace presided at the|the Woman's Association of Har- % | 100% Brown: music, Mrs. R. H.|wood combined with broom ane glass epergne holding pink|Church Hall. The devotions were) # English. red tapers. Mrs. -- > ry roses and flanked by matching|in charge of Mrs. William'y Members representatives:|showed engaging Loc og | candleholders |Trainer and her committee who Mrs. .W P. Whittington, Mrs.|ments made from pat sé Mrs. S. C. Larmer, Mrs. R. A cogenres ~ perv aren ii the Gray, Mrs. Norval Willson,|the making ot r ses. | k d SPECIALS s - Mrs. W. J. Salter and Mrs.| Mrs. Barlow thanked Mrs.| e€e "en J E. F. Cuthbertson. Brooks and announced that the| | le F ys digans for little girls. Ador da year of increased member-| January 8. | / | ie. *hiversified programs and A Christmas tea added to the JURY & LOVELL LTD a collar style. White and ae @ colors, | 6 . * . Szimanski-Kocan Nuptials | geo Solemnized At St. Hedwig's nd John Szimanski was|wicz, Irene Kupnick, Christine Seemed recently at St.|Rzepkowski and Millicent Pan- Hedwig's Roman Catholicikiw. All were dressed alike in| Church. turquoise brocade featuring) Mr. and Mfs. William Kocan of}length sleeves and barrel- Oshawa and the bridegroom 's|shaped skirts. They were rhine- the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank|stone tiaras and carried nose-| Szimanski of Ajax. |\gays of blue and white chrys- 1 5 ; 45 kowski officiated. The wedding) iss Josephine Kocan was the 93¢ A 58 s music was played oh M sip flower girl dressed similarly to we . ' fabs ; Irene Thompson and the choirithe other attendants. She car- B kf 5 Bacon - : RINDLESS LB. sang. ried a basket of blue and white DODD S KIDNEY PILLS Pe 57° father, the bride wore a full--)earer was Master Joseph PICNIC HAMS ae lena gown, of | eau 0 Seman DRISTAN TABLETS {xt 88° 37; 1.73 merece' a tN, AEs trimmed with lace applques) wir, Zdidslaw Dranski acted rf bt and designed with a scooped mias best man. Ushering were] COLGATE FLUORIDE 'erst: 1°; 85° y ZELLER'S CONVENIENT .f PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS - a full billowing skirt. A tiara of ; Boece y pearls held her bouffant veil Kipski, John Lipski, Jo : e ste 48's CAPONS AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES, are Mosbauer, Michael Adam | and she carried , -- af cewicz, John Puzio and Stanley) Reg. 1.86 red roses and white chrysan-'-; *. . 7 s Cielecki. Miss Theresa Michno was the, A reception and dance was ADORN HAIR SPRAY Reg. 1.89. 1.39 maid-of-honor and the brides-/held in the Polish hall, Olive ROLL-ON 2.25 Value maids were the Misses Luba/javenue. The newly wedded pair STOPETTE DEODORANT SPECIAL 1.25 now 04° Wolek, Gladys Gawronska,'will live in Oshawa. aE SES os nese WITH FREE 57¢ Reg. 73¢ KODAK STARF: ASH CAMERA KITS 2... 1350 ... Kodachrome 8mm FILM ,.,. 450 3.48 KODACHROME GIVE SWEATERS Hart Jury; social, Mrs. Frank|and artificial foliage and drift-|teatable centred with a rose(mony United Church in thel® Fred Roberts, Mrs. John Stacey, |nels_and styrofoam balls and Annual reports which reflect- next meeting would be held) --e GE a Sizes 2 to 6x. Bulky-knit car- The marriage of Mary Irene,Mary Czof?'Christine Stankie- The bride is the daughter of| scoop necklines, three - quarter The Reverend Felix Kwiat- anthemums. Given in marriage by her\chrysanthemums. The ring a fall ilowing skirt A tara of Mowars Stanley Kukws, Water ee 4 -- ye <p z : POULYRY -- TURKEYS, GEESE, CHICKENS, DUCKS, or themums BRYLCREEM "come 35mm 20 Exposure FILM ,.,. «30 3.28 MRSS Ss Sas I sss BROCCOLI "wou 29 CRANBERRIES "™ u. 29° FLORIDA--SIZE 96---RUBY RED GRAPEFRUIT 10 « 49 ORANGES voz. 29F CRANGES MANDARIN --JAPER 2.25 CASE SPECIALS In Our Druggetie, : Clothing and Gift Ware Department 43° ror @9* 3.89 4.79 Classic style "Orlon' sweaters. Short sleeve pullovers. Long sleeve cardigans, Sure-to-please gifts. Winter-white, black % and many lovely colors. Zeller's Thrift-Price. FLORIDA SIZE 250 BELL & HOWELL 35mm SLIDE PROJECTOR MODEL 710 has a 4" £3.5 lens, Semi-automatic, 500 watt bulb. . , Reg. 89.95. 51.95 This is only a partial list of our specials... Come in to our stores for many more . .. RRR NBANAATARRAAAAAD WARRANT AT RRRRINAT! ARMED RARAWRBRATAMT RATATAT ARAM MBD AT bn with a handsome gift set by YARDLEY PRE-ELECTRIC SHAVING LOTION $1 % AFTER SHAVING a LOTION ANTISEPTIC """" Sal Hepatica «c's. KOTEX ee In PKG. @O® Gift Towel Sets 198 FULL STOCK OF CHRISTMAS TREE DECORATIONS -- ICICLES, ARTIFICIAL SNOW, ORNAMENTS, ETC. HUN- DREDS OF GIFT ITEMS TO CHOOSE FROM, LARGE 12-0Z. BTL. F COLOGNE [ FOR MEN AFTER SHAVING LOTION Handy travel sizes PULLOVERS SWEATERS We will meet any advertised price SUPERB GIFT FOR "HIM" 100% HI-BULK "ORLON" 3.99 3 Boys' sizes 26 to 34 0f hard 1m, PULL ERS ig Weoring hi-butk Orien In 4 s Sizes $-M-L. Styled with shawl-like collar. 7 99 e x }@ popular colours. V-neck «style i ' %, White and colors with contrasting trim. JA Zeller's Thrift-Price bys eas ° an with contrasting color trims. A a OEE: sche Od ZELLER'S LIMITED uae REG. 2.98 SPECIAL «ts EACH A Se a +4 DR UGS (OSHAWA) 9 SIMCOE CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST.E. | [530 SIMCOE ST. S. | PHONE 725-3546. PHONE 723-2245, OSHAWA '[ROSSLY} \ - 728-466 ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA LIMITED TELEPHONE 723-3431 OPEN TO 10 P.M. DAILY--SHOP AND SAVE | AT GLECOFF'S ral Free City-Wide Delivery on Orders $10.00 and Over. DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. S. » PHONE 723-2294 sure-tq-please gift. SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVLNSON'S RD. S, PHONE 723-2209 Be PF cae

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