Dial 723-3474 Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 13, 1961 PERSONALS Teas, birthday parties, wed-|new year inter-club spiels will ding anniversaries, coming and be able to be arranged. A busi goings of guests are always of/ness girls' section will be given| 7 | | | departmnet with your items of|who request it. It was a lively) interest in this column, Write, ice on Wednesday evenings, and): ~ telephone or visit the social)instruction also given to those| z SHOPPER'S SUPPER jned salmon and green peas. jhalf an hour. This gives the When Christmas 'snopping|pour into a greased casserole|"shopworn" cogk time to set the Batre ceaty le Ga eter 2 top with buttered crumbs!table make a salad and simple you toss together this tasty cas-|and packaged shredded or/dessert and refresh herself be- serole. Just combine canned|grated cheese. Bake at 375 de-|fore relaxing over supper with macaroni in cheese sauce, can-|grees F. until bubbly -- aboutithe family. ! news for which there is no, charge. Telephone 723-3474. , |. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Kerr and daughter, Patricia; Mr. and \Mrs. Douglas McLaughlin, Mrs.| \Jack Lockwood, all of Oshawa; and interesting meeting, and) enthusiasm ran high, assuring) a good start for the new curling club. | % King Street WMS THE BRIDAL PAIR Mr Oshawa and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. C. Scott Pollard of Bowmanville and the late Mr Pollard --Photo by Hornsby In a traditional Ukrainian | and Peter Opychany of ceremony at St. John's Greek Orthodox Church, Marlene Carol Opychany became the bride of Ronald James Pol- | lard. The bride is the daugh- ter of Mrs.. Mary Opychany Annual Reports Presented At Auxiliary Supper Meeting A potluck supper was enjoyed by the members of the Alice/friendship and service in the Jackson Evening Auxiliary of work of our Church and with the the Woman's Missionary Society guiding hand of God we rededi- of King Street United Church cate ourselves to serve Him and at its final meeting, which was|His work with the talents that in the charge of Mrs. C. A.|He has given us." Powell's group. It was announced that the in- The minutes and roll call were augural service for the United | |Mr. J. A. Werry, Mrs. Harvey |McGill, Mr. and Mrs. Ashton, Mrs. Russell Ormiston jand Mrs. E. Sharp, all of Enniskillen, and Mr. and Mrs. jEverett Hoar of Bowmanville jwere in Toronto on Saturday jattending the funeral of the late Mr. Phil. Turner. The Reading Group of the yceum Club held its Christmas 1eeting last night at the home of Mrs. H. W. Sheridan, King street @ast. The program was -- acemee ee in St. Luke of the master poets ¢ u She closed with z 'i were read from their works. At) sed with a poe refreshment time the members followed their usual custom of exchanging small gifts. and round an- A night of square dancing was successfully org ized by the "Band Mothers" aid of the OCVI ban Holland: Lloyd! d tour of| The event was held in | Reviews History | At Final Meeting | | At the final meeting of the} WMS of King Street United} Church, Mrs. Joshua Kinsey who had charge of the devotion-| al period portrayed the Christ-! mas Story with a background of candlelight taking as her theme 'The Prophecy' found in Isaiah chapter 9 leading up to the fulfillment of Prophecy) chapter 2. m followed) by prayer. Two duets, "While There Were Shepherds" and "Little Town of Bethlehem" were sung by Mrs. Vernon Osborne and Mrs. Percy Fletcher, accomp- injanied by Miss Hazel Rundle at|Charge of the program thanked the piano. A piano duet, " Be The Tie That Binds" Blest was the OCVI auditorium on Friday|given by Mrs. F. R, Ayres and night and Mrs. E. J. Reed call- ed off for the square dancing, success of the venture was due/ received "We look to new fellowship,|to the efforts of the committee| Cancer under Mrs. Philip Lawrence chairman of ways and means, assisted by Mrs. John Weir, president; Mrs. Arthur Sindlair, Mrs. Walte. Atherfold and Mrs Ernest Vanson Mrs. Ethel Armstrong-Collins lof Toronto, field secretary, Bus- \Mrs. Thomas Wilkins A table filled with Christmas| ~ enjoyed by young and old. Thejgifts from the members was A CHRISTMAS FAIRY Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coon, Lon- don, Ontariv, and great-grand- Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Trick, Annapolis ave- nue, is one-year-old Kelly Ann. Kelly is the grand- daughter of Mr, and Mrs, | Of Oshawa. Il | | | | | Egbert Trick, Oshawa, and ' --Aldsworth Photography SWEET GIFTS boxes of er of the Laurel group who had Gay all who took part. Mrs. Harris closed with the Benediction and wished the Season's| Greetings. or foil all and friends. daughter of Mrs. John Trick homemade candy and cookies individually | wrapped in colored cellophane | make 'appropriate gift gift suggestions for neighbors 9 SPORTSWEAR LTD. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE CHOOSE FROM THE LARGEST STOCK IN OSHAWA... AND FROM HER FAVORITE SHOP wag SWEATERS SHE NEVER HAS TOO MANY... Angoras, fine wool, Shetland-Tex Ban-Lon, Lambs Wool, Orlon, Arnel, Cardigan - Pullovers and Bulkies. | : Thousands to choose from. ,. for the Red Door fund. Favourable re- ports were heard from most of the secretaries. | A few moments of silence was observed in memory of four members who passed away ausing the year followed by prayer by the president. An interesting highlight of the read by Mrs. A. E. Hatfield and|Church Women of King Street iness and Professional Women's|meeting was a resume of the "TO STRIKE ... OR NOT TO STRIKE"... Kayes Sportswear wish to inform all Christmas Shop- pers that regardless of the present strike at General Motors, you the shopper can do all your Christmas shopping at either of their two locations and you will FRICED FROM the treasurer's report by Mrs, |Church will be held on Decem- E. D. Shreve. Miss Beth Miller ber 31 and the inaugural service read & letter of thanks from the|£0r the United Church Women Overseas 'Relief Board for the|°! Oshawa Presbytery will be 100 pounds of clothing and ex.|held in King Street Church on pense money recently sent to|vanuary 17, 1962 them. Home and hospital calls Miss Beth Miller volunteered were given by Mrs William |? deliver the gifts donated for Bradbury. Mrs. Douglas Red-| Simcoe Hall. A Christmas worship service or Ps aa on the sale of was presented by Mrs. Powell's group. Mrs. Murton Walter read| Annual reports were present-ithe scripture and Mrs. Shreve pa 1 Pon Mime ge opin read a Christmas story about a) iss Rae Howell, vice-presiden i i ¢ little crippled girl. Others as. Golf Club. The president of the/for the past 2 years as| for younger groups; Mrs. Elmer'|sisti Randall," corresponding secre- WP yeaa ie Pay Pobenn. men's section, the curling chair-| president. tary; Mrs. Leslie Booth, asso-|pPirie and Mrs. Fred Ayers, Alj/ma",_and the new manager,| Mrs, Harris thanked all for ciate helpers secretary; Mrs.|/the members of Mrs. Powell's)Mt-, W. Thomson, were in at-\the co-operation received and William Bradbury, community | group joined in singing the carol te¢mdance, and outlined the ideas!hopned all would do their part friendship secretary; Miss Beth|*Joy to the World" and aims. of the new curling| willingly and make 'The United Miller, Christian stewardship} -- tee club. Various subjects werelChurch Women' a success in and supply secretary; Miss i . discussed and questions from|y9g9 ' ; 2 Muriel Wilson, press secretary HOUSEHOLD HINT the floor were answered. and Miss Mary MacLean, presi-, 00d housekeeping includes ladies' committee of seven was dent ~~ hi Pigg safe storage nominated from the floor, _ . | of your valuable possessions and|these will serve as a sma Ae "othe teenth beings ie a| paees- Make a practice of tak-\executive to get the members close our responsibilities as offi- . ee ee osid and ember of "the promptly and place them in tion of new curlers. It is hoped Womens Sinenary Society |e safe deposit box. that in the early part of the and soon we shall be going) forth to assume new duties and| responsibilities and with the same sense of-commitment and purpose to expend ourselves in the work of our church as mem- bers of the United Church Women. * "We must give thanks for the heritage of the past "and the work that was given us to do and now we close that book and start with the fresh, clean pages of a new book. The future read- ing of the new book will depend on what we write on those new pages, especially in the year Clubs of Ontario, was a special/history of the organization given guest at the meeting of the ex- by Mrs. Hales Barker dating ecutive of the Oshawa Business|back to. 1888 when it was known and Professional Women's Club|as Metcalfe church. Mrs. Barker held at the home of Mrs. Frank told of the different ministers, A. Wilson recently. She was|their wives, leaders and the accompanied by Miss Jennie|presidents of later years lead- Pringle, Regional Advisor forjing up to the present ' King Region 5. \Street WMS of 1961. A well attended meeting was Mrs. Lawrence Allen on. be- A well a 2 held at Adelaide House on|falf of the WMS, presented Mrs. Tuesday evening of the Ladies' Wilfred Harris with a book, as} Curling section of the Oshawa|a token of her faithful service not be required to pay until you receive your second pay cheque. This means that you will be able to buy all those Christmas gifts you have been planning:on and not have the worry of payment until you or your husband is back into work and have received your second pay cheque. Plains - Tartans - Strips - Checks, The trend is to stretchies in Jersey and other fabrics. rrom 1 Q-95 up SKI SLACKS All shades - 2 way stretch rrom | 9.95 up SUBURBAN AND CAR-COATS An Ideal Gift Suedella, Suede, Cord- uroy, Shag wool, Laminat- ed Jersey Cloth, Short, 36- inch; Full Length. rrom [9-95 up BLOUSES . SKIRTS. . KNIT SUITS DRESSES . . COATS reduced HEADWARMERS . from SCARVES . . . . from 1.00 GLOVES- MITTS. . from. 2.59 WOOL-ANGORA-LEATHER PALMS Many other Wonderful Gifts to Choose From Just think any purchases at Kayes Sportswear, from their complete stock of Dresses . . . Coats . . . Suits or Sportswear for the Ladies, also clothes for the Misses and Petite in full sizes . . . half sizes and over sizes with NO CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS Shop KAYES SPORTSWEAR at 68 Simcoe Street North in Oshawa - . . or 57 King Street West in Bowmanville .. . Buy Now ... Pay for it later. OPEN 9 'TIL 9 UNTIL CHRISTMAS Mrs. Lawrence Muldrew, lead-| Coming Up with... LITZ POULTRY ing such items to Quality Christmas POULTRY FARM and PROCESSING PLANT 117 BLOOR ST. EAST 723-4722 y[OlU|NIGHAIGIE|s PRE-CHRISTMAS CHILDREN'S WEAR SALE Fresh Killed + TOM TURKEYS HEN TURKEYS | CAPONS ' ROASTING CHICKENS Ib. iti ar New York - Dressed Weight STUFFED TURKEYS ... . Ib. |STUFFED CAPONS . Ib. PRE-DRESSED DUCKS Ib. PHEASANTS "Raised" on Litz's own farm. oven ready Ib. 4.50 10.95 29.95 16.95 29.97 2.98 . » from from from from from Teen Coats and Car Coats Ski Suits Coats and Coat Sets Pram Suits and Buntings Boys' and Girls' Winter Jackets | SAVE 20% YJoluINicBalcle OPEN NIGHTLY TILL CHRISTMAS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE You Can Be Sure She'll Open Her Seigneur's Box First OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS ws -- rE > Ale SPECIALIZING IN COOKING STUFFED TURKEYS AND CHICKENS ) AT AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE -- HICKORY SMOKED TURKEY AND BARBEQUED TURKEY AVAILABLE IF ORDERED IN TIME -- SPECIAL DISCOUNT PRICE FOR FACTOR : - ie Wait Y BANQUETS AND BOWL Bo A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY PURCHASE WE GLADLY EXCHANGE GIFTS SEIGNEUR'S BE SURE AND SEB OUR BEAUTIFUL WINDOW e OSHAWA _ SHOPPING CENTRE 725-8571 aaa