34 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, wecemper 13, 1981 EATON'S: - Special gift "buy"! psi) | SHEeRwooD MEN'S WEAR AT POPULAR PRICES Men's Sport Shirts 'agi aye. ee Men's "Sherwood" White Shirts: Well-woven broadcloth, roomy-cut for comfort, With convertible cuffs to weer linked or but- Sewer § ' oe "s hy i : : toned; neat short-point fused collar; 'Sanfor- 'Much Below Usual Price! / é Y é § re ized'. Sizes 14 to 17)2; sleeve lengths 32 , . } to 35. ge oe EATON Price, Excellent Christmas gift choice ! Finely-woven cottons eae ' 5 Cee +? 'Y et ON ' ; oe e 7 * 4 2 } a ; | me < * in checks and neat allover patterns . . . with button- | . down collars, Rich Viscose rayons in subtle ombre es : : DP ANY He Men's "Sherwood" Pyjamas plaids .. . with neat "perma-stay" collar. All well- Good-count, close-woven cctton broadcloth; ae | a ! ¢ } 5 same Ve i ioe i jacket has V-neck and lapels, buton front; tailored long-sleeve styles, all hand-washable ! Choose i" ' ; : rcuners Hove. balloos det, dhaweline WONT ' be * a if several. Red, green, grey, brown and blue are the pre- ' , **\ ' . 2 oo ; Choose from plain shades or good-locking patterns. Sizes A to E dominating shades. Sizes small, medium, large and extra large included. sa an ee ey: 4 ao . 4 ae "f | ee EATON Price, : r i i , EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 928 EATON Sainte) ' t : d PHONE 725-7373 Price, each ... 1A abt nh le Be aparece zie ae Boys' "Orion" Cardigans Bithdale Jr at. : Easy-care 'Orlon' cardigans in colours of f e re, x teh navy, green and grey with contrasting 'Jac- i quard' design trim. Firmly ribbed et_ waist, POLO PYJAMAS - Si and els Clan Vie a ¢ EACH ony . Designed for warmth ond comfort... ; * combed cotton knit pyjamas; striped Fads # Boys' Cotton Shirts tops have crew neck, long sleeves with f 4% j : Ae sa igus ena f are ir a sha. Py ine cotton weave shirts . ae ribbed cuffs; lowers are in plain shades 4 under a sweater . . « alone later when the with full elastic waist, ribbed ankles. ietned ' worm weather comes. Neat collar; one breast Basic shades of green, red or gold; sizes pocket, 'Sahforized" and "Drip Dry", need 6 to 16 } ing little or no ironing. Sizes 8 to 16; fully : t. Cok f gold, green, gre' EATON Price, each cut. Canes Seen se ee ae BOYS' BOYS' 'ORLON' PULLOVERS Boys' Scarves COTTON-KNIT Well-made, ."Orlon"' pullovers in classic pha sides Ae St storied pics / f low, bl ed POLO SHIRTS styling--with V-neck, long sleeves. 'Jac- gt rey WUD epee 89 quard' design at front; predominant @ All-wool scarves -- approx. 43" long, 9" alah ; 5 'i i t th <j Fine knit cotton in "Wash 'n' wear'! colours of navy and green with contrast- Bec colalaanteny ofa pag a shirts thot retain their shape well. ing design in red and gold-colour. Sizes colours, EACH ' Styled with. knit coilar, three-button : 4 8 to 14 : k; oose from patterns, ch nc : - Be Clearance Shetland Wool--Reg. 12.95 Good Quality es icin ce ot ca, EATON Price, each .... 2.89 stripes in predominant shades of red, blue or green. Sizes & to 18 2 eR Sweaters from Scotland White Broadcloth Shirts -- iS iees pases " EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 232 PHONE 725-7373 Telephone orders accepted on sizes 40-42-44 only, Please State Second Colour Choice Reduced from: our current stock! Dashing crew- Closely-woven cotton broadcloth, 'Sanforized" for neck and V-neck pullovers, carefully knit by skilled a long-ldsting good fit . . . carefully tailored and de- Scottish craftsmen. Raglan shoulders, long sleeves. tailed. Choose for gifts at this very special price ! ; SPECIAL ! Shades of light fawn, grey, blue lovat, tan and Neat short-point fused collar, two-way cuffs. Sizes ao eee. ~e Gift Ski Equipment Price, pla 5 EATON Special Price, each f i For Girls and Boys Ties for Christmas | Junior Ski Sets... @ Much below usual price ! ; Skis, Poles, Bindings Samples from top Canadian makers! Rich silks, ra sill 5 f adia Rich silks, rayons, silk- . ie ' E Flat top, maple skis attractively finished, fitted with pleco blends woven and lal lines in a gift-worthy * calcstente cable bindings with double spring cable and orray of new-season patterns and shades, ¥ , ig $ Y : rer \ adjustable front throw. Metal tip and heel protectors, ° i \ The set is completed-with the addition of lightweight settee -- . "'Torkin" cane poles fitted with leather wrist straps, rice, eac EATON Special Prices: 3 for 2.50 3 4 { i 4- and 42-ft. lengths. Complete set . . : ; 5- and 52-ft. lengths. Imported Wool Scarves ey paments ot Much below usual price ! -- ee $ é ° ° Soft, warm wool in generous size with self-fringed. ends 4 Junior Ski Boots Insulated Nylon Ski Jackets Checks, striped potterns, some solid shades ¥ grey, brown ond olive -shod '3 . i ; lake . . . wine, blue, , ' Imported from France! A qood quality, water-resistant A quilted nylon shell insulated with lightweight ne : eo ere ' ski boot with select top-grain leather . uppers Well "Celutate' (acetate-rayon-and-cotton) for warmth . : P-9 = if = without weight. Water-repelient and wind-resis- EATON Special " padded at ankle and tongue for comfort and firm sup- tant, the jacket features an attached hood that . 2 . port, boots feature a rubberized composition sole with folds under the collar when not in use. Knitted anti-slip tread and hinged back. All black. S$ ; ¢ cuffs and waistband. Colours of royal blue or red. Price, each : } 5 no half sizes betatis Behe siaes te Sizes small (8 years), medium (10 years), large ' * ' (12. years), EATGH'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 228 PHONE 725-7373 ¢ EATON: Special Price, .palr EATON Special Price, each 8. § EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 261 aa ae EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 261 PHONE 725-7373 PHONE 725-7373 "Shining Treasures" for Christmas hy élzaboth ER ile | "Golden Oval "Golden" Soap Dish -- | = : ao] x ? oe Lae. ee "Golden" Bath \) Baskets, - Blue with "My Love" Perfurne : : Si se 4 5 ; = Purse Atomizer and hord- ON ey ie ' =ihe= Mae (f ?) Stand -- Blue "h ' y | Grass Flower iladhoth aca 880 4){ Es A i : NA | y Grass Flower Mist ea Ve a L MIS Dusting "Golden" Triple Treaot-- |Re y ( "Golden" Luxury Basket -- 4 and Fluffy Milk He} } Powder, Bath : : at ; Blue Grass Luxury Both ope . . "Golden" French Basket -- ; § TFG ; Blue Grass Luxury : Bath ey | ee BF) NEY Salts, Hand Grass Flower Mist, Bath Soop, Travel- a See a Se a | Salts, Bath Soap, Dusting 4 ae c ina 'aie ' S 2 10. 00 Pak Dusting Powder 4 and Body Lotion 10.00 Powder.' 7.00. oaps (2). 10. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 212 PHONE 725-7373 Please See Back Of This Page For Other EATON Specials 4