Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Dec 1961, p. 31

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27--Real Estate for Sale | THE OSHAWA TID'AES, Wednesdey, December 13, 1961 3] \F SINGLY or couble furnished room, ' | ladies or gentlemen, use of kitchen and 27__Req| Estate For Sale (30--Automobiles Wanted | washing machine, centra} location. Tele-| sth Ned} LAKRANORE Auto Wreckers want| Sa _______--_ (88,000, TERMS. Farm bree, 10 9¢resi ors -for wrecking. Highest prices paid \ e OU! - - |workable, paved road 8 rniles. Earle K.|-9% YOUR LOST valuables are returned rien, 725-7782. Howe an i+ Peters. 725-1181. in a hurry when you use Oshawa Basu Owe ASE a. aT 7 aan a ary eee ~ Times Classified Ads to tell finders|NEW bungalow, $13,100 "mith $500 down,|WANTED: 1958 or '60 Vauxhall oF Envoy car or station wagon. No dealers where to reach you. Dial 123-3492 firstithree bedrooms, finis"had recreation ex you lose hi room. South Oshawa, 1,2 4060. please, Telephone 725-8965. $700 DOWN, three acres, large four-|__ diate 31---Automobile Repairs | ity ; | y ? jaint Gi 'egory's, hos- room clapboard bungalow, city conveni-| PRIVATE. Near Saint Gi 'egory's, 8 ences, on Hancock Road. Only $10,500/pital, high school. Six ra»m house, oi il or might rent ~i> option. nome corene, 131 Alnea Street. 'aul | HOUSTON'S GARAGE | --e aaa and SERVICE STATION | rr * | BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- |% Christmas Fowl Christmas Trees Gifts For Her Gifts For The Family Gifts For The Family Holiday Food SERVICE. _---------------- PRUNED Scotch pine Christmas 3 : : METC, \LF | MOTOR TUNE UP ANG IF YOU WANT THE Siz, guitar, "ere GIFT SHOP FOR A LOVELY GIFT % THE IDEAL GIFT LITZ je GENERAL REPAIRS BEST IN ; Where the Customer Call At Oshawa Shopping Centre REAL ESTATE LTD. ¥ from 67 KING ST. W. FRESH - KILLED ied B RNS SHOES wee | : iS ------ TURKEYS A-| PRUNED ines pg oat Ee Ps pied bgp for: Foot- . "int oo 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 7743-4678 | HILLCREST CALL MA 3-5049 SCOTCH PINE ewmre Bagg Mariage snes: ne yeor ---- Slippers =~ Cuopeos LITZ DELICATESSEN ROSELAWN AVENUE | SUNOCO " A terrific buy ot $15,000.00 -- 7-room brick ands stucco trie, | W. E. LYMER a lovel I ' i i ly selection of Ladies' ¥ yj0+ Sits. Gibla, Rose KING AND SIMCOE STS. 728-11 ' Highway 2 ot Maple Grove PHONE ELGIN BUDD Wear in beautiful Christmas Alia ee dee 725-4611 level, on large wooded lot, family room, powder roam, balcony For ALL your motoring needs oe : . 1 mile east of Oshawa, No. colors. Order Your Christmas ORONO 8-R-3 Special For Christmas THE IDEAL GIFT Holiday Dining VIANNA 2 highwoy. Open nightly till Fowl from HOSE: 2 Prs. $1. Finest J f For the Finest Selection of: 11. LITZ PROCESSING CHRISTMAS TREES Quolity, 400 Denier, seam- § Footwear, Slippers, Luggoge, pce COLD MEATS ABERDEEN STREET . 725-4811 PLANT Spruce, 100 ip. Pine a ten ee psa Ne gg convenient CHRISTMAS PARTY AT Hee. et, HAR 3 bedroom brick byngalow -- with attached garayye. Excellent Scene 'i Special Rates for Ban- $ : U 9 i : : | oe } : quets, Bowling Alleys. Commercial 'size 17 foot NESBITT'S SANDALWOOD VIANNA location. Call this ne ca. to inspect | Va 117 Bloor St. E, 723-4722 JACK'S BAR 33 King st. € 725-0532 BURNS SHOES i PA Ml 2 DELICATESSEN Complete Service 180 ADELAIDE EAST KING AND SIMCOE a) ah Pena for Rie 543 Rien RD. $, 28-3281 A CHRISTMAS FOWL COLLECT AT CHRISTMAS & T ervations, IN John Kemp 728-2392 Marion Draw 725-7610 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Ca d Turki OPEN EVENINGS : pons and Turkeys 178 ADELAIDE EAST ATCH x Everett Elliott 723-9290 Dick Borrivagye 725-6243 CENTRE << Brewed end Delivers DE! MUSIC W. eo ES 725-9111 die: Moos 727-208 octet be FRANK HOAG Entertainment GO-TOGETHER % SAVE 20% TO 50% sie ilk Wi we ep ees" ITH CONFITENCE : ROSSLAND ROAD WEST and sing along with us. Parties RECORD PLAYERS All Leading Makes, > BUY AND SELL W |32--Articles for Sale DIAL 725-6837 weddings, etc. Telephone 635-4505. R.C.A. Victor: Portable 4 For Men, Women, Children Modern Grill FOR CHRISTMAS ee ee ce speeds, $24.95, $29.95, GIVING aly eg cor fo ng Emi ties Ws eas $39.95. Automatic. Port: HORWICH o ackage deal, $130. Telephone 725- TURKEYS ble, 4 ds, $54.95. HOME MADE PASTRIES Bushel and half bushels, | OWe & Pet e iS oe ae Ee FRESHLY KILLED SIM LASH Ste flag on Shon 4 CREDIT JEWELLERS A SPECIALTY At Lowest Prices. of wringer type washers, % hp motors Young, Tender, Tasty and his Trio speeds, $84.95 up. eee e733" vambio HOT TURKEY AND TRY US {85 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned deowed Delivered Oven-Ready In imitation leather, Lug- YOUR NEIGH BOURHOOD REALTORS eS nog stein cicero emia Year-Round Supply. Ask for repeat engagements goge type Cases, assorted __20 SIMCOE S._ 725-8443 BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN PALLOCK |ORDE aken for wood storm sashes, Special Prices -- 67 KING ST. EAST 725-4701 i, a: Measurements, estimates Charchas, 'Senauets banquets. MEAGHER'S Permanent Waves DINNERS WITH ALL ORCHARDS gr oe Parties dances, receptions, colors. free. Terms, 723-4989. \FYPEWRITERS (or students, Guaran. |} cur 8902 725-8762 5 King St. W.. 723-3425 Complete 5.95 TOY a Growers for 35 years LESLIE STREET tee standards at low prices. Bil Ham: /20-097L LOCAL ORCHESTRA § 35% Simcoe N. | 725-4734 EDWARD'S : One Mile North Whitby -- 9-room, 2'2-storey brick home, price reduced aS | iipy-s piano accordion Camerano, 120 AVOID LAST MINUTE D A PLATE Highway 12 East Side owner very anxious to sell--try any offie r. Call Earle jtion. priced at $275. Telephone "MO DISAPPOINTMENT ' AVAILABLE Gifts For Him BEAUTY PARLOUR WE DELIVER Allen 725-7782. LIONEL eleciric train, 4 x 8 table, ¥ FOR PARTIES, DANCES, 5 CELINA ST. 723-7633 725-3887 9 with transformer, switches, complete J , of COURTICE ROAD NOB 2TH $60, Apply 358 Cadillac "Avenue South, ORDER YOUR BANQUETS, IDEAL GIFTS 1REX BLANKETS 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH oor 2% HORSEPOWER Johnson outboard CHRISTMAS AND CALL 725-7867 70 x 90, Reg. 6.95 - Lovely 5-room home with natural staine fireplace, | motor, 14 foot plywood boat, equipped, NEW YEAR POWER MOWERS foe $5.65 be. f Auto Gifts RIDE WITH ENJOY SNOW BLOWERS 7 WOOL BLANKETS NEED A WINTER-READY CAR? MERCURY TAXI : | P trailer, Best offer. Telephone 728-4269. attached garage, only $71.50 monthily including |sasy-sers knitted and crocheted, NOW BLOWE ca 5 Sanaa ast YOUR ° Reg. $10.95 for $8.95 'ou' just what you ni z: PARTY OR BANQUET 728-2791 Y CHENILLE BEDSPREADS $7.95 ite, Oshawa Times Classified Sec 725-4771 AT THE taxes, close to Public and High schoeuls. Call Bob jal types of kitting, bulky knit sweat: | TURKEY NOW Johnson 728-2548 |ELEOTRIC eight-section radiator auto- J VELVET DRESSES Mon. Good pargtine, 'oo \4 oe) PF. There's no turkey like o TTY'S BARGAINS : Oshawa's Most Modern Tex! freshly killed turkey for flavor¥ CADILLAC HOTEL § SCO Sizes 2-3x, Reg. $4.98 FOR THE MOTORIST R AVENUE | matic control heater, like new, never BADE te ee Poca 'or reasonable price : - x enna cian and tenderness.. You may pay Select Dates Still. Open. BEAVER 9 RADIAL SAW for $2.98 Why not give o Christmas Ideas Attractive ranch bungalow with atti.ched garage, | FILTER Queen Sales and Service, 1ib-/t little more, but you get the Resecva' Now: A "One-Tool" Workshop NYLON DRESS $1.75 Up Gift Wrapped Membership large landscaped lot, many extras incltuding summer _ | stration. 'Telephone 728-4683 best.when you buy a Townline 725-3743 $279.15 CRINOLINES $1.69 in the PERSONALIZED Turkey Ranch turkey. Freshly Millwork & Building Modern Draperies ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE CHRISTMAS CARDS killed, dressed ond delivered NEW YEAR'S Supplies Ltd. Discount Prices Only $15.00 patio with Koolvent cover. antes ay to schools ELECTRIC sasor service, Sunbeam, : and shopping. Call Ossie Martin 728-9714. |son, etc. Cords, cutting heads in stock. ntnihere th Oshawa: : Racor e Coutts, Hallmark, Toothills, por A, Se Raeieatnnp es DANCE 27s sreene == EM &C Dry Goods § 7288830 TK & other exclusive lines. SUBURBAN PROPEIR:TY [changed ppt Dasha Grom, 3 TOWNLINE : an Spore Ps i 74 Celina Street---723-7827 % Christmas Flowers WICK PRINTING LTD. -bedro: home located near Courtice, oil heating, (Bees oueet East. + ¥ C.R.A, SQU IV HI mcoe Nortl ae poi and oven, nicely landsc:ny xed and decor- ola, ato Goaitin Aces Wk Glen TURKEY RANCH CLUB A WARM CHRISTMAS ENJOY FLOWERS AND 728-5119 ated, 75 x 185' lot. Taxes only $142. 'Call Joé Craw- [Road _Seute 725-4233 Old Tyme and Modern See our selection of Sports- CHRISTMAS MUSIC PLANTS ' . a WE buy and sell and exchange used i Novelties - Lunch - Prizes wear, shirts, sweaters, hats, ford MA 3-3672 dial direct, furniture or anything you have. 'The | A CHRISTMAS GIFT Lig rab antral Reed ab ree = cea ag | 30th, gloves, tie and. sock sets. HI-Fl's ion roigh SUBSCRIPTION COMMERCIAL LAIND 'eum Tae (fee eee $2.50 PER PERSON & SAM ROTISH & eicctrchome, 1962, Stereo REED'S " r ' } NUMBER ONE Scotch pine, spruce MEN'S WEAR odel: f Dielcraft TO THE fi ; P R NDITIONED a models, somous 'a Large commercial location on the ewsit side of Ritson er earns as | and balsam, plantation stock. Nicely 728-8334 FLORISTS runed. shawa Blvd. South, 7 King St. E -- 725-2433 ' Cobinets in Fruitwood, Road South. Ideal for shopping cte:tre. Call Don AND WASHERS IW fois peti hanecay 6 Wak dianies i aiane OSHAWA TIMES Howe 723-9692. All parts and service. HRISTMAS TREES LITTLE The best place for a wo- $329.00 up Door Knockers, Holly Wreaths, Is cf AJAX dea pbk PRUNED man to shop at Christmas Convenient Terms, Winter Wreaths TOWNLINE ROAD S¥OUTH BARGAIN CENTRE SCOTCH PING ----- SPRUCE BUCKAROO is We Finance Our Own Soles R: B. REED - i i i HARWOOD AVE, NORTH A ' ' <i ik 5-room bungalow with garage on this beautiful lot pers pial ise OSHAWA HOME PEOPLE'S MEAGHER'S & SONS ° round g' of 106' by a depth of Se ai hexiting, low taxes ee . RANCH CLOTHING STORE 5 king S. Wot" yanaaas FLORISTS -- OSHAWA and 4 dey thes blunt cainteneehiiet " FREE TUMBLER --|§ 'Al Preston Suneco Sin. R nies b SPORTSCOATS--HATS vale Ca we reminder of good- 29--Automobiles for Sale |29--Auhomobiles for Sale | WITH $3 GASOLINE | Free Delivery 728-6366'y Revervirem then Being GLOVES--SHIRTS VISIT US! DRIVE-IN SHOP will for your friends 1951 FORD one ton pickup, vith tour | 106) CORV'AYE four door, eutomatic ak he | PRUNED SLEIGH RIDES SWEATERS--TIES 163 BLOOR ST. W. fl EER P Test reanaseth sen, "™™ "OP eines "G5 ™ attne ate: tnopne ly CHRISTMAS TREES § _ PRIVATE RATES A. ditineive selection. cgune mee oni a ken During the Winter § GAMES FOR ALL AGES LOCKE'S away BUYING OR SELLING SEE |'s7 oupsmii BILE two-tone, radio, beat | FLOWERS ring. ne. Winter season 36 SIMCOE ST. N. ol BE Open 10 a.m. till, Midnight F GIFT SPECIALTIES FLORISTS from na itonurie | i Prom Gay Groannauees Three 723-3612 TED CAMPIN | Telephone 't 5-9202, 8 to 5. Don't Wait! Just a few left | POTTED PLANTS 725-2737 CAMERAS aaletay id home. |°53 GM onewtan truck, suitable for serv-| at this greatly reduced price % GIFT CERTIFICATES - " 7] R YOUR >, eee came ce | Vee | pee eee FREE | DYETT'S foment riwrs fe ber 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Regularly | dB Ho - IN . EAST, 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 [Bosy cea te Paige Fomegem mg Good | limited number of demonstra- BOWMANVILLE TOYLAND SUBURBAN FIRESIDE CORNER CALL 728-6555 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA Chock Full of Wonderful Things | » ]Q SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS we ee eS off. dining room, walk-out basement, must be geen to be eppreciated. sean nsenc Tosca Holiday Transportation EE EEL LER ee oe Oe Uust East of Wilson Road) |. PLY?mOUTH four door station! $209... Now $165. Also GARDENS led States. !Celephone 728-5941. tors $150. All carrying new Free Delivery MA 3-5757 W Bicycles, tricycles, pedal cars, 723-3474 \© t_} Lelephone | motor warranty. Telephone doll isola: alslghe 'teboe: 205 BOND ST. WEST Say it with flowers Will be pleased to act WAY St OR [as GMC 1 ton panes. Al oun sien! MO 8-4514 A-] den Mocs ota tke this CHRISTMAS! BBP apaccd eH ges OR \'61 PON7UAG, convertible, V8, auto-| Hockey equipment. OPEN EVERY EVENING your instructions. henge SCOTCH PINE} victors -- CAR COAT JOHN Mercedes Benz [matic, vad wails, wheel' discs, eat! = T \ TOWERS Light @ Christmas Tree in the price $3,395, Will finance, 723-2674. ne " . ue ' USE THE eit eae ao takin |'52 Austin. Priced cor quick sale at} 40-ft. structure with all- HAND PRUNED 38 BOND W.--723-3141 with ~ sone window yg id oad home this BUR INSKY S ALL SIZES y FLORISTS Fina Se¥v ice Station, 627 Simcoe Street; channel antenna, all galvan- i 2,000 TREES ~~. y lleaad S U | T Model Display will wire them for you OSHAWA TIMES 484 KING ST. W. South, ized, guaranteed | year, YOUR CHOICE $1.94 BICYCLES 4 CUT FLOWERS PERE EMERSON EE EIS OE OIE 728-5175 | 1952 PCIN TIAC sedan, good condition, | TRIO TELEVISION new ba'}i sry. $125. Apply 561 Grierson) or telep hi me 725-9329. _____| 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 VOLVO "al FORM IAC, 6. Stratochlet four-door, le enon -- automati¢ , . miles, extras. Make} THE FAMOUS P.V.544 offer, Firi vate sale, Telephone 725-8762.| REPOSSESSIONS 1962 MODELS *36 DOLIG E, 53,000 original mallee; votias| gs edge ag fe tg and heat: id directional signals. Defi-| 7 ts. t NOW ON DISPLAY |nteis, sn "rust, "Private, "as-s000 "or Saas cat ao 725-2166 | new or slightly used. Several Be ~ Jake & Bill's Garage |ss-voiieswaceNin good condition | TOde!s to choose from. alle raalus. $] 195 ba me oh ee ee FINA SERVICE |$375. "poly Fina Service Station, 169, Priced reasonably for quick WILSON'S CYCLE and SALE fj OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT. 005; i] rs si Aeireet South, 728-0051. sale. ¥ 10 | NO DOWN PAYMENT. on td? RITSON 5. <-- 728-0921 | la VRCENT @ galemalsiopac | Contoct MR. RIVELIS ot |B NURSERY ae PAMAMORTGAGE HOLLY PLANTS FOR CHRISTMAS |missiom, like new, radio, heater, turn | 17 Simcoe St. N MORTGAGE AT W | oy 1S signals, rng ad grey, No 725-6541 GROWN Gifts For Her D U N N t S Southwood Park Town of Ajax FULL OF RED BERRIES rn A li ey i 0 Diamond (Southwood) Homes & |1958 CEIEV. BelAir, power glide, A-1| PROFESSIONALLY C i Ltd. LIVING PLANTS conditi'21, snow tires, winterized. Tele-| lete | f ' wo 'ations: MOTORS rie. Tele! ECONOMY SPECIAL PRUNED ce Sua ee 6 ek Os 0 r | y 5 TO 10 INCHES POTTED PLANTS OSHAWA ee aaa PRICED AS. LOW AS Homes TABLE CENTRES CLASSIFI ED FANCY PLANTERS GARDEN SERVICE C.C-M---BAUER $49.50 of award-winning designe We setvice WHITBY, COLUMNS 1259 SIMCOE NORTH Let us be Son Chrtitnie D Pp t OSHAWA and District daily. 723-3222 E USE YOUR CREDITg VOWN Faymen MO 8-3334 ve delivery service. Seven OPEN EVENINGS SR me ne TR at |phone 210. 8-3409. |556 VOT RSWAGEN, deluxe with radio, | V4" TEMPERE TAUNTON ROAD EAST Ie Bot ule gel ioanemagg ht sin Wigs a # ion eae carcoats,' sweaters, § OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Beautiful living Christmas gifts. Keep indoors for : ie winter, Plant outdoors next spring. Improved var- eons 3 ee a tet Trade and PEG BOARD inanc e 'elephone x i . . Your AUSTIN Dealer |'60 faistin Healey Sprite, sixteen| 4 x 8 SHEETS REG, 6.98 IN LARGE, TABLE AND poe tes segs ee gp Gifts For The Family see ; ; APARTMENT SIZE colors an ashions for 4 ieties. Complete instruction for care |i958 "€ HEV. half-ton pick-up, good W. A. SMITH : A W RUNDLE her at Christmas. SKATES $3.50 each -- 3 for $10.00 postpaid. | shape, . Telephone # | 6 ° Use your credit. NEW and USED. A - cals ere 725-0331 ise SONTAG. GhenGiN ene yeas BUILDERS SUPPLY GARDEN CENTRE Open a charge account. plete line of C.C.M. Sond 1 0 Specialized Growers Association Ltd. We have a good assortment Som sense ae well Tawonens mat SPECIAL - $4.48 of Used Cars | 4-482:9. EMG ERIE EES G speal a'r, whitewalls, back-up lights,| 701 BROCK STREET NORTH: | 1015 KING ST. EAST Secial Offer: Nylons, seams BAUER Skates, Trade-ins ac- 1206 DUNDAS ST. E. is MO 8-3501 PS body a nd motor A-1. $295, MO 8-5631. WHITBY MO 8-2379 OPEN EVENINGS 725-1764 less, 3 pair for $1.00 with anh Skates sharpened by NO. 2 HIGHWAY -- WHITBY ONTARIO a i h 49 : acacia Wanted uae our new Streamlined | PRUNED a out ses VICTOR'S Hobbies Hobbies ' SPOT CASH | See eee faa CHRISTMAS TREES 38 BOND W. -- 723-3141 Children's Clothing, . U 4 1 PAID FOR China and 'I vat Ee bateny MORRISON S aa ha Ak S h 0 p p | | g THE ROYAL COIN Glassware, Ga od cl . Trad WHO ELSE WANTS | Ow aa Urs paid OF. - Better Health | Notions, and Kitchenware | one C. E. HARDSAND ee Fh lo-M A NEW CAR! | IQODD MOTOR SALES | PL PEROREEY 728-6656 "Oshawa's newest and smartest a lng sth and STAMP STORE : GLECOFF 174 Ritson Road South, Osh : iY Home Therap Jeeta isin wor Se Eauipment NOW LOCATED AT BUY IT NOW WITHA ; _--- pemmeaad CHRISTMAS TREES a Sales, Service or Rentals 12 PRINCE TREET 7 -392 Pruned----Forestry Grown . H PLAN a. Thrill Her With Lovely Write 316 Wilson $., (next to Grey Coach Terminal) SEEN SO EES bol * * x 2000 OOKION x 3e si x * x x KKK For clean cars we deal up or x xO x x « xxMxMM KOC xO x x xxx xO KKM x x xxx x " * *< xxx x x bed xxx xxxK x x xxx ™" x = EPO PEE xxxKm x x x Osh dour, Adina cole ort You may have tried the rest, All Sizes--wholesale prices. FRAGRANCES -- When Christmas Shopping for Stamp Albums, Coins N'ICOLS MOTORS LTD Now try the best. Eot better FOWLER FORESTRIES : BEAT SANTA * Stemps - Coin Folders and other accessories, be Re ig a ee Attractively Gift Pockaged : sure ti e our wide selection. SH2 OROCK $F. WHITEY. | cindy walkknoun ors 306 KING WEST Ty? = ae Peres Wor wae vg || | el : | n mer en pres -- Dusting Powder $1.75 R THE FAMILY eo MO 8-800) ducts, highest quality meots GET YOUR CHRISTMAS ¥ Yardley's -- Red Roses, Lotus, GIVE FOOTWEAR WANTED _ COINS OF CANADA LOAN CARS WANTED Life-time warranty freezer, TREES NOW and Bond Street Per- THIS CHRISTMAS the only one guaranteed by Nicaly Pruned -- ~~ bg -. Gift Certificates Previous to 1900. Also 1925 and 1926 Nickels. Canadian THE BANK OF Sell weed ar eo gr | Good Housekeeping. No Spruce, Scotch, and Red Pine aid E doa PROM £4.96 UP Cents from 1922-1926. Talk "Cosh" eva ha down payment. Call now for Kins ed pag os" POWELL'S r) 4 Highest prices paid for these items. NOVA SCOTIA Car Dealer and SAVE", ren ea oye obliga- HOWARD MILLSON DAVIDSON S ris mas We al h Id st llecti dals, bod * t ith 9-6100) ' 'e also purchase old stomp collections, medals, ges; WED CAMPIN MOTORS i CO 3-2607 DRUG STORE 31 Simcoe North 725-3312 curios, early books, dinars wa maps of Ontario County. NS EKG NCI! 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 (Continued on Pash 2 6 ~ | NOW! Renidante of Hampton, Bowmanville, Brooklin and Whitby for DIRECT LINE WANT AD SERVICE Call OSHAWA 723-3492 4 ' .

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