30 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 13, 1961 =| THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [Gs Saturday 8 to 12 | vee piano'in good condition : HOU SE, } $75, ive 4 rooms and bath, LOW rental apartments, hatin ae one LARGE bright furnished bedroom, Telephone 725-5502, after five. CAREERS renovated throughout. Apply to owner |year old, $87 monthly, modern two- fined business lady preferred. Ree 238 Kaiser Crescent off Adelaide bedroom, fiVe room free washer, privileges if desired. Near bus in pri- FOR Street West. dryer. Parking. 728-3377. vate home. Write to Box 215, Oshawa eter Wanted 17--Male Help Wanted |24--Houses for Rent |25--Apts. | & Flats for Rent 26--Rooms for Rent Times. PICKERING -- eight-room brick house, DUPLEX -- Simeoe Street North, up- IN THE some furniture, twenty acres land, ee lower pila Regen two aitag furnished room, he era RAP IRON, P LTRY barn, reliable tenants, near schools, bedrooms eac' all conveniences, with one person, parking, out! SCR O ' Ou ¢ CANADIAN ARMY Shopping Centre. 169 Warren Avenue, hanya parking, large lot. Telephone close to Lar and North General Paka ontglave gs Oshawa, Telephone 723-3317, 725-5169 Motors, 725-225 i Deer Hides and Raw Furs | - shah bier A tants {Fuel and Wood Nursing Homes SIFIED AD RATES i If you are between the age (execuTive typeqypme. five-room bun- TWO-BEDRO@M apartment, equipped FURNISHED room in Whitby. Would ccoun bah a EWOOD. ary, good, ior stove, fur) SUNN YBRAE N eae RN, is CLASSIFI A Sco! ect) ot iF and 23 and sinale galow, partly furffshed, attached ga- with stove, refrigerator, and laundry suit two young ladies or married MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL and | FIREWOOD: ory ieee. dalivers. Tele si eedaees Na A Hlabway - hethaan 25 words or tess 1, TURNER | é GI, \raxe, good location. One child welcome, facilities, on Simcoe North. Telephone |couple. Apply Box 633, Oshawa Times. Co., Chartered Accountants, | 725.3827. nace oF So. Whither abd Oenawa: Call, 736-48p Cash Charge 723-2043 - 723-3374 get full information on 'si00 monthly. 478 Park Road South. 6343, 9 to 5 p.m CARGE turnishad bad © Ghiiee Seems, 5 , Oshawa; Ajay lle eaten " ' e * is . 4 - x room, 135 in Street Nort 3 CONSECUTIVE exciting Career opportuni- FOR SALE or rent -- income home, | MODERN | one - bedroom apartreent, hot plate, refrigerator, suitable for ined - _ - Optometrists INSER HONS, 2.25 2.48 : ny] i good opportunity, reasonable rent or stove and refrigerator, laundry facili. S"sle girl, Simcoe Street North on bus ROR CLANCY'S Ontario i eee FREE P 6 CO VE 13--Business Opportunities ties with the 925 Service. Complete bookkeeping service NSERT an 3.75 4.13 erms, at 160 Park Road North. Tele-\ties, parking space, triplex, Ravine | 5tP._ 72! A4 Bond Street Wes 5 Res ace - every He C. H. TUCK, B bios or 3 phone 725-813 Road, $75 monthly. Telephone 725-5808. GIRL to share fully furnished house, Re "lock!! pay accounts at downtown Dominion i} not paid within 7 days the N WT ote ee core < 123-7605. Ene Round the Clock': 24-hr. ak or 74 Back Sthent invalids sah CA ADIAN ARMY ew ie! : D : a , presently occupied with other girls. 05. xam- Charge rate will apply low, fireplace and garage, $110 month. MODERN two-bedroom apartment, re- excellent location, $35 per month. 725 A. £. DEWAR and Co., Accountants burner service ined at home: Dial 4587 Ab rates apply only to origina: ranersiee, stove, TV outlet, broad-| and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg., 11 On- utomatic delivery | wy ia Adults, baby welcome. North Osh. bakes |5207 after 5. ps oom floor, laundry facilit id e tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario. 728-2221 Whi Unified | F: RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom-,| orciers for consecutive insertions Visit your Army Recruiter at | awa, aundry facilities and paved : 4 ¥ It's te nified . 603-2628 R Sub: t d at f mses space. Adults only. 329 Ade-| WANTED = business woman to share ---- a = tose" etry, the examination of eyes, contact)| Subsequent insertions ordered at o IL & MPA y siveanom Wk Wasion al ict Oe Gal tet WANTED -- business we as é Fete An oe a eae Fuel Oil lenses, 136 Simcoe North at Colborne. | later date constitute a new original OSHAWA ARMOURY FIVEROOM, brick bungalow, ail heal. : : ret Pract, Oshawa, Oniario, 725-35 S tment. 723-4191 order Street Fast, Oshawa, Ontario, 725-3509 WESTERN OIL CO: Evenings by appointmen doors from bus stop. Telephone 725+ c Street North, Telephone 725-0518. THRE E-ROOM apartment, with stove| 7782 after 6 -- "HUNTER 25-1212 4 Professional and Business listings REQUIRES YALE, FRIEDLANDER, A 72 212 «as - -- - nd refrigerator, central location, $65 | \ ss ie Ere retween 11 A.M. and 3 P.M. FIVE rooms and bath, immediate pos-|monihiy. Call Lioyd Realty, (Oshawa) NICELY furnished bedroom in warm ts and Auditors. sched aie Painting and Decorating $7.50 per_ month for 3 lines daily session, large oll healer, TV amienns,|momuy Call Lloyd Re shawa) clean home, at bus aope centrally: ie, and Co., Accountants Each additional line $1.60 LESSEE DEALER very central. Telephone 723-3078. cated, suit refined gentleman, board Licensed 'Trustees ola pankruptes., hh ' Gardening and Supplies _ AL. CONROY, professional . painti month, on TUESDAY and THURS- NEW FOUR" room bungalow, fully AVAILABLE now -- three large rooms, |optionh) Telephone 725-3879 . Street East, Os ; Ps Hs ' 1 P NE a france, . Out e Priediander, B. Comm, CPA. | walpaper in sock, 'Telephone 723-2086.|| Cost! Mnitiel latter abbreviation FOR DAY of each week furnished, oil heat, all conveniences, |sunrcom: Piivate entrance, hot water BEDSITTING 'room tor 'gif, private : - . 3. Cc : | ~ bitte be north Oshawa, $85 monthly, immediate. eR von. Dat roadioom, cooking pl fT WILSON = on ee See WHITBY word, Box charge !5¢ additional 48 reoriasel: 2, television outlet 262 King East. 725- leges, Accountants, Vast, | R | session. 725-9748 after 5. i : everything supplied. In better home, Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson. CA; EXCAVATING DODD & SOUTER Ali Classified Advertisement HIGH VOLUME | or write on $139 near hospital. Telephone 725-3093 must be in by 5 o.m the day be LARGE six-room ranch bungalow, three FOUR-ROOM, self - containe 3 d. Heavy - ~ ae: -- a G. Edmund Burrows, CA, 728-7 } PAINTING AND DECORATING tor sublicatio! except Birth [bedrooms with built-ins, fireplace in 36- qut i ' ' hp. FURNISHED room in private home, - DIGGING AND NUNS ae Memerlama Cords of Tranka wnen | SERVICE STATION | ARMY RECRUITING |ft#ireime cum Onledne, ireeine® 2a |duty wiring, privaie 'entrance, orth | wunninue® glcg" yin prises Rese | ill 9 | garage. TE 9-1586 9 en, TV privileges, One or two girls, Auto Parts : DITCHING Painting, Raperhanging Deodiine: tor Cost -end Found ane WRITE BOX 744 OFFICE rive: ROOM house, on two acres of PLAT WENE Gite Sack ale eee a ' Reha d r E-ROOM se, eas : iit KENT'S herpes gia Rp Gyptex, Full Wall Murals Concellations 8:30 a.m. Office OSHAWA TIMES : : and, oil heated, two miles west of floor, private home. two rooms, kitchen TWO large rooms, ground floor, built et asa Wer, Oshawe MO 8-4172 Spray Painting Hours: Deily 8 5. Soturdey 8 12 : 27 St. Clair Ave. East Brockln, $65 monthly. Telephone 655- with rangette, private bath, entrance, ® cupboards, heated, private entrance, 4S King Street se ee dps pore LATIONS-- cat: hk 5 near South General Motors. Telephone 798-1607-8.9. Five bays te serve you 07 BYRON ST. S. WHITBY ' ' heat, hydro, water. Grandview Street, D° 28-1607-6-8 3 ' re nowa ~Times wi e stir capital avai 798. 29 j eee : » DAYS MO 8.5131 are caves Teens od gael pace Be gam TORONTO 7, Ont 728-8111 : BR nd ES Barristers BLACK LOAM : ' 5.742 nents submitted o ise than or OE SuCUERGTIONS d 25--Apts. & Flats for Re-at sso moNrHLy and up, modern two. FURNISHED light housekeeping room arrister RIVEWAY NIGHTS 725-7426 T 3 subm pAb get ticles awe at: fall" bath, Dedroom apartments, in new apart: for gentleman, adult home, residential ' DR Aege: ieorreet not any adver | 14--Employment Wanted | 18--Male or Female Help Private ont nce cope ens mrad, ment building, all conveniences, beau- ata. five minutes' walk downtown. ic stary Public Mortgage - f ee 1 - : zh , paisesion, « Nakaty | Pane nee Wak GRAVEL, PAINT NOW PAY LATER | tisement beyona. the orice Wanted . lowat Apply Nassau Street. RELIABLE woman would like to give ate possession. On No, 2 ere: east 728-32 Nicoseinaee insite oetees eB 728-2381. Res. 985-7163 FILL AND SAND cnaraen tot ; Se hi, of Oshawa. Tele|-hone 725-: 28-5282 TWO rooms, upstairs, one down stairs, Z the 'advertisemer which erro |loving day care to child or would/sypERINTENDENT for apartment| TWO young school teachers desire a three-piece bath, laundry facilities, use RALPH JONES, BA. and THOMAS B RAINBOW occurs And also reserve the right |0ard, Dy the week. Telephone 728-7142. buildings, married couple. Apply 167/TWO-ROOM apartment, kitchen facili- girls to share an apartment kitchen, clean and warm. Married GREPR, Associate Barristers and Sol 125-0279 to classify. c ng according te Park Road North ties, suit couple or two individuals, fors, 130 King Street East, 728-6246 4 4 + Christmas, Telephone 728-2539 Couple, girls, gentlemen. Apply 67 See- ts own i 7 FELECIFIC DAY private entrance. Apply 256 Athol East. Site 5 p.m ond Avenie . : ; "ULLE Telephone 728-1300. a ---- --.- Mortgage loans available = PAINTERS Sag FRE pees iy eeleartis FULLER Bursh manager, Stan Ibbott BR " baa z.. Household Repairs nti The not be Hale wishes to thank enquirers for full time! UNFURNISHED apartment, consisting) AR EEROOM apartment in apart: oe tigger roi al re gy ce JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA. LEB. : bie NUR RY salesmen and delivery help, appoint- of | Kiteh a ment building, bright, clean, four-piece |Nousezeeping If desired, quiet, clean, Rarrister and Solicitor and Notary hg PAINTING, papering, carpentry. Low , aria pileiel ments are being made. Two part time ' eget edi A orbig sosygpacenae glashlecel hath, aerial, washer, refrigerator,|"@@t hospital. 728-5984 or 728-440}, : i uil . 2 i i .. a Whicr aie - ent r j tes tow ¢ t actual é ato. c » every "i i 4 Pentre "me _ Sr corre eeneinents ee Ce Mehiest parking fot pt Goulding, MS: Church) Payment ee une occupies The pub shera: endeavour ¢ men or women, permanent sales help tice, very central. Telephone 725-5360, |"t0Ve, Parking, mear Shopping Centre. LARGE front upstairs room, furnished West, Oshawa, Ontario pa Street, 2 PHONE 723-7067 regs heat a pt metinie waue Free Pick-up Service by the needed. Telephone 728-3996. Adults. 212 Stevenson Road South. or unfurnished, will suit one or tw available in - 4 pbc CA sean hae liability eek. Reasonable rates cpshachecetin ve a ees ype rp iN LARGE, two - bedroom apartment, in awe peg a ae RUSSELL J. MURPHY, BA. ULB. neurance : ns S me stir ontair oO} Sh na Cer -- sparen us ng. refrigerator, new triplex, north-east location, stove,|Parking space, Telephone 725-6662. Saeriat Solicitor, 6 King Street Personal Service jj of advertisement rapide elned pp. Oshawa Shopping Centre) 20--Room and Board stove, new dryer, modern kitchen, ger see Vag = " a ear emg Rarrister and icitor, 6 Ki ALLSTATE 'Auto Insurance. Save op oe I. ir any inaccurac! any tore 728.2412 SNauth Gonnral Motire, eis th, refrigerator, washer, drver, immediate| FURNISHED room in private home, carer i ah tte Na lh to 20 per cent. six months to pay. For pyano tuning. Anvwhe Oahawai| therein iy tay ONE large room, and board, with sit: \ ron tary ooneral Moto month- | possession. 'Telephone 725-3412 Wilson Road South, bus to door. Kitch- - pis 2 t. si , uning nywhere in sha 3 T \ z 4 oa Ee TV pASWARTZ, nerciats. gaieuors: No- Personal service at your home, cail and district. Quality workmanship, Tel 639 CARTIER AVE ting - room, has single beds, THREE-ROOM apartment on Warren *". TV privileges. One or two girls, Sek ee sgoniais Té--Female Help Wanted Tait wnt sttncswatiasy, tou RUaetat baci, apatmen moat Rvene, private FY ie, perk | eepbone aa i ng pt et Tae. eB NOLDES--H ng Ses Ba NEW BUSINESS male Help Wanted miemen.teesone naan," "Ranma Wes, Retacg: fige® "i ahure Teemone 7 nwo ornhed igi Reamogag dence, Dial 723 or Oe ag res aule aba casunlly {nmieaeas 4 LE : MACHINE WASH SHORT ORDER cook, experienced, for/ROOM and board for two nice quiet Possession Janyary 1. Telephone 723- Selicior, Money to loan. Office WALL Gahawa- Goll Glin" telcek ortans 4245 BED-SITTING room and kitchen, com- CUPboards, sink, refrigerator, near hos Y ] ee shawa Go! u 'elephone 723-1771. men. ° Best home cooked meals. pletely equipped : ; OFFICES. etc Unlisted Numbers Lunches packed. Close to everywhere. THREE - ROOM apartment, modern central King Street East, Oshawa 279-8232. nstruction JFFICES t GIRL to mind-children in exchange for g Str , ample cupboards pital and downtown. Suit two girls, arene : "ie ° ; task, an ' ; » suitable for one or two. 12 725-5228 * 4 Ample parking Park Road South bathroom = and itchen, large iving Burk Street, 725-8876. new -- i 725-3405 : : 3 : Accurate, No: Dripping room and board. Telephone MA 3-537, | -- , Street, 725-86 : Reamence Te. LILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing School curate, No Drips VALL a CREEK NICE 'oom or room and board, new)"0Om and bedroom, TV serial, heavy | 5 ATTRACTIVELY _ -- DONDS, Barrister DEA, Ballet, Tap, Pre-School acro & si : p Site Nbc chilean "Available vaatacy "~ DONALD BLAKE 2 wihy _ re ' M ; Pickering FUR ITU RE WO hours per evening, three to five home, office girls, teacher or student 1, 1962. Telephone 725-2527 ment building, large stove, refriger And Solicitor, 26 King Street Fast. batic. Friday and Saturday. Masonic AP basta JRNITURE _ evenings per week, $30 to $50 per week, Ride to and from centre town 8.30 and |* etc ator, built-in cupboards, laundromat FURNISHED ROOMS Telephone: Bi sine ge: Thal. Aes Tample, Centre Street Le d ng 5 ING WEST Car essential. Write Box 743, Oshawa 5. Telephone 723-248) FOUR-ROOM apartment, ail conveni- parking 2938 or 68 Wayne Street dence 728-5373 rE - sellor, oe stings r . . Times - - ' 5 sian Wag WUEWAN bedlte tact cc cerance, ty mtarviow' oul ce fies ne a a ROOMS for gentlemen, board if de-/ ong arving "bus at dor. 165 Vontay NOW RENTING 2 bedroom apartments. Available in private home. REN ION Tarn Solicitors. No- Act now. 725-1054 EASY-Gl 7 58. 4401 SHORT ORDER cook. Apply to Gen. sited, lunches packed, very central. | haa" 793.9096, with refrigerator and stove built in, Col] between 5 and 7 p.m. ne Publ Bank of Commerce N DEMY. Bat , ! l C e mete. Hotel. Telaphone.793-$04l PM tht 1 Bette loot KING STREET, Bi 11 fi ry aut Mee ae : jimeoe Si rth, 723-3445 Won aah eae stations atl - nite / : ROC NG STREET, Bowmanville -- four-T.v, outlet. Telephone 725-9328 ofr 3 Simcoe ge pas otag ee Tap, RAD Ballet, Highland, Register wacker To dios. |EXPERIENCED saleslady for ladies' roheg eta ene: £008 meals, lunches! com heated apartment, seperate en- 34 82 PARK ROAD N. ight 3 3 r 24 " reet st 512: ; Ween G i. Murdoch. NHA mort. Ww. 424 King Street We 6122 gages arranged ~ packed, single or double rooms, con ¢ to ready-to-wear Steady position, ood trance and bath, nicely decorated, $65 Seegiepinane oe f MODERN GRILL id pita on on salary for right party. Apply Box 641,/20uous hot water. Apply 260 Athol REDUCED rent for eight months, 728-8671 RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, Barrister, L Mowers yon e city Oshawa Times g fareoalbee! dase tot A hi cll etre -|attractive, two bedroom apartment. 1070 -- awn o aia ue PONTIAC INN eau Ga had shite HED spareoeet single house-|Ravine Rd 27 --Real Estate For Sale Notary Public, 52% Simcoe ree a pete ak pean available, home cooked meals, lunches|KCCPIMZ room, private entrance, cen-|723.1202 91. Res. 728-2765 WE S RPEN AND RENT Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home apartment 2, or telephone 72 ilo 4 tral, parking. Reasonable. Apply 96 : $400 down -- five-room brick h eft saa; ot packed, have TV lounge, Telephone : cE- i "alia pte Z Ls eit ee Soe a Drilling-Digging STENO RAPHER aesneTe Phone Centre Street THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnish-ineated, central, $8,300. Mrs. Tierney» ee TE RET 3 EVERYTHI id 'cnr Dunes } ( 5 nae hea; heat and hydro supplied, close to , DAVID L., Batristet, Solle ) See cee $14 WEEKLY -- two gentlemen willing TWO BEDROOM apartment, furnished school and bus dence 728-0264 ; / 725-5207. Howe and Peters. , 44 tes hee Apply 291 Mitchell Ave- ee ena a C » ¢ ra to share, single beds, TV, central; 0% Unfurnished, available immediately. |nye, Oshawa, after four GOOD income home for sale, extr 796 ; ' W. WARD Experienced Stenographer re- Apply 496 Simcoe Street North or HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILL 2 7 A N? ic 725-388 WELL DIGGING by quired with good knowledge {htee cooked meals daily. "'Telephone| APPLY, 496 | Simea ROWMANVILLE -- benicdo nod ern Mu "rg cogs ican location , MAN, Barristers, Solicitors; R 345 RITSON RD* SOU ut 1G 3 DY f:. shorthand Age 22-35 ' TV three rooms, kitchenette and bathroom, -- itera Humphreys, QC; G. S. Boychyn BA; P R KIN AT BURK 4) RITSON R SOU MACHINE Ee f ge 22-35. FURNISHED two-room apartment, washer, dryer, $60, MA 3-5996. Apart. u » QC; : ( R NG MACHINE 5-day week W. A. Hillman, LLB, 36! King Street : z : lo Apply: 22--Store Space & Garages outlet, laundry 'facilities, parking, close | ment 61 King Wess Hast. Phones: Office Res "993. 3224 Plumbing and Heating SPE NG IN 30" TILE to hospital. Suitable for couple. Tele- = . Kast. Ms SO bt 795-5203 Ft : iN eee STORE -- 700 square feet, plus full. phone 723-3807, 31 Elgin East THREE rooms with kitchen, semi Money ta loan. « ra i ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies WHITB YTARIO SKLAR basement, rear entrance ind stor pSktcragy Fea one , ci supp Cees 5 ; water, oil heating,' near Phone 725-3521. Harold H. Stark MO § 3 ) 3809 front, parking. 295 Simcoe Street South, UNFURNISHED living room. bed- South General Motors. One child wel LOUIS 8. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, fps Money to Loan Te and arold ark, 992 " » kiteh h kK, cupbi d. Str eitor, Notary, Alger Bldg., 37 Kin Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineer y CHESTNU : WEST FURNITURE lege oF Ranklin 2-9992, Cobourg room, kitchen with sin! cupboards, come. Apply 736 Cedar Street LIMITED heavy duty wiring, share hath with Street Fast. 723-4943, Mortgage thonice| MONIES 'Available lo buy agteomente, 10k, 288 Simooe Strack South ' 1 3 one or two, near downtown. 728-4166. e 16 SIMCOE ST... 5. at vailable. ae ae eae Tel: THREE - PIECE baths prestire ave. 30 RICHMOND ST. W., MODERN SHELOR apartment, furnished, pri NEW APARTMENTS 723-1121 GREER and KELLY, Barrister, Solici- "" ns slic pera oO hai ' BRUCE VY "MACKEY, BA, Barrister Reasonable Rates. Low Down WH 0) exchange sump pump, laundry tubs. boil. 2---Personal AWA in quiet home, heated. Suit pen-| OPEN FOR . INSPECTION Ma King Strest Mast Dial ers, piping and fittings. Chinn's, corner ha ° OFFICE SPACE ionér, abstainer, $40 monthly. Apply NOW LEASING | Lloyd Corson .... President mia Residence phones: J. M MONIES FOR Hillside and Park Road. 723-7088 GENTLEMAN would like ride to Ger 17__Male Hel Wonted RO: Reran Aee eee 2 Dick Young Vice-President Greer, BA, Sc., 725-3368; Terrence V. x ei ee jing, ard-Pape area arriving 8.45 a.m. Kind Ld nr TWO-ROOM unfurnished apartment, ODEL FURNISHED SUITE Lucas Peacock . Sec: Treas. Kelly, PA, BCL, 728-5832 MORTGAGES cil: types of vepalrs and remodelling. \\y telephone 728-6982 after 7 p.m AVERAOE Shah hoa : 2,000 square feet, Burns (refrigerator and stove, parking. Apply, cinanotiotes ie - new and used materials easonable cRAGE $2 ourly, part-time, é s 43 Nassau Street telephone 725-5617 Z. T. SALMERS. BA, Barrister, Solici: = MAonies available on First rates. Estimates free. Dial 728-6931. J need three neat appearing men, 24.39 | Building corner King . and a cee canine ie OPEN 4 FOUR-BEDROOM HOME tor etc, 13% Simcoe Street North Mecmans oF 7% cur orn Foley Removal! Varts, Moles and for route work, 8 to 16 hours weekly Simcoe Streets. Available 2 Office 722-1101; Residence, 725-5542. v gages ¢ if Write Box 710, Oshawa Times » > os THREE - ROOM apartment, ground On the outskirts of town, J thout bonus : Super air Permanent} Moy 1, 1962. Apply: floor, private entrance and bath, heavy P.M, - 4 P.M. table for V.L.A., thi McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, shay available on &ug--Upholstery Service MARIE " MAN with car for spare time work duty wiring, TV outlet, Telephone 728 7 P.M. - 8:30 P.M See eee ae ee Solicitors. Clients' funds available . M ARIE MURDU Must be bondable, good opportunity. B r Sh St 2524 or 820 Sylvia : ' owner-built home and he has first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North i tg s CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered .and For interview, write Mr. J, Murray urns oe ore = FIREPROOF & SOUNDPROOF used better than average 725-3566; Charles ( McGibbon, QC : > ~ mer re-styled. Free estimates, See our ma v ) ) t 1574: The: Queensway irakis 18 r ONE bedroom apartment, available im I 4 / Fdgar F. Bastedo, Q be hale ae terial for re-covering. Da Upholster ee en cy 725-4611 mediately, $58. TV outlet, washer, dry- MODERATE RENTS materials, Large modem THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Rarr ister, Sol : purc | ing, 75 Charles Street, 72: ee pene: Hae ee nee Shopping MANY. EXTRAS hen el mahogany cup- citor, and Notary Public, Mm King CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re 2 ne ] USE THE 23--Wanted to Rent " seaacnitenelh ere me ards, built-in stove and Street East, Phone 728-1763 a5 ib u Sisiders' covered like new. Get the best for less appointm n these dates ~ ca a ONE large furnished room, heat, lights oven, rug brick. Asking price : Marte reosonoble [at Modern Upholstering, 142 Simcoe : RESPONSIBLE party (no small chil- and water, light housekeeping. Kitchen PARK PLAZA APTS. $12,500. Call today for full Bookkeeping gage seaytbigin South, Call 728-6451, Free estimate : -- ren desires home, Whitby, Oshawa, with sink. Telephone 723-3078. as i , : rate - - 3--Pets & Livestock OSHAWA TIMES Brvoklin: Aeier Conaces preterteds| eine room - apattiaeal, auntarnianed,| 170 PARK RD.. S. particulars 261% St. East CHESTERFIELDS re-built, re-covered = with modern conveniences. Write BOX! heated, TV outlet, kitchen cupboards. | 725-6544 or 723-3398 L. SCHAPELHOUMAN c i 723-4697 like new, Why pay more? Our rates STALLION, tan with white ma 536, Oshawa Times kad' Mink, Sinmnedidta" paeeeeaion, 408 For full particulars call! <* are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. tail. six months old, best. offer oral ob ey at : : c COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING R d Under Mortga Mattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery, phone WH 2-1057 evenings CLASSIFIED 24--Houses for Rent pic alain Don Smith, Phyllis Jubb, SER INCOME TAX $F s', Registered Act Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial 725-0311 eae MODERN two bedroom apartment in Roy Flintoff, |rene Brown, : CH A puppies, purebred, unreg RETURNS 4 OLDER house, newly decorated, clean,|apartment building. Refrigerator, stove Jean Peacock stered 5. Seven weeks, Telephone oil heated, adults with quiet school-age new dryer, modern kitchen. Near North Realtor LTD Insuronce 86 OSLER STREET MORTGAGE Surveyors WH 2-1645, Pickering COLUMNS children. Telephone 725-2522 oor ae® |General Motors. $80 monthiy. Available Onen 8am, 40:8 bn SCC DONEVAN AND FLEIS N, ~ T 728-1904 ee 68 LER S eight aati " Satharciey Bl raniae $A5--SIX beautiful rooms, drive, s6g\!™Mmediately. Telephone 728 27--Real Estate for Sale We List Photo Co-op iB cencadis LOA NS ing, 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632, GERMAN Shepherd, Collie pups, six ' . 7 : sisted é Crerar Crescent, 728-5023 or RUssel]/ EXTRA large furnished room in base- : re weeks old, $10. Telephone 728-9605 for 7-3957 collect ment, private bathroom and entrance H. FLIM and TROLLOPE. Ontario further particulars recent near shopping centre. Apply 77 Gibbon| WE PR DLY PRESENT Brildine Trades AO years experience, Resi- Land Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue ; EARN AS YOU SERVE 'seven ; OU ESE large rooms, completely re- 2 ae cae y Street or 728-1776 nae NR ; i PEC LABEY ROS decorated, oil furnace, attached ga- SPECIALIZNG in roofing and repairs dential, acreage, opts,, bus- | East. Phone 725-6881 REGISTERED Beagle hound five r months old. Telephone 723-3575 FOR S|] : rage, Jarge Jot, All conveniences, Har-|FOR ADULTS wanting advantages, D Also all types home remodelling. Free) inc ummer properties ; SIX WEEKS mony Road North, $75 monthly. 723-2381 | very central, downtown location, desir- estimates. Phone Harry, 723-2413 Na ips Aiea Tailors BEAUTIFUL purebred German Shep- nn i mbers of Ont ortgage y able, self-contained, unfurnished three ] . - herd pups for sale 4 months, very IN HE A A A FIVE-ROOM bungalow, newly deco- e th 1; heavy Brokers A ALL ALTERATION. Also suits chan- peasonable. Can be en Wednesday Cc N DI N rated, two bedrooms, oll heated, room apartment, bath, hal e: ing, all. floof coverings. Free esti asona an bi ga 728-8175 al y Wee i * Fre / ne ged' irom double. io. single' breanied, rensmnable, Can be seen j : Fakes, Glasto ns oll heated, £8 wiring, heat. water. $60, 728-8171 (Formerly Downsview Golf Course--Adelaide St. E.) mates. Work guaranteed. 728-0850 J ; Harris Stanley Borek, 314 Simcoe south (up ARMY MILITIA possession, Telephone 725.3981 FURNISHED apartment, 3 rooms, self YOUR Jocal chimney cleane Chim stairs) Telephone 728 TROPICAL fish, aquariums, plants, THREE-BEDROOM brick bungalow, CoMtained, separate entrance, ground Distinctive homes in on architecturally controlled subdivision for . i ired 3 linings in a ---------------------== and all supplies singing canaries, , tee oe Ps floor, $50 monthly, two adults, WH the erage home o ron f s ic lots re Oe Oe Nein" Pree oat UMMERLAND TV - Radio Repairs 7 budgies, finches. Poodles clipped by If you are between 18 and ge, large fenced yard. Available), oie. ae hs pacutifal scenic. lots with prepsid sta furnaces acuur E appointment. The Curiosity Shop, 304 : January 1. Telephone 728-5444 after 5 s x services. Curved street -- no two homes alike --- you moy buy 4 mates. 123-2997 i i ~ CURITIES TV, RADIO, car radio repairs, all Stevenson Road North 50 ond meet enrolment stan SIX-ROOM brick house, oil heated, four lot or a completed house --- Make your selection now -- 7 ANGER CONSTRUCTION CO., Chim LIMITED makes, Thompson Electronics, 137 Go pescie fe or Baa re fords, you can help Canada bedrooms, garage, located on Adelaide AVAILABLE NOW-- sold th firet 3: dave neys repaired and re-built. Brickwork eh Gigi . ' Elliott Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred) Ald aay pene eos ase und, years Street East, near schools, immediate Kg x z A Sala. 'Teluphone MAS 112 SIMCOE J OSHAWA old, also one beagle male 8 weeks ad arent 'So tele of 4 : MODERN APARTMENTS and. conc A PHONE "72 YOUR service business wil prosper old Telephone 725-6321 anc yourseit Y aking part possession Telephone 6304 CONT ACT ALI TYPES building repairs, roofing 5-3568 Sn & Sanya is Pune fete Ge ateieik babs Gud "1 in the Special Militia Train MODERN three - bdroom bungalow,| Stove, trig., laundry facili- pode d eavestroughing, chimneys, fireplaces in the Oshawa Times Classified Section baby budgie, ready fo $100. monthly; near bus, shoppin es , Vv sidewalks, stoc 728-0394. Gordon Ma Dial 723-3492 today to learn about the training, talking strain. Apply Mrs Pr gi ate seine e locker T.V, outlet et, low ir jramme. One hun x é es, S ' ' NTERIOR trim k, kitchen cup low commercial: rates Broad, 114 Elgin Street East . - ' te ae ROMER elneaoee yest rental. Call | LLOYD METCALF Real Estate ltd ' A rim work, c eis " e - 5 i | hoards, recreation rooms, tile floors MINIATURE Pinscher male pups. Ideat. 9°C@ ousand -- additional MO 8-3092 ° et Call Wm Wilkins, 723-1 | : Ree Lb ger Sgro alg BE 3 : MODERN four bedroom brick house on ; ERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT Christmas gilts . Reslatered from. cham-| men are needed a8 soon os [53 Russet Avenue, oll heated, neat or 101 Craydon Rd., Apt, 5 40 KING STREET EAST 728-4678 AND H ROOFING. Specializing DAY OR NIGHT ht da ye nossible 'to help tha Gono. |soltools, bus stop: Available January 1. Atte: 5 p.m, : 4 gr e) phalt s \ > in 725-4338. _ _ gga N. phoebe Ch : T.V. and RADIO! - ne A é 5 d Jian Army Militia carry out SIX-ROOM, th - bed. brick, t rs. All mats es t Aan CALL 728 5986 4--Market Basket National Survival Operations storey holies: 'OVeNOSNIbN Ail of Osh AVAILABLE NOW-- elephone ; dd - - WINTER P OES. 75 pot q + scenic, c Sao 'hag. ree divers, telephone i" the event of nuclear Telephone 'iasaais, "nee "4 (ow".| MODERN APARTMENTS HW Wark ¢ Sere 1 5-465 er wix « \ . Fue WHITBY All W af uaranteed Brooklin 655-4690 after six p.m attack six-week training FIVE-MODIK biiaaicw, mister conten Oe ; ue Wy Aare : OSHAWA Bite er ies eeples. W. T. COX! Courses-ore being held:in your ences: ear school and shopping, on reget Ah : FOR SALE: Westinghouse automatic|FOR SALE: Good used clean 24" range EXCAVATING - ELECTRONICS miles north of Bowmanville 'Train 9 No. 2 Highway between Oshawa and rental. Call washer, rebuilt and guaranteed. Must /$89, Good reconditioned vr if? sae TLL PAY DAY 9 este : ing School. MA 3-292 community beginning Jan- Bowmanville Dial MA 3-3921 MO 8-3092 sell. $100, MO 8-3889. Your choice from $50 to $99, 46" nan DIGGING AND * EATING and cooking 'apples, $1 bushel : aie aarices EXECUTIVE type home. Immediate) , } - $ TRE Scotch pines, filled single bed mattress $14.50 while DIGGING 3 and up, Hillcrest Orchards, Newcastle y 8. Later courses stort - |possession,. three Bedrooms, 40" ree or 101 Craydon Rd., Apt. 5 -_ MAS TR Bcotch: | BINGE likey last few. DITCHING T.V. -FOWERS Mill St ' f 401 turn-of Fet 26 ond April 16, 'oom, two fireplaces, breezeway and After 5 p.m oer ees Bee, Dalene ane Oe L IN t cTc ) ill south, (south of 401 turn-off) ebruary ond April | 5 es, 4 a a IT COSTS ONLY Pde Hae ihasiakcalacigtah reo , c FOR RENT coats aleehacetlt Banalaiea den, King East area, FRanklin 2.9992, roan Seen ene NT: Large bed-sitting rooms, MO 8-4 | v2 36 798 8180 ST 5--Farmers Column 1962 Coneurs TWO-BEDROOM FURNISHED, room for rent, Will suit|with kitchenette, furnished, suitable for | ] 28-8 ) leman; tion to board. Centrally|one or two girls. Ce FOR RENT -- three bedroom bunga gensem er 7 be ntral location, TOP MONEY for dead and disabled During the course you CERAMIC. plastic wall tile, woodwork ' . T ne MO 8-8649 MO 8-3151. 0 U are jew, $90 monthly. Three-bedroom split located. Telepho! 86 arm stock, R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J venir ' evel $105 : chedr FOR RENT: $60 monthly, 3 and 4 : ' ite." cl ; given 'all-day troining five. (lve. $105 mionthly. Twoedroom apatt APA RTMENTS y, 3 and 4/DRESSMAKING, suits, coats, d OSHAWA + V. col 24-Hour, seven-day service y 5 ie ment, monthly. Bowman and Gibson room apartments, balcony, residential aiterations, slip covers. Gowns and fit. : BARRED ROCK Pullets ready to lay,| GoyS GO wee You receive (MO 8-35 'Ail cee ares, pew riichaaren ee Hell: tings our specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO f c - c $1.50 each. Call 655-3446, 7 to 9 ; sees ae * conveniences, in apart- ities, parking, clos ° » chil-|g 9979 CABINET MAKER FOR TWO WEEKS pases soli shi aosulhs 1S ae the. same pay as a regular nul ete Attia sual inert ment building. $89 and up, |dren's playground, Apply 300 High Lesa ee js 4 | Street % P ; P ' Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721 soldier; you will live at home subdivision, fenced lot. two blocks from Apply: 280 Montrave Ave. - --! FOR SALE: stamp "collection stallations, furniture refin Ask for a MINI-LOAN Margwill Fi ea p : : DEAD farm stéck picked up promptly Rereat rooms, kitchen ir - fi La 5 "4 Ae = albums) $25. Two Girl Guide * | Fur Farm, Tyrone Ltd. 115. ond receive a living allow- new school, serviced. Must vacate Apt. 5 725-9341. $16 WEEKLY room and board for | 5. 7 uniform shing rkmanship guor T. Ate TOWE RS sianaioeret MO 88352, Whitby. eS, g pe beds, double atesser clone own Drives Whitby. each. Apply 317 Dovedale anteed 5 A org CRESCENT WATER ESUPPLY YOUNG people to sell magazines, Good town, Helcra. 3. MO 84 " anized pa i , : eémmission 'Telephone 723-1990 eve- APARTMENT | -- rey Pe CRRISTMAS TREES, professionally 725-) 737 FINANCE LEN 2 LOU! S SEAWA Y WATER SUPPLY full details, without |nings and weekends only |SKATE Exchange, new. Alpine and prune varieties and sizes. Brock -KERING ONT WH 2-1397 ance F |Bauer, also complete line of used Street South at Victoria, Whitby. Spon- Obligation, from your Militia ) |skates. Bring your old skates and let's|sor: St. John's Anglican Men's Club, CORPORATION LIMITED " % ae Recruiting Officer ot the PRIVATE 6-ROOM SIMCOE at ROSSLAND trade. Midiown Furniture, 111 Brock |Order now for best selection. ( ortage 10 SIMCOE ST SOUTH" ANTENNAS 24 H urs 2 Doy--7 Day o Week i ; 3 : 5 Street North, Whitby. MO 8-4981. Open /kQR RENT -- fourroom 2 'apartments JOHN'S MOVING and Storage, Oshawa =f 4 _ 728-5804 or 725-7844 300 gallons ... $5.00 address below that is near- STOREY and HALF : One-bedroom Stove and evenings. s ae available January 1. Respectable home, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully equip. DIAL 728-7311 ash : 1000 gallons aoe 7.00 est to your home: Es 7 ) refrigerator, Parking. $85. FOR SALE dresser with mirror. and private entrance. Call MO 8.4257. ped and insured. Phone 728-3661 1500 aellons 9.00 . ee glides , pigica re- matching vanity, chrome kitchen suite, FOR RENT: con sfortabl bi ght ca vit rigerator, washing machine, " boy's bicycle 20" wheel, 'record player, | F' "NT: comfortable bri; ur. Mortgages 8 Hunting THE ARMOURY nannetty fier ey A x Telephone 725-3302 liven wlenttie fireplace basket. Apply 231 nished room, reasonable. Telephone MO 7 : -- i c 7 Str yhitby 7 FIRST and second mortgages. Sale Simcoe Str t ' ' ; Palace Street, Whitby. me i --_ EARN TO DRIVE agreements purchased and sold. Hen JOVXOUS DEER hunting, housekeeping cottages soe Street, North 26° buildifig optional Oshawoa's Finest ISKATE EXC! FOR RE? =. (nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King , ; ' Wb hoe Gar beaks "cue cote ne Oshawa, Ontario 214 BLOOR ST. E. | Te cea heeding tasers," Ui ltires beaiees Series thtee ti wena Cui Griving School pip eee mee CHRISTMAS ood? Bick minting" season 'now 'open PARK [ANE (Ss Sag' Cee cee a ee fessional instructors. Dual seign Gan air. Bate Bought and Ganse: Gales uoeiy Canta Hoe E6]-71M-R2 - 17--Male Help Wanted |AUYO parts and service, fully guaran-|siso linen, dishes. if desired. 'Reason: ' controlled cars, standard and = 725-8333. John A. J. Bolahood Ltd AND A den. RR 1 Clarendon, Ont. Mi-Jo Camp real pes ae oh erat Noeth, able. Possession anytime. MO 8-3149. automatic Doy and Nicsie ION Wea eee ce HAPPY AND 11--Articles for Rent FIELD SALES ENGINEER APTS. MO 8.8791. Leo McCarthy, prop Foneen spits is Wile sen svsllable iy ch Hake eis _ Brooker, 101 Dundas West, MO $1338 : SKATE exchange. Also new and used ojided Adults only. Near bus. Tele- 728-009) CLIENTS' moneyto loan on first mort bikes, tricycles and skates. WilsON| phone MO 82736 mornin, . 2 gS OF evenings. nch bow hafir | * Sales, 0 Street pas. Morindee dnd havecinaur of atic PROSPEROUS 9 ; e require a graduate Mechanical Engineer for an attractive BACHELOR SUITES [eycie and' Sales, 106, Colborne Stree purchased. NHA mortgages artanged East. MO 8-3746 SEPTIC tanks cleaned Walter Wa? a, , Re position in the industrial field working out of our Bowmanville ] BEDROOM SUITES THREE bedicom unturniched apart |221, Cnestaut Street West. Phore MO ossmakina Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur Y : Plant. Applicants should be 25 to 35 years of 'age. Position tants eentral lneation ie Whithy. Avels 6: iN - ce gis as = 1962 : involves general engineering 'problems, related to Industrial 2 BEDROOM SUITES 272" Ritson "Road South - or telephone REPAIRS, watches, clocks and jewel- NOR - AeCAtONS Pacyy od = and FIRST MORTGAGES -- industrial and 4 af ptior S, uh Pp iW 6 | k h 1 725-1841 lery. 24 hour service.-35 years in watch- ree Seans erento. eae aie commercia ect second mort Rubber Products. Must be willing to travel and have the ability z| Hea Ne making business, all work guaranteed. bh aint ee. | gages on houses. D, .W. Holden, 5 SARGEANT"S RENTALS handle prob and | on. the executive level, State fA hd DRESSMAKING and alterations of all Street East, Oshawa. 228-6081 nd 72 se eich, : 723 Midtown Furniture, 111 Brock Street Wolificettons iF lather -¥6 --Private Balcony FOR: RENT North, Whitby. MO 8-4981. kinds, on ladies' and children's wear. 3376 TRIO 725-3338 pasinneddis : ; -Paved Parking a 3 Telephone 723-9148 42-. N Nursing Services ° The GOODYEAR TIRE and RUBBER Co.|. --Controlied Entrances hain Frown Chiisimes trees, Scotch pine and Sea ate eA, 'oallaxs Surman: foe ae = TELEVISION 12--Articles Wanted ; ox boat, and cabin trailers spruce, Apply 814 Byron Street North, he PR cer apeea SENOS: citizens' boarding home mending, aprons mare, etc. 725-4189 Contact For Sale --~ Scotch Pine Whitby. Free delivery. p arm, bright rooms in picturesque vil 171° BOND $17 ALUMINUM hoat and coo motor OF ( ANADA, me Re MR "¢ We ee pen ro. SR METS easonable rate al rono preferred. Cash for good bu -- Fuel and Wood ayer sa ' = T 728.678 ION HO 001 ' 5 skates. Midtown Furniture, lil Brock | ane Teleohone OL 3912 industrial. Rubber' Products Division 725-7732 or WILDE RENTAL Street North, Whitby, MO 8-498! WACTORY hardwood cuttings. Suitable Want a better joh? tt may be waiting TOWERS ond DRIVE-IN RARE coin Nn good 'condition cle for stoves, fireplaces, furnacea. Tele. under "Help Wanted" in the Classified J . 4 eH | 723-9692 evenings | SERVICE & SALES CAR FOR SALE? Bring buyers tight te hone 723-4790 after & fo appointment se cy - yeur oor ast-aci phone 728-4538. jaection today, Look now. | T.Y, SERVICE ile dealers bay acetates kL BOX 250, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Howe & Peters, Realtors WHITBY MO 8-3226 Times Classified Ad. Dial 723-3492 now, Driving School