Charg e Kickbacks|*™ Militia Men | Work Program | "rr nen S28 4 : | Have Dropped Out F jour trade with a greatly ex-|Fleming was "talking in a nar- 4 panded European market/row, legal sense" in stating re- OTTAWA (CP) -- About 1,100, LO Provide nEaery ean nae ep i | Tran e of the 20,396 men recruited for| should increase very consider-| cently that Canada couldn't join i g V the first six-week militia sur-| jably." / the common market even if it | : : vival training course have| {QDS rg | He said Finance Minister|wanted to. : MONTREAL (CP)--The Sal- tionale cabinet . minister, Mau-|dropped out, an army spokes- Cesarean c =: connects camNREEK na curcutn. -aNancies Money a seme emammnnaeN tae |yas royal commission has heard|rice Custeau, member for Mont-\man said Tuesday night. The) CHARLOTTETOWN (CP)--| evidence that former Quebec|real Jeanne Mance, was identi-|course is scheduled to conclude! pegeral government fi j |municipal affairs minister Paul fied as the intermediary in de-|Sunday. H 2 80 og Pings \Dozois arranged kickbacks. onjlivery of a $1,006 cheque in| The spokesman said one main|of @ "massive program" of mu- jpaint sales to the provincial|1957 to Jean-Louis Bergeron,|teason for the five-per-cent loss|nicipal public works to provide {government for his own brother.|4g, Montréal insurance beamer. eee Whee oe Saskatchewan re-|thousands of jobs was adv | Marcel Dozois testified Tues- cruits, probably because of the) ,, rues i aac ped his brother, Un (WEARS UN REPORT linfluenza epidemic in the prov-|Gntsyn "Fetal corte' elestion'é lion Nationale member for Mont-| Bergeron, who said he was alince. lcampaign strategist. real St, Jacques, for govern-|Jong-time Liberal organizer who) Another reason was desertions) | h here i ; ment contracts because hemever made a cent with that/early in the course. Others had a De $0 & Funeral chp ¢ needed money to pay medical|Party, approached Custeau in| left to accept jobs in stores| fo oiec. ae te teed ant if bills. 9 whes ag" heard Liberal} during the Christmas rush. ee ne na trade sclicies ta f : Aer _|Senator Sarto Fournier had Un-| The second of the courses will vegas hb + ai ae ey peed gong yp tnd Nationale backing in run-begin Jan. 8. ey pate markets for Canadian) : a ~*\ning for mayor of Montreal. Sage eae aa . |two from Sico Paint Company in) Stas A | | Mr. Gorden, who was chair- 1958 and 1960 and one from He offered his ighiaxed and Bomb Blasts CPR |man of the 1955-57 royal com Canada Paint Company Ltd. in\Wa@S Paid by Custeau who was) < . lmission on: Canada's ¢ 1959 and was informed they| quoted my watchs! ~ cheque Branch Line Rail | outlined the Liberal oerenigce iM of ST SIMONS ISLAND G ere is sions on paint|WaS paid on recommen: ation of) Fo ek eae ae re ' ; el ging AR eOUs OP eas Bairatth, Union Nationale) NELSON, B.C. (CP) -- A Dene on the Sh allgeecnneg so p if ' EORGIA Marcel Dozois, a travellinglolt end seyee oreanuer CON ee +o BF aga for beating unemployment.' "} Located off the Atlantic Coast on the Golden Isles of jsalesman, said he never sold) 'The three - man commission|west of here was knocked out reid -- Page sacl -- Georgia--enjoy 6 myriad of seuss activ F ipaint to the government O¥under Mr. Justice Elie Salvasjof place by a bomb early Tues- chairman of the. Liberal: elec: __: +; ocean bathing, fishing, boating, sunning f worked for the paint companie nearing the end of-a lengthy|day. tion campaign committee. f : Private pool. Skeet shoots. Outdoor dancing | from which he received money.|ingyiry into purchasing prac-| A CPR official in Vancouver He said that until business e - and entertainment. Cuisine. Fascinating ac- '| Another former Union under the former Union|said 33 feet of track, between activity picks up considerably, | F commodations. Club-like atmosphere. Riding Per are ee et a Nationale government between/South Slocan and Slocan City, the government should encour- |i wails. Yacht Club. Golf course. Everything te 1955 and 1960. More than 5,500|was affected on the little-used @8¢ @ wide program of public 4 make you enjoy your vacation. Urge Increase |pages of testimony, mainlyjline that runs through the heart works through a municipal de-| J j2bout a kickbacks system in-jof the Doukhobor country. velopment bank to provide low-| volving millions, have been ta-| A freight train was due over interest loans to municipalities. | q In Canadian ken. The inquiry is expected to|the track today In trade policy, Canada| jend next week after 40-odd more| The incident was the second should be urging Britain to join ( | Write today. | . |witnesses are heard. lof its kind in two days and the the European Common Market Car Content The paying end of the systemleighth in a series of terrorist/instead of complaining about) was explained, in part, by Jean acts since more than 40 Sons of Britain's desire to join the six- WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- The|Raymond, Iberville, Que., in--Freedom Doukhobors were ar- nation trade bloc. federal government has been dustrialist and legislative coun- rested last month on charges of; If Britain joined, 'Canada asked to compel Chrysler Cor-|Cillor, who said he believes 'tijarson, use of explosives and may lose a iittle trade for a J |poration to increase the Cana-|Was started iozp938 or 1939 leou i s. hort time. But in the long run, ape FLAMES TAKE 'OVER a ae ~_ coal Mig cars it "ae ; ; es Gis seins RS a OS Ra . Blast of flame bursts from | can go into action. Four chil- | of flames keeps men in the The request came from Local frame home in Harvard, Il., | dren of the Edward Millers middle of street. Harvard is \444 of the United Auto Wor' today -- as passersby wait f perished in the ground - floor | about 60 miles northwest of |ers, whose members are em- fire truck to arrive so th apartment. Heat of explosion Chicago. ployed here by Chrysler. ee ee eon A resolution from the local . said Chrysler is discontinuing| | Robot In Orbit machining operations of engines O ec | in Windsor and is importing the iB T, E rt component parts. This was re- ' * | |ducing the Windsor engine plant B d' P Hike eeps 0 a to "a mere assembly operation oaras ay SANTA BARBARA, Cari oe (AP). é OTTAWA (CP) -- The CNRjries of cuts in "arbitrary allow-|O s i i sdé The local said more than 100) said Tuesday it plans to imple-|ances" paid to engineers. These|aboard a Discoverer satellite|men have been laid off here as ment a conciliation board|allowances, stemming from the|and began beeping 'Hi' to the)@ result of this trend. The rest) award providing a pay boost forjera of the steam engine, are re-/ world's 300,000 radio hams. of the plant had been put on a) its 2,700 locomotive engineers|garded by the CNR as out) Jp addition to OSCAR, short part - time basis, reducing the} and also updating "outmoded|moded in the age of the diesel/for Orbiting Satellite' Carrying| Wore, force to 490 men com-| conditions carried over from the} locomotive. Aimateur Radio. 'the second pared to a peak of 1,800. steam era." Arbitraries are special pay-|stage of Tuesday's rocket car-|,78€ resolution also asked that) The publicly-owned railway is|ments paid on a time basis to/ried a capsule of secret instru- Chrysler be prevented from 'taking steps" to put the rec-jengineers for certain duties in ments. moving machinery from the! ommendations into effect . an. 1/preparing for or ending a run.| This capsule is to be ejected Windsor plant or from any other --even though the negotiating|The CNR contends the "duties, within the next few days to pa- Canadian plant. The resolution | committee of the Brotherhood|/have disappeared under all-die-/rachute down near Hawaii said it was believed Chrysler in-| of Locomotive Engineers (Ind.)| sel operation." Planes will try to catch it in tended to move the manufac-| has turned them down. For the most part, the reduc- the air--a feat achieved seven ture of the Canadian engine to} The union plans to refer the|tions bring CNR arhitraries in|times to date. Three other cap- ATRentns. ee issue to its members to find out! line with those currently paid sules were fished from the! There was no imme late com-| how they feel about the recom-/by the CPR and the Northern) °¢an. : ment from Chrysler officials) mendations and see what the! Alberta Railway. About 90 minutes after the here regarding the union's next step might be. This refer-| i i _|launch, the air force said OS- statement. | 4 Union sources said the reduc |CAR was transmitting signals. | | | | ral to the membership may take) tion in arbitraries will mean a | a com-lsix-per-cent drop in the take-|proadcast continually. the four DEATHS . home pay of engineers, bal-\dots and two dots that spell So far, there is no talk of a\ anced against a 644-per-cent pay} , * : aa : "Hi" in Morse code | ossible strike threat, and un-| increas : : By THE CANADIAN PRESS 'on officials are understood to) ---------------------- OSCAR will transmit for about) Ottawa -- Alexander me | : ~~ {30 days, or as long as its bat- Dexter, 65, editor of the Win-| ILD STEEL SHIPS teries last. Inipeg Free Press from 1948 to SOREL, Que. (CP)--The traw- All the world's amateur radio} 1954, PROVIDES FOR BOOST \ler Bienvenue, prototype of anj9Perators have been invited to! st, The report, expected to beljall-steel series of vessels des-|help track OSCAR. Blott, 73, deputy director of wel- de public by the labor de-|tined for use by Gaspe Penin-; ~ fare for St. Catharines partment today, provides for a/sula fishermen, was launched) $196,180 will be paid by the fed-) Midland, Ont.--Rev. John Mc- 614-per-cent pay boost spread injhere Tuesday. The 78-foot ves-|eral government under its new|E . 85, Presbyterian and stages over a three-year con-|sel can carry 100,000 pounds of] aid-to-shipbuilding plan and the Church minister who tract ending in 1964 fish and accommodate five crew| remaining half by the Quebce!served in parishes in Alberta! But it also recommends a se-imembers. Half of its cost of|government and the owner {and Ontario be playing down this suggestion BU at this time Catharines -- Arthur E.| M-m-m-look at that new streamlined decanter! The mellow maturity of this superb light whisky means infinite smoothness. In its new, streamlined decanter, IMPERIAL is easy to carry...easy to pour.,,and 50 © to enjoy...Why not enjoy it, tonight ? HIRAM WALKER & SONS LIMITED, WALKERVILLE, CANADA, DISTILLERS OF FINE WHISKIES FOR OVER 100 YEARS Ask for *Coke" or Coca-Cola", both trade-marks mean the product of Coca-Cola Ltd., the world's best-loved sparkling drink, - Enjoy that | Refr eshing New Feeling with Coca-Cola! Authorized bottler ef Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Lid, HAMBLY'S BEVERAGES (OSHAWA) LTD. OSHAWA, ONTARIO