27--Real Estate For Sale A THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 11, 1961 97 NEW house for sale, 5 room brick. " m Park Road North, $12,000, te _--Automobiles for Sale |32--Articles for Sale 723-110! eee eae LT AT GRE Fee WAREHOUSE -- 7 |'6 OLDSMOBILE, two door hardtop,|LADY'S black winter coat, size 14, as WAREBOUSE ong bd sO nag y+ power steering, power brakes and other good as new, eens xe black posh or unheated, Immediate pos-|extras. Good condition. Cheap. 258 Burk| party dress, 14. Telephone 723-1274. Can Mi "a tah sud at 725 irre . peed athe jer" TV conti. Feces ee Waaans pay cog ag Lie '53 GMC ton panei. A-1 con .tion.|picture tube, Will sacrifice. Telepho $333. John. A. J. Bolahood Lid. Beslter.|s259 or pert offer. Telephone 725-1053. |728-1276. Good income home for sale, extra goer gogo Re * 185 lent location |'61 PONTIAC, convertible, V8, auto-} d sizes yeu 'call Mo esis matic, white walls, wheel' discs, full|and kinds, like new. Reasonable prices "oa Wi 7as-2674, _\from $3.00 up, 1%4 Bond Street East, ; 12 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS FOR SALE or rent, five room brick cient antnaetlbahee Bienen DRAPES 180 x 95, cream with flowered Chuck Full of Wonderful Things SHOPPING eee Ne cgiae Lar eave Series tert hasten, tal Teeeees tives | enna, eee aaa Gaoen| . = : é irvice Sta , |bei. y er tern, brown,| i . - hee Rent 725 78 veut. [golds pumpkin, "asao7e. | Christmas Fowl Christmas Trees Gifts For Her Gifts For The Family § Holidoy Dining Holiday Food Oa ok pean giumisned TOOM.|55 FUTONE Pontiac coach, very £00d|CHRISTMAS trees, pruned Scotch pine, | ; ke | fi ing. Ev Stapleton, tel : . Washing machine, central location. Tole |eonaison: winterized, Rew Pe tes, |Ghone' 2 Ret, Ovona, | WF YOU WANT THE A-1 PRUNED Thrill Her With Lovely ¥ Permanent Waves mens ciety At LiTz hone 725-8150. : i i ed right | ------------_______-______| CHRISTMAS PAR aw Mavin iot ace nvectaw brick Ce ene €30 of weekents,|GOOD selection of reconditioned TV's BEST IN FRAGRANCES Complete 5.95 SANDALWOOD Oshawa Shopping Centre a . ? r 2 " . easonabl ices. Parkway e- | Sera a Rt we oo SEN Half FRESH KILLED § SCOTCH PINE § awouney cir Patent & enwapns >" Ninevene a i [ard meant «timated : --|color TV store. Pee ee "25.$3 i TOUR LOSE valosbles are "Sturbed| isos PONTIAC sedan, good condllion,|-cranG sarmince? Well ba I Re TURKEYS Tussey's -- Cologne $1.25-$ Pp 4 N t 1 -- im a hurry when you use Oshawalroy nattery.. $125. Apply 561 Grierson|figcrators, TV's, washers, pianos, | CALL MA 3-5049 PHONE ELGIN BUDD -- Dusting Powder $1.75% BEAUTY PARLOUR 30-120" Pada eis: Times Classified Ads to fell finders |or telephone 725-9329. |stoves, ete. For t h offer contact | Yardley's -- Red Roses, Lotus, : LITZ DELICATESSEN a roti ttcer gia ee PONTIAC convertible V8, white with 19 Prince Street Phone. 725-1131. | W..E. LYMER ORONO 8-R-3 and Bond Street Per-@ 5 CELINA ST. 723-7633 ervations, 728-1111 ciry "93 ft. frontage. Close to\red trim. Will finance. $2,695. Tele-|FOR sale or exchange, 2 slightly used | Highway 2 at Maple Grove fumes, from $3. 725-9111 but oping and school, Asking #3398, |Phene 726208, ot roi 10 fo 194 i CHRISTMAS TREES § -- --SPrev Mist $2.50. BEAT SANTA VIANNA Call Mr. Ratcliffe at 725-6544. JobM) 67 Donriac, 6, Stratochiet four-door,|ciusive. All for $29. Or will exchang Order Your Christmos : : te 40 ce A, 2. Baaiend 1. eee Dcae Lae pilin, Mattes, MONSIES 2 new pats Of eeandard Une andl TT ead Gin price 00 UP Pine POWELL'S At His Own Game! BRING Hi For the Finest Selection of: 200 ACRES, priced to sell, or owner|offer, Private sale. Telephone 725-8762. |tubes, 'Telephone 725-4330. } : FOR THE FAMILY d G il ter oe eee ee eee at head a cnt Sos "SS FORD Customiine, Tudor, - ERKEL meat slicer, heayy duty elec: | LITZ PROCESSING Commercial size 17 foot DRUG STORE GIVE FOOTWEAR Mo erm fl SMOKED FISH, HERRINGS crop soil, slightly rolling land with|barrej carburetor, standard transmis-| tric, cost $600, sacrifice; '53 Plymouth) PLANT i THIS CHRISTMAS GERMAN CAKES, PASTRIES some bush. Good opportunity with - sion, ge sg condition. By Bag | beer § ES teats sleeping bags. Tele-| Special Rates for San- JACK S BAR Git & ; HOME MADE PASTRIES Sane * 2 t ayments. Apply 299 | P! e 728-6891. 5 ; i oe. ask for Me, Zorba at 725-648 Guarbot or favaveo afer 6. ___|atoWFaT deine "30°" range, Crosley | : quets, oe os ue 180 a erry " sia 35Y2 Simcoe N. _ 725-4734 ll buen A SPECIAL DELICATESSEN John A, J. Bolahood Ltd.Realtor. ee ee pave 3 ¢ °53 Shelvador refri : tt. \ t. E. "i A - - TY DUPLEX Howe street, two Kilchonss|Pontie, "9 Chev., "60 Ford, sz Pontiae| clubs, nine registere 17 Bloor } COLLEC Gifts For Him err Ramee adi DELICATESSE gs He 178 ADELAIDE EAST i two baths, six rooms and garage. Close | automatic, °49 Pontiac, '51 Pontiac, '50|wringer washer. MO 85206, 0 DAVIDSON S R 728-3281 rr ae birect Bast. Vacant, suust belCher, or °47 Chev. First come, trst|owa dry pop coolers in good conde CHRISTMAS FOWL BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN sold, $12,500 with $1,500 down and bal-| served. Cash, trade or terms at Nicols) 1:5, pe 71 ¢ Entertainment OPEN EVENINGS ance on one mortgage. Call Mr. Apple-|motor Sales Ltd., 512 Brock Street anaes ee ad Ls trae Capons and Turkeys FRE | 31 Simcoe North 725-3312 DINNERS WITH ALL by at 725-6544 or 723-3398. John A. J./North, Whitby, MO 8-8001. DISCOUNT prices, everything in the Dressed and Delivered PIANIST and banyo ptayer - Dance : Bolahood Ltd. Realtor. Sar FO STADE bays your choice of st0Fe, Feduced. excellent selection of and ding along with a. Parties, THE TRIMMINGS FOR TOP QUALITY 41,800 DOWN, fwo family home, Fivel's Chevy Biscayne four door sedan or/(ust™as obitts, Hiassocks $2.99: oe FRANK HOAG weddings, etc. Telephone 655-4505. SUBU RBAN IBEX BLANKETS ONLY $1.50 APPLE rooms and bath on one floor and four|+sg pontiac four door sedan or '58 Ford 70 x 90, Reg. 6.95, rooms and bath on the other. Liveliudor sedan, These cars are in im- Sot * borite < nee ee | ROSSLAND ROAD WEST Those who hear for $5.69 pr. A PLATE FOR CHRISTMAS almost rent free. See this one. Call Mr-|maculate condition, winterized, ready | chairs, $38; ta amps from _ $3.88. | DIAL 725-6837 WOOL BLANKETS GIVING OR Swarbrick at 725-6544 or 725-6942. John : col : ig RE yg Po SIM LASH Reg. $10.95 for $4.98 WE DELIVER A. J. Bolahood: Lid, Realtor. i ure, 20 Church Street. A 2, Bushel and half bushels. WORKING man's home, six rooms and| North, Whjtby. MO 8-000). ae Siastaghoaaer | TURKEYS ond his Trio CHENILLE BEDSPREADS $7.95 725-3887 a oar ba bath, oil heated, very clean, north-west|----sosone sour door hardtop, V-8,) pn) cee ead ekscracnigs : ; VELVET DRESSES ts iniapllid estes : 1956 METEOR f , with door storage, $80 or | FRESHLY KILLED section, city water, with sewer avail-| tomatic, Victoria. Excellent condition.|5°°+° orrer' Spanish guitar with case |i Y Wonder Tasiy Ask for repeat engagements. with the purchase Sizes 2-3x, Reg. $4.98 345 RITSON RD, SOUTH TRY US oun as ia Hatt Poe ggee HE oes Telephone MO 68-8088 after 7 pm. _ r best offer, Call anytime 728-4452. | Buinced piel Needy Parties dances, receptions, of any for $2 o6 : xtra city lots), Half cash, eg re anically perfect a. -- cape ae aed | eli a ' ; weey enay Sarma, Avety Bex 1, Om) CLL T: Sear' quer accepted. Tele-lih, FOU CFEER, ineniciee ate it Year-Round Supply. saliusdia NYLON DRESS $1.75 Up A CHRISTMAS GIFT PALLOCK OO phone 725-0473. Se ae , hawa Times Classi- | Special Prices -- Music makes the party. S U | ay CRINOLINES $1.69 1956 PONTIAC power glide coach, new i 1 Jition. 190 fined --_______-- | Churches, Banquets tires. Car in good conditior 'PING iio ele aie | ; GUIDE REALTY Meadow Road or telephone 723 7946. | whi : 4 ay oon bull (I pry Courtice Turkey Ranch PRIVATE, °58 Parisienne V8 hardtop, |save, 4% $1.00, 9 lb pkg. $2.00. | 728-5392 LIMITED with extras, two tone, spotless condi-|(irculation Dex 4 | i tion, $1,495. Telephone 728-0569. > ae 16 Simcoe St. S. [eremevmouer 6. i it /8 AVOID LAST MINUTE 10 CHEVROLET 6, automatic trans- 9; En tia Ca 723-1121 mission, like new, radio, heater, turn|volumes in prokease, $200 DISAPPOINTMENT signals, two-tone metallic grey B 83 fi ington 3 Lloyd Corson .... President dealers please. 728-4658. 0 rif ope, $100 728-4062. | # ORDER YOUR Dick Young . Vice-President |ioss CHEV, BelAir, power glide, A-i|WINE and cider barrels. Solid oak. All| Lucas Peacock, Sec.-Treasurer |condition, snow tires, winterized. Tele- shawa ardware, c | OWNER WILL phone MO 8-3409. Modern Draperies SUBSCRIPTION ORCHARDS LOCAL ORCHESTRA PRICED AS LOW AS Discount Prices Growers for 35 years M&C Dry Goods ¢ being One Mile North Whitby -- AVAILABLE $49.50 74 Celina sireok Jab 7827 # OSHAWA TIMES Highway 12 East Side FOX PARTIES, DANCES, i BANQUETS USE YOUR CREDIT U Light a Christmas Tree in the gj ls Holidey Transportation window of your own home this § @ year- CALL 725-7867 §OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT. Christmas. ee The Sate Way To Celebrate ' NO DOWN PAYMENT. # ' round gift the Holiday Season | | Model Disp! RIDE WITH #56 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe with radio, |C¥ S chairs $3.68; also S-plece| eee ENJOY AT ode ISp ay ond 6 daly mencuey Ls ' EXCHANGE guaranteed. One "owner, Trade and ich ; la selection Lane | YOUR 1 q for smaller home, income [fee Telephone asi. mans PARTY OR_ BANQUET DUNN'S Homes reminder of good- 725-4771 pl seg pet small business, 70 AUSTIN Healey Sprite, gee! decks 8. Tremen savings. rd. | TU RKEY NOW AT THE : : sir ear a aaa oa oe eee inimnoculote S-room home _ (tnousane, nilless rads. take over. Pay-|wilson's Discount Furniture, 20 Church ; : CADILLAC HOTEL Twe Locations: A ot wortewinning: destone elt oe Dts with finished rec. room. -- ° : S aa agi oa Pcl joa' fees Select Dotes Still Open. 36 KING E. (Downtown) and relatives who are - - reshly rkey ee ew. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Down Payment pecs rg es ae fl partion [LADY'S black Hudson fog gy ave rive,* r ee . CO! on, est offer. pply D. ron diss Gell tcday, 30--Automobiles Wanted [ircci 'North, Whitby. 'Telephone *MO pag P apnatarage peng ft 725-3743 a way LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want % aay bic eee, 5 . teh bi i To Fle GIVE HIM A WARM $] 195 f FOR THE MOTORIST OWNER HAS OFFER cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. ary, kinds of printing, wedding invita- | est when you buy a Towntine 1 CHRISTMAS Lei Why not: give o 725-1181. | specialty, Telephone 723-4670 Turkey Ranch turkey. Freshly NEW YEAR'S Sweaters from $7.95 up. BALANCE ONE N.H.A home. Gift Wrapped Membership aetine DANCE Cardigans, Pullover, | hogs, MORTGAGE tthe 7 . Bulkies All colors All sizes. © Southwood Park Town of Ajax? THE CIRCULATION ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE C.R.A. SQUARE DANCE SAM ROTISH {Diamond (Southwood) Homes DEPT. Only $15.00 CLUB TURKEY RANCH ¥ old Tyme and Modem 7 Kina St_E. 725-2433 Y y j MEN'S WEAR qd Ltd KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA = dani 725-7422 # Novelties - Lunch - Pri 1 723-3474 ristmas Ideas 725-4233 4 Be hilday ri 30th, IDEAL GIFTS PEOPLE S » Will be pleased to act upon : " 4 q a Sate SO on another house and will sacrifice this 5-room house SPACEHEATE @ new. Used only with walkout basement. Im- SPOT CASH r s eae = 'Telephone diat ossession. Call to 72 rr ormation, pact: 2s nase PAID FOR BABY SETS k i and crocheted, Good clean cars. Trade up 8" type bulky knit sweat- | For full rticulars call ; : : ; 7241121 or down, Liens paid off. eee ca walle chen 8 Don Smith, Phyllis Jubb, | DODD MOTOR SALES [fit fics. Sever worn, size 18: Tele: |§ Roy Flintoff, Irene Brown, 314 PARK RD, S. | e : Jean. Peacock. 723-9421 carriage, pink » in excellent Open 9 a.m, to 9. p.m. 27--Real Estate for Sale We list Photo Co-op. Sponsored b eS 4 fig eat is PERSONALIZED $2.50 PER PERSON GO KART ENGINES f SOVING SIORe i is i CHRISTMAS CARDS 728-8334 POWER MOWERS ? Best selection, style and best Coutts, Hallmark, Toothills, and balvarn, Ditation stock, Nicely. SNOW BLOWERS ; quality, for thet man you other exclusive lines. pruned. 302 Oshawa Blvd. South, w desire, GOOD RECONDITIONED Peaai Ses Gata FOR YOUR 74 BARRIE AVE. 4 WANT ADS WICK PRINTING LTD. t 20D RECON j P : ; y SPORTSCOATS 1700 Simcoe North REFRIGERATORS RANGES iChristmas Pa rty 728-2791 7 728-5119 \ | AND WASHERS oe ; ; SWEATERS TT ME if L All parts ond service. pal sated Baie : Little Buckaroo Gifts For The Family SHIRTS ARE FOR Find gifts that bring AX sale REAL ESTATE LIMITED BARGAIN CENTRE OSHAWA HOME' sie SKATE' GLOVES, TIES, idles EVERYBODY | make this Fe hn 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 HARWOOD AVE, MORI LANDSCAPING NEW ond USED. A com- § "People's for Gifts' truly memorable by $7500.00 - Sn WI eeIO Location -- Simcoe St. N. "HOT TURKEY plete line of CCM. ond 36 Simcoe N. 723-3612 & A lifetime of using § turning now to the Gift 4 lige rome, moder lee jutchen 2 atwoome, for | FREE TUMBLER [ff Free Delivery 728.6366 § BANQUET cepted. Skates shorpened by | Want Ads has a Git wehaee down payment on this terrific buy, WITH $3 GASOLINE 2 $1] .50'A PLATE experts, To make this a Christmas § convinced Gramps : - PRUNED HALL RENTAL é hrist ' B65 DOWN at the CHRISTMAS TREES § for porty or dance extra ne posi to remember always-- § that those ---- New 51%4-room bungalow, aluminum storms, screens, doors, VATIONS dom te he CAN Spotter 4 little ads work LOCKE'S 38 BOND W. -- 723-3141 RESERVATIONS CALL ceramic tiled bath, all spacious rooms, plenty of closets, partial HILLTOP FLOWERS i Gifts for Children Give The Gift of now for excellent § wonders. FLORISTS stone front, A real buy at $12,870.00. Still time to move in Cid 10 on ak Mian From Our Greenhouses for Christmas. flies nant Dl : : Sava § POTTED PLA : J ' " s pit Nica Gets Mois values in outstanding oh . a ake hata oh s + ristmas Flowers TOYLAND Home Therapy gifts. & FOR YOUR y Ly GIFT CERTIFICATES VA Soong Bicycles, tricycles, pedal cars, Equipment FLOWERS AND CAND FLOWERS doll carriages, sleighs, tobog- Sales, Service or Rentals AFTER 5:30 CALL bes ---- --s GARDENS Marion Drew, 725-7610 Everett Elliott, 723-9290 ig Foc ee icbbswtlibg Mabe a ide BOWMANVILLE a . gans, Meccano sets, Dinky toys, 725-7927 PLANTS CALL 728-6555 Hockey equipment. 3 Dick Barriage, 725-6243 Joe Maga, 725-9191 and Kitchenware. Free Delivery MA 3-5757 Write 316 Wilson S. FROM Say it with flowers VICTOR'S : John Kemp, 728-2392 LECOFF ; aia! . Oshawa REED'S this CHRISTMAS! 38 BOND W.--723-314} WATCH 28--Real Estate Wanted |30--Automobiles Wanted OF os athish bin sh-ng A-1 SCOTCH PINE SCOTTY'S BARGAINS FLORISTS JOHN WANTED % to 2 of land, reason. Open to 10 p.m. daily ably close to titable for a six- Sct ton om hous' a garden, hri foam nove sod iarge gareen Realy tol ©} ALL CASH $ REPOSSESSIONS oe ae a Co mol Artificial Centerpieces, BURTINSKY'S Y . For cle i-F cord ¢ Door Knockers, Holly Wreaths, 90. Automobites ter Sale 'or clean cars we deal up or recorders and BICYCLES THE 4 FLORISTS Christmas Trees NUMBER ONE Scotch pine, spruce NSS NS Rid de arg CEE SAG A AS AL SOAS ECE Building Lot -- 46' x 161', $2850.00. Sewer, water and side~ Visit our new Streamlined walk, Drugette Department -- Dry A 4 A Ak tt ee eI 2,000 TREES down. Liens paid off, TV sets. Top quality, brand C.C.M.--RALEIGH $23.75 Winter Wreaths eas YOUR CHOICE $1.94 ' Sioa ill wire them for you SKATES, Millwork & Building R: B. REED U COM oRALER SUPPLIES LTD. . CUT FLOWERS PLUS TAX POTTED PLANTS a ao 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY OSHAWA Layaway Deposits 1279 SIMCOE NORTH & SONS TABLE CENTRES 3 table for serv- MO 8-8001 so Let us be Santa, Christmas 728-6291 FLORISTS -- OSHAWA ice station, c bumper and Contact MR, RIVELIS at GARDEN SERVICE Eve delivery service. Seven ADVERTI | DOWNTOWN gerd' beta sn a praia sax Sa aes), CARS WANTED 17 Simcoe St. N. 1259 SIMCOE NORTH mile radius FOR A LOVELY GIFT 10% KING ST. W. OSHAWA and District dail m PEMOUTH teu du, te soo pap 795.6541 723-3222 # WILSON'S CYCLE ond SALE ey uaa 7 3 DRIVE-IN SHOP MO 8-3334 m ving to Unit- Sell 'your used Cor to "Ted" __ OPEN EVENINGS oe Colborne St. East, Whitby Call At 163 BLOOR ST. W. 7 12. Tolk "Cash" to the New ECONOMY SPECIAL MO 8-3746 PARKVIEW STORE wth tts Basi NURSERY y Gifts For Her "98 OLIVE AVE. COLUMNS HOLLY PLANTS FOR CHRISTMAS GROWN 7 Complete line of dresses, pote ag Rage gine FULL OF RED BERRIES PROFESSIONALLY ebb ggager suits, coats, a ty Sets, Bibl ry LIVING PLANTS sweaters, ERUNED. # blouses, slims. All latest' THE IDEAL GIFT OF 5 TO 10 INCHES SPRUCE and BALSAM Fosge and fashions for & Footwear, Slippers, Luggoge, Beautiful living Christmas gifts. Keep indoors for IN LARGE, TABLE AND. wer ot Christmas. teeny, Use our convenient winter. Plant outdoors next spring. Improved var- APARTMENT SIZE Use your credit. ay-A-Way Plan. ieties. Complete instruction for care A. W. RUNDLE Open a charge account. BURNS SHOES i THE . ¥ $3.50 each -- 3 for $10.00 postpaid. Special Offer: Nylons, seam- i nee pea Sag tld Ai bemenin GARDEN CENTRE less, 3 pair for $1.00 with KING AND SIMCOE Specialized Growers Association Ltd. SALES \ N 1015 "ING ST. EAST any _ purchase or 49c pair 1206 DUNDAS ST. E. MO 8-3501 Mercedes Benz HILLCREST | FOR CHRISTMAS OPEN EVENINGS 725-1764 § anytime. WATCHES > NO. 2 HIGHWAY -- -- WHITBY ONTARIO debaker, D.K.W. $5 Deposit Pp f 4 SAVE 20% TO 50% 5 : . ales and Service SUNOCO ; Will Hoid shy ge MORRISON S TIMES Hobbies Hobbies : CHRISTMAS TREES All Leading Makes, 484 KING ST. W. For ALL your motoring needs Until Christmas ALL SIZES 48 SIMCOE ST. N. For Men, Women, Children j ae Geog d Opposite the Armouries 728-51 12 2 hiahwey. fgg ae pe cans ore WHOLEEALE' SAIL: Siete newest and smartest HORWICH THE ROYAL COIN : ing Machine Cc. E. HARDSAND adies wear Store"' CREDIT JEWELLERS THE tea, 544 725-4811 14-16. Ontario Street 728-6656 OSHAWA SHOPFING CENTRE FOR and STAMP STORE 1962 'MODELS 32--Articles for Sale | ease CHRISTMAS TREES 725-631 2 20 wiee <u 8443 ghd ere es Jake & Bill's Corcne ; sas Walt hae a eka | FOOD & FREEZER Pruned--Forestry Grown CHRISTMAS & ENJOY HELPFUL is digi. hig d aaaaet FINA SERVICE Se te nee PLAN sroten Hines MUSIC CHRISTMAS MUSIC hcihichiadeargra etd iniales few fontostic Cal-Jet Outboard Motors. Regularly You may have tried the rest, All Sizes--wholesale prices. GO-TOGETH ER HI-Fl's ~ Christmas Shopping for Stamp Albums, Coins ie temps - Coin Folders and other accessories, be $209. Now $165. Also Now try the best. Eot better RECORD PLAYERS limited number of demonstra- for less, 809 OC FOWLER FORESTRIES R.C.A. Victor P ! i i WIELIS ae Fe AA ey eg > groceries sup- 306 KING WEST wo bp aye neg Biectrohome, 1962, Stereo GIFT sure to see our wide selection. MOTO R S rows warranty. Telephone shoes tes nit 4 $39.95. Automatic Port- models, famous Dielerdft -4514, GET YOUR CHRISTMAS able, 4 speeds, $54.95, a. WANTED - COINS OF CANADA TAUNTON ROAD EAST TREES NOW ogany or Walnut, Stereo - Automatic, 4 7 V TOWERS the only one guara Nicely Pruned speeds, $84.95 up. $329.00 up Previous to 1900. Also 1925 and 1926 Nickels. 'Canadian Your AUSTIN Dealer oe 0 Housekeeping, Spruce, Scotch, and Red Pine In imitation leather, Lug- type C 7 Convenient Terms. Cents from 1922-1926. N 40-ft. structure with all- own payment. Call no | All Sizes gage type Cases, assorte We Finance Our Own Sol SUGGESTIONS We ag Poe assortment channel antenna, all galvan- . ent, ! O | From 50c $1.00 colnie. : e Our Own Soles . s ars. Yr -- at © oblig E GH Is Highest prices paid for these items. pot geet og lil eco ion, Zenith 9.6100. |_| HOWARD MILLSON MEAGHER'S MEAGHER 725-033) TRIO TELEVISION [on 10. CO 3-2607 S King St. W. 723-3425 171 Bond St. Eost, 728-6781 (Continued on Page 18) %. two-tone, radio, Beat! W1ICOLS MOTORS LTD. pt reasonable offer. slightly used, Several s to choose from. reasonably for quick tA A 4 ad St At SIRS 4. $4 Car Dealer and "SAVE". | 14" TEMPERED es Ltd. TED CAMPIN MOTORS | PEG BOARD a 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 4 x 8 SHEETS REG. 6.98 BUYING OR SELLING SEE SPECIAL - $4.48 1c) CAMPIN: 1" W. A. SMITH ee orc. | BUILDERS SUPPLY MOTORS and SERVICE STATION |: 701 BROCK STREET NORTH 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- | WHITBY. MO 8-2379 Uust Eost of Wilson Road) nite tea "phon s Wee ee ae ee nna ne ate ees -44 Res. - __ 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 eehee Geen BUY ig NEW NAGY MOTOR 67 KING ST. W. SINGER. SEWING he Sat SO ENE SS AES RE 449 RITSON S. -- 728-0921 We also purchase old stamp collections, medals, badges, 5 King St. West 723-3425 curios, early books, documents and maps of Ontario County. NOW! Residents of Hampton, Bowmanville, Brooklin and Whitby for DIRECT LINE WANT AD SERVICE Call OSHAWA 723-3492