Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Dec 1961, p. 17

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A | Courtice H-S \BROOKLIN W.I. (Toronto Woman' THE SEA TO, S, Ceeee ee ee ! Mr. and Mrs. Norman Meek,| Mr. Grant Christie was in | ° Vi i Sis Sandford, visited her weeke j " j a parents/London, Ont., over the |Plans Party | Christmas Cards "sits Her inn bana end At M h t | Miss Carrie Cowan, Toronto,| ; \By MRS. CHAS. CARPENTER ancnester |was with her sister, Mrs. -- ee mW car tes "it | COURTICE -- Courtice Unite S t | Sh t I MRS. W. F. CROSIER jand family, over the weekend. t » Ont. - f coment was be ge en oO u e ns MANCHESTER -- Mrs. Bert| Mr. and Mrs. Lew Holtby|Scott, who has been Pryor jSunday as Reveren aro) G . Midgley visit-|and son of Belmont re-|Since he was 10 years 0) '|Stainton conducted the Sermon.| By MRS, ARTHUR ELLIOTT South Ontario to 4-H Club mem- wie oak ese Pen Pesry |ont ante of his ian i his latest dee~ récently. Ed now Mr. Eddie Warburton, Clerk! BROOKLIN -- The president,|bers, complying with rules and b: d family. is 87 years old. of the Session, called the fol-/Mrs. Harry McCool, chaired the/regulations. val ben [Howard Dobson an rad uae lowing adults to join the) meeting of the Brooklin Wom-| A bon voyage gift was pre-| Church. jen's Institute, held on Wednes-|sented to Mrs. Robert Heron| Miss Angela Lamont; Mr. and|day afternoon, November 29, injprior to departure for short = = Mrs. Randall Lamont; Mr. and| basement of Township Hall,|trip to England on December 2.) Attend t he Gi antic Mrs, Eric Dunham; Mr. ané; Cordial welcome was extend-| Mrs. Victor Parkin, Mrs. Mrs. D. M. Black; Mr. andied to visitors from Myrtle and|Charles Pilkey, Mrs. W. Med- Mrs. Harvey Singular; Mr. and|to Mrs. W. A Brown, Green-jland and Mrs. H. McCool were Mrs. David Singular; Mrs.|wood, district president of|approached and agreed to assist |James Rosseau; Mr. and Mrs.|South Ontario Women's Insti-|with Red Cross project at Fair- -\Charles Carpenter; Mr. and tute, paying her official visit. {view Lodge, Whitby, on Wednes- '|Mrs, Allan Garden; Mr. and) Mrs, Albert Cooper, leader|day afternoon, December 13, as '\Mrs. John Ralston; Mr. and|of 4-H Girls' Club, spoke brief-|representatives from Brooklin i '|Mrs. K. P. Minaker; Mr. andily on various advantages, acti-| Women's Institute. '|Mrs. H. Sallway; Mr. and Mrs jvities and privileges of being a| The guest speaker, Mrs. W. A. }|Ernie Tonkin. i4-H Club member. \Brown, district president of c '| Courtice Sunday School had| She also asked permission to|South Ontario, extending greet- e 'jas guest speaker, Miss Carrolicompete for scholarship award-|ings to branch members from :|James of Pickering speaking on)ed by the Women's Institutes of South Ontario district. | : | Temperance In her address she spoke of ° the recent visit to Canada of i} Courtice United Church and 4 \Ebenezer Church CGIT and Mrs. F. C. Seaman of Australia, ° 4 |Explorers under the leadership, Bay Road School who became interested in Wom- Being Held At... « 'lof Mrs. Clarence Penfound; s en's Institute work in this ;{Miss Patsy Mackie; Mrs. Nor- Meets Nominees country. } M man Adair; Mrs. Garnet Goyne; By MRS. E, FERTILE A unanimous vote was car-/ ros ewe ers d | visited Eine Pag" on FRENCHMAN'S BAY -- The ried to send | Cariatinns cards to) TY ie |Church for Vestry service. Bay Road School met the elevenjolder members, shut-ins, ani ; ; : © |r. and Mrs. John Lemon of candidates running for the five/members now resident at Fair- 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA f ee ee ee rr es "sed |Harmony held a surprise party/ member School Board in School|view Lodge, Whitby, and hospi- for Mr. and Mrs. Harold) Area No. 2 on Tuesday. tal patients. STARTING NEW AJAX BABY STARTS HOSPITAL FUND DRIVE Graham for their 15th wedding) 44, and Mrs, James Gurr andj No meeting will be held in DAILY AT 12 P M HARP \anniversary lfamily left last Friday by plane|December, owing to its close : oh be Lerrie-May, daughter of ) the new Ajax-Pickering Gen- | Attending nurse Mrs. Lam-| Mrs. Thomas Gladman anor England where they will proximity to the festive season. Mr. and Mrs, Mathew Smith | eral hospital. The child, Mr. | ing of Ajax stands by Mrs. |nounced the Courtice Fara is( vist relatives. of Ajax was born a few hours | and Mrs. Smith's third, was | Smith's side. |School Associatic | Mr. and Mrs. J. Henderson|of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Perkins, before the big fund drive for | born on Dec, 4 at 2.35 a.m. | --Azzopardi Photo Fg omg Ling Prob egge 89 attended the wedding of their\Broadview St. 2 SALES DAILY pon 12 P.M. "_ 7 P.M. Mr and Mrs, Clifford RyanjMiece, Helen Beatty at Scar-| Congratulations to Mr. and , : = Inad their aunts, Mrs. George|Porough es " sigh oe ak per i Joseph |. c t Mr. IR t Brooklin Society Burketon WA ts tat aston armel comganatons to Xs. endinand nine th wettne FRE BEAUTIFUL GIFTS GIVEN AWAY Pca. celle. i tb | i i " Duch is in th [guests 5 "Oshawa Cub Pack|Church Scarborough, The bride|Toronio General Hospital "and AT EACH AUCTION SESSION! of Meet Dec 13 Pe two new helpers, Miss|is the former Mary McVicar of/has undergone a serious) war Bs T1zes . Beverly Burgess and Mr. John| Scotland and the groom the son/operation for a heart condition. / _By A. R. HUBBARD |\McQuaid. | By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT | Mrs. Norman Alves, Mrs. Eric| BURKETON -- The Burketon|---- | | } BROOKLIN -- The Christian|Green, Mrs. Lorne Parrott and|Woman's Association met in| s . . Education Hall was the recent|Mrs. McCulloch volunteered vet = * A es on| White Gilt Service location of the annual Christ-jtheir services to assist with) Wednesday, Dec. is meet-| . mas' Show of Brooklin Horticul-|January pot luck supper, to bejing was in the form of a) At Brooklin Soon tural Society, held in con-jheld at the Christian Education|Christmas exchange. | ee ZLLIOTT junction with the regular meet-| Hall. | Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lowrey} gc Peon ate gyn ing. | Problem and question period) and family, Mr. Feden Hub-\.,°, Gift Service of the Sun- : solved interesting discussions on|/bard spent Thursday in Peter-|)'¢ f Brooklin United AWARD PRIZE MONEY |'how to make a cactus bloom", | borough. ee et tak ae sunday, | The treasurer's report by Mrs.| time to plant lilies" and| Mr, Chester Hoskins spent Church, g xt 9.45 a.m. in the| Charles Wilson showed substan-|srowing geraniums with suc-|a week visiting friends in December 10 a he Pa | tial balance on hand. cess, indoors during winter| Niagara-on-the-Lake, Oe te Gus ' i chool are Disbursements to be made/months", | Mrs. Earl Oliver and Miss, Pupils of -- Stabned| during December included $20; Mr, and Mrs. Whitmee, for-|Gloria Oliver had a slight requested to bring pped| to Brooklin United Church for|merly of Oshawa, now residents|accident on the road due to the Christmas gifts bed = Fred ' e use of hall, $50 to caretaker of|of Brooklin, agreed to act as|Slippery pavement. This caused] Victor Mission, ai ee ae nd. Village Park. judges. them to take the ditch and re- er atten "g ee te The amount of $49.40 was) Although the number of en-|Sulted in bruises, a broken rib|tribute donations, | e paid to various. members in|tries was smaller than usual,|#"4 other injuries. jbe donated to | prize monies, during the meet-\exhibitors were complimented|,,Comstatulations to Mr. andjand Maintenanes : ing,. according to points won|on their various exhibits. |Mrs. G. McGill (nee Shirley| CHRISTMAS PAGEANT during the year at flower shows. |Harris) on their marriage on} A Christmas Pageant with There will be no meeting in| PRIZE WINNERS | Saturday : |special music and songs will be 6 December. Mrs. T. Calder read the list of Mrs. W. H. Crawford is home!presented by pupils of the Sun- Mrs. Les Hall and Mrs. Fred|prize winners as follows: ees - bg her vacation in qay Schoo' - pogo goo = M. Holliday were approached| Cijasg 1, is | Mngiand. ber 17 at 7.30 p.m. in the - 8 and agreed to act as the nom-|Mra a, ©. McCulloch, Mrs | Miss Prentice, Port Perry,|tian Education Hall. inating committee to present a/Mark Lockyer, Mrs. F. M. Hol|200,™™.. Dennis hap fy of | ELECTION DATE : , slate of officers at the annualljiday : as Se eee secant as | Saturday, December iS bas meeting and luck, supper in, : cane ae : eae designated as election day January, 162 line Class 2.°Christmas door dec-|' The new school is making|in Brooklin district. All resi- joration -- Mrs. Charles Wilson,| good progress with the weather|dents are urged to cast their Mrs. Mark Lockyer, Mrs. Eric|being in our fayor. | ling booth. 4H Gi ls Pl Green. | Mr. and Mrs. Norma paca gh ares Pe ir an Class 3. Winter-time arrange-|Mitchell and family, Toronto,| « lment, using dried materials --|were Sunday guests of Mr. and| B ki Sc ts Mrs, va.\Mrs. L. R. Argue and family. OOKIIN pcou Christmas Party jt1°¢ iecuch ate ya g: Aimve ant tems, | DLOO | | - s By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT | Class 4. Christmas table cen-|294 family, Toronto, were Sun- 0 P pe D V BROOKLIN -- The 4-H Girls'|tre -- Mrs, Mark Lockyer, sire | 27 aa n Faper Vrive Homemaking Club, "The Happy|A. C. McCulloch, Mrs.' Eric) Sire 'Stanley Moffatt ader-| BY MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT Circle," met on Saturday at|Green. | ahh "aueeery Yin Oshawa Gen.| BROOKLIN -- The Brooklin 9.30 am. in the basement of| Class 5. Terrarium, using liv-|eral Hospital We wish her a|B0y Scouts and Cubs will hold Township Hall. ing material -- Mrs. A. C Mc-| speedy recovery a paper salvage collection on An interesting demonstration, |Culloch, Mrs. F. M. Holliday. | Mrs, Pearl Avery visited her|Saturday, December 9. News- how to make and bake a banana The president, Mrs. Norman|sister, Mrs.:E, Mallon, Port|papers and magazines must be nut loaf, preparation of- fruit)... . ai jtied securely and in separate and jellied salads, emphasizing! !ves, Presented the T. Eaton Perry, on Sunday afternoon. bundles, ready for curb collec- color and ingredients used for|!0Phy, awarded to member , Ition at 10 a.m. | attractive appearance, to en-|Wiming highest number of| TIMBER SALE | Residents of Brooklin district hance the table, and promote|Points during year, to Ist vice-| WINNIPEG (CP)--The Mani-|aro asked to support the ist appetities for fruit, was present-|27eSident Mrs. Eric Green with|toba government is se11ing/Bprooklin Boy Scouts and Cubs ed by the leader, assisted by|/2, Points. |burned-out timber. at reduced|in their effort to raise funds by girls. a The Simpson-Sears Trophy,|prices in order to clean up its|the sale of Christmas trees. Tentative plans were formed|awarded to member with second/fire - damaged forests and to|¥rom December 9 until Christ-| to hold Christmas party in| highest number of points during|clear away usable wood before|mas, selections of Scotch pine} December. 3 jyear, was presented to a new-jit can be attacked by insects.;)may be obtained from Gordon! Miss Lois Smith, home econo-/COmer to our society in 1961,)Mines Minister C. H. Witney/Hurst, 6th concession; Don Rob- mist of Ontario and York Coun-|Mrs. A. C. McCulloch, with 53/says it is necessary to clear al-|erts, Meadowcrest, and at the, i) ad Ee VAs ty, will be guest at next meet-|Points to her credit. most 100,000 acres. lold fire hall, Roebuck street. : : ing on December 9. | Frenchman's Bay By MRS. F, FERTILE | FRENCHMAN'S BAY The ae following is list of the the bowling scores during the week in Frenchman's Bay. ee yaa i F | With th d ' 3 et : ; j e « ° ° 3 ee Basic Facis ith the Holiday hospitality season coming up, you'll want ocketeers 27 | Over 200: Eva Stephens Li i Stan Salt 270, Clare Skitch 'at | | lots of ght Saliey asides =e i . George Liming 229, 216, Har-| | vey Fertile 227, Ivey Skitch 209,| Ernie Vargo 239, Doreen Ed-| wards 243, Gordon Warren 204,| ; Dorothy Wiseman 223, Harry) Nearly everybody reads a newspaper Colley 216, Barb Loscombe 20, day.* friends. And vour at Tranquada 249, Kurt Rein- near . hardt 221, 246, Edith Reaman| ewan é psa " | -- : he gett. 211, Doreen Nowell 230, Fred | Dunbar 201, John Wood 203, '205, | Practi 225, George pala 254, bave ey waged ite . sbioges dnt ere tae Winery, 24. Dave! Waradtacuared wy your commary lor by Order Light Holiday Brew at your favourite Hotel or Tavern. High Single Flat -- Win Jones 302, Bill Deisiey } i j wn e ° e ae ee a, i your clients) will be made to a' news | You'll find Holiday at your Brewers' Retail Store listed under Jones 345, Jean Holobon 305, Bill Deisley 333, Stan Salt 320, paper reader. High Three Flat--Ivey Skitch ' oa om Hence, the newspaper is basic and the | 0 Keefe. High Th Hadep. -- Ivy j i isi ek Tit Desens eva Na. effective use of its advertising columns Alex Park 769, Kurt in- . A hardt 751. ier 5 constitutes the most powerful force in PASS HANGING LAW existence, any day and every day. oo DOVER, Del. (AP) -- Dela- *Market Research Corporation of America | ware moved today to restore capital punishment, make whip- iashing mandatory punishment) for certain felonies and render life-termers ineligible for parole. The state Senate voted * 12-3 Wednesday to restore the THE OSHAWA TIMES death penalty, legislated out of existence in Delaware three years ago. The measure, al- ready pasfed by the state's lower legislative chamber, calls for banging in cases involving) murder, rape, treason and kid-| napping. : Serve Holiday. Its extra lightness will please your visiting

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