Yelverton farmer who was de-|seats, winners were Rodney! Township clerk Ross David-'of eligible voters had cast bal- 5 conlomscastletilarnn Ehnsaeeasednssnen Ss saakiel Tells Rotary Of feated two years ago in a bid Porter, Janetville farmer (516), son estimated that 90 per cent!lots. for the same post, after four Lewis McGill, Bethany farmer AOA Seaton ar cma C 1 led Sc ts years on council. (441), and Coun, Alex McMas- ENGLISH SUB-TITLES ripp ou He polled 479 votes. ter, Bethany drover (305). SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT ; : i Losers were Coun. John) Losers were Howard Brown, At the Whitby Arena Tuesday|payne, Pontypool farmer and|Pontypool farmer (294), Lorne Shean TWICE DAILY Whitby Rotarians were given alauctioneer (233) and Coun. Fen-\Farrow, hardware merchant, talk on crippled children in the/ton Fallis, who has a farm near Pontypool (291), and George MATINEES AT 2:00 P.M. Scouting Organization. The)Manyers Station (163). Smith, Bethany garage . em-| ALL SEATS... 85¢ speaker was Clark Lock, a mem-| Jn the race for three council ployee (222). EVENINGS AT 8:00 P.M. ber of the Boy Scouts Provincial -- ~ ALL SEATS... $1.25 Council and Commissioner of ADMITTANCE the Crippled Boys Division of| 32g ee ee. Qaamny the Scouts. ( 4 » AT Rag THE Wa ed nat oe oom { -- + mA nn atl Mr. Lock spoke of the charac- ter building qualities in Scouting and that by joining the Scouts ™ 'crippled children were wel-| vee BARE FACTS SHOW... ». \comed into a glorious brother-| it's just good i hood. Some examples were, J given by Mr. Lock of the forti-| clean tude displayed by boys who} labored under great physical! handicaps. | The Crippled Boys Division) : * '3 "Fy TS e | |was created to deal with boys, 4 8s ' ia } |who had any kind of disability, | : * \ |said Mr. Lock, citing blindness, | +0" = * 3 ae |deafness and paraplegics as ex-/ bat Dt ' ; |record, sald Mr. Lock of pare'| Wsibeaiie6, Reconditioned & rion : , |plegics becoming Queen Scouts.' Budget Terms--Al! Mokes--Alll Sizes Fas , Scouting brings much to lone-) a (? From 5 ig i * ly and impeded young lives, Mr. p : ; r] : | -._ \) Sian eed grea rompathy nn #9 . " | CHERNEY'S 36:30 : pee. , |nee sy i --= i | |tual support : : KING ST. EAST 728-1641 MAPLE GROVE GUIDES RECEIVE ALL ROUND CORDS " tos whiiouse | Two Guides of the first | All Round cords, second high- | guides and their captain, | and former Guide captain Manvers Twp. DENTIST KENNETH CONNOR Maple Grove Girl Guide com- | est award in Guiding. Shown | Mrs. James Geddes, captain; | Mrs, Ken Slalker. SHIRLEY EATON ERIC BARKER _Pany recently received their ' from left to right are the two | Sharon Holmes, Rosa Prins: | --Oshawa Times Photo | on the JOB" si ADULT eee eo ' its ae, eputy eeve | Rownie sevens EATERTAIN abutting \ 4 FRENCHMAN'S BAY Albert Campbell, the Chair-| AST DAY, DAY: man of the Industrial Commis- Gets Reeveship | "THE y a | e sion was present, and was ask HUSTLER PE bi R, THEY R H led to give his opinion. on the BETHANY -- Manvers Town- PALL PPA LS an 1 ates need for a full time Industrial'ships voters elected Henry| | | Commissioner. Jakeman of Bethany to replace | < ? : He feels that an Industrial Robert Brown, Pontypool res-| -- biti: cn ee Bi | Those Fabulous = * |Commissioney would have taurant owner as township | plenty to do as he.spends sev- reeve. ASTRAL FILMS "PRESENTS | "8 ] eC n us T1d ee jeral evenings each week in the Mr. Jakeman, retired, hadi CouoR <DECTACL : 66 N i " HTH AWKS aA Ce FD OAD A FAMOUS PLAYERS TWLATRE Se te capacity of Chairman and can- been deputy reeve. He received) By MRS. E. FERTILE , The first candidate to speak was William Collins who oper- ne accomplish all that 7 ul voles to his opponent § Fula ' "hi mC i nine 8 : sary for the Industrial Commis-| Stepping into the deputy- FRENCHMAN'S BAY -- Fair-| Was Cliff Laycox of West Rouge.|ates a farm on the Base Line.| (i, reeveship is Harvey Malcolm, a} port United Church Hall was} Mr. Laycox is interested in/He is President of the Ontario)" > ee saad nk A ccecsihnns bee ne j filled to capacity recently tojrecreation and has acted on|County Farming Board. | E scenes OF | bk TT hear the three candidates for] Township recreation committee He said he would fight for the . ¢ -- Lo , | Hi- LITES ; HARMONY deputy - reeve for Pickering| He is in favor of the establish-|farmers as he feels farming is WELCOME BACK 2| 4 4, SU od w/ 4 0 Township and also the six can-|ment of an arena located in aja big industry in the Township. "4 sae. ee ¥ i eS a didates running for position of|central spot in the Township|He would like to see vacant ¢ ; é | councillor in Ward Three that would be available to lake front property bought. up LVIS RESLEY , "ae < tag) Overy ; | oe, & 0.C.V.1. AUDITORIUM A lot of interest is being)¢Vveryone in the Township. by the Township shown in the coming election) At present, money is spent on; He also believes that any type YOU'RE THE GREATEST! ee 5 " in Pickering Township on Dec.|ice time in other communities,| of industry would be beneficial|¢ q , < ' SAT DEC 9th--8:15 Pp M 9, especially in Ward Three/such as Whitby, Uxbridge,'to the Township if it was set i d : | ov] e ° ofVie where Bay Ridges is situated. (Stouffville so the young boys\aside from housing develop. ; , ; | Reeve Sherman Scott, the|Will have a chance to play) ments, : guest speaker, explained the| hockey. Don Waring, questions on the ballots to be} He would like to see someone date, i POR a : 4 ; co the next candi- : 5 : s. 4 F | plus said he favors bu | ; voted on, on Dec. 9. The first) start a campaign for a decent dustrial land by the Township question is, "Are Man 4d bono Centre. and feels that Frenchman's Bay > gs | = Ee | LONDON MEN OF ACCORD of the Township spending "| He feels that taxes can be) should be developed for dockin | The i j 000 for the purchase of indus-| reduced through bringing indus-| and swimming ' , 8 ¥ Chalienged the world 44k be Championship Chorus trial property?" jtry into the Township. He com-| He fayors all typ recre. } , Me ' y The second question is, "Are|plained, as did all the candi-| ation, not just hockey ana bare. q oS : 5 ; eo fo RYTHM COUNTS . Toronto you in favor of the establish-| dates speaking after, him, of the ball . F: \ ' 'i VOCALAIRES Oshews ment of a library in Pickering) poor roads in the south part of Ron Biaker of "Picker j q " ' ; ) .- Township?" |the Township, stating that the icKering ; Beach, the next candidate is ht ar , i | oa ee ' TOR CITY CHORUS ..... Oshawa Reeve Scott explained that if jroads at Pickering Beach and cantarkad with Tuertoaanies 7 ; eee ' i / | so | MOTOR C the second question is answered] Frenchman' s Bay are terrible. |taxes in Ward Three. He ree IT'S HIS BIG in the affirmative, a library} He said it was poor planning|salesman and feels that a full- M-G-M HIT . ¥ Cc) | : (Wa board will be appointed by thejin the fact that Liverpool road/time Industrial Cotinissionecta OF HITS! 'at 's a * ie, | Presented by... Township consisting of fivejis to be paved only to Com- should be hired. members plus the Reeve. The|merce street, when it would wo | 2 : apa me | ity Barber Sh cost would be approximately 1|cost very little to continue pav- Pa ae Algae gd of ' x > ? j fourenonescor=|] ' 4 Motor Ci y ar er oppers ed i ' * p> } 3 H tpn oc mill. \ing to the lake while the equip- interested in the possibility of On the question of the pur-)ment is working on the road. having taxes paid in six instal- q chase of land, Reeve Scott ex-| | | ps 1: \ | TICKETS--$1.50 plained that. water and sewers| NEED RACE TRACK S ieeerent pint chek ae as AY bes ei | a prepayment plan with a dis- ou in CnemaScope An A >re available to service the| Mr. Laycox feels there. §s\count for Saying taxes in ed. ad in CinemaScope An Avon Production. i ag Gels dae ll fey ng toa yet Sg: i- in-RiiapPom§ CONTROL SPECULATION posed race track She also believes an Indus- They would purchase 40 actes) y4r< Jean McPherson. second .2!, Commissioner should be | ROY K i W IN ? ERIDE : a son, hired to help b d and thereby tend to control) .andidate for Deputy-Reeve to P bring industry into a F »¢ »M f N IC IN speculation on industrial land.|<,.ak stated she had attended the Township The land would be sold for in-|Council meetings all year and), Mts. Beckstead has been a dustry only. had seen money spent which bookkeeper - secretary and at- | Questions were asked con-|she did not approve tended many council meetings : cerning the emount of land and} Mrs. McPherson lives on the 'his' year 4 M-G-M ClnomaScope METROCOLOR such as would 40 acres be|Valley Farm road where she John Greening of Bay Ridges a om GLENN FORD « sin SCALA EAR 40 750-14, 4-PLY a RECAP WINTERIDES . oe es AND 2 FREE WHEELS resignations from the planning on the Pickering District High board and Mal Femia tendered School Board enough? Reeve Scott felt that/operates a farm with hired has had 25 years of experience TAMBLYN: JEFF RICHARDS card oad Mal F Oe Oe vas tint oak FREE MOUNTING Fay eh THIS AND EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL PRICES ON | (REE MoU would be in Ward Three. Thejation and as far back as 1952 allocate the t asl. 00 - 2.60 - 3.00 4 servicing of the land is not in-|advocated the building. of an! our taxes, cluded in the debenture and) arena where children and adults; - they may not service it until}could have hockey and skating such time as sale of land is| She would like to see Council assured Work out a budget to bring the MEET OLD AND NEW FRIENDS AND Other questions to be on the mill rate down and woul ld work ballots are -- Are you in favor|for the north as well as the of Sunday Sports and Are you south part of the Townshit p in favor of Sunday movies, in- are = y Saga we as Harry 2 oyes who is also contesting =. cluding drive-in -in theatres? Heap typed le 9a TO THE TOPS iN Mr. Boyes is the 1961 Coun Three Resian ii. fue ses ans ROCK & ROLL -- RHYTHM AND BLUES g of many small communities and and THE LATEST DANCE SENSATIONS ! they all have different prob- From Boards "i: coo | AT THE ALL NEW e not stint on major expenses but Three resignations were re- should avoid _ unnecessary ceived by Whitby council this|spending. He believes money week from members of the plan-| should be spent to promote in- Saas CLUB AVALON vision. Charies Stafford and Mr. Boyes was born in Pick Albert Foote tendered their ering Township and has served ax dollars to lower (Directly across from the Oshawe Shopping Centre) 40 acres would be sufficient for help as a director, comptroller, econ- Mr. Stafford and Mr. Foote lor to address the group. He has now She promised to promote omist, accountant and lawyer will receive letters of thanks|lived in the Township for 10 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT OTHER SIZES ALSO TERMS: and regret from council and Mr. Years and is now a resident of e $5.00 Down $1.00 Week He also stated that all of this;more open meetings in Council He promised to delve into the an wae coties industrial land for development|and is also interested in Recre- taxation' problems -- and '. G ETS Femia' will be asked to recon- Bay Ridges : Yes, the all new Club Avalon has been designed to bring YOU, the particular sider his resignation He is an economist with a wri Trade-in Allowonce . ee Maver Stanley Martin anaji@t8e company and at one time} teenager, the very best in Rock and Roll and Rhythm and Blues and the newest == SES SE ET TE ET ET EE EE ET ET TE EE ETE EE ES : ek served with the Occupat ional dance sensations sweeping the nations. members of council took the oc- forces in Japan as an adviser We have the hottest records from the hot spots of the U.S.A. along with your i " SED SNOW TIRES se pest Plage Be mygote ag tah for the municipality. He feels favorite past hits plus the top 20. 4 ' . " Pd 730 14, 4 PLY NEW 2 pened to be present at the meet-| "at Ward Three has inadequate We bring you the best in live groups from across the country, plus a monthly ie as part gh ee og tego ys th at agg Moat ve show of the tops in recording artists. es DOMINION ROYAL | INSTALLED 9 Wn a the planning boar n his letter ; Mi knows how tc use money, He to council, Mr_ Stafford said that promised to work for a program} , Looking Forward To Seeing YOU -- and Having A Good Time ® WINTERIDE TUBELESS | NO EXTRAS w woul volve getting lack of interest but because of hich would inyo ; ; z money through industry and health reasons. on gs renege The Vow Management « BLACK AND FREE WHEEL | In his letter, he also pointed | people. He advocates hiring a out that the official plan was/ful} time Industrial "Commis- eS oe nines cae eee This Week Direct From Toronto Bo No TRADE inject some new blood in the WOULD AID FARMERS NECESSARY board The second candidate for THE BUL a ; Mr. Foote's letter stated that, Ward Three Councillor to speak FA ous @ FREE MOUNTING he would be available to serve ; SS iae imi ai @ NO EXTRAS 8 on the board in future years it| if ¥ TIRED WwW other commitments could make ou re the time available ALL THE TIM & Terms: u Mr. Femia tendered his resig- E ¥ 4 nation on Nov. 23, and on that} New and then everybody gets & $5.00 DOWN TRADE-IN date he was named a candidate! '"'tired-out" feeling, and may be 2 ALLOWANCE for council bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth- $1.25 WEEK | ing seriously Town Clerk: John Frost said| wrong, just a temporary t i condition caused by urinary irritation or that he had resigned from the blediiar & : ca ein Seat he el] Seer, at te THE FIRST 50 PERSONS NO OUTSIDE FINANCING cil while still a member of the conten hick cae aien th # (Corner of neil b ti thorized, Dedd's Kidney Pill Look for the ® Pig re io fre th ag en we i dd tl THIS DANCE IS COMPLETELY UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 48 BOND ST. WEST 'ci, 725-6511 court. He added that it was nol| she ad Ged fang. Ten oe WILL BE ADMITTED FREE! Ne, clerk pdnf dnd | é ad a5 him fo reconsider. | Smee Yucmn ded eel EE SPR SR RRR RRR Ree