an ~ 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 7, 1961 igrounds, as Lange did-in Mos-, In what guests described as ajwhich no Norwegian govern-}with Canada's Lester Pearson,jrested by the Gestapo in Au-) gens will hold informal discus- -\cow recently. "tense atmosphere," Mikoyan|ment can disregard. With our when external affairs minister.|gust, 1940, and imprisoned in an| Unsold Tobaccc sions with the ¢ompanies. Lange, 59, is Norway's foreign accused Norway of "sitting and|background and our experience, In the United Nations andjunderground cell in Oslo, with- Mr. Demeyers said unsold to- bd © minister. His 12-day visit to watching" instead of doing/it was natural that we shouldjelsewhere, Canadian and Nor-jout clothes and with only one} bacco increased Tuesday to Orwa inister Russia came as Russia. placed something about a. German|seek a solution with other coun-|wegian views have coincided|blanket, But he did not ak' REASON To Meet!:::: per cent of the tobacco sudden new pressure on Fin-|peace treaty. tries that had similar problems." often enough to arouse talk of|Again arrested in 1942, he was| loffered for sale. The problem land as well as browbeating) Lange made an impromptu;|\COULD AID FINLAND an Oslo-Ottawa axis. sent to a concentration camp; TILLSONBURG, Ont, (CP)--/of farmers being forced to take Norway and Denmark, the reply, Quietly but firmly, he| Little Norway's spunky stand Norway can be proud of where he became acknowledged Faced with increasing amounts|"Nsold tobacco home had be- s I ) ad ( Ol 5 a e Scandinavian members Ofsaid that West Germany isireflects the country's growing Lange. A tall, serious intellect-|leader of the prisoners. 2 , jcome serious in the last two ispl ys r g NATO. Norway's ally in NATO. He/sense of engagement in interna-jual, but by no means lacking] His two brothers were also in of unsold tobacco at its three P days. Differences between Russia|added: tional affairs. It may help neu- in humor, he is: one of NATO's|camps and his sister died of|auction exchanges, the Ontario] ho tonrd: was told the bp By ALAN HARVEY | It takes courage to resist and Norway were exposed to "Norway is a small country.|tral Finland show similar firm- founding father and the only diphtheria shortly after being|Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers'|sent market trend is indicated LONDON (CP)--Dr. Halvard|threats and torture by the Ges-|view at a luncheon in the Nor-In the last war, we learned|ness in dealing with the new foreign minister to have repre- released. : | Marketing Board Wednesday di-|by the buying of a major com- Lange of Norway used to be one|{4Po, as Lange did in the Sec- wegian Embassy in Moscow that our desire for peace was Russian demands. sented his country in the. al- ney z ~ {rected two of its members to|pany, which purchased only of NATO's "Three Wise Men." ond World War. when Anastas I. Mikoyan, Rus-not enough to protect our fron-/ Norway and Canada often see liance since it was created in LIFE SPANS meet with the buying compan-|2,000.000 pounds during the first He has proved he is also one of And it takes plenty of intes- sia's first deputy premier, sud- tiers. This has left a deep andeye to eye in world affairs. 1949. Average life span of males in jes. seven days of the market, com- its most courageous and de-|tinal fortitude to talk back toidently criticized "Norway for lasting impression. . . . Lange was associat ed on As a member of the Nor- Japan is 65.4 years; women' Chairman George Demeyers|pared to 9,000,000 pounds last termined men. \the Russians on Russia's home'joining NATO. "This is a political reality.NATO's wise men committee wegian resistance, he was ar-'average 70.3 years. {and vice-chairman Remie Mig-jyear. Special Value in For her... for Christmas F 9 legant Beautiful Furs! ae Luxurious furs at a timely Pre-Christmas saving ! | 3 Muskrat é ly Choose your new fur coat from this exciting collection! All this S he Centre- Back season stylings . . . "full and threequarter length coats, each at one low price! 2 ga @ Natural Grey Persian:Lamb full and 34 length coats; some yy : 4 with Mink trim. f i @ Black (dyed) Persian Lamb full and 34 length coats; some with Mink trim, ; Muskrat (dyed) Centre Back full and 34 length coats. Sheared Bleached Muskrat flank full-length coats, some Mink trimmed, Specially low priced for Christmas shoppers! Natural Sheared Raccoon full length coats. Lustrous Mink-dyed Muskrat ... . the fur that wears Dyed, sheared Canadian Beaver full and 34 length coats. so well, retains its glossy looks! Here in stylish jac- Sizes 10 to 20 in the group, but not in every fur. kets to carry her through daytimes and evenings.>+. : in sizes 12 to 20. EATON 00 Special a ie : Price, ---- gies » | EATON -- 00 eOCh .... ee ae "- / EATON'S Budget-Charge Terms EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 248 PHONE 725-7373 may be erranged with NO DOWN PAYMENT On sale at 6:30 p.m. Friday and only wi Please, no telephone cr mail orders Tru-life in white cotton broadcloth; with 'breathe-easy' insert of elastic for good firm uplift. 98 _ Sizes 32, 34, 38, 40; A, B and C cups in the group. EACH : Special Low Prices on Attractive Gift Items ! {* CHILDREN'S WHITE COTTON BRIEFS Good-wearing, washable cotton-knit briefs with banded leg edge, elastic waist. Bath Pillows Manicure Sets 'Seaforth' Men's Sets Shaving Brushes \} 5 °* 1.00 Plastic-covered pillows from Europe; Attractive plastic stand in fan shape; Aic for a man's personal grooming. Set From England: The generous tuft of soft ¥ CLEARANCE OF WOMEN'S COTTON SLEEPWEAR Cologne, Hoir- bad hair brist! 0 th face ; : i cups fasten pillow to the tub mported from England; contains groom and Taleum, in jug-shaped betties, hold while we a caenn uke paleo , pie Pyjeret: Bev pte chile nies ae cach 99 3 49 Just lean beck and relax your head Gla cuticly irate. cleneser ond ac each: bout 134-0r-: BD ive iaseline. shaves. About 4" long; neatly boxed, ready sleepweor reduced to clear! Sizes to fit 32 to ; ] s Or a new treat in bath comfort sors. Choice of peor! pink or pearl Heather ent; attractively pockoaec t : % 2 ' EATON Spectal Price, white 95 EATON Special Price, Ce EATON tai "Price, CLEARANCE OF "WABASSO" SH EETS . ja cove mba cu aaa aba ges Ry Extra large size -- 90 x 104", "'Seconds"', oh a i about 11" x 8" overall. Two su handy for dressing table or vanity includes Heather Lotion each .. Ae EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 212 PHONE 725-7373 heen kc : \ MALL LEVEL Zoe OO NI NS, ZB ag SD 7 Ae he SF "MILL ENDS" OF KNITTING WOOLS A wide variety of wools for many purposes. Small quantities for afghan squares, crocheted table Outstanding Book Specials for Christmas Giving! GIFTS TO BRING Sei a rae cone cerdemrean ines UN oe OMS PCr NB TO Qh ! : ® "POSITIVE" PLEASURE ! colours THE GOLDEN ENCYCLOPEDIA FOR CHILDREN -- Away Below Usual Price! SKEIN OR BALL " " Full of wonder and excitement 2 big, 256-page encyclopedia, presenting a wealth of knowledge! Con- STARFLASH CAMERA KIT by KODAK HANDWARMERS taining more thon 400 illustrations, it covers dozens of subjects including "Earth's New Satellites"; Includes camera, flash attachment, 2.batteries, 4 M2 {. Comfortable warmth for hunters, curlers, spectators at hockey gone, etc. Uses regular lighter "Teaching Snails to make Pearls: "'Children of Other Lands": 'Big Game' of Other Days": "The Impor- flash bufbs all that's required to capture the * fluid. Complete with extra burner and felt carrying bag arge, 9 ; f q p : a tance of Trees"; "The Science of Life'; "'Noture versus Man"; and much, much more! spirit of Christmas! Small, EACH ... BAGH i555 caviy Be EATON Special Price, each Complete .... \ LOWER LEVEL "HARDY BOY" AND "NANCY DREW" BOOKS FOR TEENAGERS "STARMITE" CAMERA KIT by KODAK | VY PRICE CLEARANCE An extensive range of titles in these populor adventure book Hardy Boy Books inclu T r Camera with buil , t includ t r uilt-in flash attachment; flash bulbs Road Mystery", "The Wailing Siren Mystery Mark on the Door", 'Footprint : : ay sae mene ithe Slsane Drew Books pie ide he ver Sta sci * ° Tt a is ' batteries \ COFFEE TABLES REG. 29.95 "The Clue of the Broken' Locket', "The Secret in the Old Attic'. among others. : a ou Complete : f° Arborite" topped coffee tables with inlaid cribbage board. EATON Special Price, each 3 F Excellent for den or recreation room. End-of-line. EACH "WHITMAN" BOOKS FOR CHILDREN SROWAIE Sum, HOVIS CONRAD 4 "WARING" ELECTRIC MIXERS ae Simple to operate; takes black and white or coloured Away below usual price! Use for mixing batters, whipping cream, fluffing potatoes! Designed primarily for children cbout 7 to 11. years disverg ot ttlex cick gvdiloble Belden ond the Mystery of the Glen Rood'; "Have Gun Will Tr j Tin haga rs Blo oy With exposure guide and footage indicator; , Beaters eject for cleaning EAGH .. : Pe yee Pe en aie oe ae 19.95 ) SINGLE BOWL STAINLESS STEEL SINK-REG. 26.95 Ledge-back style; undercoated; complete with 8" centre stainless steel deck faucets. Approx. 202 x 18 x 7" overall, complete with clamps arid strainer. EACH EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 205 : PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 512 PHONE 725-7373 Visit SANTA Monday Through Friday, 1:30 Jill 5 P.M. And 6:30 Till 8:30 P.M. - Saturday 10:00 Till 12 A.M. And 2:30 Till 5:30 P.M.