She Oshawa Times Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 86 King St. E., Oshawa, Ontario MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1961 -- PAGE 6 Interest In Community Not Just Selfishness Harold McCarney of Gananoque told an Eastern Ontario Development Asso- ciation conference last week that labor should play a more active part in obtain- ing new industry. The fact is, of course, that everyone in a community should play a more active part -- and that is one of the themes of the recently-launch- ed campaign by the Oshawa Joint Busi- ness Development Committee. The Committee's campaign is being addressed to the individual, and wisely so, What is all too often forgotten is that a community is simply the sum of the individuals who live within it, and can never be more than that sum. If the community is backward; if is only be- cause the individuals are backward; if it is progressive, it is because the indivi- duals are progressive. If the community is one to be proud of, it has been fostered and shaped by the individual's pride, loyalty and hopes for the future. In a speech last week, Industrial Com- mission Ken Bath quoted the following from T. S. Eliot: "When the stranger says, 'What is the meaning of this city? Do you huddle together because you love each other?', what will you answer -- We all dwell together to make money from each other', or this is a come munity'?" He continued (and this is the very heart of the matter): "We say two things basically -- by stimulating busi- ness it becomes possible to develop, and the development can be best controlled by individual awareness and participa tion in community affairs. We say that the two must go hand in hand, selfs interest and community interest. Self+ interest alone makes us no better than the jackal or vulture. Sincere, enlight- ened community interest, on the other hand, raises us to where we can walk with the angels." Community interest is, to a great extent, community enthusiasm. It is reflected in attitudes towards visitors to the community If the citizen shows no enthusiasm for his community, the visite or can only conclude that there is nothing to be enhusiastic about -- and he takes his business to where he can sense a community atmosphere of growth and pride. People Come And Go The Canadian Immigration Office in London is again trying to interest British people in emigration to Canada. But it is saying "quite franky that at the present stage of her development Canada does not need miore unskilled labor. At the same time ... the people Canada needs are immigrants who are already skilled and qualified in their jobs, and those with the enterprise to come planning to found their own businesses --- how- ever small -- on the other side of the Atlantic." The concern of immigration author- ities is understandable. It is possible that in 1961 more people will leave Canada to live elsewhere -- mainly in the United States -- than will take up residence here. Immigration for the first nine months of 1961 totalled only 56,168 and will probably not go beyond 75,000 for the full year. This would be a decline of 29,000 from 1960, and of 207,000 from the postwar high in 1957. Year-by-year emigration figures, of course, are only estimates and are avail- able only after Ottawa has received from the United States and the United King- dom information on the number of im- migrants to those countries who give Canada as their country of last perma- nent residence. A more reliable count, but only for a five-year period, will be possible when the June 1 census is total- led; by comparing this total with that of the 1956 census and reckoning in the known figures of births, deaths and im- migration, it will be possible to calcu- late the five-year loss of population, 'The only figure now available, however, is an estimate by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics of an annual average emi- gration of 67,000 in the three years fol- lowing the 1956 census. Meagre as that information is, it indicates that, apart from natural increase, Canada's popu- lation is not growing. It is also likely that we are suffering a net loss of productive people. Of those admitted thus far in 1961,28,296 were women and children and others not destined for the labor force. Of the 27,827 who entered the labor force, only 5,983 were listed as having professional and managerial training. Just as important as obtaining skilled immigrants, then, is the matter of re- taining people with skills, Clearly we are doing as poor a job of retaining these people as we are of attracting others. The reason undoubtedly is that our economy is not dynamic enough-- persistent unemployment is the main evidence of this --- and government must give much more enlightened and energetic leadership to the effort to res- tore that. dynamism, Euromart Opportunity G. Arnold Hart, president of the Bank of Montreal, has added his voice to those who do not panic at the thought of the United Kingdom becoming .a member of the European Common | Market. In his presidential address to today's annual meeting of the bank, he sketched the background of the U.K. move, and noted that "in the past year there have been many evidences of international investment capital flowing into the European Common Market area, where momentous changes are taking place. The Oshawa Times T. L. WILSON, Publisher and General Manager Cc. GWYN KINSEY, Editor The Oshowe Times combining The Oshawa Times (established 1871) and the Whitby Gazette ond Chronicle (established 1863), is published daily {Sundeys end statutory holidays excepted) Members ot Canadion Daily Newspoper Publishers Association, The Canadian Press, Audit Bureau of Circulation and the Ontario Provincia! Dailies Asso- ciation. The Canodian Press ts exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news despotched in the paper credited to it or to The Associoted Préss or Reuters, and also the local news published therein. Ali rights of special despotches cre also reserved. Offices: Thomson Building, 425 University Avenue. Toronto, Ontario; 640 Cathcart Street. Montreal, P.Q. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by corriers in Oshowa Whitby. Alox, Pickering, Bowmonville Brooklin Port Perry Prince Albert, Maple Grove, Hampton. Frenchman's Bay Liverpool, Tounton, Tyrone Dunbarton Ennisk len, Orono, Leskard, Brougham, Burketon, Claremont, Columbus, Greenwood, Kinsale, Raglan Blackstock Manchester Pontypool ond Newcastle not over 45¢ per week. By mail fin Province of Ontario) outside carriers delivery creas 12.00 per year Other Provinces and Commonwealth Countries 1500 U.S.A. and Foreign 24.00. Circulation for the issue of November 30, 1961 18,006 The Common Market nations, with a population of 170 million people, are rapidly dropping their tariffs and other obstacles to trade among themselves and establishing a common external tariff against all other countries ... These have been matters of widespread interest in Canada and the subject of much discussion of the possible effects on our export trade. But, what is even more significant, and, to many, more disturbing, is the fact that the United Kingdom, our second largest market, is actively negotiating for entry into the European Economic Community." We should not be too hasty in our judgment, or adopt a defeatist attitude, he urged. This was his argument: While in some respects it may be true that these new trading alignments pose, in the short run at least, a threat to Canadian trade, it is by no means certain that the over-all impact will be as detrimental as some have supposed. For a wide range of commodities, prin- cipally minerals and raw materials, the Common Market countries may well provide a better market over the years ahead if we remain competitive and tackle our problems aggressively. While we have had the benefits of the Com- monwealth Preferential System for many years, the margin of preference for the Commonwealth as a whole has gradu- ally diminished. For Canada the prefe- rential margin is even less than for most other countries in the Commonwealth because of the composition of Canadian exports. A stronger Britain in the Com- mon Market would be preferable to a weaker Britain outside it, MOON IS ON THE RISE QUEEN'S PARK Morton Report's Moral Questions By DON O'HEARN TORONTO--Reactions to the Morton gambling report have made interesting watching. The report caught editors by surprise. It was given such prominence they had to write something about it. And per- force they had to make up their minds in a hurry as to where they stood on the gambling question. Very few took a high-dive into the underlying question of the morality of gambling. Some took a side-road and in- formed their readers that gov- ernment betting shops would be a good thing, or were imprac- tical. And others, feeling they should discuss the moral. ques- tion but not really wanting to, handled the report with a pitch fork. Prof. Morton, they commented had not gone into the moral side and therefore his report should be dismissed. DID DISCUSS In fairness to these men they did not have the text of the re- port before them. (There was a last-minute rush in getting it ready for tabling and not enough copies were run off.) Which means they probably were not aware that though the professor did not bring down any conclusions on the moral as- pect of gambling he did not ig- nore it completely. Businessman Pushing His Sun Calendar WINNIPEG (CP) -- Thirty days hath September, April, June and November--and, in fact, so have all the rest except December, in a new calendar devised by a Winnipeg - born New York businessman. Maurice Freedman calls it the "calendar of the sun" and says he hopes to present it to the United Nations within a year. Some of its features: Constant dates--The first and 15th, for example, are always a Monday. The 28th is always a Sunday, the 17th a Wednes- day and so on. Stable months--The month, like the year, always starts on a Monday and ends on the 30th, except for December which has 35 days. New names--Two days with new names are added to the end of every month, both entirely separate from the standard four weeks. '"'Newday" and "Uni- day" therefore form a transi- tion period from each month to the next. Bonus holiday--Uniday, which is always the 29th, is an auto- matic, universal holiday. Since it follows Saturday and Sun- day, it creates a_ three-day weekend once a month. New- day, the 30th, may be a fourth holiday or a working. day. SAVES MONEY Mr. Freedman says he's con- vinced he has the answer to dissatisfaction with the Gregor- jan calendar which, he con- tends, creates confusion and in- efficiency, resulting in billions of dollars of economic waste. Another alternative that. has gained some support is the "world calendar' which works on a system of three 91-day quarters and a final 92-day quarter ending on "Worldsday." It has five 31-day months and seven 30-day months but has no constancy in dates, holidays or Working days per month. , In fact he included a fairly lengthy excerpt from a royal commission report in Britain. And this makes some of the most interesting reading in the findings. AVOID EXCESS The British commission inves- tigated gambling in the U.K. in 1951, and it also didn't present any absolute conclusions on the moral side. Rather, it commented that to do this it would have to do the impossible and draw a line be- tween what is morally bad and what is morally good. These are its words: "We are left with the impres- sion that it is extremely diffi- cult to establish by abstract arguments that all gambling is inherently im moral, without adopting views as to the nature of good and evil which would not find general acceptance among moralists.'"' BY-GONE DAYS 15 YEARS AGO As the Kiwanis Club's TB X-ray clinic began its third week of operation, the 11,000 mark was passed. Mayor Frank N. McCallum officially opened the new Cedar- dale Fire Station with Deputy Cheif H. R. Hobbs placed in charge. Heber Down was elected president of Ontario County's Vegetable Growers' Marketing Board. Oshawa Yacht Club held its 15th anniversary banquet at the lakefront clubhouse with Lt, Cmdr. Hugh Campbell, RCNR, of Toronto addressing the mem- bers on the subject of Canada's Navy in wartime. L. H. Rolson was the new commodore for the 1947 season succeeding Ralph Schofield. Circulation in the adult de- partment of the Oshawa Public Library for the first 10 months of the year was 77,298, nearly 6000 above the figure for the same period a year ago. Dr. J. G. Althouse, chief di- rector of education for the Province of Ontario and former principal of the Oshawa High School, was the guest speaker at the Kiwanis Club Past Presidents' Night. Oshawa's youngest Service Club, the B'Nai B'Rith, tendered a banquet in honor of one of the Junior "A" baseball teams and presented the team with wind- breakers. Alex F, Fraser headed the Kinsmen's Club for the coming year succeeding the retiring president, Doug. Chesebrough. T. C. Glaspell, well-known district sheep breeder, was se- lected as one of the judges at the International Livestock Ex- position in Chicago. The power load for the Oshawa system in August of this year was 19,874 horsepower -- the third highest consumption of electric power among the municipalities in the Eastern Ontario system. Robert M Deverell and Wil- liam Davidson were nominated for the mayoralty at Whitby in the forthcoming election. Oshawa Public Library Board considered a branch library at Simcoe Hall. Mayor F. N. McCallum was elected to the Board of Directors of the Automotive Transport Association. It goes on to say, "We can find no support for the belief that gambling, provided that it is kept within reasonable bounds does serious harm either to the character of those who take part in it, or to their family circle and the community gen- erally. It is in immoderate gam- bling that the dangers lie." *t continues, "It is the con- cern of the state that gambling, like other indulgences such as the drinking of alcoholic liquor, should be kept within reasan- able bounds, but this does not imply there is anything inher- ently wrong with it." Essentially the finding of our committee -- borne out by the British commission--is that it is impossible to stamp out gam- bling, even if that were desir- able. Therefore it is up to the state to control it, so far as possible, to avoid excesses. REPORT FROM U.K. Threat By Church On Sundav Labor By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng.) Correspondent For The Oshawa Times STORNOWAY, Scotland--The hardy Scots who live on the is- land of Lewis in the Hebrides off the west coast of Scotland are zealous church members and strict Sabbatarians. They pay strict attention to the man- dates of their clergy in the Free Church of Scotland. But even they have been shocked by the church's threat of the equivalent of excommunication for any of them who are found working on Sundays at the pro- posed new NATO air base which is being established at Stornoway. All the members of the Free addition to opposing the base as such, the ministers fear that f its existence and construction ° Presbytery of Lewis resented the establishment of the base on their island from the begin- ning. They protested but to no avail. Now they have given further evidence of their oppo- sition to work being started on it, as is expected early in the new year. RESOLUTION PASSED Following a meeting of the Free Presbytery of Lewis, warnings were issued to the members of the 14 _ Free Churches that they will be de- prived of all church privileges immediately if they accept Sunday employment on _ the NATO base. These warnings come as a result of a resolu- tion passed at the meeting. In INSIDE YOU Slow Detrosting Of Frozen Limbs By BURTON H. FERN, MD Imagine! Frostbite from hot water! Jim knows. While he shoveled drifts dur- ing last year's blizzard, wet snow froze his feet into giant ice cubes. Blood flow slowed to thick sludge, as fluid oozed out to swell freezing feet. Icy-wet socks ground into his frozen flesh and yet each foot tingled and burned. His red, swollen feet re- sembled a ist degree burn -- a Ist degree freeze. Bulging blis- ters mean a 2nd degree freeze. And black gangrene -- a 3rd de- gree freeze -- looks like charred 3rd degree burns. When Jim plunged his feet into hot water, tingling grew into sharp-pointed barbs. Work- ing again, thawed cells were screaming for oxygen-rich blood that couldn't squeeze past frozen sludge. Before his feet cooled, the tip of one toe turned frost- bite-black. HOW TO DEFROST Defrost frozen feet at body temperature, in water or under an electric blanket. At the first sign of thawing, switch to room temperature. _If you have sluggish circula- tion, slow defrosting with ice packs and cool air until blood can bring all the oxygen work- ing cells demand. And call your doctor! You may need medicines to relax blood vessels and relieve pain; also limbering - up exer- cises to prevent permanently- frozen joints. The surgeon has to clear away dead tissue where germs breed and thrive. Jim escaped with only a lock- jaw - preventing booster shot. Soft, dry bandages bulky enough to cushion any bruise -- soothed his feet. No ointments! They grind into delicate dam- aged tissue. FEET PROPPED UP A large cardboard box kept the weight of heavy sheets and blankets off Jim's feet, propped on pillows to help blood drain. Even today his feet tingle and burn occasionally. His toes seem allergic to cold. The slightest chill turns them ghostly white. " Jim realizes how that hot foot- bath almost cost him both feet. He' even shudders a little when his wife defrosts the refriger- ator with basins of hot water. might lead to the introduction of Sunday labor They ebiject @ # any form of work on the Sab- bath, and are _ partiuclarly averse to it being contemplated f on the NATO base. The resolution, passed unani- mously, was proposed by the Rev. Kenneth Macrae, of Stor- noway. ACTING IN ADVANCE Supporting his resolution, Mr. Macrae said that there had been no direct indication that there will be Sunday work. on the project, but action was be- ing taken in advance in order to prevent it if at all possible. "If the base is to be forced on us', he said, "then we must at least stop the introduction of Sunday labor." Another supporter, Rev. W. Campbell, said he strongly op- posed the base and all that it could lead to. LOSE PRIVILEGES The church privileges which would be withheld from all who did any work on the base on Sundays, it was pointed out, were such things as the sacra- ments of baptism and the Lord's Supper, which is the term used for the sacrament of Holy Com- munion. Up to 250 people may have to be employed on the construc- tion of the air base. When it is completed, it will be manned mainly by personnel of the Royal Air Force, but it will be used by other NATO forces during exercises. The main industry on the island is the manufacture of Harris tweed. There is a high level of unemployment on the island, and the church leaders fear that some of the workless islanders might be tempted to work on the construction of the base, even on Sundays. PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM The reason it's later than peo- ple think is that time passes faster than they can cogitate. "The reason it doesn't hurt a child to fall as much as it does an adult is that the child relaxes his muscles when he falls," says a physician. Another rea- son is that the child doesn't have as far to fall. In the case of many a "faith healer', the alleged faith is his fortune. He will learn 90,000 | before he starts earning The important ones will be learned from now until he grows up. The more education he gets the better he will be able to compete in the modern world. The insurance policy you take out now can guarantee his college expenses, no matter what happens to you. : Undoubtedly yotrare presently insured, but your circumstances are changing, so make sure your life insurance keeps in step with your life. Tell your life insurance agent what it is you want for your family's future. Guarantee that your family will always enjoy the comforts and security you have provided for them. Make sure of tomorrow, today. ESSONS ONLY LIFE INSURANCE CAN PROTECT YOU THESE FIVE WAYS 1. Guaranteed benefits at can guarantee funds for future expenses such as sending children to college. big expense times. You 2. Guaranteed immediate protection, from the moment you qualify. 8. Guaranteed protection, no speculation, no guessing. You know exactly the number of dollars to come, 4. Guaranteed retirement income. You have an Ins come you can never outlive. 5. Guaranteed protection for the home. Your family will never inherit an unpaid mortgage. WHEN PEOPLE DEPEND ON YOU... YOU CAN DEPEND ON LIFE INSURANCE THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA