4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 4, 1961 WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Mrs. Earl Irwin, the club secretary who formerly lived in Port Credit, Ont., said meetings {usually are Tield on the last Thursday of each month. "There are, no membership fees," said Mrs. Irwin. "We have entertainment at each |meeting -- a speaker, musical groups, and so on. We arrange special nights, such as Monte Carlo night in February, and we always have a Christmas party with Santa Claus and all. We hold an annual banquet in March and the season meetings end in April." The club president for the 961 - 62 season is Erv Barrett, formerly of Toronto, who spends summers at his cottage near Peterborough, Ont. Other orontoni are ig the principal officers -- Allan Gen- dren, vice-president; Mrs, Mary jivian, treasurer; Mrs. Mur- riel Harrison, assistant treas- urer, and Miss Alma Ridley, assistant secretary. The Fort Lauderdale club | Industrial Bank Film, Talk Theme A dinner and meeting of the Oshawa and District Garage Operators was held at the Spruce Villa Hotel in Whitby last week chaired by president Robert Taylor. After the min- utes of the previous meeting were read and a few remarks made by Mr. Taylor the main business of the meeting got underway. This was a talk and film show on the Industrial Development Bank given by Mr. J. R. Gibb, assistant supervisor with the IDB and Mr. Ray Lucas, IDB credit manager for Eastern On- tario. The speaker was intro- duced by Herb Robinson of Osh- awa. Mr. Gibb explained the func- tions of the Industrial Develop- ment Bank. The Bank gives loans to businesses with which to expand provided they meet with the necessary qualifica- tions; that there are prospects that the loan can be repaid from business earnings, the loan cannot be obtained on rea- sonable terms elsewhere, the borrower has a suitable amount invested in the business and that adequate security can be provided. Mr. Gibb also said that for- merly the IDB loaned to indus-| The inquiry was aimed at vie lbee bat th 1 try, a policy adopted when thel discrediting some leaders of the|the prime minister more pow- ou uy here are large Num- Bank was established in 1944.) Action Group, which controls|¢rs to control the country and|ers poss 7 Maritimes and However this was changed tolthe government of Western Ni-/¢liminate the opposition. ae at pres ery ced cover all businesses in July ofl geria and forms the official op-| The Action Group wants a| ' ree publicity depart- this year. More than $38,000,000! nocition in the federal Parlia-|Meeting of all' political leaders|Ment said an estimated 550,000 was loaned to industry last year| ment, to discuss needed changes in|turists in all visited Fort Lau- and this year's total is expected| |the constitution, or at least pub-|¢?ale in the 12-month period to be much higher. [UPHELD IN COURT lic discussion of changes sug-|°nded last Aug. 31. Most, of Most IDB loans, Mr. Gibb| To counter the government's gested by the government. jcourse, came during the winter said, have been used to buy|move, Chief T, Adebayo Do-| The Northern Peoples Con-|5@450R. | : land, buildings, machinery or to|herty, a former managing di-|gress, in fact, doesn't want|, 0" this basis, the 15 per cent extend existing facilities. The|rector of the bank, took thejany radical changes nor would|{0m Canada would mean a Bank which is primarily con-jprime minister to the Highlit care to face a constituent as-| Visiting Canadian touring dele- cerned with small and medium/Court of Lagos under the funda-|sembly. The reason is that the|@@tion of 82,500. sized businesses, Mr. Gibb/mental human rights section of|constitution, as it stands, grants} stated, has offices in major|the constitution. the Moslem north--the party's|tion, particularly in relations cities across Canada. He contended, among other|strong hold -- arrangements|between the various govern- J. MacDonald and Mrs. L. things, that the terms of ref-|that will ensure the party con-|ments. Sgt. Partington Ruest, Mrs. MacDonald and | erence of the inquiry consti-|trol of Nigeria for many years| How far these manoeuvres tuted an invasion of his liberty|to come. will affect general stability in . * . Mrs. Ruest were co-conveners | Gives Resignation at the baazar Little Bit Of Canada In Florida FORT LAUDERDALE, Fia.| (CP)--The Canadian Club of Fort Lauderdale, an energetic social organization that has be- come a tiny bit of Canada in Florida, is busily preparing for another winter season. The club has a mailing list of 350 members. Some are year- round residents of this area. Most of them, however, spend at least part of the year in Canada. In addition to the 350 regular members, scores of Canadians visit the club as tourists during the winter. Fort Lauderdale, on the At- lantic Ocean about 30 miles north of Miami, has become something of a mecca for Cana-|takes in this whole general dians. area. Among other Canadian "It is estimated that 15 per|clubs in Florida are those at jcent of all tourists who come|Miami, at Lake Worth, in the here during the season are from|West Palm Beach district, and Canada," Walter Kiehn, thejat St. Petersburg, on the Gulf club's publicity officer, said. |of Mexico side of the state. |Kiehn formerly lived in the)}----------------- FEARS NPC {Hamilton district. It suspects that all the NPC|, Most of the Canadian tour- wants is a review that will give|ists are from Ontario and Que- Troubles Begin For Nigerians LAGOS, Nigeria (CP) -- Ni-jof the constitution is that it geria's teething troubles have/lays down the distribution of begun. powers between the federal and The first symptoms appear in|tegional governments, a new struggle among the| The Northern Peoples Con- young Commonwealth country's|gress now wants a review that major political parties to get/|will lead to strengthening the the three-year-old constitution federal government and enable reviewed. jit to exercise a measure of The Northern Peoples Con-|control over the regional gov- gress, the National Council of|¢rments. Nigeria and the Cameroons,} The National Council of Ni- and the Action Group eachigeria and the Cameroons, a wants to satisfy its own whims|junior partner in the federal and caprices. coalition and the governing The Northern Peoples Con-|party in Eastern Nigeria, en- gress, which is senior partner|dorsed the demand for review. in the present federal coalition|Its former president, Dr. government and controls the|Nmandi Azikiwe, now Gover- Northern Regional government, |nor-General, has joined in the wants a review because of the|demand by asking for a repub- humiliation the government suf-/lican. constitution for Nigeria. fered through a ruling of the; The Action Group agrees federal Supreme Court. there should be a review at Last May Prime Minister Ba-|some future date but says the lewa instituted an inquiry into|demands of the other two par- the National Bank of Nigeria,|ties at present are prompted by formerly owned by supporters|sinister intentions. of the Action Group but now run by the government of West- ern Nigeria. Manager: Lloyd Robertson Tel. MO. 8-3703 Most Folks Are Careful Drivers If you are a careful driver, call me. You may qualify for State Farm's top-notch Pros tection at rock-bottom rates, -- WM, H, (BILt) a MIDDLETON | 608 Brock st. 5. tmaveamer MO 8-3762 Stote Farm Mutuol Automobile Insurance Compeny roe! Whitby, Ont. Cenedien Head Oftice--Toronte, Ont Over 93% owned in Canada! CANADIAN OIL WHITE ROSE MAKERS OF GASOLINES « MOTOR OILS. | ae Es a AT ST. JOHN'S CWL ANNUAL BAZAAR to boost the league's welfare ; merchandise following the fund are made by the mem- | official opening of the event bers and the bazaar took. are, left to right: Mrs. G. place in St. John's Parish hall | Carter, president of the CWL; Saturday afternoon. Pictured | Mrs. E. J. Spragg, the re- above admiring some of the | gional chairman of the CWL, A prominent annual fea- who opened the bazaar; Mrs. ture of the St. John's Evange- list Church Catholic Women's League is the Annual CWL Bazaar. Items which are sold ers in the prime minister. One| clause of the act stipulated that) no inquiry instituted by the| jand rights. He also maintained) Thus, it seems that for the|the country or impair unity is |the inquiry was void because|present the various parties will/not known. But many take solace |the ens minister _ 5 bese themselves to merejin 'the fact that none of the . i ceived prior consent of the|manoeuvres even though they|parties believes it can change --Oshawa Times Photo On al "s oy tb Gears Governor-General : are already causing porto the constitution arbitrarily with. ons . j IDepartment, reported that hel The court upheld his conten-jand strains within the machin-|out risking upheavals that the | "a. . . . lhas received the resignation of tom that the Governor-General's/ery for operating the constitu-|country can hardly afford. \Five toried ul in Set. Clifford Partington, of the/Comsent should have been ob-/-- , ommon a | force tained, but referred the con- | The resignation, he said, was Seuan cae, to the federal | = . 4 Sourt. : 'S rvived War Bom bin Pierptg tone oe rt ant ee Before the Supreme Court t e orte | u g 'Sgt. Partington joined the|Could meet, however, the fed- os tie i Whitby Police Department in -- Py ote tg! | oh, " " .| BERLIN (AP) -- The wind|specialist for '"'Jewish affairs'|1957 after service with the On- led an ac' roug arlia- BRUSSELS (Reuters) Ajsembly and a governing Coun | -histies through @ broken win-|in the Gestapo network. |tario Provincial Police, Whitby|ment amending the existing split over political union was)cil Comprising Heads of siate otldow in the huge stone bullding| It was to this building that| Detachment. law and vesting unlimited pow-| appa ge Sitare pi dpe every four months. The/0 the Kurfuerstenstrasse in| the Jewish leaders had to come| His resignation leaves two va- i i in this Bel-\council's decisions would be| West Berlin. on summons from Eichmann,|cancies on the department. PC tinued' discussions coe t we Phase hes ' bi It stirs up a bit of dust, re-|to quake in dread at the next) Jack Mason resigned some | gian capital Saturday. taken by unanimous vote but , ft bomb rubble. And itlawful news lweeks ago. He and his family|prime minister shall be chal-| f irasce weed te Oe compel world be MARIE Cay OS WEG iEis OD an Ot sic ¥ t of are moving to New Zealand this|lenged in any court of law said differences have arisen|ber states voting for them, Stirs up on m fatter ¢ Toost 0!) BERLINERS FORGET ats 4 : : | over the draft political treaty WOULD TAKE ROLE iced coser | Berliners 'go past the bullding|- = ACT THROWN OUT recently drawn up in Paris) The council would be assisted|® The bulldl is five storeys|20W without much of a thought.| ND DISTRICT When the Supreme Court fi-| which proposes a confederation|by a political commission com-| 1; ih the roi structure of any| ney're concerned enough! WHITBY Oe oe ee nally met, it declared the act| of the six Common Market!prising officials from foreign} in c the Seas to sarvive OL (about the Russians and the) MEN'S THU unconstitutional because it countries. ministries of the membe T\hied pombe and Russian shell-|= 2 st German Communists,| Singles, 250 and over: J. Ross|maintained, some sections aave! "For some it went too far and states. The Fouchet committee |i 15 _it 8 n call it "surviy--much more real to them than 283, J. Levett 255, M. Jordan|the prime minister powers to for others not far enough," the|was expected to take this role.|;"8, 7U °* 279, A. Knibb 308, A. Hewis 252,/which he was not entitled un-| source said. | The Council of Ministers be-| x4 one may enter the main 28°: E. Badgley 258, E, Jordan ae der the constitution. } The draft treaty will be dis-/gan discussions on a common| section now. The Berlin police| The infamous headquarters 262; F. O'Hara 257, W. Bick Poy The most prominent feature| cussed by foreign ministers of|policy for cartels and restric-|tornid it as a matter of safety,|20w is held in trust. The clty|D. Adams 293, = Rapin a RRR ree the Six in Paris Dec. 10. The'tive measures today after! 'There's nothing pretty about\o! West Berlin doesn't quite|252; D. lags ar ae ated ministers meeting here began agreeing to hold further meet-|the building. And there's noth-/knOw what to do with it, nor/F. Major nig a a D talks on cartels and. restrictive|ings on agriculture Dec. 12 andiing pretty about its 'history.|40¢5 the surviving Jewish com-|er 254, erg 7 mn Redcat measures today after shelving jg This was headquarters for the|™unity. The expense of restor- Allin 252, 284, Bag | an agricultural dispute. The ministers failed to reach|'Third Reich's Gestapo bureau|i"g it would be monumental. ea poe a. oy J The proposed political treaty, agreement on a common agri-\ry.R.4, The chief was Ober-| 19 one tiny corner of the ples ' i '| drafted by a committee headed |cyjtural policy Friday after two stuermbannfuehrer Adolf Eich-|8tound floor is the only sign of |Reeson je. 7 Bron _ | y Christi Fouchet of the gays of cuss ; i ; 7 ne (life. It is a beer stube where| Young » Ff. y' Aes | by Christian days of discussions in which|mann, His job: To liquidate the| . \wt 804... Jordan 729, A French foreign office, was pre-/France accused West Germany| Jews, jone can get a stein of Pilsner. |} He ge M3 hay » A. sented to member governments of clinging to protectionist de- \It is not the busiest saloon in|Knibb 724, M. Jor: ; jsomething that happened years CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE! CALENDAR -- of -- WEEKLY Events! This is the same Eichmann} ; : Noy. 10. vices. High averages: A y i t in Argentina, was : | rance and West Germany, West Germany failed to win bel via tidaapoed ty the| The property undoubtedly has/250, a Pe keg Prete eee back the confederation plan but|acceptance of an 11-point plan|{sraelis, stood trial in Jerusa.|8Teat value but lying in the old an + Adams 232, ©, Holland fears domination of the for breaking the deadlock over|Jem and awaits judgment. Sen-| Tiergarten district, once the 226. bigger powers and argues that farm products which has per-|tence is due in December. The|"Plomatic quarter, it lacks at-| no step should be taken until\cisted since the trade alliance charge: He was in charge of|traction now because of the big| Britain joins the Common Mar-|was set up in 1958. assembling Jews in a general investment that would be re-| ket = eammunity responsible to him,|@4ired. Should the Berlin prob-| Belgian officials have de- ots | arranging transportation to con.|lem ever be satisfacto r-| scribed the plan as "ee sat Hobby Exhibit |centration camps which race] eo i at ig ye aah a ly and Luxembourg also ten | \w | tof ie i cons a ha the constructors and build- ers. This Programme Presented By The Local Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! ! STAFFORD | WHITBY MOTORS LTD. G.M. DEALER FOR PONTIAC, BUICK Brothers Lid. VAUXHALL & G.M.C. TRUCKS Metropolitan OHA Junior "A" HOCKEY Rousseau Upholstery FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS Our tocation et 216 MARY ST. EAST to favor outright federation as opposed to confederation. A H S M The ae At H-) Meet | It was in the Kurfuersten- strasse that Eichmann func- The 18 article treaty scribes the prospective federa- as an "'indissoluble union" h would respect the na- character of member and the equality of their and obligations provides for common de- fence and foreign policy, plus scientific and cultural co-opera- tion The confederation would have opean parliamentary as- a Svetun Outlined For World Peace BUFFALO (AP)--Dr: Walter Dornberger, director of Ger- many's war - time V-2 rocket project, say a U.S. nuclear bombardment system in space would ensure world peace. Dornberger, 66, envisions nu clear warheads 200 to 400 miles up which would streak to desig- nated points on earth on a sig- nal from space command posts. Such a system would be vir- tually indestructible, Dorn- berger told an interviewer, and would confront the Communist world with a retaliatory force even if free world bases were knocked out in a nuclear war.| Mr. Mathews By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN -- The final meet- ing of the year of the Brooklin Home and School Association was held on Tuesday evening in the Meadowcrest Junior School with a large attendance. Tentative plans were discuss- ed to hold a Valentine Tea and Bake Sale in February, 1962, to raise funds. The prize, award- ed for largest nunrber of moth- ers attending, was won by Mrs. Foster's room The demonstration of Hobbies for Adults and Children excited interest in all sections. Mrs. Al Wilson, on behalf of the Association, extended thanks to: Mrs. Reg. Kehoe, exhibiting co collection; Dr, ac y, stamp collec- tion Hillier, demon- stration of g. Mrs. W. G T. Grant, rock collection; -Mrs Holman, puppets; Mr. Tom Nicholson, photography; Doris Batty, decorations for parcels, (butterflies and flowers); Mts Fred Brown, bows for Christ- mas parcels; Brooklin Public Library, book display No meeting will be held in month of December will be guest tioned from 1939 onward as a U.K. Market Move Seen Boon To B.C. VANCOUVER (CP)--A senior | British trade commissioner said) here Sunday the European Com-| |mon Market may prove a boon! to British Columbia. - | Kennéth McGregor said in an) interview lumber sales in Eu- rope had already climbed be- cause of increased buying power. Economic advisor to the Brit- | ish high commissioner in Ot- tawa, he said even if Britain joins the European trade group, the outlook is for a bigger more flourishing market in Europe in {which Canada could share. i) speaker at January meeting. | % >» Travel Consulant OcT. 1 MRS, D. MITCHELL London from ... 339.00 Amsterdam from 378,00 DONALD Travel Service 300 DUNDAS E., WHITBY Oshawa - Whitby - Brooklin MO 8-3304 Overseas Excursions: SEAFORTHS Iwoitey 'MOHAWKS TONIGHT 8:30 P.M. Whitby Community Arena BH Adults $1.00 Children $0 Topic, 'French in the Public Schools." | | } Precast Concrete EVENING BROCK Whitby LAST COMP Miser GN SHOWS AT 6:55 & 8:30 LETE SHOW AT 8:30 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT a 22 ['CinemaScore COLOR by be Luxe | PLUS! SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION SEVEN WOMEN FROM HELL starring PATRICIA OWENS - CESAR ROMERO @ SEPTIC TANKS @ DURA STEPS @ RAILINGS @ PATIO SLABS SAVES YOU TIME AND MONEY BY ELIMINATING THE RISKS THAT ARE ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN POURING ON SITE, OUR QUALITY IS GUARANTEED. Current Range of Products include: Specialists in Custom Precasting @ CURBING | @ WALK SLABS @ WELL TILE @ CHIMNEY CAPS OLIVER > CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD, MeL Monuments MO 8-3552 Whitby NEW AND USED CARS New Car Sales oe ee bea tiers al Used Car Sales VIGOR OIL STATION Operated by "Vic" Van Luven Dominion Royal Tires The Best Deal on New and Used Tires DIESEL OIL Phone MO 8-3644 $01 Brock St. N., Whitby THIS WEEK'S SPORTS EVENTS JR. "A" METROPOLITAN HOCKEY LEAGUE Monday, Dec. 4, at 8:30 p.m., UNIONVILLE SEAFORTHS va | GEORGE H. HARDING CONSTRUCTION CO, LTD. GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS 411 Feirview Drive MO 8-3566 WHITBY TRENCHING AND COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE WHITBY MOHAWKS, at Whitby Arenc. Tuesday, Dec. 5, at 8:30 p.m., WHITBY MOHAWKS vs UNION- VILLE SEAFORTHS, at Unionville Arena. WHITBY MINOR HOCKEY HOUSE LEAGUES Monday, Dec. 4, 3:30 p.m. te 7:30 p.m., Midget League, at Whitby Arena Tuesday, Dec. 5, 5:00 p.m. te 7:00 p.m., Juvenile Leegue, at Whitby Arena Thursday, Dec. 7, 5:00 p.m. te 8:00 p.m., Bentem League, at Whitby Arene Seturday, Dec. 9, 7:00 e.m. te 10:00 o.m., Pee Wee League, at Whitby Arena. WHITBY INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Sundey, Dec. 10, et 9:15 p.m, BLAIR PLAZA vs WOODS TRANSPORT, at Whitby Areno. YOU WANTA SELLUM YOU GOTTA TELLUM USE The Classified Ads Dial MO 8-3703 Sunday, Dec. 10, at 10:30 p.m., LARRY'S vs €$S0'S, at Whitby Arena, WHITBY MERCANTILE LEAGUE Sunday, Dee. 10, twe gemes, beginning et 12:00 Noon end 2:00 p.m. SKATING : Wednesday, Dec. 6, 8:00 p.m. te 10:00 p.m., Adults only, Whitby Arena Fridey, Dec. 8, 8:30 p.m. te 16:30 p.m., Adults end Children, Whitby Arena: Soturday, Dec. 9, 2:00 p.m. te 4:00 p.m., Children 14 years and under, Whitby Arena. K & M CLEANERS AND DYERS Alterations--Repairing 8-HOUR SERVICE 112 Colborne St. West, Whitby Whitby--Ph. MO 8-2831 Oshewo--725-0181 Looking For A Fine Men's Shop? TRY THIS ONE FOR SIZE RON ARMSTRONG sicr SHOP WHITBY PLAZA MO 8-8721 FREE PARKING @ 1 block North of Post Office in Whitby Is Most Convenient For Your Buy- ing Needs of Quality Goods et Prices Thot Save! O 8-3483 W. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Funeral & Ambulance Service You don't have to play @ sport to be a good sport 110 Dundes St. £. MO 8-3410 WHITBY WILSON Cycle & Sales C.C.M. & RALEIGH DEALER "The Best in Bicycles" 100 Colborne St, E. MO. 8-3746 COUNTY BOWL "OPEN BOWLING" Saturday: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. 7 p.m. - 117 p.m. Sunday, StoweOct, 1 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. 118 Byron N. MO 8-2651 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SPORTS Buy from your local Fuel & Builder Supplier JAMES SAWDON & SONS 244 Brock St. S$. MO 8-3524 * WHITBY