Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Dec 1961, p. 19

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, December 4, 1961 BIRTHS CLEMENTS -- Dr. and Mrs. Robert Clements (nee Duaihe Peacock) are happy to announce the birth of their son, John Kurt, on Saturda Decem ber 2, 1961 at Wellesley Hospital, To ronto. A brother for Adrienne. and Dar ren PASCOE proud to anno -- Sharon and Ne are unce the arrival of their aon, Scott, 7 Ibs. 8 ozs., born Sunday December 3. 1961 at Oshawa General Hospital. A brother for Todd TRIMM announce Linda the and Lori are happy arrival of their new baby sister, Julie Leanne (8 Ibs 1 oz.) on Thursday, November 30, 1961 at Oshawa General Hospital. Proud par ents are Roy and Betty Trimm Anderson). Many thanks to Dr DEATHS Estella Maude At her home, Port Perry, Ontario, on Saturday, December 2, 1961, Estella Maude Britton, beloved wife of Gordon Bruce and dear mother of Vera (Mrs Clayton Mi of Raglan, Resting at the chapel of McDermott - Panabaker Port Pe ce on T at 2 e Grove Cemetery to safe J.-E BRUCE , for serv esday p.m GILLARD, Kenneth Riddenly. as at Lindsay Decembe ut of an accident on Sun Kenneth Gillard of the re 0 Cemetery GRAHAM Wallace dder v s the at his parents De cember Graham dearly and Mrs ar ira brother Saturday, Ja SIMONDS Ether nonds of Con Mrs. Claude hawa and siste neral Ho the ¢ pm Interr PATIFN At Oshawa day, Decer #139 Nassa of Alice No Charies Gene ber 3 a Street) beloved Parke nd rf a Read of Oshawa Pat Intosh-Anderson F fm the chapel on husband an ov ath Port Or Orde ange TRE officers and members of Enter prise LOL Ne 7 are requested to at tend at the M osh-Anderson Funeral Home, the Memorial for the jate Wor, Bro. Chas Monday, Recember 4, 1961, 7 Orange Brethren ec I Service Patten All GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond yet reach 728-6226 $90 KING STREET WEST GIDEON Bibles are a continuing me morial. For place contact funeral! director or phone 27 IN MEMORIAM COWLE -- |! dear mot away Decen Peacefu The wo are past silence she price within of all n loving meme of a e, who passed id roubles and trials Tn suffered, in patiene® her home remembered by Ste Ir g me and grandmother 0 passed awa ory of Fern December ou sleeping from pain, 1 back CRANDE!L de Murr FLOODY nephew of ou Charles Floody, who passe stay day Ma of ow whe December 4 a day that passes by t comes. ow way, ou co shar e too. e and cheery wa e do not forget town her by ipered Mom an¢ IVANOFF wdear husband Iwanoff, who passed a 1954 Le memory December 4 ng anc ef Stella Frances and Mery 0 passed Decembe There lo --Loving s h cannot © Jast foreve reme by the fami MAHAFFY Gear Ta Ma S 3 Me Dece His chee Are a plea He had a kind And died belc Some da pleasant re to reca word for each ed by 4 his hand in the better Never to part again Badly missed by son Lioyd, daughter felaw Audrey and grandsons. Jan (nee of a Valentine away face | | TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--Dec. 4 Quotations in cents unless marked ¢ 2z--Odd lot, xd Ex-dividend, xr--Ex rights. xw--Ex-warrants, Net change: is from previous day's close INDUSTRIALS it High Low a.m 0 $40 39% 40 100 $2544 25% Sha 275 $12% 12 0 280 500 200 240 $37 425 S16% 229 $20 450 $23 210 $69 610 $10% Net Stock Ch'ge Abitibi Abit pr Acad-Atl Alta Dist Ita Dis Alta Gas Alt Gas Aita Nat Alg Cen Aig C pr Alg Cen w Algoma Alumin Argus At Sales as Steel Auto El n Bank Mont Bank NS Bath P Aw Bell Phone Bowater 'pr Gas In pr Husky Imp Bk ¢ Comb Con Bldg Con Bldg wt Con Gas Dom Store n Dim T; Exquisite ,| Inland Lint Util Stock 5 Fam Play Fanny } Fleet Mig Ford Com G Dynam GMC c 280 pr GNGas w GNGas wt Gr Wee G Gr Wpg 56w Hardee Hard Carp H DAuch Horne Pf Hur Reie Imp Oi} Imp Tob Ind Accep inglis Inland Gas G w Int Util pr Dis er PI Jamaica PS Jeff B wis ( Jock C pr Kelly wts Labat Lafarge Lakeland L Ont Cem Laur FA Levy LobCo A LobCo A w LobCo B LibGro Locana Loeb M Lon Hos MB and PR M Leaf Mill Mass-F Mass-F Met St MEP(¢ Molson pr Men Foods Mon. Knit Mont Loco Moore Nat Dreg Jocke A 54% P NO Overland Pge-Hers Salada wts even Arts hawin hawin A verwl A verwd B mpsons it Net ales High Low a.m, Ch'ge % 4 I Net Low a.m. Ch"ge 70% Stock Tor-Dom Bk T Fin A Tr Can PL Trans-Mt Gas U Corp pr Vendomat Wainwr Walk GW Wst Cst W Cst vt Westeel W C Brew Weston A West A wis Wood J A Y Knit A 00 100 2121 Tr ae Zenith airs ur Andian CD Sug © Paper Ogilvie Price Br " Aiminex Am Ledue Asamera Bailey S A Bailey S pr Ed 105 B40 2i 8 295 6 375 695 al S Pete Chieftn Delhi ent Del ivragon Mic Mac C West P Dev- Pla Dome Pete Gr Plains Gridoil Marigold Medal Midcon Nat Pete N Cont Northcal NC Oils NCO wts Pac Pete Pac pete Permo Petrol 375 4000 700 2100 900 400 1000 200 $1 125 250 ¢ c ri ri ( ' r _ Phillips Place Ponder Proyo Gas GQuunto Ranger Rocky Pete Sapphire Sarcee Secur Free South 1 Trans Can Un Oils W Cdn OG Wstates W Declata Acad Uran Agnico Amal Rare Anglo Hur Arjon A Arcadia Aumachi IN MEMORIAM _ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SKELLY loving dear husband, Gregory who passed away You fell --In memory (Pat) Skelly, December 4, 1960. asleep without goodbye But memories of you will. never die; Quietly remembered through years. With silent thoughts and unseen tears Sadiy missed and lovingly remember his wife Laura of a thi TUTTON In loving loving daughter and sis on, who passed awa memory of ® Reita Jean December 3 Past her suffering, past her pain, Cease to weep for tears are vain, She who suffered is at rest Gone to Heaven with the biest Lovingly remembered by mother, sis ters and brothers, A | CHRISTMAS TRIBUTE TO YOUR LOVED ONES othing is more befitting or e r. tribute the emory of the loved ones who have passed or ve 4 eate to to from 'which returns verse at bour traveller memorial no o stmos thor Chr time beau devoti is a ve ar gesture of to the t a mother, father band, daughter or or those beyond the e, pe of service to to select on m notice Classified Spec CHRISTMAS EVE EDITION ure that he The publish tribute i 1 * your message ot th Ve time, ca dnesdoy, use the mail py to The T ELEPHONE 723-3492 | MARKET PRICES y mes Tt TORONTO (CP) r cream and butter > ere reported -- Churning print prices unchanged _ to. r " day The market was with offerings light for ORE steady a light > demand Country dealers the federal department of iculture on Canada grade eggs, delivered Toronto, in fibre ases: A large 37; A medium 30; A small 24 no market are quoted Db Butter grade 64 t 4 prices: Canada Ontario tenderable 63- non-tenderable 63, in: light rading 6214 (nomi- nal) i first western f BIRDS RADIOACTIVE LUCKNOW, India (Reuters)-- The Indian Atomic Energy Commission concerned the high of migratory 18 over radioactivity fowl and unsafe eat said in level A water considers them for official sources Sun- the Rus- and parts of the Soviet Union to India during the winter The birds mi thousands sia's nucl test area other B and C grades : (Continued fr om Page 17) 32--Artic TYPEWRITERS, ers, sales, service, new, used, Bill Ham- debts contracted in m3 Ash ton rn VACUUM attachr teed rebuilt n Rentals. Vacu 728-0591 a parts, ce, WHITE and base, new con after six Wilk 5 ELMER buys and fields, dining. niture. ranges tors, washers, amps, sewing ware, mirrors motors, tools save you dolla ONE domest sewing machir diac, perfect conditi SMOOTH top ped, discount size, Also-new top, three pie $39.95, W arehouse ture Stor 728-113 and cleane gold ladies accordion, sewing bench, les for Sale cash registers, add Brook repairs, all makes, brushes guaran Estimates free. Repair Serv ments nachines Cleaner nytime mm. 120 dition, Telephone 725-6124 bur, Hampton Ontario, used televisions, chest bedroom and kitchen f , oll heaters, refrigera antiques, electric irons. machines, dishes, cook hand sleighs, electric Everything is priced to rs. Call Elmer, CO 3-2294 | ie automatic Zig ne, oak console, ali extra one liquor cabinet | Telephone 725-3621 Zag on mattresses, factory wrap- prices, only $19.95, any continental beds, smooth ces complete, any size € have a good supply in as well as at Community ¢, 19 Prince Street, Osh sell used furniture, etc Resale, 140 Simcoe Str 728-487 MOUTON coat 4 n Telephone 723 2 PIECE bedroom suite; Queen; buffet; Filter omatic electric er, aut chair; LIONEL Rc elec nd ¢ LADY'S size, $45 p OU floor Hud Te) m burner; model; bathroom es for B. F teries ision FILTER Quee eral trade-in | stration. Kely Thrifty R pump mp pump, also wine 4 All goc FIBER glass phone 725-8063 CHROME bowl. back an ndition. Rea SUMP a set pump garden perco' 120 WHOLESALE tre Pp ses electric 40. 728-7 | Christmas | Reasonable 4-5887 ELECTRIC r te on, P Core \M er's, 5 |GOLF clubs, -owermated, $150 for SKATES, changed Bond Street Wr fur new 4 k buy and USED parts of wringer ty $5 to $8, guara ers and stove ton, CO GOOD selecti at reasonable vision, 918 S color TY 3ARETS co ma stor gar 37e. S Glecoif's . Sux South, Oshay APPROXIMA world wide many has ast 30 years accepted fo nformation f yndition, goose sink; bathr GOODRICH Stores nator Telephone 728-4683 quick sale brown, full length excellent condition 3519 size $45 vacuum clean electric stove, fully coffee table and ron, 725-2674 tric passenger reasonable train, in 'Telephone son seal coat, medium ephone 725-3872 before 8 "Easy" clothes ironer, neck lamp fixtures; medicine cabinet; fix oom. Call 725-1168 Tires, bat refrigerators, tele Budget Plan. 725-4543 en Sales and Service, lb allowance. Free demon and %4 horsepower motor, winter coat, size xd cond Telephone hull, ", price $150. Tele five d seat: sonably pieces; toilet set radio. All in new priced. Telephone Duro tractor lator; Saladmaster th 3 hp; Sunbeam man's overcoat size w 4,000 pruned Scotch pine pes, all sizes to 8 feet rices. Any number azor service, Sunbeam, Schick, Philishave, Ron is, cutting heads in stock King Street West matched set, Campbell like new, retailed $270 Telephone 725-8296 and used, sold and ex ply Drayton Cycle, 204 and, exchange used ng vou have, "The » 446 Simcoe Street eo Post and repairs for all makes pe hers, 4 hp motors anteed reconditioned wash s. Paddy's Market, Hamp- ion of reconditioned TV's prices, Parkway Tele mcoe Street North. Your ° arton $3.09; butter 64c Ib Ibs. $1; bread alore, shop daily arket, Ritson Roard 2 e TELY stamps thirty Man individual stamps collected thousand sets and This over the best offer will be sta For further hone Ajax WH 2.0904 bee The these 34--Lost LOST most] male Pers black vicinity ! dog, $10 reward LOST: Lady's watch. Gener Telephone 725. FURNITURE {ast when \Classified Ad wearing T Answers tq "Blackie 4 & Found an c on Wednesday, bit of very dark brown, of Hillcroft and Masson Urgent. Reward Pickering. Township tax elephone Oshawa 723-3065 Longine white gold wrist dus reward for return. 4456 ou no longer need sells ou place a good, descriptive) Dial 723-3492 today to muickly find your eash buver Open every night till 10 | 35--Legal t Wit be responsible for name by this te, December written consent Mr. J. R I will not be responsible for contracted in my name by or after this da December without my written consent Bradbury, 396 Athol Street awa not . any one on or after 2, 1961 without m igned Eadie any debts anyone on 961 F East, Osh GENERAL TRADES TRADES SHOPS ONTARIO TRAINING SCHOOL FOR BOYS BOWMANVILLE, ONT. SUM TE endorsed, on the De received SEALED FIXED i DERS properly forms supplied partment, be t the Tender Secretary, Room 6630, East Block, Par- liament Buildings, Toronto 2, until 3:00 p.m. by will on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10th, 1962 for the General Trades Work includes Mect and Electrical Trades Supply ond Delivery of Shop Equipment nection the tion of the Woodworking ond Metal Shops at the Training School for Bowmanville, Ontario hich the onicoal and the in cor with construc Sheet Ontario Boys Bid specified Depository procedure as shall be followed for Mechanical and Electrical Trades Specifications, Tende Tender envelopes and Contact Requirements, may be obtained from, or viewed at Room T-704 (Tower), De parrment of Public Work, East Block, Parliament Build Toronto Ontari 1211, Local and may also be ot the Builders Ex change at Oshawa, Peterbor- ough ond Toronto, Ontario A $2,500.00 Bid. Bond and ce 100% Performance Bond will be réquired as specitied, Pions forms nes 2 ings, 2 (Emp 2- 1279 viewed Tenders will not be consid- erea unless made on forms supplied by the Department of Public Works, Ontaric accordance with d conditions as therein | in the terms or set forth A Deposit of $50.00 CASH, or CERTIFIED CHEQUE made poyable to the Treasurer of Ontario, will be required per set of tender which aocuments, be refunded if documents are returned in good condition within days of above closing date, will thirty otherwise forfeited } 1 , ror y accepted J. D. MILLAR Deputy Min Department of Pul Ontor Parliament Buildings 2, Onto ! 196] $3,000 In Booty tender not mecessari lic Works, Toront December ont = aosidend wove sor wai) EM Store Robbery LUCKNOW, Ont Thieves smashed a Schmid's Jewelry 'Bruce County and escaped watches $3,000 (CP)-- window of Store in this village Sunday with rings and valued at more than Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings Stock Aumaq Aunor Bankeno Bary Expl Base Metal Baska Be | hee r Bethim Bidcop Black Bay Bralorne Brynswk Buff RL Camp Chib C Astoria C Dyno CN Inca Cdn NW Can-Erin aptain assiar "ent Pat *heskirk tib-Kay himo 'och Will oin Lake oniaur 'ob-Key Bellek Callinan Sales 1000 200 500 1000 5500 4000 1000 500 11 Net High Liw a.m. Ch'ge Bia 325 32 1000 827 10000 9560 13000 4600 2000 500 400 300 1500 1000 1000 509 2500 1000 12250 1000 1000 900 1509 1400 00 Discov Arrow Halli Marcus on MS Mogul * Morrison Northid C Regcourt Coprand Craigmt Daering D'Aragon Deer Horn D'Eldona Denison Dicknsn Dome G r ( < c ri ( « & Donalla Duvan "| Meta , Mt | 11 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge 13 «13 Stock Lencourt Lexindin LL Lae Lorado wis Lyndhst Macassa Macdon Mactie MacLeod Man Bar Maralgo Marcon Maybrun Mcintyre McKen McWat Mentor Sales 5000 4500 125 200 1500 150 5000 500 1009 500 1000 3A a 199 5 112 2 1444 340 30 20 +5 Uran Midrim Wright Murray M New Alger »\N Kelore 4 Newlund N Mylam Nickel MS Noranda Normetal Norsp A-wt 510 O'Brien 1 Opemiska Orehan Osisko Pce Expl Peerless Pick Crow Placer Preston Que Chib ?Q Metal Qunston Quemont Radiore Realm Rio Algom Rio Rup Rix Athab Roche Rockwin Ryanor Sherritt Silvermag Siscoe » Stanrek Frobisher Geco Mines Starratt Steep R Sud Cont y Sullivan 852 980 500 600 Hard Rock Har-Min Hasting Heath High-Bell Hollinger liud. Bay Int Nickel Irish Cop Iso J} Waite Jacobus Jonsmith Kenville Kerr Add Lab Min Dufault 6500 1300 300 2990 4200 3000 $5200 2000 500) 825 720 7300 2500 500 200 6300 Latin Am 2000 Taurean Teck-H Territory rhom | Tombil Tormont Un Keno Upp Can Vauze Ventures Vespar Violam Waite Werner W Malar Willroy Wiltsey Winch Wr Hare Yk Bear Young HG Zenmac Am 2500 3000 Sales to 11 a.m Fights Tipping For Bad BOSTON (AP) Proper Bos- 'onian Bob Farrington may grow old and gather cobwebs at a back table in some busy restaurant, but to the bitter end he won't be bullied into leaving a tip Not without word, anyway Farrington was embarked on ja daring crusade Almost singlehandedly, he has set out to reform the custom of tipping surly waiters, snarling cab drivers, indifferent bellhops and other churlish functionaries who attend the public with the abrasive charm of a_ prison guard dishing out rock pile as- signments An account executive with an advertising agency, Farrington las frequently found himself at the mercy of imperious waiters while entertaining clients at junch and dinner. His moment of truth came when he did the slow burn for two hours while having the final Stalin Images Shattered In Europe LONDON (Reuters)--Images of the Stalin era are being shattered in East and West Eu- rope as echoes of Moscow's de- Stalinization policy sound through the Communist parties of the Continent. And as the some awkward being asked -- questions which could rebound back to Moscow These are some of the things that have happened to the po- litical, and actual, images of the Communist giants who ruled na tional parties on both sides of the Iron, Curtain in the Stalin era, all of them closely associ- ated with the Soviet dictator In Czechoslovakia, the body of Klement Gottwald, who died in 1953, has been removed from its massive mausoleum, as was Stalin's, and will be given a "simple burial." In Bulgaria, Vulko Cherven- kov, once known as Little Sta- lin, has been expelled from the party's top leadership for "mis- takes and wrong methods" dur- ing the Stalin era In Italy, Palmiro Togliatti is fighting to retain his hold on the party in the face of criticism from younger elements who ask how if followed the Moscow line so closely in Stalin's day WINS $151,200 BUT LOSES JOB CRAWCOOK, England (AP)--Winning $151,200 in a football pool has cost Bob Grace his job in a grocery store where he worked 40 images topple questions are years Grace, who started out errand boy and became manager of the store, wanted to stay on even as a part-time clerk t6 "'keep in: touch with the customers who have all become my friends Sut the owners said and asked him to resign We were entire Satis fied with Bob's work," said Maicolm McDonald, manag- ing director, "'but I had the feeling people in his position would tend rather to please themselves in. what they did." as no Service waiting for a sullen waiter to take his luncheon order Oh, he tipped all right, just as you and I--and a big fat one, too--but that tore it for him. He decided to fight back Dut of his desperation, Far- rington conceived Tippers Anonymous, a non-militant or- ganization dedicated to the pro- position that waiters should wait, not customers Club members pay $1 and re- ceive a book of 30 yellow slips that rate a waiter's or bellhop's performance as excellent, good, fair or poor, depending on the calibre of service "This group,'"' the slip ex- plains, "is dedicated to improv- ing service and restoring its re ward--tipping -- to its rightful status. The group is not op- posed to tipping, but rather feels that its meaning has been lost in the hurried pace of the modern world. Tips to en- sure prompt service and a re ward for fine service, lack. of them are an indication of poor service.' PUTS SLIP IN PLATE The slip is placed on the gratuity plate in lieu of a tip, if service has been poor, or along with a suitable tip if ser- vice has been fair to excellent. A waiter receiving rave reviews is urged to pocket the tip and pass the performance sheet on to his boss as a memento of an- other satisfied customer. / waiter with a poor report card gets no tip, but he can pocket the card, swallow his pride and strive to do better next time. 1,400 BACKERS Since forming Tippers Anony- mous, Farrington has gathered some 1,400 customers into his fold and so far has not been felled in mid-mission by a fly- ing carafe or ambushed in a back alley by a battalion of burly busboys He admits, however, that he has not had the heart to bring the group's full retaliatory pow ers to bear on any service situ- ation. "Even under the worst conditions, I always leave some- thing, say a quarter on a $5 cheque, just to hold the slip down on the plate," Farrington's tips progress on- ward and upward with the cal- ibre of the service: 10 per cent for a fair rating, 15 per cent for good, and 20 per cent or more for excellent 'service New Headmaster At Private School PORT HOPE, Ont. (CP)--Ap- pointment of assistant headmas- ter Angus C. Scott as headmas- ter of Trinity College School to sueceed Dr. Philip Ketchum was announced Sunday G..E. Phipps of Toronto, |chairman of the governing body of the private school, announced the appointment, effective July 1 Dr. Ketchum, who has held the office for 29 years, is retir- ing. During his tenure of office, the student body has grown to 280 from 111, It includes stud- ents from six foreign countries and from all 10 provinces. Mr. Scott, 36, a native of Hamilton, joined the staff in 1952. He has been assisant headmaster two years MOSTLY HIDDEN The portion of an iceberg seen jabove the sea's surfate is only jabout one-ninth of its entire MASS, * dertake warlike action against a Commonwealth. Red Chinese |'Green Concerned Walk Out Over U.K. Move On Nehru CALCUTTA, India (Reuters OTTAWA (CP)--External Af-{at the student conference. The fairs Minister Green has ex-/first time was at a panel dis- ) Pressed deep concern over the ---- Yow it Po rye rics. ¥ ee re A political implications of Brit-\iioned by Charles selyak 0! ake eee ie goes are ain's decision to seek member- the U.S. embassy. He cited public meeting here Sunday ship in the European Common among other things Russia's in- night when Prime Minister Market. : vasion of eastern Poland in 1939. Nehru referred to Chinese "'ag-' He suggested Saturday night; P. Borisov, counsellor of the gression" against India. that these could be extremely Soviet embassy here, also a Nehru said India could not un-S¢rious for the future of the|member of the panel, replied that Russia occupied eastern neighboring country: such as; Mr. Green addressed a ban-|Poland to protect its Slavic China despite demands by mil-|quet of the Student United Na-| brethren against onrushing Ger- itant Indians for a declaration'tions Association in Canada, man troops of war to regain the 12,000 which was holding a three-day, A postgraduate student at the square miles of Indian territory national conference here. The University of Ottawa, who allegedly occupied by China conference ended Sunday. comes from the western Uk- Nehru said the government's After finishing his speech, the raine, spoke up from the audi- stand was not a question of fearjexternal affairs minister an- ence and said that after Soviet but one based on a patient ex-|swered questions touching onjtrocps entered his district in ploration of al! possibilities of|Canada's foreign policy. One 1939 they arrested all priests solving the problem. question concerned the Cana-|and members of the intelligen- However, in Bombay, Defence dian attitude on Britain's move tia and shipped them to Sibe- Minister V. K. Krishna Menon'toward the Common Market. ria Ltd., net loss took a much tougher stand in) The issue is "much more se-| "Is that what you call liber- one of the most strongly worded yjious than the Canadian people ating countries?" he asked Mr, attacks made so far on china by|realize,"' said Mr. Green. Borisov Menon described the Chinese WHAT HAPPENS THEN? ae jean Etienne-Blais of Carleton incursions as a "betrayal 'and What eg An gga! joins University forestalind any re- have the bitterest opposition." the Common Market, and then ply from the Russian, observing icy with the other six members? vond the assigned topic -- The pape lagi of the Com- The panel presented the un- % oo : _,, Usual spectacle of a Russian To Ignore Mr. Green also cited eco- diplomat--Mr. Borisov -- slug- try might hold for Canada if it American: and: West" German oarriers against Canadian prod- ,,) 'spe ae "eespeert NEW YORK (AP) -- A Luth- Ucts Fob Brig oo ag West on: eran minister says churches In his speech to the students many's embassy here should ignore Christmas kai i , He 0 ue ; di-/ Or HS Supreme cheek IN UY: piste" Praser editor of Mac- Lutheran Church in America, 'alism at the. United Nations a Meese : has this to say in an article; "The Soviet Union has not ue re eee aL. appearing in The Lutheran, of-|freed any colonies -- ever," he j...., and Dr. Peyton Lyon, church France, which had brought nomic science, Middlesex Cole salute in the direction of relig- ence were "berated and tain ion, is now the property of the abused" in the UN assembly : eC aeee > rid, a Z US | oesaiies Vs jealans business world, and I say iS copes INVASION oo . in unmistakably clear words time that Shifting UN from the whole mess countries had come up Saturday "Let the churches simply ig- s nore the 25th of December the 0 er 1n cension Day. . For Five Years | merry Christmas without Dav! MONTREAL (CP) -- News- ing to go to church and the). - : s ae apt church wouldi't have 40 #16 ike print will be in ample supply WASHINGTON (AP) -- State hands," world - wide basis, the News-)Sunday that establishment of : - print Association of Canada pre-|some major United Nations of- dicts in its publication News-'fices in west Berlin would be a Death Sentence Continued growth in demand|ing the main headquarters from is expected but expansion of ca-! New York. pacity is keeping pace. Suggestions that the beleagu- timated at 15,177,000 tons, upj}be made a major UN seat as Youn Negro 572,000 tons, but capacity is es-|part of an East-West settlement timated at 17,819,000 tons, up have been advanced by several cele cain - ye 839,000 tons; leaving standby) sources, esata TLE, Ga. (Ay leapacity of 2,642,000 tons, up| Prime Minister Diefenbaker A Superior Court judg 267,000 tons: of Canada proposed in Parlia- vg iets La ' ,| 'The standby figures do not in-|ment Sept. 11 the international- toa hg ag Se ee ee clude provision for continuous izing of Berlin under the UN ee a ane in . case which|°Peration of all mills in East-|with 'a UN presence" in the nd 2 eee : rid-wide attention. |!" Canada. Canadian mills still city. ' st ge es he 'eston Cobb, wasi0".@ six-day basis could, it is External Affairs Minister Ho- rey oe "August. by alestimated, produce another 650,- pier rigs reeregy rane x ¢ t st Ae students meeting Saturday white jury in the fatal shooting 000 ALghY that a UN Seasehiee in Ber- of Coleman Dumas, 70, The jury lin might help sooth the situa- failed to recommend mercy, tion there, and possibly the making the death sentence man NET EARNINGS UN's European branch might datory be moved to Berlin. Cobb was sentenced to die last) BY THE CANADIA , PRESS . Beiuse aes Sept. 22 and had the sentence 7 Cc. pin ye oat aa " been carried out he would have|#-td., year ended Sept. 30: | V ] N been the youngest person ever)$!.795,555; 1960, $1,786,257. 1o1ence Near to die in Georgia's electric Canadian Hydrocarbons Lid., chair. The death sentence was|9- mos. ended Sept. 30: 1961, P t b h stayed, however, by court ac-|$294,250, 39 cents a share; 1960, e er orou ' tion. $251,549, 36 cents. A 7 D In denying the appeal for a Consumers Glass Co. Lid., t een ance new trial, Judge George Car-/Year ended Aug. 31: 1961, $41,- ITE 20UG .p snter agreed with the state at-(694, 13 cents a share, inqluding PETERBOROUGH (CP) PENver Bk : i ity $41.960 gain on sale of fixed as. Provincial police said Sunday a torney in that Cobb essentially : gain e ixed as x 2 ; waived his right to complain} Sets 1960, $180.769, 57 cents, in-| NUMber of Peterborough youths that no Negroes were on the|'luding $143,804 income tax re- will be charged as the result of jury by not doing so at the time Coverable. an outbreak of violence at a iP the trial Fibre Glass Products of Can- met ~ agers' dance in a church Cobb. who will observe his\#da Ltd., year ended June 30:| nie ue Pd vn ---- 16th | 'thday this month, will 1961, $9,086; 1960, $17,471. mae Darlin 16 A gy be . sentenced to death by, George H. Hees Co. haber 7 the la gee ape De Yivear ended June 30: 1961. chaperone at the dance, was se- Carpenter oss $612,709: 1960. nét verely beaten after he ejected €502.115 eae tn ae . youth for aa kg pa he are eiteias ; ter chaperone, Doug Arm- International Utilities Corpor- Nee sas er DEATHS ation, 9 mos. ended Sept. 30: strone, wae attacked but -es- O61. $5.442.216. $1.84 hark: caped injury. By THE CANADIAN PRESS [toch Svcoe'zit: Sl8t a share; Ming WW. den a: ; who had been drinking, arriv Utica, N.Y.--Claude E. Ben-| poyy Industries Ltd.; 9 mos. hah Wan fia fave aren nett, 58, general desk editor ~ + = wy g, at the hall in five cars and ap: aif, ib , ended Sept. 30: 1961, $604,372, 63) neared to be spoiling for a fight. with The Associated Press in| conts- 1960, $449.619. 54 cents. 5 0 be Sf 8 & ' : ang and with the chaperones Yarmouth, Isle of Wight--Sir|ging Ltd., 9 mos. ended Sept. FOr place on and off i two Peter Drummond Macdonald.|30: 1961, $525,000, 15 cents a! hours. 66, Conservative member of|share; from 1924 to 1959 year ended Sept, 30: 1961, $3,-/ cious damage and creating a London, Ont.--Albert Edward, 140,519, $1.24 a share on 2,520,-\disturbance. Holes were Silverwood, 85, founder of the|198 shares; 1960, $2,003,357, 93|punched in several wallboards started Silverwood Dairies 58 years ago. London -- Bransby Williams characters. New York -- Thyra Samter Winslow, 58, who wrote novels, an Indian leader The panel chairman, Prof adopts a common foreign pol- that the discussion hdd got be- "How does that tie in with its), "| os S urc es Berlin Crisis nomic disadvantages British en ging it out in oral combat with . ee ari Christmas Time oe lead to erection of tariff diplomats. The American was M Green lambasted Russia Others on the panel were tev. Dr. Edgar S. Brown : rector of worship for the United ing to lead the attack on colon-|),0 4+. magazine, Jean-Luc Pe- ficial weekly paper of the declared. Yet Britain and professor of political and eco- "Christmas, the annual pious many countries to independ- tege, University of Western On- j > tha ~ | id high time that the churchs aic¢ it wae: Ga cannon that it intends to divorce itself Russian hegemony over other way most of them pass by As- Ample Newsprint "Then everyone could have a Is Opposed a stood-up female wringing her 9" at least five years on ajsecretary Dean Rusk agreed print Data: 1961. |good idea, but he opposed shift- Stands For Demand for next year is es-' ered former capital of Germany Saturday to grant a new trial : . Mr. Darling sai > youths, 1960. $4,920,025. $1.76 fr. Darling said the youth Shige bia ais ; Fighting among members of the New York for 18 years. Pato Consolidated Gold Dred-| pas ie 1960, $375,000, 11 cents.| Police said the youths would -arliament for the Isle of Wight) Salada - Shirriff - Horsey Ltd.,) be charged with assault, mali- largest Canadian - owned dairy|cents, on 2,136,101 shares 'in the hall. company in Canada_ who ee 8 _ 91, who won world fame for his! stage impersonations of Dickens short stories, ¥elevision and mo- vie scripts. & Minister Predicts More Development KENORA (CP) -- Accelerated mining and road-building devel- opments in northwestern Onta- rio were forecast Saturday by Mines Minister Wardrope. Six more geological and mag- netometer survey parties soon will be sent to this part of the province where, he said, there 1S an iron oye reserve estim- ated at 6,000,000,000 tons Mr. Wardrope spoke at a nomination meeting which} chose J. A. (Pete) Robertson of Kenora as Progressive Conser- vative candidate for the Kenora riding provincial byelection Jan. 18 The seat was made vacant b the death of Albert Wr clected under a Liberal-Labor banner but a member of the! Liberal caucus in the legisla-| ture ! \ of ST. SIMONS ISLAND, GEORGIA | Located off the Atlantic Coast on the Golden Isles of Wing Georgia--enjoy o myriad of seaside activities c - - ocean bathing, fishing, boating, sunning. i < K| Private pool. Skeet shoots. Outdoor dancing and entertainment. Cuisine. Fascinating ae- commodations. Club-like atmosphere. Riding trails. Yacht Club. Golf course. Everything to make you enjoy your vacation. Write today.

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