¥6 THe COHAWA TIMES, Mendey, December 4, rye. THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 17--Male Help Wanted |25--Apts. & Flats for Rent AVERAGE $2.50 hourly, part time, need! su per.noomM 3 neat appearing men, 24-39 for row OFFICE HOURS: 8 \.M. to 5 P.M. Mendey to Fridey Seturdey 8 to 12 Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8--Hunting |TAXIDERMIST -- Geer heads mount- led, $22.00. Birds and animals mount- jed. Rugwork. Contact Richard Flewell, |RR 1, Claremont. 25--Apts, & Flats for Rent |25---Apts. & Flats tor Rent LOW rental ap year old, $87 monthly, bedroom, five rooms, dryer. Parking.. 728-3377, artment for rent. te | Everything separate. For information, to 16 hours weekly, Write Box peso 592 Post 'perest. f wor! 710 Oshawa Tim THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment. one modern two- free washer, T "ROOM apartment on Warren Avenue, private, TV outlet, parking, $70 or $95 with furniture. Telephone 728-1203 $65 MONTHLY ~--new apartment, bed- BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY |Money to Loan | CHRISTMAS PAID FOR NOW!! | Yes, this yeor buy oll your Christmas gifts by CASH. We will be pleased to loan you from... | | ------| Suitable; $50. to $5,000. [Driving | School | | LEARN TO DRIVE at the Driving Accountants BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting) Bervice. Complete bookkeeping service. 184 rag Street West, 725-0397. Res., 723-7605. CLASSIFIED AD RATES 23 words or tes Cosh Cherge 3 CONSECUTIV® INSERTIONS 2.25 248 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 3.75 4.13 if not paid within 7 days the Charge rote will apply. Above rates opply only to original orders for consecutive insertions, Subeequent insertions ordered of © later. date constitute @ new original order Professional ond Business tistings $7.50 per month tor 3 lines 'daily. Each additional line $1460 per month. Each initial fetter, ebbreviction, $ and ¢ sign, figure, counts os © word, Box charge 15¢ additional. All Classified Advertisements must be in by 5 p.m. the doy be fore publication except Births, Menwriams, Cards ef Thanks which will be accepted until 9 a.m. Deadline for Lost end Found and Concellations 8:30 am, Office Hours: Daily 8-5, Saturday 8 - 12 REGULATIONS The Oshawo Times will not be le for errors in advertise ibmitted otherwise shan in mor for more then one incorrect insertion of ony sdver tisement, mor beyond the price charged for o@ single insertion of the advertisement in which error o¢curs. And also reserve the right to classify advertising eccording to its own classification. in the cose of display advertine- ments The Times will not be helo responsible more space thar that in which the octuo! error eceuples, The publishers endeavour to reproduce all advertising matter cortecfly but assumes no fiobility of advertisement ore contained if any inoccuracies in ary form therein. | Oshawa School Professiono| Instructors Dual Controlled Cars Standard and Automatic Day ond Evening Lessons 728-0091 Fuel and Wood B. E. DEWAR and Co., Accountants end Auditors, Cedar Glen Bidg., 11 On- tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario. 728-2221 2221.) ped acrtatAtcinsahh aod acahaate NTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL onal ce Chartered Accountants, 725-3527.| 435 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; Ajax. WH 2-0890. WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered Accountants, 3% Simcoe Street South,| Debawe. Hossa F. Wilson. CA:| pactoRY hardwood cuttings. G. EAmond Burrows, CA, _ 7128-2 \aee aheveal Greplaces, fornaoen. 6. T. HOPKINS and Company, Cert phone 728-8535. fied Public Accountants, 172 Ki - Gtreet East, Oshawa, Ontario YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTE and Co., Accountants and huditors: icensed Trustees in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, CA; F. Friedlander, B. Comm, CPA, | Auto Parts | | KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran-| teed automotive parts and accessories. 145 King Street West, Oshawa 728-1607-8-9. Five bays to serve you. With eosy monthly payments to suit your budget. SEABOARD 291%4 SIMCOE ST. S. 728-6283 725, 3309 FIREWOOD, ary, good, for stov nace or fireplace. Free delivery phone CO 3-275 FREE Furnece cleaned every yeor. "Round the Clock' 24-hr, burner service. Automatic delivery It's R Fuel : WESTERN OIL CO. 1212 725-12 "Tele [Mortgages FIRST AND SECOND mortgages « ranged. W. Schatzmann. * ortgage| Brooker, 101 Dundas We! 3: FIRST and second mortgages. Sale| jagreements purchased and sold. Hen- Inick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King' Street East. 72 CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort- gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale purchased, NHA mortgages arranged. Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- doch * FIRST MORTGAGE commercial projec gages on houses. D. Street East, Oshawa, 3376. MORTGAGE LOANS 40 yeors experience. Resi dential, acreage, opts., bus- iness, summer properties. Members of Ont. Mortgage Brokers Assoc. J, &, Horris, F, G. Harris and R. C, Bint White se' Unified | Oi -- Barristers | ments. MA NING F. SWARTZ ; and RONALD L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No- taries. Money lo: Henry Block, 26%4 King Street East. 723-4697. Resi dence, Dial 723-4029. JOSEPH P. MANG Solicitor. Money to King Street East, Residence 725-3405. DONALD BLAKE DO and Solicitor, 26% King Telephone: Busine dence 728-5373 CRE IGHTON, FRASER, DRY NAN "end) MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- tary: Public, Bank of Commerce Bidg.,) 5 Simcoe Street North, 723-3446. T. K Creighton QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K Drynan, G. L. Murdoch. NHA mort- gaces arrang' NEES RICHARD | H. D LD, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, gg Simcoe North. 728-2991. Res. 7: BOWMAN DAVID L., Barrister, tor, 3% Simcoe South, 725-9592. |Gardening and Supplies WHITBY EXCAVATING DIGGING -AND DITCHING MO 8-4172 BLACK LOAM DRIVEWAY, GRAVEL, FILL AND SAND 725-5279 --- industrial and second mort- W. Holden/ 728-6081 ard 723- Oshawa. for NEW BUSINESS | Unlisted Numbers , Bolici- Rest dence 728-0264. HUMPHREYS, ) BOXCHYN and sega MAN, Barristers, Solicitors; R Humphreys, QC; G. §. Boychyn, BA W. A. Hillman, LLB, 36% King Street Fast. Phones: Office 725-117 R 725-4604 or Whitby, MO 8-27 725-5 ey to joan. Tours &. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soli eitor, Notary, Alger Bidg., 37 King Street East. 723-4943. Mortgage monies available E. R KNOWLTON SCAPING 'SERVICE wn mainteno "725-6047 BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Solicitor, Notary Public Mortgage funds available, 3644 King Street East 728-2381. Res., J §-7163 GREER and KELLY, Barrister, P Soli winter Street, Barrister, Household Repairs PAINTING carpentry. Low rates lding, 204 Church titor, ete. 114 King Street East 723-2278. Residence phones: J Greer, BA Bi 725- 33681 Kel P. Z. T. SALMERS, BA, Saran tor etc, 13% Simcoe Street Office 723-1101; Residence 542 JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB., Barrister and Solicitor and Notary a Solici North c 2 auto and casualty insurance Dial Dis! | Insurance Terrence V. ALLSTATE pe Auto Insurance, Save six months to pay. your home, cail pet East, 3376, Fire, Ww Oshawa King St "HOL DE N--5 1 and lic. The Commercial Building, 286 Kin West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking Instruction available. RUSSELL J. MURPHY, BA LLB, Barrister and Solicitor 6 ae Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. }._ 128-297 THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, citor, and Notary Public, Btreet East. Phone 728-1763. BRUCE VY. MACKEY, BA, Solicitor, Notary Public, 36% Street East. 728-2381. Res. YU $212 a > 5 26% King ul DE. bdatic. i- PRIVATE 16 vears Act now agar =l HARVEY King Tap, 7. now MAE MARSH Dancing Sc Ballet, Ta Pre-School acro- Friday and "Saturday Masonic » Centre Street, 723-725 teacher, student exverience, by interview only, 725-1054. 'emple DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, | RAD Ballet, Highland ee 424 King Street West. 725-612 RALPH JONES, BA, and THOMAS H. GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli- citors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246. Mortgage loans available. | McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barrinters,| Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North 725-3566; Charles C, McGibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC Bookkeeping _ |Lawn Mowers ME ty ige AND RENT TE YTHING Lh cae ST AN' > CORNER } AT 723-3224 IN BURK STS, be OC HAPELHOUMAN » ETt BOOKKEEPING INCOME TAX RETURNS 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 pLoeerata Trades L TYPES building repairs, roofing, Si eccroughing chimneys, fireplaces, | sidewalks, stoops. 728-0394, Gordon May, aN ERIOR trim work, kitchen boards, recreation rooms, ti ete Call Wm. Wilki: 723- 1231 SPECIALIZING | in roofing and "repal Also all type home remodeling. F: @stimates. Phone Harry 723-2413 YOUR cleaner. | f cup-| floors, | | local chimney Chim. Seys built and repaired, gas linings in- Stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti fates 3-2997., CERAMIC, plastic wall tile, woodwork ing, all floor coverings. Free esti- mates, Work guaranteed. 728-085 | DRAFTING SERVICES -- Mechanical| and p lant layout. Telephone 728-3566. t AND H ROOFING. tar and gravel, roofs, repairs mates Specializing in asphait shingles, metal insulating siding and all kinds of All work guaranteed. Free esti Telephone MO 8-8003 or 725-6937 WHITBY EXCAVATING DIGGING AND DITCHING MO 8-4172 Cartage - fom YING and Storage. Oshawa.| D ov Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fuily -- ved and insured. Phone nnn lath Moving? CALL CITY CARTAGE 725-2621 Dressmaking INVISIBLE mending, Te- re-weaving and minor alterations. Call 725-9736. 525 Dunkirk. | | | alterations on Reasonable! | COATS hemm turne', ripper: alterations, mending, 725-4129. ALTERATIONS and re modelling by expert dressmaker. Have your dresses made to fit: you; give them new life, sew style. Telephone 728-9143 SABY SETS knitted and crocheted all types of knitting, bulky knit sweat 'Ws, etc, Telephone 725-2428. your 'service business will prosper with a daily ad in "Business Services fn the Oshawa Times Classified Section Dial 723-3492 today to learn about the jow commercial rates, Wane 3 baer job? It may be waiting ler "Help Wanted" in the Classified wection today, Look now. + any and ete all Telephone Ott |Money to Loan SURPRISE lyou've been YOUR kids n that pet promising r You'll ind the perfect one Pets for Sale' the Oshawa Times Classified Section MONIES FOR MORTGAGES First onnum Sale purchas M,. F SWARTZ Short-term Mortgages rates 26% Oshawa, Or 723-4697 Registered Unc Brokers LOANS To Pay All Your Bills You can Borrow $50 to $5,000 To Pay All Your Accumulated Bills. This Gives You A Frest] Start With Only One Easy | Monthly Payment. $50 - $5,000 With Endorsers Or Bankable Security SUPERIOR FINANCE LIMITED "The Fastest' Growing All-Canadian Loan Company" Loans ors Life Insured s Th hout Ontario SIMCOE ie 725-6541 nesday 8 pm Open Night on ointment 17 OFFICES IN ONTARIO | Apr a | counsellor, SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA PHONE 725-3568 Nursing Services SENIOR Warm lage 1308 citizens' boarding home bright rooms in picturesque vil Reasonable rates. Call Orono Nursing Homes SOUTH HAVEN Nursing Home. Ac- |commodation for private and semi-pri- |vate patients, lounge, TV, Fully licens- ed, new building modern. Visitors wel- come, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, Reasonable rates. Phone Newcastle 4441 SUNNYBRAE attendance | Whitby Nursing Home, RN, in No 2 Highway between and Oshawa. Call 725-2330, |Optorr.etrists F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom- peak the examination of eyes, cpsencobi lenses, 136 Simcoe North at Colborn Evenings by appointment. 7 i ae Tuck, RO, Optometri Please | pay accounts at downtown Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street ined at home. Dial 725-4587, rate ant Decereiey | PAINT NOW PAY LATER | RAINBOW PAINTERS Reo le Rat Low Dow Payment F Estimates, PHONE 723- -7067 DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Poperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS MO 8-5231 NIGHTS 725-7426 soneb! es, ree 7 Personal Service PIANO and ephone tuning. Anywhere in Oshawa district. Quality workmanship. Tel- 725-2329. LET US MACHINE WASH YOUR WALLS, HOMES, OFFICES, Accurate, No Dripping Pickering WH 2-012) Day Evening Free Estimates EASY-GLIDE INTERIOR WALL WASHING MODERN GRILL Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Made Pies and Desserts WE DELIVER 725-3887 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH Plumbing and Heating |ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies. |Phone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark, rae plumbing, heating and engineer.' coe Street South a ty f repairs and remodelling, new and used mate: Reasonable Is. rates. Estimates free, Dial 728-6931, J. Foley. etc Speed € Invalide exam-| VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE 145 KING WEST Next to Western Tire 728-4401 t sell We buy exchange u furniture, TV, radios and so forth ot prices to top anyone in the city washer TV . Radio Repairs TV, RADIO, car radio repairs, makes. hoegg son Electronics, Eliott Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred), T.V. TOWERS 361 GIBBONS ST 728-8180 Terms. Open evenings OSHAWA T.V. Free Survey end Estimates ~T.V. TOWERS All galvonized, no LEN & LOU' ANTENNAS 728-5804 or 725-7844 Well Drilling-Digging W. WARD WELL DIGGING by MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563---MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST., WEST P.O. BOX 329 187 TILE | 2--Personal . schchseacsed eta 'WANTED -- Young m sires gentleman to share Central location. Reasonable, Call 723-| 1805 after 5. teacher RIDE Telephone 725-0227 Removal of Warts Superfluous Hair Permanently MARIE MURDUFF be in Oshawe ot the Genosha Hotel, Dec 19th, 20th. 723-4641. Phone for appointment Moles ond will | on these dates. bay hunting, housekeeping cottages, - $50 per week, quide extra, todge lerisestneietian $8.50 per day, outlook good, Duck hunting season now open, same rates apply. Contavt Bob Wed- den, RR 1 Clarendon, Ont. Mi-Jo Camp. MEAT CUTTER Must be time employment. experienced. Full Apply in \11--Articles for Rent SARGEANT'S TABLEWARE RENTALS Punch bowls, chafing dishes, ice buckets, dinnerware, glassware, tableware rentals for weddings, ers, anniversaries, reasonable prices. 725-3338 12--Articles Wonted RARE 5 "good phone 723. 4790 after 5 for appolntment, | No | dealers show- buffets, WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS Deer Hides and Row Furs (collect) 1. TURNER 723-2043 - 723-3374 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO Wants cars for wrecking Parts for sale, also scrap iron ond metals, etc. bought Open Saturday all doy, Phone 725-2311 89 BLOOR E. Person SPROULE'S STORE 272 King Street East YOUNG MAN to train as sports department assistant. Must have ot least Grade XII education ond good general knowledge of sport. Ability to type on ad- vantoge. WRITE BOX 711 _OSHAWA TIMES _ CAREERS FOR YOUNG MEN IN THE CANADIAN ARMY If you are between the age of 17 and 23 and single, get full information on exciting career opportuni- | ties with the CANADIAN ARMY boos your Army Recruiter at 13--Business Opportunities between 11 A.M. and 3 P.M, NATIONAL Food Company offers re- {sponsible persons part or full. time light No year-round income. Ap- delivery and collection contracts selling. Steady Plicants must have car or light truck $670.00 cash required, which is fully secured, Write Manager, St. East, Toronto, Ont. Get the facts Before you invest, reod the new 20-poge factual "Pro- gress Report: Coin-Operated Laundry Drycleoning -- Find out obout the new COIN-OPERATED WESTINGHOUSE DRYCLEANING MACHINES ALD, Inc, has helped estab lish over .13,000 successful Laundromat stores . stores thon all bined. Get in floor in your © Get your fra2 brochure from our local representotive obligation. Coll or write and ° the ground wn community No on TUESDAY and Thursday of each week or write ARMY RECRUITING OFFICE 27 St. Clair Ave., East TORONTO 7, Ontccio '20--Room ond Board {ROOM or room and board for two {gentlemen in warm, quiet home, pri- vate entrance and bath, TV outlet. | Telephone 728-2210 NICE room or room and board, jhome, office girls, teacher or student. [Ride to and from centre town 8.30 and Telephone 723-2481 |PONTIAC INN -- room and board a able, home cooked meals, lunches pack- joa. | have TV lounge. Telephone 725-0078 ROOMS for gentlemen, board Wf de- sired, lunches packed, very central. Apply 296 King Street East TWO furnished rooms, for gentlemen ;Good meais, lunches packed, continu adult home, 2008 Queen) KS WEEKLY -- two gentlemen or girls, willing to share, single beds, TV, cen | ALD CANADA, LTD; ltral, three cooked meals daily, 'Tele. | GIRL, | | 25 Belfield Road (Toronto) Ont, O 6-7255 |phone 725-9087. | GENTLEMEN "to "ghare room, jsingle beds, lunches packed, foe heed x ate ~ with quiet 725- 6721 14---Employment Wanted TRAINED practical nurse available, 723-1623 FELECIFIC DAY NURSERY Free Pick-up Service by Week. Rea ble rotes (opp. Oshawa Shopping Centre) 28-2412 639 CARTIER AVE the Care of elderly persons only. Telephone! door. 725- |GENTEEMEN boarders wanted, seve or ays per week. Abstainers, TV cous privileges Close to town, bus a! 565. -|22--Store Space & Gorages| STORE -- 700 square feet, plus full basement, front, parking. 295 Simcoe Street South. FRanklin 2-9992, Cobourg. 24--Houses for Rent |FOUR large ro and bathroom, oil heating, garden space, five minutes' |walk from No; 2 Highway. Telephone |WH 2-5327, 16--Female Help Wanted 9 years or over, for food store. Some experience preferred Telephone | 725-5911 STENOGRAPHE = accurate short-| hand and typing for legal office. Reply jto Box 519, Oshawa Times, stating ex- de | perience and full particulars apartment.| WAITRESS wanted ~|roundings, Pleasant salary, steady work. 04. | Telephone required to Toronto, vicinity of SHORT order cook. Apply to Genosha! Parliament and Gerrard, arrive 8 a.m. | Hotel. Telephone 723-4641 RELIABLE person to care child while mother works, 723-7576 after 6 for TYPIST required Bookkeeping helpfuj Reply to Box 723, for more information. in Oshawa office, but not essential, Oshawa Times ~ mur belay "ROC ouse, 234 miles west of Brooklin, newly decorat- ie double car garage, swimming pool. Gordon Hill, 17R21. VACANT -- three - bedroom bui w jon Celina Street, Close to Four Corners, |$75 monthly, Telephone 728-5209. | EXECUTIVE'S home, nice five,room jbungalow, well furnished, less refriger- ator and bedroom suite, attached -- ga- rage. Nice location. One child welcome. Rent, $110 month. Apply 478 Park Road | South. FOR RENT -- three bedroom bunga- jlow, $90 monthly. Three-bedroom soul @|level $105 monthly, Two-bedroom a live in, Call|ment, $75 monthly, 521. Bowman and Gibson essed |FIVE-ROOM house, Byron Street. Gar- Iden, oil, practicaliy new, Possession. |MO 8-5823. 17--Male Help Wanted |AVERAGE $2.50 hourly, need three neat appearing men, 24 for route work, 8 to 16 hours weekly. Write Box 710, Oshawa Times. GOING WEST? 1 Drive r new lo to yu) and te cars Vancouver, Edmonton, Regina, 3 Toronto Limited, Toronto, model ry Winnipeg Drive-Away . 5385 Yonge Street BA 5-7754 3--Pets & Livestock {BEAUTIFUL toy fox terrier puppy Only one left, Lasting gift for child. Deposit will hold until Christmas. | Telephone 725-6052 {BEAGLES hound puppies for sale Wilfred Jobin, Whitby, MO 8-2753 |TWO biack and white kittens, weeke old. Lovely pets, well "Mr. se en| trained. | | | | Must have home. 728-8806 or 618 Mary./ PEDIGREE Pomeranian male, two years old, $25. Telephone 728- 3626 for further particulars Rug--Upholstery Service CHESTERFIELDS re- ong pearl a re-styled. Free estimates. See ma terial for re-covering. Dalton Upholster. ing, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. covered like new. Get the best for less at Modern Upholstering, 142 Simcoe South. Call 728-6451, Free estimate. CHESTERFIELDS re-built, re-covered like new. Why pay more? Our rates jare reasonable. Satisfaction guarantee: | Mattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery, Co.. 10 Bond Street West. Dial 725-0311. Surveyors DONEVAN & AND FLEISHMAN Ontario Land Surveyor, Commercial Blue-print-| ing. 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632. H. FLI™M and "TROLLOPE, Land Survey East. Phone ~~ Ontario | Adelaide Avenue! 5-688 1 TV - Radio Repairs | SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT ~--DAY OR NIGHT ! T.W. and RADIO! CALL 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Cr CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs +e-\---- SAMOYED and Labrador retriever puppies, registered, lasting gift for your child, deposit will hold until Christmas. 723-9991. training, talking . strain. Apply Mrs |Broac, 114 Elgin Street East. 4--Market Basket WINTER POTATOES, $1.30 per bag, B 75 pound bag, free delivery, telephone pl Delicious and Russets. Maybelle Or- chards, 1% miles north of Whitby, on |Highway 12. MO 8-2163 5--Farmers Column TOP MONEY for dead and disabled jfarm stock, R, Vivian, Markham, collect. 24-Hour, seven-day service (golden), | } BEAUTIFUL baby budgie, ready for| 11603, | DEAD farm stock picked up Somat. | j Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-27 Margwiil Fur Farm, Tyrone Lid. 115 CAR FOR SALE? Bring Suyers right to jyour door with a fast-action Oshawa Times Classified Ad. Dial 723-3492 now WATER SUPPLY ISEAWAY WATER SUPPLY PICKERING. ONT., WH 2-1397 24 Hours 7 Days a Week 00 ¢ $5 00 1000 : See 00 1500 gelions . seciee woe jallor galk | OPPORTUNITY IN INSURANCE Man aged 30-35 with at least Sr, matriculation to train for responsible position in a rapidly expanding mul- tiple line insurance company, Applicant must have proven ability to meet the public ond to exercise good judg- ment, Willing to relocate in Ontario This is not a sales position, but previous soles experience will be an asset. Extensive. employee benefits, salary according to qualifications Please write in confidence stating full details to: OSHAWA TIMES BOX 622, part dime, phone CO 3-2628 |MODERN new, five-room brick bunga- jlow, fireplace and garage. Adults. |Baby welcome. North Oshawa. Tele- |OLDER house, nee decorated, clean, i heated, adults. Abstainers, With quiet school-age children. Telephone | 725-2522. | six ROOM bungalow, top location, $100 |monthly, with or without lease, imme- diate possession. Telephone 728-5123. FOR SALE OR RENT: small down pay- ment, three-bedroom home subdivision, fenced lot, two blocks from new school, serviced. Must vacate. 5: Whitby. people to sell magazines, Good commission. Telephone 723-1990 eve- nings and weekends only. IN WILLOWDALE -- six-room house, unfurnished, oil heat, available soon. Telephone ' 728-4731 after 4.30 p.m. THREE-BEDROOM "bungalow, | Whitby. Close. to schools, Storms and screens. Oil heat. Possession to suit tenant. Telephone MO 8-8379. SEVEN-ROOM house. with bath and four-room apartment for rent. Fifteen minutes to GM, immediate possession. Telephone Orono 34-12, bungalow, partly furnished, attached garage. Good location, One child wel- come, | South. FIVE-ROOM bungalow, oil heat, and garage, heavy wiring. Near schools and bus. Central, 66 Emma Street. Tele- FIELD SALES ENGINEER We require © graduate Mechanical Engineer for an attractive position in the Industrial field working out of our Bowmanville Plont. Applicants should be 25 to 35 years of age. Position involves general engineering problems, reloted to Indus- trio] Rubber Products. Must be willing. to travel and have the ability to handle prob- lems and sell on/the execu- tive level. State qualifica- tions in_a letter to -- THE GOODYEAR TIRE and RUBBER CO OF CANADA, LTD. Indus Rubb Products Division BOX 250 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO phone 728-1158. PICKERING eight - room brick house, 20 acres land, good barn, Rea- sonable to reliable tenants. Near schools, Shopping Centre. 169 Warren Avenue, Oshawa. 208 DEARBORN Avenue -- six « room brick, oil heat, garage. Near St, segs ory's, Mary Street, schoo! extras, 725-2777, FOUR-bedroom brick, close to schools, | oll heated, private drive, garage. Pos-| $80 monthly. Telephone 725-6304. SEVEN large rooms, re-decorated throughout, oi! furnace, attached large lot. Harmony Road $75 monthly. Guide Realty. 723-1121. THREE-BEDROOM house with oj) fur- nace, all facilities. Telephone Picker- ing, WHitehall 2-2943. 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent THREE-ROOM apartment. Refrigera- tor and stove, $65 monthly. Near South General Motors and bus. Suit quiet couple. Write Box 724, Oshawa Times. APARTMENTS or duplexes, $90 month, fully equipped and heated. Park Road }South and Banff Street Cail Mr Appleby at 725-6544 or A. J. Bolahood Lid, Realtor. __|monthly. | DESIRABLE apartment, self-contained, three rooms, jentrance on main | heated, 164 Grentell} Apply 79 McGregor Street or! Tear entrance und store! in quiet) EXECUTIVE type home, five - room! $100 monthly. 478 Park Road/| session immediately, newly decorated. | 723-3398. John j Private a and bath, heat and hydro. Apply ee 17 Prince Street, 725-09 Grill, N one - stove and refrigerator, laundry facili- ties, parking space, plex, Ravine Road, $75 monthly. Telephone 725-5808. THREE unfurnished rooms, private en- trance, private bath, newly decorated. Also store for rent. 325 Simcoe South. Telephone 725-3243. room, living room, kitchen, private bath and entrance, lights, heat, includ- ed, upstairs. Townline North. 728-7680, TWO - BEDROOM apartment, in "apart- ment building,\to sub-let, central loca- tion, Spacious rooms, private parking. THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, heat, hydro included, close to bus and|™ schools. Apply 291 Mitchell Avenue for |% mere particulars after 5 p.m, Phone 725-5133 after 6.30 p.m. EE spacious roomed apartment, private entrance, parking. THREE - ROOM apartment, stove, re- One child 62 King Street East. Telephone! 4 26--Rooms for Rent LARGE furnished bed - sitting room. Hot plate, refrigerator. Suitable for ing) 5 -- N on right furnished bedroom, te lady preferred, Home tse MONTHLY -- apartment in vill: from Oshawa, five room: Also large ing privileg: 6068. room, 3, 841 Simcoe South. 725- Hf conveniences, oll furnace, gar: Telephone CO 3-2394. privileges if desired. Near bus in N three room apartment, main MODERN two - refrigerator, stove, dryer, paved driveway, garage. TV outlet, THREE-ROOM basement $40 monthly, near Shopping Centre. Telephone 728-5796 for further informa- tion. Apply 349 Frontenac Avenue. Telephone 728-1002. apartment, rooms, bedroom and kitchen, built-is floor of new home, private bathroom, laundry facilities, 385 Baldwin Street. 728-4409. FIVE-ROOM "apartment, spotless cl teasonable, heavy duty, private bath-| room, close to everything. 725-0061. 9544. ce, ntran garage, | DUPLEX, tnree rooms fully equipped Stove, refrigerator, broadloom. $ Adults. Telephone 725-2395. FOUR-ROOM apartment, private en-| trance and bath, hot water heating mae ag close to bus stop. Telephone |rascs4a, second floor bath, unfurnished, heavy wiring, heat and water, adults only, $60. 728-8175. GROUND floor unfurnished one-bed.| room apartment, private entrance, self-| contained, close to hospital. Suit couple. 46. FOUR-ROOM apartment, in ment building, large stove, ator, built-in cupboards, laundromat, parking. 725-3938 or 68 Wayne Street, BACHELOR apartment, furnished, pri- vate, in quiet home, heated. Suit pen- sioner, abstainer, $40 monthly, 8 Townline North, 725-4283. ACCOMMODATION for in Pickering Village. House modern, 'warm and central. Reasonable. Tele. |phone WH 2-1645 or write Box 167, Pick- j ering. |CARGE housekeeping room, floor. Apply |Celina Street, Telephone 728- 5253. ONE large furnished room, heat, lights 3039 or 68 Wayne Street. apart refriger- Apply heavy senior person THREE large rooms, private entrance heavy wiring, bathroom, bus stop at! door. Apply 782 Ritson South. Telephone 723-3346. THREE-ROOM apartment, "private bath, wiring, $60 monthly, including hydro and heat. Bus at corner. Call 725-9387, | NTHLY, "ground | "floor, three room. apartment, private entrance, cup- boards, sink, tiled floor, good location of| Simcoe South, apply 15 Maple Street. private 28 FOUR room apartment in apartment stove, refrigerator, built-in laundromat, parking. 725- peer. cupboards, and water, light housekeeping. Kitchen with sink. Telephone 723-2078. | OSHAWA ARMOURY Fotr-Room unfurnished ap artment,| private entrance, close to schoo) bus. Telephone 725-3847 for more formation an in- TWO . BEDROOM apartment, fully equipped, on Simcoe Street North. Tele- »/ phone 725-6343, 9 to 5 p.m FOUR-ROOM basenient apartment, close to schools and South plant, child- $89 MONTHLY and up, |bedroom apartments, in new |ment building, all conveniences, beau: tifully | decorated, centrally 728-5282. $55 MONTHLY -- bachelor apartment, private entrance. | Street. odern two-| moter 'seats TWO ROOM furnished apartment, bed. CDtinuous hot water, near au located. ea aed Telephone | ment, |728-8180, Apply Apartment 1, 67 Gibb/close to ren leome. Telephone 728-9183. sitting room and kitchen, semi-private all conveniences, bus at Suit single person or working Telephone 723-4817 ISHED two bedroom ap outlet, washing facilities, door. 7a5-| and cupboards, sink, refrigerator, near hose oe a downtown, Suit two girls, 1d housekeeping rooms, |bedoom and kitchen with refrigerator sink. Apply 313 French Street or telephone 723-7468. ONE large furnished room, heat, ight and water, light housekeeping. Kitches with sink. Telephone 723-3078. ONE large, cl keeping room on Jarvis Street. Apply te i ao Street West or telephone SINGLE room for gentleman, with or without kitchen privileges, elose baer fog Motors, bus. 105 Ritson North. 5-1300 ONE large furnistied room, suitable for two girls or gentlemen, kitchen priv- fleges; parking, Telephone 725-6662 or 139 Albert Street. | ACCOMMODATION at the Hollywood Motel, Whitby; $8 if shared. Food on premises; free _Parking. MO 8-5823. LARGE bright housekeeping room, suit one or two persons, with showers and |private entrance, close to south plant Telephone 728-0423. BED - SITTING room, completely private kitchen, ample eup- equipped, boards, central, suitable for one or two. (2 Burk Street, 725-8876, BEDROOME for rent, central, lots of hot water, quiet, close to bus, use of telephone, parking, Reasonable, |phone 723-3015. FURNISHED bedroom in private eo Ritson, parking available. Absteiners only. Apply 31 Rowe Street, Osh: TWO furnished bedrooms, adult home, very central, downtown, opposite GM joffice:; parking facilities, Street. 723-2357, 58 Kenneth m . Telephone 728-6015, *|27--Real Estate for Sele agg apartment, living-room, bed-|THR room, | Marine ere bathroom, Apartments, complete kitchen. 723-1 SELF - CONTAINED $65, 728-2524 after 5 . DUPLEX -- Simcoe Street North, up- per, lower four-room apartments, tw: bedrooms each, all parking, large lot. lample 725-5169 THREE-ROOM ed, with bath, Street, shopping. Telephone 728-6398. GROUND floor. Two-room saaiacmiatoa apartment, sink in kitchen, laundry facilities Suit Agnes Street. 725-3879. rtment, untur located at 241 Nassa' couple. AVAILABLE NOW-- MODERN APARTMENTS Stove, frig., laundry facili- ties, locker, T.V. outlet, low rental. Cail MO. 8-3092 er YO] Craydon Rd., Apt. After 5 p.m. 3 Contact exclusive|ences, utilities included, $60 mi: Guide Really, 16 Simcoe South. pa December 15. Telepho 127, three-room FOUR-ROOM apartment, apartment, unfurnished, main floor, TV /enc' aerial, heavy wiring. 820 Sylvia Street.'dry conveniences; newly decorated, heat, light, hot water,| Telephone laundry facilities, one or two adults,|NEW house for s ish KING STREET, New floor coverings, elose tojtrance and bath, nicely decorated, $65/8cres treed lawn. parking, apartment, 102| stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer, \ meena |) a. OM unfurnished artment, | $500 DOWN -- comfortable four-room |Private bath and entrance, al! convent-|bungalow, north-west section. Make jonthly. offer. W. McAuley Realtor, 28 Prince ne 723- Street, 723-2512 or MO 8-5765. - _ |SINGLY or couble furnished room, all conveni- jladies or gentlemen, use of kitchen ané Hot water heating. Free laun-| washing machine, central location. Tele nd lo tay at door. 165 Ver- [phone 725-8150. jun Road. 723-3 a _._______|FOUR-ROOM unfinished house, lot 100° URNISHED apartment r hos-|x 200°. $4,500 or best offer, or rent. MA 1, ground floor, private entrance, | 3. 2266. 10 | Dil ym brick, 624 |Park Road North, $12, 00. terms, Phone 1723-1101. -|SOLID brick, older home. Set on twe Two baths, oi] heat, \fully modernized, Creek, double garage, barn. Near school, church, store, om i, four - room| paved road, nine miles north of Whitby, built-in oven, counter top| $17,500 with one-third down. 655-3712, abstainers. 84 Adelaide East. ~ Bowmanville - jour- heated apartment, separate en- u| room, |monthly. Telephone MA_3-2935. |) AVAILABLE January jer; individual heat control Telephone |TWO rooms, upstairs, one down ithree-piece bath, laundry facilities, use |kitchen, clean and warm, Ma e house- jcouple, girls, gentlemen. Apply 67 Sec- ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK ROAD N, 728-8671 | TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENTS All conveniences, in apart- ment building. $89 and up. Apply: 280 Montrave Ave. Apt. 5. 725-9341. APARTMENT One-bedroom. Stove refrigerator. Parking. and $85. Telephone 725-3302 SIMCOE at ROSSLAND A young executive home lo- cated just outside Oshowa. 1480 sq. ft. of living area, 2 firepiaces, storms AVAILABLE NOW-- MODERN APARTMENTS Stove, frig., laundry facill- ties, locker. T.V. outlet, low rental. Call O 8-3092 er 101 Craydon Rd., Apt. 5 After 5 p.m. screens, attached goroge, large 75' x 200' lot. So many extras thot we say see'na is believing. Full price $15,- 600 with $3,400 down and one mortgage for the bal- ance. Call Douglas Gower, Sally hit loce, Vic Hulatt, Mary C 728-4651 6 kee ping room, private entrance, cen- leraie parking. Reasonable. Apply 96 frente ane Centre Street. | THREE room apartment, bright, very | DOUGLAS L.. |clean, private bath and entrance, T.V. jantenna, heavy duty wiring. Parking jueee central. Telephone 725-4497. GOWER | Two. apartment, partly furnish- jed, separate entrance, clase to Shop- REALTOR \ping Centre. One child welcome. Apply |378 King Street West. 2-storey, 6-room brick home, |AVATLABLE now. Three rooms and| situated on Buckingham Ave. jsun_ room. Puvale, Ontrasee and bath,| Spacious living room. with water and heat, TV outlet. All conveni- ; ences. 262 King East, Telephone 725- natural fireplace. A large 3139, dining area, time-saving kit- |FOUR-ROOM upstairs apartment, #70| Chen, broadloom, two bath- clear, TV aerial, Two children welcome.| rooms, large garage. Ideally jue Rowena Street. Telephone 728-4437./ situated to schools, play- loon x OM mgr ground ground ond golf course. The sed all conveniences, vate en ho ° ance and bath, basement included] e should be . We with laundry facilities. 725-5513. ore asking $15,800, but no ERN apartment in Whitby, reai-| "easonoble offer refused. dential district, $75 monthly, hydro in- ' cluded, adults only, near bus. Telephone) A lovely 5-room brick bun- MO 8-2736 mornings or evenings. } galow on Welland Ave, HE ieSedives soles apartment,! Large bedroom, 22' living electrically equ: 5 | o% i Centre, automatic washing facilities. | room, 6% N.H.A. finonc- Apply 208 Cromwell Avenue, Apart-| ing, decorated, The area is ment 1. | close to schools, shopping, THREE rooms, unfurnished, upstairs,| bus service. The full price Private bath, heavy wiring in kitchen, | ; sink, cupboards, TV outlet, very een.) Of oe ng the D roi tral, at bus stop. 728-3818. priced home in the district, LARGE, two - bedroom apartment, in| Moke @ point to see, new triplex, north-east location, stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer, immediate possession, Telephone 725-3412. UPPER apartment, private entrance, kitchen, cupboards, and sink, heavy wiring, bathroom, livingroom, bed- room, also attic, newly decorated, $75) monthly, Colborne East. 728-4166. THREE-ROOM apartment in apart- ment building, bright, clean, four-piece bath, aeri washer, refrigerator, stove, parking, near Shopping Centre. Adults. 212 Stevenson Road South. Two ROOM furnished apartment, kitchen with sink, cupboards and bed- room, private bathroom, separate en- trance. Suitable for couple. Private driveway. 728-1720, SAGUENAY APARTMENTS KING and PARK RD, CALL 723-2563 Modern, ments, porking information Call 2-bedroom apart- fridge, stove, paved TV outlet -- For 723-2563. WHITBY CLASSIFIED WANTED: Two young ladies or gentle-/- ROOM and board for young gentleman men to share adult home in new sub-|to share room, lunches packed. For division, Comfortable rooms, excellent ad information telephone MO i 2500, cooking. Call MO 8-5973. FOR RENT -- four-room apartment available January 1, respectable home. FOR RENT: Newly decorated two bed EXCELLENT LOCATION NEW 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW Vicinity of Schools $95 MONTHLY Also 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT ADELAIDE AND PARK $95 MONTHLY Telephone 728-5282 i } private entrance. Telephone MO 8.4257. FOR RENT, four room apariment, re | central location, large yard, heat, light SKATE EXCHANGE, good skates at land water, $65 monthly, Telephone ;® '0w price. dat ita furniture, 111 iMO 8-4494. |Brock St. N O 8-4981, FOR RENT, one modern two bedroom SEPTIC tanks as ed. Walter Ward, ddbeds private entrance, ; paved 204 Chestnut Street West. Phone MO |parking, laundry dryer, $80 monthly. 8-2563. fe Telephone 728-2633. igh! furnish. FOR RENT: T Three room apa riment, ¢d room, easonable, telephone MO |233 Palace Street, Whithys stove, re- 8-8196. frigerator, kitchen set. Telephone | FoR, RENT -- Three room apartment, 725-4302, Oshawa. [dong entrance, heated, accommodate |SKATE exchange. Also new wand used|three. One block from main corner. bikes, tricycles and skates. Wilson|MO 8-2861, 135 Byron Street South, |Cycle and Sales, 106 Colborne Street! Whitby. East. MO 8-3746. |WANTED: used hand motor for Black |NINE-ROOM house for rent. Oil heat-|8"d Decker valve reseater. Not neces led. Immediate possession. Apply 214/5@rily working order. After five p.m, |Dundas Street East, Whitby, or tele-|call 655-3772. jPhone MO 8-3220. |REPAIRS, watches, clocks and jewel ror RENT: Two bedrooms, kitchen |!¢ry. 24 hour service. 35 years in watch- | Oshawa's Finest PARK LANE APTS. MR. DON HOWE BACHELOR SUITES 1 BEDROOM SUITES 2 BEDROOM SUITES --Elevator Service --Private Balcony ----Paved Parking --Cortrolled Entrante Contact Howe & Peters, Reoltors 723-9692 evenings 725-7732 or land sitting room, private bathroom , | making business, all work guaranteed, heated. Apartments available now. Ap-|Midtown Furniture, 111 Brock Street ply at 610 Dundas St, West, Apt. 1. jase Whitby, MO 8-4981. | 7 - | SIX ROOM apartment, $40 monthly. esuEnzs! ahaot at tkisar ahs tookee |Heavy wiring, all conveniences for paper 'news print) for only $1,00,|STacious living, Telephone 725-5006 for Apply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby,|@Ppointments. jua Dundas Street West. FOR SALE: Good choice of nursery |THREE 'bedroom unfurnished apart- | grown Christmas trees, Scotch pine and ent, central location in Whitby. Apply |8Pruce. Apply 814 Byron Street North, Ritson Road South or telephone | Whitby. Free p delivery. 25-1841, [WANTED -- 1,000 pairs wood used DRESSMAKIN it > skates, town Furniture, 111 Broc! re ae cavern, Gonna and'f: Street North, Whitby, MO 6498 base. our specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO FOR SALE: "Westinghouse automatie |washer, rebuilt and guaranteed. Must sell, $100. MO 8-3889, ine \725-184 [ FOR RENT Chain saws, power tools, boat, box and cabin trailers, For Sale -- Scotch Pine Christmos Trees WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES WHITBY MO 8-3226 ATTENTION HUNTERS We rent: Canoes, Car Top Boats, Shot Guns, Decoys, Cabin Trailers, also Power -Tools, Garden ond Lown Equipment. MO 8-3226. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES, WHITBY