seq Hearing & Assessment Shy 4 Os havo Times Objections SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1961 PAGE ELEVEN Six days and nights of Court of Revision sittings began at 10% lam, today in City Hall council chambers, The three man court |will hear over 500 appeals, in- |cluding 70 by the city. These appeals follow a tw jyear, $100,000 plus re-assess-| ment program by J. P. Coombe land Associates of Toronto. Osh- lawa's last re-assessment was in'! 1937 Assessment Commissioner El- don Kerr said today two ad- ditional days of sittings have} been tentatively scheduled. Ap-| peals in relation to properties 'and businesses in the city aver- age about two and one-half per] cent, | The court, consisting of Louis Hyman, QC, Ed. Cline and S. Pogson, will sit today,| Wednesday, Friday of this week} and the same days next week. The two night sittings are Nec._| 5 and Dec. 12. Tentative dates are for two-day sittings Dec. 18 and Dec. 20 ING OF NEW OSHAWA LEGION HALL of Simcoe | addition to other modern between Albany | facilities, have a large audi- It will, in | torium and a swimming pool Miniature Aid Program Begun OTTAWA (CP)--Farmers and their families Canada have launched a miniature but ARCHITEC of T'S DRAW the new. | sion. 1 east side south, and Flena streets on the street Canadian Le ding is a drawing Seen here the front elevation of hall to be erected by Branch | I i ona Blood Donor Clinic Seeks New Donors Ww site located Sy WwW across Equality Group Opposes Order | Banning Tests McCOMB, Miss. (AP) A Red to buy transistor radios fer In-< ongress of Racial Equality field) per-dians in rural areas, who can\representative said today his make good use of their radios group will oppose a federal or- such by listening to the educational/der banning further C.O.R.E. held on Thurs- and extension programs of the integration tests in McComb all-India Radio network terminals new blood don The idea was first envisaged! "We are really exercising and all organiz- yy a farm radio forum in Prince out rights as citizens under the tions are asked to appeal for at fqward Island. It is being put Inter-state Commerce Commis-) ¢ ast two donors for this into practice hundreds of sion ruling," Tom Gaither, the! December Clinic . It is also im- farm forums groups of rural Official, said in Jackson Bri w ortant that those scheduled to' residents who meet regularly, The ICC has ordered a halt STRIKING TEAMS ao to the Clinic, keep their ap-\for radio and panel discussions to segregation in-inter - state' members of Local 880, in} nointment For those giving on agriculture and rural life. travel facilities the areas blood for the first time at this) The first project was com-| U.S. District Judge Sidney J.| sters, eastern division car- gift of vol-\December Clinic, a personal nieted by the Sutton Junction,|Mize of Gulfport will hear argu-| haulers, reported a 'quiet as blood can not identification card will be given Que farm forum. The group ments in Jackson federal court| day" at city transport yards consisting of 23 families in the! Thursday. Judge Mize: issued ~-- : ' 1, it must come|to each new donor showing his or her blood group. Red Cross'iGrancy area, raised $110 bv the temporary restraining order e 'Guttmacher Local Taam Communists Blame Organi Red Cr buttons are awarded to donors holding fling a painting donated by. weekend in the wake of racial Gift Dri Sydney McAfee, Local 880 In-!car-hauling industry, now into|picket lines will be set up out. paid $25 for after 5 donations We are hoping that each and James Cowan, a local artist incidents here > for donors every citizen will get behind. The proceeds were presented, The restraining order forbids| December Clinic on Thurs- Oct. 20 to J. L.. Malhautra, act-|C.O.R.E. to use terminal facill- temiday, Mr. Stroud," if we ing high commissioner for In- ties "for the purpose of foment- e'can realize a 500 donation clinic dia, by H. H. Hannam, chair- ing violence and_ provoking we would fee] that all our work man of the national farm radio breaches of the peace in and now|during the year has been forum near said terminal facilities." those in worthwhile, and what a Christ-| The money will be used to The order lasts 10 days, but Service clubs, church groups,| int on blood mas gift for all concerned', jpurchase a specially designed!its effects could be extended if hasae ucion locals, and ney or. ternational Brotherhood of its eighth day. |side General Motors, or "they'll ganizations are invited to accept' Teamsters business represer He said it has been reported|slap an injunction against us." as a Christmas project the Lift- tive, today charged that Com-|at strike headquarters that van-| 'We have trouble enough now, ing Shadows Program of the munists, not striking truckers|dals, known to be Communists,|without 'an injunction going |Mental Health Association. This!of the eastern division car-|are responsible for the damage|against us," Local 880's business ° jis a project to supply every Li 8 pa indus a3 y, are re- baie' ceed driven away|representative said. | tient of the Ontario Hospital with) sponsible for smashing new cars fr: shaw: 3 Six Cars Entered Vi chlstines gift. The. citizens ieing driven out of Oshawa by| Mr. McAfee also denied that SKELETON PICKET : of Oshawa and Ontario County/out-of-town dealers and their teamsters were responsible for| Everything remained quiet at | will make Christmas gay as pos-| drivers. \the burning of a new car parked /al! picket areas during the week- jsible for the patients in the' Mr. McAfee said he is dis-jon a Bloor street west servicejend and no further violence important foreign aid program lonors to supply the life giving of their own rift of blood Officials of the Oshawa R There Cross Bléod Donor ( putting on a drive for ors to attend the Bloo being held this Thursday Gregory's Auditoriur street north R. H. Stroud, chair Red Cross Blood Do is sending out a ca zens of Oshawa who donate blood December Clinic "This will be our for 1961," stated Mr "and the Oshawa Brar Canadian Red Cross to make this December something to remember 1 appeal to all persons 1 able to donate blood, to reg at this clinic on Thursday. ¢ aim is 500 donors at this clinic and we think that can least get this number and m if every person gets behind 1} | tine Clinic." t F Mr. Stroud went that, "A bottle of blood dor at this Clinic can be an ar mous Christmas gift, and better gift could anyone than a life saving donatio blood to someone in need Blood Clinic hours on day will be 1:30 to 4:30 p.m aroun: They raising funds for important to each and farmers India by holding very that the supply benefits, fashion shows, auctions f blood keeps flowing to those and bazaars and to keep the blood uppls quantity, the ross need each and eyery e blood to regis Clinies are s in | It is le f a person oint oO minute 1 need Purpose of the new project is blood in time take 1 who ca at 3lood these the one being to rec need for on The r is urgent >W by Sunday. Only skeleton crews were required at all picket areas during the day -- even at Gen-Auto Shippers Ltd. | yard, on. Wentworth street, where violence threatened | TER Inter- | national Brotherhood of Team- earlier in the week. Pickets | Ray Clancy, William Plow- | right and Alex Roote, on duty at one of the transport yards, yesterday afternoon, are shown taking a coffee break, service style, during the afternoon. Gerald Kehoe, sec- ond from right, delivered refreshments to all picket lines during the day. --Oshawa Times Phote natient serv- we : on to appealed to s for every this SV stated to many the system per T Cross 24 Bre Killed During Weeken By THE CANADIAN PRESS transistor radio for the farm| Judge Mize approves a request forum of Mundama-han village, for a temporary. injunction 'Sharon Dal iwMNaron Vale Ts Soloist Orissa State, India Thursday Miss was the. guest pianist at the November meeting of the Osh Sharon Dale, ARCT A Siayings, Known compat ' Traffic deaths were atively low during the wee as Canadians across the cour try apparently stayed watch the televised Gre football game instead of advaniage of good weather. A Canadian Press accident deaths counted of 24 from 6 p.m. } Sunday midnight, There traffic fatalities Three persons were drowne in a hunting mishap near Sud bury. There was one death | fire. Hunting fataliti 0 life each in Prince land and British Col Individual figures deaths bracketed Ontario 7 (4) (3), Quebec 3 lumbia 3 (2) Island 2 (0) Alberta 1 (1) 3 (3), Newfoundland atchewan 0 The survey survey a vere 1 Manit New does accidents Clarence a two hometown ast of Ot 26 yme Chalk yn on High 5, John Piro, 59, drowned wh their abagishik f Tohn when * west 0 18, Mark e car in truck the yronto el SiX nd Mrs f Comber 1 iries suf father's car Trailer Club Has Enjoy With bel raised in the 'Jingle Bells,"' j Claus arrived Community Ce evening to assis the Oshawa Trave and their familie club's Chr Approximately children attended Santa was e Jaden Chrisimas tr personally d all the young children Pretty little girl their dresses and eazer all neat and shining their gifts and boxed while the camera sought to capture on filr delight in Santa's After his departure ants, Mrs. Ron Thor Mrs. F. N. McEwen gifts to the older adults. The Centre was gai for this party with Christmas decoratior a subtle note of hosp warmth to fest buffet-style potluck ceded. Santa's table decorations green streamers and varied centrepieces mented the other decor Lorne Dervent wit did camera" Blakely treated chiidren alike to a colored movies mer trailer outings scenes were relived a vivid reminder 0 fellowship enjoyed welcon first orte tributed enth } the visit 0 hh and parer show taken a } and were f by cluba ead Seven Teams In: Hockey Gr T rt Perry nd Pc able Party conveners of dinner ro to f ym the and mem making pl even travel trailer early T five a ans more »minded will monthly oup on will be Bagshaw scheduled termediate Dec 19 and are During Weekend Several incidents of vandalism in the Burton road area were re- ported the Oshawa Police ities Dale pa vie em ad Department during the weekend Horner ae ieht" Sonat The vandalisms reported all Beethoven Moonlight SonaIa were pertaining to the breaking which was enjoyed by all. Miss Williamson the and entering of parked cars. In tive the some cases small articles were speaker stolen from the cars J. E. Jackson, Port) Ross Campbell, 637 Burton Perry, gave a report of the,road, reported his car had been Canadian Federation of Music| broken into while it was parked Teachers' Convention which she in his driveway sometime Sat- attended Mrs. Vera Fer-urday night and early. Sunday guson in Sackville, New Bruns- morning. A flashlight was tak wick, this past summer en. Entry was gained by 'smash Mrs. C. H. Naylor, president,jing a no draft on the announced that the Ontario Con- Jeft side vention would be held April 24 Arthur 25, and 26 at Bruce Mc-'ton road Donald Motor in Ottawa gained to Whitby Hospital. awa and District Branch of the Ontario Registered Music Tea chers' Association held at the home of Mrs. L. W. Parrott Mary Street strike against entry was gained by smashing a no draft window on the right side. He said his car was enter-, ed twice during the weekend and it suffered a scratch, the length of the vehicle, down one side John H. Hogg, 300 King street east, reported an attempt to gain entrance to his ear while it was parked in front of 632 Burton road. The attempt to gain entry to the Hogg vehicle' was unsuccessful to zone to Ontario was the guest wit with window A. McDonald, 633 Bur- reported entry was by smashing a no draft window on the right side. The the Hotel glove box was smashed open but nothing was Fire Damages Home While Family Away $3,000 Rev, N. Frank Swackhammer, teamsters' chairman. The local collection depot is the public library C. Powell has assumed the re- taken the same appeal for the; MILLBROOK -- Lavern R. women's clubs. Gibson was elected new reeve Cash contributions are not be-|for Millbrook following a lively) William Blair, 639 Burton Rd.,'and delivering the gift to theout to West "Tt certainly aire reported entry had been gained sick person that gives mental a Bags ps Rhos Holy Eo to his car by smashing a no patients the will to recover,' Mrs ictor Dave, the village BOO SINATRA ; inte | . , x,,.{voltes, was reeve for 1960 but) Richard Elwood Warner, 604! SINGAPORE (Reuters)--Fans did not stand for the 1961 term Oxford street, reported his car booed and jeered Frank Sinatra He had had four years exper- entered Saturday morning by him but Sinatra went straight) with 120 votes, and Roy Colwill) ton road, reported a hunting liquid car wax was poured over from customs to his waiting car third with 74 votes. knife stolen from his car when'both seats. with a nod and a wave Mr. Trick is not a member of vice - president of the local - branch of the Mental Health As- Cib R sponsibility for approaching the service clubs and the members ing solicited. "It is the act of a\day at the polls with a record well, unrelated person, going to turn out of 82 per cent. draft window on the left side.|said Mr. Swackhammer. clerk who acted as returning of- Nothing was taken. from the ~~ ficer i when he arrived here by air ience on the council and is suc- someone breaking the no draft last Sunday night. About 100 ceeding George H. Harrington taken window on the left side. Noth- the current council but had ser- ved on it five terms. Mr. Col- sociation, has been appointed At Millbrook of the Pilot Club have under the personal effort of shopping) Out of 526 voters, 431 turned Mr. Gibson who received 194 vehicle fans waited at the airport for Gordon Trick came in second Allen KE. McDonald, 633 Bur- ing was taken from the car but | will is completing his firs tyear Damage estimated a the shoulder of the Highway 401, near Newcastle Saturday morning SHIPMENTS RESUMED No new cars left the General Motors of Canada Ltd. plant here during the weekend but the shipment of new cars from the GM south plant here was re- sumed today. Dealers, a GM spokesman said, are continuing to pick up their cars from the plant today, Some new cars are being taken from the Gen - Auto Shippers Ltd. yard, on Went- worth Street, a trouble area last week, General Motors officials said a few new cars remain in the Gen-Auto yard but no more are being put there from the plant. About 100 members of Local 222, United Automobile Workers joined Teamsters' Local 880 pickets in a mass demonstration| at the GM south plant Saturday. | However, teamsters pulled the| picket line off GM gates when couraging vandalism inthe|station lot last week and the|threatened. Only skeleton crews the|damage done to the rear wind-|were on picket duty at all - shield of a new car, stopped on transport yards, including the Gen-Auto yard, Sunday. GM officials today denied ru- mors that windshields in new cars, parked on General Motors property, were damaged during the weekend by what appeared to be "BB" gun shots or shot- gun pellets. The picket lines at auto jtransport yards today are car- ried on at normal strength. BACK ON PICKET LINE Raymond "Curly" Pettit, 45, of 76 Hillcroft street, injured when hit by a car crossing the Gen-Auto yard picket line, was back on picket duty today. Pettit suffered hip injuries when carried across the line on the front of a new car and dropped on the Wentworth street pave- ment, Thursday morning. He was released from hospital Friday and said Sunday after- noon he "is feeling fine but his hip is still a bit stiff." "T feel stronger than ever towards this strike and stronger than ever towards the Ontario Teamsters Welfare Fund around was caused Saturday the home of Mr B. Stacey, night to and 166 Windsor family iting The Oshawa Fire Department is investigating e cause the blaze Deputy} Chief E Stacey d morning re apparer out in the and ved its way f the main the home. The .blaze was quelled before it did exten- damage to the furniture The famils which included children, aged 2 to 8 years, left temporarily homeless by the fire. The family is stay- ing with relatives Mr. Stacey has been unem- ployed since last July. His wife returned from hospital a week ago. The included most of the children's clothing lames street the was visiting relatives th ot e R this the roke ment s trough the to f floor of vere loss Mrs.| it was learned no cars would!which our dispute with the car- 'be shipped during the weekend. hauling industry hingés," the Mr. McAfee said no further still Slightly limping Pettit said. lon: the council | Five candidates stood for the }four seats on council. Elected |were: Edward Nattress, 300 |votes; Herbert Bremmer, 284 |votes; Robert Ridge, 283 votes; | and Percy Hamilton, 247 votes. The fifth candidtae was Gor- |don Reynolds who received 162 | votes. | Both Mr. Bremmer and Mr |Hamilton are newcomers to | village politics. Mr. Nattress has |had two years and Mr. Ridge \three years on the council. | Three public school trustees /and two public utilities commis- jsioners were returned by ac- clamation, Public school trustees are \Clifford Northey; Reginald Hop- kins; and Wally Agnew. Public jutilities commissioners are 'Ho- ward Lancashire and A. H. Jef- Six Members Are Welcomed By Club The past governor of the On-| Each sponsor introduced his tario, Quebec and Maritimes for/new member to Kiwanis and Kiwanis International, Robert H.| gave a brief background on each Stroud, officiated at the induc-|man. Past Governor Bob Stroud tion of six new members to the then officially welcomed the new Westmount Kiwanis, Club. members and spoke to them on Mr. Stroud, who has served Kiwanis history and the West- Kiwanis on just about every! mount Club activities. level, spoke to the new mem-| President Henry | Reed wel- bers to Kiwanis on just what is|comed the new members to the expected of them from the West- club, and remarked on the fine | frey. All have had previous ex-' | perience. 1 Youths Hurt - In Collision Two Oshawa youths, Guy Gelinas, 19, 24 King street west jJand Mare Anthony Martel, 20, same address, suffered minor injuries shortly before the noon hour Sunday when the car in which they were riding was in- volved in a collision with a vehicle driven by Joseph D. |Page, 52, 396 Pine avenue Gelinas suffered a_ bruised forehead and chest and was re- moved to Oshawa General Hos- pital. Martel suffered cuts and | hanging library, Page escaped injury. Total add much to the appearance |damage was estimated at ap- pictures, | of the interior of the building. |proximately $150. Adult Art Class In Full Swing The CRA Adult now in full swing he ¢ Jim KF Art Class Is . Instructor for Kraemer, art! J. Donevan ASS titute \s a feature t landscan: painting troduced alon still life paint Anyone, 'whether advancec welcome to A new his has th year been portrait o beginner of Gite. a | in art work, is Pe join the group.| Experimenta! work in all media ged but a beginner ress at his own speed nstruction room in the may join by encour 1 " PICTURES nga Prog PRESENTED TO LIBRARY of the Oshawa | fyamed pictures in color of | now Board have | Col. R. S. and the late Mrs to receive ' McLaughlin. The individual under P | some The Public | been members Library pledsed in the ass and you phoning 725-1111 ticular. "You are becoming members of a large organization," stated Mr. Stroud, "and you can be proud to wear a Kiwanis lapel pin, Kiwanis clubs are in just about every town and city in the United States and Canada, and you will meet Kiwanians in every walk of life, but one thing you will know when you meet a member of Kiwanis, you are meeting a man of high qual- ities and a man who is respect- ed in his community." The new members. of the Westmount club and their spon- sors are as follows: George Ken- nedy, sponsored by Jules Ethier; Erwin Ladwig, Al Rundle, Don Thompson, spon- sored by Cy Powell;: Manson) Gerrow, introduced by Doug Gower; Tom Heath sponsored by Cliff Bowes. and Bob Mc- Leod, sponsored by Andy Suwala. mount club and Kiwanis in par- calibre of men joining the club. President Reed suggested that they become active in the club and assured the new members that the committee chairmen had their eyes on them for the various committees. The Ki- wanis president also congratu- lated the sponsors of the new men on their selection. Under the heading of coming events, President Reed remind- ed the members of the Blood Donor Clinic taking place on Thursday, Dec. 7, and urged all members to support this clinic at St. Gregory's Auditorium Friday evening, Dec. 8 will be the ' Presidents' Conference, when President Elect Jules Ethier will outline plans for the year 1962, and committees will be chosen for the coming year. Appreciation was also express- ed to Kiwanian Fred Densham and the agriculture committee for a fine "Farm-City# Week" celebration.