CROCHETED HAT IN CONTRASTING COLORS | ed | handling to the Needlecraft Department requesting HAT, Leaflet No. C-P.C. 8005. Here is a new and very feminine "'chapeau", crochet- ed in two contrasting colors. Red and white are suggested here but your personal taste | and wardrobe will be the | guide for your choice. Would | you like to obtain the easy | | stacker instructions, simply | send a stamped, self-address- | Jo Aldwinckle, Women Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 4, 1961 GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES SOUTHMEAD PARK AUX. The November meeting of the Southmead Park Women's Aux- iliary was held at the home of Mrs. Fred Pesarchuk. The new officers of the auxiliary are: president, Mrs. Wilson Stauffer; vice - president, Mrs. Charles Musgrave; secretary, Mrs. Adrian Grothenhuis; treasurer, Mrs. Thomas Kidd; sick con- vener and press reporter, Mrs. Gordon Whyte. It was decided to hold a euchre on Wednesday, Decem- ber 6, at the home of. Mrs. Gordon Whyte. | The next meeting will be jheld at the home of Mrs. Jack Shearer, 85 Southlawn. The door prize was won by| Mrs. Clifford McQuarrie. Refreshments were served by) Mrs. Fred Pesarchuk and Mrs.| Norman Hall. | ST. MARK'S DOUBLES CLUB) St. Mark's Doubles Club) members were guests at the! meeting of the Albert Street| Friendly Doubles Club on Sat- urday evening, November 25.| They were welcomed by Mr.| and Mrs, Percy Boville, presi- dent of the Friendly Doubles Club, who conducted a short) devotional and business meet-| ing. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dobney| led in several novelty games, and sq2re and round dancing. | Mr Arthur Winter called for the square dances. Buffet refreshments were} served and a sing-song, "Along With Mitch", brought the eve- ning to a close. The Christmas dinner-party| is to be held Saturday evening, December 16, at 6.30 under, the| envelope plus 10c. for of this paper, Plan Outdoor Decorations Now | Are Plentiful | | | H-S Hears Talk On Mental Health convenership of Mr. and Mrs.| Wilfred Neil. Committees have been form-| ed to arrange for the annual| Snow-Ball dance to be held at| the Airport on Friday evening, | Under the theme of 'Mental January the 26th. | church, iby the Reverend Kenneth 1 Street United Church was held! recently in the Church Hall with the club acting as host to St. Mark's Couples Club. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Parks and Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan opened the meeting with the de- votional period with a Christ- mas theme. Presidents Mr. and Mrs. Percy Boville presided over a short business meeting. There is to be a Christmas party for the children on De- cember 16. Plans were made for the New Year's Eve dance to be held on Saturday, Decem- ber 30 with the Watchnight service at 12 o'clock in the The meeting was turned over | to St. Mark's Club for the en-| tertainment. They had an eve-| ning of dancing and games. Refreshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon,| Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Grant, Mr.| and Mrs. John Lowry, Mr, and| Mrs. Eric Jacklin, Mr. and| Mrs. Donald Mountjoy and Mr. and Mrs. Borden Slack after which there was a short sing- song. } GUESTS OF HONOR | Louis XIV theme held by the | AT THE RECEPTION Married recently at Trin- ity United Church, Bowman- ville, were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Welsh. Formerly Miss Bonnie Gayle Wilson, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | MONTREAL (CP)--France's| Jeunesse Feminine League. Two ambassador tu Canada, Francis! young dancers in a minuet Lacoste, and his wite were! opened the ball, during which 18 guests of honor at a ball with a debutantes were presented. PERFECT Mistake-proof Cameras AGFAMATIC The Camera the whole family can use takes perfect colour slides W. L. Wilson of Oshawa and | the bridegroom is the son of | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welsh, | Bowmanville. --Photo by Hornsby ST, LUKE'S GUILD The Ladies' Guild held its meeting in the church recently. The president Mrs. Dennis Ab- bott opened the meeting by reading a poem _ entitled} "Wishing". A poem, "Exploits" and the scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Melville Henry. A spiritual talk was given Matthews. The following were installed into office for 1962: President, | Mrs. Steven Melnichuk; vice- president, Mrs, Lorne Sykes; secretary, Mrs. William Grant; CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY Westminster WF Mary St. H-S Assn. Albert St. H-S Assn. Dr. S. J. Phillips H-S Westmount H-S Assn. Women's Welfare League GetrudeColpus H-S Ont. Hosp. (Whitby) NAA Pleasant Mon. Aft. Club Sunshine Rebekah No. 222 Maxwell Heights H-S St. George's Guild TUESDAY treasurer, Mrs. Adam Morris; special convenor, Mrs. Robert McNab; Sick convenor, Mrs. Daniel Parker; supply conven-| or, Mrs. George Edmondson; | membership convenors, Mrs.| Ross Smith, Mrs. James) Knox Presbyterian WA Dr. C, F. Cannon H-S Queen Elizabeth H-S | Tops Club SA Home League Soroptimists Club every time Now you can take beautiful colour or black and white shots--perfect every time with Agfamatic I. It actually adjusts itself--does every- thing for you, by electric eye. All you have to do is aimand push the magiclever. When you see the green light in the view finder... snap the picture. That's all. come in for a FREE demonstration While Supplies Health". Dr. Charles Jackson, |French; music convener, Mrs.| It's time to think about deco-)a quantity of evergreen boughs ' Kenneth Matthews. i ; | |Ph.D., psychologist, of the new| ARVILLA McGREGOR AUX. rating your home, inside and)tacked to the door frame, €n-\Oshawa Mental" Health Clinic,| The regular meeting of the| Refreshments were served by oat at" xpress the Christmas| twined with strings of colored addressed the November meet-|Arvilla McGregor Missionary| Mrs. Thomas Mackay and Mrs. Christ Church WA UAW. DINNER GUEST UAW Aux. 27 Duke of Edinburgh H-S | Members of the University season in your own particular] lights. Lights may be strung way. Using strings of the new|about the pillars of the porch Christmas lights, with flood or tacked directly to the frame| and spot lights, your home, | of the doorway, using either a lawn and shrubbery can on the air of fairyland, lend-| ing a spirit of good cheer to! the entire neighborhood. | MAKE A PLAN train a colored spotlight on it. There are several rules that|7#ll glowing candles can make it easy: first, decide|™@de of stovepipe, mailing point of Christmas hospitality, you want to appeal to children,|2"4 --_-- painted then your whole outdoor deco-| -' rative project should be plan-|Side of the front door to wel- ned accordingly. Or if you pre-/COme guests with a show fer to dramatize the religious] hospitality. aspect of Christmas, many| A few safety hints: Be sure all beautiful and moving scenes| cords, plugs, sockets and bulbs can be created. But whatever used ss outside are weatherproof you do, stay with one theme| only. It is a mistake to mix|2%4@ manufactured for outdoor them up as it only serves to| US¢:. Keep all electrical con- confuse passersby. Secondly, | B@ctions off the ground, and, make a detailed plan of what|{0F 8rteater safety, weather- you would like to do before you|PTOOf all outside connections| start, including colors of lights| With electrical tape. Be sure to be used, and where they will the ener is off when stringing be placed. This should be done| the Wire around the house, and carefully so as to make it gay, do not have the bulbs in the} but not gaudy. The secret is to| Sockets. choose your colors wisely, and| NAILING with some regard for the colors! of the walls, trim and roof of w. your house. . Start off by looking at your oF St w w Li UNNECESSARY It is not necessary to nail ires to the eaves of the house. | Try a stapling machine, making : sure that the staples go around home as passersby might see the wire and oF heoes ae ne ; hg - ~~ The job is done much faster 8 § . roof, chim- this way a i i ney, shrubbery and _architec- mor ty ee ee tural details, especially around Chri the doorway and front porch. Then decide which color lights, would look best in the arrange-| ment you prefer on your home.} When you visit your hardware, stmas light string and sock-| ets made entirely of -- plastic,| complete with a plastic clip for easier placing on trees. With only a few safety pre- E 1arket, electric utility or ON et cat have @ won-|? jh jing of the E. A. Lovell Home jand School Association. take| variety of colors or one color|S°@ the fact that one child of only. To finally set off thejevery thirty is mentally re- doorway, which is the focal/tarded. Years ago, these were 'the forgotten children," today, |through extensive research they {are properly cared for, and giv- what general "theme" to use. If tubes, or cut out of plywood, |€? the apportunity to develop to appropriately,/the full extent of their mental hese can be placed at each|abilities. \film, '"'There's One on Every which followed emphasized the points brought out by Dr. Jack- son. er pupil of the school, entertain- ed with two vocal dent, opened the meeting, after Ww jby Mrs. Robert Pritchard. refreshments the mothers of Grade III pupils. largest category of home acci- € easily removed. Look for|in house or apartment. Re- member -- 80 per cent of all '| fire deaths in Canada each year |them involve children below 15 Auxiliary of Knox Presbyterian Church was held on Tuesday evening, November 28, with| Miss Madeline Sinclair presid- ing and who led in the worship service. It was decided to join with the Senior WMS and the Laurie Cormack Auxiliary for a supper meeting in December. The study on 'Profiles of Women of the New Testament" was taken by Mrs. George Hamilton. The lives of Phoebe of Cenchrea, a dedicated Chris- tian woman, hospitable, trust- worthy and an inspiration to all who came into contact with her. Lydia, a woman of deter- mination, generosity and charm who opened her home in Phil- lipi, the first to be baptized and the first to spread the Gospel in Europe. Priscilla, industrious, schol- arly unafraid and a teacher as| well as a preacher and leader| in the early church. Dorcas--A woman of charity In his talk, Dr. Jackson stres- The showing of the reet," and the discussion The attendance award was on by Grade I class. Miss Beverley Gibson, a form- selections. Mrs. Everett Graham, presi- hich the secretary's report as read by Mrs. Richard Kenneth Matthews. JESSIE PANTON AUX The monthly meeting' of the Jessie Panton Missionary Aux- iliary of St. Andrew's United Church was held recently. Mrs. R. W. Martyn, the presi- dent presided. Mrs. H. G. Willes, one of the teachers at Glen-| holme School, was the guest speaker. She gave an account of the work done at the school. John Baxter, a pupil of the school, recited the Christmas story and sang several Christ- mas carols. | The worship service was con-| ducted by Mrs. T. D. Kerr. Mrs. J. A. Moore reviewed the second chapter of the study book "Signals for the Sixties'. The nest meeting will be held) on December 12th. Refreshments were served by the Dorothy Telford Group. | AYRSHIRE RECORD FULFORD, Que. (CP)--Mrs. and geea works whose talent in using her hands is known to this day in the societies named) At the close of the program, after hh . were served by | FRIENDLY DOUBLES ack, and the treasurer's report BEWARE OF FIRE Friendly Doubles Club of Albert} Lucille Davis owns a cow that has been proclaimed Canada's leading three-year-old milk pro ducer by the Ayrshire Breeders' Association of Canada. The cow, Nether Brae Gay Etna 10th, 4.41 per cent fat, in 305 days. Fire is the cause of the second ents. Never leave a child alone appen at home, and half of s of age. 1Q. 1 have arthritis in my hands. -- . _ ae there czy way to prevent eee ment store for Christmas derful time decorating Jur: lights, be sure to select the ome for the Christmas season, best colors for outdoor decorat- transforming it into a Christ- ing mas card scene which will de- This year, for the first time, light your friends and neigh- you can purchase an outdoor) 2°FS: | string and socket set packaged - Separately, and then select the lights in the color of - your choice to fit the sockets. INVITING DOORWAY HOUSEHOLD HINT Adhesive tape will hold glued pieces of material together firmly until glue has dried and) |severe ppling of the fingers? |A. There are measures which |help prevent severe deformity. Doctors usually encourage mild |exercise of the fingers and wrist, lespecially after application of |heat. A whirlpool-type bath is | good and may be provided in the home by running hot water from a faucet into a partially filled sink or pan. Finger exercises should be done several times throughout the day. Forceful BEAUTYREST AND MARSHALL REPAIRS AND OTHER SPRING MATTRESSES COM- PLETELY REBUILT LIKE NEW. TWO-DAY SERVICE. EIDERDOWNS _RE-COVERED. DAY -- 728-6451 NIGHT -- 723-4131 ONTARIO BEDDING CO. Decorate your fron t door with set. WOOLWOR super Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR OWN "stretching" of the fingers is-not helpfel and may do much harm. |In addition to physical measures Ithere are medical ond surgical |ways of helping the "arthritic , | hand," so consult your physician, Mange 2. Whet causes mange? Can | humans get it from dogs? | A. Mange is a skin disease of- fecting dogs and other animals, and caused by parasites which burrow deep into the skin. |Mange is difficult to cure be- |cause of the depth to which the | Mite penetrates. It is apparently | Possible for a human to contract | Mange from on infected animal but in all probability this does KITCHEN ! 'New Recipe! Delicious DEVIL'S FUDGE BAR CAKE A3¢ ' Special this week! PIE Chocolate or Vanilla BOSTON CREAM Special this week! not happen very often Dispensing prescribed medicine is what we do best . . . do - - and do at reason- |able cost. Trust your health to |your doctor -- trust his pre- 5 3 scriptions to us, Ci<¢ | nae CCC CCCCCC JM, Mn Mi, Mi MM, MM, Mn ds SPECIAL PRICES ALL THIS WEEK! ! | Kam LD OSHAWA (28 KING ST. EAST Kinette Club Ever-Ready Class Centre St. West Group Alice Jackson Aux. Victoria Lodge LTB llth Group Committee Daughters of England St. Peter's WA Holy Cross WA Onward Group WEDNESDAY Northminster WA Lend-a-Hand Club Queen Mary Lodge All Doubles Club Rundle Park Aux. Harmony WA 10th Group Committee 2nd Group Committee Albert Street WMS Ukrainian PBW Aux. THURSDAY 50-50 Club 5th Group Committee Sunbeam Chapter OES St. George's Eve. WA Happy Doubles Club Pilot Club Calvary Baptist WMS Simcoe Street WMS Christ Church Ev. Guild St. George's Aft. WA Challenger Group King Street WMS The regular meeting of the| produced 11,519 pounds of milk,/FRIpAYy Centre St. WA (east Group) |Women's Club of Oshawa and |District will gather for their |Christmas dinner party on Wed- nesday. The guest speaker will |be Mrs. T. J. Grosart who is head of the Moderns Depart- ment at Donevan Collegiate. She will give a reading entitled "The Black Madonna". Mrs. C, V, Thomas, a Club member, will play a medley of Christmas music on the flute. The Canter- bury Singers directed by Mrs. |George Drynan will sing tra- jditional Christmas music. PICTURE FRAMING? SFE... Walmsley & Magill 9 KING ST. E. OSHAWA 1 Rs only $G 925 Be sure to see the whole family of Agfamatics MOG TT, 5. 03ocncescrsecesececeusedl TAM Model TIS (Range Finder) ........... 99.95 Model ITIS (Range Finder) .......... 139.50 GAN KARN DRUGS LTD. 28 KING ST. E. an oe nea e OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P.M, e@ | FE ee ee NO AO | - Erythroc ythemia Q. What is the medical term | for the condition in which there) are too many red corpuscles? | What is the treatment? | A. The condition referred to is| called erythrocythemia or poly-| cythemia. Red blood cells ore manufactured in the bone mar-) row, which can be stimulated to} overproduction. In some cases) the agent or circumstance which brings about excessive stimula-| tion is known -- in other cases! it can not be Identified. Treat-| ment is not always required, For| example, residing at high alti- tudes stimulates the bone mar- tow to form more than the usual mumber of ted blood cells, This is the body's way of making' up for a relative lack of oxygen. When treatment is necessary if is a rather complex procedure and much too involved for discussion here. Singer's Node Q. What is a polyp on the vocal cord? What causes it? A. A polyp is a small growth or nodule found especially on mu- cous membranes, The common mame for a palyp on the vocal cords is "'singer's node." What causes these growths is unknown. 723-4621 Size 66" x 7'6" Size 6'6" x 9. Size 88" x 12', Size 8' x 15'. Size 88" x 10'6". Reg. 246.00 Size 88" x 13'6". Reg. 333.00 Cherney's BRINTON "SAR-U-KHAN" RUGS Reg. 139.00 Reg. 158.00 Reg. 282.00 Reg. 369.00 THE BEST FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE VALUES ANYWHERE SHOP CHERNEY'S FIRST! PLE SSROE, tions . . . and the greatest values im Christmas gifts is a straight line te CHERNEY'S. They've the best of every- thing for everyone on your present list. Special Terms FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS CHARGE ACCOUNT NO MONEY DOWN Payable in full Feb. 1, 1988 wUDGET ACCOUNT