Jean Hancock and Doris Beauchamp won county honors and Pat Knox received provin- cial honors at the Junior Farm- ers' award night at Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knox, Brougham, Mr. Isaac Carr, Re- gina, Sask., visited Mr. and Mrs. George Knox and family. Mr, and Mrs. Stan Millson and sons visited Mr. and Mrs, Ian Smith and children, Toronto, re- cently. § 'HE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 1, 1961 past president presided for the meeting. First vice-president will be Comrade Rena Bathgate; second vice-president, Comrade Betty Woodward; treasurer, Comrade Ruby Palmer; secretary, Com- rade Helen Wallis; sergeant-at- arms Jean Burton; standard- bearer, Georgina Carter; chap- lain, Hilda Humphrey. Elected members of the ex: ecutive, Comrades Audrey Fiet- cher, Jean Firth, Bonnie Bois- vert, Frances Bruce, Rose Overy, and Nancy Colmer; pianists, Comrades Susan Gra- ham and Ann. Piper. Bingo chairman Millie Bates; social convener, Comrade Betty Woodward; cloakroom conven: ers Frances Bruce, Grace Dow- ney and Anne Dilling. During the business meeting which followed, the Charter was draped in honor of Late Com- rade Ethel Byam, Tyrone. It was decided to purchase an ad- ding machine for use of the aux- iliary. The auxiliary donated $100 to Branch 178 of the Royal Can- adian Legion for the annual children's Christmas Party. The auxiliary will have a Christmas dinner on Monday, December 18 and an exchange of gifts \Solina Youths Awarded Junior Farmer Prizes By GLADYS YELLOWLEES SOLINA -- Pat Knox, Harold | Yellowlees, Edgar Werry, Rorti- nie Baker, Ken Knox and Jean |Baker were among ihe award 'winners at the Junior Farmers' \award night at Orono on Thurs- day night. Franz Buchal and Ken Ellis of Toronto Teacher's College are at Solina School this week and are staying with Mr. and Mrs. |Ralph Davis. PERSONALS | Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and |Pat attended a shower for Mr. land Mrs. Ernie Wotten (Lor- lrnine McKenzie) at Columbus, tie night. Legion Aux. Elects Officers At Bowmanville By MRS. A. L. HOOEY BOWMANVILLE -- The Lad- fes Auxiliary of The Royal Can- adian Legion held their regular meeting on Monday evening in the Legion Hall when the elect- ion of officers for 1962 was held. Comrade Audrey Bate was elected president by acclama- tion. Comrade Ann Piper, a numbers by the school pupils and slides of Florida, shown by Ewart Leask and commented on by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leask. There will be no December meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vice and Mr. Everett Vice have moved into their new home in the village. Mrs. H. E. Tink, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink visited Mr. and Mrs. O. Cruickshank, Peterbor- ough on Sunday when Mrs, Ida Wilcox was honored on her birthday. Mr. Walter Shortt, Courtice, Miss Gladys Yellowlees and Mrs. J. Yellowlees were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Ellicott, Peterborough. DARLINGTON varetnrgnanes: RE-ELECT jf" HAROLD C. | MUIR FOR © COUNCIL 1962 To The Electors: I have served two years on council as chairman of the Finance committee, Member Road Committee and this last year member Industrial Committee. I seek your support for a third term, that | may continue my efforts to help kee pthe township in a sound financial position, a continuance of road and bridge programme, and also to keep Darling- NEW GAVEL NEW YORK (AP) -- Iceland has presented the United Na- tions General Assembly presi- dent, Mongi Slim of Tunisia, a new gavel to replace the one broken by former president Frederick Boland of Ireland when he was calling Soviet Pre- mier Khrushchev to order dur- ing a hot debate in the assem- bly a year ago. TWP. 'ZE SEE THE JUNGLE BLOW ITS TOP! The seven days that forged the American Frontier. "The Command" --IN COLOR-- @ GUY MADISON © JOAN WELDON $3 BIG HIT Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Bradley's Community Ci met Friday night with Stan Mill-| son, president, in charge. | | The program consisted of 1 rm * Johnny 3 WEISSMULLER § JUNGLE | MANHUNT MUSIC STUDIOS | Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments AJAX'S SCOUTING FAMILY. Scouting has become a full- | Mr. Cope, cubmaster; Mrs. time activity for an Ajax | Cope, assistant; son Walter, family these days. Members | a Rover Scout; front (L-R) of Mr. Harry Cope's clan all | sons David, Hugh and Harry, have a part of the municipal- | Jr., members of the Ajax ity's scout and cub organiza- | first troop. tions. Shown are back (L-R) --Photo by Miller Youth Topic At Brooklin W.MLS. By MRS, ARTHUR ELLIOTT VOTE nd a ! RE-ELECT | | Ix | For Council DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP jammy wa" | | | | | | 1 i TONIGHT | DANCE | Presented by CLUB AVALON UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Gives you Direct from Toronto THE NIGHTHAWKS Plus the Tops in Pops ADMISSION 75c DANCING from... 4 > > WILSON & LEE FRED G. LIMITED SMITH Sympathy is extended to Mr. BROOKLIN -- The Christianjand Mrs. Arthur Boyce, in Education Hal} was the location|the death of her mother, Mrs. of November meeting of Eve-|Mary Posgate, in her 87th year, ning Auxiliary, WMS, held on} at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto. yar sven ae 2 | Also to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Correspondence was read from Mrs. Armstead, Christian|W0od, in the death of her fa- Stewardship secretary of Osh-|ther, George Robert Till, of awa Presbyterial, regarding|Greenbank, at Port Perry Com- ACCORDION SAXOPHONE VIOLIN SPANISH GUITAR @ POPULAR PIANO e@ TRUMPET ® CLARINET HAWAIIAN GUITAR TROMBONE VIOLA CELLO Mr, Smith has over 5 years more extensive giving to work! munity Hospital on Friday, No- 8:00 p.m, till 12 Midnite experience in council ond of WMS. Mrs. R. Eckels described the obstacles, moral standards and education of "The Youth in Transition," as related in Study Book, 'Signals of the Sixties." PERSONALS Private Kelly Wellman, RCASC, is spending leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Willman, following two years' service with the armed forces in Germany. Reg. Cooper of Winchester (near Montreal) spent a few |vember 24, in his 77th year. ALL WELCOME DUNEDIN, N.Z. (CP)--A Scot- | 1 affairs. CLUB AVALON 424 KING STRCET WEST Uust opposite the Shopping Centre) tish bride and groom had an Englishman as best man at| their wedding here. A Chinese) vocalist sang Handel's "Largo"| in Latin. Guests danced an Irish jig and a chorus of British im-| migrants gave a spirited rendi-| tion of the New Zealand song| days visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cooper. "Maori Battalion." yen a YOU decide the fate of Mr, Sardonicus FIRST RUN THRILLER-DILLERS !3 ton Township growing in an orderly way. VOTE MONDAY, DEC. 4 Our 6-week beginner's course on the accordion at 1.50 weekly includes the FREE use of an accordion during that period which is taken home for practice. For Fair Practices... and a Sound Economy VOTE and RE-ELECT SIDNEY CORNISH - for a Third Term on DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP COUNCIL POLLS ARE OPEN 10 A.M. TO 7 P.M, MONDAY, DEC. 4th, 1961 AwhLiaM CASTUD ODEON GIFT BOOKS NOW ON SALE! Priced et $1.00-$2.60-$3.00 gBILTMOR wo BEG cancoror ars THE BIGGEST, B OF EVERY SEASON, ANY YEARI x IRVING « BERLIN'S * DEAN JAGGER + A PARAMOUNT RE-RELEASE » VISTAVISION® CONT. FROM 1:30 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE EST MUSICAL oe be WILLIAM HOLDEN GRACE KELLY OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE PRESENTS "MY THREE ANGELS" A COMEDY BY ALBERT HUSSON DIRECTED BY A. T. ELLIOTT AT McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY THEATRE DECEMBER 6, 7, 8, 9 8:30 P.M. SHARP BOX-OFFICE AT HENDERSON'S BOOK STORE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 8:30 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M. MONDAY, TUES» DAY, DECEMBER 4, 5 -- 4 P.M, TO 9 P.M. ON NIGHTS OF PLAY -- AT THEATRE 7 PM, GENERAL ADMISSION 1.00 DANCE rll\ AT THE YoU @ee SATURDAY GET-TOGETHER CLUB | SPOT PRIZES -- DANCING -- REFRESHMENTS 0.C.V.1. Auditorium--Dress, Hard Time ADMISSION:-- Members 40¢ Non-Members 60¢ AGES 15 - 21 NIGHT 8:30 EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 8 P.M. CLUB LORELEY 389 DEAN AVENUE % (Off Kitchener Avenue) A SEARCHING LOOK INTO THE INNERMOST DEPTHS ¢ OF A WOMAN'S HEART... AND A MAN'S DESIRES! THE RUS PIPER LAU STLER RCKIE gh | PYOTUTTTT TTT a STAMP OUT COOKING s= ...fake her out to dinner tonight 1" SCHOSSSHSSSHSHHESHSHCSHEHEHSEHSOHHSEHHSHHEOEHEOE MOTOR HOTEL AND RESTAURANT "15 minutes from Downtown Oshawa on Highway 401 WILSON & LEELTD. MUSIC STORE 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH . 725-4706 et Bowmanville" ' SOOHSHSHHOHHSOHO CEH ESELELOCEELEEHOOLOE SOOHEHOHESSHSSESSHSHOSESHSSHEHOHSESHESESSHSCHESSEECHES Captain Morgan RUM. BLACK LABEL--Dark in colour with a smooth and delightful flavour in: rum & cola, hot rum toddy, rum old-fashioned, planter's punch, hot buttered rum, rum egg nog, rum flip, Tom & Jerry. DE LUXE--A superb rum of unexcelled quality. GOLD LABEL--A robust rum--giving a rich and full-bodied taste to your favourite rum drinks. Golden in colour. WHITE LABEL --An extra-light rum, for a delicious rum' & tonic, daiquiri and rum highball with cola, soda, ginger ale or water. *CAPTAIN MORGAN HAS THE LARGEST STOCKS OF RUM IN THE WORLD 'RSA RCE SS SS ia SL aA RECREATE '4 Captain Morgan RUM Rich and Full-Bodie@ Captain Morgan EXTRA LIGHT