Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Dec 1961, p. 20

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 1, 1961 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 21) 32--Articles for Sale 35--Legal ROY refrigerator, 11 cubic foot, in per- fect condition, $100 or best offer. Tele- phone 725- . THREE piece coral kenwood child's winter outfit, size 2, one crib quilt, new. Also deep fryer and Oster hair dryer. Telephone 725-3621. FREE winter storage for your power lawnmower with pre-spring tune-up. Free pick up and delivery. Sportsman's 1 will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone on or after this date, December 1, 1961, without my written consent. -- R. E. Bradbury, 396 Athol Street East, Osh- awa. TAKE NOTICE thot ten doys after this date | will dispose of 1950 Pontiac Sedan Serial | 'Kedron Cubs Dunbarton Class Build Feeder Attends Service * Stations By IVY. THOMPSON | DUNBARTON -- The minister! By MRS. R. S. BISHOP |Dr. W. A. McKay conducted the , regular morning service assist- KEDRON -- The Couples'\eq by Mrs. H. Stroud at the Club and Choir are making!organ. preparations for a Candlelight} Leonard Stroud's Sunday Carol Service at Kedron, on| Class of boys were in attendance | hurch. Sunday evening, December 17.|"* church Harold Mitchell and family on Sunday. their home. We wish them/C Mission Band Practices For wf, Dunbarton, now v: Talent Fair Mrs. Jack Dorrans, Lynn andjafternoon, Nov. Spencer left on the weekend for|ladies of the the west where they will make|WA's of Cartwright gathered at every succsess ii their new sur-|WA conference. By MRS. OLGA HILL BLACKSTOCK -- Tuesday 21, nearly 50 United . Church admus Church for their annual On Wednesday evening at 7:30|roundings. Each WA had a part of the) On Tuesday November 2ist/Prosram. the Pickering Horticultural So-|_ The guest speaker, Mrs. L. F. This fall the 2ist Cub Pack] gp anpREW'S CHURCH ciety held a Christmas party|Richardson, Whitby, gave an \have been making bird feeders, 'The morning service of wor-\at Cherrywood Hall. Over fif- -- ne ae wing hd Time, in their spare time. At a recent|ship was well attended. It was 4 members and friends attend-\".UC"_ WaS followed by group : pe - A Ay th inistey 318 discussions. |meeting the finished products|conduey: Fly e minister Mr.|*™" After the findings of these were judged, and prizes were| Peter Bosak of the Ist Conces-| were given, Mrs. Richardson | ill pre-|si i i MORTGAGE SALE jziven to Brian Starr, Ralph) cent . "Hoan ines meumabie van C plat |Barnett and Bruce Hancock. In-| Service Sunday evening Dec.) : ; C-| Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harris|Women. stead of selling them at the/10th at 7 p.m. The choir willjand family visited friends in| After the opening. hymn at| bazaar, as they did their bird-|present the annual candlelight|rondon, Ontario-on Sunday No-|Mission Band Tuesday . after- No. 0206922396, left by Larry Sayers of Box 174, Hespler, Ontario with Ted Campin Motors, Oshawo,-- unless the amount owing thereon to Ted Campin Motors is paid on or. before that date. . Corner. Telephone MO 8-4511. CHROME chairs, new, only $3.95 each; also five-piece chrome sets, new, only $29.95. We have a good supply in our warehouse as well as at Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince Street, Osh- awa. BEDS, dressers and chests of drawers, some like new, $9. Dining room suite, good condition, reasonable. Stoves, washing machines, working good, $18. Telephone 723-1306. IF YOU OFFER instruction in any field -- tell people about it everyday with a low cost Oshawa Times Classi- fied Ad. Dial 723-3492. TYPING paper op sale, letter size, white newsprint buy in bulk lots and save, 4% ib pkg $1.00, 9 lb pkg. $2.00 Circulation Department. Oshawa Times AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, free estimates, "Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. LADIES is this you 70verweight, tired, no pep, always tense? No need to be. Come in and see how easy and pleasant it is for you to lose inches without diet- ing. Tone up those flabby muscles to make you look and feel years younger. | Also rentals for the home if desired. Telephone Slim-Rite and Hair Styling Centre, 204 King Street East, 728-4501 ALL kinds of printing, wedding invita- tions our specialty. Telephone 723-467( anytime. SELLING furniture? We'l) buy it. Re- They are seeking members|pm. the Rangers and Guides Practice is on Thursday evening. | sponsored a buffet supper party. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be pro- duced at the time of sale, there will be ctfered for sale by public auction on Tuesday the 5th day of December at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon at 26 Queen Street East in the City of Toronto by E. W. Woods & Co., Auc- tioneers, the following pro- perty, namely the North 37 feet, 5 inches of Lot 13, Plan 658, Whitby on which there is said to be erected a semi-detached brick bun- galow municipally known as 317 Rosedale Drive, Whitby. TERMS: Five per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale, and the balance to be paid within thirty doys. with his Swner, Mrs. H. F. | Claus parade, On Christmas, Corrie 6f Harlingen. In the deliver presents to Valley town, Skippy has al- | children in a hospital there. ready worn his Santa suit on and in a Santa --(AP Wirephoto) A Christmas. Jribute Jo Your Loved Ones... QUANTITY GOOD PRUNED SCOTCH PINES Delivered or on Stump 4 to 7 feet VERN ASSELSTINE R.R. 3 Burketon Blackstock 986-4437 th mee It is a beautiful gesture of love and devotion to the memory of a mother, father, wife, husband, daughtey, son -- or those beyond the immediate family circle a faithful friend or kin. Ceder Chests from $38.50, Rutherford's Pre - Christmas Sale. Lane, Honderich, Bochart, Heirloom, in your choice of finishes. Ruther- ford's, your Christmas gift headquarters. 156 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH In the sincere hope of rendering a helpful service to those who wish to pay tribute to a loved one at Christmas time, the Classified Department of The Oshawa Times will publish a special page of Memorial Tributes on Christmas Eve. ---- a ro the boys de-|service Sunday Evening Dec. 17|/vember 19. \ noon, the children practised) § cided to put them up to perv pa 7:30 p.m. Sympathy is extended to the/their part for the entertainment!' tien gaaa to stay aroun PERSONALS jfamily of the late William|at the Talent Fair, Dec. 8. -- po cea tee Mrs. W. Bourne flew home|*oUnger who passed away last}10 EUCHRE TABLES Mrs. William Hancock has be-| )'caturday November 18th,|"ursday at the Rosebank Nurs-| There were 10 tables of euchre| come the third leader, or White)" sec ling H The f 7 +2 lfrom Vancouver after visiting|iN8 Home. e funeral was onjat the LOBA party Tuesday Owl of the 25th Brownie Pack.| ith her daughter and family. Monday at McEachnie's Funeral|night. Prize winners were: High Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bagg| Mr. and Mrs. H. Shier former-| Parlor. jlady, Mrs. Thomas Redman; and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Werry|_. | Congratulations to Mr. andjlow lady, Mrs. Roy Taylor; high were guests at the marriage of| |Mrs. Thomas Stevens (nee Betty|gent, Maurice Weston. | Miss Mary Phoenix and ne d S |France) of West Hill on the| Lucky draw, Mrs. Roy Taylor. Keith Bagg, which took place} e ron couts birth of a daughter on Novem-|~ = 7 ------CS ss in Greenbank United Church on is ber 20, at Scarborough General 7ax 7 Saturday. iL un h F ] Hospital I Off frigerators, TV's, bobgecaye ts) pasar Mr. Ted Barnett has taken up a Cc ind | Mrs. George Watson, Bob) 4 ' ers stoves, etc. For top cash offer contac pian 5 7 s jand Anne and Douglas Parkin-| 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131. residence at Camp, Samac, and P D | pgs one | <4 19 oe " sera ce j s ted Kevin Preston at) REFRIGERATOR, Leonard, 10 cu. ft., will serve in the capacity of aper rive json et opper 00 ing across top freezer, perfect condition, Ranger. Smiths Falls on Saturday. | ee Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.| By MRS R.. 5. BISHOP The Legion Auxiliary had aj By GRACE MILLS NO discount gimmicks here, these are Jack Glover were Mr. and Mrs.| KEDRON -- On Wednesday ee hole evo | AJAX -- The Women's Insti-| our regular prices, all new chrome} For further particulars and {Clarence Pengelly, Brooklin,|afternoon the ladies of the Wo- Rouge shopping centre last Sat-itute of Ajax _are planning a Oe atte Sikes) OO $36.95; conditions of sale, apply to: |Mr. Gordon Pengelly, Toronto,|men's Auxiliary held a tea and short course in Copper Tooling) pehind those white whisk- $3 also a large selection of used| Mrs. Redmond, Waterloo and/sale of home baking and Christ-/ KIWANIS TOPICS to be held at the home of Mrs.) ,.... gat weal televisions with new picture tubes. E. W. Woods & Co. Ltd iff t dhe ; Cc D. McIntosh, 1 Maple street, on! ers, there is a 2-year-ol Come see at.Superior Resale, 140 Sim- 26 Queen Streat Eost, Mrs. Stiff, TORN 0 mas gilts and goes in the) Mr. and Mrs. A. Prentice ofifondav and. Tuesday of next) Ch0W who likes to play San- eve Street South. Telephone 728-4873. __ | Toronto, Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dale|lower hall of the church. West Rouge entertained thelwook Dec. 4 and 5 ta Claus. Santa, alias Skippy, | NEW zig zag sewing machine $15 de-| : : and family spent Sunday after-| The tables in the tea room|members and wives at a buffet! The hours will be from 10 a.m.| Visited' Houston Wednesday | television co one ee Telephone] ATED ot Toronto the 27th (noon with Mrs. Eva Dunlop in'were decorated with green|supper on Monday November|tg 4 p.m. each day. About 18 mie geaaet aur wie heavy duty aiee-| dey of September, 1961. Orillia. Cotati ae cloths trimmed in white, with/29th. ladies can be sosmesaaiaa at|for each person to bring a piece|backing for the picture Next regular meeting of the tric, cost $600, sacrifice; '53 Plymouth" ee ge |Christmas centrepieces. The president and his wife,|this time. ' of sponge rubber or an old) It will not be possible to make|WI will be held on Wednesday, ro ON gal sleeping bags. Tele- wien g ge the afternoon ese npr E. J. Annis, at-| The instructor will supply cop. towel, a six-inch square piece ofjother articles in this two-day|Nov..29 at the home of Mrs. Fe Seca coat TY Wi onouliont 4 rono O eG amounted to 9l/¢, - e alt ug see oflper, and wooden tools which|masonite or glass, ¥ags for|course, but methods of covering|Gordon Gilchrist, 30 Birch cres- tion: reasonable or will exchange for) ISCOUT PAPER DRIVE cB & own eterborough|may be purchased and will loan|cleaning, a pair of old gloves|planters will be demonstrated.|cent, 8.15 sharp. organ or pee eee Seo \' The last Boy Scout Paper Clab'in Peterborough tast Wed-|other things necessary. |and a piece of ply-wood 9 inches|Please bring a design of your) Please bring all completed oe raaisen oe Wisco "itoad | 8 e [drive for this year will be held nesday, November 22nd. However, it will be necessary by 12 inches to be used as alchoice for your next picture. quilt blocks to this meeting. ncaa COLE IE Sane Met EMRONID on Saturday morning, December CHROME kitchen set, 5 pleces. $2. ] Ie. Dresser Tecking chat bora cycle Peed for _ eg of the Boy 1 oth rticles, reasonable. s 2 'ubs. | Street 7252512 or MO 65765, | ~sy MRS, KEN GAMSY the Durham District High oe ee OLD gun wanted, shotgun, oka or} ORONO -- The Orono Police| School Board for a sum of oor tala old shells. Telephone n1tees met on Monday even-| $650 for the use of the Municipal Teachers Take | Saii00 welase zyer) Pelataaies ing with all members present.| Building for the year. | A thrifty thirty stove: Coldspot refriger-|They reviewed the correspon-| | '- ator, 11 cubic sents, Thee waekihe dence from the Department ie STOP SIGNS 'Science ourse chine sake) marti -- ae Pa Municipal Affairs on refuse| a, chairman stated on ~ NIAGARA Cyc us ies. =--=s«furning and also setting up|had been in contact with the| | Like new. Telepho! bates |Counties Road Engineer re Stop 0 err | ANTIQUES: Two rosewood Victorian|procdure to handle local water| ¢; 4 h y | side chairs, needlepoint seats, $75 each. |system. | Signs. on roads meeting th | | fe 'niall mabopeey ond "aoe ine. | A further study is to be made|"So0US Wa, informed. that| nan' penny A Selenee tips: top, $15, One Queen Anne what-/of both items. pare eeporg abbot gn PORT PERRY -- A Science] wr 515; One Louls XIV chesterfield,! J, J, Lowery reported that) Such signs would be erected on|r, service training course for| Ler ) $75. MO £5254. |146' Township Road Dept. was|#PPlication from the Trustees.|elementary school teachers took| to fix the bump on Mill Street) A motion by Simpson and/place this fall in Port Perry, and also to take some action|Lowery instructed the secretary| Public School. This six meeting lto correct the drainage onjto write the Counties Engineer|coyrse was sponsored by the| Cobbledick Street. |requesting that the signs be|port Perry Group of the Fed-| G. E. Simpson stated that the/erected. The chairman alsOlerated Women Teachers' Asso-| work at the Mill and Main|stated that provision could be|cjation of Ontario. Street intersection had been|made to erect Orono signs on) At the first meeting, Miss completed and the secretary|the Counties road north of the/rotta McNeill, Inspector of On- was instructed to write the Village. ' ltario No. 1, introduced the guest Orono Horticultural Society who| He was authorized to getispeaker, the former Science were interested in making im-|prices for two suitable signs to|aster at Toronto Teachers' provements to this area. be erected at the northern en-/College, Mr. Frank Hedges. A motion by Lowery andjtrance to the Village from the) Aj present, he is the Organizer Simpson authorized the secre-|Counties road. of Television for Metropolitan tary and the chairman to make, In connection with winters)Toronto. application for subsidy on capi-|work projects the chairman) 'These telecasts are presented tal expenditures made in the|submitted a number of projects|each Monday and Wednesday Municipal Building in 1961. \for the coming year which werelby the Department of Educa- L & Found On motion of Simpson and|@pproved by the Trustees. tion. 34--Lost & Found _|rowery the secretary is to bill], These were sidewalks, $1000,) At each meeting, Mr. Hedge LOST -- Registered brown Boxer ae -- --|tree removal $850, and picnic|nresented interesting facts from| 0 4 wns! + | . . Si sewara. telephone Onhis 12-8} Hi h G ] hee ggg for the Orono Park for|the field of Science. Some of to Taye toa cot OTONO LLAGH Gals" i.5 in reporting on, winters ang minersis "wee calle v Genero - © | gaz) s >K- - Tele; hone 725-4456. oe | es wo jwork, R. Forrester suggested ae finale insects birds BLACK and white German shepherd, Cl dB A \that serious consideration be|tree a. wi ; ; Erm, ft Zowy, ae» reais WAI PPCO DY EYAX cven 'to imoroving the 'strectlceds. nn nn Novem : | \lighting throughout the Village! The 655-3255. ~ | | By MRS. KEN GAMSBY Jand that at least a start be|john's Presbyterian Church, The group mei at the St. 35--Legal : | ORONO -- The girls of Orono) made in this direction. > - High have been busy as far as} He also felt that some hydro Pe oe oe p Bets up-| |sports are concerned. The Sen-jlines could be placed under-|stairs afterwards where slides ior and junior Volleyball teams|ground using the benefits of the] of wild flowers were shown' by jhave travelled to Whitby and the|winters work program and felt|1yr Hedges : . | Whitby team has returned the|that such a plan would work/---- -- | pes in order to prepare for ajto advantage along the Main! e s e | |COSSA tournament which took/Street. A Kix 7 place on November 15. | Although no definite action) Jax iwanis The girls left Orono shortly;was taken by the Board, the| \after 2:30 and journeyed to Ajax|chairman is to get some 'esti- El ct Offi |High School where they compet-|mated costs of such'a plan. | e 1cers jed with Anderson Street and Pangan A } 2 |Henry Street High Schools of 4-LANE ENTRANCE | ey ore eee |Whitby and Ajax High. The The chairman also mentioned| AJAX -- The newly elected) lorono girls put up a gallant! the fact that Highway 115 wasjofficers of the Ajax Kiwanis ifight but failed to bring home to be made a four-lane Highway | Club for 1962 are: president, | 'eth lirait of Cedar Valley anv victory. jand felt that the Trustees should Stuart Copping; Ist vice-presi- "ocd a ee elk or the elie did the best they be making enquiries as to what|dent, Peter Wooley; 2nd vice-| parade L y leouta and everyone would aurée new arrangements might be/president, Ernie Martin; treas- : é made for entering Orono keep-|urer, Eric LeMaistre; secretary, APPOINTMENT Mall a tl al dk ge Pag in mind where the future|Jack Gorman. Directors, Jack UPON THE APPLICATION /|Chantler mee? ee seh ong perie of the Village/Bignell, Ray Ashley, Bert oak The Com 1" eae might extend. Baldry, Don Ainsworth, Al Bath,| ee oe City by Osh. i Bay gy vag long No- The chairman was to make/Bill Norris and Carl Beynon. owe 1 do hereby. appoint een aacrie ich Pesan -- reg with the Department in| A record of perfect attend- i ' eed this respect. lance for the past year was at- fiend ga yi heat ito Orono for an exhibition game.| G_ f&, Simpson was authorized|tained by pan seecitient Fred| 10:30 o'clock a.m. at my Good team work and good to obtain prices for a new set|Ainsworth and incoming presi-| Chanber en Wa Court House sportsmanship was displaved at/of doors for the Community|dent Stuart Copping. | at "Whitby, Cturis es he, es ane the Orono Seniors Building. The present doors do| New members are Jack Gor-| time. arid plows for hecting. [7s ves with a victory of 17-15 not fit properly and are the|man, assistant _ post-master, | on application by 'The Cor- and 15-13. The Juniors were|worse for wear. Ajax post office, and Bill Nash, | oration of the City of Osh- badly defeated in two games) The trustees are to again this|of Federal Packaging. oe for on order closing up with the scores of 15-3 and 15-5.|year install the Christmas de- ne all that part of Main Street The juniors in a third game|corations on the Main Street and|! RESIDENT RESIGNS as shown on Plon 413 which _|Startled their supporters by tak-\to make a new addition in this Mr. Earl de Hetre of the Ajax lies more than 143 feet north ing a 15-2 victory from the Bow-/feature. |Drugs, due to business pres- of the north limit of Cedor |manville team. oe, jsures, asked to be relieved of Valley Boulevard. jhis duty as president of the Ajax AND | DO hereby direct that and Mr. John notice of this application be pa is now in office given by publishing a copy Forthcoming activities for the of this appointment in The \Club are a dance on Dec. 15, ' jand a turkey roll on Dec. 17 Oshawa Times, a newspaper an : Ke} I ai published in the City of Osh- Mrs. Lieut. Col. Warrender} awa, ot least 10 days before ond by mailing o copy of this appointment by pre-paid first class mail to the owners of property abutting the -- por- tion of Main Street to be closed up os shown on the assessment roll of the City of Oshawa and at the add- resses shown on such roll IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. IN THE MATTER OF: The Registry Act 1960 R.S.O., Chapter 348, Section 92; AND IN THE MATTER OF An application by the Council of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa for an order closing up all that port of Main Street as shown on Plan 413 which lies more than 143 feet north of the To ensure that YOUR message appears at this time, phone the Classified Dept. BEFORE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20th Whitby Residents Phone MO 8-3703 Oshawa Bowmanville Brooklin Hampton Residents Phone Oshawa 123-3492 The Oshawa Cimes Next week Orono expects. to . 28 I clip |play Volleyball against Bowman-) M App l sions' Club, \ville and Blackstock. Ission ea Whitehouse The Orono High School Glee Club, aiming for several con R Good certs and music festivals. swung esponse enh poorneaBina oosall ia paul By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT | will open the bazaar at the Sal- la eat of ; aeediice oe koe Woman's|vation Army Citadel on Satur-| hin ee yas happy to see sojday, Dec. 2 2 } Under the capable gms many respond to the appeal for| a ie ong fe or staal jof Mrs. F. Fletcher the group gifts of good and used clothing, |nolding their bazaar on Dec. 2 are now preparing songs for algroceries, canned goods, andlfrom 9 to 5, in the all-purpose concert which will be held on wrapped Christmas gifts and room of the school meee Thursday, November 30th com-|toys for the Fred Victor Mis-| Councillor Danny Nols mencing at 8:15 p.m. in the Or-|sion, Toronto. lannounesd wt 'gion ae -- ono Town Hall. | xteen large cartons wer e| will b acid Gh Ny 6 wir eog The Orono Band will also pro-jpacked and forwarded to To-|p te Uni 4 SOV Oy Bt eke ot least 10 days before the /yide musical entertainment for|ronto. It = My nited Church, for the dote set for the hearing, half of the program. There| These will be distributed ai Samoionshion in" od eon DATED AT WHITBY THIS. |Will be a few special presenta-needy chiliven and familles!opa finals. Tn ee tions by individual students. during the festive season. eshte Vy POL OF NOVERDEENe A small admission is being| The Lend-A-Hand G 1961. s sé s | e Lend-A-Hand Group of s SLE ! charged for the program, adults|Woman's Association will Tone N vag? tle ah "J, de N. Kennedy" 50 cents and children under 12/on Tuesday evening, December} o oo. 1958 had years of age will be admitted|5 at 8 p.m. at the hore of Mrs.|68,470,600 telephones in use, 58 free, |Arthur J. Cook, Princess street.jper cent of the world total. Judge of The County Court of the County of Ontario,

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