18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridgy, December 1, 1961 Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS: 8 \.M. to 5 P.M. Monday to Friday Soturdey 8 to 12 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY ; SARGEANT'S TABLEWARE RENTALS Punch bowls, chafing dishes, ice buckets, dinnerware, work, 8 to 16 hours weekly 710 Oshawa Times. AVERAGE $2.50 for route work, 8 to Write Box 710, Oshawa 'Times. Accountants |Fuel and Wood | | Mortgages tario. F x H " Suita FIRST AND SECOND mortgages ar 'cY" ita Accounting FACTORY hardwood cuttings. Suitable rc Garvine Comeuats saukenclag po for stoves, fireplaces, furnaces. Tele- ranged ig aie ig ae coe 184 Bond Street West. 725-0397. Res., | phone 728-8535. Brooker, ua s st, J . . greg : AGES -- industrial and! 123-7605. FIREWOOD, ary, good, for stove, fur.| FIRST MORTGAGE ndus' | 1 c 'ojects, second mort-| H. E, DEWAR and Co., Accountants|nace or fireplace. Free délivery. Tele pop gg agg Bg Molde, and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg., 11 On- phone CO 53-2275. _|Bteeet East, Oshawa, 7266081 and tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario, 728-2221. Ee i . 3376 MONTEITA, RIEW! FREE " - Sa an | tune ler eve. | MORTGAGE LOANS noe | Round the Clock". 24-hr, YALE 7 eR, INTER| burner service i oy poses ter lage Aaatars Automatic delivery Licensed 'Trustee in Bankruptcy, 64 It's "'White Rose" : Fuel Oil 40 years experience. Resi- dential, acreage, apts., bus- iness, summer properties. Members of Ont. Mortgage Brokers Assoc. King Street East, Oshaw B. L. Yale, WESTERN OIL CO, J. E, Harris, F, G. CA; F. Friedlander, B. Comm., CPA 725-1212 and R. C. Bint, SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA PHONE 725-3568 Nursing Homes SOUTH HAVEN Nursing Homie. Ac- commodation for private and semi-pri- vate patients, lounge, TV. Fully licens- ed, new building modern. Visitors wel- come. 9 a.m. 9 p.m. Reasonable rates. Phone Newcastle 4441. REGISTERED accommodation for jJadies on ground floor at Lyntonhurst Rest Home, Orono 1308. CLASSIFIFD AD RATES 25 words or less Cosh Chorge 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 2.25 248 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 3.75 4.13 if not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply Above rates apply only to origina: orders tor consecutive insertions Subsequent insertions ordered at o later dote constitute @ mew original order Protessional ond Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily fach additional line $1.60 per month. Each Initial fetter. abbreviation, $ and ¢ sign, figure. counts as o word, Box charge |5c¢ additional Alli Classified Advertisements must be in by 5 o.m. the day be- fore publication except Births. Memorioms Cords of Thanks which will be accepted until 9 a.m. Deadline for Lost ano Founa and Cancellations 8:30 am. Office Hours: Doily 8-5, Saturday 8 - 12 REGULATIONS-- The Oshawa Times will not be responsible tor errors in advertise ments submitted otherwise than in writing, mor for more than one incorrect insertion ot any adver tisement. mor beyons the price charged tor o single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. And also reserve the right to classify advertising accuru.ng to its own classification in the case of display acivertie- ments The Times will not be hela -esponsible for more space hor that in which the actual error eccupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce ail advertising matter correctly but assumes no liability of advertisement are contained if @ny inaccuracies in ary form therein. Unified 8. T. HOPKINS and Company, Cert! fied Public Accountants, 172 King} Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509. | WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered Accountants, 3% Simcoe Street South,! Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA. G. Edmond Burrows, BA, 728-2571. Auto Parts Gardening and Supplies . $ for $15. Sod General 5864. | case Harris LOAM, $8. per load, tw cut daily. Prompt delivery. trucking and pick-up delivery E. R. KNOWLTON | LANDSCAPING | SERVICE | Top soil and sod. Repairing and lawn maintenance, patio and sidewalk slabs. 725-6047 WHITBY EXCAVATING DIGGING AND DITCHING teed automotive parts and accessories. 145 King Street West, Oshawa 128-1607-8-9. Five bays to serve you Barristers RICHARD BH. DONALD, BA. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, 5244 Simcoe North, 728-2991. Res. 728-2765. BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, Solict tor, 3% Simcoe South, 725-9592. Resi- dence 728-0264. ene HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and BILI- MAN, Barristers, Solicitors; R. 0. Humphreys, QC; G. S. Boychyn, BA;) W. A, Hillman, LLB, 36% King. Street) East. Phones: Office 725-1177. Res.: 725-4604 or Whitby, MO 8-2761; 725-5203 Money to loan. psa Sis | LOUIS 8. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soli-| eitor, Notary, Alger Bldg., 37 Kin bl Opton.etrists F, RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom- etry, the examination of eyes, contact glassware, tablewore rentals for weddings, ers, anniversaries, reasonable prices, 725-3338 12--Articles Wanted GIRL'S used sidewalk or junior bike, CCM preferred. Telephone 723-2562. RARE coins, in good condition. '/ele-| phone 723-4790 after 5 for appointment. | No dealers show- buffets, YOUNG MAN to train as sports department assistant, Must have ot least Grade XII education and good general knowledge of sport. Ability to type an ad- vantage WRITE BOX 711 | OSHAWA TIMES LABORATORY TECHNICIAN Young married mon minimum one-year exper- ience required for quality central: dept. Shift work. A TENCO A Division of Coca Cola Ltd Ajax Ont. |20--Room and Board ROOM or room and board for two |gentlemen in warm, quiet home, pri- vate entrance and bath, TV. outlet. Telephone 728-2210 inl scksneinpeni nn cencanioaeigciceseeaity WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS Deer Hides and Raw Furs (collect) |. TURNER 723-2043 - 723-3374 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO Wants cars for wrecking Parts for sale; also scrap iron and metals, etc bought Open Saturday all day. Phone 725-2311 89 BLOOR E. 1 3--Business Opportunities STOR for rent, 360 downtown area at 2 South. Telephone 7 ie ih with square feet in NICE room or room and board, new Simcoe Street/home, office girls, teacher or student. | 1 Ride to and from centre town 8.30 and |3 a yg Ape woe & NATIONAL Food Company offers re-\:1¢lePhone 723-2481 sponsible persons part or full time light PONTIAC INN -- room and board avail- delivery and collection contracts, selling. Steady year-round income. Ap-|ed, have TV lounge, Telephone '725-0078. Plicants must have car or light truck. ROOM and board in warm, $670.00 cash required, which is fully|home cooked meals" lurghes MO 8-4172, BLACK LOAM DRIVEWAY, GRAVEL, FILL AND SAND Street East. 723-4943, Mortgage monies available. ay BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister,| Solicitor, Notary Public, Mortgage| funds available, 3642 King Street East. 728-2381, Res., YU | GRE. lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne. Evenings by appointment. 723-4191 C. H. Tuck, RO, Optometrist. Please Pay accounts at downtown Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids exam- ined at home. Dial 725-4587. j V NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers secured. Write Manager, 2008 Queen home privileges, St. East, Toronto, Ont Apply 708 Carnegie Avenue ROOMS for sired, gentlemen, board HAIR lunches packed, very Apply 296 King Street East. BARBERSHOP FOR SALE |rwo furnished Good meals, lunches if de central. MODERN Cc /11--Articles for Rent |17--Mole Help Wanted _ |25--Apts. | AVERAGE $2.50 hourly, part time, need | THREE 3 neat appearing men, 24-39 for route|private bath, heavy Write Box | sink, tral, at bus stop, 728-3818, hourly, part-time,|LARGE, two - bedroom lt pee Agony need three neat appearing men, 24 - 39 new triplex, north-east location, stove,|eat and hydro. Apply 16 hours weekly. | refrigerator, i T $89 MONTHLY |bedroom apartments, ment building, tifully 728-5282. |UPPER apartment, private entrance,| kitchen, ' |wiring, room, also attic, newly decorated, $75 heavy wiring, bathroom, bus monthly. THREE room apartment, iroom, fi n jclean, private bath and entrance, T:V,|9¥er- Parking. 728-3377. Be antenna, heavy duty wiring. Parking/MODERN one - bedroom apartment, space, central. Telephone 725-4497. TWO-ROOM apartment, partly furnish-|ties, parking : bd: SeDLtata" Ghivarek: clece ib Shop.|Road, $75 monthly, Telephone 725-5808, ping Centre 378 King Street West. AVAILABLE sun room water and heat, ences. FOUR-ROOM clear, TV aerial. No|able. home cooked meals, lunches pack- 777 NEW quiet home, | semi-detached home. rooms, unfurnished, upstairs, wiring in kitchen, outlet, very cen- cupboards, TV apartment, in washer, dryer, immediate felephone 72 12, up, modern two- in new apart- all conveniences, beau decorated, centrally located. and cupboards, bathroom, and sink, heavy livingroom, bed- Colborne East. 728-4166. THREE-ROOM apartment in apart-|723-3345. jment building, bright, clean, four-piece bath, aerial, washer, refrigerator, stove, parking, near Shopping Centre.| Also large furnished room, housekee: | Adults, 212 Stevenson Road South. 'fWO - ROOM furnished apartment, --|kitchen with sink. cupboards and bed- room, private bathroom, separate en-jroom apartment, private entrance, cu trance. | driveway Suitable for 728-1720. couple. Private HREE-ROOM apartment, private bath,|Street, heavy wiring, $60 monthly, ineluding'/ BACHELOR apartment, furnished, hydro and heat. 725-9387. $65 MONTHLY --new apartment, bed-|% Townline North, 725-4283. room, |bath and entrance, lights, heat, includ-| corated, jed, upstairs, Townline North. 728-7680. Bus at corner. Call living room, kitchen, private |FURNISHED apartment: single house-|P¥ivate entrance. Child welcome. Apply |keeping room, private entrance, cen-|487 Drew Street, tral, Centre Street. parking. Reasonable. Apply 96 bright, very One child welcome. Apply iow. Three rooms and Pri outlet 262 King East. All conveni- Telephone 725- upstairs Two children welcome. Rowena Street. Telephone 728-4437. two bedroom apartment MO 8.5645. ROOM apartment, conveniences, bath all and private basement & Flats for Rent) entrance and bath, apartment, $70 | 725-4344 in| water Private entrance |cated. packed, with bath and shower, newly decorated, THRE laundry done, parking. | elose to school THREE - floor, trance with laundry facilities. 725-5513. rooms, for gentlemen. MODERN apartment ground bath, very central, near bus stop. en- included FURNISHED in Whitby, resi- for rent. | For information, | 25--Apts & Flats |25--Apts. & Flats for Rent |THREE-ROOM apartment FOUR room apartment in apartment |Everything separate. building, stove, refrigerator, built-in }apply 592 Drew Street. \cupboards, laundromat, parking. 725- |THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment. |°9°8_or 68 Wayne Street. |Private entrance and bath, includes two BEDROOM apart: : 2 it, fully Princess Grill,| equipped, on Simcoe Sten nes : ' | ; eet North. Teles __Prince Street. 725-0915. -- _. | Phone 725-6343, 9 to 5 p.m. THREE unfurnished rooms, private en-| rance, private bath, newly decorated,,"OUR-ROOM basement apartment, Also store for rent. 325 Simcoe South, |lose to Schools and South plant, child» \Telephone 725-3243. ren welcome. Telephone 728-9183. HREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment,|"WO ROOM furnished apartment, bed: |heat, hydro included, close to bus and Sitting room and kitchen, semi-private |schools. Apply 291 Mitchell Avenue for |>@throom, all. conveniences, bus at |mere particulars after § p.m. door. Suit single person or working | = : tice couple. Telephone 723-4817 THREE large rooms, private entrance, | ~~ IRNISHE MON Spe ag stop at | UNFURNISHED two bedroom apart. door. Apply 782 Ritson South. Telephone |™ent, TV outlet, washing facilities, bogs to Br cada children welcome, 4 bi esti at 65 monthly, Telephone 7: 15. |THREE - ROOM apartment, stove, Te- | THRE: ee om |frigerator optional. One child welcome.|T#REE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, | p. | Private bath and entrance, all conveni+ jing privileges. 841 Simcoe South. 725. ences, utilities included, $60 monthly, 6068. "'lable December 15. Telephone 723- |---------_ --------_____ . 50 MO. ' it . te gf rege: aug {$5 be ectranse, con RACMELON apanouer oie rooms, boards, sink, tiled floor, good location|""furnished, sink, refrigerator, stove, |off Simcoe South, apply 15 Maple |Private entrance, heat, electricity, TV outlet, excellent location, Apply 124 ------- |Park Road North. pri- . - Sn Oo vate, in quiet home, heated. Suit pen- wear Ue wat ee ; igang : " os t heating. Free laun. sioner, abstainer, $40 monthly. Apply dry and parking. Bus at door. 165 Ver Sr ee ae agree ga dun Road, 723-3096 JNFURNISHED apartment, newly de-| @---- Se ae ae ae une, three piece bath,|UNFURNISHED apartment near hoa: jheat, hydro, heavy wiring, TV outlet, Pital. ground floor, private entrance, | newly decorated, heat, light, hot water, laundry facilities, one or two adults, abstainers. 84 Adelaide East. LOW rental apartments, building one : = : Simeon yeas ol ear Tnoathig, modern' two. |MING STREET, Bowmanville -- toon bedroom, five rooms, free washer,|T00™ heated apartment, separate en- trance and bath, nicely decorated, $65 -!monthly. Telephone MA 3-3935, | AVAILABLE January 1, four -- room 'apartment, built-in oven, counter top stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer, lock- er; individual heat control. Telephone 723-1202, stove and refrigerator, space, laundry facili- triplex, Ravine TWO - BEDROOM apartment, in apart- ment building, to sub-let, central loca- tion, Spacious rooms, private parking. -- Phone 725-5133 after 6.30 p.m. 26--Rooms for Rent un LARGE THREE-room apartment, self. ae furnished bed - sitting contained with all modern conveniences,| fo. Plate, refrigerator. close to Shopping Centre. phone bus stop, 728-6925 LARGE bright furnished bedroom, te- fined business lady preferred. Home privileges if desired. Near bus in pri+ Apply 92 Elgin Street East. Tver me Write to Box 215, Oshawa -ROOM (large) apartment, up-| pac . Rag NE Ni 7, ONE large furnished room, suitable for kitchen, hydro and heat, pi by |two girls or gentlemen, kitchen. priv- AP*lileges; parking. Telephone 725-6662 or 139 Albert Street, very ACCOMMODATION at the Hollywood sney| Motel, Whitby; $8 if shared. Food on room. Suitable for Te Street North on LARGE two room furnished apartment with ra ngette, refrigerator, heat, light, included; parking; centrally lo- stair: Ply 119 Cadillac South. three - room basement apartment, newly decorated, dry, all conveniences, Private entrance packed, | premises; free parking. MO 8-5823. LARGE bright housekéeping room, one or two persons, with showers and 'private entrance, close to south plant, | Teleph 728-0423 continu-' dential district, $75 monthly, hydro in-|and bathroom. Telephone 728-933, ous hot wat adult home. 164 Grenfell! cluded, adults only, near bus. Telephone THRE j Street, 728-5953, MO 8-2736 mornings or evenings witta bath, petvate peers agit ag MONTHLY lady's three . room Apply 762 King Street East. Telephone single beds, TV, cen-|bachelor apartment, stove, refrigerator, 728-1559. SH ONO See Se tral, three cooked meals daily. Tele- heated, private entrance. Telephone | g59 MONTHLY -- apartment in vi lage, | BED SITTING room, completely phone 725-9087 728-8180. Apply Apartment 1, 67 Gibb/15 minutes from Ochaws, five rooms, |equipped, private kitchen, ample cup- GENTLEMEN {to share room, with Street Renae a aS ADEN all. conveniences, oil furnace, wares nak Gren eae for one or two, single beds, lunches packed, quiet FURNISHED two - room apartment,|Telephone CO 3.2394. hse une tehsil SES RE CE m Street. Apply 79 McGregor Street or near hospital, quiet, clean, private en- MODERN three room apartmen', main| "OOM to share -- double dressers to Pedt telephone 725-6721 728-5984 - DEEN three. room Les tenia + main! share, suit two gentlemen, in new mod- North floor of new home, private ntrance,'~ how ne Wi a B: f 725. bathroom, laundry facilities, garage,|©'™ home, near Werner's. Breakfast 385 Baldwin Street. 728-4409, joptional. 725-5875; evenings 5 to 7, _ he) re |BEDROOMS for rent, central, lots of |FIVE-ROOM apartment, spotless clean, : Rea : ts reasonable, heavy duty, private bath- hot water, quiet, close to bus, use of Ate 5 om telephone, parking, Sige close to everything. 725-0081. 725+ phone 723-3015, nd KE citor, ete., 114 King | 723-2278. Residence phones: J. M.,| Greer, BA, Sc., 725-3368; Terrence V Kelly, PA, BCL, 728-5832. fe Z. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solict-| 725-5279 tor ete, 13% Simcoe Street North.| Gifts for Children Office 723-1101; Residence, 7 42 - m8 | TOYLAND: Bicycles, tricycles, pedal JOSEPH P, MANGAN, QC, Barrister,|cars, doll carriages, sleighs, toboggans, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 14%4/Meccano sets, Dinky toys hockey King Street East, Oshawa. 728-8232,/equipment. Victor's, 38 Bond West Residence 725-3405, ate ___ | 723-3141 DONALD BLAKE DODDS Barrister and Solicitor, 2642 King Street East Telephone: Business 723-2201. Resi dence 7: 7 Good clien- Box 820, Central location VALLEY CREEK | PAINT NOW PAY LATER FURNITURE 145 KING WEST RAINBOW Next to Western Tire Oshawa PAINTERS 728-4401 We buy, sell exchange used furniture, washer, TV, radios Reasonable Rates. Low Down Poyment Free Estimates and so forth at prices PHONE 723-7067 anyone DODD & SOUTER | PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting. Rep - | F $14 WEEKLY -- two gentlemen or girls, willing to share, telle y to Times 14--Employment Wanted WILL look after children home, Monday through end district of Oshawa 0186. BOY 15, after school 725-0186, FELECIFIC DAY NURSERY Free Pick-up Service by the in my Friday Telephone trance, utilities paid. 4401, a 22--Store Space & Garages two-nEDROOM apartment, refrigera- Hie | > 7 ; 4s tor, stove, washer, dryer, TV outle me ert STORE -- 700 square feet, plus full] ii) S59 60 monthly; Rossland Eas Telephone basement, rear entrance und store 725-1310. front, parking. 295 Simcoe Street South,) {"""-": __ eDir ketesedk Es ~|FRanklin 2-9992, Cobourg. LUXURY apartment, living-room, bed- ; : room, bathroom, complete kitchen. : - - -|FURNISHED large bedroot be gp et Marina Apartments. Contact exclusive|FOUR-ROOM apartment, private en- : ing 2entlemen, single beds, 33 South,|'rance and bath, hot water heating ; ' ; lars ee Really, 16 Simcoe So from oil, close to bus stop. Telephone housekeeping if desired, 208 minutes to Four cc pay | 209. | ae 4 PARK PLAZA, new apartments, fully | -- Witt Diane r i. sey) rsd iieereatedlacietndeiaaiiconio cies oe cies. a 2 Houses for Rent : euipped, central, Rents $100 up. Model|GROUND | floor watrnished one-bed- CLEAN furnished toom. with' Kitchens FIVE-ROOM two-bedroom house, 2% suite open for inspection from 1 to 4 P » PI ec € nee, self- or 728 to. top Christmus Joy for Girl or Boy BICYCLES ----'C.C.M., RALEIGH SKATES ---- C.C.M., BAUER Layaway Deposits. Let us be Santa. Christmos Eve Deliv- ery Service. Seven mile rodius WILSON'S CYCLE and SALE 106 Colborne St. E., Whitby MO 8-3746 in the city requires part-time and Saturday Ww ell Drilling-Digging W. WARD WELL DIGGING by MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE Reasonable, Tele- NNT . SW. L. SWARTZ, Barristers, taries. Money to loan. 26% King Street East, dence, Dial 723-4029. CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- tary Public Bank of Commerce Bidg., Solicitors, > Henry Block,| $5 monthly, Apply 723-4697. Resi-| for more particu- 1 for two for rent A ¥ ground floor, Church Street central, five Corners, Apply 23 Week 5 Simcoe Street North, 723-3446. T. K. Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K. Murdoch, NHA mort- 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS MO 8-5231 =e NIGHTS 725-7426 4 h h . 204 Church Dersenal Service PIANO tuning. Anywhere in Oshawa Quality workmanship. Tel-)_ 329 WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563--MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST., WEST P.O. BOX 329 Household Repairs sooeeetransceretaiaapeses PAINTING, MES ) ONALD, BA, LLB.,|winter rates Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub-|Street, 755-7297 lic, The Commercial Building, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking nsurance able. nS nee wo Setar cy MUMPET BA Lib |}MELSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up ; BA LLB, : po ede bb fal King Street to 20 per cent, six months to pay For ane ee _ Tovey altace el lage fe THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli-| citor, and Notary Public, 26% King) 4... MOVDEN--S1 a nee ee Street East. Phone 728-176: applet oS td a hd . eA teins ne | AUTO ANd casualty insurance MACKEY, BA, Barrister,| | Votary Public, 36% King In + Street East. 7262981. Res. YU 5.2127. | /"Struction -- oer SBA. and THOMAS H.| VILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing School, e, BA. and THOMAS HB. Ballet, Tap, Pre-School acro-| RALPH J a ;,| DEA. GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli- Friday and Saturday. Masonic| EASY-GLIDE Temj.le, Centre Street. 723-725 130 King Street 'East. 728-6246. | D&tic Oe : loans available. bw ante INTERIOR WALL WASHING PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, ~ - ----_--- _-- i > Vvear e erience, by interview only. i and BASTEDO, Barristers, 16 vears' exnerier MODERN GRILL | Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North; ed el oe " HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY. Baton, / Het, Highland Register . ' tap, RAD bajlet, Highlan z Bor-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home 725-3566; Charles C. McGibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. now. 424 King Street West, 725-6122. Made Pies and Desserts WE DELIVER 725-3887 345 RITSON RD SOUTH |Plumbing and Heating | |ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies. | Phone 725-3521. Harold H. Stark, Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineer. ~~ ing, 255 Simcoe Street South. | papering, carpentry G. Goulding, 2--Personal WANTED -- Young male teacher de- fsires gentleman to share apartment Central location, Reasonable. Call 723 1805 after 5. MACHINE WASH YOUR WALLS, HOMES, OFFICES, etc. Speedy, Accurate, No Dripping. Call Pickering WH 2-012) Day or Evening Free Estimates RIDE required to Toronto, vicinity of Parliament and Gerrard, atrive 8 a.m. Telephone 725-0227, Solicitor, Removal of Warts, Moles and Supertluous Hair Permanently MARIE MURDUFF will in Oshawo ot the Genosha Hotel, Dec. 19th, 20th. 723-4641. Phone appointment on thes be GOING. WEST? peli dates L. SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE INCOME TAX RETURNS. 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 Building Trades ALU TYPES building repairs, roofing, eavestroughing, chimney fireplaces, sidewalks, stoops. 728-0394. Gordon May. | INTERIOR trim work, kitchen cup-| boards, recreation rooms, tile floors,| ete. Call Wm. Wilkins, 723-1231. SPECIALIZING in roofing and repairs. Also all type home remodeling. Free estimates. Phone Harry 723-2413. \Lawn Mowers WE SHARPEN AND RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING GIVE US A CALL... STAN'S CORNER KING AT BURK STS. 723-3224 |Money to Loan MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Monies available on First Mortgages at 7% per annum without bonus Monies also available Second Mortgages. Mortgages and Agreements for Sale purchased, M. F. SWARTZ Short-term and Builders' our new and lote cors to Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Regina, Winnipeg. Gas paid: Toronto | Drive-Away Service Limited, 5385 Yonge Street, Toronto. BA 5-7754, \- | TENOR AND BARITONE SOLOISTS REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY FOR ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH CHOIR To lead their respective sec- tions. Apply in writing, stat- | ing qualifications and salary re-| expected to J. R. CARSON covered lik Get th : at "Modern Upholstering. a2. 'Simeee| «Chairman of Music Commit: tee, 176 Bedford, Oshawa. |South. Call 728-6451, Free estimate, CHESTERFIELDS re-built, re-covered 3--Pets & Livestock PEDIGREE Pomeranian (golden) like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed Mattresses re-built, Os J y Fe pull, Oshawa Upholstery. st.' two years cla. ger: Telephone 7: 3626 for further particulars, i THREE ALL types of repairs and Femodelling,| new and used materials. Reasonable rates, Estimates free. Dial 728-6931. J.| |Foley, |Rug--Upholstery Service CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re-styled. Free estimates. See our ma- terial for re-covering. Dalton Upholster (ng, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212 YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim. CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs neys built and repaired, gas linings in- stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti-| mates. 723-2997 CERAMIC, plastic wall tile, woodwork. ing, all floor coverings. Free esti- mates. Work guaranteed, 728-0850. DRAFTING SERVICES -- Mechanical and plant iayout. Telephone 728-3566. | Mortgages at reasonable L AND H ROOFING. Specializing in| rate tar and gravel, asphalt shingles, metal| 261 < Ss s roofs, insulating siding and all kinds of| 26 ciate AE East repairs. All work guaranteed. Free esti-| Os 553, led -46 mates. Telephone MO 8-003 or 725-6937.! PR Ge eee Ore Registered Unde: Mortgage WHITBY Brokers' Registered Act EXCAVATING DIGGING AND DITCHING MO 8-4172 Cartage JOHN'S MOVING and Storage. Oshawa.| Whitby, Reasonable rates. Fuily equip ped and insured. Phone 728-3661 Moving? on \Co., 10 Bond Street West, Dial 725-0311. Surveyors for |DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN Ontario - Land Surveyor, Commercial Blue-print- ing. 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632. H. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue ---- East. Phone 725-6881 FAR-REACHING Oshawa Times {Wanted" ads puts you in touch with SAUTIFU jthe dependable workers you need, Get Fetch 4 your job offer to them today. Dial 723-3492. ns |TV - Radio Repairs TV, RADIO, car radio repairs, all WINTER makes. Thompson Electronics, ey eer 157 : Elliott Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred), Broklin 655: pony mares 725-5310. SAMOYED and Lavracor retriever puppies, registered, lasting gift for your child, deposit will hold until Christmas, 723-9991 DEERHOUND -- five years; two-year old rabbit hound; black and tan pup. "Help 195 Wecker Drive. 725-8555. sale. Tele baby budgie, ready talking 'strain. Apply 114 Elgin Street East 4--Market Basket for Mrs KKK KKK POTATOES, 75 pound bag, ag, free delivery, telephone 690. WANT a better job? It may be waiting under "Help Wanted" in the Classified section today Look now WINTER apples. Spys, Secords Golden Delicious and Russets, Mayhetle Or chards, 1% miles north of Whitby, on Highway 12. MO 8-2163 TURNIPS -- 75c. per bushel, washed and trimmed. Top quality. Apply 426 aad Road North or telephone 7728. 4839. PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING BILLS PAY 'EM OFF WITHA LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED T.V. TOWERS 361 GIBBONS ST 728-8180 5--Farmers Col Reasonable rates. (opp. Oshawa Shopping Centre) 728-2412 639 CARTIER ed, Call Gordon Hill, 17R21 330 -- DECEMBER 1. modern house, oil, AVE. bu s is, 16--Female Help Wanted Valechane fib iese HOUSEKEEPER for doctor's home in VACANT -- three . north-west Toronto. Highest Must live in, two school-age children. |$75 monthly Telephone 728-5209, Rece e equ = hog references required. Telephone EXECUTIVE'S home, nice five-room ean piss bungalow, well furnished, less refriger- LADY for housekeeping position, live| stor and bedroom suite, attached ga- in, private room, high wages, no heavy |rage. Nice locatioh. One child weicome.| work. Must be fond of children, Tele-' Rent, $110 month. Apply 478. Park Road phone 725-7704 | South. STENOGRAPHER -- accurate short-|SIX-ROOM bungalow, top location, $100} hand and typing for legal office. Reply|monthly, with or without lease, imme- to Box 519, Oshawa Times, stating ex-|diate possession Telephone 728-5123. perienne Bnd full: Particulate, _.. |FIVE-ROOM house, Byron Street, Gar- WAITRESS wanted pleasant sur-'den, oil, practically new. Possession. roundings, good salary,. steady work. MO 8-5823. Telephone FOR RENT -- SHORT order cook. Apply to Genosha low, $90 monthly Hotel. Telephone 723-4641 level $ RELIABLE person to care for' one|ment, § child while mother works, live in. Call) S°89eh Weveaseeerit one 723-7576 after 6 for more information.|SIX rooms' bungalow, south end, bus r at door, oi] heated broadloom, $160 TYPIST required in Oshawa office. rade 4 Bookkeeping helpfu) but not essential. |monthly. Available Dec. 1. Telephone Reply to Box 723, Oshawa Times. : BE ASSURED OF CHRISTMAS SHOPPING MONEY Part-time work, garage. Close three bedroom bunga Three-bedroom split-| 5 monthly. Two-bedroom apart- monthly. Bowman and Gibson 1 ---- |1'2-STOREY brick house, recreation jroom, oi] heating, garage, immediate Ssession, near schools and bus stop. 'elephone 728-3281. FOR SALE OR RENT: small down pay-| ment, three-bedroom home in quiet subdivision, new school, Transferred. MO 8-8352, IMMEDIATE Possession, rooms, garage. Nice home. Walk down-! town. Wilson Realtor. Call C. Rankine for full particulars 725-6588 serviced. Must Whitby brick, 6 vacate. YOUNG people to sell magazines, Good commission Telephone 723-1990 eve- nings and weekends only HANCOCK ROAD, new five-room brick bungalow, attached double garage,| large lot, $75 per month. Available De cember 1, Tindall Real Estate, 725-0429 SMALL house for rent. Immediate pos- session. Telephone 725-4487 for particu-| lars SIX-ROOMED on Oxford Schofield - 0243 IN WILLOWDALE -- six-room hoiise,| unfurnished, oil heat, available soon. Telephone 728-4731 after 4.30 p.m. SIX-ROOM house; five minutes' from downtown, moderate rent sion in December, Telephone or 728-8724, THREE-BEDROOM bungalow, Whitby, Close to schools, Storms and screens /Oil heat. Possession to suit tenant | Telephone MO 8-8379. FOUR-ROOM, jheated, close |Leslie Street |$85. Telephone 725-4615 SEVEN-ROOM house with bath and. Ontorio four-room apartment for rent, Fifteen Phi Res minutes to GM, immediate possession. T sales position, telephone | Orono 34-12 but previous sales iC ; | i 'i Ags eee Sapeeree WO-FAMILY house, eight rooms and| will De an asset. Extensive 'tour rooms, and attached Rarage. $30| employee benetits, salary yothiy. Three miles north of Bowman according to qualifications ville, 728-7074 Please write confidence {EXECUTIVE type home, five - room Stating full details to: bungalow, partly furnished, attached garage. Good location. One child wel OSHAWA TIMES BOX 622, No experience necessary, CALL 725-8466 17--Male Help Wanfed OPPORTUNITY IN INSURANCE Mon two-storey Street Aker, home once. | 725- older Possession at Henry Stinson, walk Posses- 30-35' with at hice least Sr. matriculation to train for responsible position in a rapidly expanding mul- tiple line insurance company. Applicant must have proven ability to meet the public and to exercise good' judg- ment, Willing to relocate in aged modern bungalow, oil] to school and hospital, Available December 1. is nota in CALL | CITY CARTAGE | 725-262) Dressmaking INVISIBLE mending, minor alterations. Dunkirk. DRESSMAKING and _ alterations ladies, children's wear rates. 728-8666. COATS hemmed, pants cuffed, collars} turned. zippers replaced, any and. ail| alterations, roo ete. Telephone! 725-4189, Driving School Terms, Open evenings. OSHAWA T.V, Free Survey and Estimates x * * * x x TOP MONEY for dead and disabled farm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J, collect, 24-Hour, seven-day service. DEAD farm stock picked up promptly, Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721 Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Ltd. 115 TV. TOWERS | water suPPLy aul TasaTae. "8 LOAN All galvonized, no paint. SEAWAY WATER SUPPLY PICKERING ONT., WH 2-1397 THE BANK OF LEN & LOU'S 24 Hours a Day--7 Days a Week ANTENNAS tion fate +700 NOVA SCOTIA 728-5804 or 725-7844 --| Mortgages 1500 gaiions 9.00 FIRST and second mortgages. Sale agreements purchased and sold. Hen nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street East. 723-7232 x x xxx * x xxx xxx xx xxx aC. x x KKM x x x = MK HOEK x XRXXX on Reasonable 8--Hunting TAXIDERMIST -- deer heads mount ed, $22.00. Birds and animals mount. jed. Rugwork. Contact Richard Flewell, ;RR 1, Claremont SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO! CALL 728-5286 All Work Guaranteed OSHAWA |MORTOAGES - - arranged, bought and ELECTRONICS Bolahood. anytime, 725-'\CAR FOR SALE? Bring © {6544 or 725-8333. John A. J. Bolahood,' your Mf iLtd. Realtor. iTimes LEARN TO DRIVE at the Oshawa Driving School Professional Instructors Dua! Controlied Cars. Standard and Automatie Day ond Evening Lessons 728-009 | CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale purchased. NHA mortgages arranged. | Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur-| jdoch. DEER hunting, housekeeping cottages, $20 - $50 per week. guide cxtra, wage accommodation $8.50 per day, outlook good. Duck hunting season now open {same rates apply. Contast Bob jden. RR 1 Clarendon, Ont {LOOKING for | a better job? uyers right toljob offers listed in door with # fast-action Oshawa the Oshawa Times Classified Ad. Dial 723-3492 now. |today and every day Check the "Help Wanted" in Classified Section Wed- | Mi-Jo Camp. | | FIELD SALES ENGINEER FIVE-ROOM bungalow, oil heat, and garage, heavy wiring. Near schools and bus. Central, 66 Emma Street. Tele- | phone 728-1158. PICKERING eight - room brick| Ou -e, 20 acres land, good barn, Rea- sonable to reliable. tenants Near schools, Shopping Centre. 169 Warren require a Mechanical attractive | Industrial field working out of Bowmanville Plant. Applicants should be 25 years of age. Position Ives general engineering Avenue, Oshawa 208 DEARBORN Ayenue |brick, oil heat, garage. Near Jory's, Mary Street Schools jextras. 725-2777 |FOUR-bedroom brick, close to schools, problems, related to Indus- trial Rubber Products. Must be willing to travel and have the ability to handle prob- and sell on the execu- level State qualifica- to _|oil heated, private drive, garage. Pos. |session immediately, newly decorated $80 monthly. Telephone 725-6304, tions in a letter to THE GOODYEAR TIRE } and RUBBER CO. OF CANADA, LTD. |SEVEN large rooms, re-decorated throughout, oil furnace, attached | Industrial Rubber Products Division |Sarage, large lot. Harmony Road | BOX North. $75 monthly. Guide Realty. | BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO We graduate Engineer for an position in the six - room St. Greg- Many ou } Our | 26 inv 723-1121 | THREE-BEDROOM house with oil fur- nace, all facilities. Telephone Picker- | jing, WHitehall 2-2943. | |25--Apts. & Flats for Rent | DES LE second floor downtown | apartment, self-contained, three rooms;/' \bath, unfurnished, heavy wiring, heat |and water, adults only, $60. 728-8175. |FOUR-ROOM apartment, in apart-| jment building, large stove, refriger- | jator, built-in cupboards, laundromat, | )parking. 725-3938 or 68 Wayne Street.! | | | lems | tive 250 250 Two-bedroom, SELF - CONTAINED $65, r * stov to apartment, unfurnished, main floor, TV Saher pay vate A a r churches and shopping. | aerial, heavy wiring. 820 Sylvia Street.|Frontenac Avenue. Telephone 728-1002. 728-2524 after 5 . bedroom bungalow DUPLEX -- Simcoe Street North, up- wages. on Celina Street, Close to Four Corners,|per, lower four-room apartments, bedrooms ample 725- S Telephone 728. 5282 miles west of Brooklin, newly decorat-|p.m. and 7 to 8.30 p.m, daily, Call Mr, |Contained, close to hospital. Suit couple. double car garage, swimming pool. Arpleby at 725 tw each, all conveniences 169. TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENTS All conveniences, in apart- ment building. $89 and up. Apply: 280 Montrave Ave. Apt. 5. 725-9341- APARTMENT SIMCOE at ROSSLAND/-- and $85. Stove Parking. One-bedroom refrigerator Te lephone 725-3302 AVAILABLE NOW-- fenced lot. two blocks from) MMODERN APARTMENTS laundry = facili- T.V, outlet, low Stove, frig., ties, locker rental. Call MO 8-3092 or 101 Craydon Rd., Apt. 5 After 5 p.m. SAGUENAY APARTMENTS KING and PARK RD. CALL 723-2563 Modern, 2-bedroom ments, fridge, stove, paved parking. TV outlet For information Calj 723-2563. FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT Downtown location,' $80 monthly, heat, water, newly decorated, two bedrooms, large living room, self-con- tained, stove, fridge Dial 723-4523. After 6 apart- EXCELLENT LOCATION NEW 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW Vicinity of Schools $95 MONTHLY. Also 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT ADELAIDE AND PARK $95 MONTHLY Oshawa's Finest PARK LANE APTS. BACHELOR SUITES 1 BEDROOM SUITES 2 BEDROOM SUITES --Elevator Service --Private Balcony --Paved Parking --Cortrolled Entrances Contact MR. DON HOWE Howe & Peters, Realtors 723-9692 evenings 725-7732 or 544 or 723-3398 or 728-| Telephone 725-5346 9654. John A, J, Bolahood Ltd., Realtor.|MODERN two - ~three-room refrigerator, stove, dryer, parking, large lot. Telephone/THREE-ROOM apartment on Warren ae | stove and refrigerator, suit gentlemang central. Telephone 723-9225. FURNISHED bedroom in private home, continuous hot water, near King and Ritson, parking available. Abstainers jonly. Apply 31 Rowe Street, Oshawa. ome, opposite GM 58 Kenneth 'bedroom apartment,| TV outlet, Sarage. Apply 349 THREE-ROOM basement : $40 monthly, near Shopping re. feats teaivies ieee 728-5796 for further informa-| street. 723-2357. i ONE large furnished room, , lights and water, light housekeeping. Kitchen with sink. Telephone 723-3078, TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, bedroom ard kitchen, with refrigerator jand sink. Parking space. Apply 313 |French eet. NICEL rnished bedroom, in warm, jclean home, suit refined gentleman, central, board optional. Abstainers, Telephone 725-3879. ACCOMMODATION for senior person in Pickering Village. House modern, warm and central. Reasonable. Tele- phone WH 2-1645 or write Box 167, Pick. jering. ° {Avenue, private, TV outlet, parking, $70 jor $95 with furniture. Telephone 728-1203 |DUPLEX, tree rooms fully equipped. |Stove, refrigerator, broadioom. $78 \monthly. Adults, Telephone 725-2395. | ONE BEDROOM | Apartment with all facilities | Close to bus, stores and | churches. Being decorated now. Apply LOGUE APARTMENTS 795 King St. East 723-9292 LARGE. housekeeping room, private entrance on main floor. Apply 218 Street, Telephone 728-5253, | AVAILABLE NOW-- | | ATTRACTIVELY MODERN APARTMENTS | FURNISHED ROOMS Stove, frig., laundry facili- | ties, locker, T.V. outlet, low | Available in private home. rental. Call Call between 5 and 7 p.m. MO 8-3092 82 PARK ROAD N or fae n Rd., A : 101 Craydon R pt 728-8671 _ WHITBY CLASSIFIED SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Walter Ward, }204 Chestnut Street West. Phone MO 8-2563 5 FOR RENT: Newly decorated two bed- room apartment, garage and garden. $75 monthly. MO 8-2180, MO 8-5078. FOR RENT: Two rooms, self contained |SKATE .EXCHANGE, good skates at unfurnished apartment, ground floor,/a 'ow price. Mid-town, furniture, 111 central. Phone evenings MO 8-2503. |Brock St. Whitby MO 8.4981, FOR RENT, one modern two bedroom|FOR RENT, four room apartment, japartment, private entrance, paved | central location. large yard, heat, light |parking, laundry dryer, $80 monthly. | 70 water, $65 monthly. Telephone Telephone 728-2633. i abe --|FOR RENT: One comfortably furnished FOR RENT comfortable bright furnish- housekeeping room, suitable for gir! reasonable, telephone MO or gentleman, Available December 6. ETON Gree Nee af Apply 305 Perry Street. MO 8-4470. |rok RENT -- Three room ment, |FOR RENT: Three room apartment, Private entrance, heated, accommodate |233 Palace Street, Whitby; stove, re-ithree. One block from main corner, frigerator, kitchen set. Telephone MO 8-2861, 135 Byron Street South, 72 2, Oshawa, Whitby. Ris heeciecdibhies sis ie | eee a oF Ym 6 son Seal! WANTED: used hand motor for Black ae nagorie Sonica. Apuly See rove and Decker valve reseater, Not neces- |Street North, Whitby or telephone MO |*Tily working order. After five p.m, \g-2784, feall MBSA es lz * er % REPAIRS, watches, clocks and jewel- and. clean, Would suit. gentleman, ab-|/€#¥. 24 hour service, $5 years in watch- | felephone MO 8-2957. |making business, all work guaranteed. eseconbeln eat sat Midtown Furniture, 111 Brock Street | SKATE exchange, Also new and used/North, Whitby. MO 8-4981, |bikes, tricycles and skates. WilsonloxRoom apartment, $40 monthly. \C; cle and Sales, 106 Colborne Street Heavy wiring, all conveniences for jE MO 8-3746. Dawei pe |gracious living. Telephone 725-5004 for |NINE-ROOM house for rent, Oil heat- | appointments. jed. Immediate possession. Apply 214/hoR saLE: "Good choice of nursery jDundas Street East, Whitby, or tele-/2rown Christmas trees, Scotch pine and phone MO 8-322000 |spruce. Apply 814 Byron Street North, RENTING: One and two bedroom | Whitby. Free delivery. apartment suites from $80; spacious.|WaNTED -- 1,000 pairs good used |modern; range, refrigerator and drapes. | skates. Midtown Furniture, 111 Brock jTelephone MO 84775. | Street North, Whitby, MO 8-4981. WANTED: Young gentlemen to room'/FOR SALE: Westinghouse automatie and board. TV, home privileges. Tele-|washer, rebuilt and guaranteed. Must phone MO 8-2367. sell. $100. MO 8-3889, FOR RENT: Two bedrooms, kitchen| PEOPLE WHO need your Services are and sitting room, private bathroom,|turning to the Oshawa Times Classified heated. Apartments available now. Ap-| Section everyday. Tell them about your jPly at 610 Dundas St. West, Apt. 1. firm with an inexpensive Classified Ad. FOR RENT: Three room apartment on|Dial 723-3492 now. Cochrane Street, $65 monthly; heavy ATTENTION HUNTERS duty wiring, heated, built-in cupboards; parking. Telephone MO 8-8435. | We rent: Canoes, Car Top Boats, Shot Guns, Decoys, STUDENTS! A super value, approxi-| Cabin Trailers, also Power Tools, Garden. and Lawn |mately 630 sheets of letter size typing| Equipment. MO 8-3226. WILDE RENTAL jpaper (news print) for only $1 "4 SERVICE & SALES, WHITBY Apply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby, FOR RENT 111 Dundas Street West, ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APTS. |THREE bedroom unfurnished apart-| $85 - $100 ment, central location in Whitby. Apply! |272 Ritson Road South or telephone 725-1841 | In modern building, stoves, fridges, laundry facilities, 725- [ate SSMAKING, suils, coats, dresses,| One month rent free to re- liable tenants alterations, slip covers. Gowns and fit-| MO 8-359] '20m, jtings our specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO; |8-2372. | | FOR RENT Chain saws, power tools, boat, box and cabin trailers. For Sale -- Scoteh Pine Christmas Trees WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES WHITBY MO 8-322