10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 30, 1961 GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES OSHAWA LIONETTES The November meeting of the| founding and significance of the}McCallum, Alexandra street. Oshawa Lionettes was held atjIonian community. She showed; The president, Mrs. Simcoe Hall. Robert Schoeman presided. to the islands; was welcomed by those present.|the cornerstone of the new|amount had been realized at the Following the monthly reports} Westmount Church camé. Mrs. Wilfred Britton, Ways and e p 1 Means Convener, reported that/bazaar being held on Decem-|officers remain in office for the} was most successful, she thenjcided that the December meet- requested toys and children's|ing should begin with a pot luck'on January 26, 1962 at the home| clothing for a rummage sale to! S¥Pper. of Mrs. Austin gg Bo tas 2 ildi jandra street, when the annua Friday afternoon, December | qyeARDENT WORKERS _ pot luck supper will be held. | y ' '| The Ardent Workers of King; theme, "'All a rummage sale held in October|ber 6 at 2 o'clock. It was de-|coming year 1962. Mrs. Mrs. Herbert Basley led in the|vened the Bazaar stated that worship service following thejover $500 gross was taken in Willing Service."|and a detailed accounting would \peaedianabied calls were report-|be given at the December meet- Christianity to Scotland and the{cently at the home of Mrs. F. N. |ed. ing. Mrs. James Kraemer the A pot luck supper for all the|treasurer reported a substantial Mention was made of thelcided that the present. slate of| wood, December 12, at 6 p.m. ~ ponethoeafaye Pr 6 supplied with winter coats and The next meeting will be held|Bruce Byrnes and Mrs. Disney.|Je8"S and two are to be sup- St. GERTRUDE'S CWL L. §.|WA groups to be held Decem-|bank balance. President Mrs.|slides she had taken on a visit|Brash presided. The treasurer's|ber 6, at 6,30 p.m. at North- showing the|report given by Mrs. D. J.|minster United Church, was Guest Mrs. Robert Tumey|Cathedral of Iona from which|Crothers, showed a substantial] announced. siae : The next meeting is to be in soy ie fall rummage sale. It was de-|the form of a dinner at Sandal-|Two needy families were visited Reports were heard from the |following conveners:- Mrs, John Adams - welfare. and supplied with food and clothing. Also six children were plied with shoes. Mrs. Angus Neil - membership. The present Mrs. Walter Branch presided|membership is now up to 108 Catholic jat the November meeting of St.|and the following will be assist- per on Decembe this committee will be held on|accepted for the Infants' Care Dept., beginning Sunday, No- Mrs. Branch announced that|vember 26. Members were re- a speaker 'from the Board of|minded of the WA quarterly. Health will be present at the!Pot luck dinner, Wednesday, No- January meeting to instruct on|vember 29. the proper method of food hand-| The ling. Also the December meeting |brought in the following slate of will be held in the form of ajofficers for 1962 r 6.| Mrs. Robert McLeod; vice-pres- nominating committee President, ijent, Mrs. Howard Toaze; treas- by Mrs. Cleo. Oullette and her|urer, Mrs. Kenneth Cowan; re- her committee, at which time|porting secretary, Mrs. Norman the welfare draw was made and|Eddy; corresponding secretary, the winner was Mrs. Angus Neil.|Mrs. Fred Parrish; press report- ASTRA GROUP The regular meeting of the Astra group of the WA of Sim-lert Bell coe United Church was recent- : er, Mrs. Robert Currie; card convener, Mrs. Brian Durance; Friendship convener, Mrs. Rob- Group leaders will be Mrs. ies Bihert Schoeman Refreshments were served by|Gertrude's Women's|ing Mrs. Neil in the future:|jy held at the home of Mrs. reported attending commence- Street United Church held its)yys. §. T. Hopkins and Mrs. League held recently in the Mrs, Michael Rudka, Mrs. Ro-|1oward Toaze. ment exercises at Donevan Col- meeting in the form of a pot-| Angus MacDonald, co-hostesses!Parish Hall. bert Desrochers, Mrs. Vincent Walter Roe, Mrs. Jack Peeling and Mrs. Alan Canning. A tet Sag: Mrs. Robert Curri ided. luck supper with. Mrs. Ewart) with Mrs. J. J. Burns. | The Reverend John Myers|Kelly and Mrs. John Bathe. {y4,..° Nicholas Guanine tye a Pigg cae pag ese pod legiate_ where she presented| Clemence presenting a story on i isi | i i : Larry Williams with the Lion-| «silent Night" which started on) #RCAFA LADIES' AUX. ena a kg rengh oe wad ae ee ' edu-'the minutes and Mrs. Robert at the home of Mrs. Robert a sad note and became part of| The regular meeting of the vio ie e hope that they|cation. The following will be|lHess gave the treasurer's re-| McLeod. ette bursary. . si n F 2 7 ; would join the League. He also oye 5 Fi : Four members were asked to| Christian Heritage, also the his-|Royal Canadian Air Force Asso- a aabencad that Ars pide assisting Mrs. Sheridan: Mrs.'port. Refreshments were served by . Mrs. Stanley Swartman read|Mrs. Howard Toaze's group. help staff the Tuck Shop at|tory of the group and a poem,|ciaiion Ladies' Auxiliary wasinoonan will be liaison officer|John Poltz, Mrs. Frank Baron, : Hillsdale Manor Thursday De-|"Our Group'. held recently at the club rooms.|for the Brownies who are spon-|Mrs. Alex. Borovsky, Mrs, |the scripture and Mrs. Howard cember 28. Mr. Donald Allman sang two} Mrs. Wayne Paterson, presi-|oreq by the League. He began|Frank Flynn, Mrs. Gordon Wil-|10aze read two poems. TRIBAL CUSTOM : instructions on the Dialogue|son, Mrs. James Kraemer, Mrs.| Mrs. Alan Canning has charge} The Acholl Negro tribe of the Mrs. Rufus Lambert and Mrs. | Solos, "Without a Song' andjdent, opened the meeting with lJack Anderson served refresh.| the Altar of Prayer' accom-ja prayer. Mass. George Bogaard and Mrs. C.\of the chocolate drive beginning|upper Nile valley decorate their Mrs. Ivan Taylor who con-/S. Cunningham. A meeting for;November 27. Volunteers werelfaces with wavy or zigzag lines, A jpanied by Miss Hazel Rundle. The minutes were read by| eeaneunas goe9 held by the|""Mrs. Louella Stevens gave a|Mrs. A. D. McGillivray follow- j gee jrecitation, "The Courts of|ed by the treasurer's report by | Plans were finalized for a) Heaven". Mes, N. K. Johnson: z ieurisunes party to be Bald) Devotional period was in| A baby doll is to be dressed |December 13 at the home Of] arse of Mrs. Wilfred Harris,\for the Christmas draw and a |Mrs. Rufus Lambert. lwho gave as her theme the|candy wrapping session for the | Refreshments were served byi Christmas Story with Mrs.|children's Christmas party is to a Joshua Kinsey giving a reading/take place December 15. WESTMOUNT WA |\"The Prophecy and Fulfill-| Plans were then made for a | At the November meeting of ™ent". white elephant sale which is to nua |\the Woman's Association of} Mrs. John Booth donated ajtake place at the January meet- MR. AND MRS. HAROLD AYLESWORTH {Westmount United Church Mrs.|Bible to be sed by lie Bron. ink. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 'QUALITY' GIFT FEATURES Friday and Saturday Only Here are 3 of the most popular gift items carefully as- 4 . B. Jackson read a poem:Mrs. H. R. Bond gave two read-| Refreshments were served by| --Oshawa Times Photo |"Shut the door of the past" |ings, "The Approach of Christ-\mMrs, Em. S. Davidson and Mrs.' ® a \jfollowed by the Lord's Prayer,|mas" and "Snooping Round". |p. Cc. Heard. : | Surprise Party and Presentatio Mrs. Alfred Fursey led the de-| Secretary and treasurer's re-| The next meeting will be held| votions reading the scripture] ports were read by Mrs. Frankjon January 24, 1962. | . . > from Romans 12. Mrs. Harold} James and Mrs. William Ward.| AMITY GROUP | mii. " j + a a I x On Silver Wedding Anniversary P2rn' sso; tee ms) santa claus arvved, and s+) aye Aumty oraup ot North ee see 6 H piano by Mrs. Frank Ward, | tributed PIOvENis: WO. Hitt, minster United Church met re- A surprise supper party at-|Chicago for the anniversary,| Mrs. Alfred Fursey read a letter) MARGARET HART GROUP (cently at the home of Mrs.| tended by about eighty relatives|and William and Judith at by Dr. Helen Hewston, telling! The November meeting of the|R. S. Disney with 19 members| oe en boos held St.|home. of her missionary work in India.|Margaret Hart Group of the|and two visitors present. Mrs. sage Bie Hall, Bloor street east,). Other guests were present! Mrs, Frank Ward spoke on|Women's Guild of St. George's|Sandford Perry presided. on Saturday night in honor of| St. Colomba and his bringing: Memorial Church was held re-| Mrs, Robert Galbraith and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Avion oon Witty. worth who were celebrating| ¢ their silver wedding anniver-| ppg gagaBOBEBEBESABABEBETEBESHSEBEEBEBEBEBEBESESEBABABABESABABABEB ABIBIBIBABEBIBEBABABABE & The party. was arranged by) Mrs. Emil Hanowski and Mr. Edward Northcott, Mrs. Ayles- worth's father, who proposed the toast to the couple and pre- sented them with 25 silver dol- lars on a silver salver on be- half of those present. Mrs. Aylesworth is the for- mer Kathleen Northcott, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Northcott and Mr. Aylesworth is the. son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Aylesworth, all of Osh- awa, and present at the party. Also. attending were the bridesmaid, Mrs. Gladys Mor- rison, and the best man, Mr. jorman Wetherup, who took t in the ceremony in Centre Street United Church 25 years ago Mr. and Mrs. Aylesworth's family consists of two sons and a daughter: Mr. Harold Ayles- worth, Jr., who came from f S for Christmas sembled by Dover's for Pre-Christmas selling at special prices. Bear in mind this is brand new stock from the GIFTS FOR THE HOME? Perhaps our illustrated brass chaf- finest Canadian and English makers - Every item worthy of the Dover gift box it will come in -- A gift good enough for any man on your list. Sport Cnt The newest in styles, fabrcis and colors ing dish at $35.00 - woodenware, stainless steel, crystal, china, pot- Light, Savory Salmon Fondue Here's a recipe that should} please both souffle fans and those cooks who've not been too successful with their previous attempts at preparing the tem- peramental treat. It's actually a type of fondue and has all the delicate, airy qualities asso- ciated with souffles. However, the bread crumb base gives the mixture stability that many _soufflees lack--insurance against falling should dinner have to wait a bit for late- comers. Canned salmon is the featured ingredient with lemon juice, mustard and cheese pro- viding flavor accents SALMON FONDUE 2 cups canned salmon (1, 1-lb. can) Light cream or top milk 3 slices day-old bread 1 teaspoon lemon juice %4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon prepared mustard Dash of cayenne pepper 1 cup shredded sharp cheddar eese ery, TV tables, lamps, and innum- erable unusual items. are in this choice group of Sport Shirts. There is a shirt here to suit and fit any man on your gift list. Sizes Small, med- ium, large and XL, 4.1 PERSONAL GIFTS ? Like our illustrated brocade bag with com- REG. TO 6.95 ABIBABABABABIBABABIBABIBABABABABABABABABABSBABABABABABABABABABABABaBABaBaBss pact, lipstick holder, and comb... all pric- ed at 3.50. Smoking items, purses, wallets, dresser sets, jewellery, all from 1.00 up. PBABIBABABABABABABABAS gp'8 FBABIBAIPABABABIBABIBaBaBasaBasasaBasasabanap IBIBABIBaBassnanapasas , Separated rain liquid from salmon; add enough light cream or top milk TIES ALL SILK and SILK WARP SOCKS MADE IN ENGLAND OF to make one cup. Tear bread into fine crumbs. Add salmon liguid-cream mixture and lemon juice, salt, mustard and cay- enne. Place over low heat, stir to blend. Add cheese; stir until cheese is melted. Remove from heat; add unbeaten egg yolks, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Stir in flaked sal- mon. Beat egg whites until stiff; | foid in salmon mixture. Care- fully pile into greased 6 or -8- cup baking dish. Bake in pre- heated hot oven, 425 deg. F., 30 minutes or until puffy and rown, Makes 4 to 6 servings. PURE BOTANY WOOLS Made by 1. & R. Morley in neat patterns and good shades --just arrived from England --Sizes 10 to 13. Reg. 1.50 | * | Ae ; A really good selection of all a if , Reg. 2.00 and 2.50 || ae . e ANYTHING YOU WISH MAY BE PURCHASED BY CASH, CHARGE AC- & COUNT, OR BUDGET TERMS TO SUIT YOU. S . ¢ E silks or silk warps in rics pat- terns and fabrics. ALL GIFTS BOXED IN THE EXCLUSIVE BIRKS STYLE TAKE YOUR CHOICE 3 FOR 3.50 ALL FRESH, NEW MERCHANDISE --___ : THIS IS NOT A GLEARANCE A 5 WE'LL BE GLAD TO PUT THESE "QUALITY" FEATURES IN A REGULAR DOVER GIFT BOX OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE iInnanagasapasapasasasasasasa BABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABEBABABABNABABA BABABABABABABABABABABABaBas FRESH-BREWED FLAVOUR | ; Of course, you may ex- : change these gifts be- 725-3511 , fore or after Christmas, -- 1919 ----'" : OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE JIBEBARABABABABABABABAREBABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABIBABABABABABABABEBEL ' Sores Ms Se Ns Ree Ns Na te ee Pisin The WitwwwwL eLe aia iatiatiae ae osc BIRKS JEWELLERS a a o & © o aa) & pa) G fea) o o G ra) o faa] ive) © a ce o fm | a ' : G | q n ive) © oe a] o rea) & res) ioe) bea] & re) ive) fe) ie] rea] o 2 rer) © o ra} ao fa) roe] ran) o is*}