14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, We dnesdey, November 29, 1961 THERE'LL BE A star-stud- ded cast ready and waiting on Christmas morning for home movie story. The cast, the set and location are al- ways in focus -- from a few Observe your S e In Pi 2 Smokin jand pipe knives, as well as new jtobacco blends and many other There's a spirit of peace and smoking contentment in pipe smoking And at Christmas, the new pipe is usually one of the first gifts a man uses, once he's openec his packages According the Pipe and Tobacco Council, tastes and buying habits of the pipe smok ers are undergoing small changes Now, men seem to prefer a set of two pipes, enabling a change of pipes after each smoke. Many new two pipe sets are now available; each pipe different in shape and style There are some changes in tobacco tastes also. Often the woman of the house prefers the male to smoke an aromatic blend. Young smokers also pre- fer aromatic smoking tobaccos. Dad or grandad may enjoy the heavier blends Ideal gifts for the young pipe smoker or new pipe smoker, are combination packages of smok- ing tobacco. New smokers like to experiment. The - blending kits or combination packages of to wea 6, y THE ot A handsome oddition to an finish. Complete with m brush and poker SRL PEDERSON G PERFECT GIFT BROOKS FIRE SCREEN thot requires Fireploce Equipment! Smart black and shimmering bross LONDON -- One of the tradi- tional features of the English Christmas is the ringing out of) the bells from church towers on the morning of the festive day, to summon the people to wor- ship as their first act of observ- jance of the anniversary of the birth of Christ. After all the} preparations for Christmas day have been completed, there will be a large group of people who will be rising early on that morning and wending their way }to the bell-towers to. take 'ir part in this traditional ceremony They will be the members of the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers, who are experts in ringing the changes on the jancient bells which in many cases have reposed .in 'their towers and been rung for cent uries. OVER 5000 TOWERS The latest figures assembled by the Council of Church Bell |Ringers show that there are 5422 bell towers in the British Isles From most of these, starting at exactly 7:30 a.m. on Christmas morning, the bells will peal out the glad tidings of great joy. From the towers on hilltops, from the spires of ancient towns and the graceful domes of Cathedrals, will come the chant of the bell changes which go by such names as feet to infinity with this simple aim-and-shoot Brownie 8 movie camera. In full color or black and white with its cast of stars, you'll screen a real hit for many years to come Changes show you the proper shape and style to fit your pipe smoker Once you purchase a pipe there are many other gifts you can choose from for other spe- cial occasions. These include humidors, pipe racks, reamers accessories which are useful tobacco thus enablejand most welcomed by the pipe 'them to mix or blend to suit)smoker. heir taste for adventure According to the Council the 18,000,000 pipe smokers in the} United States own an average of three pipes each, many of which are purchased by women at Christmas Pipe «smokers always welcome another pipe for their collections The Council offers this ad-| for Christmas pipe shop pers | Buy name brands or combi-} nation packages of and smoking tobacco from reli- able drug chain, supermarket department store tobacco department When purchasing a pipe, con- sider the man's taste in cloth- ing and his interests. If he is a sportsman -- purchase a sand- blasted bowl. If he reads a lot, buy him a calabash, which is comfortable for the reader and student. For a taller, thin- faced individual, buy a Cana- dian shape A stout pipe smoker would use a pear or apple shaped pipe. Let the clerk vice pipes a tobacconist (tige See ther LES EVENISS SALES. re tho COMPLETE WITH POKER & BRUSH 9.95 y hone LEE ENE MEE SS GLE BE MEE EEE SL MEE IE atching You'll See The Finest Selection of FIREPLACE EQUIPMENT You've Ever Viewed At LES EVENISS SALES @ FIRE SCREENS @ ANDIRONS @ WOOD OR COALG @ STANDING FIRE SETS and BURNING LO that look so reolis the w A ov FLUSH and . FACE MOUNT SCREEN AS +. Penman) ay * ae >. --- RATES td SES from IN VOSOS W DIA e CUSTOM MADE [A Small Deposit Will Hol. id Your Order Till Christmas. "Where Satisfact LES EVENISS SALES } 15 PRINCE ST. ion Is Guaranteed" EELS AA PHONE 725-4632 ad Bells Tradition In British Yule NOW browse around to see our stores in all their Christmas finery . to decorate your home with a tasteful Christmas centerpiece or mantel ar- . . You can make your home say 'WELCOME' with one of our bright cheery door-knockers and you yourself will feel right in the spirit of things with a seasonal Christmas cor- sage and we have so many to choose rangement Grandsire Triples, Bob Majors,| Sted, an Cinques and Dragon Majors. These names all have a special meaning for the bell- ringer. FOURTH GENERATION At Crayford in Kent, FE. A Barnetta and his family will all walk to the Lith century church to perpetuate a_ long-standing tradition. His 17-year-old dau- ghter represents the fourth gen- eration of a bell-ringing herit- age. He is the secretary of the General Council of Church Bell- ringers, and he and his family will join in pealing out the Christmas message. Bell-ringing is one of the old surviving folk arts. It takes years of training and practice to master it. Even the bare rudiments of bell-ringing take 12 months to acquire, and it takes five years to have the skill to tackle a complex peal of 5000 changes. RUNG FROM MEMORY The mathematics of change ringing involve a_ prodigious feat of memory. The course of the bells through their journey in complex paths can only be mastered by those whose mem ories are keen and sharp Already the bell-ringers are quietly preparing for the tasks which will be theirs on Christ mas Day. Teams have been as sembling in the towers to go over again and again some in tricate' exercise On Christmas morning, the towers will be closed, the shut ters barred, and while the resi of the world celebrates the re birth of a glorious day, the tuneful clappers will sound out a song of their own. Their mes- sage will be echoed around every fireside in the country -- a joyous Christmas to all. Concert model can be played it with music" when they say | by sight by anyone who can "Merry Christmas" this year. | read, because the keys are A gift of an electric organ is | numbered and the chords let one that the entire family will | tered to correspond with spe- enjoy for years to come. This ' cially written music books MANY FAMILIES will 'say | KINNICK SAYS .. .IT PAYS TO BE WELL-GROOMED Kinnick to toke ao few minutes ou Joe YOU, of your busy doy to relax in com personally (* plete comfort in his modern and comfortable equipment, while he the finest hoircut in gives you Oshawa "> MS \., Quality Service & a" is our business. -- TIVOL] BARBER SHOP 11 BOND STR'":T EAST } R. B. REED & SO "Oshawa's Leading Florists' is the time to come in and . Plan now Express the joyful Spirit of Christmas with a Gift of potted Poinsettias . This year Poinsettias will be at their best ever . . . A wonderful selection from 1.50 through §,00 up to 10.00. Send the someone you love a Christmas Plant .. . ee our Cyclamen. Azaleas, Poinsettias all in wonderful bloom from 3.00 through 4.00 and 5.00 up to 15.00, Beautiful Floral Arrangements add to the beauty of a home 'mums with Carnations pps ac Wc Ba ae Be Res # Whether near or far # your Christmas Gift of # Flowers will express your thoughtfulness to your loved ones. Ss Nae Mog ee Sa tc ie te Bt Bi Bh BR: | ee rity i hy eh _ Colorful and Canadian Holly make a beautiful gift for that certain person. Bowl arrangements range in price from 5.00 on through 7.00 and 8.00 up to 10.00 and 12.00. Our tradition for Holiday times, a lovely box of assorted fresh flowers and greens . 'mums, | carnations or roses any of these can be com- bined in a box for a gracious gift at our special holiday price of 5.00. R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS 1042 KING W, 725-1131 & 163 BLOOR WEST 725-2512 -- OSHAWA "Next Time Try Us for Satisfaction and Service'! {simplesi Uouc lFor example, a few decorated green boughs strategically s Pictures Can Become Cards jplaced -- can suggest an entire Christmas tree Remember, A Christmas card can be like color pictures are particularly a gift -- cherished long after °ffective for Christmas cards, the holiday season is over, For Take your favorite snapshot, a more intimate greeting, your,4nd its negative to your photo- own photography helps makejfinisher. Select a suitable card your holiday message original|finisher. Select a suitable card and distinctive. from his varied assortment of There's still time to take Photo greeting designs, ranging pictures for your greeting; |{rom smart slim-line cards to snapshots need not be elabor- deluxe folders. Let your Photo- | ate nor even seasonal. They finisher handle the details. | can cover home, hobbies, fam-, | ily or pets. SOUTHERN LAKE Try for wunposed pictures. Lake Nicaragua, covering When photographing the fam-,3,090 square miles in the Cen- ily, have them concentrate on|tral American republic, is the something other than yourjlargest lake between the Great camera, If you want a prop, the|Lakes and Peru. "FLOPSIE" baby doll is wonderfully life-like, thanks to the use of plastic, recreating the floppy arms and legs of real infants, to the delight of little mothers MORRISON'S | THE TIME IS Christmas. Whatever the gift . . nylons to fine furs! @ Lady Anne ANTRON PULLOVER and CARDIGANS A BIG SELECTION OF HOUSE COATS, ?, SWEATERS, LANSEA Pullovers and Cardigans ced trorr 8.95 PLAIN, PLAID or PATTERNED SLIMS frorr PETITE SIZES. LINGERIE. Boby Doll, slips, pant etc. Price from COLORFUL CAR COA warmly lined. From A BIG SELECTION OF DRESSES, NEAR Tho Gifts Are Hone Morrison's offer so many exciting ways to say Merry . whoever the Gal... you'll find that your gift from Morrison's with suit her perfectly. Wonderful gifts from 1.00 to 1,000.00 ,. . from S 3.98 .. 5.98 3.98 .. 16.98 10.95 12.95 SKIRTS and SLIMS in A WONDERFUL SELECTION OF ies, nightgowns Muskrat Back Jackets DYED DYED, MINK TRIMMED Persian Lamb Jackets Give Her A Fine tui | Muskrat Flank Jackets Reg. $298 SPECIAL $198 $129 *Specia. S290 Reg. $198 SPECIAL NYLON PAIR WITH ANY ¥ PURCHASE PARTYING MOOD... Choose from brocades, 'organzas, silks, every one simply charming ! Designed to assure the success of many an enchanted evening. From $19.95 to $35.00 48 SIMCOE ST. N. HOSE 1.00 USE YOUR CREDIT @ OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT ® NO CARRYING CHARGES YOU'LL FIND THE PERFECT GIFT FOR HER AT. Morrisons ~~ OSHAWA'S Newes! & Smartest LADIES WEAR STORE PHONE 725-6312 "Opposite The Armouries"" bi