~ i iad i i ie ee ee a 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 29, 1961 sini Economist Says| Canada Request Drug Field Not 'eae I Fat ne To Back Britain OTTAWA (CP) -- A Queen's He said his party's program} University economist said Tues-|Diefenbaker government shouldjof free enterprise has played a} day the lack of new companies|make the best accommodation|major part in stimulating Ca-| rushing into the pharmaceuti-|possible with Britain's entry|nadian economic growth and de-| cal drug manufacturing field in-jinto the European Com mon)velopment, even in the face of| dicates the industry is not a/Market rather than adopt a ne-|recession. He referred to party | "fat geese ready for plucking." |gative attitude, Paul Martin,|policy dealing with the opening} Dr. Brian Dixon, assistant|Liberal member of Parliament/of the Canadian North, develop-| professor of commerce and bus-|for Essex East, said Tuesday. |ment of national unity through iness administration, said some} wr, Martin was addressing a|Special grants and expansion of| large companies which poten-|meeting sponsored by the Uni-|@tional development. | tially are capable of manufac-|versity of Western Ontario Lib-| He said the promises of the! turing drugs are not finding itleral Club. His speech followed|Liberal party are "'a bit late."'| advantageous to do so. He fore-|one by Health Minister J. Waldo|The New Democratic Party was| cast a relative decline over the/Monteith, invited by Westerri|a party which had remained si-| next decade in the rate Of| progressive Conservatives. lent on "the really important growth of the industry. A proposed debate between|eccnomic step"--national health) He was testifying at the final/yr Martin and Mr. Monteith|and retirement plans. public sessions of a restrictive/failed to materialize. Mr. Mar-|-- | trade oe ee - tin said he wanted to particip- 2 | quiry into whether a monopol- c of views M W ] istic situation exists in relation vod p lisak psa vote gg My iners e come jto the manufacture, sale and|was notified only four days ago jdistribution of . 1 ssi pharmaceutical of the debate and had already News On Silver '. ' prepared notes for a speech Dr. Dixon said one or two TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian tint : Mr. Martin said the prime jchemica! and food firms on the| minister and members of his silver-mining men Tuesday wel-| \fringes of the drug industry had ¥ cabinet have expressed conflict--comed news that President| started AORIBIEACHUNINS drugs but|ing views on Britain's proposed| Kennedy has ordered the United| jrecently there had been few| move. The Common Market was|States treasury 'department to jnewcomers in the field. In his|ocsential to the economic unity|suspend sales of government | jopinion, any company starting|o¢ European countries that is|free silver. | "al cng ier niga wanted' required to meet the economic, Allan Anderson, president of] fo see a possibility of "striking |aspression of the Communist) United Keno Hill Mines Limited, it rich. \world. one of the world's lar \CITES CHANGE ms pee producers, said he was happy | We said the pharmaceutical SAYS PLEDGES UNFILLED at the U.S. move, although he |drug industry is dynamic and| | He Seewstconceoeh ee poor promi' felt it had been expected "for . |not static and its entire char-|tive gover t's record as one some time." Legare, rector of the univer- \o ter has changed in the last . age! Abana see the) «Phis will not have any effect sity. hegot 15 years. bulk of hice than 300 cam- on us," he said, "except in the --(CP Wirephoto) |" Discussing competition, he|P2ign promises remain unfil- .ornings department." (Expec- said it is obvious that not al}| filled. ' : ae tations in some mining quarters [drug companies are competing| Earlier, Mr. Monteith said the| a that the price of silver will DEATHS with every other firm: in ave coe has aan a - jump about 10 cents an ounce.) jprocuct. However, there WAN attri aromists On patiangt The announcement came after By THE CANADIAN PRESS |°PPortunity and some compan-|ie cionment it made before the the close of the Toronto and HONORARY DOCTORATE President Arturo Frondizi | at a special University of with new of Argentina (right) received | Ottawa convocation Tuesday. an honorary doctorate of laws | He. chats with Rev. Henri $7500 Fine For e $ Halifax -- Charles Frederick|\¢S possessed the potential tol has fede sale Montreal stock exchanges, but 'Racket Tactics Fraser, 50, an economic con- ee iy the field so bnieni hese sedate at Vancouver sharply higher, sultant with the Canadian Pa-|""1 Hixon said it is difficult |prices were reported on several a _ |cifie Railway in Montreal and|, nia an Se be 1 ta 'Stud t L | Silver-mining stocks. TORONTO (CP)--A fine of,a similar charge. An injunction| former managing editor of the /°*,# '@tse company manutac-| en S @am Oe a | $7,500 or six months' imprison-|restraining the association from|old Halifax Chronicle. turing many items to evaluate! | FISH SNIFFERS | ment was imposed Tuesday on|continuing its policy was issued| Belfast, Ireland--Dr. Charles the true cost of any single prod-| Ab t li | HULL, England (CP) -- Aj Clarence William Dent, formerjat that time and was applied to|/Ryle Fay, 77, British economic) "Ct. ae only genuine gauge ou 1quor trawler owners' association has president of the Electrical Con-|Dent Tuesday. jhistorian and former professor|"*S the profit and loss sheet of lhired three trained sniffers tol tractors' Association of Ontario,| "This was not a mere com-jat the University of Toronto, |'he.companies. over all opera-) TORONTO (CP) -- A study|smell cod landed at this York-| for conspiring to reduce compe-|bine to fix prices," Mr. Justice) Ottawa--Dr. Jean Marie La-|"Ors. ., .. (guide to alcoholism to teach) shire port. The idea is to dis-| tition in the electrical equip-|Ferguson said. "It was much|framboise, 74, one-time alder-|, He likened the situation| students about liquor has been) card fish that might be bad by) ment industry in the province.|more serious and involved an)/man and Ottawa school trustee 6 enagriagese end wing. |iseued by the Ontario depart-|the time it reaches the house- Mr. Justice R. I. Ferguson|@trangement in which the ac-|and prominent in Cana-| rent cites aes rid =f 4 ment of education. wife, | described Dent's actions as\CUSed was the moving spirit." dian medical circles; after aj.""". ° § Muctuated widely); The guide isa booklet pre-|---- rst 2 A in price, thus making it impos-|nared for the department by ) ° "sinister and threatening" and/crpes AIM a rege Raid James Sible to ascertain the real cost. ke Aincucliam wad tone Addic-| What NY Wrong With san Wah ar Was donp verges of! "the judge said the scheme Milligan "33 "aes at Cuaadas PIPE aR aS Ev eeu \tion Research Foundation of On-| '. the tactics used by racketeers!-was designed to withhold alll best known baritones, of a heart tario Modern Courtshi ? pe hae business from the contractors | condition. ie Parks Program | Statistics included in the D: Dent pleaded guilty Monday.|who did not conform to the as-| Halifax -- Miss Edith Bauld, lbooklet show that 2,500,000 of, Are marriages "arranged" only He was given a month to pay/sociation's wishes, which in fact 75, of Halifax, who was Mari- Ontario's population of 3,600,000| in the Eastern World? If you the fine. were Dent's wishes. time women's golf champion 12 Is Successtul drink and 85,000 are alcoholics.| share this belief with our young A similar fine was imposed| "Those involved an effort to) times between 1920 and 1935. ' The guide says many differ-| people, read about modern on the association in June, 1960,|cripple anyone who came from| Falmouth, England--Lt. - Col.. TORONTO (CP)--Lands andjent reasons exist for drinking or| 'dating' in December Reader's by Mr. Justice D, C. Wells on|outside by preventing union la-|sir Hugh Bateman Protheroe-|Forests Minister Spooner told/abstaining and that many dif-| Digest! There are advantages, bor to perform for him." Smith, 89, who served with Sirja conference of Ontario parks/ferent ways exist of using and) -- but also weaknesses and | Mr Justice Ferguson found) Winston Churchill, was the last/supervisors Tuesday that thejregarding liquor other than| dangers in our way of choosing | More Esca S that Dent's actions amounted to) surviving officer of the famous|Parks - for - the - people pro-|those in the student's own home|a mate. Get your Reader's | pe "a mild form of blackmail or|Qmdurman cavalry charge of/gtam has been successful to-|and among his friends. Digest today -- 41 articles of coercion which is something/1g9g in the Sudan. date. | The. booklet will be the basis) lasting interest, plus a best- From Federal which the law of this country) Montreal -- Lt, - Col. Elzear,. Mr. Spooner said some 6,215-jof talks between teachers and) selling-book condensation. ecg en gt ae |Hurtubuise, 74, Royal Canadian)\300 Rogge haga the gpd" aac of 14 years and over. 2 . s nothing to do with un-| j Co officer|ince's 79 parks this year and) a i Prisons Denied lion or the right to strike." \Garite a pak World War. |predicted that expansion of ' ~ | The charges against the as-|---- ~ highways and road _ systems OTTAWA (CP) -- Penitentiar-|sociation and Dent arose from would mean that figure will be MASONRY WALLS fes Commissioner A. J. Mac-\a federal combines report in| T bl S |surpassed in the years ahead. | Leod denied Tuesday there has|May, 1959, which accused the| rou e een "J am' especially impressed| been an increase in the number|association of attempting to fun-| . with the extraordinary increase need Mi § F. of escapes from federal prisons|nel all electrical supplies for For Canadians lin the number of campers--a & e & in the pjrovince of Quebec be-|construction jobs through elec- jump of nearly 50 per cent over MASONRY SURFACE FILLER cause of "soft treatment" of! trical contractors. } CORNWALL (CP)--Canada is|last year," the minister said. prisoners. The charges covered the pe-jin "basic, long-term trouble" in|"This indicates a need for more LACRETE ee He said in a statement that|riod from 1953 to 1959. the face of a world-wide growth|parks and more campsites." | Be. ee of the province's more than| eee \of trade groupings, Lionel Chev-| Mr. Spooner said the number} o\{ 2,000 federal prisoners, only 16 a ® rier, Liberal Commons memberjof persons making canoe trips oy scsy 40 ute, low cost combination had escaped this year. Sixty Bicroft for Montreal Laurier, said Tues-jincreased 62 per cent compared| Wells Cosily mixed 0 6 tmooth creamy Of the escapees, four were day night. jwith 1960, texture and speedily opplied with o : . from the St. Vincent de Paul] "Nothing less than progres-| Hel tes oar ee Blecen aan 1 as maximum - security prison,| Workers Back sive thinking and high courage) CHEAP LAND plate. Choose from 6 decorator pastel , _ seven walked away from the} will set us again on the path to) Alaska was purchased by the| = and white, Excellent indoors or a pmecggescnlges yn d Leclerc train-| BANCROFT (CP)--About a|progress, ° el aad agrees United States from Russia in| : in ng camp at the same prison of 225 workers laid off at Ban-|'Tansport minister 4 1867 for $7,200,000, which fig- and five more left the un-|croft Uranium Mine near here|Meeting of service clubs in this\yred out to two cents an seen: SO: BAR SANE oi FOP: Se Te guarded minimum security in-|jn September have been re-|City, which he used to represent)--- stitutions at Valleyfield and the!called, Manager J. M. Thomp-|i" Parliament. Gatineau Park. |son 'said Tuesday, trade grouping of free- Although prisons had the func- However, he said it would) World countries, including both tion of keeping in safe custody spobably. be inte December be.| britain and the United States,| thosw who were convicted by rik the mine production is back was the obvious answer for| the courts, "the penitentiaries|;, jormal Canada. | service has an equally import- Z es "'We cannot stand by and see! ant function . . . to attempt to|, A reported British contractithe tragedy of a split of the change the attitude of the in-|f0r 12,000 tons of uranium had|Atlantic community into two or mate toward society so that|not materialized and Mr.|more separate blocs. We must when he returns to the com-| Thompson said _negotiatéons|seize the initiative to convert the munity he will be better)™ight take several weeks more./Furopean movements into an| equipped to make his way in|. In the meantime Eldorado!Atlantic trading alliance." | it as a law - abiding citizen."|Mining and Refining Company| Continental Europe has be- Mr. MacLeod said there have as agreed to take uranium|come the most important trad- been reports that senior Quebec produced from Bancroft to keepiing area in the world today, Provincial Police officers had|¢™mp!oyment up. |Mr, Chevrier said. But the Chi- criticized federal and provincial] With the recall of the 60inese-Soviet trade bloc had such prisons for their lack of secur-|men, 390 of the mine's former|a capacity that it could surpass ity measures and had said po-|Staff of 555 are at work. any other trade bloc. lice had better things to do than) No milling is being carried) ---------- round up escaped convicts. out at Bancroft at present. Work FINNISH FARMERS He said that if the current|is confined to "breaking more| Finland's estimated popula- program of prisoner training is|underground." tion of 4,500,000 in 1960 included successful "the result will be| Bancroft is 50 miles northeast/41 per cent living on small that in the long run the police|of Peterborough. \farms. ' forces of Canada will have less ~~ to do by way of apprehending former offenders, for new of- fences." Federal Pamphlet Said Impractical EDMONTON (CP)--Ed Nel- J son, Alberta Farmers' i president, described as tastic' Tuesday a federal agri-|¥ culture department pamphlet designed to help farmers fight fallout in the event of nuclear attack. The Ottawa booklet says: be advised to plow the top-soil under so as to bury the fallout as deep as possible before seed- ing or planting." ih j U.S. government scientists t have said the ill effects of fall- Private pool. Skeet shoots. Outdoor dancing. Years ago Adams distilled 29 great whiskies, each with its own out would continue to contam- and entertainment. Cuisine. Fascinating ace | inate plants for years if the af- :, Club-like atmosphere. Riding ! distinctive characteristics, and then aged them in special oak casks. oe Rg eB pos _-- plowed ro Club. Golf course. Everything to Now, Adams has married these 29 rare whiskies to create the superb Mr. Nelson said most of the B ren ey NCL a! ecarme flavour of Adams Private Stock. This custom blend is-presented in its directions are so impractical|¥ , crystal decanter at a popular price. "that many farmers after read-|s ing the pamphlet are apt to «= throw their hands up inj: ; P e ~ ] poet, started a library at Port) cs. ew Royal, N.S., in 1606 by lending st pt 4 dams CUSTOM BLENDED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY , out his own books. 1 : » Located off the Atlantic Coast on the Golden Isles of Georgio--enjoy o myriad of seaside activities + +. ©¢ean bothing, fishing, booting, i Write today. Se ERS FIRST LIBRARY Mark Lescargot, lawyer and CUT FOOD COSTS EVERY DAY GLECOFF'S Supermarket 174 Ritson Rd. South, Oshawa -- Open Every Might Until 10 p.m. NEW from Heinz Piccalilli Relish. Only Red Kidney Beans in Tomato Sauce 2 ta 29° TOMATO Juice] yonceoniss 20-oz. Tins of Tomato Juice 2 tor 29° 15-0z Tomato Ketchup. Now 29° 20-oz, Tins of Beans in Tomato Sauce 2 tor 49° Kosher Dills HEINZ 32-02. 4 5 ¢€ ONLY 2 25° CHICKEN & RICE ow REG. 1.86 CARTON FOR FAMILY SIZE 22-02. REG. 1.49 SPECIAL We colectad these meale 70 please you! HERRINGS"" 3, 1.00 SHOULDERS of PORK,, 43° PORK ROASTS , 49° LEAN BUTT 2 a 1.00 COTTAGE ROLLS ,, 49° WIENERS BEEF POTROAST , 49° PORK HOCKS 4... 1.00 orm eae SUGAR" 10... 83° BREAD" 2... 37° du MAURIER """",.,, 2.99 DOZEN 40° SURF ror en peer PKG. 67° CHEESE-WHIZ""":... . 55° EVAPORATED Milk 3 "43° KRAFT DINNER 2/"" 25° PIES | Macaroni & Cheese Dish 2 * 39° Choice Fruit and Vegetables GRAPEFRUIT" 10,,. 55° CELER en gg 2 BUNCHES 35* TURNIPS FRESH, WAXED be 5¢ KOTEX 4 1.69 LISTER 125 DISH CLOTHES v2 1» 25° ! 3 0. 25° LEAN, FRESH, WITH OR WITHOUT DRESSING PORK CHOPS ee bee BONELESS ROLLED CHICKEN BACKS 4.,, 25° CARTON 20's EGGS GRADE "A" MEDIUM Twinkle Cream" "" 2», 49° TURKEY OR STEAK AND KIDNEY, 4 . 89° TOMATOES RED, RIPE seas 29° SPECIALS in our DRUGETTE, CLOTHING DRY NAIL VARNISH"** ... 19° BATTERIES SHOP AND SAVE AT GLECOFF'S Open Every Night Until 10 p.m. @ FREE Parking @ FREE City-Wide Delivery