Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 29, 1961 9 Jeffery, Mr. and Mrs. William| | \Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Percy) g ; |Walter, Mr. and Mrs. George : | |McKinstry, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril | Campbell. @9G6 , "A |Mr. and Mrs. William Murray, iMr. and. Mrs. Glenn Branton, Dr. and Mrs Gordon Adair, Mr. : and Mrs. John Stead, Mr. and Mrs. John Ovens, Mr. and Mrs. Hy : Kenneth Wooster, Mr. and Mrs. 4 4 @ Thomas White, Mr. and Mrs., Arthur Berry, Mr. and Mrs. : 5; ' J. E. Sneyd, Mr. and Mrs. ; o en '|James Cuthbertson, Mr. and . ; | |Mrs. Iain MacDonald of Brant- . : | ford. /| Mr. and Mrs. Harold Forsythe, }|Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Collings, | '|Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott, Mr. | j\and Mrs. J. E. Piatti, Mr. and /|Mrs. Arthur Winter, Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Millson, Mr. and /|Mrs, Ernest Dobney, Mr. and' '|Mrs. Philip Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Doublas McKeown, sale and Mrs. Mervyn Scott. '| Mr, and Clifford Bowes, Mr,| ,|and Mrs, Ross Backus, Mr. and/ '|Mrs. Gordon Rae, Mr. and Mrs./ , |George Watson, Mr. and Mrs.| | Kenneth Kerslake, Mr. and Mrs.) | |Clifford Branton, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Tresise, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Ron-| wi 'ald Wragg, Mr. and Mrs.| ; | Herbert Atkins, bee: bi se : | Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Harris, | 4 | j Mr, and Mrs. William Brent, \Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Pegg, Mr. haan octige {and Mrs. Lloyd Sabins, Mr. and fl ET ee si as : REGARDLESS OF LOSS | | \Mrs. Gordon Law, Mr. and Mrs. é a2ee0e ee R. A. Green, Mr, and Mrs. J. ; Cotton Training iW. Button, Mr. and Mrs, Mur- 4 '8 ie PANTS | . . s | | Mr. "and Mrs. Robert Hogle, ; 3 "Miss Grace Webber, Mr. John : : 4 »: \ ruc Elastic waistband. Sizes § Selected top grain cow- | PHILIP, AGED ONE gr abe tem 2 to 6, All Cotten, hide. Sizes 30 to 40. 1 | Alex ander, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Happy young son of Mr, | and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hay- x na pope é and Mrs. Anthony Haylock, | lock and great - grandson of (eae, 4 an or ge Pig ee t Le a Cambridge avenue, is one-| Mrs. H. Owen and Mrs. |puaniski, Mr and Mrs, William ; 1.00 year-old Philip Anthony Arthur Race, all of London, | : : 2 ! Bae Owen. rhe is the grandson | England. [Lamb Mr. Bagley ee ht of Mr, and } s. George Owen ~--Aldsworth Photography | Penfound. On ah a Mr, and Mrs. Donald Clarke, : i ~ V N y AND SAVE Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hill, Mr. , (a) "Frosty Frolic" Attracts and' Mrs. A. A. Whitney, Mr. : and Mrs. Douglas Fisher, Mr. y, Mrs and Mrs. Kenneth Farrow Large Crowd At Annual Event {22¥..$2%,.2 anv] LADIES' FLANNEL ~ CHILDREN'S Morey, Mr. and Mrs. Manse! Pe gre Pe ee 100% NYLON A whitened tree hung with|Robert McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. hile peo Mr. and Mrs. J. P. silver icicles and illuminated] Ronald Pierce. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. E. Woods. y pee . , with blue spotlights was placed) Mr. and Mrs, George Perkin, Mr. and Mis A Ladd, Mr : ; ; : z in the centre of the floor to cre-/Mr. and Mrs. Max Slessor 'and Mrs. Ww. WwW. igre Mr. and Ta pie 7 FY ate the atmosphere for the|Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mrs. R. G. Bennett, Mr. ' : "Frosty Frolic', which was held/Siblock, Mr. and Mrs. te Mrs. John Matthews, Mr -- Good quality cotton flannel, eS ie ' at the airport on Friday eve-|Hutcheon, Mr and Mrs. Lorne| yrs, Harold Ball, Me. ana Mrs Allover design. Assorted col- j ? : ; Size 2 - 3x, 3 - 6x. ning. Goodman, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Donald Thompson, Mr. and Mrs Si S-M-L. | e gsi - ) The dance, has arian event,/Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas : Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Oy SIRee ore : ' 2 4 was sponsored by the Come-|Moorcroft, Mr. and Mrs. Jo ee y ss | amen "A Fig ' wae B: Barton of Birmingham, Double Club of Northminster| Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs. ige : United Church. Members of/Semple, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michigan. Reg. to 3.95 | i WOOL DU FFLE COATS Reg. to 4.98 & other clubs in the city and dis-|McClure, Miss Barbarz p Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carswell, ; arbara | Hor ef Mr. and Mrs. David Henry, Mr. trict attending were from the Mr. Andrew Greavey, Mr. and : Fifty-Fifty Club of Simcoe|Mrs. Ross Law. yy and Mrs. Alan Dickson, Mr. and CHILDREN' S 8-14 Street United Church, St.| Mr. and "Mrs. George Boy-\Mrs- Mervyn Perkin, Mr. and r o¥ ; 'Andrew's Couples Club,' Thelchyn, Mr. and Mrs, Robert|M@rs- Ernest Cooke, Mr. and 2-P a Split fur hood, zipper closing with outside LADIES' NYLON chyn and Married Club of Albert Street Elston, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas| Mrs. Mervyn McLean, Mr. and button, storm cuffs. TERYLENE AND COTTON United, All-Doubles Club of St./Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mrs. William Barnard and 4 George's Anglican Church, ean, Mr, and Mrs. Vernon, thers REG Holy Trinity Duets, Columbus) Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Seymour} i ° : Doubles Club, Happy Doubles|Bigwood, Mr..and Mrs. Gordon} HAZARD IN THE HOME 12.95 " Club of King Street United|Hawker, Mr. and Mrs. Eric] Inside the h Boxer i i Church, First Baptist Couples) Booth, Mr.. and Mrs. William heals" Safety ae tee Peet ------ Club, Brooklin Doubles Club,| [eewarde, Mr. and Mrs. Harold|quency of accidents' occur in| matching shirt or jacket. All "Prints and plains, over mat Mark's. Poubiss Clu. | Perr |this order: (1) falls, (2) cuts,| in attractive colors. Size 3-6. bl d tuck-l tthe again ogall -- ne ait Ra rn arr (3) burns. All three 'are hazards a louses and tuck-ins. ; yiMr, and rs. Roland Arnold,jin the kitchen, which thus be- . Reg. 2.98 8 Thornton and his orchestra.|Mr, and Mrs. Fred Pearse, Mr.|comes the m . z arse, 2 ost dangerous place F : . A : Prizes were won by Mr. andiand Mrs. William Fitches, Mr./in the house On" stat Pe che Boys' lined, zipper closing, semi-boxer waist. Reg. to 3.98 Mrs. John Ovens, Mr. and Mrs.|/and Mrs. Harvey Thompson, halls, falls are the principal 'ie Size2- Seer ae ares tamean Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hicks, Mr.| d. The main cause of falls ir Mr. Bruce Lehman. | and Mrs. Victor Cubitt, Mr. and poor lighting, slippery floors, ' Among those seen dancing Mrs. Jack Magee, Mr. and Mrs. s that are not well anchored MEN'S ZIMMERKNIT ' REG. TO GIRLS' 3-14 YEA S were Mr. and Mrs. Earle!John Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. hed stairs. Whe COTTON PRINT--POLO ' 2.98 ; . Where . QUILT LINED Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Hector|Thomas Fairbrother, Mr. and/stair "banister is p Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-|/Mrs. J. R. Switzer of Whitby,| dren should be tau ake 2 ' am Foreman, Mr. and Mrs./Mr, and Mrs. Russell Sho habit of using it. There should Robert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-| Mr. and Mrs. John Medland,|be a rule: never run up or dov vn liam Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs.|Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dunc stairs. By creating this habit D. A. Houlden, Mr. and Mrs.|Mr, and Mrs. William Hav valking 'or rs in early life, al . . Keith Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs./by, -Mr.' and Mrs. Bruce serious falls 'in adulthood can Many color combinations, . Hugh McLeod, _Mr. and Mrs.\Lehman, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph'be prevented, highest quality. Sizes S-M L Poplin Gabardine. ? een : Cotton cord. R a ie abe we se Maen aw Wt : " : STAND | «---RReg, 4.98 | Slain 5 ; . a , ook Reg. to 10.95 eee VALUES THAT CAN'T BE BEAT! | co.coats | BUYNOW S owihivee Poe DPctipilipsnyiortenod emer' same PAINT S p E C lA LS 1 ere Goes panties | COATS "ENAMEL i ' A ig corny yon end nylon, good All colors. Sizes 10 - 20. THMATTRESS KING FROM ED ; WILSON'S : 1.49 4 Reg. to 19.95 tas, ™ ee Reg. to 39.95 | 1s 80° a é i PLATFORM ROCKERS |°| Hudandadl ©» 4-100) 1488 Eo Beautiful Upholstery. Christmas Special I r] , ¢ * 4 : 0 0 | LADIES' SLIMS MEN'S OVERALLS All-wool plaids and vel . : ° F : seed plats oa elena y) 8 8 TOWELS Good quality denim, bib front. to 18. Reg. to 6.95. « yal pee 9 1.00 Full cut. Sizes 38 to 44. ' ripen MEN'S PLAID LADIES' SEAMLESS < | "BUY NOW | SHIRTS NYLons ¢| MEN'S _ BOYS' sere All colors. Sizes S-M-L. Fancy Size 9 - 11. First quality latest ere PLAID ! ial - T-SHIRTS | ppess SH | RTS = s e Good quality, combed cotton. re ANTS Neat collar, many plaids. Priced to clear. Sizes $-M-L, weg : Sizes 8 to 14, = ' fan wae on _ @gr , é = Reg. 98c " 1.89 GARD TABLES | SoFABED SUITE Gift. 100% Nylon Frieze, Fabrilite trim, In- cludes Swivel Rocker, iw... 2099 | 158.00 ED. WILSON DISCOUNT FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST. PHONE 723-3211 Been ee cee ee ee Mee Ma aon ELE BED oe Sy ea ay BED SS Reweoes Pa gar 0h 19 as J KING WEST