Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Nov 1961, p. 7

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Jo Aldwinckle, Women's men Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 28, 1961 7 Donna May Reyner Is Wed To Robert Shire In Centre Street bride of Robert William Shire.| The bride is the daughter of|c \Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Reyner,)t } \Oshawa, and the bridegroom is lthe son of Mr. and Mrs. May-|¢ nard Shire of Kaladar, Ontario. |t The Reverend W. G. Dickson} black officiated while Mr. Ronald|¢ Kellington played the wedding chrysanthemums. music and Mrs. Kellington sang. Her solos were "Because" honeymoon, the bride was wear-) ; and "The Lord's Prayer"' United|man for Church on Saturday afternoon|ushers were Mr. Robert Hey- Donna May Reyner became the|worth and Mr. Fred Reyner. received in a two-piece brown dress with gold and brown ac- of Kaladar brother and the 13 A reception was held in the hurch hall. The bride's mother -essories. The bridegroom's mo- her was in royal blue with velvet accessories .and| » * sach wore a corsage of white bes As the couple left on their} ng a mauve and charcoal The bride was given in mar- grey suit, white feather hat and riage by her father. Her gown ; 2 corsage of white chrysanthe-) 4 of white chantilly lace and net) mums was styled with a high. neck- Mr. and Mrs. Shire will make} ¢ line and fingertip sleeves in the {heir home in Madoc, Ontario. lace bodice which was beaded with sequins and pearls. The net pleats had an underskirt of ruffled net over taffeta and cascaded into a train of lace Kingston, floor-length skirt of lace and M terborough, Buffalo, N.Y Guests were present from Belleville, Kaladar, Tweed, Marmora, Pe- Port Perry and ihe Carol Stezik was crowned ! "Queen of the Ball" at a par- ish dance held in St. John's Pearls and sequins trimmed the white headdress securing her veil and she carried a_ white bible crested with red chrysanthemums. Her attendants were Robert Heyworth and Mrs year-old Mary Frances, Reyner, in blue and pink visiting at the home of her | spectively grandparents in Oshawa and (dresses were fashioned of net her ovel taffeta. They wore white Gare feathered hats and carried pink and blue chrysanthemums to contrast with their gowns. Miss Loretta Shire was maid of honor wearing blue net over taffeta with white accessories and carrying a pink bouquet The flower girl, Miss Kim Reynor wore yellow lace over |taffeta with a pink bandeau of flowers. and tulle. She carried a nosegay of pink chrysanthemums Mr. Leonard WELCOME LITTLE VISITOR her and Mrs Fred re- young miss | mother sister ir- fifteen- of LAC Abthorpe This charming is Suzanne Viola, month-old daughter and Mrs. Francis of Baden-Sollingen, Germany, formerly of Oshawa. Suzanne | Will be returning with is the granddaughter of Mr | mother and sister to and Mrs. Donald A. Houlden, | many next week all of Oshawa. Suzanne with | --Photo by Midgley-Sheehy Nuptials Solemnized at Uxbridge St. Paul's Anglican Church,|was best man for his cousin Uxbridge, where the grandpar.|Ushers were William Salter of ents of the bride had the first]|Port Perry, and Stewart Shep- is Ireland Shire was best Their cocktail length, with Ukrainian Greek Orthodox LODGES AND SOCIETIES REBEKAH LODGE NO. 3 The regular meeting was held Noble Grand Sister Luc- ilye Gibbs presiding, assisted by Vice-Grand, Sister Anne Cook Flags were presented by Sister Company and Brownie Pack Sarah Van De Walker was held recently in the lower Communications were read by hall of st. Pauls Fresnyianen . mee pos A Church. This was an evening of Sister Nelda. Thompson which great importance for it was not included an invitation to Bow- only the first banquet but also Nancy; Mrs. Robert Cummings, |Dianne Parker and Wanda Nes- manville * November 27 and the first fly-up of Brownies to to confer the Rebekah Degree! qiges in the pack on January 8th. : vee Colors of blue and gold deco The Christmas party will be pated the tables, with a centre- held on. December 13 with an piece of bronze and gold chrys- exchange 'of gifts anthemums centring the head Several sisters were present- table, flanked by golden candles ed with 15 year jewels Mrs: Elwood Bradley, convener, and her committee, Mrs. H. F wedding, and where her par-'herd, Willowdale ents also were married, The Mrs. William Cassey was or- Reverend D. L. Lattimer offi- ganist, and Mrs. Clarence Colby, GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES Coulson and Mrs. G. A. Leavitt. arranged the banquet with Par- ents' Committee members as- ciated at 'the solemnization of|soloist, sang The Lord's Prayer holy matrimony, which unitedjand the Wedding Prayer during Catherine Isabel Jean Sheehy|the service u : and Thomas Arthur David Midg-) Soft music was played during Street United Church held ley. the wedding reception, which November meeting in the church The bride is the daughter of;was held in the parish hell parlor Mrs. John Irwin Sheehy, Ux-) Mrs. Sheehy chose a hyacinth. Mrs J. W. Broadbent bridge, and the late Mr. Sheehy.|blue, brocaded sheath gown ac- the devotional period The bridegroom is the son of/ecnted by aurora borealis jew- Harold Phillips gave two re Mr. and Mrs. Herman Elgin|ellery; a white maribou hat and ings. Midgley, Port Perry. a corsage of pink roses and| It was arranged to hold the The bride's brother, Frederick/ carnations. She was assisted|Christmas meeting at the home Irwin Sheehy, gave her in mar-iat the reception by the bride- of Mrs. H. M. Jeffery, Mary riage. She wore a floor-length| groom's mother, who wore a Street on Friday December 8. sheath gown of white alencon|sapphire green sheath dress Refreshments were served by lace over faille. A cathedral|with matching accessories. Her Mrs. Jesse Choate and Mrs train hung gracefully from the'soft green petal velvet hat and Charles Wickett waist. A yoke of lace formed crystal jewellery completed her GOODWILL GROUP the oval neckline, which was ensemble. She wore a corsage Th teat t onsetth af the embroidered with sequins.|of golden tufted chrysanthe- |, iN " BOK Groin ct cee and drop pearl medallions. Her) mums. "eee ta aes e = a long lace mittens had been worn| Later, the bride donned a gun- Ha the Kone ar Mrs Ap fone by her mother at her marriage.|metal wool suit, white fur hat Bigwood mrantiave Laie Her fingertip veil was held in and gloves and muskrat jacket A the chine of tha Peed: place by a white rose. The A corsage of flame carnations dent, Mrs. Frank Cox the HER bride carried a cascade of and roses accented the soft a : . s i ute \,aerican Beauty roses and muted tones of her ensemble pentane meeting use stenhanotis After a short honeymoon Corp- ay reports rie read. The Mrs. P. D. Bernhardt, Scar- oral and Mrs. Midgley left for Shino veeaih the sal of Christ borough, matron of honor; Miss|Petawawa where the _ bride- Ja rae me cal 'i ap Patricia Midgley, Port Perry,|groom is with the Canadian ,, tn led by Mr "RB iss d and Miss Marilyn Weldon, Osh-| Provost Battalion hod aden aio laptadohane atdlegn awa., bridesmaids, wore iden- - as The annual collection taken in bal ge stead of exchanging gifts, was tical short sheath gowns of ma- i it al.shz voted unanimously to go to the genta taffeta, with petal-shaped Group Honors local Christmas cheer. fund | Retiring President overmara, Washing see o Mrs. Ross and Mrs, Charles tulle frames . arse meses Anderson volunteered to Aelp rose, and they carried cascade At the November meeting deliver the boxes of chocolates Mrs. W. R_ Jones was present-|and chocolai? bars ordered by ed with a gift by Mrs. J. M.|members and friends of the bouquets of white shasta chrys- anthemums. Little Miss Louise Luke of Port Perry, as Reh Black on behalf of the Fourth group. girl, was dressed in a magenta) O<hawa Scout Mothers' Auxil-| Miss Evelyn Gay led in the gown and accessories, a minia-|iary as a token of appreciation|devotional period. Mrs. Frank ture bouquet of white shast@)roy her valued work as presi-|Higginbottom gave a reading mums completed her costume. /dent of the organization for the/The next meeing will take place Mr. James Kight of Prescott,| past two years on January $8 at 8 vm. The 'The president, Mrs R./ executive in charge served Warnica, and Mrs. L DunniChristmas refreshments. Miss réported on the conference of Scouters and Sup- oa ia . porters held at Thornhill. Plans Beg eas for the use of for Christmas: parties and gifts were made SUNSHINE GROUP The Sunshine Group of King its led in Mrs ad- at at J Veronica Osmok r Bernard Guidon Exchange Vows It was announced that The marriage of Veronica Scouts are to have a treat at|joyed by the parents of the June, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' the cabin December 27 and that; Brownies and Guides of the Steven Osmok, to Bernard Gui- the paper drive will be Decem- sixth Company at their meeting don, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al-|ber 2. It was requested that all/ held in the parish hall of Christ bert Guidon, all of Oshawa, was Members who have apron mate- Memorial Church solemnized recently in the rial complete the aprons before) 'The divisional commissioner, residence of the Right Rever- the January meeting. It is|)Mrs. Donald Fox, was end Monsignor Philip Coffey, 0 eg aoe bya ge will speaker. She said that the aim parish priest of Holy Cross fe tes nace mucin Wein cal of Guiding was to teach the Roman Catholic Church be a fot luck Ha He girls to accept responsibility, to Given tn waurcags 'by Serle rosea ____ [68 08 to Galan i, tens father, the bride wore a full- _ HOUSEHOLD HINT _ly with other people. She stated length dress of white lace and) Candles which have been in that the "Girl Scouts' or chiffon trimmed with . pearls|the refrigerator for 24 hours|Guides is an international or- and rhinestones. Her triple veil/before using will burn evenly) ganization as 44 countries have was secured by a jewelled/and slowly. them. Mrs. Fox explained that crown featuring three pendant) ~~ AVE be ci puerai ars para rubies. She carried a white lace-covered Bible, with lace and ribbon streamers entwined with red roses. She was attended by Mrs Stanley Skirrow and Miss Georgia Clemens in emerald green peau de soie with crown-| less hats of stiffened chiffon) and carrying bouquets of pale yellow and white chrysanthe- mums. The flower girls, Elaine Skirrow and Dianne Powlen- chuk. wore pink chantilly lace with flowered circlets on their hair and carrying pink and white chrysanthemum bouquets Mr. Stanley Skirrow was best man and James Vande- water ushered. The bride's mother wore gold lace with brown accessories and the bridegroom's mother, } blue lace with pink and white accessories, Each had a cor- sage to complement her dress The couple are making their home in Oshawa. 6TH PARENTS COMMITTEE the A talk on "Guiding"? was en LAY AWAY OPEN ALL DA WEDNESDAY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE i] LADIES' WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE STREET NORTH the} sisting Brownies Bradley Cummings and Marci kept the door as the the District Commissioner is a most important person in a Guide Company as she is the link" between the girls and the Stainton officials. The new District Com-|muests arrived, and Guiders missioner, Mrs. F. M. Jamie-\Kathy Mathews and Eleanor son, was. introduced by the Pres-|~palmers were in charge of the ident, Mrs. David St. Andrews.|wuest book. Both Commissioners spoke on Mrs. W. D. Stainton, Parents' the new "Camp Adamac". i A Mrs. St. Andrews announced|Commnittee president, woos the that the lieutenant of 6B is Mrs.|the guests and introduce D. Pratt, from Paris, On-|Reverend Derek Allen. Follow- tario, and that Mrs. John Poch|ing the blessing, a toast to the has consented to be the treas-|Queen was proposed, urer for the Local Association in| Guide Captain Mrs. Donald the Parkwood District. Mrs. P.|MacDonald introduced the head \. Tresise and Mrs. Reginaldjtable guests as follows: Mrs Pinder are the social conveners, | John Gaskell, Commissioner, and Mrs. Malcolm Adam is the/Kingsway District; Miss Carol publicity chairman, for the Par-|Cook, Brown Owl, and her. moth- ents' Committee Mrs. St ler, Mrs. Robert Cook; Miss Andrews also stated how pleased|-- -- - she was at the response she re-| Karen Karen Twenty Second Guides, Brownies Mother And Daughter Banquet The first Mother and Daugh Linda MacDonald, daughter of tain ter Banquet of the 22nd Guide|Guide-Captain MacDonald; Mrs.' Brownies CROWN QUEEN Church hall on Saturday. Left to right are Olga Sitch, second princess; Queen Carol Stezik and first princess Na- | W. D. Stainton, Parents' Com- mittee president and daughter Dianne; Miss Bonnie Hart, pack leader; Mrs. E. Brookham, Tawny Owl and daughter vice - president, Parents' mittee, and Karen, and special guests, Mrs. Frank Higgin- bottom and the Reverend and Mrs. Derek Allen Mrs. Gaskell brought greet- ings from Guide House. She pre- sented the Ist year stars and 2nd class badges to Guiders Flora MacDonald, Eleanor Chal- mers Mary Ellen Molloy, Kathy Mathews, Shirley Hard- ing and Barbara Fletcher Mrs Frank Higgenbottom gave some delightful humorous recitations Mrs. W. D. Stainton thanked the speakers and ladies for ar- ranging the program and ad- Com- ¥ YOUNG MODERNS ceived from the "Dollar Drive" Mrs. George Slocombe assist- ed the social conveners in serv- ing OPEN AL-ANON MEETING Anyone who feels they have a Problem Drinker in the home come... COME! UNION HALL Wednesday, Noy. 29 8:30 MATURE It. is important for a woman know what group of sizes have veen designed for her par- ticular figure. The _ heavier, short - waisted woman of aver- age height is likely to find more suitably-designed clothes in the half-size group 12% to 26% Not only will fabrics and the cut of clothes be chosen to flat- STYLES to ter her figure, but fewer altera- tions will be required. : recent regiond ; i recent regional\y ena Stainton expressed thank's | Just select the Photo-Greeting Card you like best from our new designs that fit your favorite negative... horizontal, square, or vertical. Your greeting is printed around the edge of the large picture. Order your choice now! Your friends will admire and long remember them! * * 35 CARDS WITH ENVELOPES .i..cs sc. 50 CARDS WITH ENVELOPES .... 106 CARDS WITH ENVELOPES .... SMALLER QUANTITIES .... 28 KING ST. E. DIAL 723-4621 OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P.M. TURNING CHILDREN'S WEAR STORE i ima Petroleum felly will help keep patent leather from crack- ing. HOUSEHOLD HINT Save scouring the broiler tray lente the inside of it with oil. BROADLOOM SLIP COVERS BAMBOO UPHOLSTERING OF THE BALL | talia Zaborozny. In the back row are the Reverend Dmytro Luchak, parish priest, and Mr. Walter Kuch, president, crowning the queen. --Oshawa Times Photo | journed the meeting to the church for the Fly-up cere- mony. ST. GREGORY'S PENNY SALE WINNERS 1610 0731 0039 1178 0255 0308 0447 0540 0154 0443 1773 0827 0018 1877 The Guides greeted the} Brownies. and in. turn intro-| duced them to the Guide Cap- who welcomed them. The flying-up to Guides, tain, who welcomed them. The Brownies flying-up to Guides, were Merry Jay, Marci Stain- ton, Joan Major, Janice Salter, Kathy Jones with 1566 Anne Stovell 0859 Mrs. J. Taillon 0910Catherine LeBlanc 0084 1710 0087 0993 0170 0047 1828 1625 1433 0578 0094 0867 Beth Driscoll Mrs, Middleton Bev. Gimblett A. McEntee Mrs, J, J. Kelly Hazel Armstrong Mrs. Vandevalk Barry Peever K. Fredrickson A, Vossenberg Mrs. Wood Karen Smith Linda McAdam D. MeLaughlin Reg. Malachowski Ann Byblow H. Malachowski Mrs, Pultz Louise Mitchell Bill Ropeman Mrs, J. Fournier Mrs. Rush A.M, West Mrs, Lyons |bitt walking up. Electrolysis Removes warts, moles and superfluous mair. Over 15 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa at the Genosha Hotel, Nov, 28 & 29, PHONE 723-4641 dates Evelyn Klotz Mrs. Saunders | | for appointment on these . D, a "8 #8 Downtown -- INTO -- HOUSE! BIG DAYS JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING KS > NOV = ou oH % ) . * 5 ee Ka ~_ oe 4 ? # a Never before . ok Sa, ue" eo * o. Pry . AP WIE che 2 + bo) 4 os ag VE a 38 KING ST. EAST 135 BROCK ST. SOUTH ~ Ls iad ™ . ne .* HOR HS KOK OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY EMBER 29 & 30--DECEMBER 1 & 2 WINTER COATS - SNOWSUITS, Etc. DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ALL SALES FINAL ALL MERCHANDISE IN STORE -- DISCOUNTED have such bargains been offered for Christmas buying. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA WHITBY HSM PORT GL gmt Xx 4-7 KKH eee S +7

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