Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Nov 1961, p. 14

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a 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, November 28, 1961 & =| THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [== Seturday 8 to 12 11--Articles for Rent 16--Female Help Wanted |24--Houses for Rent 25--Apts. & Flats for s for Rent |25--Apts. & & Flats for Rent | bask a acerca , LADY for housekeeping position, live AJAX -- four rooms and bath, 389 DESIRABLE secona floor down downtown HEATED t * SICKROOM EQU! PMENT in te room; high wages, char|Glynn, $65 monthly, apartment, self-contained, three rooms, newly Gicorated: bedroom apartment, once weekly, Must be fond of children, en se 5 bath, unfurnished, heavy wiring, heat loomed, st : FOR RENT OR FOR SALE feicunone 725-7708 MODERN four bedroom home, located and water, adults only, $60, 728-8175. | facilities tal htete te Gk nae Hacuitdl beds: wheal choirs, in sub-division near South General - --liup, 795-8810 . pene: AVG: invalid walkers bedsides 17--Male Help Wanted Motors. Telephone 728-0040. BEAUTIFULLY located on Grandview - nehenisiins t sides 5 : ae Street. Three-room apartment, private, THREE- ROOM apartment, private en commodes, crutches and AVERAGE 52.50 hourly, part time, need reas eang gor oe nr pongect ek bath and entrance, heat, lights, water tran:e and bathroom, heavy duty win a <r | ie . Papa: pasado b igera' stove, oil heated ose to 7 s ' " 'i _ By - * "away beds 3 neal Speearag. jes, A ng ge chool, transportation. Avaliable Dec' Ure tee ee ea amet ins: Apply 767 Simcoe Street South. : n slenderizing m 5 work, o 16 hours ekly rt 'OX Telephone 723-1214 FOUR- ROOM apartment, in' apart-- MODERN Accountants Fuel and Wood ursing Homes c es ee 710 Oshawa Tin el ¥ part- | MODER) o 3 : -- : ~ " ASSIFIFD AD RATES Phone Asa Sickroom Rentals, se YOUNG people to seli magazines, Good Ment Dullding, large stove, refriger-|stove and ROB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting FACTORY hardwood cuttings. Suitable REGISTERED accommodation for 725-1644 TWO for stoves, fireplaces, furnaces. Tele- ' t bh 25 words or jess Service. Complete bookkeeping service, '°° byes, rey jadies on ground floor at Lyntonburst Can Char 184 Bond Street West. 725-0397. Res., Phone 728-8535 Rest Home. Orono 1308. 'os 1arge 723-7605. one - bedroom apartment, rs refrigerator, ator, built-in cupboards, laundromat, ties, parking auc ite meee parking 95-3938 or 68 Wayne Street. | Road, $75 monthly, _Telephone ' 725. 5~5808, s ' 12--Articles Wanted brief details to Box 412, Oshawa Times.| Sew house for rent. six rooms; three|THREE rooms, unfurnished, upstairs.|TWo - BEDROOM apartment, full SUNNYBRAE Nursing Home. RN in é 2.25 2.48 Wy F SALESMEN -- Would you like to sup-|Dedrooms, good location, Telephone Private bath, heavy wiring in kitchen,|equipped, on Simcoe Street North. se R. E. DEWAR and Co., Accountants attendance. No ighy between CONS TIVE RARE coins, in good condition. Tele- iement your income, $100 - $200 per|/29-7886 after 6 p.m. for more particu-|Sink, cupboards, TV outlet, very cen-|phone 5-6343, 9 to 5 p.m and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bidg., 11 On- ever Whitby and Oshawa 1 33 INS ERTIONS 3.75 4.13 phone 723-4790 after 5 for appointment ars free, See ers eae : 2 ' ( No dealers : " ------iONE large lea tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario 728-222) . it not paid within 7 doys the me a 725-1356. FIVE-ROOM house, heavy duty wiring,' THREE rooms and bath, stove and keeping no on an. furnished | house 3 und i MONTEITH. MONTEITH. RIEHL and : ae Opton etrists Charge rate will apply WOULD like to buy new edition Ency-\Neqg appearing young man, between three-piece bath, heated. immediate refrigerator, ideal for couple, in build-|106 William. Street West or teleph Chi tant 3527 yao A t ty only to origina: |/clopedia Britannica. Please call appearing '" , T|possession, central location. Teiepnone|ing block ry central. Telephone !725-8384 phone Co** Chartered Accountants, 725-3527 é : F. RICHARD BLACK. Doctor of Optom. ove rates apply only to origina! |i ile ror more particulars 6 and 21, for traineb position in bud-! 798 9675 "or 95-3911 13% Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; Ajax ' u : pes cite the examination of #y t Jers for 'consecutive -- insertions P get division of publishing - company . wn ' TWO OR th -- - WH 2-0890 s Vnite Ros muHeG 'tenses, 136 Simcoe North c equent insertions ordered ot @ |'waNTED -- set of armiy officer's khaki G00d pay and chance for advancement. HANCOCK ROAD. new five-roori brick | FURNISHED three . room apartment, |¢,, oobie ae rooms and bath, suitable Jet ees ial Oi ecshings ty apporaent: 233-4 later date constitute @ new original | eres in good condition. Sise 4 Apply to Mr, Nielsen, 101 Simcoe North bungalow, -- attached double yarage, private bathroom, TV outlet, suitable g7r.cuPl® %F family. Telephone 725-669) YALE. PRIEDLANDER, SUNTE WESTERN OIL CO ---- | order Telephone 728-0516. after 5, or telephone 728-9871 large lot, $75 per month. Available De for couple, near bus line. No children, and Co, Accountants ine iat S 4 + FP. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom Ratenincet ond Bosinake Matin ; cember 1, Tindall Real Estate, 725.0429 please. Telephone 725-1384 DUPLEX, three rooms fully equipped, rustee in ar « 5 12 19? t ry y 0 ac' 4 - '3 Hf 0 to © de chores 0 > - Si 7 7 ageedig se epg 725-1212 etry, the examination of eyes, contact) $7.59 per month tor 3 fines daily ee oo ee eer oer, THREE-BEDROOM bungalow, Whitby, LARGE, two - bedroom apariment, in shri retregerator, broadloom. -- $78 CA;.¥, Friedlander, B. Comm., Re ae ict Saunier Tt Eee. eaditiond! tine S160 par WANTED eee aay to Box 709, ©108¢ to schools, storms and screens, /new triplex, north-east location, stove, othly. Adults. Telephone 725-2395 id : *:|Gardening and Supplies Evenings by appointment. 723-4191 month. : ruber. expect oi] lieat,. Possession to suit tenant. refrigerator, washer, drver, iamouaes SPACIOUS three room apartment, prie &. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certi c. Tuck. RO. Optometrist. Please ach Initial letter abbreviation. SCRAP 1R } OU TRY int Telephone MO 8-8379. possession, Telephone 725-3412. vate entrance, parking, Appl fied Public Accountants, 1 King LOAM, $8. per load, two for $15. Sod a pio Each initia vi SCRAP IRON, POULTE Sires Bat seen Apply 7 762 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, 725-3509. cut da Prompt delivery 4 smart men wanted, one to work commission Telephone 723-1990 eve- 0 hours per week, One part-time, Give|nings and weekends only nonth from your own home in spare accounts at downtown Dominion] $ and ¢ sign, figure counts as ¢ AND FEATHER TICKS " ER K THREE LARGE rooms and bath, pri sa can Pie eer ae r 74 Busk Street, invalids exam-|| word, Box cneroe ise eddifionel ND 5 bye YOU NG MAN 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent vate, near school and south General SINGLE or double roome for ladies or WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered - . ined at home. Dial 4587 All Classified Advertisements Deer Hides and v Furs Motors. Heat, hydro included $60 month. gentlemen h THREE-ROOM unfurnished North-west area, close Accountants, 3! Simcoe Street South must be in by 5 p.m. the doy be- collect unfurnished apartment Telephone 728-4872 bus and hospital. Telephone 728.5097, °° . . . Private entrance and bath includes " Oshawa, Ronald F. D ¥ CA ainting and Decoratin fore puvication except. Births a a i te iy Pras edad Burrows, BA. 76-2571 E R KNOWLTON P g 9 Memeriams Cords et Thanks which 1. TURNER r ports department and hydro. Apply Princess Grill, THREE "ROOM apartment, separate FIVE-ROOM apartment, spotiess cleans ' : UU tar Gieontoe ath ee 723-2043 - 723.3374 acted } 17 Prince Street. 725-0915. rooms, parking, laundry facilities, TV reasonable, heavy duty, private beth chins NG 1 ep 4 : < - * . 5 gutlet. All conveniences, utilities paid.'room, clo: to" 7 < Auto Parts LA ND SCAPIN PAINT NOW PAY LATER | Deasline for Lost end Found ang YF AVAILABLE now. Three rooms and {inice and Adelaide, 'Adulte past 725-9544 C'? everything. 725-00815 ellations 8:30 am sun room. Private entrance and bath, |» 295) KENT S WESTERN TIRE Bran. : : i RAINBOW sts: Daily 8-5, Soturday 13--Business Opportunities ) jenera v 9 water and heat, TV outlet. All conveni- '*?-*" pee me COZY three-room fiat, private entrance. teed automotive parts and accessories LATIONS it yp ences, Telephone 725-3139. $89 MONTHLY and up, modern twa-|private bath, built-in eupb West, Oshawa r sinténonee. "pot ie Ginaie 1 NATIONAL Food Company offer arta CLASS TWENTY SIX bedroom apartments, in mew. apart-\sink, heavy wiring, neg ne aouole maintenance, patio The Oshowo Times will not be "iia ' snto : : wiring. new gas heater, 128-1607-8-9. Five bays to serve ) ; dewolk: slob responsible for errors in advertise: | SPonsible persons part or full t 4 FURNISHED bedroom in private home, MeMt building, all conveniences, beau-/very central, 723-3078 " 9 ments submitted otherwise than in |) "¢livery and collection ° P r va : tifully decorated, centrally located : mn Py ad selling. Steady yea WRITE BOX 7\1 continuous hot water, near King and 7op LARGE, four-voom apartment, Barristers 72% 6047 ei ks 1 for than One fi icants must have i Ritson, park available. Abstainers ie ek entrance and bath, hot water beatig n ° ate v incor ' ¢ y sdver 7 'ia c y. App! Rowe Street, Oshawa PPER apartment, private entrance, fror $ " a. : $670.0 aa sotlived which fe ¢ - on pply 31 Row eet haw m oil. Close to t BOWMAN, DAVID L.. Barris Sine Payment € Estima U f the orice ek i Md sae OSHAWA TIMES kitchen, cupboards, and sink, heavy!phone 725-¢ 349 © Sraneportation.: Tale. t Jia Simcoe South, 725-9592 Neer 4 | Secured rite Manager 8 pen ; Jarge furnished room, heat, lights ng, batt of or 2 . re 71) 0 insertion o' St. East, Toronto, O i 0 wiring bathroom livingroom, bed m4 aan "LOAM. RAVEL PHONE 723-7067 ne advert which error = "ex ' light housekeeping. Kitchen room, also attie, newly decorated, $75 545 MONTHLY -- two-bedroom apart- HUMPHREYS. BOYCHYN and HILL. ---- And also reserve the right | TRADE your home, your securits LABORATORY v k. Telephone 723-3078 monthly. Colborne East. 728-4166 poag 9 vet re tytn stove and refrigera. . ater 7 haan Bis > o busineds our 0 0: , " or. included, close to sch MAN, Barristers, Solicitors; R. O to clas sity adver 9g according to j)be a business of your own. Corner ¢ THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, 7AREE larg. pn choo] and bus . " jD- S cosbies - » P tte REE large room apartment, newly stop. Telepi » 795.20 Humphreys, QC; G. S$ min pa; SAND; FILL, TOP SOIL DODD re sal ae ite own sissstication cery and meat store, Needs a g0-kc TECHNICIAN warm ard comfortable, kitehen "cui~ decorated, in quiet district, private eb- eal elephone 725-5704 W. A. Hillman 3 ng Stree Cie NTH JECORAT e cose © play advertise: | to take ove r mited possit noards, parking, oners or working |trance, reasonable rent. Telephone |TMREE large rooms. newly de PnOnes : : LOTS LEVELLED 5 ' ' he fimes will not be hela ities, plus four-room liv arter r couple, Adults, abstainers, Immediate 795.9477 : Phone 'modern kitchen, heavy dut Re nent \ 4 q 3 A/ 4 ' > A t r - hi ull inform il Do . +4 po it 429-9407 i" a uty wiring, cen- r Whitby, MO 8-2761; 725-5 TRACTOR, LOADER WORK - Gated p e 1 more space thor f full informa . call De ' norr n- with possession, Teleph 18-2798 ." gst cakes trally located. Children welcome. Apply Money to toan ir f ngin nN whiy the octuol error | Realtor RAR exper IREE un i roor iate'en. THREE-ROOM apartment in apart-/118 Division Street Reasonable Rates ; : : The publishers endeovour |! oppy secretin --- y F fHREE unfurnished rooms, private en-!ment building, bright, clean, four-piece 4 LOUIS S. HYMAN. QC. Barrister, Soli Ol A 72 om ate 3 311 Mura cecal af odeattaing motter | SERVICE station and lunch co: f 2 }° for quolit trance, private bath. newly decorated. hath, aerial, washer, refrigerator, DUPLEX. Simcoe Street North, uppers r, Notary. Alger Bldg, 37 Kine { Le 39-2196 : ng to reprodu Gah assumes' no" ability qeaes Just completed, modern w fw, \ Also store for rent, 325 Simcoe South. stove, parking, near Shopping Centre. |!0wer, four-room apartments, two bed- Street East. 723-4943. Mortgage monies . a wee és . of advertisement are contained |! crop hiahws a aap : sdichiatea PPLY Telephone 725-3243 Adults. 212 Stevenson Road South chap a each; all conveniences, ample ailabl HK i By ci ghway age, 2 arking, large lot. Teler Big! paid a mneal : . . WHITBY 6 0 it any inaccurocies in ony form | Oshawa. No present . i A fHREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment. ACHELOR apartment -- two rooms, parking, large lot. Telephone 725-5169 BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister 4 therein any oll company. Terms up t ' TENCO neat, hydro included, close to bus and d, refrigerator, stove, excel. CENTRAL, private entrance, furnished Solicitor, Notar Public ; Mor Rage EXCAVATING 3 4 4 Call Sid Martyn, Snelgrove Re stat schools. Apply 291 Mitchell Avenue for n. Suit quiet single person livingroom, bedroom, bathroom, kitch- funds available, 36 King Street East y ene ret aaa : § more. particulars or business couple. $50 monthly inclu-/enette, electrically 'equipped, iaundry 798-238) es., 5-716 aes si is " . '4 ? =" ve sive, A 4 > acilities; parking. Adults 1 he N ersona ervice jc ce i | THREE large rooms, private entrance, pply 124 Park Road North ing. Adu only. Apply ey go gaa face ig eld ea al i : -- PIANO tun A NEW BUSINESS GROCERY BUSINESS Ais Cc oa heavy wiring, bathroom, bus stop at THREE room apartment, unfurnished Apartment i, 254 Athol Street Kast q "eet ) , tur Anywh e ry Oshaw *) it 7 Te), creed : ™ > wew - - citor, ete., 114 King Street East Dial DITCHING and disitiat: Guallty! warkmesshic. el Oshawa Area On ior. Apply 782 Ritson South, Telephone 'seif - contained, heated, hot and cold NEWLY decorated three room apart. 723-2271 esidence phones hats r hd epee | water supplied, wired for heavy di men modern kitchen, he 4 . a ephone 2 a lied, 2 uty eavy duty Tr, BA, Sc., 725-3368; Terrence MO. 8-4172 Unlisted Numbers $13,500 20--Room and Board BEAUTIFUL four room heated apart- Stove, parking, located at 822 King Stove, refrigerator, TV antenna, park- Maadhnasss . -------- ment, jarge kitchen, Jaundry facilities. Street East at bus stop. Available i". Apply-93 Ritson Road South. BA, Barrister, Solict- VALLEY CREEK Turnover in ex iC roon room and board. new Separate entrance and bath. Available December Ist. Telephane 725-5273 THREE room completely furnished Reng ' - r girls, teacher or student. | joy ly 320 V $1 : Fear yc ting North. BLACK LOAM _ FURNITURE G00 on o strict C si Tas " eet oT 830 ang "0%. Apply 320 Verdun Road after 5. pWO - ROOM furnished apartment, aPartment, stove, refrigerator, cup- 725-5542 ' 4 Adults only ° boards, automatic laundry, Bar-B Oued Chix ; ond showing Pa diry ; tanks 24 kitchen with sink, cupboards and bed- ry, private en- JOSEPH P. MANGAN. QC. Barrister, DRIVEWAY, seated 4 a : fe Y KING V ' as : f ng ¢ : LUXURY apartment for rent, living|"0m, private bathroom, separate en- trance, continuous hot water, 904 Grier. Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 14% GRAVEL pibadied $ sup ome Western Tire Prout el! located anc $i5 WEEKLY, two gentlemen or girls room, bedroom, bathroom, kitehen com. |trance. Suitable for couple. Private $0" Street after six King Street East, Oshawa. 728-6232, FILL AND SAND Mode Pies and Desserts 728-4401 opposition in the area C willing to r gle beds, TV, laun plete Marina apartments, 281 Simcoe driveway. 728-1720. |LARGE two room furnished "apartment Residence 725-3405. WE DELIVER ay aeons Gas 4 in spot i centra lephone 725-9087 Street South, 728-4800. THREE-ROOM apartment, private bath, yite rangette, refrigerator, heat, light, DONALD BLAKE DODDS _ Barrister : ; : less n v PONTIAC INN -- room and board a ail COZY three-room unfurnished self-con. heavy. wiring, $60 monthly, including |Water included; parking; centrally lo- and Solicitor, 2644 King Street East 725-5279 725-3887 urr e, wachers, TV, radios aia oS a lane OA hor Poe ave cooked mmeale, lunches pack, tained ground floor apartment, suit hydro and heat. Bus at corner, Call/cated. Apply 92 Elgin Street East Telephone: Business 723-2201. Resi 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH o forth ai ¢ to top S:room ape ease € have TV lounge. Telephone 725-0078, couple de iring handy downtown loca: | 725-9387 |\FU RNISHED room for rent, gentleman dence 728-5373. insurance ; yone in the city Biche clad) : ROOM and board in warm, quiet home, 0"; Adults only, Telephone 723-7530 MONTHLY --new apartment, bed-|Preferred. Telephone 723-4278 for fur- MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD) '°"'?™ Plumbing and Heatin invoice fidentia peta cee ete anchus packed, THREE - ROOM apartment, stove, re- Tom, living room, kitchen, private|ther information L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No- ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up 9 9 spection of s r home priv sundry done, parking. frigerator optional. One child welcome, bath and entrance, lights, heat, includ-| THREE-ROOM taries, Money to loan, Henry Block, to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For ALL types of repairs and remodelling. 2--Personal Mr. § ) len ely 4 Avenue Also large furnished room, housekeep- ed. upstairs, Townline North. 728-7680. 26! King Street East Res s service at your home, cai] new and used materials. Reasonable k ' iller Cetat ing privileges. 841 Simcoe South. 725- FURNISHED apartment: dence, Diai 723-4029 2 25, rates. Estimates free. Dial: 728-693 Jd (large) apartment, up- stairs, kitchen, hydro and heat, piivate 'single house. bath, very central, near bus stop. Ap- : Foley ie : 758.1675 13--Business Opportunities é ROSHAN, FOGM, BETAS SURI TAS Ee eee . CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and D. W. HOLDEN--3: King Street Fast » IMG y $30 MONTHLY, ground floor, three |tral, parking. Reasonable. Apply 96 THREE rooms, ground. floor, private MURDOCH. Barristers, Sc rs, NO- Oshawa, 728-6081 and 723-3376. , MBING and heating supp YOUR WALLS, HOME room apartment, private entrance, cup- Centre Street entrance, heavy duty stove 'and tary Public Bank of Comme Idg., auto and casualty insurance 5-352 Harold H. St 3) "ES ¢ yoards, sink, tiled floor, good location iy APARTMENT house, self-contained ftigerator, two rooms, furnished, $14 * Sinnes Street North, 723-3 x i., plumbing, heating and engineer M J off Simcoe South, apply 15 Maple fouy-room apartment, refrigerator and Weekly: central. Telephone 723-4825 Creighton, QC; N. C. Frase : Simcoe Street Sout f r Ne n Street a, : See gga SICCaRcn MRA' mort) narrmction : ' tove, three-piece bath, closets, furnish: NEW basement apartment, three um pers d LILLIAN 9 M I : : Ce ering i ] BACHELOR apartment, furnished, pri. ¢d if desired, laundry room, parking, furnished rooms, stove, private bath, gages arranged. , AN MAE ae Jancing School Rug -- Upholstery Service i $ 1 ¢ vate, in quiet home. heated. Suit pen- veasonable, Apply 23 Gibb Street. and entrance. Telephone 728-5928 JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA. LLB., A, Ballet Pre-School cro y REQUIRES sioner r monthly. Apply Apartment 1, at Simcoe Street en- Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub: Masonic CHESTE RFIELDS re Ect S Foun th. 725-4283 trance 850 MONTHLY -- apartment in village, lic. The Commercial Building, 286 King e-stvled. Free est p See our ma sf 15 minutes from Oshawa, five rooms, in - ; aver Salta Upnclate Gl : $55 MONTHLY -- lady's three-room West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, otal Pe e€-cc ifr teinel Dalton Upholster tASY-GLIDE F | AN D A || NE bachelor apartment, stove, refrigerator, ~ conveniences, oil furnace, garage, available Aes 5 by interview only, |' (9 harles Street, 723-7212 INTERIOR WALL WASHING APARTMENT. jheated. private entrance. Telephone | c!ePhone CO 3.2394. RUSSELL J. MURPRY. BA LLB, CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re. ------------------------ ree 728-6180 or apply Apartment 1, 67 Gibb| THREE-ROOM apartment, privale en« 723-7253 = yt " at. i like new. Get the best for 1 trance and three-piece bath, parking, Barrister and Solicitor 6 King Street HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY. Baton, °OYSTed » DISTRIBUTORS - #2890 ; mee ; 'a2 at Modern Upholstering, 142 Simcoe ITV outlet, south-east section of town, East, Oshawa, Ontario. 728-2971 tap, RAD ballet, Highland Register oi) eat uaa Weoe: cetinate \ SIMGUE at ROSSLAND : THREE room apartment, bath, hard- Telephone 725.6305, TC ae rrister, Soli. NOW. 424 King Street West, 725-6122 wood floors, private entrance, heate: d - J Se enn eae, Gre Ms e xing CHESTERFIELDS §re-bu prec Driv L 2 I room 1 yarage {f desired. Telephone 723-4817 FOUR-ROOM basement apartment, re, akan | wen 6% canta # ike new y i s é fr 'i ss r ve ye . se t . after 4 p.m close to schools and South plant, one or Street East. Phone 728-1763. Lawn Mowers aig seanaeanler Metanction wuarahtan e $ ¢ 3 ' : ; rigera k E vom apartment bright; very '¥9 children welcome. Telephone 728- BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, Mattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery C r ; gina, p 3 ) me equired for C THREE room apartment, bright, very jogs, Solicitor, Notary Pub 36% «King E SHARPEN AND REN Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dia f r pa ' clean, private bath and entrance, T.V. Pea ee Street East. 728-2381. Res, YU 5-212 ARPEN AND RENT , : 0 antenna, heavy duty wiring. Parking|THREE-ROOM apartment for rent. space, central. Telephone 725-4497. Everything separate. For information, RALPH "JONES, BA, and THOMAS © a Fay a Aare : Surveyors ' ; hie ee ' stp WRITE 1) BOX 6] 4 OSHAWA TIMES - AVAILABLE NOW UNFURNISHED apariment, newly de-|#?P!¥_592 Drew Street aaa etae atau eae ee ae DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN Ontar B 54 / N pre [corated, new home, three piece bath,, FURNISHED three - room basement cio Gg lkane Aveacis By qT A Si S Land Surveyor, Con Blue-print . MODERN APARTMENTS heat, hydro, heavy wiring, TV outlet, apartment, newly decorated, very i -- ng. 31 Ontario Stree : eer Wanted 20--Room and Board d i vate entrance. Child welcome. Apply dry, all conveniences. Private entrance - 1 3 af rew Street 1 bathroom. Telephone 728-1933. : JG AT BURK FLIM and TROLLOPE ; Br hoes but > Drew Stree poe si Bookkeeping - i Surveyors, 216 Adelaide nu ahi ee yelgug Pie ' North ROOMS f f Re arg a Rine THREE-ROOM Spartment. private bath/FOUR-ROOM apartment, private en- "793. 3224 East. Phone 725-688 ome maday ro ' North sixe n ' ed, entra rent 3 Me and entrance, tile floors, TV aerial. Use trance, three-piece bath, heavy duty : -- te Fe end district of Oshawa phone 7 Apply 296 treet s MO 8-3092 of washing machine. $50 monthly. Tele- wiring, heated, TV outlet, central. Ime share gp a oan' wa Times P : ; , 1186 Gi 101 Creedon Ra Apts phone 4130 mediate possession. Telephone 728-0875. ds put c t t / ' n "pease | r raya Rd., AD Money to Loan u nf eta Aramid ae a ee > BOY ~ requ 2 . 22--Store Space & a ae "aa LOW rental apartments, building one LARGE THREE-room apartment, seif- alee Sede a and Afte p.m ee eee LARGE garage, suitable ye ' f ' atid ~~~ Year Old, $87 monthly, modern two- contained with all modern conveniences, 7 2 : ' Ties dt roor i! r cl Shopp' Telephon MONIES AVAILABLE : * i A = oie rage with cement floor. - Apply 71 bedroom, five free washer, close to Shopping Centre. Telephone t . 1 boards, sink. Private entrance, main apartment, sink and cupboards, private 725-9953 Agreements Mortgages ars " adlock Plt drives 4 TAILOR SAMOYED and ador retriever (nurse companion pttes home, with : . CALL 723-2563 SH T INTERIOR dry rking. 728-2 725-4344 h or telephone 725-1338 SAGUENAY dt Parking : 5 floor. Apply 218 Celina Street or tele-/bath, adults only. Apply 198 Hibbert Building Trades a Gl puppies, registered.' lasting gift for [one or two adults. Will ta F STORE 700 square feet, plus r 3 P ears old, ready to breed. Apply 21 Oshawa or vicinit P boards, recreation roo tile. te - dress repairs and alt ns yaa bie Oey Linea Pines 23--Wanted to Rent Cc c cr . i 4 i y own r 3 € k - i 4 AV) CAB ; 3 - 686 OSLER STREET To Buy Tailors \ Telephone 728-5861 for furth u-'GARAGE for rent. Suitable for one ca APARTMENTS TWO-ROOM apartment, built-in. cup- AVAILABLE December 1 -- three-room 3 ' ges, 3--Pets & Livestock - eared all winte t month. 8 ING ond PARK R ee ee ; a Invincible Investments LEN PULLAN * POSITION reaquired as housekeeper oF Auciaide West, Phone 725-9534 KING and PAR D phone 728-5253. Avenue ALL TYPES bi : fa age oe a 0 ailoring vou i sit will hold unti}. Repl: to Box 315 W Y basement. rear entrance and store odern, 2 room apart eavestroughin ane a Fes es ERS narite p nee Christmas, 723-9991 EXPERIENCED _ practical rse FRankiin 2-992 ing sick pues , gh ; sa seen ae : : 723-1101 tae a nd ONE FEMALE walker deer hound, 393 sires work immediately. days ox ts sires ierking. : t he or telephone 725-3190 ett. Call Wm. Wilkins, 723-12 10 PRINC ] 53 : Ave searar t - GARAGE wanted in vicinity of hospi FOR RENT -- one bedroom. Would SKATE EXCHANGE, good skates at Ricca fave tats vermoasine peat Mpg ext to Bus Statior i rs he Tide ane ha bas FELECIFIC DAY al. Must accommodate new car. Tele FOUR-ROOM suit gentleman, central, MO 8-8649 a iow price. Mid-towm furniture, 112 Also all e home remode oc 5 Weck \ 725-83 phone 725-159. three bed- Brock St. N. Whitby MO _8-4981 ec ee ae) cas hot Tean nah ! ing ow eros == NURSERY Mastin see eaioom, tamaiea = APARTMENT | entet. Rnam: nase Mes FOR RENT -- Three room apartment, . : a at . > private entrance, heated, accommodate b air a . old and u Be i eae , age tele : § i tiee wly (725-1841 or 272 Ritson Road South, Osh- 1.00. One block from. main corner, stalled, fui na Ai v j e€ your de 4 jifie Also young does and bucks in variety . 3 ri z 2 awa a a MO 8-2861, 135 Byron Street South, mates. 723-2997 V : 10 th f colors our choice from onot y , , : bedroom | Whitby ' ; : : ; RENTING: One and two bedr REMODELING houses, additions nd toug j v Ae mpn rom . s able, rabbits for meat opp. Oshawa Shop C 24---Houses for Rent arg ving Mee apartment suites from $80; spacious, |--~-- "ro chen cupboard verandahs brick le A e ne wa ere is a large demand at 728 > r 1d modern; range, refrigerator and drapes.| WANTED: used hand motor for Black cement work aipartenned CO 3.2628 v and A r emer 2 chain st anning to raise rab : wo-ber 2 f gan ae Telephone MO 8-475 and Decker valve reseater, Not neces- ' ale purche , nly > \ t son Road South 639 CAR ; bs west Brooklin, newly decorat ) : 2 eles sarily working order. After five p.m. CERAMIC, p 1 tile, woodwork ret x6 yuk tarage, ewimming pool "|WANTED: Young gentlemen to room call 655-3772. ing, all floo: cover 4 Soa ae Ca jordon H 7R2 nd 2 TV, hi privileges. Tele -- mates, Work guarantee 8 sia iad Marker Sasket 16--Female Help hiatal $3 CHILDREN eee oP pia REPAIRS, watches, clocks and jewele FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow phone MO 9-2367 lery. 24 hour service, 35 years in watch. RAFTING SERVICES ech 1 . ' : WINTER POTATOES, 75 pound ba ti waitress for fo. ' , erat ténvill alg : -- = t, | lery. . 35 y \- tue aluat avon Tesorbon y : e ie L&0 per bags Cae Halivety, telephone lauuiy I certn to envay Renaurant stat ates of iad relephone : OTHER You? APARTMENTS and houses for rent. |" ving business, ali work guaranteed, pla ayou teph z kK S 3-3425 Scauitie eeeane P Apply in pe son to Envoy Restauran' la nd. Telepho Su $80 and up, immediate possession Midtown Furniture, 111 Brock -- Street ' FULL AND part time work, wit od . Limited F be arranged. Call W. pvcgerieso North, W MO 8-4981. WHITBY . TV - Radio Repairs WINTER, s. Spys, Secords Golden| say tor ladies or girls. Must have $30 -- DECEMBER 1. Two-bedroom v i ortment in Realtor, Brock Building, MO 8-33 evar A awe. Ontaris ; Delicious bsseth. (Maybelle Onlaaseat auishane enice: Phone Br. moder houias BU; gathnae Glow tal cori te |. levenings, MO 8-3253. ____|SIX-ROOM apartment, $40 monthly. EXCAVATING 3 TY RADIO car radio repairs, all 1 Rorth of Whitby, on Wilson 728-9871 sus, schools, churches and shopping ee ; i WOULD like to share home with 2\Heavy wiring, all conveniences for bantesecc i m a k © Thompson Electronics, 1 wits \ RELIABLE lady ee al ephone 72. 1 : wins fee voung ladies or 2 gentlemen, Com-|stacious living. Telephone 725-5004 for rooms YOUR loc Does with en, tile hardwood downtown location neve b FIVE-ROOM two-bedroom house i ' ott Avene. 723-9792 (Fred sea i : mit ce aca ra Dates 2 TURNIPS i ser bushel, washed ,, } i oD : im hom fortable bed-sitting room, ely NGGING if r Act nat 4, Top 4 t ts 'd motherless home r fu a oB g room ome Int An ae ) 73 ens 7 D GS INS At D a ned. Top quality. Apply | 426 tion, telephone 728-1337 between 9 a.m. central, newly ¢ , : | |meals, home privileges. MO 8-597 |FOR RENT: Sunny furnished bachelor DITCHING t. V. T WERS- Gar ard Road North or telephone 7728- and 3 p.m r a nr y F s OF FOR REN Two bedrooms, kitchen | apartment, linen supplied, private ene 0 ' ROOM, board apd sma r ne 723-4244 and sitting room, private bathroom,|trance. Suit one or two adults, Tele MO 8 4] 72 ° : nee 7 2° ey 3 Paidge ond small sala VACANT -- thr bedroom bungalow heated. Apartments available now. Ap-| phone MO 8-4123 2 r ce nteres puted sem A v ; 5--Farmers Column ' ig; Apa ia SYe ee ae ie we ge of one child white parents are at mm Ce treet, Close to Four Corners ply at ; : = : vk 7 7 phor 2 7 SALE, frigidaire refrigerator, $60.9 ROOM house for rent, oi] heated. Im- : : TOP MONEY for dead and disablea nets. Telephonr MO 8 chat nei Guide Peony Limited roe eae 10 8.5260 after 6 p.m. |mediate possession. Apply 214 Dundas pte : oh tdagelatg LEN g LOU! " : gage tire J, EXPERIENCED housekee : 1 Ss HOME Nice five |Street East, Whitby or telephone MO sg : egg ieee ect, 24-Ho} nt ; of five r B x", well sh less 121 THREE roomed apartment for rent.! 94999 rae mee eg gp i rane " 7 'i central, spacious. Telephone MO 8-4242 Whitby. Reaso e ri tip: |S 7232 si ANTENNAS See ars ' romy ; rte: ia sa . oe ic Gakh tae ---------- or apply' at 816 Centre Street South, FOR SALE: Good choice of nursery acal-wnathonacnbatsnt stele gf xp ee id Re : ee A er ; CELIEN oc N Whith: rown Christmas trees, Scotch pine and MORTGAGES -- arranged, . bo ant wo Cun " Margwill Fur Farm, Tyron 1 STENC » rate ' e, Re 110 mor ly 478 Park EXCELLENT LOCATION Whitby 7 , e Mr Bolahood. anyti 728-5804 or 725-7844 up eearrygegttth spruce, Apply 814 Byron Street North, O " 7 taph tran : > n- Road Sow FOR RENT. three rooms on ground ' : : GROWERS WANTED: To raise one @%d dictaphone transcri 3 W 3-BEDR iM 4 - : Whitby. Free delivery John A. "J." Bolahood a more turkey broilers, Con- eSt position, employee bene rite SUB-DIVIDED house ht rooms NEW. 3-BEDROO floor. Suitable for adults. Available ) Ad Re rte . and: Som Lin), an; \Box 707, Oshawa Times stating exper-land attached garage, heavy duty NG LOW December Ist, Apply 536 Centre St. N, roe ser Two roomed comfort . s i td, 6 wget nt, is ve 3 Pa A Phone M 725 rnished. apartment. Kitche a OvV| | 1G FIRST AND SECOND m gai t Brock nh, Whitby, MO 8-291 ence and full particula 4 a BU Lesa cs oa - Pred Naa : Suit elderly ' excellent appointments. , * ' - r y -- Stove refrigerator ranged Schatzmanr mo so fe heavy ¢ FOR RENT: Three room apartment on Apply 305 Perry Street. : ess 30h Duncan West, 2 : EBON 8--Hunting C EF f r wat at * " ity of Schools Cochrane Street, $65 monthly; heavy egy Pageant eaters d ~ A) CLIENTS' money to leat Peak' valet 8. os 2 t Thre niles north ow duty wiring, heated, built-in cupboards; |" ae i SN es CALL " a ee i ve TAXIDERMIST -- deer heads moun With proven $ abilit ' iren welcome. Telephone $95 MON H HLY parking. Telephone MO 8-8435 WANTED -- 1,000 pairs good used AG aur : the eer cgghdlond ny. Open evenings ed, $22.00 } : {after 5.30 p.m in = = ------ | skates, Midtown Furniture, 111 Brock CITY CARTAGE not / ae ie fee Sunes Sean t hev : : - Also FOR RENT: Cheerful furnished room | S:2teh MUCtOUn iby, MO. B-498 eighte v t, Drynan and Mur- : a Rugwork. ontact Richard Flewell 4 _ OUR-ROOM house, near the Shopping A, n new home, reasonable. Telephone . 723 26?) : Ble aaah i Sliiak cists leis E 3 angeg h ree ee = 2 BEDROOM MO 8-5765 FOR SALE: Westinghouse _automatie )- urve pay oe : xperienc de wn ec ae Sis. tetatanna Ties ) 8 se ON . 26 EERE MONTGAGES == industry and Q Y lata gl ei peree ae hmgen oed Dp oe : ne ene FOR RENT $60 monthly three and four-[Washer, rebuilt ard guaranteed. us nmercial ro} econd mort Sede rl std hh ng "-- ad joare adies' sf v C p RTMENT 'room apartment, balcony, residential)*~~. °°" emakine -- moses: Di W. -Holden, 31 : ts ssica haw ooae | required. F or rt-t FOR RENT -- three bedroom: bung A A area, newly decorated, laundry facili-[SEPTIC tanks cleaned, Waiter Waid, ; ; : : he Oshawa. 728-6081 and 723- SERVICE WHEN YOU 1 1 Duck bu or see es Highest \ mon hree m spl > ties, parking, close to schools, children's|204 Chestnut Street West. Phone MO INVISIBLE mending, re-wea q 3376. sii ~ - pig age Ng, pence ae Two-bedroom apart ADELAIDE AND PARK slayground. Apply 300 High Street. |8-2563 ----- leasesneneseecasans K 3 den. RR 1 Clarendon, Ont M + ~ a minor altera: Cali 725-973 25 i ns Vr ment, $73 m Bowman and Gibson -- , ! i ! +R 1 i \ ) THREE-ROOM heated apartment, good WHITBY Coin Laundry, 106 Brock poche M RT : v and RADIO Telephone 198-4 fey ye " ' = oo, $95 MONTHLY stove, bus service, parking, $60 month-|South, new wash, 15 cents, Two for one nochange adh rd pe niet en ------ - bungalow, south end, bus 2 hone. 728 $282 ly. Available December 1.' 1100 Brock sale on dry cleaning and pressing. MO eee oe ee CALL 728- 5286 : EXPERIENC 1 heated ' broadloom, $ elephone 28 South, MO. 85107 39074 rates. 728 11--Articles for Rent EXPERIE : rallable Dac Le Talsandbe Rae 4 LOANS e y 4 " 2 STUDENTS: A super - value, . approxi- tned. z t : . any a ail ° ' Oshawa's Finest nately 630 sheets of letter size typing ATTENTION HUNTERS SARGEANT'S CASHIERS \ : _rooms. Te decorate paper tnews print) for only $1.00 -| eee z Pe eo tg ELECTRONICS TABLEWARE WANTED i iat ge nity 1 : PARK LANE i Dupaas. Birost Wei ssa ie Basis, Shot Guns Decoys, ALTERATIONS and re-modeiliz fu ee } : seas Siete THREE bedroom unfurnished apart expert dressmaker. Ha : : pai Well Drilling-Digging RENTALS f r rson. | 1'eSTOREY bri ; t nent, central location in Whitby. Apply Laks ts Tk Sour vet ie Memt ortgoge si ; Pepa heat arage, intr APTS Ritson Road South or telephone new style Tele 28 ' 7 Kers wi 'ax ss C / } € fe and t F ° 1 W. WARD bu : 128-33 : -- Prod digg E. Horr ris DRESSMAKING, suits, coats, dresse WILDE RENTAL Driving School f "sity W weet rear NG by 3 tat = Li FIVE-ROOM bunga d gara BACHELOR SUITES erations, slip covers. Gowns and : s, t ARE , , eavy near school a our' specialty. Mrs. Toms, Mo! SERVICE & SALES, WHITBY _ CHINE ince i rn "central. 68 eet Tele 1 BEDROOM SUITES #232 "se LEARN TO DRIVE SUMMERLAND SPECIALIZIN eye | 8D EXPERIENCED T2838 Fom SALE pies walt Hah din ul SECURIT IES ~ ONTARIO ' , TYPIST HOUSE for rent er house, "newly 2 BEDROOM SUITES ¢, chesterfield and chair. Telephone FOR RENT abin Trailers, also Power Tools, Garden ond Lawn Equipment. MO 8-3226 A 0 8-2563--MC a tek Ger ais Metags Conk Cllehine Serv -- --= ONE AND TWO cited Pan 112 SIMCOE st N., OSHAWA Aadihests : orthand desirable | poner eee tae Private ork FOR RENT BEDROOM APTS. deed ink Ad mati PHONE 725-3568 os USE THE sen rooms, oll heating, laundry' facilities, _--Foveg 7 KnG ait te, oa Is po ie) 3 . Cortrolled E $ C ows, power tools, $85 - $100 Evening Lesse " 2--Personal 21N hor tale boat, bin ond cobin trailers 728. 0091 Nursing Homes ___| PASSENGER desires ride r OSHAWA TIMES page bye 9 ° ' eh ; hows Contact "Fer Sale i pth Pine SOUTM, MAVEN Nursing Wome he serine Minty of Queen and Univ Reeciaaes heating. cemst| MR. DON HOWE Christos Tree Fuel and Wood ate patients. jounge ; 2 728-8337 alter 6.30 ' CLASSIFIED itioriel Alorsinn apaeley: : "Howe & Pe Reoitor WILDE RENTAL FIREWOOD. ary, good stove, fur. ed ding mod tors wel- RIDE wanted to Tc Bie" OO Basi NY TO ie ote Rewcenie Gale \Retaae inerouass me =, COLUMNS Copciy Unie (Say ae MO 8-3591 Telephone 725-3093.

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