Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Nov 1961, p. 9

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BOOKMOBILE TO ENHANCE PUBLIC LIBRARY SERVICE =__ are Dye Oshavoa Times Two Months SECOND SECTION Appearing for judgement in \Oshawa Magistrate's Court |Monday on charges of keeping! ja betting house and book-| making, William G. Cook, of} Oshawa, was sentenced to two} months in the county jail and} fined $1,000 and costs on the) \betting house charge. The book- making charge was withdrawn \by the crown. | Magistrate F. S. Ebbs told) Cook that after being convicted} on a charge of a similar nature| a little over a year ago, he} jShould have considered that conviction. as ample warning. | J. P. Mangan, QC, counsel! for the accused, asked the court} to recognize that his client had} y had only three convictions re-| gistered against him since 1948, | a isc. sii he EaeentG into BIRTHDAYS {cn evidence was that snembers Congratulations and best of the provincial police anti- wishes to the following resi- gambling squad erected a lad- dents of Oshawa and district der on King Street east to enter who are celebrating their the premises occupied by Cook. birthdays today isa Jim Fetchison, 130 East- mount street; Clarence Cox, WOMAN FINED 80 Rossland road east; Geof- Shirley frey Hull, Simcoe street, : Brooklin and Michael Greer, 320 Cadillac south Phone 723-3474 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1961 PAGE NINE Sis at ci ic i Eleanor Peden, of Oshawa, was fined $10 and costs or five days in jail Monday on each of five charges of false pretences in Oshawa Magis- trate's Court. | Week Of Prayer i le Services Planned | RAVE NOVEMBER'S CHILLY WIND Plans for the annual Week of would be str&ssed. Many _ Picketing teamsters at the | car - hauling industry Sunday | company controlled welfare | day. Oshawa firms affected Prayer in January were formu-| churches already)have the Bible Charlton Transport Ltd. yard, | night, in a dispute hinging | plan. Local 880 International | include McCallum Transport lated at a meeting of the Osh- awa Ministerial Association this week. Rey. Warren G. Dickson, president, presided and Rey. Society in their budget. The new textbooks for Grade 8 were shown and given to the Stevenson road south, Monday around teamsters' welfare | Representative Sydney Mc- § afternoon took time out to benefits. Teamster officials | Afee said the employers "had Tid, Eaaeey Transport Ltd., warm hands, blue with cold, | called the strike, on a 77 per | thrown the gauntlet' by de- | Russell Transport Ltd, a near the gate they were | cent membership vote favor- | manding the teamsters give | small Roadway Transport religious education committee > ot ip © . r ar : Aifred Woolcock read the min- for their iii The committee guarding. Local 880, Inter- | ing strike action, due to the | up their welfare plan. More | rq, yard and Gen-Auto Ship- utc is as follows: Rev. C. D. Cross national Brotherhood of Team- companies' attempt to wrest | than 800 workers in Ontario | ak 1 rev, . ' i There was a splendid attend- Rey, R. B. Milr Rey. N. T Sters began strike action | control of the Ontario Team- | and Quebec are affected by ' t ; eV. H. 5B, MUOY, HEV. N. ty a astern d srs' Welfare Fund i | the strik in its third | --Oshawa Times Photo ance of the members in the! Holmes. Rev. N. F. Swackham. 28@!nst the eastern division | sters elfare und into a e strike, now in its ir Common Room at St. Andrew's!mer and Rev. W. G. Dickson -- Cute So ee United Church. Three new mem- Praueaman GF «| aw boat Monier ditty A the convener i THE DONATION OF a | the board Monday night. Seen , 3,000 books. . The leat dans bers--Capt. Puller of the Church The De Bai ithe ld Suspend Licence tractor-trailer bookmobile unit here in the upper picture is wij] enable the library to ex- Army, who is minister of Holy 1 ecember meeting would . oxte p ; pa . , be Monday, Dec. 4. The speaker by R. S. McLaughlin to the. an exterior. view of the unit. | tong its service to readers in | Trinity Anglican Church; Ernest y, Y , ic rar as. The | sicture shows. the ' edie anid .., Will be Rev. R: A. Bombay who Ts Oshawa Public Library w " The _ + a ONS ery | the outlying areas of the city, Winter, who is the assistant pas- cil speak 4a "CGueiiae or Three ea announced at a meeting of , interior whic tor: at. Calvary Baptist Church! ¥ pe ee : i : | | Kenya', having recently return The main thing is to get you and Rev. Mr Nelson, of the > ed from that country off the highway', Magistrate pers Ltd. St C ; t 1 : R ] Oshawa Bible Club Movement-- My i e e . el 4 cen rel The association gave its ap- F. S. Ebbs told Fred Lincoln The devotions were conduct- proval to the folldwing schedule Cowan, RR 2, Whitby, when he hl LV1C eve O men . s te u ed by Rev. Carl Kartechner of of the annual Week of Prayer, appeared Monday for sentence = Grace Lutheran Church, The Jan. 8 to 12, 1962, inclusive in Oshawa Magistrate's Court. association voted to accede to} Jan. 8 -- In First Baptist) Cowan was fined $75 and "Oshawa expects every cili-/which is only a means to an,important to reach everyone, e e the request of the local radio|Church, Speaker: Capt. Puller|costs or one month in jail and zen to do his duty to the com- end," he urged. because community develop- station to have about six 1/4-| of Holy Trinity Anglican Church.|had his licence suspended for| munity. Can we count on you?"| "We are really trying to build|ment is a matter close to the Tar OO mo ] e | minute tape recordings through-| Jan. 9: In St. Paul's Presby-|three years when he was/con-|This is the slogan of the Pub-| a community, not bara Po econ. individual, He pointed out that ' atl out the day, instead of the 15)terian Church. Speaker: Ernest|victed on a charge of failing|lic Relations campaign justlomy that supports it. We arel|in Oshawa not everybody minutes 'Morning Devotions" at! Winter, assistant at Calvary {9 remain at the sce' f an! launc 7. ; A ao ot : Be a , ne of an/launched by the Oshawa Joint try { ity, Speaks English, and that, with At a meeting of the Oshawa/from the main library. When the|Canada at the present time and present. That report was pre-| Baptist. Church . ee ident. Business Development Commit At elle eo og Dogg Bs Over O06 Soule ving hee: "ree Meth- y, ; : ldaeuie augurate t aved many communities: sented by the convener, Rev Wed., Jan. 10: In De F , iffi Public Library Board erg eae chat gy qb iene aie reve ce og aetrel oe wandine Dr. George Telford odist Church. Speaker Rev A conviction was: registered] '¢e- ; : tive, culturally stimulating and it was going to be difficult not night in the boardroom of the mean th sia : cael uu el Rey, W. Niven Aitken present-| Georce Carroll, Byng. Avenue 82ainst the accused on another| The committee is set up joint- satisfying place to live; a place| Only to reach everybody, but to McLaughlin Public Library it}be stationed at certain posi-/maintaining and operating a ed the schedule for Sunday) Penteco tal Church charge of driving while his li-|ly by the Oshawa Chamber ofjwhere men and women can|enthuse them as well. was announced that a new fea-tions--perhaps .an hour at ajbranch library. } afternoon services at the Hills- This. Jan, 11: In Westmount cence Was under suspension|Commerce and the Industrial' grow to their full stature in dig- "At first we shall only be iffere loc " q g ing al t s., Jan, Ps 7 fn in Pr + ture of library service in Osh-\time--in different locations' "Oshawa is growing all the Gai. Manor. Rev. N. T. Holmes|United Church. Speaker, Rev,2 fine of $50 and costs was|Commission. The campaign is|nity, and work out their life|lighting one little candle to awa will be instituted in the about the city. time and we are grateful to) qGitributed the schedule for the W. J. Goodswan. levied or one month in jail. His|aimed at obtaining the maxi-| spans in truly rewarding ways lighten the darkness, but as near future. "It will take sometime for the Col. R. S. McLaughlin for mak- Saturday Guest Editorials in| 'Friday, Jan. 12: In St.\cat was impounded for .three|mum active co-operation of the SENSE OF DUTY Aha bg an This was brought about by routes and plans for the serv-/ing it possible for our library phe Oshawa Times, beginning George's Anglican Church, Months citizens of Oshawa in support ' or 4 5 ante dak tee - candles, the bright hopes of notice in a letter from Collice to be worked out," said Service in Oshawa to keep this Saturday Speaker, Rev. R. B. Milroy. Cowan, who was convicted on|Of the city's efforts to develop|, Mr. Bath said t at by appeal- Oshawa will shine out over the R. S. McLaughlin announcing Rev. Dr. George Telford, chair. 2Pace with progress "said one' Mr, Dickson gave:the report, The president. Rev. W. G.a charge of failing to remain|and attract more and new busi- a ci ae s sense of land for all to see," he pre- the ' ft of a bookmobile valu d'man of the board, 'but we are|/Member of the board of the Bible Society. It was de-\Dickson. will preside at. all/in Toronto last month, and had|Mess and industry in order to uty, or loyalty, the committee dicted ~% aun $10 000 The east sure that when the service is) In the case of Scarborough,|cided that in 1962 the churches! meetings. The vice - president, his licence suspended for one help Oshawa grow. ret te Goameunet und tee J +) gn es P Deeek : bee iaw Aa it re ss ,q'where the bookmobile service would stress especially , the Rev. Frank Swackhammer, will/year, told the court his insur-|... He , im-|J oint Business Developmen er ee ee cubes & cts pits has been in operation tor ome Giteon Bible Society and repre- be in charge of publicity. The ence company had cancelled ENLARGE ECONOMIC BASE Provement of the community. Committee, stores, offices, res- kK i ars imber of citiz who," : bets oh ' - Sage: ; 6 . 12k ' . "By E s i sini es thanks unanimously arge number of citizens 0 time. The Oshawa Times learn. sentatives would be invited into| meetings, which will start at 8 his insurance prior to that At a lifichenn imeatle: aca 'By stimulating business it}/taurants, service stations and "That the chairman be auth- now find it difficult to come to é F : ; | n meeting SpONn- becomes possible to develop,"| factories all will receive post- d to write a letter to Col. the library" ed, that in the beginning, the 'he pulpits of the different/p.m., will be preceded each/accident sored by the committee, at the speaker said, "and the de-lers for display to their staff orized to write a er to Col, the brary . service called for 35 stops and churches on the Sunday after night by a prayer meeting in 'They must have had a pre-| Hotel Genosha today, Kenneth . | nan. be' t m Pr oaabeie Ragin ah ; McLaughlin accepting his gen The new bookmobile will : : ' : Easter and the following year the church where the service is monition', Magistrate E bbs | Bath, Industrial Commissioner veropment can be best: control! The posters: tinue €veryoody to erous offer of a bookmobile and have a capacity of nearly 3,000/0Perated more than 50 hours a j)° Ganndiat Bible" Sanatel held a ' sie ; ae issioner, led by individual awareness|be courteous and heipful, to expressing to him the sincere books and should the desired week. At the end of a two-year - é beatae and rae baad oe and participation in community; work efficiently and cheerfully appreciation of the library book not be in the shelves of Period it was serving more the wity would sake Iife etic affairs. We say that the two! and to be alert to new business board for his additional evi- the bookmobile a request can than 24,000 members. Febru e e ry for all He aid tha he Indus. must go hand-in-Hand: self in-| prospects. ; dence of continuing interest in be made and the book made @!Y, 1956, saw the first book trial C ission tries "terest, and community interest: Press, radio, direct mail and 1g t in ; bil pile : oe ] ra omm:ssion [ries to In- Self-interest alone makes us noj dinner speakers will be all used the library board available on the next scheduled MOONE In Operation in scar crease business activity, and to . : | : ; visit to that point borough but the demand be ieee ahi atuonehen the eo better than the jackal or the vul-|by the committee to try to TO VISIT SUBURBS Se eee came so great that in 1957 a . OO ace af the ernmanis | ture. Sincere, enlightened com-| awaken a' realization in every thi i 7 76 TS : A 1 omic dase of the community, munity interest, on the other|citizen that he or she has a The addition, of this new REDUCES COSTS seecond bookmobile was _ put but only as a means to an end . : equipment, it was stated, will It was pointed out at the into operation, Since that time u ear " hand, raises us to where we can/ vital part to play in encourag- ie = aes : bees pty 4 It is a better life we are walk with the angels." ing the economic growth of bring an additional service to meeting that the system is in of course, the service has add those residing some distance,wide use in several cities in ed more facilities after -- not the money itself, Mr. Bath stressed that it isi Oshawa. ose re Reports covering all phases,Earl Hann, maintenance chair-|a real and valuable place in the gor ees i life of Oshawa. As I step down : of its activities were presented! man. at the annual meeting of the » . Sane | ee ne Two Fines dist cn' Mtoe cnamuas muaxzen [rm ue oesaere. ew + Noted Pianist an pen ouse Society last Friday in the Mc-| Mrs. Conant, in her final re-| +. oot. of the Oshawa and Dis- . Laughlin Public Library audi-| Port as president of the society Is Acclaimed trict Historical Society." Asks Retenti © e a eke eect lo men who ably aided her in SHOWS HISTORIC SLIDES ne ' et : s ' : SLIDES ae > Are Imposed a a hineeioov' ole ih many ways to build the group) Mrs. Conant introduced the Bebessiene Disrae Wik Coe Yr e a Ee ' L Cree MATe. VETNA ty the strength it is today, and) pyest speaker of the feeling and versatility were torium. thanked those committee chair- R. Conant who has held the Melville Robert Ferguson, 163 office for four years. Mrs. It was announced at a meet- awa secondary schools, the Simcoe street south, told the Conant was tendered a unani- ec ; : ing of the Oshawa Board of Edu- board adopted a motion, by court he had only wanted to vis- mous vote of' thanks he. ve osha Hotel and SIAR: The Osh-|torical pictures was among the| Public | S¢ noe Mongay the city of Oshawa Creek Val- Lakeview Park was donated by Trustee A. E. O'Neill, that ait his estranged wife's apart- untiring efforts on behalf of the 2¥4 Chamber of Commerce,/best in Ontario today, and was|When the Canadian Concert As- ley and lakefront lands and|General Motors and the open house will be held at the ing pe: Deepatya. BONE GU MEHt, 70 MEUVEE a. binthiay aoclaly ' Sones Aeneas Bont & ange comparable to the famous John sociation of Oshawa presented! ieiy development as park areas|land for Memorial Park was ' tat the board cannot comply present for one of his two child The slate of officers, present *y : , eis Ross Rober son ( ollection of its first concert of the season was voiced by Gordon A. Wand- purchased 9 y board's new administration with this request as it would be ren ae A » I Airlines, and the Ontario De-'the Toronto Public Library pT) e ' De ba : . * Purcoaten _In 1924 the war building, Rossland road west ; re Boded pelias thee ed by Mrs. BC. H. Jury, chair- partment of Travel and Pub- Mies Hoceulas in 4eline > the rhe concert, which was well less, Oshawa planning director,/memorial in Memorial Park Thursday: Dec. 28 : sy ey a hees 1 hilo 8 Ferguson appeared in Osh man of the nominating commit: jicity, for their donations dur- cto oe - A Se j ae : A attended included works of at the Monday meeting of the was unveiled and in the inter- x uichevniahe wil te. unvel vehbes teres sua he wa! awa Magistrate's Court Monday '©& WaS unanimously approved ing the annual workshop of the bait Age Sica aie Brahms, Liszt, Chopin, Debus- Rotary Club of Oshawa. vening years 35 parks have been ed by Rt. Rev. Monsignor P. been Ginronched "at various 0" Charges of threatening, wilful #S follows Ontario Historical Society which' joy of Hictures pathered by filsle Rachmaninoff and Dohanyi Mr. Wandless maintained the 0Pened. Coffey, separate school repre- times in this regard but had re- 4@™Mage and intoxication, which OFFICERS ELECTED was held in Oshawa in October. i Exceptional talent was display-' qeyelopment of these two par-| The official park plan for re laid after z te Many of the 118 who register-.alfer, the late A. L.. "Mike"| ea in the interpretation of. the Oshawa, which was two y sentative. Members of the board fused the re Mag laid after an incident Nov. Mrs. V. Conant, past presi- Many of the who register- Bouckley, and that with the aid 1 eed ab die cels of land presented the Oshawa, which was two years will guide the public through 9 at his wife's apartment at 204 dent: Dr. W. G. Watt. first vice- ¢@ for the workshop wrote let- e we »p wrote let- of interested friends, the collec work of each of the masters opportunity to build special in. preparation, was approved the ultra modern building dur- FINAL PAYMENT Division street president; Fred Roberts, second abi --_-- vig ee ae tion had grown to about 700 Mr. Stevens has been widely character into the city. He felt i ha pe tes Regt iy ing the afternoon , : 'erg loaded euiliy Vice > president; C Gorne-/2Y Mrs. Conant who fhe ne nictures acclaimed and lived up to alla dedicated salesman is needed development of parks for the - Sicha dtanind a. reaue The board accepted the archi- re ee pleaded guiIIY Je treasurer: Mise C. Abbott, Post of chairman for the event I _ ae sathering the &xpectations. a pee re project to residents next 20 years. Mr. Wandless e zg da request tect's certificate approving final to the wilful damage and intoxi- 14 Grding secretart:: Miss) 10 conclusion Mrs, Conant e said that in gathering the ; he city and to get it under felt this planning ahead is as from the Home and School Coun- payment to Fidelity Construc- cation charges, was fined $10 pachaaale 4 ' a " oe photos, some people were nat-. He displayed a great deal of of the city and to get it under 5 : pe n ity Constru Bes, f $10 © M. Holmes. secretary: mu-| added I have deemed, it a oy Saree pil vital as civic buildings in de- cil to use the committee room tion Limited, on construction of and costs or 10 days on the first ai ' ities eh Be rman, great privilege to have Served urally reluctant to part with talent in Franz Liszt's "Sonata Way- termining the ehoracter oF the en iil oe e Ye S at) tle c < 4 z 12 Ye oy 2 ? . " in the administration building the addition to Cedardale Public charge and $50 and costs or one ian a McLaughlin: his.|the Oshawa and District His- them, so he developed a copy- in B Minor" which, as the maj-- Regarding the 10 acres of city for its monthly meetings subject school, The balance of the hold'month' on the second charge. téHie "ait Dr. M. P. Town.-|torical Society for its first four) 18 system, and after many!ority of compositions by Liszt, Oshawa Creek Valley land, im- Se ' to priority being given to the p, t 9 oric sites, Dr. 3 + SOWK trials with chemicals, papers ; It was his opinion that the J back amounted to $260 the sentences to run concurrent- G.|years. I have reaped many, \"@™ ' pers demands exceptional talent and mediately north of Highway board should one of its commit- send; historian, Mrs. O Anite hs 4 and lighting, he can now usual- yore. : "Rbe s ee "©? task of the future is to provide perl ee the room on the. The hold back on the contrac- ly. Mills: restoration, Dr. Robert! Pleasures from this added inter- salbigs spay versatility, and in the "Rhap-/401, the speaker suggested larger recreation parks as those ' 7" ee : les y already busy life, ly manage to get a better copy ea ean, aH biel pacar ae sate C night of the council's meeting. tor's account for the T. R. Mc- Magistrate F. §. Ebbs re- Miller; membership, Mrs. E. red gDh algo uh Y ine tal aan the original. on gee ' # ( pi Mtge pba prac pace labor shee in existence now would be ob- : a Ewen Beni Sch00! was refer- served judgment in the threat- Jury; program committee cnn many Who have the Tore He showed samples of the pic- Aad teins ou Ot Deen i at af Bic te halves solete in 20 years due to the REVISED PLANS APPROVED red to the Building and Plan- ening charge to Jan. 8 chairman, Rev. Dr. G e orge of the historian deep in their tures and told of the methods Mr. Stevens, Jan 28, will the th citer oe t rapidly expanding population, g Committee with power to Mrs Telford; executive curator and of storage and filing he uses give a solo recital at Carnegie ° the OUSANGS Of MOO the reduction in-the hours (of act after the board was told cer- 44 % publi city chairman, Leon hearts. I assure those on the . . Aidt Naw Work vehicles using the highway and work and the increase. ithe tain jobs had not been com- : Konorowski threshold of interest in history.) PICTORIAL HISTORY Th <t concert by the Cz would leave a lasting impression jf, span of residents, Most of pleted as promised, although it\,, Mrs. Barlow who is also that active participation in the The slides shown were a pic- he next concert by | e Ca- of Oshawa. the present neighborhood parks Bi : family and smash everything) pro< { Lyce and| Study of the pioneers grows 0Nn {orjal history of Oshawa ¢ « nadian Concert Association will t = 3 was the feeling of some mem-j, the } pay ise president of the Lyceum an ond can bE An BL AO ee : fs : Another area 'of the valley are withqut trees. For that bers that the hold back was|l@,'"@ Mouse after she told him Arts Association, in accepting}One, and can be an all absorb-|which were; a «portrait of|be given on Jan. 17 and will) yi ne felt should be devel-\reason there should be a small Mrs. Grace Heard, of the quite large in this case, and "0! '© Come to her home if he the presidency, said it would be! ing subject, well worth while. the first settler in Oshawa, feature Kenneth Perkins, vio- * ve betw Adelaid scale tree planting plan for OCVI teaching staff. was given'should be paid as soon as pos- "@S drunk. She said she had'difficult to follow the footsteps "With continued and increas-| views of the village from 1849 linist, of the Montreal Sym- ten a ne Mn rere It a k ermission to attend the Gana: (sit a ee : zone to her father-in-law's home of Mrs. Conant but, with. the ing interest by larger numbers, 49 the 1900's. inns and hotels, phony Orchestra pesto sega i He "et ee dia Co ference on Education in because she was afraid of her aid of the executive, she would Ur Historical Society can take industries, commercial develop- : Club, When these areas were' Mr. Wandless felt the present i q Education in : ; ' : al t i ndustries I p- , rs WwW ph poms . . Sdentroal prone March. Mrs... .¥0 other items on the agenda husband when he was drunk give it her best efforts ments, and many others num »0U ' developed others would follow.jrecreation program in the Heard will attend as a repre were put over to the next board The accused told the court he Reports of the various com AUTO WAS PARKED bering 80 in all ; IMPOUND AUTO Hpi of the oh would " es neighborhood parks is lacking ' 'as a repre-|™' put or : wb rt he : AS P/ g | ' ; their natural state and onlyjas regard child fr 13 t 5 eae meeting. These were a discus bes : tte re graphe Ss larific : : t "oncl » Justus Seeger, of Hamilton, 1" "elr na ' Yias regard children from 0 sentative of the Canadian Men- visited the apartment to deliver Mittees were mimeographed) Some clarification is neces-' At the conclusion of -- the ets , ' brushing and other minor work'19 years of age. It was possible would be required that the inauguration of a boys' kk A dhe' chatane Gh Abauala tal Health Association. G. L Putt oF exh sls rie ae the birthday present and found 4nd distributed to the members. sary regarding an accident on)meeting, Mr Bouckley was was sentenced to seven days in Roberts, the school principal, ee : fe 9 ; orAP ny tae } TNC no one there. He.said he .phon-| Lhe reports submitted were:\Bloor street east, Saturday| thanked on behalf of the mem- the county jail, had his car im- 'i lub would provide an oifttet tani, board's maintenance staff and a ie father's Koma he ,,| Miss G. Abbott, secretary; C. E.| p46 ; ivan in|bers by T. K. Creighton, QC, pounded for three months and Mr. Wandless recalled that /C!U) would [ assured the board that suitable -.o oct from R. HI ey (ed his fathe home because he : " night, which was reported in : for the energies of this particu- arrangements could be worked | mn oe unneY.'knew his wife would be here, Cofmelius, treasurer; Rev. Dr Monday's issue of The Oshawa Who said that the citizens of his licence suspended for six first Oshawa Parks Board was lay noe CRO. but she slammed the phone| George Telford, FR Watkin Times. It has been brought to|OShawa_are to be very proud months, when he appeared informed in 1905 with R. S ge grouy down before he could sav any- , out" Seenvding Mra Heart's maintenance superintendent, for 8 . re mittee: Mrs. James R of Mr, Bouckley's efforts in re--Oshawa Magistrate's Court,/McLaughlin as chairman and) One of the big needs in urban thing evening, i ' thanked also the many firms) Thomas Bouckley. She said that presented by William Stevens, 2 rganizati amely, Gen- ' : Sgr : anist, at Dr. S. J. Philli and organizations namely, Gen- the Bouckley collection of his-| Pianist, a : ; al A plea for the retention by! In 1920 44 acres of land for cation Monday night that an Miriam. Ferguson told court »her husband had threatened to kill the whole The board learned that final approval had been given to the revised plans for the R. S. Me- Laughlin Composite School by the Department of Education ny 4 ssent a letter to classes during her absence ding clarifica- publicity; Dr. M. P. Townsend,| UF attention that the car is\ cording the history of Oshawa. Monday. Seeger was charged the late Dr. T. E. Kaiser asdevelopment today is for Regarding a recent Ie n of the rms of reference ; historic sites: Mrs, Ewart Mc- reportedly driven by E. T. Ros- "The members retired to have with drunk driving after his secretary. That year 150 acres breathing space. This need from the Oshawa Business Col- of himse!f and Mr. Libby with The next thing I knew the Laughlin, museum committee; Si, 31, 627 Alvert street, was coffee and cookies served by car nearly rammed. a_ police of land for Alexandra Park was/could be filled by the retention lege asking for names and ad- respect to the employment of,police came and arrested me", Mrs. M, Gower, curator; Miss)Parked at the time of the acci- Mrs. W. E. McKay and her cruiser on Bloor street west, purchased. Oshawa then had aland development of the lake- dresses of former pupils of Osh- maintenance personnel. jhe said. 'Rose A. Hawkes, archivist andj dent. 'committee. ¥ iNov, 18. population of 4,000 people. ifront and creek valley areas,

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