ep irms On Sirike - P. WEATHER REPORT Cloudy and Much colder today. Partly cloudy tonight and Tues- day. Winds northerly 20 to 30 today, light on Tuesday. ar-Hauling F he Oshawa Cimnes Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa and for payment of Postage in Cash, BAN ALL TESTS RUSSIANS URGE Proposal Made On Eve Of Talks | MOSCOW (AP) -- The Soviet|countries use detection systems {Union proposed today banning|to assure observance of the Four Oshawa THOUGHT FOR TODAY The time has come when it often takes jacks or better to open storm windows. ritains [EEC Talk Revealed BRUSSELS (Reuters) -- Brit-|dent that solutions can be found) ain told members of the Euro-|to Common wealth problems pean Common Market last) fully compatible with the sub-| month that she wants to be ajstance and the spirit of the) full member of the trade group/Treaty of Rome." In 1957, the but would not be able to join/Rome treaty linked West Ger- if the move meant grave loss)many, France, Italy, Belgium, or ruin for Commonwealth|the Netherlands and Luxem- members, it was disclosed to-|bourg in the Common Market. | iday. Britain "'accepts without qual- Reuters obtained through pri- ifications" the treaty objectives vs od : laid down in provisions for elim- ? ' | TWENTY-TWO PAGES Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy VOL. 90---NO. 275 '/yate sources a copy of the text) j of a hitherto secret speech/inating internal tariffs between) 4 which British Deputy Foreign|the partner nations; for the es- Secretary Edward Heath deliv-|tablishment of a common. tariff) , from outside} ered Oct. 10 in Paris before and for common s Common Market ministers k Heath is the minister in gi 2 ea i agp ane tc | jall nuclear tests in the air, un-|agreement. This article said: of Britain's negotiations for Fie think it shouldbe nose | Bg |derground and under the sea.-| "With the aim of carrying out Marks=membership. ; ; beagle Shah | The proposal was made in a|mutual observance for fulfill- In discussing British motivesible to deal "with a draft agreement distributed to| ment of commitments contained _aclcgegedena sg Pong ora ee ae ie ; 'correspondents in the Soviet|in article one of this agreement, formally called the . she i. . 1s Gad Shrew weed TOE : \foreign office on the eve of re-|the states participating in the Economic Community -- Hea "game adjustments" in. thel i jopening talks in Geneva for ajagreement will use their na- § ' | Fe \declared: sti tional systems of detecti | "Tn saying that we wish to Market's common external tar- jtreaty to end testing of nuclear y ng nue join the EEC we mean that weliff. If the tariff of the enlarged) ; | weapons. jclear and thermonuclear explo- j se y| sions. desire to become full, whole-jcommunity was to be accepta-| TPR Tis geo pig walter go Oe esi arias asad hearted and active members of ble to the General Agreement) § the European community in itsjon Tariffs and Trade and to svenerth boon goo with a) include not only the atomic club widest sense and to go forward third countries, "it cannot re-| : ; against imports the Market TSHOMBE WITH FOLLOWERS clashed with Congolese troops over control of his Katanga province. --AP Wirephoto President Moise Tshombe, | to address crowd in football right foreground, makes way | stadium in Plizabethville yes- through applauding followers } terday. Tshombe's forces have ae Article Three contained a di-/ well. It said: "tie French Easing Opposition To Berlin Talks LONDON (AP) Weekend talks between President de Wild Weekend For Algerians with you in the building of a main at precisely the level of new Europe." the existing one." However, Heath said he was z -- Patient Hunted In Slaying LUTHULI IN EXILE by the South African govern- ment, but has a passport per- of the Commonwealth coun- sg Albert Luthuli, former Zulu tries chief awarded the Nobel Peace rect reply to the American an-| "This agreement goes /into. © nouncement that it was going to|force immediately after jit isi ~ |continue underground tests re-|signed by the governments of |gardless of the reopening: of|the Union of Soviet Sovialist |talks. It said: |Republics, the United States of "The states participating in|America, the United Kingdom jthis. agreement assume thejof Great Britain and Northern jcommitment not to carry out|Ireland, and the French Repub- any underground tests of nu-|lic, and is open for joining to iclear weapons before they all states." Gaulle and Prime Minister Macmillan ap ntly eased but did not eliminate the French leader's opposition to Western negotiations on Berlin with the ALGIERS (AP) -- Lynchi erian woman and savagely shooting and grenade - throwing! beat another before police rein- by anti - de Gaulle Europeans forcements drove them off. The and Algerians in revenge|women had been arrested ear- clashes: killed 16 persons and in-|lier after a grenade wounded © DEEP THOUGHT Heath said Britain had to think deeply about the effect on the Commonwealth of any fu- Prize, smells a flower in the inde conditions in which l garden a is home in Grout- | the Anglo-Commonwealth trade connection "was cut with grave MINEOLA, N.Y. (AP)--Forty! ville, South Africa. Luthuli detectives have been assigned) ives in political exile imposed mitting him to go to Oslo, Norway in' December to ac- cept his award. --AP Wirephoto jreach agreement among them- selves on a system of control jfor such tests as a component part of international control a Katanga Repels Soviet Union. loss, and even ruin, for some} ture British membership in the|to track down an escaped men- ---- o \carrying- out the agreement on| jured 87 in one of the bloodier|three Europeans in a sidewalk i UN Ethiopians Control Kindu LEOPOLDVILLE (AP)--The UN today announced its Et WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presi- dent Kennedy is removing Ches- ter Bowles as undersecretary of in a shuffle of the U.S sign policy high command The changes involve 10 White| House. and state department of- ficials. None is being dropped George Ball, undersecretary of state for economic affairs, replaces Bowles. 3owles, 60, former governor of Connecticut and ambassador of the takeover that state the tion ior ar ve tiga aid U} Hees Alarmed By Trade Blocs GENEVA (Reuters) -- Cana-|sector. ROCHESTER, N.Y. (CP) The second gangland-style slay- ing of a defendant in a $150,000,- 000 international narcotic sriuggling trial was disclosed Se.urday when authoriites iden- tified the charred body of a torch murder victim as that of Albert Agueci, 39-year-old Tor- onto fugitive i Agueci had jumped $20,000 bail in the trial of 12 men in New York--now in recess 'until Wednesday. All were charged with conspiring to violate the narcotics laws. Two hunters had found Agueci's body in a field near suburban Penfield last Thurs- day: -- U.S. Thanksgiving Day. Identification was made by the Federal Bureau of Investigation from fingerprints with oa wire. He had been stran-'the gang would give gled with a plastic clothesline steamer trunks with false and doused with kerosene, He toms containing heroin had been dead two days The heroin was stripped from Police said Agueci sold his the trunks when they landed in house in Toronto and his car Canada and then was shipped about a month before he was to across the border to New York appear in New York for the trial At the trial. witnesses also ue Bagby ge «tt tt ak testified that the ring smuggled ie re Sen IviN8 narcotics via trunks and suit- with friends in a two-room flat cases from New York pier in Toronto, authorities said. One witness said Albert Agueci HAD NOT SEEN HIM was directly involved in seeing She said 'she had not that the suitcases and trunks Agueci since Oct. 8 were taken to a Brooklyn bak- The other gangland victim ¢TY where the heroin was dis- named in the narcotics indict-| Posed of. ment was William (Shorty)) The ring was said to have Holmes, 38, of Teaneck, N.J. He smuggled $150,000,000 worth of was found shot to death in the|narcotics into the United States Bronx Aug. 9. Two .32-calibre|in the last 10 years. bullets had been fired into the Vito Agueci- and Scopelilitti them bot Trade Minister George| In another incident West Ber- Hees expressed alarm here to-|lin police threw more than 50) day lest massive emergent in-|tear gas bombs at East German | ternational economic blocs lead/police who bombarded West) to world trade restrictions. |Berliners with chunks of plas-| Hees told the opening session ter, empty bottles, bricks and lof a four-day conference of the|concrete slabs from rooftops General Agreement on Tariffsjalong the Bernauerstrasse in and Trade that Canada would|the French sector. j be "seriously concerned" with) The Communist bombardment such restrictions, began when West Berliners be- The conference! being at-/gan placing wreaths at the con-| tended by trade chiefs from 33/crete wall in front of the) nations, was called to discuss) Versoehnungskirche (Reconcili NORTH SYDNEY, N.S. (CP)\expansion of world commerce,|ation Church), which stands in Revenue Minister Nowlan said) Hees said Canada was grati-|East Berlin. | Saturday he hopes a new agree fied by the "imaginative and) Meanwhile, the East German! 4 : P . ket. tal patient accused of massa- general and complete disarma- Att cks By weekends of the seven-year Al-/cafe. |, No communique was issued ap eg it is in thelcring the family of a brother-in- |ment." a gerian war. . ROAM THE STREETS that cee freak the primes interest of all of us around this|law who helped him come « West German Sea Article One bans atmospheric French troops and police' jn Oran, 220 miles to the! at Fee e ene ait Roe toa table. that nothing should bejthe United States a year ago. | tests such as were carried out go TOOps were caught in the middle as!west, bands of European youths|i;- two ieaders met. De Gaulle|done which would, be likely to) Named in, a first-degree mur- iby the Soviet Union in Septem-| 4 and'the/rgamed the streets, attacking! ) "d nb ey to say to reporters|damage the essential interests'der warrant. was Mate (Mike) \ ber, October and early Novem-) ELISABETHVILLE -- Ka- ig western port city o: Oran.jany Moslems they encountered| 29 "OUUns fo say as Si eof its (he Commonwealth's)|Ivanov, 38. n ber. It says: tanga province forces repelled Six Europeans and 10 Mos-\in revenge for the killing of gig ta, Nc pg' Me gt nem countries." : "Irrefutable evidence" placed re g r Ss "The states participating in}an attack by central Congo lems we a as oe "re Jean Rivas, 22, who was shot in| office spokesman, said the talks) Reports last week said the\tvanoy in the home of Peter lithe agreement solemnly com-|government troops in the border fad i en anomer alvithe neck as he walked along @ wore friendly but "the pattern/Heath statement poh ce 0 Gregov at the time of the five' yQnpon (Reuters) -Russiajfrom Russia Saturday and went mit themselves not to carry out/area between northern Katanga avin howe & acouainel Three Algerians were'i, in any case, not complete." leaked to the United States. ad slayings Saturday, Stuyvesant) .narged today that West Ger-jon the air Sunday night to urge tests 0° any kind of nuclear and and south Kasai' state, Radio ng cubs, a Screaming reported killed and six injured)"; was learned that there had|British government announced/pinnel], Nassau County chief of " "ie (11 sale thelhis country too iy thermonuclear weapons in the Katanga said today--a day after mob of Europeans broke into a jin these attacks. aS < arta is loration of|/Saturday that it would give datectivel. reported many ,, 800n a will rule e his countrymen to tread sottly | tmoanhere in cosmic space|President Moise Tshombe told jail in Algiers, lynched one Al-) Nearly 60 plastic bombs. fa-\2°°" a thorough peel ated il Commonwealth governments : a . jwaves" of NATO "as it now for fear of shaking Soviet con- : gare Psi ; Katanga people to stand by f - -- -- ae eae "4 », /@°/the Berlin problem and of Brit-/all Commons « "h The killer _ methodically/ruyles its land forces." fidence in Finland's .neutrality,|2%4 under water." | AVANEA. POODLE +: BER Ae ane city ct ga oloden ain's application to Join ir wah pe Bg A rey is "conti- Stabbed and slashed to death) The Soviet Communist party) The Khrushchey -Kekkonen| Article Two provides that all) war. : ; i Matets diving the Rapl gyar European Common Market. agp dit -|Gregov, 39, Mrs. Gregov, 35,/newspaper Pravda, quoted by/talks lowered tension between ; Piven <eeerp tag Mg 'nae Curtews were gut into 'effert and their three sons, then the Russian news agency Tass,|the two nations which devel- ' War to fgn in Alpiers nid Gfanecthe North jneatly covered the bodies--| made the claim in commenting/oped after the Soviets sent Fin- oc e e er S [any attempt to end Katanga's hfcikae Aneeitw's tie jargest State De artm ent Gregov's with a rug, the others!on talks Friday between Fin-\land a note Oct. 30 demanding 5 Rl od ge meg independence citisecin au attempt to'. curb! with blankets or sheets. The/nish President Urho Kekkonen/defence consultations with Fin- H Fad | ne é nigh lak U Set ite et faces oe oe ee ee | ee hi Cl 4 mdtacts : p Pr DAacKs at Novosibirsk, Siberia. threat posed by West Germany a CAE It IS y ito is pian troops have taken éeateel I 'er orrangredeni gong ae h {fle In S Also slain--by 17 stab wounds) Pprayda voiced new Soviet at-|and its NaTO allies. G tee es "Ete i in the Congo crisis by "congeni- of the town of Kindu, where 13 ization, led by fugitive French u . . . --was the Gregovs' pet dog. | tacks on recent Western discus-| In the Siberian talks, Khrush- idel! BhokGnalar baca oath tal stupidity in diplomacy. Italian UN airmen were military officers opposed to é ». STRUCK MANY TIMES sions on setting up a NATO|chev agreed to drop the de- thane de: Wien® Of amGHO Seatt: Addressing a public rally, he slaughtered more than two President de Gaulle's self -de- Sunday. night from Kennedy S\""The slayer struck from the|Baltic command. It declared|mand for the time being but}; apt ie taame (utile told a cheering crowd of 5,000 weeks ago termination policy for Algeria, headquarters at Hyannis Port, toi cnn Saek plunging the|S°me Scandinavian leaders "do|made it clear he wanted Kek- ae wuish he pepe heat alent Africans and a_ handful of No details tirred up the mobs Mass.p said Bowles is to get a weapon 20.to 30 times into each|Mot see_or do not wish to see konen to. consult him on ud Rega Mere Heceinee fe whites: 'Tomorrow or the day were released, ex¢ > VOICE BREAKS IN high Beer ee ee aries [victit Mod Were "deep, pene- that a Baltic command will be "threatening" developments in birnihe bok " after there will be another trial European population A voice claiming to be that of £0 relinquishing say dobar shape ie trating wounds' five or six nothing but be sepa at oe Scandinavia. The Russian . de- The smoke was spotted Sun- of SS ere ing an estimated 81 ormer Gen. Edmond Jouhaud = Pa is ecg wisn inches deep, said Dr. Leslie Lu- ee aden ete et naa nee yg: Aigo tang ae day by a searching Australian tag of a eee Was d safe. a : Kain ANT. tank e 4 Ps ne ' ; -al examiner |man militaris see 3 § Soviet-Finnish|,3° w°... 7, nth "roads @ vill gay signal received at brake Jntp. an Gran TV broad Officials here understood that|K@sh, county medical examiner.|" yy .4onen arrived in Helsinki| mutual assistance pact. mss Air Force plane, raising hopes necessary, I shall give the Ka- Ago ee ee + al cast Sunday with a denuncia- he was being offered a combi-| , GTegov was a waiter, holding ee eee AS as ' at search headquarters. Buttangese people the signal when UN headquarters here sz he tion of de Gaulle's policy and Sane cea ont of roving|down two jobs--one in a night- |, Kekkonen said Sunday night/putch officials said an investil th Hy te wipe © entire Kindu civilian population admitted terrorist attacks sae ip Neh sata} foreign | club as head waiter, the other that if Russian leaders could be/sation proved to be "a wild le UUme. is ripe. gave the, ---- = 1 Jouhaud went into hiding ive i. annedy ae! Fae in a restalirant. a 'Bullets, as -- ne teateallty and Shes chee'! WILL BLOCK ROADS 'yen as.u entere¢ ufter the abortive "revolt of the Administration leaders. con-|_ Gregov came to the United feces fan oe be aL Helicopters criss-crossing the) Speaking in French and Swa- Bae che thie ae senerals'"'. in Algiers last April i acorisidered him misplaced as un- States several years ago from Fl Across a ary s military consul-|junple wilderness of southwest hili, Tshombe said: 'You can't ae since the massacre, the|and was sentenced to death in to India and.a Kennedy adviser/a en io) Oritiai caid. be.| Yugoslavia. In 1956, he helped a} y egscoetie New Guinea were scheduled tojall have automatic weapons but UN has been confined to the|absentia by a Paris court. during last year's presidential cause he was more concerned|rother come here. Last year,| | Commenting on what the Rus-|end their search Tuesday night, |you still have poisoned arrows, airport, with only occasional re-| The voice said the under- race, has been a controversial with the brand' ines of policy he helped another brother, his B li B d sians called the postponement|and Michael's father, Governor|Spears, axes and your hearts to connaissance forays into the|zround army was responsible|figure in the administration Ba eelopinedt Ah functioning as|5ister and her husband, Ivanov, er in Or er of the military consultations,|Nelson Rockefeller of New York|beat with courage. Not a single town controlled by the Congo-|'or the "execution" severalisince its first weeks in office vie faen win thn i ihe nee come over BERLIN (Reuters) More Pravda declared that the Soviet}and. his sister, Mrs. Mary road will be passable. Not one lese troops. ago in Oran of municipal/The president and State Secre- any condi of. foreign ala: Neighbors said Gregov opened), iets and tear a grenades|S0vernment went along with|Strawhridge, were expected to, United Nations mercenary will OD ghlls preg! wefan boil Taieb. Ittary Dean Rusk were reported Nha. his home to the Ivanovs andiroy across the Berlin border |this rie "not because it had be- leave for the United States soon feel safe wherever he is." tion of the massacre 4 prsgng Conk vsti iasor ae ha pact Foca! geen ing Moves in the shuffle include: wey prod pee for _ Several sunday night as East German oe Re eertane of some sere artiag jew ; _He said specialists. in the enokestian "Géor SHE ee eee ee Ree ie Sepa Bos 4. post | 1. Ball, 51, as Bowles' re- weeks after Moly. arrive ¥ leader Walter Ulbricht _indi-)" sea ian statesmen who} Ground parties, however, will/Katanga army were preparing i 'ight persons were wounded The announcement made placement, will continue to con- But domestic difficulties de- cated his massive wall dividing|@%e trying. to prove that the | continue to comb the crocodile-|to blow up bridges and devas- centrate on economic affairs. A veloped in the Ivanov family| ine city will remain until West German militarist wolf had be-|infested jungle coast for at tate whole areas of Katanga's Kr 4 Washington lawyer, he is re-|224 Gregov asked his sister tolqo many quits NATO. come a gentle lamb. least two more weeks. rich mining country. ported to have worked closely|take her troubles to domestic) "an past German border) i oron '@) qn econ with Rusk in recent months, ex-|"elations court, she said. That), ard fired three shots at a 27- 4 ercising some of the duties|!ed to vanay 8 committal on | vear-old woman who scrambled which normally would have June 12 to' state hospital. He} inhurt through barbed wire into! N 2 bd bd gone to. Bowles escaped Nov. 15. the American sector = harpre 2. George McGhee, 49, chair- see, bringing the weekend tota arcoiic ase ictim man of policy planning in the of refugees to 21. state department, moves to un- *| Bast Berlin police carried qt dersecretary for political af- East Berliners away in trucks} fairs. McGhee thus moves up after tear gas grenades failed to become the No. 3 man. He is to disperse them while they | a close associate of Rusk. |\waved to relatives in the U.S. 3. Averell Harriman, 70, for- mer governor of New York and dian member of the Truman admin- istration in former years as well as ambassador to Russia and Great Britain, moves to as- secretary for the Far . He now is a roving am- bassador. Deal With Mexico Expected Any Day seen | ment with Mexico will be/far-reaching proposals" reached "any day" for a second phase ot a $50,000,000 rail order. He said Dosco's Sydney steel plant may make an early De- cember start on the second phase He said he had been advised Police said Agueci's were bound behind his arms back back of his skull are among those on trial in New Agueci, Holmes and 22 others York. Albert was a Canadian' were indicted last May for fed-|citizen while his brother and eral narcotics law violations.' Scopellitti are Italians. a vee freed in bail totalling. Three other defendants, de- $305,000 scribed as "prime movers' in The government charged that the ring, also have skipped a Egueci, his brother, Vito, 41,|total of $110,000 in bail and been| that the Mexican National Rail- jand another Torontonian, Rocco adjudged fugitives. They are|ways work in conjunction with | Scopellitti, 26, had for 10 years|}Frank Caruso of Brooklyn, Vin-|other business, will keep the recruited emigrants from Italy cent Mauro of New Yo and| stee! plant's rail mill operating to Canada Salvatore Maneri of Kew Gar seve shifts a week until al Before the migrants left ltaly,;dens, Queens. [leas®™mext September. ! CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE. 725-1133 FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 723- f regard- Communist ing trade under consideration' Deutschland by the American government. But he said 'preoccupation' with possible restrictions was) being given - added force by Britain's current negotiation for membership in the European Common Market. He also called for revision of GATT agricultural rules. "Canada is directly and fun- damentally involved in all these developments,"' he said. newspaper Neues) carried a_ speech! by party boss Walter Ulbricht to a four-day central committee meeting which ended Saturday. "When West Germany leaves} NATO, when the Hitler gener- als, militarist and revenge-seek- ing politicians, when the pro- vocateurs in Schoeneberg (West Berlin city government head- quarters) are out of the way, the wall will disappear of its jown accord," Ulbricht said. | CAR-HAULERS ON STRIKE Four O's ha w a car-hauling firms are now strikebound by Local 880, International Brotherhood of Teamsters members protesting the firms' attempt to wrest con- | trol of the Ontario Teamsters' Welfare. Fund, a_ chartered company set up by the Team- sters' Union to look after the memberships' welfare bene- fits. Teamsters officials last week recorded a 77 per cent vote in favor of striking the car - hauling industry from Windsor to Montreal. More than 800 workers refused to go to work in Ontario and Quebec Sunday night and set up picket lines at all car- hauling firms' gates. Above, left to right, Jack Lowe, Jerry Donovan, Charlie Wood- man and Beverly Taylor, are seen on the picket line at McCallum Transport Ltd. Other Oshawa firms affected include Gen-Auto Shippers Ltd., Russel Transport Ltd, and Charlton Transport Ltd. (See story, Page 11.) | --Oshawa Times Photo