"18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 27, 1961 BIRTHS Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings ILS 11 Net * AGGETT Dr. and Mrs. Paul 0 High Low a.m. Ch'ge Aggett (nee Gayle Millman) are happy Vi Net ¢ High Low a.m, Ch'ge ( C 'Lord's Supper Integrated By Christians NEW DELHI (AP)--Side by 'a side, Christians of nearly every _"y kind and place knelt Sunday in communion. Above them was a tall white + w cross set up at the altar in a big sagging tent with a jasmine . y\tree growing through a hole in the top Outside the beggars extended their talks. Barelegged nut peddlers chattered and birds sang in the morning sunlight. Better Balance Of Trade Urged HOLLYWOOD BEACH, Fla.| '"'It is not necessary nor nore (CP)--Canada must bring her)mal," he stated, "that Ameri- trade, particularly with the,cans buy only $16 per. capita a United States, into better bal-jyear from Canada when Cana- ance, Herbert H. Lank, of Mont-/dians buy $207 from you." real, said today in an address) There had been recent en- to the Investment Bankers' As-;couraging examples--in the au- sociation of America. jtomobile industry for one -- Mr. Lank, who is president of where U.S, purchasing seemed Du Pont of Canada Ltd., said'to be broadening into Canada, there is nothing wrong with, "The possibility of providing Canada that Canadians can'tjone or more component parts fix; and added on a continental-volume basis is It was a globally integrated) «1: pave come all this distance|a tremendous boon to Canadian celebration of the Lord's Supper to suggest to you that they industry, but represents a neg- jdescribed as the most denomi-|might just do that all by them-|ligible loss to American enter- ays ie iy "pesopeg shh in'selyes unless Canada's friends|prise." thristian history. It was held as sites "ide t @ COODETB + ee cece asus e z part of the general assembly of ave pe fonciecy gg pete eit' WANTS BETTER DEAL 2 the World Council o: Churches. 'qitticulties and as pira tions Canada, Mr. Lank added, {s Bowed in common worship|would be decidedly the better looking for a 50-50 deal and sees were Pentecostals, Presbyteri-|yath to follow for all concerned,|"0ve on the horizon. ; ans, Baptists, Old Catholics, Canada is in a ferment (in re- There had been suggestions Disciples, Copts, Methodists, card to -her trade situation) from Ottawa that Canada in |Episcopalians, Lutherans, Evan-\and you need not be surprised|°745® her exports by vigor- 5 |gelicals, Congregationalists and if as I hope, bold proposals re-|OUS selling methods abroad. _|Orthodox bishops in black-veiled! 541. Ley ine Bec "hoe 2 i. als 2 7 ae : Pp =6sales 4 is klobuh hats. oe : Oe Mr. Lank, American-born but solve the problems created by Orthodox churchmen gener: g resident of Canada since 1942, r ' ally did not partake of the com-\caiq a growing number of Ca- manufacturing and finance de- munion. But they filled the nadians and their elected rep-|Partments and the governmen: fron} row and joined in prayers|+esentatives "are swinging to tal taxing authorities. and litanies, the view that a selective and 'We must more and more set Strange music came from the constructive use of tariffs will sey Sights on the home mar- Indian instrumental choir, the\pest further Canada's interests *! where almost 40 per cent of tinkle of the zaldrang, the soft' at this time. commodities used are imported, string tones of the longnecked compard | with 12 per cent in sitar, the beat of debla drums, SEEK TO DIFFERENTIATE the U.S the piping of the bansri flute "In setting such tariffs the and the silver tone of bells first decision would be whether ODD TO LAND OF ALLAH a given product should be pro- It was a curious setting in this}duced domestically or imported % land of many divinities, of The idea is not that we might Hindu seers and Buddhist sages,|grow bananas but that we im- where the Moslem name of Al-|prove our yardsticks for deter- '2 lah redounds from the minarets mining the products that can be} VANCOUVER (CP)--A lead- and Siva and Vishnu sit en- produced economically here ing Canadian economist said shrined "The main criterion would be|Saturday night Canada is "'in- The words of the service making the fullest ant most ef-|yolved in a miserable game of came in many languages -- in fective use of our resources, but) musical tax chairs" as between Polish, Greek, Bantu; Hungar- giving more attention to man-\the federal government and the ian, Dutch, Finnish, Spanish,| power than to horsepower." provinces, Russian, English, Hindustani Mr. Lank's comments were! Dean G, Neil Perry of the anda hundred dialects. contained in a text made avail- University of British Colum- More than 2,000 people, includ- able to the press in advance Of)};,). faculty of commerce, told ing representatives of 198 de-\delivery. the Vancouver Institute it is a nominations around the world) Mr. Lank said American in-game in which "no government with more than _ 300,000,000\yestors in their own. interests|7., seriously consider standing members, were massed in the/should strive for policies that up lest the other sit down in striped and floral painted tent.,would enable Canada to earn, the vacant tax chair " | The service was conducted ac- through sale of goods and serv- Be Ee BBE: cording to the Anglican rite ofjices, the foreign exchange nec- ee the Church of India, Pakistan,/essary to discharge her obliga lprovincial conference and yet pyran a8 Seen pont 0 sain another until Canada produces BUSINESS : SPOTLIGHT its own mature federal solution Tax Philosophy Inadequate though the tax rental agreements between Ot- tawa and the provinces were, \they did offer a little hope that through co - ordination and fre- quent negotiations "we might We ri Tl in er some day achieve a better-de- conference, may be summar- : k G ts ized as follows: Etobico e e Most taxes are reasonably- * evenly distributed, havin re-/ i F | gard to ability to pay aad the| quor or service received by the person ee yaying the tax. D L un Thee graduated tax scale on ining 0 ges taxable personal income, how- TORONTO (CP) -- Voters in ever, which ranges from 11 t0 the Toronto suburb of Etobicoke 80 per cent, is based On @caiurday approved liquor _li- i Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge 6.80 oR SES s 5 % 1% 31% + 80 TORONTO Si A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange~Niv. 2 7 (Quotations in cents unless marked $ Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Net change is from previous day's close ~ BOUDREAU -- Don and Joanne (nee Jonassen) are pleased to announce the INDUSTRIALS arrival of their son, David James, 6 Ys. 15 ozs., on Sunday, November 19, 11 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge | 3955 + 4 11 Net , High Low a.m. Chee Stock Mogul Morison Mosher Con Nichol Conwest Coprand Craigmt Daering D'Aragon Deer Horn D'Eldona Delhi Pac Denison Dime Donaida Duvan East Elder Falcon F'west T Bales Stock Nat Expl New Alger New Ath New Hosco New Jason Bales 2000 1000 1000 7200 1200 Stock Hard Hees Bales Carp 1500 125 120 to announce the birth of their son, 16100 57 52 5 +3 John Paul William, on Sunday, Novem- 1200 208 200 + il per 26, 1961 at Toronto Western Hospi- 3300 6% 6 tal. A brother for Michael 160 530 530 776 113 | 110 N Kelore 6000 1 1 100 $1614 16! N Mylama 7500 1 2 +1 31000 © 20 7 1 + New Rouyn 2000 7000 +22 2) N_ Senatir 510 3250 2714 27) 4 Nickel MS 500 3000 «13 13 1 Nor-Acme 500 1000 42 42 Noranda 765 375 $10% 10 Norgold 835 $2B%4 28 Norlartic ' 151 Norpax ger 4 N Colstrm 1000 100 188 Northgate 500 9300 170 Norsp. A wt 2000 ' 342 $71 , Norta Can 500 17820 14 ; O'Leary 1500 ' 500 32 Opemiska 770 63 300 6 Orchan 1500 179 180 +1 2600 «18 Orenada 1000 64% 6 53300 22 Osisko 3500 5 5 58 1 1500 65 Paramaq 1000 1 260 $105% Paymast 1500 1 r 1b 4 y Peerless 23009 52 5 32 -1 Pick Crow 500 Pitch-Ore i Placer Pow Rou Preston , Pros Air Que Ascot Que Chib Que Matgmi Que Lith * | Radiore Realm Rio Algom Rix Athab Rockwin San Ant Satellite * Sheep Cr Sherritt Silvermaq Sil Stand Siscoe Steep R Ya Sunburst Sylvanite Taurean Teck-H Temag Territory 5500 15 Thom L 6000 160 Tormont 20027 42 Triba 2000 51 It-Shaw 4500 9 U_ Mining 500 20 20 2 1 UN Minda 500 2 Un Ke ) Un Fort Upp Can ait 0 150 150 15 3 | Vandoo Lexindin Vauze Lorado Ventures » Lorado wts Veenar 3000 Macassa 1000 74 7 4 Macdon ee P 395 775 7 5 Madsen : 5 y I Malartic Marcon Martin Ma Mc 2 McWat Merrill 344 Min Corp Mt. Wright Murray M Sales 5 31% 3 Horne imp imp 3961 at South Peel Hospital, Cooksville, Stock Pntario. A baby brother for Kathy Abitibi Abit pr Acad-Atl Acad-Atl pr AltaDis vt Alta Dis w Alta Gas AltaGas Alta Nat Alg Cen Alg Cen w Algoma Algonq Alumini Arg 260p Atlas Steel Bank Mint Bank NS Bath P An Bell Phone Sales 335 725 % 25% 740 1 2 25 00 650 220 1400 130 115 7 700 $17 7 270 $19% 19 720 $23 23 500 $10'4 10 $45% 46 400 400 $2 28 nt Util pr Inipr Dis BOWEN Verne inter PL. +1 Baunders) are happy to announce thi safe arrival of their daughter, Kelly Lee. on Saturday, November 25, 1961 at Oshawa General Hospital and Doris (nee 220 é 130 Sul Home Home H B Oi Marigold Fatima Medal Franceur Mill City 0 17 17 Frobisher t Genex Gnt Maset Giant YK yoldale 9 t RACHLIN -- Mr. and Mrs ¥ 1 H. Rachlin of Toronto (nee Brown) are happy to announce Dirth of a son on November 26, at the Toronto General Hospital Theodore Merle the 1961 wis SHORTEN Joan and Arthur are 3 Pleased to announce the arrival of their first child, a son, Glen Arthur, 4 Ibe, @ ozs., on Thursday, Novemb: , 1961, @t Oshawa General Hospital. Thanks to Dr. Anderson TANTON -- George and Wright) are happy to announce gival of their chosen daughter Elizabeth oo Co A Lob Co B LobG | pr MB PR M Leaf Mass- Mass-F 514 MEP( Goldray Grandroy Gulf Lead Gunnar Gwillim Hard Rock Har-Min Hasting H of Lake Heath High-Bell Hollinger Hud Bay 2 Hydra Ex Inspiratn Int Nickel Irish Cop Iron Bay Iso Jacobus Jaye Expl Jellicoe Joliet Jowsey Provo Gas Mul Quonto +2 500 3000 6.0 500 200 500 58 4500 24 625 $10% 1700 % 4 177 +1 Jackie (nee the ar- Janice Stores Stores Mid-West Milt Brick M Cont A Mont Loco Moore Nat Drug t Car NGas 42 ; 6000 16 42500 10% 400 273 'son, Daughter, Twins or Triplets, you will want to tell the whole town about the latest arrival in your home founcements are accepted until 9:00 a.m: for publication the same day for only $1.50. Just telepho: 723-3492. DEATHS BRYANT, Everett Albert Entere< P dden|y Hos 1000 40 1000 46 415 $7916 100 116 400 185 600 «88 49 46 1 79% a "ae a 306 475 8000 37 1000 21 700 200 1075 805 500 18 500-33 2209 200 700 185 $716 7 88 330 : 320 $644 6 69' Imp Bk (¢ cn CPR . Cdn Cockshu Col Cell omb Ent Bldg Cons Bldg p Con Bidg wt Con Gas Corby vt Crush pr Dist Seag D Bridge Bryant, Hoar of of Wm of Pickering (Ben) Pickering ( RR 1 ing J f Taxes Termed. Musical Chairs Dutault Lake Ling Osu Shore Toronto Dal wich 10200 400 7000 6400 255 614 Melrose at and resting ne 28 Funera y, Noven cease Eachnie Road We in the at 3.15 p.m tery, Broo THROWER At the ©: seneral tal on Sunday N after a length Robinson (Brooklin, Ont eloved wife of the late Thomas Thrower, and step- mother of Miss Jean Thrower, Toronto, and Rev. A. Thrower. Cottam, Ontario. Resting the W. C, Town Fun Chapel thy, for vice in the pel Wed November 29 at p.m, Inter roveside Cemeters officiating Hodgson and Rev, J. McLeod 00 1 10 1 500 «(12 1 4100 i 1500 2000 4 8 3 1 ved Harg Yale Leal Yk Bear Young HG 200 Zulapa 00 400 830 a.m 830 «6830 100 $5614 270 Silt Wh 500 99 8699 i Power Grid Plan Hinted By Dief GRAND FALLS, Nfld. (CP)--,comes a A hint that a national power)ment,'"' Mr grid plan is in the works was audience of dropped Saturday night by and paper town where he Prime Minister Diefenbaker capped an intensive 214 day He said it may not be oot, visit to Newfoundland. long before such a grid could pics speech, outlining govern- be established using new tech- ment efforts in national develop- niques in long-haul transmis-\ment and trade promotion, By FORBES RHUDE sion of power swung away from the general)Canadian Press Business Editor The provinces willing, firm format of town-to-town visits} The average person is likely plans could be made for a na-\that featured talks to high\to consider taxation philosophy tional grid to carry the coun- school audiences, where studenta topic quite beyond his ken try's vast hydro - electric po- representatives got illuminated! His practical interest is in the tential to various parts, he said copies of the Bill of Rights, amount of the tax, accompanied! In a public address, he also and speeches about the bene-|by some grumblings about its asked Caadians to participate fits of a Canada with common burden and perhaps some spec- in government by sending him purpose and unity ulation about whether or not he ideas for the development of 1) another speech here Satur-/is paying more than his fair 1,793,000. WOWNA, Suddenly a on Sunday, Wowna band of father Wowna neral ¢ Gregory Oshawa Genera| Hospital ember 1961, Gregory 43rd year, beloved hus- tzpatrick and loving el and Robert, Mr. t the Gerrow Fu ng Street West fox on Tuesday, No clock. Interment servic vember Union Ce part of the govern Diefenbaker told an 550 at this pulp LORIST t nd LO ments a signed tax harness." OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE HOUR PHONE 728-6555 24 SERVICE * GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price economic and natural resources within reach of all 728-6226 390 KING STR yet GIDEON Bibles are morial. For placer director or phone 725 IN MEMORIAM ALEXANDER In of our dea garet, who passed away 1943 ng memory and sister. Mar November 27 daughte memo was of our ° taken Auntie Con and cousins Heather HARLOW -- The Atty and Gen. Ro his their son, Winter Shipping Prospects Good KEN MITH (CP)--Reg move By MONT REAL bert wife David nter shipping ther 75 miles ¢ seasc ments continu Specially Rivier n President's F Ethel 6 wi ser SKATING brother, es during ] Kennedy cort a to Mont the strug vrence vessel eu River move al KENNEDY FAM sion on the Jr ILY hono the Presi skating s¢ for Joseph P al Rink in Hy The outdoor | 0 ne | brother who was n World War I -(AP Wirephoto) LIVESTOCK TORONTO (CP) hte Kennedy or ann Kennedy Fam --pP heifers ices and the On- today ong er higher higher and eased 50 ttle ? 064 o:rce medium good heif medium 18.50 5.97 0-27 50 "If you have an idea ask for that co - operation," he said The drop-me-a-letter that 'each program works of us be Vote Battle Shaping Up so (In Muskoka GLEN ORCHARD, Ont, (CP) Will the Grey Cup football game play a part in the struggle 'or control of this Muskoka commu- nity? The answer is a slippery as a wet pigskin, although the con- test here is not an athletic one Next Saturday, while Winni peg Blue Bombers and Hamil on ton Tiger-Cats thrash it out On 4 yindness of its Toronto field, voters in the on a united townships of Medora and government by changes in im- Wood will elect a new council The election is shaping up as a power struggle between sum- mer home owners and the per- manent residents of this com- munity, about 150 miles north of Toronto The outcome w how many of the home-burners can be persuaded to travel here on Grey Cup Day--to vote Three. Toronto businessmen are seeking election to the f |. They are bic ll depend on 1,500 summer day night he leaned heavily on share. events in the past four years of; Behind every taxation figure, Conservation rule however, is a philosophy 'Yrue, the philosophy wears RETURNS TO OTTAWA rather thin at times and may Mr. and Mrs. Diefenbaker qj:solve into a hard-boiled situ- flew back to Ottawa today after) ation wherein the tax collector, attending a United Church ser-| seeking enough revenue for gov- vice at Gander ernment operations, grabs at an The Diefenbakers got a warm income source simply because welcome from the monent they|it is available and because no landed Friday at Stephenville,/one is in a position to make an virgin territory for Canadianjeffective protest prime ministers, and worked) The philosophy behind the ex- eastward to Grand Falls cise tax on automobiles, discon- It was a fast-moving visit\tinued only this year, was that lied as non-political, but with;anyone who could afford to buy| the intensive hand-shaking ac-,a car could afford to pay an tivity associated with an elec- extra tax tion campaign With automobiles coming Mr. Diefenbaker, serenaded more and more to be regarded with Ode to Newfoundland at\as necessities this philosophy; many stops, and participant in}had worn so thin that few both-| one sing-song of Newfoundland ered to defend the tax as de-! tunes like The Squid - Jigging|sirable on any ground except Ground, said he had felt "some-|that the government needed the thing of the throbbing greatness|money and if it didn't get it of its people and above all the from automobiles it would have people."" to get it from something else. night he said It was an example of a tax philosophy, once sound, that migration regulations seeks had become at least debatable "reasonable equalization" of op-' ang probably outmoded. portunities for all peoples pro- Discussions at the recent tax vided they have the necessary|conference in Montreal of the skills and can be assimilated. 'Canadian Tax Foundation Newfoundland, he said, was|probed into the question of receiving $61,500,000 in various whether more of our tax phil- federal grants this year Com- gsophies, as applied to certain Saturday the 1 pared with $24,500,000 in 1956-57. situations, have become out of ~\date because of changing cir- cumstances. A. K. Eaton who, as former deputy minister of finance, has had a great deaf to do with tax European Auto philosophy that assumes a large |conces for dining lounges but body of poor and a large num- no for cocktail bars. ber of rich. Official figures showed This situation, as demon- 63.61 per cent of the 29,640 vot- strated by. buying habits and' a. favored dining lounges but = Fo ok ke ae only 59.64 wanted cocktail bars. exists in Cana ) that it should be a basis for ire fetid gy vote is required ee Soncept. Se The vote came after a long PURPOSES CHANGE campaign waged by both sides Additionally, the purposes for); the dispute. The drys, led by which governments levy taxeS\three ministers, claimed the li- have changed. Formerly they ences would increase alcohol- were levied almost entirely for';.., They asked voters to give such general purposes as de- the suburb's young people "'an fence and the over-all operation intelligent example to follow"' @f the country. Now, welfare). rejecting added facilities. payments to individuals consti-| "ye west were led by Clive tute the largest item and, Mr./cgincjair, a former reeve, wat- Eaton said, many of those wh0|qen of York County and a com- will ultimately benefit from missioner of the Toronto Tran- these payments now are in a'cit Commission. He was sup- position to make higher contri-| ported by Etobicoke Reeve Oz- butions to them. zie Waffle, who said a favorable In any event the great bulk!yote would mean a new assess- of personal income tax is paid|/ ment for the township including by skilled workers, white collar|a $25,000,000 hotel. workers, salesmen, professional omen arcsec. classes and executives in large! and small business. | The higher rates, while kill- ia ing incentives, make relatively} Reach Record High little contribution to govern-| : ment revenues. If all rates) MONTREAL (CP)--The Bank above 50 per cent were reduced| of Mottreal Saturday assets, de- to that figure only about $10,-|posits and earnings in the year 000,000 in revenue would bejended Oct. 31 reached record lost. If all taxable income were|highs. taxed at a uniform rate of 16| Total assets increased to $3,- per cent it would produce the 949,615,542, compared with total same revenue as the presentiassets of $3,485,471,333 in the graduated rates. previous year. If a 16-per-cent rate were; Deposits rose to a record $3, considered too high for the pres-|646 258 compared with de- ent lowest bracket, then basic posits of $3,200,419,323 in the Total Bank Assets 31, 1960. » dear fa away Novemb ! exemptions might be raised and year ended Oct 1 P - ; were 296.7 a somewhat higher uniform rate, Net earnings were pag oe ticularly outspoken on the sub-|charged -- perhaps the 20-per- after provision for pongo ge ject cent starting rate applied in the compared with $14,226,736 in His views, as outlined at the! United States. previous year. 1550-1 h ation in both its practical <\ sales by bs {philosophical aspects, was p:* com- Trois-Rivieres _ is Ww ; s upstream from Quebe medium 14.50-15.50 ous terminus: for win mor 0-14 50 t and about 90 mile > some i I shipments te 10-13; g y " from Montrea! r suc é moto r ( Medota and Wood Assoc ci Sales Dropped tion, formed to protect. the ir nd sich terests of the summer residents 0 and LAUNCHES CAMPAIGN ; The association has launched ,, ana campaign. to persuade owners of summer homes come here and vote The association seeks to ir fluence the development of the g00d townships to preserve and en common hance the values of its mem- bers' properties. They don't want industries, trailer damps tent colonies or marinas set up Good among their summer homes d me Association members are not m down against these projects in the heep 3-10. munic of the townships prev OTTAWA (CP)--The swing to small European cars was re- ersed in the first nine months f this vear as sales of foreign 19.1 per cent in 1 vessels HARLOW 18 50 dear hu are forecast with the gene! good of as Maritime Saint sor cars dropped '© Canada The trend was revealed in a report issued today by the Dom- inion bureau of statistics. The report issued today by the Do- minion bureau of statistics. The report shows that sales of Cana- dian and U.S. cars rose 1.3 per in the January-September yeriod as compared to the same period in 1960 Sales of cars imported from overseas fell to 79,066 units but feel de'ined areas should be ),o., 97.969. Sales of Canadian Food Contaminant sophe lbs il residents are a8 hale yh aaa ag Study Announced opposed to summer residents! po taking control of the township: ow OR( CP) adiar and. pape Pop : : that 16,239 Canadian and lif map lite rORONTO cil. The Medora and Wood US CARD OF THANKS até Mr. March predict at teast of "the Ca 4 Ate cars and 7,018 imported St CARE & COURTESY e TOP QUALITY OIL ports' steady bid vealers 32- n business Capt. He John harbor decision of Steamships general serv be from Liverpo _ and Antwerp is "bou , Some business away ¢ iss you he tears I shed Y 36 Griffit maste Canadian s A. 28.35 cent car London « to take a rs 14-16 MORE SHIPS LIKELY ipalities >» SEES THREAT t service CPS. will freighters n which the reinfor and ced Fort use figures for September Eskimo " ! Formation ietv for; ; ° the Food, Water out to vote was an yers ssociallor & ; ,. cars were sold ; permanent residents Sajes of all new motor ve- liiatae woouinlion Of the bhi: hicles fell 4.3 per cent to 387,205 lection ante SSernanine is 1380. Theil" the first nine months from i bra shell 404.441 in the same period last Dr. S. sun population is. estimated . 2 t i he W Tt) é \ at 15,000 Wl ae Ge oe ees ae, Fes Mage sR nS gee oder bog ar ge ected S| n i Soci ; Dr, L. D. In the election, 626 vot- Oft w toted husband and fat a indicated the group's mainers exercised their franchise ys : We give iction would be to oppose The summer residents could bay gg ' nedication,"" and_par-|outvote the locals if they were f munici 1 to vote. However have wo dD aid the ernanent. hanes nas Contaminants Sunday night resid st of our so Ss our sincere MOORE In the 1 v wish to dear , this age AUTOMATIC DELIVERIES JDIAUIS YNOH-FZ Ldwoud riends ss fe year NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Bank of Montreal. year ended last sten for her com re that re gone she ma are n nea ove ort ther so Mis. Jas ch to e ne Moore and Murray. , COU 1 to an ir oride pills + dividual's use of flu of Ontar the United | States, io and Oct. 31: 1961, $14,578,817; 1960 PHONE 725-3581 ($14,226,736 e 43 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA