Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Nov 1961, p. 15

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9@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seterdey, Hevemtber 28, 1961 HOME OF THE WEEK BRITISH BRIEFS Prime Minister London Freeman By M. MeINTYRE HOOD | nearly half cotipared with thé Special 16 The Oshawa Times|same period last year -- from LONDON -- When Primie Min-|450,005 {6 258,186. Exports of| The growing complexity of ister Macmillan receives the|COmmercial motor vehicles ip|provincial business is forcing a Freedom of the City of London|the same period, however, in-|trenid toward longer legislature i December, he will be only|credsed from 98,649 to 120,233. poe in most Canadian the fifth prime minister in 50 : 'ovinces years to feceive this honor while/BACK UP MEMBER Most notable among the 10 in office. The others were Lloyd| BANFF, Scotland -- The éxee-\are British Columbia, Alberta, George and Sir Winston Church-|ttive of the Banffshire Cén-|Ontario afd Quebec, with ill, for wat services; Ramsay|Servative Association has passed) steadily imereasing length of Macdonald and Stanley Bald-|# Vote of confidence in Sir Wil+| sessions since the Second World win. Neville Chamberlain ya nyo a their MP, hig Fe War. yoted the hohor in 1938 but died|signed the government party) 4, ' : before he received it. Two other|whip tecently because he ob- aoe deiy' | Wapteiediant' voc prime ministers, Earl Attlee|jected to proposed legislation to|heen able to shorten the time and Lord Oxford and Asqutith,|prohibit drift-net fishing for S4l-|needeq to complete a. laws pert, nate Freemen after they|mon at sea. making busitiess. had left office. Leégislaturs questionéd in a |/PREFER NUDISTS ESCAPE FROM BINGO WOOTTON, Isle of Wight =|Gavadian Press omid ee ne CHIPPING CAMPDEN~The|Villagers of | Wootton, Isle Of| prospect of sessions getting any town council of Chipping Camip-|Wight, ate -- ny & plailshorier, v dén haé decided to change its|to turn a nearby nudist camp meeting night ffom Tuesday tolinte a normal camp for 700 holi- Ah ag seem 16 like the idea of Monday. Reason for the change|day-makers. They claim. the ufi- hip nee. eenent. Robert was that the noise of the weekly|desirable element of an existing! * yore COF opposition leader) D bingo drives in the town hailjholiday camp near the village in British Columbia, says he/itoba says: "I feel the members Huge Gambling Turnover Seen SYDNEY (Reuters) = The prowess Australian state of 'ew South Wales is in the grip a Aad te in Australia's history--to vored longer eo so that ight of government tax-collee- all members could speak ititgrs and the atinoyatice of budget and throne speech de-| shirohmen bates. Liberal Leader John Wit! the state's 1960-01 budget dis- termeyer also favors longer sessions, past the traditional ooo ih nen) of Bester prorogstion date, This, from a state with a tiation of just under 4,000,000 Quebec's Libera) Premier Jean Lesage started his term|puts New South Wales ahead of of office last year with a 107-/ai1 other states in this gambling- happy nation. day session, longest in the prov- The state governinent is a di- ince's history. € said it was $0 long because of "systemiatic ob-|reot beneficiary of the gambling and does nothing to discourage it struction on the part of the Mg opposition jeader Antonio Tal-| ~ Bot said it was "because of in-|»cr,ract, ne New South Wales pera" the part Of the) post gambling operations in t 4 country--the New South Wales MORE BUSINESS Lottery, Nova Scotia sessions have|BIG PRIZES lasted six fo sever Weeks since] This lottery offers a first prize the 1920s. Le gvedg Minister} of £100,000 ($224,000) and big consolation prizes for a tiéket which costs $6.80. The goverti- George 1. Smith says that while somé complain of the length of ment lottery office also controls other lotteries with prizes rang- sessions, "I feel it is tnlikely they ¢an be shortened. ing from $15,450 upward for an otitlay of 5@ cents. "Matters Coming before the| legislature are becomifig more numerous. It will be a struggle| Most New South Wales resi- to keep the sessions from beé-|derits play the lotteries but the coming longer." biggest gambling boom in re- Five 6r six weeks has been|cent years has been on slot ma- tie duration id Prince Mdward Chines. Island for many years and there|~ appears little prospect of them! was in 1950 when amendments becoming either shorter Or)t6 the isiatd's labor laws blew jlonger: Most members aré/inte a storm and dragged mem- farmérs and mist be out on the! hers through an 1i-week sitting, land as Sov as spring comés.| Since Confederatiofi in 1 Thé average New Brtitiswick|the legislature has sat seven to session lasts about seven weeks|1l weeks each year. Before and Here, alsc, the chances of|1949, when Newfoundland was the séssion being shérteried aré| separate, sessions were inéevit+ slim. ably longer because membe Newfowtdiafid's longest sés-|dealt with matters how handi sion sinéé it became & provitice' at Ottawa. Long Sessions Trend For Most Provinces CP CHOSS:CANADA SURVEY By GRAHAM COX Canadian Press Staff Writer. George L. Keith, Progressive|tatio's premier he said he fa- Conservative member the New Brunswick legislature, says "it would be helpful if the tistial seven-week session could be shortened but the only way of doitig that would be workifig day afd night." In British Columbia sessions have steadily inereased since 1956 to 60 days from an av- erage 44 The longest session ever in B.C., however, was 106 days in 1902 Alberta last yéar had 40 sit- ting days. Since 1956, the length of séssions has grown from about sit weeks fo nine. Ray Crevolin, Glerk of the légis- laturé, say? thé small opposi- tion--fout members in the 69- séat Househas tetided to ease essuiré vn the govertrient it there is little chance of shorter sessions NEED Tht TIME Premier Duff Robliti of Mafi- $: KITCHEN 12-4" 1-0" DINING 946" IN-5" SCREENS AND STORM SASH PATTERN 234 BEDROOM 14-1" 0-3" Attention Oshawa Homeowners | A 1419 SQ. Fr. HOME DESIGN NO. 477| A refreshing design with a lot) of eye appeal, this home has) much to recommend it.| Planned for comfortable living, | é@ach room is generously pro-| {-] Enclosed pléase find 50c, for which send me Book of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail requests 10¢ éxtfa. (Please make réiittance making themselves heard. dustbins and kept tp fioisy year with only a 30-day summeér|deal with the business before spring Manitoba CCF Leader! an average of eight to 10 weeks. Itreasurv- official at Dursley, lorder to stop parking his ear on| Work Last year Ontario's record 66- la |mafiaged to hold thé length of | says 'Ontario now has réached PLAISTOW, Essex -- Alfred) Haven't ,\let of money 6n his 103d birth-| Oshawa. Ontarie. |TAPE RECORDERS HELP sereens are a must for sum-/ dren. Eleven machines are used payable to The Oshawa Times). a planter 30 inches high which) iy: } was preventing councillors from|has damaged boats, overturned thinks legislatures should sit alli should have [tll opportufiity to ' recess the house, 1 don't think the CAR EXPOLKT SLUMP tied late at night Others stiggest divided ses-| government will take any meas- LONDON -- Britain's exports|LosEs HIS HOUSE sions shou'd oe considered, pos-jures to shorten séssiofis." The of motor cars for the first eight] DURSLEY, Gloucestershire = sibly in late fall and early|Manitoba house now sits months of this year dropped by|Frank Garwood, rural council) 9? Russ Paulley says "we could; gaskatehewan sits an average Gloucestershire, has been otder-|Statt in Nuvembet and worki9s to 49 days with the longest \ed to give up his house because) U7) Guts ares io tho| Seaton on fecord 89 days in WORKSHOP lhe refuses to obey a council) "ter Chrismas to clean wp the) 1999, . la néarby estate road. Said a) HOLD THE LINE day session was broken inte two | council spokesman: 'We cannot! Nova Seotia, New Brunswick] siltifigs for the first time since (eR allow the tail to wag the dog."| and Prinée Edward Island have|the Seeond World Wart. CCF \ | | Leader Donald ©. MacDonald ||. OLDEST EX-SOLDIER theif sessions. But while they frown mtich lofnger,|the stage where we should be } Hawker, Britain's oldest ex-|they're not likely to grow) sitting four months a year." \.4.. |S0ldier arid thé only survivor of| shorter either When Leslié Frost was On- the Afghan Campaign in 1878-|-- f 1879, was presented with a wal- | i j })day. He is now an inmate at the) |Adelaide Old Folks Home at| The Building Editor, ae : \Plaistow. | Oshawa Times, L = | : LONDON = Tape fecordérs| , i are proving a valuable aid to By RUTH W. SPEARS ltreatment at the Surrey Coufity We have always known that/Council's speech clini¢s for chil- igen ete ; tig ss portionéd. The living-cining "L mer. Now modern housing ex-|at the 51 clinics which last year has # book built-in neat front perts insist that storm sash|tréated 2,034 children for speech door, @ natural firéplace and Naiae \quickly pay for the cost in fuél|defects. Of these, 350 were dis-| B SE dened sesh edddedaadeddbadddeseeseccose @eevcccres |saved Se hare prepared a pat-|charged as cured, 184 as greatly| 3 nag jtern showing the construction|improved and 142 as showing) serves as a pare yy Address . areher erty eaney ees hat isteps for both with the special|improvement. between the living and dining) jdetails for each article illus-| aréas...a nice decorator) jtfated separately. The mater-| touch. The kitchen contains) -in another custom type built near eating area, which makes jt handy for silver, dishes, etc. The lavatory which is located off kitchen landing near base-| tent stairs also has direct en- trancé {rem tear bedroomn. The inconspiéudus access to bath makés it especially con- venient to the 6ther two bed- rooms. Consider also the abun-| dant closet space in this plan. The latitidry and heating facili- ties aré located if the full base-|times fhent. Standard Buildeis' binevrints eosting $9.75 a set are obtainable|appear; this may take a week) im # in Canada for this Desigh. No.| : 477 (Ontarig residents add 3 pér| the spots, Wipe with a cloth) éent Salés Tax). Now available at the fews- aper officé (or from address Désign Book en- ittied "tome Pianaing Guide',|thinned pure, fresh white has developed on the chromium) FIRST AID TO By ROGER C. |ials used also vary somewhat) |89 we show the exact dimen-| slons for each in the list of ma-} AILING HOUSE WHITMAN SPOTS ON FLOORS again this year, we noticed that somé of thé wood floors had \develéped. whité spots on the jsurface, These ate shellacked fiodrs if guvd condition. What jcaused this and can they be remedied? | ANSWER: Moisture some: causes white spots if) | shellacked surfaces. As_ this) jévaporatés the spots will dis-| or two. For quick removal of) daifipened if alcohol, using as) little alcohel a& possible: too) mtith will femove shellac, Then lapply a thi Godt of greatly! price $06, This book éontains| shellac | Gvér §0 selected designs, includ-/ FIREPLACE SMOKES ihg 1 storey, 1% _ storey, étorey, and split level, plus use- armation on building, in- dee 3 ay (7 | fal ini teflor decorating afd landscap Order yout copy today ig éompléte fof, and fil ie 16 order blueprints. IN 2 60) BOX. rice list, 9 Also inéluded in this design book order information on QUESTION: Our fireplace smokes, although we have the draft wide open, Why does this| NSWER: A 8 i 6 ki fig fire-| place may be due to any one,| or sévéral, of the following feasens: draft interference be-| cause of another fuel-burning) appliance usifig the same flue; | JUDICIAL, REMEDY LONDON (CP) =Practic¢al joker John Gore telephoned the poiée 16 say two prisoners had escaped from a prison hospital. Magisitates did not appreciate is Himer and jailed hit for 28 jays for "ihaliciously abstract- tee low a chimney; tall trees 1166 Glose tu the house, inter- fefifig with air currents; {ii- proper dimensions of the fire warm water and soap no longer Improvenient jeleans it. What do you reconi-|orders to mend? *\Washings may be hecéssary to| Clean the ctiamois, jterials. Ordinary hand tools are hardware stores and mail ordefj\ait that will t QUESTION: When we reopen- houses.) man's 166. and el jed our vacation home for. use SOILED CHAMOIS jreal eraftsman's job afd éf| jcoursé there is a considerable QUESTION: I have a large|saving in making them yourself. piece of chamois skin which 1/Sénd 50 cents for pattern 294 use for wipifig down the car. It is véry soiled and Badly stain- Of $1.75 and receive four stan-| dard .size patterns ineluding! Humber 234 in the Homestead Packet. Addréss The Home Workshop The Times, Oshawa. DOLL CRADLES ed; ordinary washing with luké- | Dept., ANSWER: Seévéfal répeated) usifig luke: | ater and plenty of mild} soap suds, but leaye some in| gw the skin to kéep it soft and/| pliable | CHROMIUM CORRODED QUESTION: Green corrosion | faucet in the bathtub. How eah this be cleaned off? ANSWER: Wipe with ammo nia. If not successful, rub with a paste of ammonia and serateh- léss scouring powder. Rinsé with clear water and wipe dry. Théti polish with g60d qiiality paste wax, QUESTION: Recently @ refer: ence was made to "chrome" paint for retinishing ¢hromé plated equisinent, Where éafi this he purchased? = reas | Large, mediuin, small eradies| Should be made fof a family of| dolls. And some extras may be heeded fof grown-ip girls who a6 not havé any dolls at all but! who like fo use quaifit toys for Séfvers, pianters or for wood by| the fire. Pattern 911, which gives Aétiial < size HEATING EQUIPMENT OIL HEATING ALWAYS QOOK TO IMPERIAL FoR THE BEST COLD SEE YOUR DEALER ABOUT AN UNIT ANSWER: 'Chrome' paint is #iides for! place itself. 1 suggest sendin ington Farmer's Bulletin No6: 25 cents (hy stamps) to Super- intendent 6f Documents, Wash- 25, D.€., fot a copy of 1889, available at most paint déalers and variety stores; however, it ig fot used for "'replating"' thé chrome fixttifes-- this must bé done by professional replaters; the paint is jtist for toweh-ip 8 et No 61 for $1.75. Workshép Dept, Cradles éivhisen, eight and four inéhes long, is 506. It alse ig in! the Toys and Furnishings Paék-| Send ofders to The Hote MOSIER SHEET METAL 292 KING W. 725-2734 6. éleetrivity belonging to the astér-General." "Fireplacés and Chimneys," fivitig detailed specific informa- tien On fireplace constriction afd flaws IT'S DIXON'S tsi, i FUEL end Heating egipment by GENERAL MOTORS 313 Albert St, RA 3-4663 SCRATCHED PANELS QUESTION: We live in a mobile henié With a plywood interior if faiital wood finish. Some of thé finish on the walls has beén sdfatched. Does the whole panel fave to be refinish ea? How do We fix the séfatches that are through to the wood? We Want to begifi house clean- Douglas L. Gower @ REALTOR @ 'pio aT ing: 'ANSWER: If the seraich has not affected the eolor of the wood sirface, and the plywood fas @ Varnish finish, run var-) fish along it with a small, fine watef-colot brush; for deep) seratéhes, apply several thin) coats, allowing each one to dry thoroughly before putting on the fiext Goat. Be stire the surface i ween MeLaughlin Heating tor @ fUGL O11 ¢ STOVE O11 6 Prompt Delivery 104 Ring W. RA 3-348) is thoroughly Cleaned afd free of all tface of gréase, grime, @te., before repairing seratches. If the finish is shellac, wipé the scratches with alcohol, or tough tip with thitmed shellac. Incidentally, for cleanin fecommend tising a cream fur: woodwork and paneled walls, nituré of Clean-up was made by a fiatiohalliy known manufacturer WP IT'S RUGS ., . CALE NU-WAY Woll-te.Well Breadloom Corpets Stele Runners, He. 171 Mory St RA 8-4681 « "RETILING" SPLASHBOARD QUESTION: To waterproof the wall area behind the sink, lunder the windéw, I was con- isideting e@overifg this with alu- fiftim foil, freezer grade. Is this a ptactical idea? | ANSWER: Péffectly practical! \but You may have a problem | with satisfactory adhesion. How-, ever, few specially adhesive- D. W. WILSON LTD. REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 53-6588 backed, alumintim "tiles" to ap-| | bly to thereughly cleaned sur-) | faces, are nyw available in sev éral metallic shades. Besides in kitchens, these can also be used \on bathfoom walls, around showers, even patching holes in | root gutters. (Available some) of tire Chains, Winging if sides, Or put several bricks iff a large burlap bag, then stuff the bag with efumpled news. paper or straw and lower this down the éhimney. The Titheés, Oshawa. ma of Worn sputs on furfiture, ete, Does not have shiny chrome fifi- -- ish, But does prétty well. FIREPLACE CHIMNEY QUESTION: Is thefé a way t6 élean out a fireplace chimney? ANSWER: Yes; bit highly recommend haying a profession: al do thé job. Be sure to cover the fireplace opening so that falling soot Won't seatter out into the foom. To tlean the chimney: Lower a set or two cirelés to leosén soot on the 333 S!MCOE ST, S. ee ey OUR GUARANTEE All "GUMUNT" Aluminum Products ere guerantéed to bé free trem defects in metetial and workmanship. They ore Guaranteed for a lifetime by the seller and by the manufac- turer Ggainst rust, corresion, pitting, warping and other de- térioration, arising ffém Haturel causes and éonditions. ee ee ee ee ee ee IN COLOR TOO! THAT'S DUMONT ALUMINUM PROD. LTD. PHONE 728-1651 ... ls Your Home Adequately Wired To Handle All These Modern Electrical Appliances ? IF NOT!... Then Why Not Inquire About The Oshawa Public Utilities Commission WIRING FINANCE PLAN !! NOW! You Can Make Changes And Additions To Your Present Wiring AND PAY FOR IT IN EASY INSTALLMENTS ON YOUR HYDRO BILL!! ONE PIECE CONCRETE @ POR YOUR NEW HOME @ REPLACEMENT FOR OLD STEPS @ NON-SLIP SURFACE ON TREADS AND PLATFORM CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD, "YOUR HIRST STEP 1 BEAUTY AND SAPETY™ OLIVER J-d3l] Simply call your Electrical Contraetor listed here and ask him fo write up @ contract {On a form he will supply) for the work you need, for changes and additions to wiring. He will send the contract to the Oshawa Public Utilities Commission who will approve the financing . . . and the job then proceeds. When the witing ehanges and additions are completed, the electrical contractor will be paid immediately and you simply pay the Oshawa Publie Utilities Commission the small charge shown on your electrical bill. All this is done with no fuss, no bother, or tiresome waiting, CALL ANY OF THESE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS TODAY ARMSTRONG ELECTRIC 723-9363 COOK'S ELECTRIC 725-6109 DUSUREALT, FRED 125-1354 EASTERN ELECTRIC 123-4691 HILL-CORNISH ELECTRIC 723-2248 SHARP ELECTRIC 728-8214 PARKER ELECTRIC 728-8621 STIRE, LEN 725-2657 TOWNSEND ELECTRIC 123-2343 TOZER ELECTRIC 728-4611 Oshawa Public Utilities Commission HENRY F. BALDWIN, GEORGE F. SHREVE, Chairman. Generol Manoger.

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