Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Nov 1961, p. 2

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Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 23, 1961 OTTAWA (CP)--A re-examin- ation of Canada's trading po tion 'in view of the possible British entry to the European Common Market was sought to- day by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in a brief to the cabinet. The chamber avoided taking sides on whether Britain should enter the European bloc, noting only that it is a "possibility," and offered no opinion to the government on the impact of such membership on Canadian trade with the United Kingdom. However, it said the re-exam- ination of Canada's position would be made not only by the government but by trade and business associations to safe- d | guard Canadian interests as jwell ss "with a view to enhanc- jing the new opportunities" that British entry might offer. Meanwhile, the chambe |sought a bigger effort to attract {more U.K. investment in Can- ada. FORESEES OAS LINK The chamber foresaw Cana- dian membership in the 'Organ- --(AP Wirephoto) jization of American States -- ------ | without saying when--and said that steps should be taken to improve trade, cultural and dip- lomatic ties with Latin Amer ; SS ABE ica. | On the home front, the cham- jber recommended a_ thorough study be made of the tax struc- ture with a view of ensuring arrested Tuesday, Sale ' ¢ oie i Be Bie i highway from airport into | opposition to former Trujillo | Dr. Manuel Tavarez Justo, | Ciudad Trujillo yesterday to | dictatorship. Return of Dr. | leader of the 14th of June Common Market Role All Night Talk | TORONTO (CP) -- Police : o| Wednesday release 'jay a more and more active! . 7; ; - : ton, British high commissioner|tures of this decade: | jart dn eaqnomin aad tide mat.| eriiting him all night in connec- to Canada, Wednesday outlined) "Assuming we avoid a ho'| ers. And no one nation, how-| 10" Maia last Friday's double Britain's anticipated role in the war, which if we all keej |gangland slaying here. which it has applied for mem-|hope to do, the certainty of in-/:9" he self-sufficient and self-| jj. i Miott' indic| bership. creasing , economic rivalry be-| simataba laterdependence 4s & te ye a be id D -|tween the monolithic Commun sees : . a aterially help In his speech ot the Cana e | tact. lite iavenitancion. J ? 2 | | "An enormous further in-| Explaining Britain's applica- s _ U.K. Examines crease in population of the/tion to the European Common|Harcotics case offered $5,000 ) bl I poorer countries of Asia and| Market, Viscount Amory said|for infromation about the for these, a demand far greater|and year by year his country's ~~ of rghirestenged victims. | Market Entry than the industrialized countries traditional customers all over| A Neen: sar chgees they nap he are likely to be able to supply;|the world are manufacturing for) 42 Newman, 21, also of De- Common Market officials. Wed-|tries to build up their own sec-' Britain ton J. Tiumbauer Tuesday told nesday began a study of the/ondary industries as fast as count Amory suggested U S. District Judge Ralph M problems in the way of Brit: they can; ain counter this trend by| Freeman that Gus Saunders, 44, a week, began with a study of|and engineering and tec slog-|those products which her cus- offered $5,600 to find out where} the market's common external| ical management -- calling forjtomers now make for them-|Crater was a few days before tariff. - more capital, but less manual/selves and concentrating on the! his death. accept the structure of the com-/ernments in general spending|equipment and the latest syn-|Charged with intimic mon external tariff, including)less of the taxpayers' money |thetic products of the chemical| threatening to do bodi such reductions as might be of-|than they do at present." industry. He was remanded to Dec. bers of the General Ag" Hg listed three reactions|in, a statement made by a/Possession of narcoti on Tariffs and Trad 'Gtich Britons must be prepared inher of ministers: | Crater was also list The sx Com my 'o,make should the need arise:| «4. far as Britain's entry to|witness in a narcoti Here's part of the throng | cheer return to Dominican | Viriato A. Fiallo, president of | Movement, touched off cheer- which crowded bridge and | Republic of main leaders of | the National Civic Union, and | jing and civic celebrations. ° 'Police Rel Amor Vy Outlines UR. cris, 1 a) > be ' =. --_|'Big Ed' After TORONTO (CP) -- The Rt.|dian Manufacturers' Associatiorjnot, governments are going t sed a Detroit Hon. Viscount Amory of Tiver-| Viscount Amory listed five fea Negro called Big Ed after ever powerful, is going to be)" The Ne ais Hearn eens * : steady nerves . > carla: | Negro gave police a writ- European Common Market to steady nerves I think we carlyig enough and strong enough! ten gett ta tet eect Po.| ist groups and the free nations|-- i "heresyeo of the world; . . | EXPLAINS APPLICATION n Detroit it was learned that a suspect awaiting trial in a Africa and South America and|Commonwealth preferences to es 'Therland Cra-| a pressing demand for capital|Britain are slowly being eroded|'e™, 43, @ witness against him BRUSSELS, Belgium (Reut-/ 'A continuing tendency for|themselves behind: tariff walls| 'Toit. ers) -- British and European|those under - developed coun-|the goods they used to buy from; Assistant U.S. Attorney Mil- ain's entry into the trade group.! 'An - quickening pac ing the pattern of. manu-|one of three men questioned in The meeting, expected to last) technical advance -- in sc uring production, dropping] Detroit about the slayings, had Britain was reported to have labor per unit of production; |pewer and more complicated) Saunders, made it clear she is ready to) 'No confident hopes of gov-| manufactures like electronic|appeared before the judge fered by the Common Market in ee He urged tenure of good Ca-|$25,000 bail. He is to appear negotiations among the, -|LIST REACTIONS nadian-Britain relations, repeat-|Dec. 12 on charges of and} countries West P.| "We must brace ourselves tothe European market is con-| against Lester Ram France, Italy, Belgium, and! accept really big changes in the|cerned, we are only committed| Detroit, who Tuesda and Luxembourg--originally of-|patterns of our organization,|to negotiations. We do not know|10-year sentence after fered to reduce their cone our products and our methods|i¢ the negotiations will be suc- ing unsuccessfull ge external tariff by 20 per cent at) of trade; stul or not 960 narco the end of this year if the other) «we. must "If we should ever have to| Police claim Saun members of GATT, particularly|poiqiy and long-term f ing/choose between Europe or the found in Detroit with blood the United States, were pre-| ahead (is needed) to meet the Commonwealth, we should/stains in it, was used for a ag to make similar reduc-| .onditions of the future and not choose the Commonwealth to ---- dh Arthur Luc as nes the present. We must also avoid -- - also of Detroit, who has But the offer made by the polic s of restriction which are d with the double U.S. at the recent meeting of self-defeating: : He awaits an the GATT nations in Geneva me sicied dane fr. oak hearing Dec. 19 was considered unsatisfactory aa been a record yea 10 ss bv France and Italy lithefts in Oslo. In the first ' . " artne, oh prea t 6 ' 4 Ht now is uniikely that. @ nomic ¢c ts) pee hon ipod Grerieds i Common Market members will ars . Sth pow eas iss maintain their original propo-| '9! : : mont eriod--a to ,582, sal. c "Whether we welcome it or|compared with 1,187 for all 1960 ce act think and CAR THIEVES OSLO, Norway (AP) -- "We must seek out bitious ways of z inte peration betweer more ot the | expandi Two Men Face 0 OTTAWA real (CP)--Two have Mont- men been charged jwith perjury in connection with | nc testimony given at a divorce |hearing before a Senate subcom- mittee last Jan. 25, 1960 The charge, iaid by the |Perjury Charge ' HAGGIS IMPORT IS CLASSIFIED TORONTO (CP)--The facts of "the haggis case' came to light here Wednesday, V. L. Chapin of the federal trade and commerce depart- ment, said it began when a Canadian Scottish group tried to send a heaping box of hag gis to kindred souls in Brazil. It was stopped at the bor- der because the contents didn't fit any import. classifi- cations. The Brazilians didn't believe they were flesh, fish or fowl! Trade stepped chemica and commerce had the haggis analyzed and qui- d Brazil to allow 1 nother clas- sification--fert r he department had an- other satisfied customer," Mr. Chapin said r ness.' Chamber Seeks Probe Of Canadian Position that necessary revenues are,government stop the sale of an-| aised in ways that are least| nuities, close the post office sav-| detrimental to the economy. _|ings banks, curtail the opera-| The chamber called for a halt|tions of the National Film in the rise of social welfare|Board to leave more room for payments, 'Until the economy|private contracts, and limit the is once again growing. at a|production of the government| sound and satisfactory rate." {printing bureau to parliament-| A fear of "state medicine' ary and confidential papers. and its cost to the public treas-| Other points made by uries and the taxpayer also was| Chamber: | expressed. Civil service: The wages and) In a thinly-veiled attack onj salaries of civil servants should) the New Democratic Party, the}be open to garnisheeing to col-| chamber said it condemns the|lect debts; government employ-| s¥stem of 'union dues deduc-|ees were taking advantage of} tion procedures to collect polit-| the fact this now can't be done. ical funds." Flag: Parliament should Criticizing the extent of gov-|"'adopt and authorize' a distinc- the! j ,ernment business activity, the|tive national flag. (The cham- chamber called for'a report by|ber offered no suggestions for) Auditor-General Maxwell Hen-| design.) derson on '"'the full costs of the) Anthem: The government various government enterprise' should adopt "an officially ap- competing with private busi-|proved version' of O Canada . as the Canadian national an | The chamber asked that the|them. | | Election Issues Cover Wide Area By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Owen Sound, Issues ranging from Sunday|Waterloo citizens must decide movies to fluoridation of water|on whether to extend the fran- will be put before voters inichise. Other issues at Owen elections to be held in many|Sound include whether city Ontario municipalities next/council should hold office for month. two years and a site for a new Citizens of five cities and ajcity. hall to replace the build number of small communities|ing destroyed by fire last Feb- |will decide on both Sunday mo-jruary. Chatham ballots on} Sudbury. é INTERPRETING THE NEWS vies and Sunday sports. A for-|whether to adopt daylight time or-against verdict is sought onjin summer. these questions at Barrie, Cha-' The Chatham ballot includes tham, Owen Sound, Sarnia and a bylaw to provide money for | Other communities : ; ; | asked to settle both issues in-\2% extension of Victoria Home clude the towns. of Thorold in/for the Aged. North Bay voters the Niagara Peninsula and Ke-jare asked to approve an addi- nora in northwestern Ontario. |tjon to the civic hospital cost- Voters at Fort William, Pem-|ing $1,500,000. broke and Renfrew are asked to approve fluoridation of the wa- Ss ter supply. : ' Many municipal administra- tions in the province now hold office for two years. There is no voting this year at Toronto, Ottawa, Hamilton, London or Windsor among large cities. But some 18 cities, plus num- erous towns, villages and town- ships, are scheduled to ballot for municipal offices, most of them on Dec. 4. Other voting dates include Dec. 6, Dec. 9 and Dec, 11. Also voting for or against unday sports are Waterloo and Simcoe. At Fort William there will be a ballot on allowing stock car racing under the ex- isting Sunday sports bylaw. Argentina Aid Proposals Soon TORONTO (CP) -- President Frordizi will make specific pro- posals next week for immediate Canadian technical assistance to Argentina and long - range Diplomatic Talk | Says Even Less | By CARMAN (¢ MMING Canadian Press ri VU Staf mur- |' extradition 77%! n ministe n f t with |RCMP, is believed the first ot! its kind ever to result from par- jliamentary divorce proceedings Charles Charro and An- dre Lecompte, 22, charges They were witnesses in a hear ing which resulted in a divorce for Yvette Dubois Leduc, 34 year-old Montreal model, from Jacques Leduc on grounds adultery The perjury accusation is con nected with the identification of a photograph of Jac Charron is out on $2 and Lecompte on $1,000 are to appear in court Frida 60-65 aN For Illegal Bingo TORONTO (CP) -- Alt Grossman and Albert Seltz officers of Knesse Israel An hia Slupia, were convicted Wed- nesday of operating illegal bingo games and fined $1,500 or six months in jail The two, convicted of keeping a common gaming ¢ the games were to raise money ------\for charitable and religious pur eq | Poses. il Charges against another persons were dismissed MAINLY CLOUDY WITH SOME RAIN Trenton ..csecesere Killaloe .. Muskoka North Bay . Sudbury Earlton Kapuskasing White River . Moosonee 2 )WEATHER FORECAST Overcast Skies, ' Occasional Rain issued rt I S- 40 40 40 35 35 35 35 30 35 house, id $70,000 Total Ba Set For Brothers PETERBOROUGH (CP) Bail totalling $70,000 was set White| Wednesday for two Montreal Sud-\brothers charged with armed and robbery in the $232,000 holdup c- of a bank at Havelock, 25 miles % * Official forecasts in Overcast with occasional rain 2 'Toronto at 5 a.m.: today. Mainly cloudy with a Synopsis: A complex weather few showers or snowflurries 'system is moving through the and turning a little cooler Fri- "Great Lakes area. Skies are day, winds light "bvercast across the province) Timagami, Cochrane, 'with occasional rain in south River regions, North Bay, Sand snow mixed with freezing bury: Overcast with snow 'rain in the north country. The freezing drizzle changin Tprospects for Friday are for)casional rain this afte east of here Aug. 31. ™ainty cloudy skies over the Mainly cloudy with a few st Judge John Kennedy granted {province with some showers or flurries and turning a little coo- the bail, application made by owflurries in the North. ler Friday, winds light lawyer John Mirsky of Ottawa = Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Forecast Temperatures on behalf of Yvon Lalonde, 31 "Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake On-) Low tonight, Hij and his brother Jean - Claude Yario, Haliburton, southern Wind 23. No application was made on "Georgian Bay regions, Windsor, | behalf other two Mont London, Hamilton, Toronto:|Lon real men under arrest in the @vercast with occasional rain Kitchen ase -- Roger Martel. 41. and today. Mainly cloudy with little Wi Rover Poirier, 31 'thange in temperature Friday, ! Bail for Jean-Claude Lalonde 'winds light t $15,000 plus $15,000 Northern Georgian Bay, Sault Toron and for Yvon Lalonde Bte. Mgrie, Algoma regions: Peterborough Beses 000 with $20,000 surety. e! Large air con for two office RISTOW & OL of the ner . available immediately, 728- 34- of + | Men Fined $1500 agreeme he We between f be torn down and West the | , Ger- favor) 4) cow but re- "Berlin HAIRSTYLING URSULA & DONNA 204 KING ST. E. OSHAWA PHONE 728-4501 FREE PARKING | | DOWNTOWN LOCATION ditioned office suitable suites. PHONE SEN REALTORS 5107 training of its technicians in Canada, Argentina's ambassa- dor to Canada said Wednesday. "These two subjects are among the most important to the president,"' said Ambassa- dor Angel Peluffo. President Frondizi will confer with Prime Minister Diefenba- ker in Ottawa Tuesday during want a return to the pre-wall|® five-day state visit Canada. status quo with West Berlin un-| _ Ambassador Peluffo said any ied control, m: ining Canadian technical assistance wit and having! that President Frondizi requests t Berlin. will be "the kind Argentina is ier Khrushchev would be|very willing to pay for" and cely to buy that sort of deal)might include purchase of Ca- barrel of contaminated|nadian equipment : er, Adenauer knows) The ambassador made the re- marks in aninterview con- ducted entirely in English. He said President Frondizi will be accompanied by an_ unofficial trade delegation of 27 Argen- tine bankers and industrialists during his visit to Toronto Wed- ] t nesday As he returns to Bonn, the questions remain of what really was meant by such terms as t cal contacts' with East viabil- In sum then, they appear to is UN speech, ins the U.S. is com- ed t rigid formulas" on the Berlin and German is- last sted "no Ken- the > y com formulas -- a Did You Know... In the main Dining Room of the GENOSHA HOTEL you con have o Full-course Dinnr ONLY 95c. formulas may have to if any solid nego- Moscow is to be for 'Committed For Trial On Murder ST. THOMAS (CP) -- Ken- jneth Raymond Summerhayes, 25, of St.. Thomas was com- mitted Wednesday for trial on a charge of capital murder aris- ing out of the fatal stabbing |Oct. 19 of Mrs. May Wilson, a '64-year-old widow. | Magistrate Fred R. Barnum jcommitted Sum merhayes in spite of a plea by L. T. Pennell of Brantford, defence counsel, that there was insufficient ev- jidence on which a jury, when jadequately instructed, could |eonvict the accused. STERN JUSTICE | Norman Erickson, analyst of the Manitoba Court of Ap- |With the attorney - general's ee . |medico - legal department in peals, shown above, has is- |Toronto, te s tified that blood- sued a report sternly critical | stains found on a shirt worn by of both union and manage- |Summerhayes when he was ar- ment. The report contains the rested were of the same blood ghar tank ¢ s th Irs. i re findings of a judicial inquiry Stat ps the ol Mrs. Wee by Mr. Justice Tritschler into |He also said there were traces last year's six-month strike of human blood on a 14-ach- long butcher knife picked up 39f at Brandon Packers Limited. | fect away from the scene of the --(CP Wirephoto) porieye a few hours afterwards. ----______--__------| Mrs. Wilson was stabbed in ithe back about 7:45 p.m. as she BIG OVERSIGHT } 5 i Se .,|walked home from her job in RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil|jhe kitchen of the St. Thomas (AP) -- Public works. officials) YWCA. say the new hal'-mile Avenida} Pembroke and Chile in downtown Rio de Ja-) neiro will have to be torn down) and rebuilt. In a rush to com-| plete the avenue for its official) opening date 18 months ago, the! builders failed to put in drains,| and now the avenue is flooded | every time there is a rain. Pawel, F. R. BLACK O.D. OPTOMETRIST Contact Lens Consultation or Eye Exaninotion BY APPOINTMENT PHONE 723-4191 136 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA iz BETTER LAY-AWAY A GIFT lg. \e CHAIR BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! Wi é j-Z le! NEW DECORATOR | ~Saae OCCASIONAL CHAIRS 1h, samme ESN 49.50 Elegont creme Provincial » rich eabiiole legs d trims! | i 1 lavish _channe! - + « USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN OR PAY NEXT YEAR ON EASY TERMS Distinctive wing chair with deep back tufting to lend decor interest to any room Le ee Reliable Furniture "Prices are born here and raised elsewhere" 96 KING ST. E. (Next To Times Bldg.) 723-7928 TROUD' FOOD MARKE 34 SIMCOE SIRLOIN, T-BONE WING CANADA'S FINEST RED BRAND TEAKS HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS e ST. NORTH . 1 WHITE MUSH- ROOMS C Ib 4§ LEAN MEATY BLADE SHORT CUT (Ist 4) PRIME RIB ECONOMY -- 6&7 PRIME RIB BONELESS SHOULDER POT ROAST BONELESS PLATE FRESH PORK C Ib 69 69 39 69 39 FRESH PORK BUTT FRESH PORK END CHOICE LAMB LEG TURKEY SHOULDER OVEN READY - 6-8 Ibs. CHRISTIE'S BROOKSIDE 24-02 DAVID'S -- 4 KINDS 2 s Reg. Biscuits 2 DUNCAN HINES REG. 3 Cake Mix =. 39 2-37 19 25: -- FEATURE - FRESH PORK SPARE C RIBS b S rN' 49 Pot Roast

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