Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Nov 1961, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 22, 1961 5 WHITBY And DISTRICT Suggests Change | bitier |c. way Tonnage I : Jailed Wee = In Committees , : : If a suggestion by town en-|co-ordinated program of town she i tek one eae Rises This Year i is adopted tanta ide.|with his car was Tuesday jail-| he Whituy council there wil wo eons aoe Ogg ed for seven days for driving); OTTAWA (CP)--Total cargo, a vasi change in the committee| VIS, Sewers and property. --_| while intoxicated. Harold Vin-|tonnage moved on the St. Law-|t: as, set-up on council. Mr. Hoag's Deputy-reeve Mowat, who is}cent Cameron, 610 Dundas tence Seaway in October rose| Tonnage suggestions came about follow-| streets committee chairman) street west, who pleaded guilty to 7,715,535 tons from 6,826,506) th feati ing a request by Deputy-reeve|Since the resignation of Coun-|to the charge before Magis-|tons in the same month of 1960,/fOF 'he navigation that the sugges-|Cillor Robert Hastings a Sec be gate yikes peut weeks ago, said that currently|police court, had already been|Tuesday. |tons compared witl. 44,126,897 in/Eastbound traffic was up 8.9 In a letter, wiich was turned|the engineering department/in custody for eight days await-| Westbound traffic on the|the same 1960 period. per cent to 19,874,106 tons from over.to the committee on bylaws|finds itself doing work for aling trial. , |Montreal-Lake Ontario section} Over the eight-mnonth period|18,251,896. anal ar : dihine . | : F anel and applications, Mr. Hoag sug-/"umber of committees, a sys-| pc James Hooker, of the|&S 19.7 per cent higher in the; gested that a public works com-|tem, he said, that often disrupts] whithy Police Department, saidjMonth at 1,432,984 tons while . . mittee be set up for the next the system entirely. _ |that on Nov. 13 he had follow-|¢@stbound traffic was up 19 per Florida Caribbean ? administration. Such a commit-| If some 'system of a public| ed a car along Dundas street Con [ peeietona se se tee would in fact cover every|works committee were set up,/west, and then into the drive-; On the Welland Canal section, | matter of town endeavor exceptihe said, it would not only bene-| way at 610 Dundas street west.|October traffic moving west-| MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW! administrative and policy since|fit the engineer but the town's|He stopped the cruiser about 10|ward up the seaway increased) nearly all committees involve|works programs. |feet behind the car, he said,|by 10.9 per cent to 1,182,317) Just tell us where you want to go and town works Councillor Paul Coath's|and as he walked to the accused, |tons while eastward traffic was} how long you want to stay. We'll do the rest. Complete reservations. Hotels, tra- velling, tours, ete. . 5 SEE e re Donald Travel Service OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN--MO 8-3304 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY westbound traffic on the Mont real-Lake Ontario section was down 9.3 per cent to 7,470,159 tons compared with 8,236,957 tons a year earlier. Eastbound traffic on the .ame section was up 29.6 per cent to 12,716,466 up 7.4 per cent at 3,058,90ljtons from 9,812,078 tons. Westbound tonnage on the Welland Canal section was : ,|down 12.2 per cent to 6,873,694 p period Ofjtons over the eight months some|trate R. B. Dnieper in Whitby|the Seaway Authority reported)April to October was 46,934,405|from 7,825,966 a year earlier | in both directions Benefits of such a committee,| bylaws committee will study the |the car was put in reverse and|~ ae Ts DN RE SUE re oT he pointed out, would mean |proposal and report back tojcrashed into the front of the fewer committee meetings and a' council. |police cruiser causing about $25 Light Sentence | | | damage. s 2 . Both he and Cpl. James Bark-| ® . | Nomination Night ieee atone wes ee a Jai, Fine In addition to the seven days) lin jail, Cameron was fined $10] A Whitby man who wo dated) n urs a OV jand costs or an additional two|Seven days and fined $200 or an| ' wf ldays in jaii for driving with aladditional 30 days for driving Tomorrow night, Thursday, is] year and next year an elght-man|'emporary permit without a/ while disqualified was told Tues-| accounting night and nomination| board is to be chosen. a onthe ee in the passen-\aay that he was receiving the| i 3 '4p, | There will also be one opening|®° § seat. Hig : night for the town of Whitby on! tha DUC. fon a newconee lightest sentence Magistrate The meeting gets underway at/too, since one commissioner has WHITBY |Robert Dnieper ever handed |f |7 p.m., when nominations are! announced that he is retiring. | Iienigt for a Oe eee g \thrown open. Accordingly, there will be <night, 46, of Graydon road, Prime aa of the meeting,|Some new names on the board BOWLING NEWS | pleaded guilty to the charge. of course, is to nominate can- 9" Thursday night : | PC Jack Mason, of the Whit-| didates for council, PUC and| Then again, this is the first) sy, JOHN THE EVANGELIST |by Police Department, said that 8 |school board for the next two-/9¢Casion when the 1960-61) xEp BOWLING LEAGUE |he observed Knight driving a # lyear term. This portion of the| council school board and PUC Standtnes 466 Nov: a8: lear on Noy. 1 lmeeting takes one hour. As\¢an give an account of their) 93%) ngs oA: ead 7 Be Kutt lol. ho < that candidates are nominated, their|stewardship over the past two). 00 US SS oe ra 8 Se laa tha hake aw be Ee s are posted and at thelyears. These reports will bel' parrows 2, 34; ucks 5, ;|was the only time he had taken| Jeeps a of the car since his} ~ ON KIWANIS E Hugh Sims, a charter mem- ber, has been elected presi- dent of the Kiwanis Club of Whitby for the 1962 term. He and his new executive will take office on Jan. 1. shown above with other newly elected officers. to right, are Vic. Evans, 1961 president who will be past tive; president, Hugh Sims. Standing same -order are: vice-president, Ed. Mulligan, and secretary, Vernon Harris. --Oshawa Times Photo He' is | president on the new | | Seated, left ' i as in alj| heard immediately following the|Falcons 2, 28; Blue Jays 0, 28; /the whegl conclusion of the hour, as in all 1 Robins 2, 25; Hawks 5, 23. licence FOOD MARKET execu- | meetings, the nominations are closed. Candidates may announce at the meeting whether or not they are going to seek election. They are not required to do so however, and have until 9 p.m. \Friday evening to qualify with jtown clerk. Councillor Announces Intention To Retire Councillor Harry Inkpen an- nounced this week that he will not be a candidate for the 1962- 62 council in Whitby. That brings the total to three mem- bers of the present council who = have indicated they will not be in the running at the election of Dec. 4. Some weeks ago, Councillor : Robert Hastings announced that : he was resigning to move back : to his native Australia. Later, Reeve Everett Quantrill an- he would not be a @ seat on council at the forthcoming election. Speaking to council this week, © Councillor Inkpen said that his occupation takes him to Toronto every day and he did not feel that he had sufficient time to give the job of councillor all it deserved. Mayor Stanley Martin told Councillor Inkpen and other members of council that his de- cision had been received with regret. He urged Mr. Inkpen, |Street High School, he along with other council mem- bers, to be on hand at the coun-|dates but he urged them to be| cil chambers on Thursday eve-|prepared for Thursday night's ning, Nov. 23, prepared to make|meeting too. their report to the people on their stewardship as members of council Commerce has arranged for an election forum to be held at Anderson Street High School on Monday, Nov. 27, but urged candidates and sitting councillors to note that they will be given an opportunity to ex- Fined $300 On Driving Charge Despite a plea that woman was Tuesday fined $30 and costs or 60 days in jail for driving while Marjorie Reta Lowes, third concession, a mi- _, graine headache had affected i her driving, a Whitby Township Despite the fact that this is jthe first municipal election in |Whitby in two years, it seems that there is very little spark although some may fly on Thurs- {day night. There will be at least three openings fornewcomers on council this year 2s three sitting members have indicated they 0 | will not be in the running next year. impaired. Mrs.|" There will also be three open- of the) ings on the Public School Board had __ been/ for newcomers because one ||chargea with driving while in-|member of the six-man board ||toxicated but His Worship re-|had indicated he will retire this |duced this to impaired driving} close of nominations. N : as suspended in Janu-| If the usual procedure is fol-|_ Triples over 550: Ladies --jary of fast year. He said that lowed, candidates will then be|M. Carter 672, M. Forbes 623,\usually his. wife drove him to allowed to speak in the order L. Bronishenski 596, M. Mc-jwork but on~this_occasion his| of their nomination. Daniel 587 and T. McDonald 557.| wife was taken sudden He| On Monday night, Nov. 27, Men -- B. Hazelton 796, P. Mc-|said it was too late to tke a| another public meeting has been|Daniel 626, N. Forbes 592, I.jbus and he did not wish to} arranged by the Chamber of/Bedard 584, G. Perry 567 and|spend the money for a cab to Commerce for a people's forum|M. Kolsteren 562. jtake him nearly three miles to when candidates will again be| Singles over 200: Ladies -- M.|work. | given an opportunity to air their|Carter 315, L. Bronishenski 237,| His Worship told Knight that | views. The public is, of course,|206; M. McDaniel 236, T. Me-|he believed him when he said it invited to attend this meeting) Donald 234, M. Hughes 223, Mil was the first time he had| too, which will be held in|Forbes 220, 205, Men --B.|driven since being placed under | Anderson St. High School] Hazelton 348, 230; P. McDaniellsuspension. Accordingly, _he| auditorium. \289, G. Perry 223, 202; J. Corri-|said, he would hand out the! jgan 217, H. Forbes 213, 201; L.jlightest sentence for the| WHITBY ; ' i out. High Triples with Handicap: | A games night will be held on|/°--6 M. McDaniel 587 and |Bedard 204, M. Kolsteren 204|offence he had ever handed | DAY-BY-DAY |Ladies -- L. Bronishenski 596| and 123--719; M. Forbes 623) BACKACHE *tiday, Nov. 24, at the Kath-/34--671; and L. Bloye 538 and ° | Friday, Noy. 24, at the Kath- '05 "546, Men--B. Hazelton 796, MQY be Warning and J. Buisman 200. | GAMES NIGHT and 57--680; M. Carter 672 and jand 12--808; P. McDaniel 626 Bockaclee fa, often chased by lexy 114 DUNDAS ST. WEST (JORDAN BROS.) WHITBY RIB END OF PORK LOIN END OF PORK BUTT PORK CHOPS SIDE PORK STEW BEEF °°" MAC & CHEESE CHICKEN LOAF HEAD CHEESE YOUR CHOICE nw. 43° », 49° », 55° w, 49° wn, 29° C Ib jto report at Thursday He noted that the Chamber of| '|when he found there was some| ;|doubt as to what had caused jy her car to waver on the road. | Sgt. Clifford Partington, of LAST MEETING WARNING SIRENS the Whitby Po) Department, and PC Josep! Whitby Tullock, of the thw jan agreement to be dfawn up! of the|own members wil jto permit attack warning sirens} Detachr- ont council, § e lowed Mrs. Lowes on Brock|This week's meeting was the] s now erected on the town lot | street north on the night of Sept.|last to be held before the elec-|at Colborne and Green street.| 25 and observed her car weave|tion of Dec. 4. The next meeting|The second will be erected) |from the centre line to the east|Was scheduled for Dec. 4, inci-\atop the old fire hall in Port \shoulder. On one occasion, they|'entally, and was postponed by|\pitby. The agreement \said, an oncoming car had been|resolution until Dec. 5. \forced to take to the west shoul-| > jrenewed for a further five} late when Mrs. Lowes car strad-| Al cg siege nos Kettner died the centre line etter from fown & | . Brock | oag reported that there are| TREE SURGERY | street. | said, ' : |10 parts of unopened streets in} The property committee re- would accommodate all candi- Pa Bae ce MIS. |the town which would makejported that an elm at the town i : : |nice 66-foot building lots if sold.|hall las developed or contract-| | Her husband told the court|Revenue was estimated at $50,-\ed Dutch Elm Disease. The |that his wife was suffering from|000. The matter was turned|Davey Tree Experts will at-| He especially urged - Reeve|*. ep aonb headache when shelover to the streets committee|tempt to stop the disease, as an| Quantrill and Councillor Inkpen| 28 brought home by police. A| for study experiment, with the town to} night, hiropractor told the court he} : 'contribute no more than $25 of "After all, you may want to had treated her on a number of | PARKING LOT the cost | leah again sou know" he said, |OCcasions for migraine. He said) Town Engineer Charles Hoag | nae a | Councillor Inkpen is the town's | Such headaches might both-|was authorized to proceed with 1) BEORE BELL rearesartative 'on the. Gataiio er her vision. |a layout plan for a parking lot) The bell from the 'fire hall] Health tit' and this| A mechanic told the court that|for 49 cars on the site of the|at Port Whitby will be stored in| | runs| lfor five years, and. may be| HARRY INKPEN | WHITBY COUNCIL BRIEFS |75--667 and J. Corrigan 492 and By the next meeting of Whitby] By bylaw, council, authorized} ,15.'y' "p onishenski 237 and 41 OPP, said that they had fol-|know the mood of the people.|tg be installed in the town. On |---264; T. McDonald 234 and 16-- jand 120--746; H. Forbes 592 and 141--633. High singles with handicaps: Ladies -- M. Carter 315 and 1-- --278; M. McDaniel 236 and 28 250 and M. Forbes 220 and 19-- 239. Men--B. Hazelton 348 and 14--352; P. McDaniel 289 and 40) |--329; J. Corrigan 217 and 45--) 262 and H. Forbes 213 and 25-- 238. YUKON POST The first Hudson's Bay Com- pany post in the Yukon was es- tablished in 1842. DODD & SOUTER kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, dis- turbed rest or that tired-out and heavy- headed feeling soon follow. That's the time to take 's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal | action. Then you feel better--sleep | better--work better. Get Dodd's | idney Pills now. se | POT ATOES ONTARIO NO. 1 re 9g FREE PARKING AT REAR OF STORE ENTRANCE TO STORE FROM PARKING LOT Precast Concrete PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-5231 SEPTIC TANKS Current Range of Products include: @ CURBING SAVES YOU TIME AND MONEY BY ELIMINATING THE RISKS THAT ARE ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN POURING ON SITE, OUR QUALITY IS GUARANTEED. he| County : lyear holds the position of vice-|M@ found the steering on her|0ld town hall. Councillor Joyce the town works department fol-| C.L.L. Paint Dealer chairman. He told council that|C@% Out by two or three de-|Burns, chairman of the property lowing DURA STEPS RAILINGS a recommendation by] YOUR @ WALK SLABS @ WELL TILE lhe would wish to continue as the Tes. Mrs. Lowes said she had|committee, squasticd all rumors|the property committee. An at-| press their platforms and give|town's representatiye< although|ad one drink of liquor at her|that there would be parking an account of their year at the/he will not be on council. It is|P!@ce of employment before|meters on the lot by announc- nomination meeting too not required that the represent-|!¢aving for Whitby. jing that the committee will yet The meeting at Anderson\ative be a member of council. | "A woman driving an automo-|4ecide whether: iiicre should be _------ -- - --_-- |bile can kili as many people as|an attendant or meters. 'We tack warning siren will be erect-| ed at the hall. The bell has not been used as a warning since| the fire truck was removed| some years ago. i Painting & Decorating Contractors Gyptex, Paperhanging Full Wall Murels PATIO SLABS @ CHIMNEY CAPS Specialists in Custom Precasting ns Many Ceremonies At 4th Brownies Many important ceremonies took place at the meeting of the 4th Whitby Brownie Pack this week. Brownie mothers and other guests attended the meet- ing Maiy badges, pins and em- blems were presented by Brown Owl Mrs. A. McNaughton, as- sisted by Mrs. J. Goddard, Mrs ¥. Minto and Packie M Kernohan, Rosalie Robin Minto, Nancy Leesa Hart, and Barbie Mowat. Goddard, Riddel, Lynn Heron, Joanne Pollard, Linda Collinson, Dianne Gordon, Mary Lawson, Edwards, Patricia Rankine and |Beth McEachern. Gayle Souter was made a Six- er of the Elves; Nancy Lawson was made a Sixer of the Fair- jies. Carol Edwards was made a Seconder of the Fairies and Nancy Pollard was made a Seconder of the Kelpies. Two Brownies who had trans- ferred from another pack were list for the day and concluded| jthere was no reason to continue} a man," His Worship told Mrs.|Have to decide whether to get)"~ Lowes. He also noted that there|the money from everyone who wa:, not a single new case of|¥S¢S the lot or just the ones |driving while intoxicated on the |who are caught," she said. TOWN OF WHITBY with the stiff sentences. The fine followed. | enn w eile No Sales Tax Levy On Indian Reserve | TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario government will not levy the| sales tax on Indian reserves, a treasury de p art ment official said Tuesday ' . ' aryigiven title tapes and embl Miller. Seven girls were enroll-|They are Ferdlter Band gor to follow the practice in Que ed in the pack. They are Karen Beth McEachern. | Carol|Brownie Taps. Ssnnd Fils a items bought by Indians from Moore. Pog Ral Ble yore Het Indians on reserves. The Sock-| Wendy Ackerman! wachern he ; One of the Nine Brownies received Gold-|\their names from the Lepre- en Bar badges. They are Eileen|chauns to the Pixies and were given their emblems. | The government has decided| bec of not charging tax on y CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. OLIVER 5-331 emily Monecuite NOTICE re BY-LAW 2168 Citizens are hereby notified that Clause one of By-Law number 2168 reads as follows:-- No person shall set fire to any shavings, chips, straw, or other combustible matter in any street in the said Town, or in any enclosure within fifty feet of any building, except in a stove or other iron receptacle suitable and safe for the burning of such combustible matter, such stove or receptacle to be approved by the Fire Chief. It is therefore unlawful to burn leaves on any street allowance. The by-low provides that any person convicted of such an offence shall forfeit not less than $10.00 and not more' than $100.00 The terms of this by-law will be strictly enforced J. R. Frost, Clerk, Town of Whitby. AGES / Created To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST MO 8-3552 |sion was made after consulta- tion with the Indian affairs branch at Ottawa. r first year star. Sixers changed meeting closed with WHITBY BROCK Fening Shows at 7:00 & 9:00 p.m. Feature Starts 7:10 & 9:35 pam ADULT ENTERTAINMENT sams PLUS! "Coast of Clyde" & "Hills of Assisi" ALL COLOR SHOW "Square Shooters" on Auto Claims You get every dollar due when you have a claim with State Farm Mutual... and fast, too, You can count on it! MIDDLETON | 608 Brock St. S| WM. H. (BILL) | Whitby, Ont. MO 8-3762 State Form Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Canadian Head Office--Toronto, Ont. 115 BROCK ST. NORTH WHITBY Concealed shell pocket. Reg. 8.95. NOW PORTSMAN' CORNER 103 BYRON STREET SOUTH WHITBY 105 Christmas Layaway Specials INSULATED NYLON HUNTING VEST WEDGE CUSHIONS Foam filled, 3" thick. Perfect for the car, 3.97 ,] JUST NORTH OF THE FOUR CORNERS OPEN THURS. 'TIL 8--FRI. 'TIL 9--WED. 'TIL 6 P.M. FRESH cu FROM GOVERNMENT -177 calibre. Reg. 8.95. NOW ...... PELLET GUNS Reg. 3.95. WOW 2 ii idsees isin Ge STAINLESS STEEL AQUARIUMS 4.97 INSPECTED BEEF Rump Roast -- Sirloin or Wing PRIME RIB ROAST BEEF Ih. | Leafs or Canadiens Reg. 3.95 pr. NOW BOYS' HOCKEY GLOVES 5% gal. Double diamond 4 97 e glass, Reg, 7.00, NOW . MUNRO, ELECTRIC 1.97 STEAKS «69%: BUTT PORK CHOPS "tir". 55° PUNCHING Reg. 4.95. LEAN FRESH SLICED Cooked . cuT COUNTRY SAUSAGE ™*" ,, 29° NOW GIANT, POPEYE HOCKEY GAME Complete with goal light and magnetic 1.97 BAG 2.97 puck, Clearout While They Last ... PORK LIVER ""** 25: | HAM WIENERS § 3 ibs. 1.00 Heavy chrome. Reg. 8.95. NOW . SLICED RINDLESS Breakfast th BACON ~" FRESH Hamburg Steak 3-ROLL KITCHEN PAPER DISPENSER 3.87 Thousands of Gifts and Toys to Choose From at Lower Than Discount Prices. 1.00 DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY. PURCHASE UNTIL CHRISTMAS 57-PIECE SET -- FINE EMPRESS CHINA 3 patterns to choose trom. Reg. 59.95. NOW ..... e

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