Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Nov 1961, p. 7

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|Evelyn Williamson Is Wed 'Scots Are Ready For\ mich or nis ume and eneray to j : St. Andrew's Ball | the society and who left Oshawa A | To The Rev. Ralph Rutledge Oshawa Scots are looking onleriid Y Columbia." ' -- Simcoe Street Pentecostal|suit, gold hat and gloves and a ward. with keen, anticipation haa it : > "e any Ichurch was the setting for the\corsage of - yellow, gold and|ext Friday night when the an- GRUMBLE DEPARTMENT 4\marriage recently of Evelyn|bronze. chrysanthemums andj\nual St Andrew's Ball is to take| LONDON (CP)--A group of Bernice Williamson of Oshawajroses. place in St. Gregory's auditor-|Conservative members of Par- land the Reverend Ralph Wes-| On their return the Reverend|ium. Master of ceremonies will/liament has suggested "grouse : ae cee ~ lley Rutledge of Prescott, On-|and Mrs. Rutledge will reside|be Mr. Alasdair Bain of To- shops" be established at shop- Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 4 '\tario. The bride is the daugh-|at Prescott, Ontario, where Mr.|ronto and guests of honor will|ping centres, where housewives ie ze 2 4 |ter of Mr. and Mrs. George V.|Rutledge is the pastor of Cal-| include Her Worship Mayor] dissatisfied with their purchases THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 21, 1961 7 , Lawrence, Oshawa, and the vary Pentecostal Church. Christine Thomas and Mr. T. D.janti shopkeepers with griev- bridegroom is: the son of Mr.| Guests were present from|Thomas MPP; the Honorable) ances coula go to register their e , |Godfrey Rutledge of Galt and/Pontiac, Michigan; Gananoque,|Michae! Star: and Mrs. Starrjcomplaints, 000 U ted Church Women Sub ect * \the late Mrs. Rutledge. London, Ontario; Kitchener,|and honorary presidents Mr. nl J 5 Z The ceremony was perform- Beachburg, Ontario; Shawville, Jack McGregor and Mr. Hayden , Aled by the Reverend R. A.|Perth, Peterborough, Willow-/Macdonald and their ladies. HAIRSTYLING { T lk A St A d J WA '44 \Bombay and the Reverend S. E.|Quebec; Prescott, 'Strathroy, |Past presidents expected include! 0. 4, prefer it by. . . a t b narew.s 2 Frederickson.. Mrs. Rita Ray-|dale, Brampton, Sarnia Len-|Mr. and Mrs. William Calder, : LA & DONNA a mer of Toronto played the wed-|noxvilley Quebec; Hamilton, |Mr. and Mrs. William Forbes, URSU Miss Beatrice 'Wilson, execu-jtions in the Church in favor of - ij hg lding music and Mrs. Harold|Downsview, Richvale, Windsor,|Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mowat}| 204 KING ST. E. OSHAWA tive secretary of the Dominion|the 'United Church Women" * Rutledge of Guelph sang. La Salle, Ontario; Galt, Guelph,|@nd Mr. and Mrs. Robert Craw- PHONE 728-4501 Council WA ané associate sec-| She said that it was just 38 The bride was given in mar-|Pembroke, Belleville, Toronto|ford. The grand march, led by FREE PARKING lretary designate of the United years since the matter was first| MRS. W. S. WATSON riage by her father. She wore a and Whitby. |President Robert Munn and 'Church Women, Dominion Coun-|brought up. Just before Church eae pt semi-formal dress -- pink prs Parag is cme age A ont icil of Toronto, was guest speaker Union the women of the Con- : ' peau de soie on sheath lines 'and from then on kilts and tar- at the final meeting. of the gregational Church recom-| National President with back fullness, scoop neck- LODGES AND ltans will swirl through 'The | Women's Association of St. An-'mended that there should be} line and bracelet sleeves. Her |Dashing White Sergeant", "Strip | |drew's United Church held re- just one women's organization. | To Address WCTU headdress was a pink pearl tiara SOCIETIES the Willow', "Waltz Country) lcently in the form of a buffet/Then 18 years ago a group of! and circular veil and she car- Dance", the Highland Quadrilles | | supper. women discussed it again and 7 ried a cascade of white and) yy jand foursome and eightsome Miss Wilson was introduced by, it was agreed that such divisions At Open Meeting pink roses. The regular meeting as vie.|tt: During the past fow weeks! Dr. J. R. Leng. She said that as were present should no long- The local group of the WCTU Mrs. Giles Hughes WAS tory Lodge No. 583 was held re- practice dances have been held! lright across Canada it had been er stand in the way of the total is holding an open night, at St. matron of honor for her sister cently in the Orange Temple at the YWCA. Conspicuous by itoead that not too ineny mem-imiesion of the Clee. W dvew's United Church on Fri.(and the flower girl was Missiwith Worthy Mistress, Sister|"iS absence will be Dr. Walter bers had absorbed the steps; Then again in 1953 at the re- ps r Sige hen the speaker Mary Lawrence, the bride's|tva Vanslyke and Deputy Mis. |2Pty, a past president of St. lleading up to this very impor- quest of the women a committee) ut bag Ho Ws Salsck na.| niece. Mrs. Hughes wore tress Slater Mildred Carnochani ean ee @ \tant union of all the women of was set up by Dominion Council] ¥? al rae tient & yaaa street-length dress of deep tur- in their respective chairs. was donated by Sister Donalda | lthe Church -- that many thought to go into the matter and now tional president. _ quoise peau de soie, sheath) pevotional exercises were per-|Strong and won by Sister Laura ithat this was a sudden stop to it was really taking place. Mrs. Watson was born injstyle with overskirt, and a formed by chaplain Sister Isa- Roach. the various women's organiza-| Whatever sort of an Organiz- Brussels, Ontario, into 'a truly matching hat. Her flowers were |holje Roberts, Next meeting is to be held in ation was set up there was one|happy, Christian family." She) pink chrysanthemums in a caS-' "The minutes were read by re- Orange Temple on Wednesday, R NALS chief purpose and all the various) sraduated as a nurse from the) cade. The flower girl's dress, iN cording secretary Sister Ann\November 22 at 8 p.m. All PE SO mee bageos such as teas, bazaars, Toronto General Hospital, and] deep turquoise, was full-skirted Burgess. members are urged to be pres-| ny Af ap ig ee were a part) nursed for what she describes| with puff sleeves and she wore) Sister Elda Howard reportedjent as election of officers is to tens Hate ea AB ee of os a "considerable number of|a matching bandeaux. She car- WEDDING PRINCIPALS beth), Short Celina, street, was og Sr ie anes the Church) ars." before meeting Dr. ried a basket of pink and white honored by her family, relatives Miss Wilson if . p _\Watson, of Vancouver, when|chrysa mums. dD} te Ss § ged each wo- = aati g A ye e - Pictured after their wed- , the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. and crag Lerma Ms man to study the new constitu-\She was visiting her sister a Rea igs agg: gb tog Bs ding recently at King Street | J..W, Chamberlain and the Snacr ehareeon yaar et tion where the machinery was|there. was best sia and ushering| PEP UP United Church are Mr. and | bridegroom is the son of Mr. " 3 apg, outlined for this new Union. Having always loved her itainse of Deep Rites Ontario eee Mrs. Filip Burchard Maver. | and Mrs. Nickolaus Mayer, oe ee taane tren Wel Mrs. H. E. Grose thanked the|WMS work in the Baptist) .nq Mr Alan Lawrence "il If you lock pep ond ener feel do the d The bride, the former Miss | all of Oshawa. sesiaels ; speaker and presented her with Church, of which she is a mem- as : y' pep atargy, «:. Teel Bown in Me Bape + y North Oshawa, ; 4 / -epti yas i R thet ded vitolit th 1 lassful Donna Jane Chamberlain, is | ' --Photo by Hornsby by, Raglan, a gift. ber, as well as being deeply A reception was held in the egain nee vitality with a regular glossful of re Port Perry and Port Credit. Mr.) 1 Geor, Jerry ident; OTT] work ¢ Piccadilly Room of the Hotel freshing . . . Elmo Tattersall made .an ad- firs. George Werry, president) interested in WCTU work, and = ido : Genosha. The bride's mother re- . = ° . dress to the guest of honor who presided, There were guests ihe alcohol problem, she WAaS) .eiveq in a sheath of avocado : bhivthday prec. (rom each United Church local)panny that after her marriage! coy; ' ajOws l+ uzy la. up la 5 received many birthday | pres- WA and WMS in Oshawa as wel happy that after daar t satin brocade, with cummer- a Lng aren gg - as Mrs. L. F. Richardson, pre- abe could Sevale egg gd hea bund of peau de soie and short "At The Store Or At Your Door' : : shawa about two years ag0) igor) of Oshawa Presbytery these organizations an she|jacket trimmed with mink. Her - - - : Pretty Atternoon Ceremony after having lived in Raglan for' wa and members of other or-|CU/d while she was nursing./hat and accessories matched In the handy "Pure-Pak" throw-ewey contoiner, DuBarry Lotion j 30 eek ete agree doh ils: ganizations in St. Andrew's. In 1958 Mrs. Watson went to ner ary ied she wore a cor- ae Superbe The marriage of Theresajwith veils and they carried eve 3 ee S Mrs: Harley Previously in the program|Washington, D.C., to the Amer- chee oat hive and bronze ' 728-6241 5-0z 1.00 ek li faim lceeeeden Of tions mt Uenawe 3nd me Y Miss Mary Lou Lockwood played|ican Institute of Scientific Stu-|' irysaninemums, The bride- Guzyliak of Oshawa and William|cascades of carnation Davie of Port Perry mISS Ma K i groom's ther chos b Majowski of Aub New York ; a 'Al Chonin's Nocturne in B flat and'dies for the Prevention of Al-> S Mower Chose B OIo- ajowski of Auburn, New York,) Miss Marianne Guzyliak of Mandélischnia: "0 - 3 tmiver.caded blue sheath with black was solemnized recently at St. i A paras ee 'er Mrs. W. P. Whittingt vit, Mendelssohn's n Wings of coholism, held at the Univer feath : h George's Ukrainian Catholic Auburn, New York, was flower Mrs. W. P. Whi nein wi /Song". The supper was under! sity there. Mrs. Watson is a eather hat and a pink carna-§ J Vdea Church girl in blue nylon over taffeta ag aos te te Women the supervision of the Laurel' gifted writer and has had a mon bapa. U The bride is the daughter of featuring a cowl neckline, short Guta of St George's Memorial|8*OUP: A sing-song was held ac- number of short articles accept- poe ce uses te wee ? Mr. Nicholas Guzyliak of Osh-|sleeves and a fully-gathered/Church and the tea hostesses a at the piano by Mrs.'eq by various _publications,| pan and Indiana, U.S.A. As they Af | praues awa and the late Mrs. Guzyliak skirt, She wore a white flowered| Will be Mrs Donald Wilson, Mrs. "Tt iy idandl Rane that King) 2otably Church papers. A Te- left, the bride was wearing a 28 KING ST. E. 723-4621 and the bridegroom is the son| 44 and carried white car-\Amhur Hebb, Mrs BE. R. S.'seet United Church WA would|°cht article entitled Scriptur-|chocolate brown knitted box of Mr. and Mrs. William Ma- nations. The ring bearer was McLaughlin and Mrs. John ha a patel Aesaiatae on the ally. speaking, what about - jowski of the aegar ivay Master Nicholas Lemczak. ane UCW on November 21 at 7.45|Wine"? should be of special ane Hevorene 35 ereyma" Mr. Alex Kurlak of Buffalo, ; - was held re-D-m. with Mrs. A. A. Crowle,|interest to all Christian work- officiated. The wedding music A baby shower was held r | sige ° was sung by the Church choir|N.¥: was the best man. Usher- cently at the home of Mrs. Mrs. W. C. Ives and Mrs. L.|ers--in fact, to all Christians, under the direction of Mr. Harry |i"& were Mr, Edward Kruszyl- Frank Diskey, Crerar avenue, F'. Richardson as the panelists.) Mrs, Watson's interest in Rudy. "\nycky of Toronto, Mr. John! when Mrs. Filippo Mazocchi was Mrs. Irving MacLeod led in|temperance work has increased ee Given in marriage by her Steciuczak and Mr. Joseph Le-| presented with maty lovely gifts the worship service. The pro-| through the years; For several isit Our NEW DRAPERY DEPT. father the bride wore a full-|P2k, both of Auburn. for her two-month-old daughter,|8Tam was in the charge of Mrs./ years she was Provincial Presi- length bouffant gown of bridal! Following a reception held in|Rosella, Mrs. Diskey was as Sep Veraks, goo i dent of British Columbia WCTU, . h 7 i jthe Church hall the couple left|sisted by Mrs. Eric Scriver and)"** 0" S$ ac g sh s elected eo age 'edged. with|for a wedding trip to Niagara| Miss Elizabeth Diskey. |provisional planning committee National President for Canada| : Now is the time to dress up your ome sequins. and pearls and lily-|Falls and will make their home jof the UCW and Mrs. Johniche has already travelled ex-| point sleeves. A coronet of pearls|in Auburn, New York. The Nellie Dearborn group oot the ons neh tp subs| tensively across Canada in this| For Christmas During Ward's ames re esi | St. id "ecco sag lcommittee. Mrs. Hunter also) connection. ' . white datnations. LIBRARY EXPERT spent an enjoyable evening Te- reported that the slate of officers) Mrs. Watson is also acclaim- : Pre-Christmas Sale The bridal attendants were the| MONTREAL (CP) -- Marion|cently when they toured the Bellidrawn up by the nominating!eg as a fluent speaker, espec- j ; H ef ; Telephone company offices. Re-|committ yas 4 Misses Anastasia Guzyliak, Jo- Gilroy, supervisor of Saskatche- Hochman ve 4 mittee was complete for the re served in the/UCW. ially on the subject of . alcohol e A anne Issel, Oksana Lukasewycz}wan's regional libraries divis-\cafeteria and Mrs. Stephen - oe and its problems. : on and Syivia Hentosh, all of Osh-\jon, has undertaken a three- Saywell expressed thanks to the a - : awa. Miss Guzyliak, the maid-) 4, ; .|representatives of the company| WELL - KNOWN TEACHER Srhehor ska Mia Lica: Ware month survey of the library|'et ) both in blue peau-de-soie and) needs of the Lakeshore area of nil sees i ile lien witae seene " HOWARD'S a ape pe =e a ie -- Dnraportes i arn 22) Katy <tatted A TY DAIRY PRODUCTS the Misses Lukasewycz and|Montreal Island. A native of; eas, birthday parties, wed- teaching in schools for girls, Hentosh were both in yellow. All Nova Scotia and University of ding anniversaries, coming and plans retirement next June as Drapery Sewing Accessories and Drapery Hardware wore identically styled sheath SAE aie : ak a at headmistress of the Edgehill ' ¢ Toronto graduate, Miss Gilroy goings of guests are always of|,,) Etiey | dresses designed with scoop};,,. wed post-graduate librar-|interest in this column. Write, aap School for Girls here. necklines, long sleeves and slim). aflgp seal g 7 = rar-'telephone or visit the social): he taught previously at Brank- 926 SIMCOE N. 725-3144 @) : skirts with matching apron-|!@ns' courses at the University qenartment with your items of|$0M€ Hall, Toronto; Trafalgar} eat? Over 2000 Yards of First Quality Fabrics in both styled overskirts. Their head- of Chicago and Columbia Uni-news for which there is no School, Montreal; King's Hall, | ; f lid | dd t tyled ! dresses were matching bows' versity charge. Telephone 723-3474 Compton, Que.; St. Hilda's, Cal- : Meads SeALAR TD 5. en ee Pee a - " ' gary, and Crofton House, Van-| seth) Ti | i é : REGULAR TO 3.98 YARD a couver : £ i fi H %, SPECIAL INTEREST _ Net? 2 Oe ea hiy Aaa! , . t : or NONTEEAL (CE)---the Fed. MIN * ake San Ideal for drapes, bedspreads, slipcovers. If you wish, Ward's will make > § s s 0 ; i ga ' ° é 1c , r 1 PERG F ! ' 3 : pcg ibang ye ns ath Trew up these fabrics to fit your window custom made. You save more row' conference here by presi- @ DRAPERY ae ellS dent Mrs, James Haggerty of than on so-called free making offers. Bring in your measurements Napanee, Oni. Of acecal oe @ BROADLOOM ] 9 g Y rest to the WI was the topic @ SLIP COVERS \"Northern Frontiers," since @ BAMBOO four WI branches have been es- jtablished in the Northwest Ter- @ UPHOLSTERING |ritories in the last year. | ; READY-TO-HANG DRAPES DRAPERY LINING BEA BESEEA ES SAE © 100 PAIR Our best quality in white or ecru shade. of discontinued patterns from our own 48" WIDE 77¢ YARD stock. Assorted patterns, sizes and solid colors. and compare the savings: re to fit windows up to GIFT Say 16 ft. Wide and 8ft. High PLEATER KITS "8 ft. sanforized tape, 10 pleater hooks, 4 end SHORTY FULL LENGTH BETTER DRAPES DRAPES THAN hooks, complete sewing instructions, 8.99"; 12.99.'¢5 |_ultte nen & Up & Up TRAVERSE TRACKS STEEL TRACKS to ke ep 4 i m ship "§ h ape Complete with cords, Complete with runners, brackets and end stops : : Nylon Slides and Brackets 69° 1 89 The hearty sea-faring scent of famous Old Spice in four good A '< Oh. i465. ere grooming essentials: After Shave Lotion, Cologne, Stick Deo- ' "" 1 oy ' " 3 go 89° ? 84 dorant, Pressurized Smooth Shave. 5.50 A 66" - 120 -- 12 f& ...... ae Attractively packaged in ship-decorated red gift box. a ae 2 59 ave vas 5.89 ' 1 39 16 ft, 3.89 ' .. ae - ae a ee by SHULTON as {Ab Ward's =. "THE METHOD" CHALLENGES AMATEUR THESPIANS | i (DRWQe . | oath fetes ota | monly i Grepry's ude cle nd Las Mune. Ms [28 KING ST. EAST Hels absent eer ie ig § F any re, Mr. Henry Zo- foder's method is to persuade ' "DECORATING OSHAWA WINDOWS SINCE 1919" would-be actors and directo:s | der, drama advisor, -working.| his class to perform from an > ' gle are benefiting from a course | for the Department of Educa- | inner conviction STESKAIES TESA in dramatic art, being held } tion, gives suggestions to Lu- , --Oshawa Times Photo |

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