Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Nov 1961, p. 1

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wo Dead After Crash At Pickering Crossing THOUGHT FOR TODAY Children keep a family together, especially when no baby-sitter can be found. he Oshawa Gi WEATHER REPORT Cloudy with light snow today. Cloudy with sunny periods and not much change in temperature Tuesday. Light winds. Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy VOL. 90---NO. 269 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1961 Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa and for payment of Postage in Cash. TWENTY PAGES | 11-Year Old Tells Tale POLICE LAY CHARGE Of Terror MIAMI (AP)--Little Terry Jo, Dupperault saw a "great deal jof blood all over" the decks of , jthe ill-fated ketch 3luebelle the} sinking. : ' ; | night the vessel sank in the| He said "yes and jumped |Atlantic carrying her family to|overboard and got into death, the Coast Guard re-|dinghy. She didn't see him any ported today. more * he floated away into The 11-year-old girl, recover-| the darkness. : ling in hospital after rescue| Then she untied the cork ifrom a small raft, told Coast|craft on top of the cabin and |Guard investigators of a terror-| got into the water just as the filled night. main deck became awash. She The Coast. Guard called ajsaid the mast did not break special press conference to dis-| and she saw or smelled no fire. close information its investiga-|She heard no shots. tors got from the Wisconsin} Harvey was rescued but mgs girl, sole survivor of seven per-| mitted suicide Friday. Terry : :|sons to put to sea on the Bhne--now is the sole survivor 0 4 belle. seven persons who started on a E| On Sunday night, Nov. 12, the| week's cruise. -- ae night of the sinking in the Ba-|~ hamas, she was awakened by} 2 . sounds of screaming and run- D t ning on deck, the coast guard l 1cu investigator quoted her as say- we h t, thi I di According to the report, is t was her account: n 1Ca e She recognized the voice of a her brother, Brian as one of those screaming. She went out- By Fleming |side of her room, saw_ her mother and Brian on the floor I . é " al 'Gabi é AONDON (CP) -- Canadian of the ger 'ger gtr go Finance Miaister Fleming said ey ang today his top-level talks in | Paris and London indicate that |"very great difficulties" are in- She climbed up the mainjherent in combining British deck and saw blood on the|membership in the European afterdeck and Captain Julian|Common Market with full pro Harvey coming towards her tection of Commonwealth inter- with something in his hand.| ests. She saw the dinghy and the rubber raft in the water and} asked Harvey if the boat were ROCKEFELLER WORRIES OVER SON Governor's Son Object Of Search HOLANDIA, Dutch New,but Dutch officials held Gunea (Reuters)--Dutch planes|strong hopes that he had. When she asked him what hap-| Fleming spoke to reporters today searched an uninhabited]. Dutch officials could not ex- pened, he told her in an angry oat vag rity ret BP area of the New Guinea coast/plain how Rockefeller, 23, and/yoice "to get down there,'?/ Prime Minister Macmi in. He for Michael Rockefeller, who| Wassink, 34, happened to be on) struck her Pi forced her sock Sy See ee de Gaulle set out Sunday to swim to the raft at the mouth of the) down the steps. jin Paris 'urday. shore. from a raft in the mouth|Kilanden River in the Asmat River, th She went to her bunk and| Fleming told his press confer- vill bald 'there Noe Bout anes ol picks heard»water sloshing over ti.e|€nce Canada will ask for @Com- ré was Dutch 'offi \déck and thought "the captain|monwealth prime ministers' "good hope" for the safety ot cong ove gig mag for the| might have been washing the| meeting before Britain makes a youngest son of New Yor : \blood off the deck." final decision on joining the Governor Nelson Rockefeller. wn a yaseg concen! The water was rising from| Market. | Michael set out for shore,| poe nec neon the arealth 9 e bilges into her cabin. | In Ottawa Prime Minister} supported by two gasoline cans, pial yo egg was last) A short time later Harvey|Diefenbaker told reporters to- from a raft on which he was y 5 came into her cabin with some- on it is be ape one that ic floating out the mouth of thelSEE TWO: HHITES |thing in his hand. She thought| Commonwealt ao at a river with Dutch anthropologist} Reports reaching Port)! Wa 4 rifle. He didn't speak|be held after Britain's negotia- R. W. Wassink. Moresby in Australian-adminis-|t© her. but left the room and|tions with the Common Market rf ; > dees age | ri is | d before any final de- Wassink was spotted on the|tered New Guinea said she heard hammering noises on| group, and bei 3 two} . 4 sos . ¢ s ne cision is made. raft by search planes Sunday|white men had been sighted by|\"¢ hal Fo Tg Bem Mr 'Suen f ; : : | water said, how- and picked up this morning by|Dutch searck planes. But it was| "2° ; i i saa a naval patrol vessel. He saidjnot known whether these in- ny -- ee Eee OB 6 p origins how pal git pea wee he did not know whether young|cluded Rockefeller. anree Oa Bierce! hash 3 Rockefeller had reached shore| Two Dutchmen and over." SEES MORE BLOOD out Adenauer Opens Talks With JFK WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presi-|a flexible approach, allowing dent Kennedy and West Ger-|for some concessions by the} man Chancellor Konrad Ade-|West, if Russia is willing to re-| nauer open a series -of policy|spect "vital interests' of the conferences today in an effort}Western powers in West Berlin. to agree on 4 basis for Western} Adenauer errived here Sun- negotiation with Russia to set-iday calling for co - operation tle the Berlin dispute. jamong the Western powers and Kennedy was reported hope- Predicting victory for "the sae e snant Peace - loving nations" in the 'ful that Adenauer would acc ept Cu ns, Truj illo Clan Leaves |Rusk, who met his plane, that Republic To Balaguer he is "convinced the peace-lov- ing nations will win."' Adenauer was accompanied by his new foreign minister, Gerhard Schroeder, and by De- fence Minister Franz Joseph Strauss NO BASIC DISAGREEMENT CIUDAD TRUJILLO, Domin-!son of the former dictator who at Santiago, and other generals iean Republic (AP)--Bowing to was reported at odds with his issued a communique support- a U.S, show of force and oppo-|uncles. quit as commander-in- ing the president. sition from Dominican Air'chief of the armed forces last Force generals, the Trujillo week when they came back and PLANES BOMB TOWN clan today appeared to have)sailed away in his yacht. An air force jet dropped co- abandoned an attempt to set up| Balaguer, himself a former|Pies of the communique on Ciu- a new dictatorship in this Ca-'front man for the old dictator, 4a4 Trujillo. Reports from San- To Build 64-Mile } several Papuans were reported to have been with Rockefeller, who stayed on in New Guinea after 7 : - working with a Harvard Uni- Pipeline For Oil versity group recording the tribal music and war chants of OTTAWA (CP)--The federa]|the stone-age natives in the in- government has issued an or-|ferior of New Guinea. der-in-council 'granting Inter-| Michael's father was heading provincial Pipe Line Companyjhere by plane to aid in the the right to build a 64-mile pipe-| search for his son. line capable of exporting up to| When Wassink was spotted on pho agg of oil daily to the the raft, it touched off reports é é that young Rockefeller had Interprovincial carries west- been found, But when the pa- ern Canada crude oil on a route|trol boat reached the Dutch that leaves Canada at Gretna,|scientist he said Michael had Man., and re-enters at Sarnia.\set out for shore. | | Trujillo CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE 725-1133 FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 Jr in | U.S officials said there are no disagreements between Ade- nauer and Kennedy on funda- mental issues. Both are agreed that the intcrests of the West require the ccntinued presence of US. and British troops in West Berlin. vy Oo agree that West ribbean republic still faced the prospect of dif-|tiago said planes bombed the et eos routes to West President Joaquin Balaguer, ficulties with strong opposition town of Valverde until the Germany across Communist E pledged to set the nation on the party elements in carrying out commander of the local garri-| Germany must be kept open road to democracy, extended/his pledge to bring democracy|S0n agreed to back Balaguer.| and they consider workable ties| his control as 29 top Trujillo of- to the country. "|The number of casualties was!hetween West Berlin and West! ficials slipped out of the coun-' The president took over su- not known, Germany essential to the city's! try at midnight aboard a chart- preme command of the milit-| For a time there were indica-| ji pyival, ered airliner. ary and proclaimed an emer-|tions that air force units at San) -- oe Se Two brothers of slain dicta-|gency, just short of martial law.| Ysidro base outside Ciudad Tru-| . tor Rafael L. Trujillo led the ex-/The island nation remained jillo might not go along with} $2 000 000 Fire odus of the crumbling family|tense. ed yon pl ss erg s vu dynasty that ruled the country; Balaguer won pledges of sup-{'0™ Santiago were reporte for 31 years vir.aally as a pri-|port amet oe 'eaders of Pave bombed the highway lead.) In Gali Plaza vate plantation jthe armed forces after warning Mer gota af impede . The brothers -- Gen. Hector|that squabbling. could lead toon ciuded 'Trujils. But by| GALT (CP) -- A fire of bir grin a former president,|"foreign et wh intervention" nightfall. Dicres tata A the|undetermined origin which and Gen. Jose Arismendi Tru-|--a clear allusion to U.S. war- ; nf sald the ai ne/flashed through a _ 10-day-old| ua sca, Sow" arms sos andr unis Roving ot feed behind Balague, oping ara Saturday igh but returned quietly last week' Four US. ships led by the "ite cc a? Genie. it was reported today.| in what the United States said,cruiser Little Ruck appeared of | na hag it aon infantry ahd| The plaza was reported to| appeared to be a desperate at-'the coast Sunday and werelto tke sacha gi ft have cost Michele Martino and} ba ee ONer en edd lll, bs Gen. Fernando A. Sanchez, |associates of Toronto more Gen. Rafael L, See em ot BINCT AM CARTIET. pro-Trujillo air force chief of|than $1,000,°00.to build, and at| U.S. State Secretary Dean) stars. gave in grudingly onlyjthe time of the fire, all 2 Rusk had offered Balaguer after the Trujillo brothers tad| stores the centre were troops if he needed them tO/agreed to get out of the coun-|stocked. All but one unopened thwart restoration of a Trujilloltry, He was on the chartered|grocery store in the plaza was bare eg ie ggg was NO\nlane with them, headed for|burned hag ground. No one jindication tha e Dominican) Fjorida was injure leader had requested any out- Others aboard included Gen.) The fire started during the sid' -help Jose Garcia Trujillo, nephew of/supper hour in either a kitche: | Gen. Pedro Rafael! Rodri- the assassinated dictator, andor oil heating plant, firem< quez Echavarria, 37-year - old,Virgilie Trujillo, a former army said, and it raced the length o lcommander of the airforce bgse commandant. |the plaza, the, -- | decided IN DOUBLE MURDER Warrant Names Man In Detroit TORONTO (CP)--A warrant; Miss Boykin was described charging Arthur Lucas of De-|\as a girl friend of Lucas and is jtroit with murder was for-|reported to have been seen with warded from Toronto to the|Lucas, who was in Toronto at Michigan city as a 200-man/the time of the slayings. Toronto police squad today con-| The dead couple was released tinued their investigation of the|/from jail Thursday night on gangland slaying of a man and/$1,000 bail pending a hearing on woman here Friday. charges of keeping a bawdy Two Scarboro residents havejlieved to have been a passen- died as a result of a car-train|ger in the car, crash on Saturday afternoon at; Charles Sim, 46, ofthe same Cherrywood in Pickering Town-|/ address, died in the Scarboro ship. | General Hospital at 3:30 a.m. Killed instantly in the crash,| Sunday. He is believed to have; East-West border wall erected after the Aug 13 Communist border clamp down. A new wall was thrown up in front of the existing one at Bernauerstrasse. Some 200 East German troops dug an anti-tank trench behind the wall at Potsdamer Pltaz. At other points East Germans put streetcar rails across exist- ing border roads. At Linden- strasse, joining the American sector, an elaborate steel girder anti-- tank barrier was thrown up. Deputy West Berlin Mayor Franz Amrehn visited the Brandenburg Gate about. mid- | Metropolitan Toronto police |house. a curved knife. |was to have turned state evi- their throats cut. The man also| NAIROBI, Kenya ,(Reuters)-- Two Men Dead After (iin! Sec sscrcakt z as two other men, Gus Saund-|which went down in neighboring despatched to. the spot: under the front dotly of the loco- WINNIPEG (CP)--The Trib-| hurt were taken to a police post The accident occurred at ajtional RCMP investigation into|Congo's Katanga province, as croft, 48, of 43 Cotton Ave., be-| ig. south fa agg hag * spe cere ARLE WEY RAS, ALORL A, ir| where the accident happened is|enbaker is a direct outcome of|two civilians identified as UN train, at the crossing a few|_. 4 ' 2 Eas feet east of the Cherrywood] Pickering Township Police De- f Chaput, Quebec. separe f ° | g leader who kept a Quebec y| impact whipped the car around from his job at the Defence|tracks into the ditch running] yor .ANDIA Dutch New| BER ame wa ai y . HULLE A, ERLIN (Reuters)--The Ber- Research Board, said today he/along the north side. It camelcyinoa (AP)--Papuan _tribes-|jin wall, which West German Dec, 4 pending the return from| pround beside the smashed car.| village in the Dutch New/today under Communist orders Europe of Dr. A. H. Zimmer-|gim was found unconscious in}Guinea jungle last week, police|in an apparent show of strength The suspension, which De-|,_.. Sancroft's brother-in-\west of Hollandia. rom the area immediately be- fence Minister Harkness said diay hase gro 'wanking with Police said the Dutchman, | hind the Brandenburg Gate, ston, vice-chairman of the ap Sea eee Ge esi iboran district, sent his ee to oT the gate board Engineer Cyril East, of Stra' So delaes ahead from the village into the Communist sector. | bapial sate : .../71-car train in time to avoid|™men failed to turn up at theling activity, which included|night and said the new wall peang appointment. on. se0- To camp, the porters returned and|construction of an apparent| appeared 'designed to last 1,- aratism when permission for) e Crash. were checking all laundries for) Lucas and Saunders are blood-stained clothing and were | scheduled to go on trial in a searching for a .38 revolver and|narcotics case at which Crater "| They are the weapons be-|dence. =\lieved to have taken the lives of Therland Crater, 43, and| s '|Jean Crater, 21, of Detroit, The F K lled Negro couple was found in al our 1 mid-town rooming house ais0| | Pl C. h had been shot four times in the ane Tas back. | CAR AFTER FATAL CRASH Meanwhile it was learned|Four persors were killed and ¥ \F here that Lillian Boykin, 20, of| six survived in an Italian UN Detroit has surrendered to po-| Plane which crashed on a flight tioned in the case. Since Satur-|ish officials announced here to- day Detroit police have been | day. z questioning Lucas, 53, as well| The plane, a flying boxcar o i . ® © ers, 44, and Lester Ramsey, 47,|Tanganyika, was spotted earl- oe T in O 1s1i0on ier today by a UN plane and a Pai Clai s PM parachute rescue team . was per im: own length, ee hg o _ i A spokesman for Britain's from the crossing wi East Africa commission Will Cancel Probe is in geo genre motive. Another locomotive) was brought from Agincourt to/une says Prime Minister Dief-|@2d would go on to Albertville, take the train on its way. |enbaker plans to call off a na-|4 town in the northeast of the on White's Sideroad at the|been the driver. ; 1; ; Pitt a | i i nee aa The two men were proceed-|two-track crossing, marked on-/illegal Chinese immigration. |soon as possible. CPR crossing, was Robert San- ee P ly by a wooden cross-arm warn-| The newspaper says it has| The plane, flying from Italy tor ing sign. The north track,|learned this move by Mr. Dief-\to Leopoldville, was carrying onstruction j thei : s ' : ay calidee sa she ero ee the main line, the south track] his conference Saturday with a/officials and eight Italian air- uspen aput F ast-bound CPR freight|a siding where trains meet. |delegation from Winnipeg's Chi-|men on a routine flight to re- of an east-boun 8 PC Thomas Holmes, of the|Nese community. 'inforce the UN in the Congo. For Two Weeks '.,. partment, investigated. h OTTAWA (CP)--Dr. Marcel] The engine struck the right a Ss Ow ist|front corner of the car and the Tribes Murder r , : * . | speaking appointment Friday in| against the locomotive, smash-| defiance of government refusal|ing the whole right side. te! Administrator n as ermany to grant him leave of absence) vehicle was tossed clear of the has _been suspended for two) to rest facing south, more than/men murdered and mutilated a Chancellor Konrad Adenauer weeks. __|40 feet from the point of impact.)39.vear-old Dutch administrator has stated must disappear, was He has been suspended until) gancroft was found on theland two native policemen at al/being . substantially reinforced man, migyingee Ee ne | the rear seat. revealed today. by East Gerinany. employs the 43-year-o T.| phe first: pers arrive The killing took place at a} Construction noises were hashed: Stata sat Wyle an eh st person to arrive on e killing took place at a v Chaput as a biochemist. the scene was James Tedford, |village called Djadam, 40 miles) heard throughout the night Friday would be imposed, came| SA A RRINGRE "olait | : '}once the main crossing point in after.a tiedtitig today between the ig ogee pang ho A. M. Nilkemeyer, the local/the divided city. Men worked Dr, Chaput.and Dr. John Key- ar eh weak ai bin was home |govermment head in the Nim-junder guard in sub - freezing ne Bie i | as li vork Dr. Chaput was called in by| More Blyd., ck Pry helt prepare a camping place. poet Deets oitdel of ik Dr. Keyston to explain why he S4W the car approac eet After h d the ¢ lic then Aorwabecery. , went to Quebec to keep a{Sing but was unable to stop his} 'iter he and the two police-|large-scale military' and build- ; i i went ay, H va mn " such leave had been refused by} He managed to stop the Mon.|ound their mutilated bodies. 'massive reinforcement of the|000_ years. DRB. treal-bound train well within it arate | NATO Members Have A-Weapons LONDON. (CP) Canada's|Honest Jon missiles without roving NATO parliamentarians| nuclear warheads. Their atomic may go home primed to inter-| 'coverage'? would come from} vene in the controversy over British forces nearby. whether Canadian military! "We're surrounded by coun- forces should have nuclear|tries with nuclear capacity," weapons. jsaid a military informant. During their European tour] the 15 senators and members| FAVOR NUCLEAR ARMS of the Commons have seen the! The NATO parliamentarians problem in a wider NATO per-| went to Paris last week for the spective. This has convinced) seventh ministerial conference some of them that there is aNiof NATO parliamentari element of unreality about the} p laa perogpactec a |They have no official status in argument as far as E concerned. urope 18| the Atlantic Treaty Organiza- ; tion but their opinions may be Their visit. it is understood,|; in) i : te has made them aware that oo as ee ee plenty of atomic hardware: !s| 40s" aoy pc. cori, o available to NATO powers and| 22's delegation will probably that whether or not Canadian }g0 home more "pro-nuclear" forces have nuclear arms will jthan before not change the nature of the) Their ovinions may have problem 3 some impact on a Canadian Apart from Canada, all the Cabinet that js believed to be forces on the central European| deadlocked on the issue. front except Denmark and Nor-| The question in the European way have atomic weapons. The)context is related to Canada's two Scandinavian powers have} problems in connection with the not 'to have atomic|North American Air Defence tockpiles on their own terri-|Command but the problems are ry. But that would not pre-jnot insepa-able. A decision lude them from getting such|should be taken in regard to veapons if war were declared.|Canada's NATO forces that The Canadian forces have| would not apply to NORAD. ' oie REDS ERECT BORDER TR A tank barrier built from a double row of street car tracks stretches along the ast Berlin side of the bor- the concrete wall dividin Berlin's east-west sectors. (Al Wirephoto via radio from Berlin). | der today after an all-night effort by workers under the guard of armed Red troops. The workmen algo reinforced

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