24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 22, 1961 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 OFFICE HOURS; 8 4.M, to 5 P.M. Monday Fi Seturday : ne BUSIN ESS.. SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountants BOB CLANCY'S ice, Complete bookkeeping service. Bond Street West. 725-0397. 3-7605. E. DEWAR and Co., and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg., tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario, 728-2221. MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL Co, Chartered Accountants, 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; Ajax WH 2-0890._ YALE and Co, Licensed King St CA; F. Fr ~~ FRIEDLANDER, t, HUNTER Accountants and le oagyg Trustee in Lora cig A t East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, I , B. Comm., | CPA. "HOPKINS Company, Certi- Public Aqweuntants, 172 King East, Oshawa. Ontario. 725-3509. CLANCY'S Ontario counting Complete bookkeeping service 725-0397. Res., s fied Street BOB Service 184 Bond Street West. WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered Accountants, 3% Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. Ronald F D. Wilson, CA G. Edmond' Burrows, BA, 728-2571 Auto Parts = KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran- teed automotive parts and accessories. } Street West, Oshawa Five bays to serve you T 7 Barristers HUMPHREYS, Barristers Qa "BOYCHYN and er Solicitors; R, $s. Boychyn, BA; King Street Gg. § LLB, Office Vhitby, MO 68-2761; to loan HYM Res.: 725-5203 AN, QC. Barrister, Soli-| Alger Bidg., 37 King 723-4943. Mortgage monies LOUIS § "MACKEY, BA, Barrister, Notary Public. Mortgage available King Street East Re YU 5-7163 and KELLY. Barrister, 114 King Street East Residence phones: J. : 38; Terrence' V BRUCE tor v f 238 , Soli- Dial GREER ete BA PA Greer Kel! ERS. BA, Barrister, Solict-| 3% Simcoe Street North. 1101; Residence 725-5542 DAVID L.. Barri \< Simeoe South 725-9592. Snes dence 728-0264 JOSEPH P.. MANGAN, QC, pager od Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 1414] Street East, Oshawa. 728-8232 725-3405 tor, King Residence DONALD BLAKE DODDS and Solicitor, 2642 King Street Telephone: Business 723-2201 den 5373. ¥. 4 Eas' Rest | SWARTZ and RONALD SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No-; Money to loan. Henry Block,! "King Street East, 723-4697. Resi ce, Dial 723-4029. CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and MANNING ~ Ontario. "Accounting Res.,! "Accountants il On-;| 725-3527. | M.} [Fuel ai ond Wood -- FRE E Furnace cleaned "Round the burner service Nursing | Homes REGISTERED accommodation fer jadies on ground floor at Lyntonhurst Rest Home. Orono 1308. SOUTH HAVEN Nursing Home. Ac- eommodation for private and semi-pri- vate patients, lounge, TV. Fully licens- Automatic delivery ed, new building modern. Visitors wel- " " j come, 9 a.m. p.m, Reasonable | It's White Rose Unified irates. Phone Newcastle 4441. Fuel Oil / WESTERN OIL CO. = |Optometrists \F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom- 725-1212 etry, the examination of eyes, contact +!Gardening and Supplies lenses, 136 Simcoe North at Colborne. Evenings | by appointment. 723-4191. LOAM, %8 per load, two for $15, Sod - Tuck, RO. O eee . . * tfometrist. Please eut daily. Prompt delivery. Also gen- CH. Tue daganna Dateinn rk. --» pay accounts at m3 ead and pick-up delivery. pany or 74 Burk Street, Invalids exam- --.._--. ined at home. Dial 725-4587 PLAKMEYER SOD SUPPLY TOPSOIL MANURE BROOKLIN 655-3049 E. R. KNOWLTON LANDSCAPING SERVICE Top soil and sod. Repairing and lawn maintenance, patio and sidewalk slabs. 725-6047 LOAM-GRAVEL SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL 725-3887 LOTS LEVELLED 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH TRACTOR, LOADER WORK Plumbing and Heating Reasonabie Rates penn DIAL 725-2156 WHITBY EXCAVATING Painting and Decorating DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting. 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS MO 8-5231 NIGHTS 725-7426 } Personal Service MODERN GRILL Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Made Pies and Desserts WE DELIVER ALL new rates. Foley. types of repairs and remodelling, and used materials. Reasonable Estimates free. Dial 728-6931. J. PEOPLE WHO need your Services are turning to the Oshawa Times Classified Section everyday. Tell them about your Dia! |_723- 3492 now. ALL PLUMBING and | heating supplies Phone 725-3521. Harold H. Stark, DIGGING AND DITCHING Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineer ing. 255 Simcoe Street South _MO 8-4172, BLACK LOAM DRIVEWAY, GRAVEL, FILL AND SAND 725-5279 Rug--Upholstery Service CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered re-stvled. Free estimates. terial for re-covering ee ton ane ing, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. CHESTERFIELDS and old covered like new. Get the best for less at Modern Upholstering, 142 Simcoe South, Call 728-6451. Free estimate and See our ma chairs re MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, tary P Bank of Commerce Bide, Sime eet North, 723-3446. i K. N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K. Murdoch, NHA soe blic 5 e St Creighton, Q¢ Drynan, G. L gages arranged, SEER JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB., Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- lic. The Commercial Building, 286 King Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking T We {Insurance ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. to 20 per cent, six months to pay, personal service -- | 725-1625. D, Oshawa CHESTERFIELDS re-built, re-covered like new. W pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed Mattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery, Co,, 10 Bond Street West. Dial 725-0311 | Save up For eal) at your home, Surveyors W. HOLDEN--S1 King Street East, 728-6081 and 723-3376. Fire, casualty insurance | TROLLOPE, Ontario d Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue auto ast, Phone 725-6881 available MURPHY, BA LLB. 6 King Street 728-2971. . Barrister, Soli- 26% King RUSSELL J. Barrister and Solicitor Oshawa, Ontario. THOMAS M. RUNDLE, tor, and Notary Public, Phone 726-1763 ~ MAC KEY, | BA, Barrister, or, Notary Public, 364 King East 28-2381 Res. YU 5-2127. RALPH JONES, BA, and THOMAS Hi. GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli- citors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246. treet t DEA, batic. Temp' le, , Centre § Street. HARVEY DANCE - ACADEMY. | Baton, now. 424 King Street West, 725-6122 DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN Ontario Land Surveyor, Commercial Blue-print- jing. 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632, TV - - Radio Repairs ie car radio "repairs, all Thompson Electronics, 157 ott Avenue. 723- 97: 92 AF red). Instruction LILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing School,| Ballet, Tap, Pre-School aecro- Friday and Saturday. Masonic _733- 7253 exper ence, by interview only. _725-1054, 16 vears' e Act now. oT" V. TOWERS 361 GIBBONS ST. ap, RAD ballet, Highland Register Mortgage loans available, Bookkeeping L. SCHAPELOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING VICE INCOME TAX RETURNS 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 Building Trades ALL TYPES building repairs, roofing, eav ighing, chimneys, fireplaces, stoops. 728-0394. Gordon May. work, kitchen -- cup- rooms, Ph veg floors, | 723-1231 j INTERIOR trim recreation Wm. Wilkins SPECIALIZING in roofing and repairs.| Also all Free timates YOUR neys built stalled, f type home Phone Harry remodeling 723-2413. chimney cleaner, Chim. and repaired, gas linings in rnaces vacuumed. Free esti- 2997 ¢ local mé REMODELING "houses, 3, addi tions, 5, kit- ipboards, verandahs, brick. Experienced, CO 3-2628. wall tile, woodwork. floor coverings. Free esti- Work guaranteed. 728-0850. DRAFTING SERVICES -- Mechanical nt iayout, Telephone 728-3566. cement work, home re oof fall-out shelters. P MO 8-2294 chen ¢ CERAMIC, plastic work all nates BRICK, block, r Ww Cartace JOHN'S MOVING and Storage. Oshawa. Whit Reasonable rates, cay. equip- ped and insured. Phone 728-3661 Moving? CALL CITY CARTAGE 725-2621 Mressmakina INVISIBLE mending, alterauons, Call SMAKING | Jadies, children's rates. 728-8666 COATS hemmed, pants "cuffed, collars a, zippers replaced, any and a a mending, etc by ye-weaving and 725-9736. 525 ~ alterations on Reasonable and wear. - easonabie prices 4 Brock Street East 7963 ALTERATIONS Qn service Telephone 723 Driving School LEARN TO DRIVE | at the Oshawa Driving School Pr ofessional Instructors we trolled Cars andard and Automatic and Evenina Lessons 728-0091 Fuel and Wood FACTORY hardwood cuttings. for stoves, fireplaces, furnaces. phone 728-8535. FIREWOOD. ary, nace or fireplace, phione CO 3-2275 eek CAR FOR SALE?- Bring >uyers right to your dow with a fast-action Oshawa Times Classified Ad. Dial 723-3492 now. Suitable Tele. good, for stov Free delivery. Tele cs ah en engage 1 Street East, Oshawa Telephone 728-8180 Terms. Open evenings. OSHAWA T 1 Free Survey and Estimates. SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT --DAY OR NIGHT T.V. and RADIO! CALL 728-5286 OSHAWA _ELECTRONICS _ SAMSON TV TOWERS Antenna Installations Len & Lou's T.V. 725-7844 or 728-5804 2? 2? WHY Becouse we give -- Reol Service Fast SAME DAY ! Efficient SAVE MONEY ! Experience SATISFIED ! DRIVE IN and SAVE Tubes checked glass and tuner cleaned, set up for best picture ! A TOWER ? IRY Us! Moving antenna? Same day? Repairs? As good as new? TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND EAST 728-6781 Lawn Mowers f WE SHARPEN AND: REN ALMOST EVERYTHING GIVE US A CALL STAN'S CORNER KING AT BURK STS 723-3224 Money to Loan WE. HAVE clients' mortgages at re Harris and Wall: North. 1 Phone | 7: MONIES FOR. MORTGAGES Monies available on. First Mortgages at 7% perannum without bonus Monies also available Second Mortgages Mortgages and Agreements for Sale purchased M, F. SWARTZ Short-term and Builders' Mortgages at reasonable rates 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 tered Unde: Mortgage Brokers' Rogistered Act money to loan, first onable rates. Harris, ce, 112 Simcoe Street 1043, on Regi _ |Metteapes FOR SALE $8500. Fi Per cent open, interest c annually. Telephone CO FIRST 'and second mortgages agreements purchased and sold nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 Street East, 723-7232 MORTGAGES -- arranged, bought and sold. Call Mr. Bolahood. anytime, 725- 6544 or 725-8333. John A. J. Bolahood | Ltd. Realtor. FIRST AND SECOND mortgages ar ranged. W. Schatemann. Mortgage |Brooker, 101 Dund yest, MO 8-3338 mortgage, 7 mputed semi 3 2 t Sale Hen King firm with an inexpensive Classified Ad./ CLASSIFIF-D AD RATES 25 words or jess Cash Charge 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 2.25 2.48 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 3.75 4.13 it not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to origina orcers for consecutive insertions, Subsequent insertions ordered at o later date constitute o new original order Professional ang Business tistings $7.50 per month tor 3 fines daily. Each additional line $1.60 oer month. Each Initial (letter abbreviation, $ ond ¢ sign, figure counts as © word. Box charge |Sc additional. Clossified Advertisements must be tn by 5 p.m. the day be fore publication except Births, Memoriams Cords ef Thanks which will be accepted untii 9 a.m. Deadline for Lost end Found and Concellations 8:30 am... Office Hours: Doily 8-5, Seturday 8 12 REGULATIONS-- The Oshawo Times will not be responsible for errors in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in nor for more than one incorrect insertion of any sdve! tisement. nor beyona the price charged tor o single insertion of the advertisement in which error cccurs. And also reserve the right to classify odvertising according tc its own classification In the case of display advertise ments The Times will not be hela 'esponsible for more space thar that in which the actuol errot eccupies, The publishers endeavour to reproduce al! odvertising matter correctly but assumes no liability ot advertisement «re contcined if any inaccuracies in ary form therein. TO PURCHASE a "busine is or buy an interest in a business or to manage business. General hardware, automo- tive and sporting goods. A ietida 4 a STORE -- 700 square feet, basement, rear front, parking. FRanklin 2-9992, Cobourg. plus f entrance and st 295 Simcoe Street South,' /conve! | 13---Business Opportunities|22--Store Space & Garages|25--Apts. & Flats for Rent |25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|25--Apts. & Flats ull FURNISHED | 'apartment, | erejand bath, three rooms | LARGE T roo attractive location, TV, all/UAm MEET Toes opertment, self by joontained with all modern conveniences, ¢ ey to shopping centre. Telephone r 725-4233. retired gentleman or man with some sales ability Telephone | 72: | SERVIC E station and lunch counter for 'sale, just completed, modern with stone |front, in 30 mile zone on main provin- cial highway in village, 28 miles from) TWO-BEDROOM house at 67 William|chen, living room, heavy wiring, laun- self-con- |dry tubs, continuous hot water, private |7: |tained, oil heated. Telephone 725-3968. Oshawa. No present connection with any oil company. Terms up to 20 years. Call Sid Martyn, Snelgrove Real Estate. | | 14--Employment Wanted EXPERIENCED and reiiable girl re-| quires house, office or store cleaning. Has own car References if required. He rane 725-8736. GOOD day care in my home "for one! ¢r two children, very central, Fenced yard. Telephone 728-5652. GIRL, seventeen, wishes to look after children while mother works, five days weekly. Uxperienced. Telephone 725- 7607. 24--Houses for Rent SIX-ROOM, two- storey three bedrooms, oil heating, Telephone 723-2171 or 7 5 ------ |Separate entrance and bi brick house, Now. central,| Adults oniy. after : 458 Street West. Adults preferred, FIVE-ROOM, modern bungalow, flooring throughout, tiled bath kitchen, oil heating, North Oshawa, monthly. Telephone 725-3090. THREE bedroom bungalow, Close to schools, Oil heat. Possession |Telephone MO 8-8379. , Wh to suit MOpEEt four bedroom home, located |SPACIOUS ees room apartment, pri-| South General | vate entrance, sub-tlivision Motors: Telephone THREE bedroom brick bungalow, frigerator, stove, oil heated. school, transportation. Available De T 723-1214. near 728-0040. |16--Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED housekeeper for fam- Uy of five in country near Brooklin, private room, TV, liberal time off. $100 monthly. 655-3810. STENOGRAPHER accurate short hand and dictaphone -transcription. Perman- ent position, employee benefits, Write Box 707, Oshawa Times stating exper fence and full particulars. LADY to give day care of baby while mother works, five days week. Live in or out. Required for January 1. "Box {548 Oshawa Tims. | WAITRESS "experienced, "neat ance essential. Apply in person, | street st YOU'LL sell it fast when you list it for sale in the busy. marketplace the Oshawa Times Classified Section. Dial 723-3492 today. A friendly Ad Writer will help you SHORT ORDER cook. Apply osha Hotel. Telephone 723-4641. SWITCHBOARD operator for weekends Apply stating age and experience to Box 505, Oshawa Times. HAIRDRESSE basis, good working conditions. Central location, ground floor. All replies con "appear- 5 Bloor NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE 145 KING WEST Next to Western Tire 728-4401 sell, exchange used warthers, TV, radios and so. forth at prices to top anyone in ths nN We buy furniture, city a reemeel ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Nov. 28th and 29th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment, 723-4641 3--Pets & Livestock FOR SALE tered stock «Beagle pups from 'Telephone ( larke 1333 SQUIRREL eget Reason for selling United States. For telephone 728-3281 monkey for al leaving further ee ety FEMALE walker deer hound, 314 old, ready to breed. Apply 21 ce Street or telephone 725-319 ONE years Beatr THREE fiuffy kittens for sale, seven weeks old. Telephone 725-2729 for fur- ther information BOXER puppies $35. Brindle, eight weeks hone after 5.30, 723-2740 or Taunton Road West THIRTY Muscovy Banty chickens. or 728-364¢ females, $25; old apply males, Tele 300 Also 23 ducks for sale Telephone MO 8-38: for more infotmation 4--Market Basket WINTER POTATOES, 75 pound bag, $1.30 per bag, free delivery, telephone Brooklin 655-4690. WINTER apples. Spys, Secords Golden Delicious and Russets. Maybelle Or chards, 1% miles Be eog of Whitby, on Highway 12. MO' 8-2163 HON E ¥ NATURE'S PUREST FOOD Fresh, From The Beehive 268 RITSON RD. N. 725-2441 DELIVERED 5--Farmers Column TOP MONEY dead and disabled farm stock. R Markham, 1160J, collect. 24-Hour, m-day service. DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-272) Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Ltd, 115 WATER SUPPLY SEAWAY WATER SUPPLY PICKERING ONT., WH. 2-1397 24 Hours a Day--7 Days 9 Week 500 gallons $5.00 1000 gallons 7.00 1500 gailons 9.00 for s! 8--Hunting TAXIDERMIST deer heads mount ed, $22.00, Birds and animals mount ed, Rugwork, Contact Richard Flewell, RK 1, Claremont DEER iunting, housekeeping cottayes, $20 . $50 per week, guide cxtra, iwadge accommodation $8.50 per day, outlook good. Duck hunting season now open same rates apply. Contat Bob Wed den. RR 1 € larendon, Ont, Mi-Jo Camp DE*R and moose, skinned and cut CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort. gage. Mortgage and agreement of sa purchased. NHA mortgages Able Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur. doch FIRST MORTGAGES ycommercial project: 'gages on houses. Well Well. Drilling- 'Digging TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING CLEAN OUTS AND DEEPENING COMPRESSOR WORK Telephone 728-3864 industrial and) second mort-| W. Holden, 51 728-6081 and 723-/ MORTGAGE LOANS 40 years experience dential, acreage, apts., iness, summer Members of Ont. Brokers Assoc J. E. Harris, F, G. Harris and R. C. Bint, SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA PHONE 725-3568 Nursing Homes SUNNYBRAE Nursing Home. in attendance. Nov highway hetween| 'Whitby and Oshawa. Call 723-2330, | 376, W. WARD WELL DIGGING by MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563---MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST., WEST P.O. BOX 329 Resi- bus- properties. Mortgage 2--Personal _ GOING WEST? Drive model Calgary, Winnipeg Drive-Ay 5385 Yong BA 5-7754, our new and late cors to Vancouver, Edmonton, . Regina, Gas paid. Toronto Limited Toronite RN T 728-4095 or 93 Agnes Street Pp 1 1--Articles for Rent SARGEANT'S TABLEWARE RENTALS Punch bowls ice bucke glassware tobleware rentols for weddings, ers, niversaries, reasonable prices. 725-3338 12--Articles Wanted RARE phone No dealers WANTED to buy Exercycle, Must be in good condition, also reasonable price. Telephone MO 8-5379 chafing dishes, dinnerware, show- buffets, condition. Tele- for appointment. in good after 5 coins, WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS Hides and Raw Furs collect |. TURNER 723-2043 - 723-3374 | . | Deer fidential Write Box 706 Oshawa Times. WAITRESS -- experienced, for night shift, five days weekly. Apply in person to Wayside Snack Bar, corner Thick son's Road, Highway 2. SALESLADY th proven selling ability Must have outstanding per- sonality, smart oppearance Experience if possible ladies' sportswear, References required. Full or part-time Highest salary if you have qualifications Write Box 601, Oshawa Time NEED MORE MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS? 'x Avon Representatives earn $500 to $1,000 during Christmas selling season now full We can help you earn this kind of money. CALL 125-8466 17--Male Help Wanted DOOR to door canvasser for insulation, roofing and siding contractor, commis- sion, Apply Box 750, Oshawa Times AGENTS TO sell high quality products, Commission, bonus. Do not miss this excellent money making proposition, Familex's exceptional quality assures quick easy sales: in your home-town and surroundings. Familex Dept. N.9, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal DRIVER SALESMEN for Ww in in swing required the OSHAWA (4) WHITBY (1) AJAX (1) Must hove following and be avail $2.50 per or able immediately hour eee CAREERS FOR YOUNG MEN IN THE CANADIAN ARMY If you are between the age of 17 and 23 and single, | get full information on exciting career opportuni- ties with the CANADIAN ARMY Visit your Army Recruiter at OSHAWA ARMOURY between 11 A.M. and3 P.M on TUESDAY and Thursday of each week or write ARMY RECRUITING OFFICE 27 St. Clair Ave., East TORONTO 7,.Ont- 18--Male or Female Help Wanted MIDDLE-AGED couple for light house hold duties and babysitting in exchange for board and: small apartment. Tele phone 725-1343. YOUNG people to sel! magazines, Good commission, Telephone 723-1990, eve nings and weekends only. 20--Room and Board |$15 WEEKLY, two gentlemen or willing to share single beds, TV, dry, central. Telephone 725-9087. BROOKLIN Room and board for gentleman. Telephone 635-3737. ROOM and board for ladies or gentiemen, close to downtown, $15 weekly. 29 Elgin Street East. 728-3645. NICE room or room and board, home, office girls, Ride to and from centre town 8.30 and 5. Telephone 723-2481 PONTIAC INN -- room and board avail able. home cooked meals, lunches pack- led TV | lounge. Telephone 725-0078. ROOMS for gentlemen, board if de sired, lunches packed, very central Apply 296 King Street East FOR THREE gentlemen, eral Motors South nt meals. Telepaone details. girls laun new | teacher or student 28-8059 for pales! | oe ROOM, newly Whitby. Telephone Willowdale, "9967 SIX-ROOM house, oi! heating, all conveniences, $80 month. ate possession. East LIVE house, at RENT FREE 160 Park Road North; t additional basement rooms, $100 month- ly. Bedroom furnished if desired. € parking, central. SIX-ROOM brick, Ritson conveniences, newly decorated, wood floors, oll heated, full basem garage. person to 106 William Streeet Wes' telephone 725-8384 FOR RENT or sale room house with garage, rooms, central ere Telephone 723-32: South, Modern three "to Gen YOUNG people to sell magazines. Good bath and entrance, lights, heat includ-| NICE commission. Telephone . 723-1990 nings and weekends only SEVEN room bathrooms, two two-family house, kitchens, 723-2925. FURNISHED house, oi! heat, for ter months, to reliable tenants. For ticulars call at 29 Charles Street phone 723-9128 $50 Six-room Street. No furnace, after six, 723-9210. NEW house for bedrooms, good -7886 after 6 house, 95 vacant rent, six rooms, location, 725: p.m. for Jars FOR RENT -- three bedroom bunga- monthly. Colborne East. 728-4166. Three-bedroom split low, $90 monthly. leve) $105 monthly. ment, 875 monthly. MO 8-3521 TWO BEDROOM house at 67 Wil Street West, adults preferred, contained, oil heated. 725-3968. EXECUTIVE possession, three room, two fireplaces, den, King East area. Cobourg. Two-bedroom a: type home. | bedrooms, 40° breezeway FRanklin 2- STREET -- . kitchen, bedroom, 1} monthly. Available De 836 Simcoe Street N 875 Apply 5209, FIVE room located. SIX rooms bungalow, at door, oil heated monthly, Available Dec. 728-3392 SIX-ROOM house downtown area. $75 230 Glidden Avenue for tion FIVE-ROOM house to rent, north of Oshawa, $35 per month phone Thornhill, Avenue 5-2353 write R. F, Howden, RR 1, Maple. room, et ROOM bungalow, antenna, oi] heating, Telephone 723-2839. south end, broadloom, 1, recre: cent three monthly Storms and screens. tenant. /dryer, heavy tes wiring, Close to for couple or famil decorated bungalow vate, heavy THREE ROOM duty wiring, garage, newly decorated,'rooms, parking, Immedi- Apply 443 Bloor Street simeoe seven-room | CENTRAL, 'furnished, Telephone 725-8133. hard Immediate possession. Apply in 1343, five. possession. immediate ment building, all conveniences, beau-| FURNI "experienced, on 50-50 possession; also apartment, 725-6184 or tifully Tele. TV Nassau BASEMENT apartment, 725-0332; three Telephone UPPER apartment, more particu- | kitchen, Bowman and Gibson |cupboards, Telephone furnished, refrigerator, stove, excellent |7 or b Immediate Apply ~ three. Telephone | self-contained, bedrooms, Apply more informa- tive miles cAUT' ; four room heated a apart-| |FIVE-ROOM « a apartment, | includes h ment, large kitchen, laundry facilities.| hydro, water 'aaa pelvate ion ees ath. Available|bath. TV outlet and ra 320 Verdun Road after 5.|723-267 75. 7% rere FOUR-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, private entrance, with balcony. close to ome Centre. Abstainers. Telephone 23-9738, Apply iTwo BEDROOM apartment, with kit- jentrance. Telephone 725-0368, for Rent |FOUR-ROOM apartment, ail conv ences, hot water, refrigerator, --- ae, Quiet neighborhood. For more in formation, telephone 723. 3096. | THREE: -ROOM apartment wi jcentral, clean, modern I = water, TV outlet, parking. Most. suit- able for couple Tele ne 728-1219, {FURNISHED apartn gle hous keeping room, tral, parking. Centre Street t 2 single house- private entrance, cen- Reasonable. Apply 9% DESIRABLE second floor downtown | apartment, self-contained, three _rooms, | bath, unfurnished, heavy wir'>2, heat! and water, adults only, $60, 72.3175. ONE bedroom apa ment, central, TV available outlet, laundry facilities, completely pri-| washer, | vate, $75 monthly or ae including hear shopping |TV $95. Telephone 728-1203 oak | LUXURY apartment for rent, "living and/room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen com- $85/plete. Marina apartments, 281 Simcoe Street South, 728-4800. \ONE BEDROOM apartment, ecember Ist. $58. TV outlet, itby. jcentre, 728- 4733, ntl elaine BEAUTIFULLY located on Grandview reet, iree-room apartment, private parking. Apply 762 King) bah and entrance, heat, lights, water! Telephone 728-1559. d, Ideal r newlyweds, 728-8111 're- TWO OR three rooms and bath, suitable FIV 00 f-contained, upper du- ly. Telephone 725-6691 | plex, electric itore, refrigerator, auto- after six jmatic laundry facilities, Cedar Street THREE LARGE rooms and bath, pri-| jBouth. Adults preferred. 728-2764 after near school and south Genera) '6: BA Motors. Heat, hydro included.$60 month. |FOUR-ROOM ty. Telephone 728-4872. Street East, ce. 1, apartment, ane ment building, large stove, refriger- apartment si parate |ator, built-in cupboards, undromat, | laundry facilities, TY |Parking. 7: 725- 3938 or 68 Wayne Street.) All conveniences, utilities paid. {THREE rooms, unfurnished, upstairs, and Adelaide. Adults only. | private bath, heavy wiring in Kitche |sink, cupboards, TV outlet, very al bus stop, 728-3818. bedroom and kitchenette, HT a attractive asetinaa, dave electrically equipped, laundry facilities, |{own location, three rooms and bath, parking. adults only. Apply apartment refrigerator, stove. Reasonable rent for 1, 254 Athol Street East. good tenant. Z Telephone Mr. Michael} all/PIVE-ROOM, second floor jClaytoa, 725-9501, 8 t0. 3, private garage, TV aerial, heat and) THREE rooms and 'bath, stove and ent; hot water included. $80 monthly, 725- refrigerator, ideal for couple, in build- * Be eee ing block. Very central. Telephone} FURNISHED or unfurnished, three- 725-4277 or 725-3911. room apartment, cupboards, every con- TELEPHONE, television jaundry facil-| venience, south area, private entrance, ities, private bath and entrance. Two bed-/near bus. 886 Robson Street, 723-7091. bedrooms, closets, sink and cabinets in| $65 MONTHLY -- new apartment, bed- Kitchen and living combined, adults. 313] room, living room, kitchen, private |Ritson South. in apart-| outlet, 725-2251 private entrance, hree | livingroom, 00d room and kitchen, furnished, ed. Townline North. Telephone 728-7680.|close to bus stop, hospital, north Gen- $89 MONTHLY and up, modern two.\¢T@! Motors. Telephone 728-4245. 295 two bedroom apartments, in new apart-| Leslie Street. eve ISHED room for rent, located. | preferred. Telephone 723-427 |ther information. » bright three-room apart |SINGLE or double rooms for ladies or clean, private bath and entrance, | |gentiemen. North-west area, close to antenna, heavy duty wiring, park-| pus and hospital. Telephone 728-1 5037. ing space. Apply 341 Elgin Street East. NICELY furnished bedroom, in warm,| three roomsiciean home and bath, private entrance, furnished| central, board. 'optional. Lrecrrenng or unfurnished, warm and dry, central. | Telephone 725. 3879, 3 Telephone 723-9800 after six. |LARGE, two - bedroom : 'apartment, | new triplex, north-east location, stove,| refrigerator, washer, dryer, immediate) Possession. Telephone 725-3412. , gentleman | decorated, centrally 728-5282. win. LARGE, par- very Private entranc and sink, heav living and dining newly decorated. $75 cupboards, wiring, bathroom, room, also attic, cite |$65 MONTHLY -- four-room apartment, unfurnished, ental decorated, built-in part-| THREE ~ ROOM apartment, | built - i in| ; sink, three piece bath,| |private entrance, very quiet place. $60 monthly. Telephone 723- 9214, liam self, BACHELOR "apartment, two room a. ing room, bedroom, private bathroom, single person lephone 723-4452. inclusive, |THREE-ROO} tment, private e trance and three-piece bath. location. Suit quiet ess couple. $53 monthly 124 Park Road North. tec. and THREE ROOM apartment, private "path |95, ea Parking. 9992, heavy wiring, TV outlet, good location, sical in new home, one child welcome, bus TWO BEDROOM apartment, fully at door. 725-9387. : lequipped, on Simcoe Street North. Tele- apartment, one room, kitchen, |P2One 725-6343, 9 to 5 p.m sink and cupboards and bath. MODERN 'orth.|room. Near South General Motors. Ap- vate bath, ply 495 Dunkirk Avenue. cludes ation THREE large room apartment, newly ga Road. rally decorated, in quiet district, private en-| - -- siren trance, reasonable rent. Telephone; THREE - ROOM apartment, ~ | 725-9477 bath, separate entrance, refrigerator. bus stove, near South GM, on bus line. $100 |FIVE-ROOM suit quiet couple. Write Box 504, Osh- stove and refrigerator, T TV 'aerial, adults $85 month-| <= Cleve Fox. 412 Simcoe Street h cal large, clean, ithe" Be eeping room on Jarvis Stree pply to! THREE-ROOM heated apartment, sep: 1106 William Street West or telephone jrate bath, TV outlet, located -- Worth eedeal Mawes. karaetinnn pea session, Telephone 725-1636. Ask for Mr. |TWo 1 ISHED housekeeping rooms, Days, between 6. 15 and 7 |bedroom and kitchen, with refrigerator Gr|THREE-ROOM ~ apartment viii oO ee ment building, bright, clean, four- Mieco |French see bath, aerial, usin bed- iving SMALL cem- built-in four-room cupboards heating, hot apartment, in kitchen, water, . Pri in- ~~ apartment, unfurnished, parking, ly, 25--Apts, & Flats for R TREE self - contained, water supplied, stove, parking, located at 8: Street East at bus stop, Avai December Ist. Telephone 725-5973 7 THREE-ROOM apartment, hardwood floors, ROOM apartment, heated, hot and wired for heavy " 25-5: and after 5 p.m Oshawoa's Finest PARK LANE APTS. BACHELOR SUITES 1 BEDROOM SUITE 2 BEDROOM SUITES --Elevator Service --Pr:vate Balcony Paved Parking --Cortrolled Entrances Contact MR. DON HOWE 725-7732 or 723-9692 evenings Howe & Peters, Real AVAILABLE NOW-- MODERN APARTMENTS facili- low loundry T.V. outlet, Stove, ties, | rental frig., ocker Call MO 8-3092 or 101 Craydon Rd., Apt. 5 After 5 p.m. EXCELLENT LOCATION NEW 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW Vicinity of Schools $95 MONTHLY Also 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT ADELAIDE AND PARK $95 MONTHLY Telephone 728-5282 unfurnished. | ssonERN washer, refrigerator,|TWO housekeeping rooms, furnished stove, parking, near Shopping Centre,|bedroom and kitchen with sink and cup- Adults, 212 Stevenson Road South. jboards, private stool, parking space. Apply 156 Agnes Street two bedroom "ipa | om a cold lelectricaliy equipped, washer and dry.|FURNISHED bedroom in private home, | duty jer, near South Genera} Motors on continuous hot water, suit lady King bye ibe Street. Availablé' December|gentleman, parking available, lable! ; 725.633) |King and Ritson. Abstainers only. Rowe Street, Oshawa, IMMEDIATE possession. Four-room, | res two « bedroom apartment, unfurnished,| THREE large rooms, private entrance. private entrance, hea ed, garage if desired. Telephone 723- aa block north of King Street, 112 Steven-|door. One heavy wiring, bathroom, bus stop a Apply 782 Ritson South. Tele-| Phone 723-3345. equipped kitchen, heavy wiring. son Road North, anytime LOW rental apartments, ~ building "one FU RNISHED room in_ private home, two-| Wilson Road South, bus to door. Kitch- One or two girls modern free washer, en. TV privileges. Telephone 728-9780. monthly, rooms, 728-3377, year old, $87 bedroom, five dryer. Parking 8 for fur-| Abstainers.| en apartment, kitchen, liv-| ay outlet, separate entrance. North end| city en- Close to Telephone) parking, near GM South Plant. Apply 254 Mala- private ~ furnished -- "house-| or near) 31} 26--Rooms for Rent CLEAN, omfortable room, e or jfemale, close to North GM and "bon |parking space. Telephone 728-1072 for {more Particulars LARGE bright furnished bedroom. ve: » Te fined business lady preferred, Home hg if Gesired, Near bus in pri- va' ome, Write to pad Box 215, Oshawa |LARGE front "room, fi stove and refrigerator, central, home. Telephone 725-7576 or a: | Bruce Street. SINGLE room, kitchen ] Privileges, so Gumlshed housekeeping room, ge gd jenera| otors and bus. 105 Ri North, 725-1300. -- LARGE bed-sitting |twin Hollywood bed. ed, with Private ipply 102 room, private | bath, is, broadioom, cooks 8 privileges, One or two giris, Better home, near hospital. Phone 723- 3093. TWO ROOM apartment, built-in cup. boards, sink. Private entrance. On main wong ae 218 Celina Street. Telephone 7 TWO iarge furnished light | housekeep- ing rooms, refrigerator, hot plate; cen- tral. Suit one or two gentlemen. $10 weekly. Telephone 723-4162, ONE CLEAN and comfortably fure nished light housekeeping room, down- |town at 77 Ontario Street. Two. rooms, furnished, stove, refrigere ator, private entrance and bath, ample |Parking. 43 Nassau Street. 725-5617. 27--Real Estate For Sale LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER MARY ST. NORTH 6 room brick home in excel- lent condition, oil heated, gorage, deep lot. $11,500 FULL PRICE $11,500 with a very reasonable down Payment. Clear house with } | mortgage for the balance, | Don't fail to see this ter- | rifie value in choice location, by calling Ed Drumm at 728- $123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Realtor --- 728-5123 101 Simcoe St. North | in} _ SOMETHING NEW IS COMING TO BRAEMOR GARDENS STEVENSON'S RD. N AND ANNAPOLIS AVE. '| (WANT a place to live rent free? On ed. road, near Mosport, easily ssible; oil heated, modern bac bo For particulars, call Tim a! 725-2533. THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished Pp. acc ences, Drive-In, _ WHITBY CLASSIFIED or partly furnished, ,semi-private bath- room, heat, lights,.water included, bus FOR SALE: | Electric at door. Near North Plant. 723-4817. board, errae horse, Retort vapor- : - + lizer, lady's figure skates 7, men's BACHELOR Faordgugee oper he 'skates 10, Ais alarm radio, girl's bi- vate, in quiet home, heated. § en- sioner, abstainer' si monthly. Apply cycle. Telephone SO 9-409, 8 Townline North, 725-4283. FOR RENT -- Three-room apartment, stove and refrigerator. Apply 233 Pa ace Street, Whitby, or telephone 725-| 4302, Oshawa. FOR RENT attractively decorated two} bedroom self contained apartment,| paved parking, laundry dryer, $85) monthly, Telephone 728-26; FOR RENT $60 monthly three and four- room apartment, balcony, residential area, newly decorated, laundry facil tles, parking, close to schools, children's playground. Apply 300 High Street. |\THR M heated apartment, g00d | bus service, parking, $60 monthly.| SAGUENAY APARTMENTS [so #5107 December 1st. Call mornings Ss as - hh kettle, ironing S SMALL APARTMENT ALL FACILITIES Suitable for Bachelor Newlyweds Apply Logue Apartments 795 King Street East TELEPHONE 723-9292 or WANTED: Young gentlemen to room and board. TY, home privileges. Tele- Phone MO 8-2367. | APARTMENTS and houses for rent, $80 and up, immediate possession can be arranged. Call W. Schatzmann Realtor, jecees Building, MO 8-3338, evenings MO |FOR RENT "Two roomed "comfort- ably furnished apartment. Kitchenette, Stove and refrigerator. Suit elderly or young couple, Apply 305 Perry Street, |MO 8-4470. WANTED -- 1,000 pairs skates. Midtown Furniture, Street North, Whitby, MO 8-4 |FOR "SALE: High chair, commode chair, | Phone MO 8-8525. PRIVATE three bedroom, one year old NHA bungalow, good location, near all oa storms and screens, complete- | good used lil Brock 1931. stroller, "and new condition. Tele. KING and PARK RD, Two roomed unfurnished | z apartment, hydro, heat, hot water in-|" CALL 723-2563 cluded, close to shopping, parking! Modern, 2-bedroom apart- jspace. Telephone MO 8-5188, ments, fridge, stove, paved r one | parking. TV outlet -- For |\FOR RENT one bedroom ~apartment,|® jgood district, adults only. $75 monthly,| information Cal] 723-2563. _ {hydro included, Phone MO 8-2736 morn- ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS ings or eveni laru DENTS! A super value approxi- | |mately 630 sheets of letter size typing | Available private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK ROAD N. jpaper (news print) for only $1.00.) 728-8671 [Apply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby,/ MODERN RCOMS in G, suits, coats, dresses, | slip covers. Gowns and aol specialty, Mrs. Toms, alterations, \tings our |8-2372. |RENTING -- One and two bedroom| | and fenced. Selling below pil Telephone MO 8-8484, FOR RENT: Newly decorated two beds |room apartment, garage and garden, $75 monthly. MO 8-; 2180, MO? 8-5078. FOR RENT: Four room apartment, central location, large yard, heat, light and water, $65 monthly. Telephone MO 8-4494, WHITBY, "upper duplex, three bed. rooms, large living room, modern kitch- en, tile, hardwood, downtown location, 725-1841 or 272 Ritson South, Oshawa. KATE EXCHA good skates a tow price. Mid-town furniture, Habana St. N. Whitby MO 8-4981. |FOR SALE: Westinghouse automatic washer, rebuilt and guaranteed. Must sell, $100. MO 8. | WANT a anag job? It may be wailing junder "Help Wanted" in the Classified section today. Look now at lll japartment suites from $85. modern range, refrigerator and 'drapes. | Tel FO ED Thre Cochrane Street, $65 monthly. Heavy |duty wiring, heated, built-in 'cupboards. | Parking. Telephone MO 8-8435. |111 Dundas Street West Ce THREE bedroom unfurnished apart- HOTEL ent, central location in Whitby. Apply | 795-1841, SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES 94 SIMCOE ST. S. |SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Waiter Waid, 204 Chestnut Street West. Phone MO WHITBY Coin Laundry, 106 Brock South, new wash, 15 cents, Two for one aa bs dry cleaning and 'pressing. MO |8-90' 2 Ritson Road South or telephone) | Enquire at: -,| |FOR SALE; chesterfield and | DRESSMAK -3743 Phone 725-3 |suites new and used, some only $19.95. ¥ PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS (KING AND PARK ROAD) OFFER THE IN Modern 2. bedroom apartments. Fridge, stove, paved parking, T.V. outlet. FROM $85.00 Inquire about our FOR INFORMATION 725-7272 725-5787 Chrome suite from $19.50, heavyduty |) stove 49.50, frigidaire refrigerator $49. 95, sink stove and refrigerator like} new. Students desk $24.95. New crib| mattresses special only $7.99. Four large trunks with locks from $7. We also have everything in the store re- duced. Drop in and see us. Terms javailable, Mid-town furniture, 111 ered St. N. Whitby, MO 8-4981 SALE -- Share | typewriter, | Norge space heater, $24.00 and wood circulating heater, |FOR $29.95; |coa} |$12.00; |double, $6.95; heavy duty stoves, from |$10. Refrigerators from $49.95; baby carriage. $14.95; kitchen cabinets from $12.95; Beatty automatic washer and dryer, new davenport and chair for} only, $99. Chrome suites from $14.95, jand many more bargains. Open from /9-6 and Friday until 9 p.m, Midtown Furniture, 111 Brock Street North, Whitby, MO 68-4981. Where Ross McLean is once again manager. LOWEST RENTS TOWN | FOR SALE: 9 piece wainut finish dining | suite, chesterfield and chair. Telephone | Mo 8-8003. FOR RENT: Three roomed apartment private entrance, heated, accommodate theee. One block from main corner. special offer at $82.50 goo0se-neck lamps, single, $3.95,/ Do gate 133. Byron Street | SELF-CONTAINED four - roow apart- agg in Whitby, parkiag space, recent- decorated, private entrance er@ as Telephone MO 24-3246. ATTENTION HUNTERS We rent: Canoes, Car Top Boats, Shot Guns, Decoys, Cabin Trailers, also Power Tools, Garden and Lawn Equipment. MO 8-3226. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES, WHITBY FOR RENT ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APTS. $85 - $100 In modern building, stoves, fridges, laundry _ facilities. One month rent free to re- liable tenants MO 8-359] | | | |