27--Real Estate for Sale _{29---Automobiles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, November 18, 1961 55 OLDSMOBILE, in excellent con- |$6,900 FULL PRICE, Pickering Beach, sinGLE rooms, also furnished bachelor, FOUR rooms and bath, North Ajax.|'55 insul-brick bungalow, well partment, hot water; close to General|Fenced in lot, garage, gas heat, Tele ee cewek = ote owner. on large lot. Opposite new pathy and bus, Apply 105 Ritson North.| hone WH 2.6874 Newly decorated. Telephone |725-1300. 23--Apts. & Flots for Re-t|25--Apts. & Flats for Rent/26--Rooms for Rent FHREE-ROOM basement apartment.|BricHT attractive apartment, down- TWO pia ogee Me stove, ---- dryer, TV town location, three rooms and bath,'newly decorated, heated, lights, water, »| culated, cutiet, parking, $65 monthly in apart |refrigerator, stove. Reaconable rent forjupstairs, separate entrance, very cen school . ment building. Rossland East, 725-1310.| good tenant. Telephone Mr, Michael! tral. Near bus. Suit couple. Telephone| LARGE THREE room apartment, self|Clayton, 725-3501, 8 to 5. 25-08; contained with all modern conveniences, |-- |27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale rooms, |). 30--Automobiles Wanted |32--Articles for Sale LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want woop lathe, $30; Skill saw, $10. Tele-» oars for wrecking. Highest prices paid.' phone Mr. Green MO 8-5680. +1181, JUST in time for Christmas. Special® purchase of Lane Cedar Chest, discount" price from $49. Kitchen chrome and" dinette suites from $29, Hassocks, book- cases, lamps, pictures and mirrors. Two" piece sofa bed suites from $128. Plat- form rockers $29.88. Lay-a-way now for Christmas, Ed Wilson Discount Furni- ture Mart, 20 Church Street. ' 7 i r | 1953 TaLaaNGene with 758 ine, eng! |$1,000 DOWN, $9,500 full price, six] oe 4 | PRIVATE SALE Three bedroom brick/room detached bungalow, owner MO Dis eae condition. Telephone 725-5581 after \d 8-8707. jbungalow with Hollywood kitchen and 8 a at ages er Ke | Detaik Srobk.. pOURA, acon income home mo sale, extra close d bath, stove and) CENTRAL, large, brig 560M. \value, near schools, excellent location ea taal to centre. Telephone|THREE rooms and pov ie in build-|twin beds, wired for telephone. Suit| 'tease call MO 8-57 68. jdining area. Fully decorated and land-!s7'299 "ASKING $1,000 down, reason-ltrapgmission, radio, mechanically 725-44. Hing bl : *Teleph | two refined cntlemen. Light housekeep- suede \seaped. Close to all schools w' lable month!y payments, low taxes, for d. Needs slight body work. Only ing block Very central, Telephone facilities if desired. 723-9767. SINGL® or couble furnished room,'cellent bus service. Spotless cond:tion.|)i° tu. storey home. Three large |soun Needs, slg! fi lewd Lact eal lnc ene mn fens, a ladies or gentlemen, use of kitchen and Telephone 728-8835. Please no agents.) 04. down, two rooms, _ three-piece + aie yee = ie cpatial acca TELEPHONE, television jaundry .fac!l-| TWO ROOMS, kit hi central location. Tele- FIVE-ROOM ROOM "bungalow. with oll fur! 'bath 'up, pine. ext rewery on ing. Biss. pavers seth and. sniranes: ae crag om ae unused apo phone 725-6150. nace, private sale, central location.!'ot, College Hill d 38 PLYMOUTH Savoy ovdan. one 'own- bedrooms, closets, sink and cabinets injnear bus _ stop, : jent to schools and South Plant. er car. We sold and serv! since kitchen and living combined, adults. 313) Motors, Telephone 728-4872. Low taxes. Convenier rew. Only $1,095. Van Heusen Motors, % downtown. Telephone 728-6393. [ Ritson South. SINGLE room, suitable for gentleman oppose Brewery oa Kina. CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE". FOR RENT --sunny furnished bache- lor apartment. Linen supplied. private entrance. Suit one or two adults. Tele- phone MO 8-4123. FIVE-ROOM apartment, i:cludes heat, boi water and frivate entrance, a outlet and range, T sink. Extra large et. Handy to GM Possess'on at once. .Scho- field - Aker Real Estate. Telephone Stinson, 725-0243. | AVAILABLE now. Three-room self-con- tained apartment with sun-porch and private conde rat Apply 262 King Street East; FOUR-ROOM SINGLE or double rooms for gentle- men, single beds. Close to bus, park- ing space. Located on Wilson Road South. Telephone 723-1733. BACHELOR apartment, furnished, pri- vate, in quiet home, heated. Suit pen-) $40 monthly. A; private entrance, with balcony, close to Shopping Centre. Abstainers. Telephone ee DOWNTOWN, ground floor, three-room self-contained az>artment, Adults only. Suit quiet working couple. Available eee Telephone 723-7: 7530. IESIRABLE second floor downtown pire self-contained, three rooms, sioner, & Townline North, 725-4283. $5) MONTHLY. three-room flat, 3 pr: vate entrance, stove and refrigerator, tiled throughout, parking. Close to bus, South lant. 725-5442. TV aerial, heat bath, » heavy wiring, heat and 'water, adults only, $60. 728-8175. FOUR-ROOM apartment, private en- trance and bathroom, vacant now. Tele- Phone 725-1604. FURNISHED basement apartment, Taunton Road, $65 monthly, includes| heating and hydro. Young couzle pre-| ferred, no children. CO 3-2192. FURNISHED apartment: single house- room, tral, Centre Private entrance, cen-| Parking. Reasonable. Apjly 96) Street. _ Telephone 728- 1203 Three-room apartme 728-81 VE-nOOM, self-contained, 4 LOWER two-bedroom apartment, new- Jy decorated, stove, refrigerator and garage, north section of city, near bus. Telephone 725-5810, $49 MONTHLY rents two-room furnish- ed apartment, private driveway, in- eludes heat, light and water. Adults only. Telephone }-4372. THREE-ROOM ment in ¢ apat ment building, bright, c'ern, four-piece bath, aerial, washer, parking, near Shopring Centre. Adults, 212 Steven- son Road South, TWO-ROOM apartment, lieht FOUR-ROOM ment building, large jator, |parking. |rate Nort apartment, in stove, cupboards. refrig built-'n ARE? bath, TV outlet, n 6.15 and 7 p.m. onk, eur beard 5 |:ral, at bus stop. 72 ply} FIVE-ROOM, second floor arartment, private garage, hot water included. $80 monthly, 725-| 1343. ONE bedroom apartment, central, TV|-->* outlet, taundry facilities, completely pri- vate. $75 monthly or furnished eluding | TV $95 BEAUTIFULLY located on "Grandview | Street. t te | bath and entrance, heat, lights, water|CLEAN supplied. Ideal for newlyweds, Fiv plex, electrie stove, |matie laundry facilities, peed b ee a ee re |hot water, close to General Motors and ard priva' il Cedar Street| COMFORTABLE pgp Pgs laundromat, 725-3938 or 68 Wayne Street. by a rOOM heated apartment, sepa- hel located near Immediate pos-| 36. Ask for Mr, |boards, Souse- lights} keeving. partly furnished. Heat, and water. Suit one lady or ecuple. at door. Telephone 723-4817 or 313 Rit- son North, CENTRAL private entrance, I'vinzroom bedroom. bathroom and _ kitchenette, electrically equipped laundry fac'liti and parking. Adu'ts only. ment 1, 254 Athol Street East. | Kt |26--Rooms th Avply apart- leon for Rent 2WO large furnished light houscke ng room, refrigerator, hot plate: Suit on © or two gentlemen. leshone 723-4162. hot pa: ous lady nan, water, suit 7 available, . Abstainers only. sentl ng 1 7 Rowe 'Str eet, Oshawa. eon $10 SHEN bed-oom in pri vate home, |coor. or ne AT pw 31 BACHELOR APARTMENT In modern apartment build- ing. Low rent, automatic washer dryer. Apply Apt. 1. 213 Montrave Ave. 728-7273 | ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK ROAD N. 728-8671 PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS (KING AND PARK ROAD) OFFER THE LOWEST RENTS IN TOWN Modern 2. bedroom apartments. Fridge, stove, paved parking, T.V. outlet. FROM $85.00 Inquire about our special offer at $82.50 FOR INFORMATION 725-7272 725-5787 or lady, central location, near North General Motors. Apply 25 Division Street. ONE large front room, light house- keeping if desired. Suitable for one or two single gentlemen, abstainers, very central, Parking space. Telephone 723- {30 BED - SITTING room, private bath, broadioom, twin Hollywood beds, pic- ture windo everything supplied, cook- ing. One or two girls, Better home near hoszital, 725-3093. TWO hous rooms, bedroom and kitchen with sink and cup- jboards, private stool, parking space. Apply 156 Agnes Street. SINGLE and double furnished house- rg oe rooms, refrigerator, stove, new- i$ decorated, parking, near bus and orth General Motors. men, Telephone 723-€890. d refrigerator, Suit gentleman. parking facilities. Telephone stove ani Central, upper du- | 793.9295, refrigerator, auto- Suit gentle- furnished room with kitchen, also fur- ished |bus. Apply 105 Ritson North. fined business lady preferred. |TWO housekeeping roo yuilt-In cup- snk, refrigerat gent! age f @ room with light very central. ies, ah LARGE bright furnished bedroom, re- Home leges if desired. Near bus in pri- home. Write to Box 215, Oshawa uit ladies or Apply 78 Gibb Street for ter . 105 Mary Street or k th refrigerator 'Parking space. treet THRE 5, private ent entrance. heavy fe rooms, y 782 Ritson South, Tele- phone 723-3345. built-in cup- e entrance. On main '218 Celina Street, Tele: hone b comfortably fur- keeping room, down- North Gereral Motors. Tele- 2 for further informat: on. . contral, abstain- ie s only, light housekeeping if desired. acking. Apnly 45 Drew Street or tele- me 728-4594, NICELY furnished light housekeeping room for one or two willing to share. Also three-room unfurnished basement p:ly 200 King Street West. and kitchenette, furnished, clean, quiet couple, Telephone 89 or m2 1584. three unfurnished rooms, eping privileges. Child closc to shopping and bus. hone 728-7629. NICE ROOM and kitchen, furnished, clo e to bus stop, hospital, north GM. person preferred. Telephone TWO suit 72 27---Real Estate For Sale $600 ) DOWN, §9100 full pr: ce, "five- room bungalow, close to Central Collegiate, features garage, hot water heating, de- corated and large lot. Terms to be ar- ranged. Phone Douglas L, Gower Real- tor. 728- 4651. ¥ Street, five room brick hedged-in lot. , Hollywood kitchen, all good sized rooms, aluminum storms, screens, Only $12,800. Terms ar- ranged, Tindall Real Estate. 725-0429. Gifts For The Family & CHRISTMAS Gant SPOTTER CUIDE Gifts For Her OK bebe bes 8 Gifts For Him FOR A LOVELY GIFT Call At PARKVIEW STORE 98 OLIVE AVE. Articles, Bibles, Religious Nativity Sets, etc, Statues, & / BEAT SANTA At His Own Game! FOR THE FAMILY GIVE FOOTWEAR THIS CHRISTMAS Gift Certificates FROM $4.98 UP DAVIDSON'S 31 Simcoe North 725-3312 Entertainment OSHAWA'S BEST SIM LASH oe HIS TRIO WEDDINGS BANQUETS PARTIES 725-8762 4 FOR YOUR Christmas Party Little Buckaroo Ranch FULL COURSE HOT TURKEY BANQUET $1.50 A PLATE HA'L RENTAL for porty or dance extra RESERVATIONS CALL 725-2737 Christmas Flowers Say it with flowers this CHRISTMAS! JOHN BURTINSKY'S FLORISTS will wire them for you CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS. TABLE CENTRES FANCY PLANTERS We service WHITBY, OSHAWA ond District daily. 0 8-3334 d p 35% Simcoe N. i | Christmas Fowl -- Thrill Her With Lovely FRAGRANCES Attractively Gift Pockeged and Bond Street fumes, from $3. --Spray Mist $2.50. POWELL'S DRUG STORE Tussey's -- Cologne $1.25-$3 ; -- Dusting Powder $1. 755 Rosary, qj Yard! ey's --- Red Roses, Lotus, Per- 2 725-4734 | UAE Se REA Holiday Dining BRING HER TO -- Modern Grill 3 A SPECIALTY HOT TURKEY AND DINNERS WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS ONLY $1.50 A PLATE WE DELIVER 725-3887 345 RITSON RD, SOUTH HOME MADE PASTRIES ' f BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN t yr; i FREE ! SUBURBAN OR GOAL COAT with the purchase of any SUIT PRICED AS LOW AS $49.50 USE YOUR CREDIT OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT. NO DOWN PAYMENT, AT DUNN'S Twe Locations: 36 KiNG E. (Downtown) PPD POR. 5 Christmas Trees CHRISTMAS TREES Pruned--Forestry Grown Scotch Pines All Sizes--wholesale prices. FOWLER FORESTRIES 306 KING WEST CHRISTMAS FOWL Capons ond Turkeys Dressed and Delivered FRANK HOAG ROSSLAND ROAD WEST DIAL 725-6837 FRESHLY KILLED Young, Tender, Tasty Delivered Oven-Ready Year-Round Supply. Special Prices -- Churches, Banquets Courtice Turkey Ranch M 124 DUNDAS WEST 728-5392 v4 { oe es Tees oa DDD : { OSHAWA SHOPPING _CENTRE f GIVE HIM A WARM CHRISTMAS Sweateis from $7.95 up, y; Cardigans. Pullovers, Shegs, Bulkies All colors All sizes. SAM ROTISH MEN'S. WEAR 7 King St E. 725-2433 } Holiday Transportation The Safe Way To Celebrate the Holiday Season RIDE WITH MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 14 ALBERT ST, _Oshawa's Most Modern Tox! HERTZ RENT-A-CAR OFFER FREE DELIVERY SERVICE on Rentals of 2 days or more Call Peterborough collect RI 2-8091 INQUIRE ABOUT OUR CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL WEEKLY RATE ba vos be pers te Ee Apply 313 ing. bathroom, bus stop at TO RENT APPROXIMATELY 50 ACRES OF SEE THE WORKABLE LAND For 3 or more yeors on Stevenson Rd. N. Partial use of barn possible No _live- stock. For further informa- tion Dial 725-9970 or 725- 99: GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 SIMCOE S. 723-1121 Lloyd Corson, President Dick Young, Vice-President. , Lucas Peacock, Sec-Treasurer CENTRAL LOCATION INCOME HOME $9,950 Four rooms for cwner on first floor, three rooms on second, with separate entrance. Brick, 2-storey, garage, large lot ond. zoned R4_ permitting many uses. 1962 MODEL HOMES NOW UNDER IN BRAEMOR GARDENS AND ANNAPOLIS CONSTRUCTION STEVENSON'S RD. N. and A and P Store. Water and sewe! $1,800. Telephone 723-4916. NO GIMMICK. $350 down. home, central, £8,309. 07. Howe and Peters. Five-roo Gregory's Church, Maximum, 723-2423, close to Queen Elizabeth Schoc 7m Mrs. BEDROOM house in vicinity of monthly with option to buy. Telephone} -- "60 RENAULT with radio, 44 riles to the gallon with this car. $895. Van Heusen Motors, 'opposite Brewery on ol "* TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 _Res, 725-5574 ORDERS taken for wood storm sashes, ' No. 1 quality eeenens: hero aga free. Terms. Order early. King. '36 PONTIAC hardtop, one owner, standard transmission, custom radio, custom upholstery, whitewalls. Only 9/3295. Van Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery on King. '36 METEOR Niagara hardtop, top, with kitchen, clean and warm. couple, girls, gentlemen. Apply 67 Se ond Avenue TWO rooms, upstairs, one down stairs, three-piece bath, laundry facilities, use Married automatic, custom rad'o, chrome discs, Clean original upholstery. Only $895. Van Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery ¢- /On King. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good cleon tars. Trade up or down. Liens paid ott. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, S. 723-9421 ELECTRIC -- service, Son Sel son, ete. Corde cutting god A Hcg Meagher's, 5 King Street OVERWEIGHT? You can oo = in' 30 days. Home rentals for vibratory belts. Barrell massagers. ae Cen- tre, 204 King Street East. ee, WINE and cider barrels. Solld oak, sizes. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church Street, 723-7624, '69 MORRIS Minor, the ideal Christmas PEDWELL REAL ESTATE 125 Acres on No. 2 Hi gre see "| 'impleme nt had frame house in good condie ticn. This is cne of the bet- ter farms, first time offered. 100 Acres, 90 acres cultivat- ed, gocd frame house, bank barn, dcuble-ceck pig and hen hcuse, cnly $10,000. Easy payments. 5 1 small farms. CENTRAL PARK'N. Three bedrooms, attractively deccrated. Extra large lot. This bungalow with 1,100 sq. ft. was new in 1959. Forced air oil furnace. 4-pc. tiled: bathroom with vanity. Recreation room. 6% N.H.A. mortgage. BRAND NEW Rug brick bungalow with cor port on Central Pk, Blvd. North, spacious plan on nice lot, immediate possession. N.H.A. mortgage. Asking only $14,500. For full particulars call 723-1121 ---- Phyllis Jubb, Jean Peaceck, Irene Brown, Roy Flintoff, Don Smith. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily Members of the Oshawa and __ District Real Estate _Boord, HOWE & PETERS Howe & Peters REALTORS 67_KING ST. E, 725-4701 SUBURBAN Beautiful brick and stone roench bungalow, 3 bedrooms, attuched garage, wide picture windows overlocking Oshawa, 2 acres of tand, reasonable price of $15,500. For fur- ther information please call Bob Johnson 725-4701 even- ings and after hours 728- 2548. 1 ONLY Enjoy Christmas in your own home, pilav to inspect this beautiful new 3 - bedroom brick bungulow teday. Many extras, including car-port, 1 NHA,. mortgage, located in north-west section of City en a fuily pre-paid service lot. Call Bob Johnson 725- 4701, evenings. 728-2548. ber Der oeverca 3 Bedroom ranch house, oil urnece, 4-piece bathrcem, acre af land, «close to Newtonville. A __ bargain, $8,500. Low down payment. PEDWELL ALTORS 67 KING ST. E. 725-4701 $600 DOWN 3-bedroom brick bungalow, 2 years old, N.H:A.. 61% % mortgage. Call Rolande Tierney 725-5207. MARY ST, to O.C.V.1, gorage, oil Located close 2- storey _ brick, REALTORS 67 KING ST. EAST 725-4701 6 SUITES First-time for sale, one-year old brick apartment building, 6 modern suites ccmplete with refrigerators and built- in stoves and ovens, fully rented, close to hospital and 0.C.V.1., has paved parking ond drive. Priced to sell. For further particulars, call Ossie Martin 725-4701 evenings, or weekends 728- 9714, SOMETHING NEW IS COMING T0 BRAEMOR GARDENS LOTS Building Ict 75' x 215%, $400 down, full price $1000, one yeor to pay. Call Earle Allen 725-7782. Harmony Rd. N., near Taun- ton Rd., 75' x. 180', excele lent Iccation close to schcols, Both lots are approved for N.H.A, homes. We can also give you a price on building o@ home on these lots, call Earle Allen 725-7782. AND ANNAPOLIS AVE. STEVENSON"S RD. N. heated, 3-bedr floor in attic. Early possession, rea- sonable terms. Call Don Howe, 723-9692. BADER AVE. 6-room brick ranch bunga- Icw, attached garage, nicely decorated ond landscaped, large lot providing plenty of privecy. Cali Keith Peters, 125- "4162. -- 50 ACRES -- All new build- ings, clese to St. Mary's. $16,000. 50 ACRES -- sul brick he 3-bedroom ine 62 che ---- paved road, can commute to Lendon frame house, barn, drive shed. $16,0C0. 70 ACRES - aved road, 6- room red brick house, barn, drive shed, hen' house. A real buy at $20,000. 87 ACRES paved read, brick heu $15,000. 100 ACR 7-rcom brick house, at ed qoraae, e, barn. SAVE $600 ON LOTS IN ROSSLAND MANOR (ROSSLAND RD. W. & GIBBONS ST.) WINTER PRICES WHILE THEY LAST WOODED LOTS $60 PER FOOT FULLY SERVICED FOR INFORMATION RALPH S. JONES 728-6246 barn, hog ". $20,000 with hay, strew end grain. 150 ACRES -- 1%-storey brick house, barn 36 x 100, shed 24 x 40. $21,000. 160 ACRES -- 2 complete ond of buildings. Jersey Milk ' $50,000 with bul k 'booler end milkers, 220 ACRES 3-bedroom insul brick house with all ns 36 x 50; n.45 x 60; ate milking Shi ghway and gee fF CALL Bert Douglas St. Mary's 1270 larry Waghorn REALTOR Queen Strect, St. Mary's _Phone 323 pa Town. PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE OF OUR 5 MODEL DISPLAY HOMES WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION IN SOUTHWOOD PARK TOWN OF AJAX AWARD WINNING DESIGNS OF CONTEMPORARY & COLONIAL STYLES THESE MODELS INCLUDE: "RIVIERA" -- Calonial 3-bedroom bungalow, field stone front. "SILVER BIRCH' -- Contemporary, 3-bedroom, back split level. *"TRILLIUM"'----Contemporary, 3-bedroom, tri-level, garage and den. "CARDINAL" -- Colonial, washroom, "SAPPHIRE' -- Colonial, 3-bedroom ranches, extra 2-pce. wash- room. 4-bedroom, 2-storey, extra 2-pce. DOWN PAYMENTS from $1195 TO ONE N.H.A. MORTGAGE NO. SECONDARY FINANCING ACT NOW - DON'T DELAY WE HAVE ONLY 5! Tum south in Ajax, at Harwood Ave., post shopping centre, follow signs to Southwood Park, HOWE 8 8 PETERS REALTORS 67 KING ST. E. 725-4701 TRADES Vendor will trade a 5- room brick, new bunga- low for older home. . 2-year brick bungalew on Colborne St, for older 1%4-storey in nice area. 9-rcom, !0-year-old brick 1¥-storey with' garage, owner interested in a large bungalow in the north cr east section of City. lV gay home near i trade for have soaveral new duplexes thot the owners will trade for your home. Centact this office today and own your cwn come prc ty. For information on these and cther rroperties call ine Martin Ossie 725-7732 or 728-9714 gage Brecker HOWE 8 PETERS Fs gift. No down fayment if credit satis- factory. Only $795. Van Heusen Motors, 31--Automobile Repairs jopposite Brewery on King. 53 PONTIAC deluxe, beige and brown, with original matching upholstery. Real- ly beautiful. Only $695. Van jeusen Motors, opposite Brewery on King. 1956 BUICK four door hardtop, auto- matic, radio, power steering and brakes. Telephone 728-0079. HOT-rod pickup in running condition, fast go-kart with slicks and McCullough engine. Also '53 Packard Clipper with AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TROUBLE? Complete Service A AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTRE 1038 SIMCOE N, 728-9711 extras, 'trade or terms accepted. Tele- phone 723-3346, '61 PONTIAC Strato Chief, four door, beautiful maroon, white op. 8,009 miles. Can trade and finance. Sacrifice. Tele- phone 723-7870. 61 VOLKSWAGEN, custom deluxe, tur- mie whitewalls, leather trim, 2,000 es. Accept trade and finance. Sac- rifice, Telephone 728-1 MON ARCH, ation waron, low mileage, in geod mechanical condition. Can be linanced. $1225. Reasonable. Teléphone 725-0710. "54 MONARCH, in excellent condition, good tires, clean interior, new paint ditioned. $475 cash. 'Telephone 2-0239. FOLD sedan, reliable transporta- 61 Pontiac Parisienne, fully power ed only 12,000 miles. Telephone 62. wit A-1, good Fubber, rized and custom HILLCREST SUNOCO for ALL your Motoring Needs 1 mile East or Oshawa No, 2 Highway OPEN 'TIL 1) NIGHTLY 811 HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE UP. AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 32--Articles for Sale AWNINGS, free , canvas. Prompt service, Chair, table paint job, best offer. MO 8-5631, $250. or rentals. Cleve Fox, ney Simcoe North, vacuum cleaner repairs, all makes, CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor car- raclos, lowest prices in town, Try Do- m Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West. IEVROLET parts for sale all in lent condition, Telephone 723-2880. ) PONTIAC sedan with radio, price $95. Two forty-five gallon drums, $5 each. Telephone 725-5055. parts, brushes, guaran- teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Rerair Serv- ice, 728-0591 anytime. B. F. Stores -- Tires, bate teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543, SINGER sewing machine, electric ca table excellent condition, $40. io past Centre, Telephone WH 2-6561 '= YOU'LL pay tess for furniture and ap Pliances at Superior Resale, 140 Simcoe Street South, 728-4873. Call us for wash- er, range and radio repairs. OVERWEIGHT? You can lose inches in 30 days. Home rentals for vibstory belts. Barre] massagers. Slim-Rite Cen- a 204 King Stre Street East. 728-4501. LICITY washing machine, reason- able, 00 eth condition. Apply 763 Ritson 'oad = South. TENTS, Fien i camp cots, ground sheets, rentals, Oshawa Hardware, 8 Church Street. 723-7624. TYPING paper on sale, letter size, white newsprint, buy in bulk tots and save, 4% lb pkg $1.00, 9 Ib pkg. $200, Cireutation ;Denartment. Oshawa Times. CIGARETS carton n $3.09; butter tc be 3 Gem margerine 4 Ibs. $1; bread, 2 loaves 37c. Savings galore, shop daily, Glecoff's Supermarket, Ritson Roard South, Oshawa a Open every night till 10, ACCORDION 120 bass, 5 ctop, like new, carrying case, $200, Telephone 725-4000. VACUUM cleaner, Arrow Electro brand new, $75. Telephone 728-5919, SKATES, new and used, sold and ex- changed, Apply Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond Street East. ANTIUES: Louis the Fourteenth four seater chesterfield and Queen Arne cor. ner whatnot; also other pieces. Tel phone MO 8-5254. GURNEY forced air gas furnace, com- plete with thermostat and controls; also hot and co!d air plenum, can be con- verted to Propane, $180 cash. Also Lloyd baby carriage, new condition, 725-7994. NEW washer, UPRIGHT piano, Stanley, in good tune. Priced to suit, light finish, with bench. Telephone 728-6885. 9 PIECE dining room suite and rug Be Three Piece bedroom suite; 53 GMC % ton panel. A-1 con ition, $250) or best cffer, Telephone 725-1053. "Austin. Priced cor qnick sale at south Fina Service Station, 627 Simcoe Street i all in good condition. 285 King West, Oshawa, after 7. TYPEWRITERS for students. Guaran- tee standards at low prices. Bill Ham- ton, Ashburn, Brooklin. reasonable. Telephone 728-4404. REFRIGERATOR, stove, 61 models, chrome set, three-piece sectional, al- most new, odd rieces, reasonable for quick sale. Apply 1248 Wecker Drive. ALL kinds of printing, wedding invita- tions our specialty, Telephone - 723-4670. anytime. TV AERIAL, 40', two years old, eae perfect Com. auto- full 'si PONTIAC, convertible, V8, matic, white walls, wheel discs. ice $3,195. Will finance. 723. DODGE coach, custom radio, white- valls, tutone, brown and white, Best value in town, $695. Van Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery on King. 193) PONTIAC Laurentian, power equip- ped, good condition, low mileage. Tele- phone 723-322). 1958 BUICK special, hardtop, | DESKS for students and adults, dozens to choose from, low discount prices from $12.88. Recliner chairs, complete relaxation from $39. We have your car- pet, very large choice, low discount prices, large 9 x 12 size from $33, Floor coverings, wall-to-wall, thousands of yards, sale 25c per ft. Ed Wilson Dis- count Furniture Mart, 20 Church Street. standard brakes, in new condition with BICYCLE. men's size, Racer style, new tires, $25, Ap:ly 795 Mascon Street. |! plete with wiring. Telephone 723-6605. SELLING furniture? We'll buy it, Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer contact 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131. LADY'S piano accordion Camerano, 120/ tion. priced at $275. Telephone MO 98-3762, TYPEWRITERS, cash registers, add. ers, sales, service, new, used, Bill Hame ion, Ashburn, Brooklin, radio, good body and mechanical con- dition, Private, Telephone 728-0179 after 4. heels ond four speed tran: Heavy duty springs. Telephone _723-7192. '54 FORD Zephyr fedan, fine English quality hil with economy as a bonus, Only $395. Van Heusen Motors, opposite ing. SNAC, good condition, good only 3,600 miles. South of Myrtle. one 655-3429 anytime. Visit our new Streamlined Drugette Department -- Dry Goods, Children's Clothing, China and Glassware, Notions, and Kitchenware. GLECOFF SUPERMARKET 174 Ritson, Road South, Oshawa Open to 10 p.m. daily WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture Store, 723-3271, 444 Simeoe South, ZiG ZAG sewing macihne, sews fc ward and reverse, makes huttonhole does decorative stitches, rieno| price $179. Can be had for nalance owing, ae cash of seven payments of $7. 428 Oshawa Times i FEBE winter storage for 3 your power | lawnmower with pre-spring tune-up. | Free pick up and delivery. Sportsman's Corner. Telephone MO 8-4511. 1958 OLDSMOBILE, automatic, new tires, new paint job. In good running cond'tion. Telephone 728-2753 after 6. 1987 STUDE! BAKER % ton pick-up, four d sion, steel box, good me motor work but run- 872 Myer Street, T.V. TOWERS 40-ft. structure with all- channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year, TRIO TELEVISION 171 Bond St. Eost, 728-6781 _ JEN, scarce model, in top shape Hurry for this one.- Only Ppa Van Heusen Motors, opposite rewery on _King. ns Ii ke new and priced to sell. 595. Van Heusen Motors, opposite ery on King. VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V.544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE __449 RITSON S, -- 728-0921 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST..-- OSHAWA QUust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a good assortment of Used Cars, 725-0331 NAGY MOTOR SALES Mercedes Benz SPECIAL -- Self-storing alu- minum doors. Reg. 49.50. Limited stock available, $35.00 completely installed -- ALSO Combination aluminum windows and cano- pies at special prices. FREE ESTIMATES on all in- terior house remodelling. PHONE 728-4614 725-7147 LONG SAULT CONSTRUCTION CORP. LTD. 134 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Storm windows and Prime windows anc! doors only $40. Install Canado's finest awn- ing and Po.ch railing. Very reasonable price. Call ALEX VAJDA, 723-9851 DRAPERIES OF LATEST MODERN DESIGN Living room drapery, 79¢ yd. and up. Bedroom drapery -- satins and rayons, 1.40 yd. up. Kitchen dropery, 69c yd. up. Made to order by ex- perts -- nominal cost. Ready made selection at discount prices, M & C DRY GOODS 74 CELINA ST. 723-7827 Studebaker, D.K.W. N.S.U. Sales and Service 484 KING ST. W. 728-5175 TRADE-IN YOUR OLD CAR! If your car needs repairs... or perhaps it's on it's last legs . . . you can borrow the ECONOMY SPECIAL Y4"" TEMPERED PEG BOARD 4 x 8 SHEETS REG. 6.98 CALL Elmer when buying or selling furniture,. televisions, appliances, oil heaters, vacuums. The best for Jess. Tele;hone COlfax 3-2294. FALL-OUT shelter. Toilets, water, bottles, food coolers, stoves, etc. New and used space heaters, floor furnaces, gas and oll reduced 50 per cent. Miller Heating, WH 2-3491. WE buy and sell and exchange used furniture or anything you have, 'The City Trading Post", 446 Simcoe Street South. 723-1671, NEWCOMBE piano in good condition, walnut finish. Cheap for cash. Tele- phone J. H,. Pascoe, 728-0458, ROWBOAT, small dory 1 type, 5 suitable for children; Westinghouce roaster oven; size 5 girl's white Nitro player, General Electric, wood. Telephone 725-7401, USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, % hp motors, $5 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned wash- ers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton, CO 3-2241 JUICE extractors, used and » @ extracts pulp free juice, all filly guaranteed. Free 62 page booklet by Dr, Pope, MD. Telephone 723-7721. mahogany TWO GOODYEAR Suburbanites, black 850 x 14's, Used two winters. Telephone 725-3170. AUTOMATIC electric restaurant er Hotpoint, full size; Toledo store scale: National' cash register. Will sacrifice, $275. Telephone 728-2324. KITCHEN table ard four chairs For particulars telephone 728-0656. GOOD selection of reconditioned TV's at reasonable prices. Parkway 'Tele- vision, 918 Simcoe Street North, Your color TV store. FILTER Queen Sales and Service, libs eral trade-in allowance. Free demon- stration. Telephone 728-4683, YOUR service business will prosper with a daily ad in "Business Services" in the Oshawa Times Classified Section. Dial 723-3492 today to learn about the low commercial rates. RUGS, two 9' x 12', as new, patterned. Must sell, Bargains. Apply Box 540 Oshawa Times. TEN white storm windows, various sizes, excellent condition. Telephone 725-4867 for further particulars, "$25.00, UPRIGHT freezer, Gibson, private sale, take over payments; also ojl space heater, $40. 269 Park Road South, 728-1881. ees | LADY'S coat, brown mouton, % length, ' size 16, in new condition; grey tailored suit, size 14, Telephone 728-6070. 34--Lost & Found LOST -- Light brown and white s'eeve Pekinese, female dog, Vicinity North Oshawa A and P, Tuesday, November 14. Telephone 725-3652. Reward. SPECIAL - $4.48 W. A. SMITH BUILDERS SUPPLY 35--Legal YOU'LL sell it fast when you list it for «+ sale in the busy marketplace the - Oshawa Times Classified Section. Dial « 723-3492 today. A friendly Ad Writer will help you, 701 BROCK STREET NORTH WHITBY MO 8-2379 (Continued on Page 18) money to put it in shape or to trade on a new one, We will be pleased to lend you money for any worthwhile purpose. Drop in tomorrow and discuss your Ican in complete confidence. From $50.00 to $5,000.00 SEABOARD FINANCE COMPANY 29--Automobiles for Sale i953 FORD -- automatic, Telephone 728-3945 or Street North, Avar aie 8 OLDS hi ir-door kes, two-tone paint. 6. i, winterized, $6 29. "37 BUICK dition, rad'o, wi hie}d washer, up lights, must sell. 542 Simcoe Street North, 723-4376, Best offer. apply 496 Simcoe, 8. sedan, new tires, Call immaculate con- back- goirg to Europe. of Canada' Limited 292 SIMCOE $. 728-6283 30--Automobiles Wantcd ~~ $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off, NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 5 MOST COMPE CALL Lumber [ero 8-001 "YOU CAN COUNT FOR EVERY BUILDING NEED AND TITIVE PRICES THE Number 728-4688 McCULLOUGH LUMBER SIMCOE N. -- JUST SOUTH OF TAUNTON RD. ON OUR SERVICE"