16 THE GSMAWA TIMES, Seturany, Movember 18, 1761 ==| THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [=== Seturday 8 to 12 | 3--Pets & Livestock |14---Employment Wanted 18--Mole or Female Help 18--Male or Female Help | 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent" |MALE Welsh pony, 15 months old,|WILL GIVE good day care in my home Wanted Wanted \PRIVATE entrance -- : ___ Wanted -- eee Geek é |5150, Telephone 728-5919. fox "one or two children, near Ritson saenape neRiaeaceaascar | apartment with bath, ample cupbonrds School. Telephone 728-7629. | second floor, very nice. a50 VICE. cen, emer a | CLERICAL ASSISTANT _ avis saa ans | weeks ° » males $30, females . ane | purebred a, aan 725-8575. 15--Agents Wanted oe |FURNISHED apartment, pri Private ball bath. © heat, light, and water, lai - KERRY BLUE terriers, Maltese Ter- Township of East Whitby applications will be received until |tiess garage, TV outlet. 'suit aoe lou" neta eae Conaaee, gecyers! MULTIPLE LINE | Kennels, Orono. Telephone 4R18. t ' rivi School _|NURSING HOMES | $¢ ! t INSURANCE assistant in the Township office at Columbus. Applicant should |PF0f soundproof, fully equipped. Model: A tants ng S Pp pp ti ccoun hd dl -1 CLASSIFIED AD RATES 4--_Market Basket re = for inspection daily from 1 y. DEWAR andé Co., Accountants| SUNNYBRAE Nursing Home, RN in 25 words or (ess Hib twrcnesbeienber te AGENT have o knowledge of shorthand, typing and bookkeeping pro- Phas 7 to 8.30 p.m, Many extra feas:, a 'Kuahors, Cedar Glen Bidg., 11 On-| LEARN TO DRIVE [attendance Beh a Stet seal Cosh Cherge WINTER apples. Spys, Secords Golden age lPaonee ri ary Py yee. te tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario. 728-2221.| ie ha iene clan ebond Man Rete 3 CONSECUTIVE [Delicious and Russet, Maries. on Required by cedures, Applicant to reply. in writing stating age, education, |A. J. Bolahood Lid. Realier John. a SISTERE a i { f le » 1% ys MONTEITH, MONTEFES, BIERE s06| shawa Driving School page IO gy cars uy PO ot} TION 2.25 248 Iiighway 12. MO 8-216 experience and references. Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday (eeu a place to live -- rent free? Se anaes Secal muck Oaot Aine Professional Instructors [Rest Home. Orono 1308. ) 3.75 4.13 ||WINTER potatoes, 75-pound bag, 9123) (CO-OPERATORS : ; Paved 'road, near. Mosport, easll 2 i War it | ) led - | to Friday. Salary based on qualifications and experience, |accessible; oil hea modern convenie; . pide -- ee en SOUTH HAVEN Nursing Home. Ac-| If not paid within 7 days the ibe beds se ng -- Brook- INSURANCE jences. For particulars, call" Tim's. YALE, FRIEDLAND Mpanora:| Hsxigpae? Ong tie commodation for private Ale Semler Charge rate will apply. pee ea ee ee GEORGE FARNCOMB, {Oren * and Co, Accountants uditors. ay and Evening Lessons vate patients, lounge, TV. Fully licens-/ Above rotes apply ently to origina: |} S various kinds, » | let: Townalila oF wi |LOW rental apartments Taine ae Licensed Trustee ' 64) 728 0091 ed, new building modern, Visitors wel-|} riers tor consecutive insertions. |containers, Algoma Orchards, Thickson| ASSOCIATION ; '. Col '3 # acy hitby, |year old, $87 monthly, codeh Gee King Street East, Oshawa; B. L. le 2 come. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Reasonable!| cup cquent insertions ordered at o ||#oad North, half-mile of Taunton Koad. | Ox 'olumbus, Ont [Foom, tee rooms, free washer ena CA; F. Friedlander, B. Comm., -- rates. Phone Newcastle 4441. later date constitute o new original | Ki 3377, arye: H nn : . 728633 wat MB Sie ein | ualifications Desired ee S. T_ HOPKINS and Company, Certi|Fuel and Wood order 5--Farmers Column Q 20--Room and Board '25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|7: a E-ROOM furnished "acaninan fied Public Accountants, 172 King | Optometrists Prof, I and B 3 listings |} . "hoe aad aan Oca in --Married, age 25-40 | me ~ |newly decorated, emeed apartment, ublic , # rofessional and Busines | > 'EY n ~ rator, Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509./ FACTORY hardwood cuttings Suitable Serra at ECR Tiaclec of OPE || STA0 ver month: (ar 3 links: cally Hat Stet, Vinten tase nat] .--High school education CLEAN, quiet home, private, home-|MODERN two - bedroom apartment, cupboards in kitehea, close' to Sack? st toves, firepla urnace le- | F, L , < Hea tock. R. 3 Ls , ES i electric ju » Washer and dr: BOB CLANCY'S Oniario » Accounting for move fireplaces, furnaces. Tele tiny, the ecuniiualion of eves, cnathet pean eeaenel line $1.60 er |icotect, 24-Hour, seven-day service. | --Sales ability eke etka re eg oi tai papier "souk tee Motors hale ao Motors. Apply 172 Hibbert = Service. Complete bookkeeping servic -- lenses, 136 Simcoe North at Colborne, |} mon |DEAD farm stock picked up promptly.|} -----Knowledge of insurance ech seth ect Asn ----/Wentworth Street. Available December | ---.----- . 184 Bond Street West. 725-0397. Res..| ee woon. Gry, xvod, for stove, fur-!Evenings by appointment. 723-4191 Each Initial letter abbreviation, |/Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721.} preferable but not neces- |BROOKLIN -- Room and board for|1. 725-6338. [Adela or unfurnish |. thre: 723-7605, cat face or fireplace. Free delivery. Tele- H. Tuck, RO, Optometrist. Please | $ igh sign, awe peered os © | Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Ltd. 115. sae od gentleman. Telephone 655-3737. uae - [tecel soerieem, cupboards, every con. SON nd Bl RROW! Chartere phone € CO 3-2275. if D word ox charge !5c additional. N 3 : * Possession. 'our-room, e, south area, private entrance yf Bg 3% Simeoe Street South -- | pay 'accounts weer Terie cuxerit: Ac" Clauified "" Aapertmerents HANURE ay sale, delivered. Tele --Kingston resident ROOM 'and board for "ladies two - bedroom apartment, lunburnisbed., (Dear bus. 886 Robson Street, 723-7091, Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA FREE Fe ee eee age ip must be in by 5 p.m. the day be [iPhone 725: {gentlemen, close to east 720-3643. | equipped kitchen, heavy wiring. |$65 MONTHLY -- he oye a G. Edmond Burrows, BA. 728-2571. | : : fore publication except Births Remuherotion -- Solory'ond |Yeee ee block north of King Street, 112 Steven 26 foes Nels Gon w apartment, bed. - | Furnace cleaned every year. |p --¢: . Memorioms. Cards ef Thonks which || FARMER'S NEEDS | ¥ NICE room or room and board, new|son Road North, anytime. \bath 'and en, private * «Abe y |Painting and Decorating : | commission \= ag ohe ed Tena yemttance, lights, heat inelude Auto Parts "Round the Cicck" 24-hr, | -SoRENS ORE SCOTS | wit be, eccoptes unt. 9 em, | git Hae ian cant 'centse tote Bib'and| LOW aml apartments, balling one ed. Towne North. Hlephone T3096, ae ---- $$ --} eadline or OS ena ul A 6: '2 be de to rom e -- 4 "a Pee renner ney KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran-| burner service DODD & SOUTER Cancellations 8:30 am. Office |) Treatment for calf scours, WRITE BOX 445 5. Telephone 723-2481. Dottos: ave tem' Ber anne, Sit MoNTHLY -- three clean rooms. teed automotive parts and ee Automatic delivery PAINTING & DECORATING Hours Pay 8-5. Saturday 8-12 mastitis, bloat and pig an- OSHAWA TIMES PONTIAC INN -- room and board dryer, Parking. 726-3377 central, 'pply "tis Calla Wook. Tele- 145 King Stree! est. ' OW » Inif | REGUL 1ONS-- ! ilters, s huric z ack- --_--s . Tele- 728-1607-8-9. Five bays to serve you.| : ' oa Rose" Unified | CONTRACTORS Fr Geis Vite oi hak be ee Milk filters, sulphuric 16 Female Help Wanted ed, have TV lounge, Telephone 7254 A BEDROOM "gipartment, fully phone 725-7663. uel O e: esponsible tor errors in advertise cl guess -- red OF *|889 MONTHLY and up, modern iwor Barristers WESTERN OIL CO Painting, Paperhanging ments submitted otherwise than tn | ROOMS for gentlemen, board if de-|phone 725-6343, 9 to 5 p.m. lbedroom apartments, " >, Madara ive o 75.1919 x Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, writing, mor for more than | 4 PART- TIME training now for a prosper: sired, lunches packed, very central. |ment building, all conveniences, beau ~ HUMPHREYS . BOYCHYN ane HILL. 25-1212 y Saray Painting AcAeah. Wibttion 'ot rage tio H R ae Pipers era o par pe Apply 296 King Street East. tifully = Cnrate, centrally located, MAN, Barristers, licitors; v tisement nor beyona price receptionist or teacher. ce spd | 728-528: " i i '4 age 21 - 30, Apply hs ROOM and board for gentlemen:| - 28-5; ince, tn, 'Sore King Street | Gardening and Supplies 107 BYRON ST. 5 Betdu had charged tur © 'single insertion ot PHARMACY \Murray Glutton ig: Bincoe 'Street Double or singl¢ room with single TREE: ROOM apartment, unfurnished, ° W. A, Hillman, 7 ie. Mea oman DAYS MO 8-523) advertisement in which error BROOKLIN South, Mr. Marks. -- beds. Close to downtown. Telephone 9 BEDROOM jself - contained, heated, hot and cold ~ org i eng i bak oe as Seng oh yey = aiee wo for $15. NIGHTS 725-7426 occurs feb also reserve - right ease ; : 725-0197 for more information, - sabe supplied. Wired for heavy duty 725 ir rarest cut daily -rompt de ry sae cat coals Saar See Es to classify advertising according te 4 © give day care of baby while | stove, 'ki y_to loan. .jeral_ trucking. and pick-up delivery its own classification Open Monday, Wednesday, mother works, five days week. Live in erg nd gee for Rage Re SUITES | Street East sai bus' stop. 'Available De LOUIS 5. HYMAN, bas gape Fate putt Ne 2AINTING & DECORATING in uid sf ah pd haggle Friday evenings. Parking at {Sig out, Required for January 1. Box prety aot, private Wome. Felep jecember 1, Telephone 725-5373, citor, Notary, Alger Bldg., 3 B ments The fimes will ns 4 shawa Tims . ear "ael Complete with new refrig- |THREE ROOM apart built - in Street East. 723-4943. Mortgage monies CAAEYER Residential, Commercial, esponsible for more spoce thar rear SECRETARY to ti 7 a NGLE furnished room, $4 a week.| partment, built - in Street, Es PLAKMEYER industria! that in which the octuol efror . i Tess Coheace, the Principal, Ontario Free parking available. Apply 163 aux' erctor, "new" builtin seve, jeupboards, sink, three Piece bath, ae ee S a iwies, The publishers 0 sensi 3 3 i ce, Ve! ie! pees MACKEY. BA, Barrister,| SOD SUPPLY Expert in Colors & Wallpapers je es. Mig eB pli here bis eel " unting © ate (gee ort ane possess ; Je 13 or equiva. © Street South, drapes, washer and dryer, |$60 monthly, Telephone. 725-8214. place. licitor, Notary Public. Mortgage Kee 'i Pree t Shoat TAXIDERMIST -- deer h ; Z nowledge of mimeograph and i funds. 'available, 36% King Street East TOPSOIL Workmanship Guaranteed, pldgeahid Suacant' are ee arin od, $22.00. Birds and animale Mount, (dietaphone advisable. Duties to begin 22--Store Space & Garages) CALL |BACHELOR apartment, two rooms, uns -2381.. Res., YU 5-7163 =) CENTRAL DECORATORS | 2 _odvertiseme c . als 1 by December 11. Apply in ti ~~ |furnished, refrigerator, stove, excellen lie of - ris if any inaccuracies in any torm |/ed. Rugwork, Contact Richard Flewell, i), Principal Pry Me -wOung {0 GARAGE Tor Tonk Ua the Vianlly ofl OSSIE MARTIN location, Suit quiet single' person yi EER and KELLY, Barrister, MANURE therein RR 1, Claremont. hen m6 Mary and Connaught Street, for small [business couple. $53 monthly' inclusive r, ete., 114 King Street Pen, 728-6809 DEER hunting, housekeepng cotlages. MONEY for Christmas. Telephone soli-| car or storage, $5 monthly. Telephone 728-9714 2, $ : |Apply 124 ' wi. Mesineeon _oones _BROOKLIN 655-3049 |$20 - $50 per week, guide cxtra. woage|CitOrs required. experienced preferred. 725-1945. saad Fark Bond North, BA. Sc., 368: Terrence V.\_ Y : H 2 WH / Telephone Ajax WH 2-1570 THREE ROOM apartment, private bath accommodation $8.50 per day, outlook |) ¢\e or 'HOWE & PE In * Fate . 7 ) vi 7 ' |2-4134 (collect) eavy wiring, TV outlet, i Kelly, PA, BCL, 728-5832 es "|Personal Service _ good Duck hunting season now open ec 9A Sinusas tar Rant lin new hom, ena snag Sond location, 7. T. SALMERS. BA, Barrister, Solici- TV--Rentals same rates apply. Conta:t Boir Wed |WAITRESS experienced, neat appear- ' , lat door, 725-0987, or, et 4 Simcoe Street North. E. R. KN WELT N pa s --_------'den RR 1 Clarendon, Ont. Mi-Jo Camp lance essential. Apply in person, 5 Bloor SMALL house for rent, OL bidae REALTORS lana aoe ee ca : 725-5542. 2 sk istreet East Street. Available December 1, Tele- 5 HLY -- lady' ° ps haa . , eee LANDSCAPING MODERN GRI LL rcho our de- f ec sag Rep od snort eo ce bt bs 5 phone 725-4487 or apply 237 Huron bachelor apartment. pt = three-room BOWMAN. DAVID L., Barrister, Solici- <4 1c ae Telephone 728-4095 or 93 Agnes Street. |PART-TIME interviewers for market Street " . tes: ehted, celemia' eote igera- tor, 344 Simcoe South, 725-9592. Resi- SERVIC Baor-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey per month, saeeneecriunamnaans ------ |} research. Write giving education, e: : i -- | TWO BEDROOM phone 728-8180 or apply re tL, 67 Gite jence 728-0264. d. Repairing Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home ter e dampr TO 11--Articles_ for Rent perience. etc, Edsall Research Limited,|MODERN two - bedroom bungalow, | pt. 1, ib « il ¢ fe epairing p 5 } Street. seomereeraeare DONALD. BA. Barrister, ts ree Made Pies and D rts ISR = - ¥ ~ Mt. Pleasant Road, Toronto 7, 583 Ritson Road North. Moderate rent. | | NEE witch' pune, Eee" einees| one lawn maintenance, patio de Pies and Desse . ent. Rer é ; FOR RENT or sale -- Modern five-| SMALL apartment, one room, kitchen, Solicitor, Notary Public. pe ' and sidewalk slabs. WE DELIVER visio i > week € a : |room house with garage, three bed- built-in neg and cupboards a "4 North, 728-2991. Res. 728-2765. DEL : SARGEANT'S bob he Ayre dae ee es 10 howe etet'® rooms, central. Immediate possession. Fully Equipped on room r South General Asters. Abe McGIBBON and BASTEDO. Barristers, 7 4 } 725-3887 : TABLEWARE ene oe nee O43, Oshawa Timed. inetephonia 723-5258, ply 495 Dunkirk Avenue, Solicitors, Clients' funds available for) Fs GIRL required for combined position caine. all Menten: | SI) \CO E Ss I. f N. FOUR ROOM an. Typos Sore - 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH ' ss FOUR-ROOM bungalow, oi! heated, OUR ROOM apartment, new building, mort; es, 20 Simcoe Street North; = 2 . of switchboard, teletype operator and ve . q 7 'ail | built-i 4 ad Vi-ases, "Gharies C. MecGibbon, QC, 4 ee REN T ALS receptionist with rte MB en dR NH capt oe A 25 6343 ha la counter top stove, ree industrial firm Must i ; Available Decembe 1. on child - wel- adgar F. Bastedo, QC LOAM-GRAVEL. Plumbing and Heating Punch bowls i it business « jlad iy or teacher. Dial 723-7055. : abe ilo |NEW apartments now leasing, Fires = Dec. 1, 1961, by the undersigned for the position of clerical A frigerator, washer, dryer, locker, j ; F b ave typist with g ' ' . Fine chafing dishes, [Sus Sapadintz™ ith £008 EeTOH comer Telephone 7-46 9 to SPM. --_-_|diidual "hettconic, elev hone JOSE PH P. MANGAN. , ac Barrister ALL types of repairs and remodelling e bucket dinnerware lessential. Apply Box 447, Oiiawa YOUNG people to sell magazines, s, Good acess sciial Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 18:8; SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL new «nd used materials. Reasonable NEW BUSINESS lassware, | « toblew * |Times commission Telephone 723-1990 eve-| ects Ey THREE large room apartment, newly King Street East, Oshawa. 728-8232,! LOTS LEVELLED rates Estimates free. Dial. 728-6931. J ' ee eel ee eee how. |FULL and pant % work i 4 nings and weekends only. T LOCATION decorated, in quiet district, private ene ig 725-34 oles s for weddings, show- , art time work, with goo tr a ro sca bbc > : > Unlisted Numbers an iti 68 a pay. for ladies or girls. Must have SEVEN room two-family house, two NEW 3-BEDROOM yi rent, Tel DONALD A BUARE "Downs | _partister/ TRACTOR, LOADER WORK PEOPLE WHO need your Services are miversaries, buffets, ipleasant. telephone voice. 'Telephone (Bathrooms, two' Kitchens, immediate FHREE Wena d Solicitor, 262 King Str # ar o the Oshawa Times Classified ee reasonable prices Mr. Nielsen 728-9871 ssion; als rtment. 725-6184 or unfurnishi § Telephone: Business 723-2201. Resi Reasonable Rates Section everyday, Tell them about you ve CREEK , esi 2 Stabe li ~ 725-0925. ae ne H share bath, prarcany sd catnnatoe eae dence 728-5373 DIAL 725-2 me oe ere UR NITU x rE 725- -3338 o ; - G F. SWARTZ and RONALD, ----------___-- a _ : ve saci a " ees erator, Reasonable rent. Baby rg FURNISHED house, oil heat, for win- Vicinity of Schools Apply 711 ee AN 2, B ' Solicitor No ee ee ee L (3 O K | N G ter months. to reliable tenants, For par-, ty oey nA Hortop Street, 725-080 L, SWART arristers, citors. ipplies A stg '4 r Py 7 P, - ea z : ag ticulars call at 29 Charles Street. Tele: $95 MO 0ZY three-room flat, private oe taries. Money to loan. Henry Block BLACK LOAM h : a eld H. Stark Nex terr SICKROOM EQU'!PMENT FOR A phone 723-9128. ' NtHLY pri ae be aes -in cupboards, doub! opyeod " Sast, 723-4697. Psi- td., i eat an ngineer 74) ( eth heav: . z '4 hg = rat d 255 Simcoe Street South. , FOR RENT OR FOR SALE FOR SALE oi rent, five room insul- Also eeatine Wiring) new gas heat wausathessnamlocena acter Driveway grave!, fill \ t jer for preg Very central, Tele- - V bu € r ft brich k house on Coventry Road. Enquire h GHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and : "4 tospital beds, wheel choirs, AN } 2 BEDR pony Barristers, Solicitors, No-| and sand Rug--Upholstery Service e, , radios ad PERM NENT 2 OOM | a N, tw 'oom, self - "contained tary Public Bank of Commerce FE | ELEPH 4 z M é shit : $50 -- Six-room house, 95 Nassau! vs ' 7 T. ¥ j CRE STERFIELDS upholstered a a " bi Whe mo crutches n @ t ur : 795, ; APAR M N floor, heated, Sacto ees ae cues acre C ri Aen oe t K ONE d. Free est alee See Gat "nk anyc r \e cit c oa 8 bed P( SI | N Street. No furnace, vacant. 725-0332; | ] f : floor, heated. See to appreciate! Creighton. QC; N. C. Fraser, iG 5, . ] ° "away beds after six, 723-9210. 243 sir 3-9 Elizabeth Street. 725-81 106. . i 1 for re-covering. Dalton U pholster ' ; | E Drynan, G. i Murdoch, NHA mort- 725 5979 er Yh Chaviae ocean 4 : and slenderizing machine NEW three - bedroom bungalow, newiy | ADELAIDE AND PARK gages arranged. - riz } MODERN two-bedroom 'apartment, res re- ---- -- é CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs ve-|}V¥ - Radio Repairs Phone Aia Sickroom Rentals, Do you enjoy meeting people Ser atearae wanceninee rath apa | $95 MONTHLY water, Jachedate aint cecal 7 ee peal CHESTERFIELDS and cid 3 ie 3 : 725-1644 have Grade 12 education and monthly. Basement occupie: water included, near Shopping Cen an AA, So ign Bo pa ee rt cee Dee tee bee har La RADIO. car radio repairs, all good typing? contained. Telephone 725-9087, Pe Telephone 728.5282 Paved parking. Apply Metro Apart. ee ne Commersat Bung 38 King WH ITBY Side Cal Ve ce makes <Ahomipece tes Hey 8, 157 12 Articles Wanted 3 AV AILABLE immediately -- $90 month- = ments, 208 Cromwell Avenue. st, Oshawa, 10. ~ - een econ of ; ' me available. EXCAVATI NG CHESTERFIELDS re-built. re-covered me ; ae a city Helge gun ire mi i siting, pire Seene oa ards: mek sedi ike new. Why pay more? Our rates . ' 'A coins, in good condition. Tele i s, Ww room treet Eat "as fo Oshawa's Finest tiled x location Syety Mh Shanes © RUSSELL J. MURPHY, BA LL ' 'e reasonable, Satisfaction guaranteed,| SERVICE N YOU WAN hone 723-4790 after 5 for appointment.; cellent calor Bloor Street East. 725- Strect, heehee eae apelty. 15. Maple 7 Barrister and Solicitor 6 King Street DIGGING AND reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed 'o de 6 i : ttresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery OR D 'aeiag il| t. Teleph 9712, i , o - : t , plus interestir rk FOUR large rooms and bathroom, oil p K sphone 725°9712, THOMAS Mf RUNDLE. Barre wid ie peli Fai trims thenaabaatl a T.V, and RA io! WANTED to buy Exercycle. Must be in eee heating. Full basement. Garden space " furnished apartment, stove, * THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli zood condition, 0 reasonable price O ni i or Five minute walk from No. 2 Highway jrefrigerator, cupboards, parking, close ' citor, and Notary Public, 26% King MO 8-4] 72 Surveyors Telephone MO 8-5379 argon, 725-6571. Telephone WHitehall 2-5327. to North General Motors. Also three- °? Street East, Phone 728-1763. S. PLIM ana TROLLOPES < CALL 128- 5286 : NEW house for rent, six rooms, three APTS ph i ea ce unfurnished. Adults, 4 BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, . eee. tena! uieceedd S bedrooms, good location. Telephone ° 72 ; Solicitor, Notary Public, 36% King Insurance aoe Buse vlan Adelaide Avenue | anteed SHAW PACIFIC FINANCE 1725-7886 after 6 p.m. for more particu |$10 WEEKLY for this Spacious two- = Stet Hast aba es YU sath eos en Rt 2 SHAWA AUTO WRECKING CO. CREDIT LTD lars : BACHELOR SUITES room. 'unturnishea 'apartment. Heavy RALPH JONES, BA, and THOMAS H. |" phere 0.33 rea fib cee yy Blagag snared ELF c ge i ; FOR RENT -- three bedroom bunga- wiring, hea ults, Close to Shop- GREER, Associate Barristers and Solt-(282 728-6001 3 ; Land Surveyor Commercial Blue-print E LECTRONICS a Wants ¢ ars for wrecking. | 43 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH flow. '900 moniiy, These pearecm 'cot? 1 BEDROOM SUITES ping Centre. Apply 335 Elmgrove Ave- » citors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246. sin nella snPbatcs aoe ts for sae, also scrap iron OSHAWA level $105 monthly. Two-bedroom apart-| hd Mortgage loans available. ALLSTATE Aut ice. Save ane sic" Beane hay ment, $75 monthly. Bowman and Gibson) 2 BEDROOM SUITES | LOVELY two - bedroom apartment, to 20 per cent, six months to pay vor Tailors a V TOWERS Me and Aah Between 9 and 5 MO 8-3521 brand new building, refrigerator, wash- Bookkeeping sonal service at your home, cal} !---------------- - s . y Gli day. Fnone rent oil heated.| Elevator Service r and dryer incluled. Apply 1070 LEN PULLAN | 36) 'GIBBONS ST. 725.231 1 89 BLOOR E. 17--Male Help Wanted iy Palen Ente weak ot Brooklin,| --Private Balcony R 4 or call 728-4424. : So ee , reasonable rent. Telephone 655-4646 Sat-| -- Paved Parkin |FIV. y partment, unfurnished, Instr n 728-8180 >| APPRENTICE wanted chauffeur's Taso" 2 : a king - : L. SCHAPELOUMAN structio (ENGLISH TAILOR) Tarr ina 13--Business Opportunities lincence, preferably some knowledge of unday Petween 11 a.m, and § p.m, { --Cortrolled Entrances aes Bara and retrigerator, NIC PRIVATE teaci student counsellor fc HT] jloring a adio and television. Fowler Television, TWO BEDROOM house at 67 William ag ee eae 16 vears" exoerience, by interview only eh J he bly us Ae a i' ' SHOE repair business for sale or will|396 King Street, West Street West, adults preferred, self , Cleve Fox. 412 Simcoe Street North, SE t 4 Act now 54 vent iF experi fe rent with equipment, to good repair | h e Contact 09 KING Street West, t aT Free Survey y a LICENSED mechan for tune-ups, contained, oil heated. Telephon i Street West, two room fur RET RNS. LILLIAN MAE MARSH Sannar 'School ervices bet n. Very reasonable rent. good loca- ec. ie or un ips " 725-396: nished apart " s Ares sibegh Roni and Estimotes tion in' Oshawa, Write Box 545, Oshawa (Drakes and mufflers, Apply Shopping | 725-3968 3 = j MR. DON HOWE ae ieliiad "Atar toer cdoa bee { DEA, Ballet, Tap, Pre-School, acro ress repairs and a ath Rete Re Times Centre B-A Service Station SPOTLESS ~-- three-bedroom brick | ', cae: 686 OSLER STREET batic. Friday and Saturday. Masonic' 10 PRINCE ST. 3 aT rasa ~ . S howe. Gl healed. paved" dete Cl 725-7732 or ;ment apartment furnished with stove, 725-9953 Temple, Centre Street, 723-7253 lnush iw Baa 8 Sas Well Drilling-Digging TO PURCHASE a business or buy an|PART-TIME interviewers for market . : é i refrigerator and cupboards, central. y rivi 2 aerial, $85 thly Gerald Barrow ' riget J ext interest ina business or to manage|tesearch. Write giving education, ex- aerial. $35, monthly. Gera 723-9692 evenings |FOUR-ROOM apartment, furnished ot HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY. Baton, - - ausiness. General hardware, automo.|Perience, etc sall Research Limited, j unfurnished. Apply 496 Simcoe' Street Buildi Trad tap, RAD ballet. H nd Register TV - Radio Repairs W. WARD tive and sporting goods. Preferably a|641A Mt. Pleasant Road, Toronto 7,, WARM five-room brick bungalow, Osh-| Howe & Peters, Realtors [North or dial 728-3945. r utiding trades now, 424 King Street West, 725-6122. a eeeaneatincthentechevaaet . i i = retired entleman ae ent | Ontario 'awa Boulevard south, $95 monthly. zs a ecloiion W NI & or ompetent ALL TYPES building repairs, roofing, | ELL DIGGING by man with some sales ability m ' y. Telephone | YOUNG man required by local. manu-| Near school and bus, oil heating Tele- eavestroughing, chimneys, fireplaces,;Lawn Mowers SAMSON 3652 | , phone 723-2839. |facturer Knowledge of bookkeeping C7 { : 7 sidewalks, stoops. 728-0394. Gordon May, | r , 30 - j ARE looking for a key person to|and typing helpful. Please write fully.!SIX room house. oil heated, heavy duty z a - ~ 2PEC ; usine first letter, to Post Office Box 331, Osh- 1g, garage, $80 monthly. Immediate | ' INTERIOR trim work, kitchen cup- NE SHARPEN I ; ie > introduce a new business in the} wiring, & boards, recreation rooms, tile floors WE SHA) bags seb oe AN TOWERS Fue N R Oshawa Whitby district. Qualifica-|?W#- . cs AE possession, Apply 443 Bloor Street East. | % ALMOST ER ING V By oO 8-3 aN, @ uf ; é ete. Call Wm. Wilkins, 723-12 eve pete good charac rd, iy Act habits, ok t-time, for Osh- | THREE 1oom house. Eulalie, oil| GIVE mat a P ' - ¢ ambitious, organizational abi UN- | aw y: SPECIALIZING in roofing and repairs GIVE US A CALL... Antenna Installations 20 ES J E imited nancial Spoartinity yay Bowmanville, Ajax, to heated; hot water tank, TV aerial. pon RENT: Three room apartment/SKATE EXCHANGE, good skates at # - fin to the easel Ontario's most progressive food 1783, 183 Oshawa Blvd. South, Also all type home remodeling, Free 1 ' 30) 2 ight person. For interview, write Box| 783, --.|with bath, two blocks from down town.|a low price. Mid-town furniture, 111 estimates, Phone Harry 723-2413 S - A N S Len & Lou s aes 9 Oshawa Times, : : "Company, MO. @ 587 4 pee 9 aon "a EXECUTIVE type home. Immediate Phone MO 62204. * $65 monthly. ee St. tN. _ Whitby MO 8-498}, i "Too 5 hal a 4 5 . = = ro - : ponseasion, three bedrooms, 40' rec.-| Phone 8. etree $$$ ¥OUR local chimney cg : Chim- CORNER KING AT BURK STS 725-7844 or 728-5804 TRADE your home, your security will 'oom, two fireplaces, breezeway and/coR RENT attractively decorated two |WANTED: | Small apartment or house. neys built and repaired, gas linings in / \be a business of your own. Corner gro- preny King East area. FRanklin 2.9992, & y keeping rooms in the King Street Public stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti 723 3224 TED \ /EENHOF cery and meat store. Needs a go-getter BOYS | BOYS | Cobourg . bedroom self - contained apartment, School district, Whitby. Telephone mates. 723-2997 ate] Vv to take over Offers unlimited possibili . . eR sali paved parking, laundry dryer, $85/723.9779 after 5 p.m, REMODELIN ps, additions, kit-| H j WELL DIGGING ties, plus four room living quarters. For FIVE: M_ bungalow, two. years oid monthly. Telephone 728-2633, aPieeae a « ----__--------. chen cupboards, verandahs, brick-/ Money to Loan eke S CLEAN OUTS full information, call Douglas L. Gower,! PART-TIMME WORK Hilson Row Both ertelleat cou: |FOR RENT $60 monthly three and four-|AP/ heigg male rca sigicg Jaslene cement work. Experienced, CO 3-2628. i : a Biricas we Hives m: AND DEEPENING Realtor, 728-4651 Be a on ii ee > Bp 0349. room apartment, balcony, residential |. -anged. Call W. Schat: seh ie 1 hides me. Mneer $0 don, first "pr ng Pe pertieed SERVICE station and lunch counter for AFTER SCHOOL crenata ah eck 5 area, newly decorated, laundry facili-| chatzmann, realtor, CERAMIC, plastic wall tile, > woodwork. es at onable rates, Harris Real Service Fast COMPRESSOR: WORK ae ke it eomcieeee Pathe don FIVE-ROOM bungalow, large lot, Whit-|ties, parking, close to schools, children' ae ee MO 8-3338, evenings, males, Work guaranteed. 728-005), Has mai SAME DAY! +r. ny 'ront, in 30 mile zone on main provin-; Good pay. Must be honest. [by township, $80 per month. Option to| playground, Apply '300 High Street. jaa nian ects Efficient Telephone 728-3864 cial highway in village, 28 miles from j Mee buy. Call Mr. Green evenings, MO ROOM heated apartment, good|FOR RENT - Three room apartment: | Willing to work i | FOUR-ROOM ted ap: ent, - go DRAFTING SERVICES -- Mechanical AVE MONEY! Oshawa. No present connection with 5680. i 8-568 os y,|Stove and refrigerator. Apply 233 \ __|bus service, parking, $60 monthly. | ent whe bento mone moon a MON | ES AVAI LABLE Experience any oil company. Terms up to 20 years. | APPLY TO MR. NEILSON MODERN four-bedroom home, located | Available December ist. Call mornings | Palace Street, Whitby, Telephone BRICK, block, cement work, home re wba hae Cail Sid Martyn, Snelgrove Real Estate. | 3 4302, Oshawa ¢ S i in sub-division. near South General |MO 8-5107. 2A Sonics pairs, roofing, fall-out shelters, P Th Bin SATISFIED ! 2--Personal_ aa 101 SIMCOE N. Motors. Telephone 728-0040. ; FOR SALE: Westinghouse automatie Wolters. MO 8-2294 sees DRIVE IN and SAVE * oe eerie ---- |FOR RENT: Two roomed unfurnished| washer, rebullt and ed. tt Wolters. 2 z and S 4 | 728 9871 SIX-ROOM newly decorated bungalow, |apartment, hydro, heat, hot water in- bell. $100 - 2889 guaranteed. Must Agreements, Mortgages, Tubes checked glass and GOING WEST? F hes in Whitby, Telephone Willowdale BAjcluded, close to shopping, parking | %¢!!. $100. 1 . Cartage Invincible Investments tuner cleaned, set up for best site : | 1.9067 |space. 'Telephone MO 8-5188, | WAN mee ae eee se b? It may be waiting JOHN'S MOVING and Storage. Oshawa- > A icture ! Driv 4 - SIX rooms bungalow, s south end, bus wo bedroomed apartment,| and 5 ih ; picture th end, bus|MODERN two bedroomed apartment, section "nein Wantea" i the Clasited Whitey, Hessonsble rater, Fully: eaulp Telephone Drive our new ¢ ELECTRICIAN : at door, oi] heated broadloom, $100\refrigerator and stove, washing faci' ped and insured. Phone 728-3661 Yea SALMERS Fx TOWER ? monthly. Available Dec. 1. TORN ities, central location. Take over lease! S cleaned, Walter Waid, Calg Regina, S & 728-3392 6 months, Telephone MO 8-5454. 204 espa gins Street West. Phore MO ] : ; | Winnipeg. Gas p Toronto TATI N MECHANIC FOR RENT or sale -- modern five-/FOR RENT one bedroom apartment,| "i af US . Drive-A / Limited We are looking for a man room bungalow, three bedrooms, el good district, adults only. $75 ea ar Coin Laundry, 106 Brock i 53 d ie ; COKIN : Fr to Shopping Centre, $90 monthly, 728-|hydro included. Phone MO 8-2736 morn- South, new wash, 15 cents, Two for one OVI ie Mortgages . ng antenna? Same doy? 9385 Yonge $ et, Toronto For Lease with at least ti» : | ' 'i BA 5-7754 tt st tive yeors' -ex- 3112 before 6 ings or evenings. |sale on dry cleaning and pressing. MO S 34, 'i = -- -- rg? si 8 FIRST and second mortgages. Sale epai As good as new? - = ie bacianeneet eae » perience in plant mainten- 'OR RENT One single bedroom $7,| de agreements pu and sold. Hen * kIO TELEVISIGN e Training provided. This is ance of electrical and mech- NEW THREE- BEDROOM bes bedroom for two with single beds, SELF-CONTAINED four - room apart- CALL nick an nt Barristers, 31 King an excellent opportunity anicol inane Th a |$8 each weekly. Gentlemen only. Tele-|ment, in Whitby, parking space, receot- CITY CARTAGE Street East. 723 171 BOND EAST ELECTROLYSIS io 'b b { nical eau 4 ay i BUNGALOW FOR RENT jPhone MO 8-312. lly decorated, private entrance ard a - W 1G : EMER So € FIRS mortgages, industrial and com 728-6781 eee pict plas hl se G hs |STUDENTS! A super value, approxi. |Ddth. Telephone MO 8.3246. mercial projects, second tnortgages a Rana at Al na hes own retical os Ww Qs practice Owner has to leave town im- | mately -630 sheets of letter size typing | 725-2621 houses D. W. Holden, 51 r rpbhebdae supertiuous hair, knowledge of electricity with ' : Nawhs hed |paper (news. print) for only GRAVEL ie LOAM Oshawa, 728-6081 and 723-3 ' Morie Murduff will be in Write stating age, exper- | an electronics backgroun mediately ewly. sUrnisne Apply Oshawa Times Office, whites, | ; ' st Gratemaking MORTGAG Me -- arranged, bought and, ealaie Nov. 28th and 29th. ience and capital avail- | preferred. This is an oppor- -- $110 month. Unfurnished fare ee cal skcaapart Cement, Gravel aod a Bolahood. anytime, 725-! ne Genosna Motel on these ") cur > al ings E room wu i | INVISIBLE mending, re-weaving and 8544 or 7 John A, J. Bolahood, | dotes for appointment able to tunity for secure employment or partially furnished $90 | ment, central location in Whitby. Apply| _ Driveway Gravel and Fill minor alterations. Call 725-9736. 525 Ltd. R I 2 723 464] ; with good working conditions month. 728-4367 or 725- sa Ritson Road South or telephone) Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon Dunkirk. FIRST AND SECOND I | . P.O. BOX 220 and prospect for advance- 841 . RST SCOND mortgages UU, 6054 | tr eGBRr EN Ur eee DRESS Gand altetations on ranged. W. Schatzmann. Mo rea OSHAWA. ONT ment. Applications may be ; > goats, dresses,! ERIC C. BRANTON a able Brooker, 101 Dundas West, MO 8-3338. | JN i . ' obtained by writing | alterai fons, slip covers. Gowns and fit- ladies, _ children's wear easonable pete UNWANTED HAIR ' DU PONT 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent |tings our' specialty. Mrs. 'Toms, MO MO 8-2660 COATS hemmed, pants cuffed, collars s Mortgage and agreement of sale Pel eGov 'itt 14---Employment Wanted | ATTRACTIVE large, four-room _ self-| \g.2372. turned, zippers replaced, any and all Purchased. NHA mortgages arranged.| Necialcbieplbibinipenicaciniciaiataapeais | . fe OE tS RO eats OF CANADA contained unfurnished apartment. Pri-|RENTING -- One and two bedroom ATTENTION HUNTERS alterations, mending, ete. Telephone Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur It does n tissolve or remove » eighteen, to help in snack bar| vate entrance, bathroom, closet space,/apartment suites from $85. per m= " j Spacious, 725-4189 SGx ; doch. oe NO MORE TV hair from the surface, but Rag sit while mother works. | LIMLTED ae kitchen, TV outlet, central,} 'eiphone vo aad and drapes. We rent: Canoes, Car Top ALTERATIONS -- reasonable price | penetrates and retard * or wth ~ -- - | : e penetrates .ar = | : 5 Boats, Shot Guns, Decoys, " ss fast, t i fi . RELIABLE woman experienced in} 'OR SALE: Three bedroom brick bun- : : a Pilephone 320-7969 eee cagae es MORTGAGE REPAIR BILLS! unwanted se r. Lor-Beer minding children would like to mind! P.O. BOX 1480 SAGU ENAY leatow on landscaped lot. Large kitchen Cabin Trailets, also Power P! sidan ab. Ltd., 5, 679 Gran- children in her own home on quiet jand living-room, screens and storms.| Tools, Garden ond Lawn RRIER LOANS j i lyst SET NOW WITHA Va ncouver 2, B.C street. Phone 725-1227. | WH ITBY APARTMENTS [Sventane br eet and MO 8 2664. Equipment. MO 8-3226. LOW-COST = H a AK plans ad 3--Pets & Livestock eg eg Soerenced pine Soa ae ee neat peaaas Sr aseee becet oe SERVICE & SALES, WHITBY n : dictaphone, general office duties. Wri L723. Coch Street, hly. Heavy. and DRESSM ER 40 xperienc si- MINIATURE silver grey poodie pup- Box 638 Oshawa Times." duties. Write} On Dunlop Drive, Whitby CALL 723-2563 | duty "ying: besten buhnrs cupoarae | New, Alterations Remodelling der ies for sale, s eek ny d -bedro te nereatene Foe a pies for sale, fix, week old, purebred. sacar ecrecicicad, GSGhiay Woman Te. '18 Male or Female Help Modern, 2-bedroom apart- | Parking. Telephone MO 8-8435. 22 ROWE STREET | Merier quire office or. store cleaning, eve- j ments fridge, stove, paved cx Ct SERVICES. - Complete bookkeeping FOR RENT |COLLIE Pups for sale, four weeks old.|nings, in town. References if required. | Wanted parking. TV cutlet -- For |service for smal businesses, weekly, ) Boke Kae Choice of seven, $3.50. Telephone 728-|Telephone 723-1463. FULLER Brush Company needs two| information Calf 723-2563, |monthly or as desired, Statements pre- ONE AND TWO 28-6706 ce eR RESPONSIBLE lady offers day care|full-time, two part-time salesmen or\---- > |pared; income tax returns. MO 8-8252.| BEDROOM APTS : for one or two children, Residential| women. Three deliverymen. Phone for |FOR SALE: chesterfield and davenport| 4 e ' puppies with champion ancestry, area. Fenced yard. Handy to bus. Ox-| a' t. Stan Ibbott, 72: 5 AVAILABLE NOW-- jsultes new and used, some only $19.95. 8 100 Ine male golden, two female: i ford Street, 728-7453. . ist crea cn Bo seaman Chrome suite from $19.50, heavyduty $ ie $ USE THE SUMMERLAND jand gold, ten weeks old. 725 : EXPERIENCED and eaetic Si re:| |MODERN APARTMENTS Istove 49.50, frigidaire refrigerator $49,. 5 |MINIATURE White Poodle at quires house, office or store cleaning. | | Stove, frig., laundry facili- 9, ai stove and refrigerator like OSHAWA TIMES SECURITIES approved bitches only Cloverleaf Has own car References it required.| WWant-Ads Don't | ties, locker T.V. outlet, low - new. Students desk $24.93. New crib} In modsm_ building, stoves, THE BANK OF Glace, Owned by Myr. and Mrs, Bert! Teleph 87 #4 ae , jmattresses special only $7.99. Four fridges iaand focilitie "CLASSIFIED BI TED Boorman, Fee $100. Telephone 725-4858, |e --, i rental jlarge trunks with locks from $7. We Anais Pe nai abtacd d Ss c 112 SIMCOE $T_N ye "-|MATURE woman desires work as jalsm have everything in the store re-| One month rent free to re- COLUMNS E ST OSHAW. NOVA SCOTIA BEAUTIFUL baby budgie ready 'for|mother's helper or baby sitter. Refer : duced., Drop in and see us. Terms! liable tenants NIE LO ng, talkin strain. App M poh . 3.9 > | d td., Ss PHONE 726-3568 Broad, 16 Elgin Sire East 'peeicuarge meme OB for ewer] §~COost-They, Pay | ms Isnt so" ewsan | MO 8-359 xx x shshetetetstetatetatnd XX xx RARKRRKK KKK MM RMX RK KNEE MK KKK KKK OK x xx ee ee te ae he ae eee Tee we ee eee KKM KK OE OM MM KKK KKK KK xx* xx xx x™ xx xx xx xx, Xx money to loan on first mort- Vanished awoy with Saca- ae Reo 5S Ane ae is be! x x x MXMKMX XK se x KX RK xm & * xKM KD OK REGISTERED American Cocker. Span- aoe ee ee Ore aan eee een . nna ati de : . . ? 7 . ee ee ee ee ---- ai : .