16 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, November 17, 1961 HE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 6--Auction Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY |Fuel and Wood |Mortgages fi. E. DEWAR and Co., Accountants | FrREWooD. ary, good, for stove, fur-/FIRST mortgages, and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bidg., 11 On-\nace or fireplace. Free delivery. Tele-|mercial projects, second mortgages on tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario, 728-2221. |ehone CO 3-2275. jhouses. D. W. Holden, 51 eine East, MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL and) |Oshawa, 728-6081 and 72. OFFICE HOURS: 8 \.M., to 5 P.M. Monday to Fridey Saturday 8 to 12 ___|16--Female Help Wanted _|{20--Room and Board |WAITRESS experienced, neat appear-/-ROOM and board for ladies or|TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, stove, THREE-RO: ance essential. Apply in person, 5 Bloor|%emtiemen, close to downtown, $15jrefrigerator, cupboards, parking, close jheavy duty street East weekly. 29 Elgin Street East. 728-3643. |to North General Motors. Also' three- | Motors. ees bs room apartment, unfurnished. Adults. | 723-2432. PART-TIME. interviewers for market|NICE tom or room and board, new 725-2251, . 2 2 . jhome, office girls, teacher or student. |* ~~ | PRIVATE entrance -- three - ener Fe Pieter Beemer ator g Ride to and from centre town 8.30 and| $10 ) WEEKLY for this spacious two-|apartment with bath, ample: cupboards, iar aA ai. Pleasant Road, Torcute 7. Telephone 723- 2481. room, unfurnished apartment. Heavy |second floor, very nice, $50 Prssnins-m oe ine, Ontario, PONTIAC INN -- room and board avail- ping Ce eee: rage og A aad to Seep. cludes heat. Telephone 723-41: jable, home cooked meals, lunches pack-|PiN& Cen! pply marove AV¢-| FURNISHED apartment, private bathe [xe RSE- SECRETARY | 7 Ri Por tied, have TV lounge. Telephone 725-0078. --------|heat, light, and water, "laundry facili- ice. Reply to Box 643, Oshawa Times. lROOME for wentiamen, beara fae Lov ELY two = bedroom apartment, ties; garage, TV outlet. Suit business GIRL 'required for combined position |sired, lunches packed, very central, |). nd 22%, bullding, refrigerator, 1070) r teacher. Dial 723-7055. of switchboard, teletype operator and! Apply 296 King Street East. 2 A$ riments ea ROOM and_ board 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|25--Apts. & Flats for Rent , unfurnishd apartment, ing, near South General Apply 564 Park Road South or Saturday, Nov, 18, 1961 -- Auction sale of farm stock and implements, Case tractor, baler, 32 ft. baler and grain elevator, front end loader, 7 ft. hydraulic mower, side. de- livery rake, 9 ft. cultivator, etc. The property of Mr. E W, Houland, Lot 5, Con. 2 Reach Twp. 32 miles north of Ashburn. No Reserve, Accountants CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or tess Cash Charge industrial and com. | Phar 4 . ' Ravine now leasing. Fire- receptionist with industrial firm. Must be an average typist with good person- ~~ gentlemen. FIVE-RO proof soundproof, fully equipped. Model CONSECUTIV! for Suit- hardwood od Co. Chartered Accountants, 725-3527. aRST AND SEC 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; Ajax. WH 2-0890. YALE ----FRIEDLANDER, and Co, Accountants Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy, King Street East, Oshawa: B 4 F. Friedlander, B. OPKINS and Company, C fied Public Accountants, 172 King Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509. NOY'S Ontario Accounting Complete bookkeeping service 725-0397. Re , ~HUNTER| Service. 184 gg Street West. 723-7605 WILSON Accountants, 34% Simcoe Street South Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA. G. Edmond Burrows, BA, 728-2571. Auto Parts KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran teed automotive parts and accessories. | 45 King Street West, Oshawa 728-1607-8-9. Five bays to serve you Barristers LOUIS 8. HYM , ac. Barrister, | Soii citor, Notary, Alger Bldg., 37 King! Street East. 723-4943. Mortgage monies available. BRUCE VY, MACKEY, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Mortgage funds available, 36% ta Street East 728-2381. YU 5-71 GREER and K ae, Barrister, citor, ete., 114 King Street East. 723-2278. Residence phones: J Greer, BA, Sc., 725-3368; Terrence Kelly, PA, BCL, 728-5832 7. T. SALMERS, | BA, Barrister, het ci. tor, etc., 13% Simcoe Stre N Office 723-1101; Residence 7 BOWMAN, . DAVID | L, Ba rister, tor, 3% Simcoe South, 725-9592. dence 728-0264. RICHARD A. DONALD, BA. Barriste Solicitor, Notary Public, 52% North, 728-2991. Res. 728-2765. HUMPHREYS, BOYCH! and BIL) MAN, Barristers, Solicitors: ae ga ta ac; G. § ag Sg . A. Hillman, LLB; 3642 Fast Phones: Office 725-1177. Res. 725-4604 or Whitby, MO 8-2761; 725-5203. | Money to loan. ,, Soli Dial M V 542. Solict- Resi- R . BA Stree and Auditors.| , Chartered | Simcoe | ; TRACTOR, LOADER WORK |FACTORY cuttings. furnaces, | FIRST D SECOND mortgages ar- ranged. W Schatzmann | Broker, 101 Dundas West, MO 8-3338. (MORTGAGES _ arranged, bought ang | sold. €all Mr. Bolahood. anytime, 725 (6544 or 725-8333. John A, J. Belshood, j Ltd. Realtor. |NURSING | HOMES {su NNYBRAE Nursing Home. | attendance. No 2 highway | Whitby and Oshawa, Call 725 |REG STERED accommodation ladies on ground floor at Lyntonhurst Rest Home. Orono 1308. |SOUTH HAVEN Nursing | es ----|comm@fation for private two for $15. Sod vate PMtients, lounge, TV. delivery. Also gen-,ed, new pick-up delivery. come. rates. jable for stoves, fireplaces, |Telephone 728-8535 FREE Furnace cleaned every year. "Round the Cicck" 24-hr. burner service Automatic delivery t's "White Rose' i Fuel Oil | WESTERN OIL CO. j 725-1212 RN in between 2330. Unified Home. Ac sr AUS nd semi-pri M, $8 per load, Fully licens- daily. Prompt trucking and 9 am. to 9 p.m Phone Newcastle 4441. } |Optor:. etrists RICHARD BLACK Doctor of of "Optom- PLAKMEYER SOD SUPPLY 136 Simcoe North at Colborne TOPSOIL 723-4191 MANURE bie Tack, BO, Optometrist. accounts downtown BROOKLIN 655-3049 or 74 Burk Street. Invalids exam lenses. Evenings by" appointment. tee at home. Dial 725-4587 Farm sold. Sale at | o'clock, but not Mortgage for building modern. Visitors wel- Reasonable etry, the examination of eyes, contact Please Dominion e INSERTIONS 225 2.48 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 3.75 4.13 If not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply Above rates apply only to origina: orders tor consecutive insertions. Subsequent insertions ordered ot o later dote constitute @ new original order Professional and Business listings $7.50 per month tor 3 lines daily ch additional line $1.60 per Each Initial fetter, abbreviation, $ ond ¢ sign, figure. counts as o word. Box charge 1S¢ additional, Ali Classified Advertisements must be in by 5 p.m. the day be- ore publication except Births, Memorioms Cords ef Thonks which will be accepted until 9 a.m. Deadline for Lost end Founda and Concellations 8:30 a.m. Office Hours: Daily B- 5, Saturday 8 - 12. REGULATIONS-- The Oshowa Times responsible for errors in advertise ments submitted otherwise than in writing, mor for more than one incorrect insertion of any adver tisement. mor beyond the orice charged tor o single insertion of the advertisement in which error will not be E. R. KNOWLTON ~ LA NOSCAPING RVICE Top soil and sed, . Repairing and lawn maintenance, patio and sidewalk slabs. 725-6047 LOAM-GRAVEL SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL LOTS LEVELLED Painting « and Decorating -- DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DA MO 8-5231 NIGHTS 725- 742 6 2AINTING & DECORATING Residential, Commercial, Industrial Expert in Colors. & Wallpapers Workmanship Guaranteed CENTRAL DECORATORS Reasonable Rates DIAL 725-2156 MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, | Solicitors, Clients' funds available 4 first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street apd 725-3566, Charles C. McGibbon, Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. i JOSEPH | P. MANGA Qc, Barrister.| Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 1414 King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232, Residence 725-3405, oe DONALD BLAKE DODDS Barrister and Solicitor, 2644 King Street East Telephone: Business 723-2201. Resi- dence 728-5373 sw 5 SWARTZ. 'Barristers, S taries. Money to loan. Henry Bio: 26% King Street East, 723-4697. Resi- dence, Dial 723-4029. CREIGHTON, FEASER, DRYNAN MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No tary Public Bank of Commerce Bidg., 5 Simcoe ong North, 723-3446. T. K.| Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K. BLACK LOAM Driveway gravel, fill and sand TELEPHONE 725-5279 WHITBY EXCAVATING DIGGING AND DITCHING MO 8-4172 728-6809 Personal | Service MODERN GRILL Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Made Pies ond Desserts, WE DELIVER 725-3887 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH Plumbing and Heating ALL types of repairs and remodelling new and used materials. Reasonable Pra Estimates free. Dial 728-6931, J Drynan, G. L. Murdoch, gages arranged. NBA mort Insurance |PEOPLE WHO need your Services are jturning to the Oshawa Times Classified JAMES A. MaeDO Barrister and Solleltor. and Notary Pub-| lic, The Commercial Building, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking |-- available. RUSSELL J, MURPHY, BA LLB East, Oshawa, Ontario. 7 728-2971. THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, oe } citor, and Notary Public, 26% ng Street Ea Phone 728-1763. BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, 364 King Street East. 728-2381, Res, YU 5-2127. RALPH JONES, , BA. GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli- citors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246. Mortgage loans available. Bookkeeping |D. W. HOLDEN, 51 King East, a, [ALLSTATE Auto Insurance ----- to 20 per cent, six months to pay, * personal service Barrister and Solicitor 6 King Street) | 725-1625. LILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing School, \cHES and THOMAS #,|DEA, Ballet, hatic. HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY. Baton, CHESTERF tap, now, | Section everyday. Tell them about your firm with an inexpensive Classified Ad. | Dia} 723-3492 now. ----- |ALL_ PLUMBING and heating supplies Save up|Phone 725-3521. Harold H. Stark For|Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineer eall|ing. 255 Simcoe Street South t} 728-6081 and 723-3376. Fire, auto | | casualty | insurance at your home, 'Rug--Upholstery Service --|CHESTERFIE! DS and old ol | PRIVATE teacher, student eounsellor,|Covered like new. Get the best for less 16 vear ence, by interview only.|@t Modern Wpholstering, 142 Simcoe Act now. 725-1054 }South. Call 728-6451, free estimate | Instruction ERFIELDS re- pholstered and acro-|Te-styled. Free estimates. See our ma Masonic |terial for re-covering. Dalton Upholster ing. 75 Charles Street, 723- 7212 SLDS re-built, re-covered RAD bajlet, Highland Register|Uke new. Why pay more? Our rates 424 King Street West, 725-6122. are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed Mattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery, Tap, Pre-School, Friday. and Saturday. Temple, Centre Street, 723-7253. L. SCHAPELOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE INCOME TAX RETURNS. 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 Building Trades SPECIALIZING in roofing and repairs. Also all type home remodeling. estimates, Phone |} Harry 723- 2413 YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim- neys built and repaired, gas linings in- stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- mates. 7: 7 houses, additions, kit. | cupboards, verandahs, _brick-} cement work. erienced, CO 3-2628 | } building repairs, tuofing chimneys, <ireplaces, stoops. 728-0394. Gordons eavestroughing, sidewalks, May CERAMIC, plastic wall tile, woodwork ing, all floor coverings. Free esti mates, Work guaranteed. 72 728-0850. | DRAF G SERVICES -- Mechanical and plant layout. Telephone 728-3566. BRICK, block, cement work, home r pairs, roofing, fall-out shelters. Wolters. MO 8-2294 . P Cartage | JOHN'S MOVING and Storage. Oshawa Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully equip- ped a and | insured. 1. Phone ' 728- 3661, Moving? CITY CARTAGE 725-262) Dressmaking INVISIBLE mending, minor alterations. Call Dunkirk, DRESSMAKING ladies, re-weaving and 725-9736. 525 Iterations on} oR bl turned, zippers replaced, alterations, mending, ete. 725-4189. ALTERATIONS -- reasonable prices Quick service. 104 Brock Street East. Telephone 723-7963. FURRIER and DRESSMAKER New, Alterations Remodelling LOW PRICES 22 ROWE STREET 728-6706 owes See LEARN TO°DRIVE ot the Oshawa Driving School Professional Instructors Dual Controlled Cars Standard and Automatic Day ond Evening Lessons 728-0091 any and all Telephone | Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial 725-0311 Lewn Mowers "| Surveyors 8. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Ontario |Land Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue East, Phone 7 DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN Ontario Land Surveyor, Commercial Blue-print ing. 11 Ontario Street TV - Radio Repairs TV, RADIO, car radio repairs, all make Thompson Electronics, 157 Elliott Avenue. 723-9792 (Fred) WE SHARPEN AND RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING GIVE US A CALL... STAN'S ORNER KING AT BURK 723-3224 Money to Loan WE HAVE clients' money to loan, first mortgages at reasonable rates. Harris Harris and Wallace, 112 Simcoe Street North Phone 1 725-5632, CC STS SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT ~DAY OR NIGHT ! T.V. and RADIO! CALL 728-5286 All Work Guaranteed OSHAWA ELECTRONICS KKK KOM T.V. TOWERS 361 GIBBONS ST. : 728-8180 Terms. Open' evenings OSHAWA T.V. Free Survey and Estimotes. SAMSON TV TOWERS Antenna Installations Len & Lou's T.V. 725- 7844 Ory 728-5804 2? 2? WHY Because we give --= Real Service Fast SAME DAY! Efficient SAVE MONEY! Experience SATISFIED ! PRIVE IN and SAVE Tubes ed glass and tuner cleaned, set up for best picture ! A TOWER TY US Moving antenna? Some day? Repairs? As good as new? TRIO TELEVISIGN 171 BOND EAST 728-6781 Well Drilling-Digging TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING CLEAN OUTS AND DEEPENING COMPRESSOR WORK Telephone 728-3864 PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING BILLS PAY 'EM OFF WITHA LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Mortgages NTS' money to loan on first mort-| gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale| purchased. NHA mortgages arranged. | Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur-| doch. FIRST and second mortgages. Sale agreements purchased and sold. Hen nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King |Street East. 72. 32. chec MORTGAGE LOANS 40 years ential, experience. Resi- acreage, apts., bus- ness summer properties. Members of Ont. Mortgage Brokers Assoc J. E. 'Harris, ond R, F, G. Harris C, Bint, i SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA PHONE 725-3568 i 112 ~ Phone collect, occurs, And also reserve the right to clossify advertising according to its own classification in the case of disploy advertie ments The limes will not be helo nsible for more space 'thor in which the octuol error The publishers endeavour duce ol! advertising matter correctly but assumes no liability advertisement ore contained any inaccuracies in ary form therein Clerk, Norman Anderson. Auctioneer, M. G. Montgom- ery,, R.R. No. 1, Oshawa, Ont No. Phone 725-9794. 8--Hun TAXIDERMIST _ deer | heads mount- ed, $22.00. Birds and ed. Rugwork. RR 1, € c daremont. ER hunting, housekeeping cottages, - $50 per week, guide cxtra, tod: BE 20 good, Duck hunting season now open, same rates apply. Conta: Bob Wed. jden, RR 1 Clarendon, Ont. Mi-Jo Camp. DE*R and moose, skinned and cut, Telephone 728-4095 or 93 Agnes Street. 1 1--Articles for _Rent SARGEANT'S TABLEWARE RENTALS Punch bowls, ice buckets, glassware, tubleware rentals for weddings, ers, anniversaries, reasonable prices 725-3338 12--Articles Wanted RARE coins, in good phone 723-4790 after chafing dishes, dinnerware, show- buffets, condition. Tele 5 for appointment NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE 145 KING WEST Next Western 728-4401 exchange used TV, radios prices to top Tire hers anyone No dealers VIOLIN Must 725- Will pay up to $50 cash be in good condition, Telephone 3668 WANTED to buy Exercycle, Must be in good condition, also reasonable price Telephone MO 8-5379. SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking. Parts for sa:e, also scrap iron and metols, etc bought Open Saturdoy all day. Phone 725-2311 89 BLOOR E Well Drilling-Digging W. WARD WELL DIGGING by MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" WHITBY, ONTARIO MO. 8-2563--N 3 204 CHE TILE 2--Personal OLD, RUNDOWN? lets help "pep: 2a women past 40. Only Ostrex Tonic tab thousands of men / 69c, All druggists. GOING WEST? Drive model Calgary, Wir new and late to Edmonton, R Gas paid. Toronto y Servi Limited, Toronto, e Street, ELECTROLYSIS erfluous j ill be in 4 th and 29th. ne-Gen tel on these dates for appointment, 723-4641 3--Pets & Livestock MALE Welsh 3. Telephone BEAUTIFUL training, talking strain Broad, 114 Elgin Street GERMAN Shepherd weeks old purebred, MINIATURE approved Glace Boorman 2H pon 15 728-5919, baby budgie months old, for Mrs, ready Apply East for females "sale, 6 $20 Pups male $30 Telephone 725-8575 White Poodle at stud to bitches only Cloverleaf Owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fee $100, Telephone 725-4858 - ford Street, 13--B Opportunities NEW to rent, Simcoe aah services. Call Mr 44 or 723-3398. Realtor stores rent, al Plaza, Apple John A. J Belahood Lia. WE ARE looking for ntroduce a new business Oshawa Whitby district tions: good character, ambitious, limited right 539 a key person to in the Qualifica good work habits, organizational ability, un- financial opportunity to the person. For interview, write Box Oshawa Times. TRADE your home, your security will be a business of your own. Corner gro- cery and meat store. Needs a go-getter to take over. Offers unlimited possibili- ties, plus four room living quarters. For full information, call Douglas L. Gower, | Realtor, 728-4651 |SE RVICE station and lunch counter for | sale, front, in 30 mile zone on main provin- cial highway in village, 28 miles from Oshawa. No present connection with any oil company. Terms up to 20 years Call Sid Martyn, Snelgrove Rea} Estate. | 14---Employment Wanted |YOUNG LADY desires day day weekly, Oshawa district, Telephone 655-4660. RELIABLE work "one references woman experienced in minding children would like to mind children in her own home on quiet street, Phone 725-1227 MARRIED woman desires office work, full or part time. Experienced typing dictaphone, general office duties. Write Box 638 Oshawa Times TWO experienced, cleaning women re quire office or store cleaning, eve |nings, in town. References if required | Telephone 723-1463. RESPONSIBLE lady offers day care for one or two children. Residential area. Fenced yard. Handy to bus. Ox- 728-7453. EXPERIENCED and reliable girl jquires house, office or store cleaning. Has own car. References if required \Telephone 725-8736. WILL GIVE good day care in my home| for one or two children, School. Telephone 728-7629. MATURE woman mother's helper or ences. Telephone 7 particulars. near Ritson desires work as baby sitter 9143 for further 4--Market Basket WINTER applé¢s. Spys, Secords Golden Delicious and Russets. Maybelle Or chards, 1% miles north of Whitby, on Highway 12, MO 86-2163. |WINTER potatoes, 75-pound 1 bag, free delivery. n 655-4690. After APPLES containers Road North, "bag, $1.25 Telephone Brook 6 p.m various kinds, $1 Algoma Orchards,. Thickson half-mile of Taunton Koad HONEY NATURE'S Fresh From The Beehive 268 RITSON RD. N. 725-2441 DELIVERED 5--Farmers Column MANURE for sale, phone 725-6028 72: DEAD farm stoch delivered, Picked up promptly Hampton, COlfax 3-2721 ill Fur Farm, Tyrone Ltd. 115. TOP MONEY for dead and disabled farm stock Viv lan, Markham, 1160J, collect WATER SUPPLY. SEAWAY WATER SUPPLY PICKERING. ONT., WH 2-1397 24 Hours a Day--7 Days a Week 500: ge $5.00 1000 gall 7.00 1500 ga 9.00 FARMER'S NEEDS Treatment mostiti em Margw ~~ | EXPERIENCED for bloat calf scours, and pig an- a. M filters, sulphuric SHORTS PHARMACY BROOKLIN Open Monday, Friday evenings. reor a Wednesday, Parking at Want-Ads Don't | Cost-They Pay PUREST FOOD | Tele- | 15--Agents Wanted MULTIPLE LINE INSURANCE AGENT Required by CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Qualifications Desired -Married, age 25-40 -~--High school education --Sales ability --Knowledge of insurance preferable but not neces- sary ~Kingston resident Remuneration -- Salary and COMMISSION WRITE BOX 445 OSHAWA TIMES 16--Female Help Wanted | SECR TARY to the rincipal, Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby. Must be good typist and possess Grade 13 or equiva \lent. Knowledge of mimeograph and dictaphone advisable. Duties to begin by December 11. Apply in writing to \the Principal woman for | counter and waitress work, good wages. |paid holidays, straight day shift on {No Sundays. Apply Carmichael's Res- jtaurant, Park Road South at Hillside. MONEY for Christmas. Telephone soli- citors required, experienced Telephone Ajax WH _ 2-1570 2.4134 (collect) AVON IS HELPING Scores of Women IN OSHAWA end surrounding towns, TO MAKE MONEY king 4-5 hours daily. or WH We We have openings in Oshawa | CALL 725-8466 animals mount. | Contact Richard Flewell,' research. just completed, modern with stone re.) Refer-| ality, Experience preferred tessential, Apply Box 447, Times. Oshawa} FULL and part time work, with good|ROOM and board for gentleman, near |LOW rental Telephone! vear old, $87 Must have Telephone girls. voice. pay, for ladies or pleasant telephone Mr. Nielsen 728-9871. 17--Moale Help Wanted PART-TIM 'interviewers for Write giving education, ex Edsall Research Limited, Road, Toronto perience, etc. }641A Mt, Pleasant Ontario. ige Sranninodation $8.50 per day, outlook| YOU man required by local manu- facturer Knowledge of bookkeeping land typing helpful. Please write fully, \first letter, to Post Office Box 331, Osh- awa. SALESMEN, full or part-time, for Osh- awa, Whitby, Bowmanville, present Ontario's most progressive food plan, Homemarket Food and Freezer Company, MO_ 8. 5875 between 9 _and 6. BOYS! BOYS! PART-TIME WORK AFTER SCHOOL Good pay. Must be fF Willing to work, APPLY' TO MR. NEILSON 101 SIMCOE N. 728-987 | SALES OPPORTUNITY SALESMEN WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE Our company will train you in an estimating career. earn while you nest interesting soles and You con learn. Your preterred, But the right man, not absolutely necessary, Salary and bonus plan based on production. FOR AN INTERVIEW TELEPHONE 728-1651 OR APPLY IN PERSON TO 333 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH | ELECTRICIAN MECHANIC We are looking for a man with at least five years' ex- perience plent mainten- ance of electrical end mech- anical equipment, The man we wont will hove a thero- retical as well as practical knowledge of electricity with an electroni background preferred. This is an oppor- tunity for secure employment with good working conditions and prospect for advance- ment. Applications may be obtained by writing DU PONT OF CANADA LIMITED P.O. BOX 1480 WHITBY or calling at the Plant on Dunlop Drive, Whitby own car for | in Plan for a fine future in the CANADIAN GUARDS Be «6 man with a plan! Join the Canadian Guards -- one of Canada's crack regiments --- for which enrolment ap- plications are now being accepted again. To play their vital role alongside their sister regiments the present troubled internation- al situation, the Canadian Guards need adventure-lov- ing young men of courage and character. In return, the regiment offers many other advantages: permanent .em- ployment, a healthy outdoor life, good rates of pay, travel oat home and abroad, out- standing training and many openings for. advancement If you ore 17 to 23, single and physically fit, find out more about this exciting car- eer opportunity NOW from your local Army Recruiting Station at: Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting Centre, 27 Clair Avenue East, 10th Floor, Toronto 7, Ontario. | Telephone: WA 4-7346. | Please provide me. details on career opportunities the Canadian Guards ! would at in in like an home interview my the lunch} at recruiting station Name Address City/Town preferred. | Province Lost pleted School Grade Age 18--Male or Female Help Wanted Com- } people to sell magazines. Good {commission. Telephone jnings and weekends only. |20--Room and Board CLEAN, quiet home, private, cooking, room and board. - Apply Rowe Street. Telephone 728-3350 | BROOKLIN Room and board for| sentleman. Telephone 655-3737. home. 11 market i, Ajax, to 723-1990 eve-| Double or single room }beds, Close to downtown. 725- 0197 for 'more information with North Plant, | 725-2305. SI LE private home. ~ furnished room, | F 'coe Street South, single | self-contained, v Telephone parks ng, TV aerial, $4 a week.|dryer. parking available. Apply 163 Sim-! hy and refrigerator, | adults $85 month-) - Cleve Fox. 412 Simcoe Street North. | apartments, building one| monthly, modern two-) bedroom, five rooms, free washer, | Parking. 728-3377. j |199 KING Street West, two room fur- |nished apartment second floor, heat and) 22--Store Space & Garages) ment ARAGE for rent in the vicinity r_ storage, $5 monthly. 24---Heubee for Rent NEW three - bedroom bungalow, newly | | ONE-BEDROOM apartment, + heated,!December 1, Basement occupied, Self-\ dryer, orated, refrigerator, $95 monthly. contained stove, Telephone AVAILABLE immediately jly. New five-room bungalow, |room apartment in basement, | Bloor Street East. 725-2511. {$50 six-room hose, 95 _ Street. No furnace, vacant. after six, 723-9210. FOUR heating 725-9087. large rooms and bathroom, Full basement. Telephone WHitehall 2-5327 fer W house for rent, six rooms, oms, good location. 86 after 6 p.m lar FOR RENT low. $90 monthly levei $105 monthly rnent, $75 monthly. MO 8 FIVE ROOM house for rent oil heated. [retrig Brooklin 'Telephone 655-4646 Sa 2 miles iA irday south west of rent. between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m TWO BEDROOM house at 67 William pend self Telephone West, ined, oil adults heated. preferred, FOUR BEDROOM brick, Adelaide Avenue East, and garage. $80 monthly immediately, newly decorated. 725-6; three-bedroom oil heated, paved drive, $85 monthly Telephone 725-3852. oil aerial, Broker. WARM five-room brick bungalow, Osh- $95 = monthi, !Near school and bus, oil heating Tel awa Boulevard south, phone 723-2839. of} and Connaught Street, for smal)| THREE- -ROO Telephone | ment building, bright, clean, four-piece \563 |b -- $90 month-|TWO-ROOM apartment, three-| keeping, partly 538) Nassau 725-0332; |FIVE oil Garden space " Five minute walk from No. 2 Highway. CENTRAL pr private "three Telephone for more partic cu three bedroom bunga- Three-bedroom split-| Two-bedroom apart-| Bowman and Gibson heated, private drive) Possession | 4, | brie! TV Gerald Barrow, water included. Also two room base- apartment furnished with stove, refrigerator and cupboards, central. | "apartment in apart-| ath, aerial, |Shopping Centre. json Road South washer, parking, Adults, near 212 Steven- available $58. TV outlet, washer, heavy duty wiring, near Shop- ping Centre. Telephone 728- 4733. light house-| furnished. Heat, lights and water. Suit one lady or couple. Bus) at door. Telephone 723-4817 or 343 Rit-! son North. room apartment, veniences, private from Raglan, $35 modern con- entrance, one mile monthly. Telephone | 555-3069. entrance, livingroom |bedroom, bathroom and_ kitchenette, lectrically equipped laundry facilities land parking. Adults only. Apply apart- jment 1, 254 Athol Street East, | BRIGHT attractive apartment, down- jtown location, three rooms and bath, |refrigerator, stove. Reasonable rent for |good tenant. aarrenans Mr. Michael 72 \TH nd in build. z and 'erator, ideal for couple, - Telephone block. Very central. 4277 or 725-3911, 5 ities, private bath aan entrance, Tw joms, closets, sink and cabinets in| kitchen and living combined, adults. 313 Ritson South, |FIVE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished \self-contained, stove and refrigerator, parking, TV aerial. Adults. $85 monthly Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe Street North. |SINGLE or double rooms for gentle-| men, single beds. Close to bus, park-) ing space. Located on Wilson Road South, Telephone 723-1733. MODERN two - bedroom apartment, jelectrically equipped, washer and dryer, jnear south General Motors, on Went- rth Street. Available December 1.) 725-6338. SIX room house, oil heated, heavy duty BACHELOR apartment, |, furnished, "pri-! wiring, garage. $80 monthly. lomedion vate, in quiet home, heated. Suit pen-! possessi THREE heated, 725, 1783, Apply 443 Bi Bloor r Street E room house, 339 Bulalie, 183 Oshawa Blv South. pe home. possession, three bedrooms, room, two fireplaces, jden, King East area, Cobourg 40° hot water tank, TV_ aerial. t-/sioner, abstainer, $40 monthly. Apply ie, oii|8 Townline North, 725-4283, | \850 MONTHLY, three-room flat, private | lentrance, stove and refrigerator, tiled) 5442, OOM, second floor apartment, | Private garage, TV aerial, heat and) thot water included, $80 monthly, 725- S teammoctatel sper parking. Close to bus. South|hachelor apartment, rec.-| plant . breezeway and | c PI FRanklin 2-9992, | FIVE-ROOM bungalow, two years old | 1343. on Farewell; on Ritson Road dition. Telephone SMALL veniences awa district. 728-4920. FIVE-ROOM bungalow, 1 Both excellent 725-0349, running water. Suit couple. ous Call Mr, 8-5680. MODE RN | Green evenings, four-bedroom 1 home, loc lin sub-division, near |Motors. Telephone 728-0040. | FIVE-ROOM brick, : store {heating, all convenienc |Bloor Street East. SIX-ROOM newly decorated | bungalow, | FOU in Whitby, | 1-9967 SIX rooms bungalow, south end, bus Parking. $100) | Telephone} oi] heated broadioom, Available Dec. 1 at door, monthly, 728-3392. FOR RENT or sale -- modern five MODERN APARTMENTS close} 728- | three bedrooms, $90 monthly. room bungalow, to Shopping Centre, 3112 before 6 _ BANTING for rent, 25-0518. ~ Avenue, two bedrooms. NEW THREE-BEDROOM BUNGALOW FOR RENT Owner has to leave town im mediately. Newly -- $110 month or partially furnished --~- $90 month. and 'four room apartment) con-| three-room house, outside con- |TV $95 Telephone North Osh- Telephone! \si rge e lot, Whit- |supplied. Ideal for newlyweds, by township, $80 per month, Option 3 and half, oll|rated, all Apply 413) E- Telephone Willowdale. BA| ment building, large five-room bun- | Tele. | m or 101 Craydon Rd., Apt. 5 furnished Unfurnished ONE bedroom apartment, central, TV joutlet, laundry facilities, completely pri-| vate, $75 monthly or furnished including 728- 1203, BEAUTIFULLY located on Grandview | treet. Three-room apartment, private |bath and entrance, heat, lights, water 728-8111. |FIVE-ROOM, self-contained, upper du-| (0 | plex, electric stove, refrigerator, auto-| jmatic laundry facilities, Cedar Street) ed) South. Adults preferred, 728-2764 after) THREE unfurnished rooms South General]6, A |THREE-ROOM apartment, newly deco-| conveniences, no_ children. Apply 592 Drew Street for further in- psn ion. ROOM apartment, in apart- stove, refriger-| built-in cupboards, laundromat,} 725-3938 or 68 Wayne Street. ator, AVAILABLE NOW-- __ | laundry facili- | T.V, outlet, low | Stove, frig., ties, locker rental. Call MO 8-3092 After 5 p.m. suite open for inspection daily from 1 to 4 and 7 to 8.30 p.m, Many extra fea- tures. Apply 170 Park Road South, Phones 725-6544, 723-3398, a 9654. John A. J. Bolahood Ltd.. Ri WANT a "place to live -- On Paved road. near Mosport, easily jaccessible; oil heated, modern eonveni+ ences. For particulars, call Tim's Drive-In, 725-2533. THREE-ROOM apartment, | kitchen, live ing-room, bedroom, private bathroom, |TV outlet, separate entrance, North end of city. Telephone 723-4452, MONTHLY -- four-room apartment, pio tioner sagt newly decorated, bullt-im posses Pp eated. ion, 728-820, 359 Verdun Road. LOW rental apartments, building one year old, $87 monthly, modern two-bed- Toom. five ro~--s, free washer, e parking. 728-3377, pied THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, newly decorated, refrigerator, sink and cupboards in kitchen, close to South General Motors. Apply 172 Hibbert Street. FURNISHED or ~ unfurnished, , three- room apartment, cupboards. every con- venience, south area, private entrance, \near bus. 886 Robson Street, 723-7091. $65 MONTHLY -- new apartment, bed- room, living room, kitchen, private bath and entrance, lights, heat includ- ed. Townline North. Telephone 728-7680. $44 MONTRLY -- three clean rooms. Private entrance, kitchen sink, very central, Apply 149 Celina Street. Tele- phone 725-7663. $89 MONTHLY and up, modern two- bedroom apartments, in new apart- ment building, all conveniences, beau- tifully decorated, centrally located. 728-5282. FOUR-ROOM upstairs a apartment aiso three-room ground floor apartment with heated basement, bedroom $75, a3. immediately. Central, 725. THREE-ROOM apariment, unt unfurnished, self - contained, heated, hot and cold ater supplied, Wired for heavy duty stove, parking. Located at 822 King |Street East, at bus stop. Available De- |cember 1. Telephone 725- 5373, THREE. ROOM apartment, cupboards, sink, three piece bath, |Private entrance, very quiet place, $60 monthly. Telephone 723-9214. built = in BACHELOR apartment, two rooms. furnished, refrigerator, og excelent location. Suit quiet single or business couple. $53 monthly lnclusive, Apply 124 Park Road Noi THREE ROOM apartment, private 1 ath heavy wiring, TV outlet, good location, jin new home, one child welcome, bus at door. 725-9387, \$35 MONTRLY lady's three-room stove, refrigera- tor, heated. private entrance. Tele- Pasir 728-8180 or apply Apt. 1, 67 Gibb treet, SMALL apariment, one room, 1, kitchen, built-in sink and cupboards and bathe room, Near South General Motors. Ape | ply 495 Dunkirk Avenue. FOUR ROOM apartment, 7 built-in oven, counter top stove, re- frigerator, washer, dryer, locker, ine |dividual heat control, Telephone 723-1202, THREE large room apartment, newly decorated, in quiet district, private en- trance, reasonable rent. Telephone |725-9477. building, upstairs, share bath, separate entrance, refrig- erator, Reasonable rent. Baby ee Apply 71 1 _Hortop Street. 725-0804. COZY three-room fiat, private entrance, private bath, built-in cupboards, double sink, heavy duty wiring, new gas heat- er for gehag Very central, Tele- phone 723 MODERN, tw 'oom, self - contained apartment, private bathroom, ground floor, heated. See to appreciate! 242 Elizabeth Street. 725-8106, |MODERN two-bedroom apartment, frigerator, stove, washer, dryer, hot water included, near Shopping Centre, paved parking. Apply Metro Apart- ments, 208 Cromwell Avenue. THREE-ROO -ROOM apartment on 'first floor, |parking, private entrance, jtiled, good 'Street. Telephone 725-9712. location, apply WHITBY CLASSIFIED [FOR RENT: Three room apartment with bath, two blocks from down town. ;Couples only, Abstainers, $65 monthly.| |Phone MO 8-2284. 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent SAGUENAY APARTMENTS KING ond PARK RD. CALL 723-2563 2-bedroom fridge, stove, TV outlet Modern, ments, parking. information Call apart- paved For TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT Fully Equipped on SIMCOE ST. N. 725-6343 9 to 5 P.M. EXCELLENT LOCATION NEW 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW Vicinity of Schools $95 MONIHLY Also 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT ADELAIDE AND PARK $95 MONTHLY Telephone 728. 5282 Oshawa's Finest PARK LANE APTS. BACHELOR SUITES | | BEDROOM SUITES 2 BEDROOM SUITES --Elevator Service --Pr.vate Balcony --Paved Parking --Cortrolled Entrances Contact " MR. DON HOWE 725-7732 or 723-9692 -evenings Howe & Peters, Realtors 723-2563. _| FOR RENT attractively decorated | two) bedroom self contained apartment,| \paved parking, laundry dryer, $85 monthly. Telephone 728-2633. | |FOR RED room apartment, balcony, residential) area, newly decorated, laundry facili-| ties, parking, close to schools, children's playground. Apply 300 High Street. | T $60 monthly three and four- | - APARTMENTS and houses for rent $88 and up. Immediate pos: altor, 'Mo 8-3338, evenings, FOR RENT - Three room apartment, stove and _ refrigerator. Apply 233 Palace Street, Whitby. Telephene | 725-4302, Oshawa. Westinghouse automatic FOR SALE: washer, rebuilt and guaranteed. Must sell. $100, MO 8-3889. WANT a better job? It may be waiting junder "Help Wanted" in the Classified FOUR-ROOM heated apartment, £004/ section today. Look now. bus service, parking, $60 monthly.| Available Decentber ist, Cal] mornings|SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Walter We |MO 8-5107. pate Chestnut Street West. Phone 8-2563. Two roomed unfurnished | hot water in- parking | edited RENT: japartment, hydro, heat, 'eluded, close to shopping, space, Telephone MO 8-5188. BC SERVICES. Complete veers (ae service for small busines: monthly or desired. State jpared income tax returns, Mo, ea2s2. |WHITBY Coin Laundry, South, new wash, 15 cents, Two for one Lvs re dry cleaning and Pressing. MO 108 Brock |SELF-CONTAINED four - room apart. "Y?|ment, in Whitby, parking space, recent. AY, , cuemares private entrance ar@ MO 6. FOR SALE: Heat reclaimer, used one) lseason, double unit, $50. Apply 713 |Green Street, Whitby. Home evenings. FOR RENT: Newly decor d two bed- room apartment, oil heated, garage and |garden, $75 per month. MO 8-2180 or | MO 8-5078 |MODERN two bedroomed apartment,| refrigerator and stove, washing facil- lities, central location. Take over lease ie months. Telephone MO 8-5454. | |FOR RENT one bedroom apartment, good district, adults only. $75 monthly, hydro included. Phone MO 8-2736 morn- mn ingle le bedroom §7,! one bedroom for two with single beds, $6 each weekly. Gentlemen only, Tele-| iphone MO 8-3122, | STUDENTS! A super valu spproxi- | mately 630 sheets of letter size typing) paper (news print) for only $1.00.| Apply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby, | 111 Dundas Street West. | \THREE bedroom unfurnished apart- |ment, central location in Whitby. Apply 2 see Road South or telephone MAKING, suits, coats, dresses, | jalterations, slip covers. Gowns and fit- | tings our specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO} 8-2372. FOR dition, |8-4735. SMALL THREE jrent, cant Dec, 13 telephone MO8-; "3914, SNTING me and two bedroom | |RENTING o d two bedi | japartment suites from $85. Spacious, | |modern range, refrigerator and drapes. Telephone MO 8.4775, FOR RENT: Two roomed "comfortably | furnished apartment, Kitchenette. Stove jand refrigerator. Suit elderly or young jcouple. Apply 305 Perry Street. MO} |8-4470. FOR SALE: Three bedroom brick bun- galow on landscaped lot. Large kitchen {and living-room, screens and storms. |Close to shopping area and school. Im- | mediate possession. Phone MO 8-2664 | FOR RENT: Three room apartment on Cochrane Street, $65 monthly. Heavy jduty wiring, heated, built-in oupboards Parking, Telephone MO 8-8435, i 8 » good con- for "information telephone MO room ~ apartme | ae | ~ for self contained, ground floor, va- GRAVEL - LOAM Cement, Gravel Driveway Gravel and Fill Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 ATTENTION HUNTERS We rent: Canoes, Car Top | Boats, Shot Guns, Decoys, { Cabin Trailers, also Power Tools, Garden and Lawn Equipment. MO 8-3226. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES, WHITBY FOR RENT ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APTS. $85 - $100 In modern building, stoves, fridges, laundry _ facilities, One month rent free to re- liable tenants. MO 8-3591 ECONOMY SPECIAL 4" Tempered Pegboard 4x 8 sheet Regular $6.98 SPECIAL 4.48 W. A. SMITH BUILDERS SUPPLY 701 BROCK ST. N WHITBY MO 8-2379