| GRAHAM--Howard and Myrtle are! sed to announce the arrival of a | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) girl, 8 Ibs. 6 o7zs., on Tuesday,| November 14, 1961, at the Oshawa Gen: eral Hospital. A sister for Marilyn Dougie and Gail. Many thanks to Dr. E. Glazier. 32--Articles for Sale AUTO erib style L 4 gray and yellow, with snow phone MO 8-8162. SEW ~jachine, electric, Windsor aticabinet with stool, $22; wheel barrow Oshawa General Hospital, s brother|and post hole digger $3.50; strong tor Jamie. ha: 2.25 pair. 723-2148. a JON 120 bass, 5 stop, like new, se, $200. Telephone 725-4000. VACUUM cleaner, Arrow Electro brand new, $75. Telephone 723-5919. HARDY--Jim and Norma (nee Cooper) announce the arrival of a son, 7 Ibs. 6 ozs., Thursday, Nov. 16, 1961, ACC! MACKAY and. Irene (nee|carrying Bukowski) are very happy to announce! ----- the birth of a daughter Joanne Rae, 6 Ibs. 5 ozs., on Thursday, November cd Bh nel Ms -- 16, 1961 at Oshawa General Hospital.|SKATES, new and used, sold and ex- Mother and baby both fine. Special/changed. Apply Drayton Cycle, 725-4867 for further particulars. LADY'S coat, brown mouton, ¥% length, size 16, in new condition; grey tailored 204 | suit, size M4. |32--Articles for Sale 4 baby carriage, RUGS, two 9 x 12', runnerss | Must sell. also aluminum car top catrier. Tele- Oshawa Times. TEN Bargains. Apply Bux white storm windows, various excellent condition, Telephone _| UPRIGHT freezer, Gibson, private sale take over payments; jheater, 4 | 728-1881. also oil Park Road space $40. 269 South, Telephone 723-6070. thanks to Dr. McKay and Dr. Halam-| Bond Street East. Andres. | : i | good skates at, wn furniture, 11 y MO 8-4981, SKATE EXCHANG TAMBLYN -- Allan and Judy (nee|* low price. Ketchen) are very pleased to announce |Srock St. N the birth of their daughter, Alison Norma (8 ibs, 10 ozs.) on Thursday,| November 16, 1961, at Oshawa General| | Hospital. A sister for John and Stephen.| 1... 49 : \95, sink WHITE -- Ernie and Joan are happy|new. Students desk to announce the safe arrival of their|matiresses special Mid-t Whitb: Fr suites new and used, some only $19.9: 50, f only $7.99. Four 2 -\3 Chrome suite from $19.50, heavyduty Lost - 4--Lost & Found 1) BEAGLE hound, lost near vicinity of Veterans Avenue and Wilson Road, ¥ ring d collar, no tag. Children's & BALE; chesterfield and davenport| "0"! - sp ilge elephone 723-7903, Light brown and white sieeve rigidaire refrigerator $49.-|Pekinese, female dog, Vicinity North} stove and refrigerator like|Qshawa A and P, Tuesday, November) $24.95. New crib\44, Telephone 725-3652. Reward. | daughter, Nancy Elaine, 9 (bs. 12 O28.,/jarge trunks with locks from %7 on Tuesday, Noy. 14, 1961 at the Osh-|aico have everything in the store awa General Hospital. A sister for duced. Drop im and see us. ' Billy, Jeffery and Judy. Our thanks to yailable, Mid-town Doctors J. 0. Anderson and Halam-|s;, N. Whi Andres and nursing staff. = We! re-| itby, MO 86-4981. i ;; Louis the Fourteenth four) terfield and Queen Anne cor-) A GOOD NEWS SIORY--When you|*eater chestertic's Mother pieces. Tele-| announce birth of your ¢ J | booed clippings of the a - ailable for Baby's Book,|GuRNEY forced air gas furnace, com- Family Tree Records and to mal) your! pete with thermostat and controls; also friends and relatives to *hose far-eway| jot and cold air plenum, can be places. To place birth announcement, | verted to Propane, eal) The Oshawa phone RA 3-3492 the Oshawe thee are $180 Times Classified | Tjoya baby carriage, new DEATHS BRODIE. Cecilia B. cash. condition. | |NEW Westinghouse automatic washer,| \re' sonable. Telephone 728-4404. | | |REFRIGERATOR, stove, "61 motels, | lchrome set, three-plece sectional, al-| new, odd pieces, reasonable for Apply 1248 Wecker Drive Maxwell (Steve) Brodie, trice Street, Oshawa, Wednesday, > kein vember 15, 1961, Cecilia B. Kidd, widow tions our specialty : oom pate John Brodie and mother of; anytime ' irs, W. J. Rolland (Helen), Belleville,| " , Mrs. H. C. Brown (Eva) Oshawa, Harry |TV APBIAL, 1 of Belleville and Steve of Oshawa, in| Perfect coms l tel oe her 88th year. Resting at the Arm-| Piete With Bodo strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with SELLING furniture? We'l! buy it. Re memorial service in the chapel Satur- frigerators, 'TV's, washers, pianos, day, November 18, 2.00 p.m. Interment| stoves, etc. For top cash offer contact Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa, 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131 ee LADY'S piano accordion Camerano, 120) CONNER, Isaac Russell tion, priced at $275 Telephone MO Entered into rest at Ajax and Pickering |g. : General Hospital on Thursday, Novem- ber 16, 1961, Isaac Russell Conner, be- loved husband of Myrtle Johnston, of |¢Ts, and dear | il! « of printing, wedding invita-| Telephone 723-4670) two years old, rotor,| Reasonable. Com-) lephone 725-6605. | cash registers, add- les, service, new, used Bill Ham. Ashburn, Brook! pay highest prices in the city for of Ajax, Russell (Bud) of Liverpool,|ysed furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture Jean (Mrs. Melville Jones) of Uxbridge. |store, 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South Mr. Conner is resting at McEachnie --e go 28 Kingston Road West, jonaih ickering. Funeral service in the chapel +s age on Sunday, November 19, at 2.30 p.m, |times. Telephone 725-9087. | Interment Claremont Union Cemetery. |71G ZAG sewing macihne, sews for-| 'ward and reverse, makes buttonholes, | does decorative stitches. rigina} price) had for balance owing./ NATURAL grey Persian lamb coat, % excellent condition, worn & few DEMPSEY, Thelma Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen-|$179. Can be " eral Hospital on Thursday, November | $47.00 'cash of seven paynents of 16, 1961, Thelma leleen Kilgore, be-|Write Box 428 Oshawa Times _ loved wife of Clifford Dempsey and| FREE winter storage for your power sister of Mrs. Ronald Cox (Phyllis) of jawnmower with pre-spring, tune-up. Listowel, Ontario, Mrs. Lawrence /Free pick up and delivery. Sportsman's Fraser (Ruth) of Shanty Bay, Mrs.|Gorner. Telephone MO 8-4511 Gordon Jory (Grace) of Barrie, \- a age Pema eee Pare Seen oe, rete) Kigure of wrant |[CALY Elmer when buying of slice ford, Ontario, in her 58th year. Re: furniture, Lneebheggy- 8 eer tor lone ing at the Armstrong Funeral Home,| he tng A . Oshawa, with memorial service in the -- nt ehapel on Saturday, November 18, 3.15 | FALL- shelter. Toilets, water p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery, bottles, food coolers, stoves, etc. New "38%", | Tele- | fu | Ci new, fally | by AUTOMATIC electric restaurant grill, Hotpoint, full size; Toledo store scaless) National cash register, Will sacrifice,| $275. Telephone 728-2324. GEN table and four chairs. $25.00 articulars telephone 726-0666. GOOD selection of reconditioned TV's at reasonable prices. Parkway Tele- vision, 918 Simcoe Street North Your color TV store. Po ILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- 1 trade-in allowance, Free demon } tion, Telephone 728-4683, 23 |VYACUUM cleaner repairs, all makea,| SHELENKOFF -- In loving memory |parts, attachments, brushes, guaran-| ef a dear son, Boris, who passed away teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. | Perewber 3%, e86. |Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv He had a cheery smile, a jee, 728-0591 ' i, Oe YOUR service business will prosper) nd | with a dally ad in "Business Services") true in the Oshawa Times Classified Section. On earth he nobly did his best, Dial 723-3492 today to learn about the Grant him, Jesus, heavenly rest. tow © ad --Sadly missed by mother sccm ped used space heaters, floor furnaces, gas and oll reduced 50 per cent. Miller | Heating, WH 2 3491 Cone OCKE' FOUR storm windows 29%" by U KE s FLORIST four copper screens to match, Funeral arrangements and | phone 723-4790 after $ pm. floral requirements for oli (piym leather folding doors; also one occasions. Hlarge porcelain sink for kitchen counter | 723-7192 aaa!" SHOPPING lee a ae "exchange used £ nd sell and ex CENTRE rniture or anything you have. "The 24 HOUR PHONE, SERVICE ty Trading Post", 446 Simcoe Street) i | South. (adc OE ee Ae Messicissted |NEWCOMBE piano in good condition, | walnut finish, Cheap for casi. Tele- GERROW FUNERAL |Phone_2_H- Pascoe. OT ROWBOAT, il dory type, suitable! CHAPEL jfor children; eget eecgy pis pari | i joven; size 5 girl's white figure skates. Kindness beyond price | Reasonable prices. Telephone 725-3954. | yet within reach of all. |cARGE combination radio and record) \player, General Electric, mahogany) 728-6226 \Wwood, 'Telephone 725-7401. | | ee ean A ve | USED parts and repairs for all makes 390 KING STREET 'WEST lof wringer type washers, 4 hp -- | nm | $5 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned wast SEO, Sie Se 2 ceenE Be ca wat Sages ests Maret. Hane | director or phone 725-2327 ns aa al sabes |JUICE extractors, used and extracts pulp free juice all guaranteed, Free 62 pase booklet IN MEMORIAM Dr. Pope, MD. Telephone. 72- 7721 TWO GOODYEAR Suburbanites, black CROWELLS -- In loving memory of \°°° % 14's, Used two winters. Telephone a dear mother, Karlina Crowells, who) (2 passed away November 17, 1950. Dear mother you are not forgotten 'Though on earth you are no more, Still in memory you are with us As you always were before --Ever remembered by sons, Bert and Harold and daughter-in-law Lillian and granddaughter Beverley KITC For pi Precis SHELENKOFF -- In memory of & r brother and unele, Boris, who) passed away November 17, 1958 | --Ever remembered by Zena, Jack and Jacque. way, A helping hand to all he knew; He was so kind, so generous a SBELENKOFF -- In loving memory) ef a dear husband and father, Boris D.| Shelenkoff, who passed away November) 17, 1958. | What would I give to clasp his hand, His happy face to see, | To hear his voice, and see his smile, That meant so much to me. | --Sadly missed and lovingly remember- ed by his wife Victoria, son Robert and daughter, Zita | | PLAN ve tried the rest, | Eat better | groceries sup- You may nd Now try the best for less. 89% plied, well-known pro- ducts, highest quclity meats. Life-time warronty freezer, the only one guaranteed by Good' Housekeeping. No down payment, Call now for demonstration no obliga- tion, Zenith 9-6100. oll CARD OF THANKS WALKER -TI would like to thank Dr. King and Dr. Rowselle, Rev. A. E Lark, Major and Mrs. Rankin, nurses and staff of ward 1£ for the wonderful care while 1 was ill in the hospital.! Special thanks to all relatives and friends for the lovely cards which 1 received while there --Mrs Visit our new Streamlined Drugette Department -- Dry Goods, Children's Clothing, China and Glassware, Notions, ond Kitchenware GLECOFF SUPERMARKET 174 Ritson Road South, Oshawa Open to 10 p.m. deily ¥. DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRES | Asbestos Corporation Ltd., 30) cents, plus 40 cents extra, Dec.) 29, record Dec. 8. ro ag | Burrard Dry Dock Lid., class) ; | A 30 cents, additional partici-| TN. TOWERS | pating, Dec. 15, record Nov. 24.; 40-ft. structure with -- all- Canadian Celanese Lid., com-| channel antenna, all galvan- mon 30 cents, plus 15 cents| 'te guaranteed 1 year. extra, $1 series pfd. 25 cents; TRIO TELEVISION $1.75 series pid. 43% seats 171 Bond St. Eost, 728-678) Dec. 31, record Noy. 24 eee ans Gatineau Power Company common 30 cents extra plus one) common share of Gelco Enter- prises Ltd., Dec. 29, record] Dec. 1; in addition a further] 30 cents extra and one further) common share of Gelco Enter-| prises, Jan. 1, 1962, Pow Dec. | 1; regular common dividend 40 adel! cents, five per cent pfd. $1.25, abil lcage dgbetatte 5% per cent pfd. $1.38, Jan. 1, PHONE 728-4614 1962, record Dec. 1. 725-7147 - Tubés Lid.,| mmon 2235. ce "f| LONG SAULT common 22% cents, Jan. 2, CONSTRUCTION 1962, record Dec. 15 Union Acceptance Corpora- CORP. LTD 134 SIMCOE ST. S$ tlon Ltd., common 10 cents OSHAWA Walker. SPECIAL -- Selt-storing alu- minum doors, Reg. 49.50. Limited stock available, $35.00 completely installed ALSO Combination oluminum windows and cano- pies ct special prices FREE ESTIMATES on ail in- second pid. 15 cents, Jan. 1, 1962, record Dec. 15. sek ue SY CFO 35--Legol Terms |~ will not be responsible for any debts; furniture, 111 Brock contracted in my name by anyone on after this date, without my written consent, Edward Gibson Jr., 1192 Ritson Road} South, or 1 November 15, -- George YOU'LL sell tt fast when you list it for sale in the busy marketplace -- the) Oshawa Times con- | 723-3492 Also | will Classified Section, Dial 92 . A friendly Ad Writer help you. SHAWA ENDERS FOR FUEL HILLSDALE MANOR Sealed Tenders endorsed "Tender for Fuel dale Manor" for the supply and delivery of No. 5 A Bunker Fuel Cil os and when required by Hillsdale Manor Home for the Aged will be received by the undersigned unti! 5:00 P.M. EST. TUESDAY, 28th NOY., 1961 Total storage capacity 5,000 gals Orders placed os single drops of 4,000 gals 1960-61 season annual con- sumption approximately 70,000 gals Further particulars or infor- motion which may be re- quired will be made ovailable upon request The lowest, or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. D. JOHNS, Superintendent, Hillsdale Manor 185 Hillsdale Ave., Oshawa, Ont. MORTGAGE SALE ¢ Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be pro- duced ot the time of sale, there will be cffered for sale by public auction on Tuesday the 5th day of December at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forencon at 25 Queen Street East in the City of Toronto by E. W. Woods & Co., Auc- tioneers, the following pro- perty, namely the North 37 feet, 5 inches of Lot 13, Pion 658, Whitby on which there is said to be erected a semi-detached brick bun- galow municipally known os 317 Rosedale Drive, Whitby. TERMS: Five per cent of the purchase money to be paid down ot the time of sale, and the balance to be paid within thirty doys. For further . particulars and conditions of sole, apply to: E. W.. Woods & Co, Ltd., 26 Queen Street East, Toronto, Ontario. DATED at Toronto the 27th day of September, 1961. FOOD & FREEZER | * -- Hills- | | | | 18 Net | Sales High Low a.m, Oh'ge 325 $12% 12% 12% | a5 $49 49 49 25 $160%s 160% 160% | 865 449 49 49 100 $16% $364 ONTARIO |" GENERAL! TRADES | SCHOOL OF NURSING ONTARIO, HOSPITAL, WHITBY, ONTARIO SEALED FIXED SUM TEND- ERS propertly endorsed, on forms supplied by the De- partment, will be received by the Tenders Secretary, Room | 6630, East Block, Parliament (305 Gas 300 Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, Rates w | until 3:30 p.m. (E.S.T.) on Algoma | Alumini | WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER| 4:05 20th, 1961 er Atlas Steel Auto El n for the General Trades Work |Bank Mont \ p : Bank NS | which includes the Mechani Beavy Lum | col ond Electrical Trades, (Bell Phone Finishing Hardware, Laundry, ape | and Kitchen Equipment, Hos- BA Oil ' pitel Equipment, Passenger Elevato:, etc., in connection | with the construction of a | School for Nursing at the On BC Forest BC Pow tario Hospital, Whitby, On- | tario. 16% 16% 36% + Ye | St oke | Abitibi Abit pr Acad-Aa |Alta Dist \AltaDis vt 1400 Alta Dis w 1000 125 225 70 3 A 1 | j | | j | | | 215 100 218 0 +3 |LobCo pr 125 Soy SBA 44) Lob GB pr 200 3 tip Y*\MacLeods A 210 ie *iMB PR 1308 ae ae "iM Lt Gard 100 rea yin iM Lf Mill 200 10¥s. 10% al eae rd 'Met Stores 100 | Mid-West 100 44|Molson A 215 14%,|Mon Fodds 150 font Loco 103 Moore | By The Canadian Press Hardee z--Odd lot, xd--Ex-div' xr--EX-lImp Oil INDUSTRIALS tna mJ 'I Bronze pr Iny Syn A Jockey C ' Ktlly wts 25 25 | Latarge w 160 160 160 +8 30 3: LO Cem pr $11" 11% 435 «439 «435 $34 Hu | 834 4 Today's T t TORONTO li A.M, STOCKS Stock Toronto Stock Exchange--Noy, 17 Hardss r Erie Quotations in cents waloes mane' Sed Life rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is from previous day's close.) oi fee jind Ac a {Inland C pr Net \Inland Gas Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Int Util 4 39% Inter PL \lroqg G pr 4 105 10% } ld \Jefi B wts | oO Jock C pr w+ + Ve Jock wts 9 © 0 +2 | Kelvinator 4 10% 1014-- %) %' Labatt nm $17 17%. 17% j - 4| Lakeland 30 0 %|LOnt Cem 355 Laur Fin A $3% BY B% $19 «610 10 $10 % 10 - $0% 50% 50% + a) 34 $24% 2A | $18%% 18% $16%e 16% 11% + |BC Phone Brown | Burns Cal Pow Can Cem Can Perm Cdn Brew | Bid Depository procedure as |©, Br. Alum ! ifi h i b fol {Cdn Celan specified shall be followed ic 175 pr 25 807 $52% 52% 52%-- Ys) for Mecnonica! ond Electrical NO NGas 575 $194 19% 19% -- 36) Trodie Page-Here 335 $74% 24% 2 -- %! } 1 _ + 4) Phantom ' 0 3% BO 8% | Plans, Specifications Tender |{ Oat 3S ea Socom =o 3 eS | % * 195 29 73% 55% $16% 164 $16% 16% 100 ; CGas In w 200 Pres Elect 1000 19 forms, Tender envelopes and © |C Husky 700 QN Gas pr 225 31 | Contract Reouirements, may Imp Bk C 243 § Roe AV C 23 6% Gs 'cincivied #0 Folio! 130 Rothman 225 11% e 'ained from, or viewed %\Royal Bank 151 at Room T 704 (Tower), De- lite 100 partment of Public Works, East Block, Parliament Build ings, Toronto 2, Ontaric (Emp. 3-1211, Local 2-1279), and may also be viewed at the Builders Exchange at To- ronto, Peterborough, Oshawa ond Hamilton, Ontaric 4 $125,000.00 Bid Bond and a 100% Performance Bond wil be required as specified ( ch Cdn Oi CPR Cdn 1 pie, Y ~~ + ~% +% Tire 125 © Tire A 100 C Vickers CWN Gas + % Stedman 5 +! {Steel Can a-- %! Suptest orl y | Switson 3 45 -- % Tamblyn Tor-Dom Bk ~¥%iT Fin A Tr Can PL |Trans-Mt 6+ %\Trans PPL + %/Un Steel | Vanadium -- | Walk GW |Wat Equip |Webb Knp Con Gas Coronation Crestbrk pr Dist Seag Dom Store nm Dom Tar Easy W pr Fam Play Fanny F Gat 5 pr G Dynam GS Wares G Mack A Guar Tr 18 550 "$15 285 | 6 -- %! S744 + Me w% 15% --- % 2 | 6% + %) 155 38 1605 z10 100 200 100 Tenders wili not be consid ered unless made on forms supplied by the Department of Public Works, Ontario, in accordance with the terms ond conditions os set forth therein. A Deposit ot $150.00 CASH, or CERTIFIED CHEQUE made poyable to the Treasurer of Ontarid, will be 30 293 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT | Economic Czar | required per | set of tender decuments which will be refunded if | Start Debate | documents are returned in | good condition within thirty f DV lo: dat *, "es coe vo tdi ct agi Ea By FORBES RHUDE an address to the Toronto Em-| ce Canadian Press Business Editor|pire Club. Two kinds of national plan-| He said the spirit of planning) page ee ning are current subjects Of oe. chat te all a Py om 'arliament Buildings, penal "3 j}ope, uropeans take or} Toronto 2. Ontario, discussion in business circles. |granted, and that it doesn't im-| The lowest or ony tender not necessorily accepted dent of Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada Ltd., and president of the Ca- nadian Chamber of Commerce, has suggested a federal depart- ment of economic co-ordina- tion. E. P. Taylor, Canadian fi- nancier and industrialist, and several others have made simi-| lar suggestions. All have been greeted with a mixture of ap- proval and criticism, with most November 13th, 1961 One is the kind of planning|ply some fuadamental antithe-| being done in Europe, generally|sis between socialism and free| te Saget : described as .co-operation| enterprise. | puty Minister fi t, labo: | a sae ; Department of await ar a " atidevell Useful planning," be contin-| Public Works, Ontario ment of over-all national objec-| 4° a ee Roaiteservendinste sts lives 'To this most business| ent aerectin': Rag Mlenn od * Aven. re Pasir means that the stee lustry American Motors |spokesmen give enthusiastic @p'|.45 profit greatly from know- . |proval and urge that Canada dojii, the intentions of the auto- Profits Decrease yee kind is what ma manic taaaary See Mies wes DETROIT (AP) -- American|he termed "socialist planning," pag) lang ng A save con Motors wey Thursday a) under which governments would net profit of $23,578,894, equal|take over more directive power 0 " to $1.31 a share, for the fiscal|This sort of planning ite al- bi - Bowne, presi year ended Sept. 30, compared)/most universal business con- Sine ' with $48,243,361, or $2.68 aldemnation on the ground that] share, in the previous fiscal|it would put a damper. on pri-| I uel vate initiative. | | A few business spokesmen lare afraid of the word "'plan- | NET EARNINGS ining," in relation to the na- | tional economy, in any form. By THE CANADIAN PRESS | H. I. Macdonald, of the Uni- Anglo-Huronian Ltd., 3 mos. versity of Tcronto's department lended Oct. 31: 1961, $248,000,/of political economy summed 116.6 cents a share; 1960, $262,-|up most of the arguments in re- /086, 17.5 cents. Buff Ank sultation between business, la-|pared with 591,363 tons in Oc-| ltober, 1960, the Newsprint As-| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Nevember 17, 1961 15 o Stock Market Listings tL Net High Low Ulose Ch'ge, Stock 9% % 9% +1 | Macassa 700-700 Medon Macfie MacLeod Madsen Man Bar | Maralgo | Marcon | Maritime | Matatch | Maybrun |Melntyre McKen MecWat Meta Uran (Min Corp | Moneta | Mt Wright Murray M |New Bid is Low am Ch'ge 1646 164% -- %|Cadamet 9 {Camp Chib 20% 23% 12% Stock WCoast vt Westeel Weston A 900 Wtston B 780 West A wts 1201 Curb Sales 300 240 sales 1000 125 Migh Dewek Ai Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 1000 330 320 330 +1¢ 32 31%m 32 +3 4 4 2 105 230 4 29% 29% 2% +2 11% 1% 11% ll, 10% 11 91 » 8 ™ 7 % 8 8 8 $49% 49% 49% + % 16 16 16 "OSS +2 Cheskirk + %|Chimo + chro: 35% i 100 100 14240 8500 850 + " Coch Will i |Coin Lake + ¥|Coniagas oniaur + %!C Callinan + %\C Discov CG_ Arrow C Halli Con MS C Mogul C€ Morrison Con Negus Con Nichol Cop-Man Coprand Coulee +3 +4 4 +% MacLalen A Price Br be | 1 0 10 $124 12% 1%4--% 733 73 «6% 150 135 103 «(103 6% 6 5 10 ~3 ~8 =i 135 Am Leduc y Bailey S A Bail 5% pr 8 250 820 760 1000 s 820 $20 $A% 2% Als IN Mylama N_ Senator Nickel MS Nor-Acme Noranda -- "4 Normetal -- 8 North Can ~-10 IN Beauc ~ "8 | Opemiska +14 Orchan +2 | Osisko --3 | Paramag Patino M Pato a+ a Deer Horn +1 | D'Eldona Deihi Pac | Denison Dicknsn +5 --"% mat +% Fargo Fr Pete pr Gr Plains 1 3 11% 11% 16% 165% 3 8630 208 «208 = dae | Frobishtr Geco Mine |Genex 11000 Giant YK 210 Glenn Uran 500 Grandroy 7500 Granduc 300 Gunnar 300 Hard Rock 1000 Har-Min 244400 H of Lakes 9000 Headway 500 High-Bell Hollinger Mul Bay Hydra Ex 500 | Placer + 44) Que Ascot jQue Chib }Que Mat | Bio Algom | Rix Athab |Rockwin |Row Con +6¥4| Sand Riv | Satellite Sherritt Silvrmagq Siscoe % Steep RK Sunburst Teck-H %|\Thom L Tromont --5 (Ult-Shaw -- %|Un Keno +1, | Vandoo --2 |Vnetures |Vent Deb -- |Vespar --15 |Wa Am xd 664 + % Weedon Wiltsey (Wr Harg Yk Bear | Yukeno |Zenmac Provo Gas Rocky Pete 2000 Secur Free 250 100 Un Oils 100 Cdn OG 2000 +1 > 2B 2 5 $10% 10% 10% + & + 7 8 ST md 3% 1% b4--% Fa 6 6% +1 Ww e y Decalta Yan Cap +8 +1 Inspiratn Abacus --1 |Int Nickel +2 jIrish Cop +1 |Iron Bay + %| Jellicoe +6 | Joliet +1 |Jowsey ~1 |Kerr Add _ %|Kirk Min L Dufault Lake Ling + %/L Osu +1 |Lamaque Langis |Latin Am 178600 2000 14300 A Arcadia 92500 AArcad B w 1000 Atl C Cop 300 Atlin-Ruf 3500 Aumaq 1000 Base Metal 2100 Baska ~° 8000 Bibis 70500 Bicroft 1000 Bidcop 4000 Black B 211400 Bordulac 500 Bouzan 600 Brnswk 500 1000 | Ourb Yukon Con 300 @ 48 @ +2% | Sales to 11 o.m.: 3,340,000 +2 Lyndhst 15000 21 gested action would not accom- plish the purpose for which it was designed | Stuart Armour, economic ad- viser, Steel Company of Can-| ada Ltd., is especially critical) of the proposals of Messrs.! Kirkpatrick and Taylor. In a speech to the National Office Management Association at Brantford, Ont., he referred) to such suggestions as "a new Caesarism." Mr. Armour said: j "T can give you one very sim- ple formula for making Cana-| dian industry more efficient.) | Cut the costs of government at} all levels and lower the crush-) ing burden of taxes upon the) production of all Canadians." s s Seen For Month MONTREAL (CP) -- Cana- dian newsprint production in October was 596,464 tons, com- IMPROVEMEN : Ss dey, WITH AN NHA HOME IMPROVEMENT Canadian shipments in Octo- ber are" $80°866 tons, com.| LOAN AVAILABLE THROUGH YOUR BANK pared with 588,210 tons in the} corresponding month last year.) Canadian shipments to U.S.) consumers were 445,350 tons, or! 75.5 per cent of the 'otal, com-| pared with 460,824 tons last) year. U.S. production of newsprint] in October was 187,233 tons, up sociation of Canada said Thurs- (1) ADDITIONAL ROOMS ( PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING () GARAGE OR CAR PORT () PORCHES \gard to European planning injcriticism holding that the sug- from 184,381 tons. (1) PLUMBING ENJOY THE SPIRITED ALE . ..-for spirited refreshment! | (1) FURNACE (] FINISHING OFF ATTIC (1) BASEMENT PLAYROOM Ci POWDER ROOM (1) FENCES 0 STEPS ( SINKING AND IMPROVEMENT OF WELLS (1) MASONRY (] FLOORS [] ROOF 0 INSULATIONS (] CUPBOARDS C) BATHROOM OR KITCHEN FIXTURES (] FIREPLACE ( STORM WINDOWS AND DOORS () BUILT-IN COOKING AND REFRIGERATION [1] SCREENS AND AWNINGS ( ELECTRICAL SYSTEM () FOUNDATION WALLS Repayment: Loans are repayable in monthly instal« ments, together with interest, for periods up to ten years. Note to landlords: This year, theseloansareavailable to owners of rental properties, including apartments. For more details: |nquire at your bank, and have the job done this winter when men and materials are available. Farmers: |nquire about Government-backed Farm Improvement Loans available through your bank up to $7,500 and with up to ten years to repay. Loans for equipment, livestock, as well as a wide range of home improvements. WHY WAIT FOR SPRING? This advertisement issued by authority of Hon. Michael Starr, Minister of Labour, Canady