Sweet Adelines Discover Fun Working in Close Harmony . Sweet Adelines Inc. is a non- ofit organization of women in- rested in singing four part Barmony, barbershop style. The organization was founded fi years ago in Tulsa, Okla. Members of Sweet Adelines are women of all age groups, from all walks of life. Barbershop harmony has four parts: The lead sings the melody of the song, the Tenor sings harmony above the Rad, the Bass sings harmony below -the Lead, and the Baritone sings the fourth part, hovering above and below the Lead, wherever a_ good chord can be Made. Oshawa Chapter of Sweet Adelines was formed in 1956 by Mrs. Isabel Fox, who became its first president. '"Dewey" Wutton is the director of the ehorus at preseat. There are 48 members that meet every Wed- mesday night in the CRA build- ing. Below is a Hist of dates and Places where the Oshawa Sweet Adelines have made public ap- pearances during the past year: Mrs. Gerald Blears Aux. President Of St. George's The Evening Branch of the Woman's Auxiliary of St. George's Memorial Church, Osh- awa meets on the first and third Thursday of each month at eight o'clock in the evening under the leadership of president, Mrs. Gera'd Blears. Slate of officers for the year: honorary president, Mrs. Clinton Cross; president, Mrs. Gerald Blears; vice-president, Mrs. W. G. Coulby; recording secretary, Mrs. D. V. Raitt; treasurer, Mrs. William Jackson; Dorcas secretary, Mrs. Robert Clayton; assistant Dorcas secretary, Mrs. R. A. Kenny; literature secre- tary, Mrs. Gertrude Penman; social convemer, Mrs. George MacGregor; card convener, Miss Duicie Miller; press secre- tary, Mrs. F. S. Wotton; Little Helpers secrelary, Mrs. J. R. Grieve. The group projects are wor- ghip and missionary endeavor. The subject of this year's Mis- gion Study is "The World Coun- cil of Churches", and is under the instruction of Literature Sec- getary Mrs. Gertrude Penman.. The Dorcas work under the leadership of Mrs. Robert Clay- ton entails the making of cloth ing and purchasing ictms ap- propriate fer packing in bales which are sent to the Diocesan eentre for pay ~ Rpammncagee The Evening sponsor Little Helpers, and maintains personal contact with the infant members of the congregation through the Little Helpers party, membership and birthday cards. These members ae Ag the leadership of Mrs. J. R. Guieve. A May Day Sale and Tea, and catering te weddings are vat- lous methods of raising funds, co-operating with the Afternoon Branch. Funds raised by the afore- mentioned projects have been donated to organizations inclad- ing Anglican Women's Training College, Dowa Town Church Workers, Humewood House, Ingies House, Strachan Houses, Miss Hassell's Van and Deanery during the past Conference, year. More With CARPET NU-WAY B RUG ond CARPET %, 174 MARY ST. October 19-22, International Convention held at Detroit. November 5, we appeared at the Port Perry High School for the Port Perry Lions Club. A two-hour show was presented with the assistance of the SPEBSQSA. November 19, the annual show was presented at St. Gregory's Auditorium. The theme was Gay Nineties. Ap- pearing on the show were The Canadian Chordsmen, a male quartet from East York, the Brooklin Band. The Sparklers, a Sweet Adeline quartet from Toronto~Chapter, The Sports- men, a malé quartet from Osh- awa and our own quartet, the Marile-Page Four. During the show a cheque of $200 was pre- sented to Hilisdale Manor. December 8, we presented an hour show for St. George's Men's Club. 'December 14, the annual Christmas party was held at the CRA. February 7, 1961, we provid- ed the entertainment for the Dr. Cannon Home and School Association, . February 24, a dance was sponsored at the Knights of Columbus Hall. ~ March 17, we assisted the Ontario Regiment Band at a winter pop concert at OCVI, April 17, a two hour show was presented at King Street United Church for the Young People's Association, May 53-7, we took part in Region No. 2 competition of choruses and quartets in the Ford Auditorium in Detroit. June 7, we provided the en- tertainment at the Annual Con- vention of The Ontario Associa- tion of Managers of The Homes for the Aged, which was held at Hotel Genosha. June 22, we assisted the On- tario Regiment Band at a con- cert at the McLaughlin Band Shell. : July 12, the annual picnic in the form of a barbecue was held at Lakeview Park. Sept. 8, we were guests at an inter-chapter party held by To- ronto Chapter. Sept. 23, we sponsored a .THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tucsdey, November 14, 1961 9 dance at the Little Buckaroo Ranch, Sept. 27, we presented a pro- gram at Hillsdale Manor. Oct. 13, a program was pre- sentéad at the Hotel Genosha for the Historical Societyr __ On Oct. 18- we - presented _a program at Hotel Genesha for Our annual show will be pre- sented on Oct. 27 at OCVI. "The executive officers for the fiscal year, May, 1961, to April, 1962, are: President,. Delores Beaton; vice - president, Bar- bara Fear; corresponding secre- tary, Marlene Barton; record- _ing secretary, Isobel Fox; treas- 74 ithe Barbers' Convention. DRAPERY MATERIAL urer, Dorothy Brooks. . DRAPERY G LINENS AT DISCOUNT PRICES !! LINEN Kitchen Taweis oon "quetity POLISHED COTTON READY-MADE DRAPES sewn, Pat- vanes or Webesso -- The Newest In BLANKETS To bring you wormth > Acrilen; M & C DRY CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 Crowning Touch... of loveliness for your "personal appearance" during the season ahead. A really flattering new hair Loren. festive do, by the House of WE CREATE A HAIR STYLE FOR EVERY COMPLEXION, FOR DIFFICULT OR BLEACHED HAIR, FOR TINTED HAIR OR FOR DRY HAIR, OUR PERMANENTS RANGE FROM 10.00 TO 30.00 wee ee Sows) SPECIAL During the Month of November, 2 $20.00 Perm-- @ CALL US RIGHT AWAY e a HOUSE OF LOREN 969 SIMCOE ST. N. 728-5661.