Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Nov 1961, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Mevemper 13, 190) Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS: 8 \.M. to 5 P.M. Monday to Friday Saturday 8 to 12 BUSIN ESS SERVICE DIRECTORY NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers | GENERAL STORE Situated in village, east of VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE {Dressmaking RIEHL and DRESSMAKING 725-3527.|mending, ladies' Accountants MONTEITH, MONTEITH, Co, Chartered Accountants, 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; WH 2-0890. TALE, alterations and children's wear. Oshawa, Telephone 728-6462. . HUNTER DRESSMAKING n c nts and Auditors,|ladies, children's Ficeised F seerroag Bankruptcy, 64 rates. 728-8666. King Street East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale,\coaTs hemmed, pants cuffed, CA; F. Friedlander, B. Comm., CPA.|\:irned, zippers replaced, any & 1. HOPKINS and Company, Certi-|alterations, mending, ete fied Public Accountants, 172 King 725-4189 and wear FRIEDLANDER, alterations coll and Ajax. Quick service. Reasonable rates. North on Reasonabie '. and all Telephone Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509. | WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered ENTERTAINMENT | Accountants, 314 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. Ronald F. D, Wilson, CA, G. Edmond Burrows, CA, 728-2571 . "DEWAR and Co., Accountants and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg., 11 On-| tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario. 728-2221. | BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Kacoaging| Service. Complete bookkeeping service 184 Bond Street West. 725-0397. Res., 725- 723-7605. Auto Parts KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran teed automotive parts and accessories. I Street West. Oshawa Five bays to you FOR YOUR Christmas Party Little Buckaroo RANCH FULL COURSE HOT. TURKEY BANQUET $1.50 A PLATE HALL RENTAL for party or dance ext Mi RESERVATIONS CALL Public ortgage King Street East 725-2737 serve a BA, Barrister. Money to Loan BARFRIED ENTERPRISES LTD. ANNOUNCES NEW LOW RATES ON Ist & 2nd MORTGAGE LOANS FOR HOMEOWNERS BORROW $2,000 REPAY $35.22 PR. MI#. PI AT END OF 5 YEARS _NO BONUS Plons Ava OSHAWA RESIDE A CONFIDENTIAL MENT IN YO HOME CALL OP FOR ZE (NO TOiL BALANC Ist e 0 NTS, FOF APPOINT AND "40 OTHER AREA 5-7163 KELLY, soi. |Fuel and Wood # King tem Dial FACTORY hardwood Vv. able for stoves, Telephone 728-853 " FIREWOOD, ary, Barrister, Solich nace or fireplace 1814 King Street phone CO 3.2 and private ---- Barrister, East J; Terrence GREER and : ete., 1 cuttings. Suit parece: furnaces good stove Free delivery CAMERON Tele nd Notary Public, 208 NHA arranged BA. Barrister, Solici- Street North 725-5542. te PREE eaned the A SALMERS, 4 Simcoe ' Residence DAVID L., Ba coe South ev Furnace Round burner service Automatic - delivery Rose"' bts 18 y year Crec 24-hr BOWMAN Solici- Resi st v RICHARD H BA, Barrister,, !t's 52% Simcoe! Fuel O 728-2765 WESTERN OIL CO. BOYCHYN and HLT. 725-1212 : Solicitors: R White Oil DONALD, Public Res. Notary 728-2991 HUMPHREYS, MAN B Boychyn, King sireei| |Gardening and Supplies oe LOAM. $8.00 per load; Sod cut daily Prompt MO 8-2761; 725 two for delivery TREES Removed, Pruned, etc. All insured Whitby, to loan HYMAN, QC, Alger 4943 Money Bartister. sei Bidg., 37 Kin Mottzage wicrles| LOUIS § Notar East and BASTEDO, Barristers, | Preipas available for) mcoe Street North McGibbon, QC, » ac JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Sglicit Money to loan. East, Oshawa McGIBBON lients' wor' QC, Barrister Office 14% 728-8232, Cail collect-- BALDWIN 2-105] PLAKMEYER SOD SUPPLY TOPSOIL MANURE BROOSLIN €95-5049 DONALD and pugs Barrister) Fast./ Resi-! "popps r, 26\4 King Street Telephone Suciheus 723-2201 dence 728-5373 MANNING" F. SWARTZ ana | RONALD i,, SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitor to loan. Henry iack. East, 723-4697. Resi- CREIGHTON, FRASER, . DRYNAN and | __ HEERDOCH, Borristers, Solleitors, | He- E. R, KNOWLTON, tary Public Bank of Commerce Bidg.,| 5*Simeoe Street North, 723-3446. - Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. Drynan, G. L. Murdoch, NHA mort-! LANDSCAPING SERVICE Top soil ond sod, Repairing and lawn maintenance, patio gues arranged. and sidewalk slabs. 725-6047 Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub. lic. The Commercial Building, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking | EXCELLENT WORKMANSHIP available RUSSELL J. MURPHY, BA ULB,| GUARANTEED REASONABLE PRICES Barrister. and Solicitor 6 King Street East, Oshay Ontario, 728-2971 ir UNITED PAVING CO 728-4801 LOAM-GRAVEL citor, and Notary Public, 26% King| Sixeet East. Phone 728-1763 | SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL LOTS LEVELLED JRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister,| Solicitor, Public, 36% King} Notary Street East. 728-2381. Res. YU 5-2127, | a RALPH JONES, BA, and THOMAS GRE Associate Barristers and Soll- citors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246 Mortgage loans available. Bookkeeping SCHAPELOUMAN ETE BOOKKEEPING CE INCOME TAX RETURNS 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 Psildine Trades BRICK Reasonable Rates DIAL 725-2156 2156 BLACK LOAM Driveway gravel, fill and sand TELEPHONE F2B-3279 | WHITBY EXCAVATING DIGGING AND DITCHING MO 8-4172 homt re- P block, cement work, Pairs roofing, fall-out shelters Wolters. MO 8-2294. SPECIALIZING in roofing and repairs, Also all type home remodeling. Free estimates. Phone Harry 723-2413. YOUR Jocal chimney cleaner. Chim- n€ys built and repaired, gas linings in-| furnaces vacuumed. Free esti houses, additions, kit ipboards, verandahs, brick. work. Experienced, CO 3-2628 ALt. TYPES building repairs, wofing, eayestroughing, chimneys. .ireplaces, sidewalks, stoops, 728-0394. Gordon Ne GERAMIC, plastic wall tile HE MODELING chen < cement woodwork $15. Dial TRACTOR, LOADER WORK CALL GUELPH Your Bills You can Accumulated Bills Gives You A Fresh With Only' One Monthly Payment $50 - $5000 Without Endorsers Bankable SUPERIOR h ED ara ered Growing All-Canadian Loan Company" Eas Or Secur LIMIT Loans Life Insured hn S| IMCOE ai Wednesday Unti: 8 Saturday | Other Even Off 17 ces Nigt tight Open p.m 12 Noon ngs by OWN ASK p Borrow $50 to $5,000 To Pay All Your This Start t Den Appointmer 17 OFFICES IN ONTARIO 145 KING WEST Next to Western Tire 728-4401 We buy, sell, exchange used furniture, washers, TV, radios and so forth at prices to top anyone in the city. CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or tess Cash Charge 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 2.25 248 NSECUTIVE C INSERTIONS 3.75 4.13 Oshawa, modern living quar ters und garage. This is o self-serve store, fully equip- ped, ail modern, reasonable, with long term 'mortgage. To discuss contact Wm. Horner at 725-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Realtor Ltd if not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply Above rates apply only to origina orders tor consecutive insertions. Subsequent insertions ordered ot oa ate: date constitute a new original order Protessional ond Bus $7.50 per month tor 3 additional line 2--Personol GOING WEST? Drive our new and late model cors to. Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Regina, Winnipeg. Gas paid, Toronto Drive-Away Service Limited, 5385 Yonge Street, Toronto. BA 5- 7754, _ ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Nov. 28th and 29th Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment. 723-4641 ness listings lines daily tact $1.60 per month Initial 'tet abbreviation n, figure counts as ¢ word. Box charge |5c additional All Clossified Advertisements must be in by 5 p.m the day be fore publicat except Births Memorioms Cards et Thanks which will be accepted 9 om Deadline tor Lost Founa and Concellations 8:30 Office Hours: Daily 8 day 8-12 REGULATION The est or rt ne am atu Oshowo 2s will not be advertise mitted otherwise than in ore than one rsible for ts #8 er in _.| RELIABLE 14--Employment Wanted woman experienced mn children would like to mind in her own home on quiet Phone 725-1227 minding children street MARRIED woman desires office work, full or part time, Experienced typing, dictaphone, general office duties. Write Box 638 Oshawa Times RESPONSIBLE mother will take care of children in her own home in the east end of the city. Telephone 728-3574 STEADY employment wanted by young man, age 18. Has store experience or willing to do anything (abstainer). Tele- phone 728-5217 |16--Female Help Wanted CLEANING lady weekly in home Telephone tion required near 728-7204 for one day Osbawa further informa to mind two children works, King and in if preferred LADY ther live while mo. andview area, 726 after 6.30 any adver the orice insertion of ahich error reserve the right 9 according te 3--Pets & Livestock E pups ephone tisement charged ner beyona tor ertisen And al: y od class in the case of dis The times tor which The put all for co " three month. rs s DEER HOUND -- for need in hunting sonable. Telephone sale or deer 725-8555. ow ficat rent, very ex ay advertie rea not be hela more spoce thor the actuol error blishers endeavour te advertising matter correctly assumes no liability of advertisement ore eontaines if any tnaccuracies in ary torm therein esponsible BEAUTIFUL training, talking strain Broad, 114 Elgin Street WANTED -- horses for ng winter season Telephone 655-4774 ning THREE Spaniel and three baby budgie ready fo Apply East. pies. to but boarding dur Reasonable afternoons or eve registered puppies, ten blonde, female years, $ American weeks old One black 725-6473 Cocke Zo: Personal Service Mrs. rates. male, REQUIRE general short hand and particulars of ¢ 5 awa Times WOMAN in come in and while mother sionally) 5125. COMPANION required for Room and board supplied eration in exchange for after 6 p.m, 725-9543 DRSE, typist for part-time " docto: tice. Reply to Box awa Times SHORT ORDER cook hift. Apply Genosha Hotel LADY office typing xperience clerk Repl Box 5: with stating 7, Osh south take works Telephone end of Oshawa care of part-time after 6 p.m to children tocea 725 r semi-invalid small remun services. Apply work in ° Osh 436, ; for are of mother noon required to take ¢ home. Telephone at hour 4--Market Basket WINTER apples, $1.00 and Secords Golden Delicious and Russets. MayBelle Orchards, 1% miles north o: Whitby, on Highway 12. MO 8-2163. WINTER potatoes, 75-pound per bag, free delivery. lin 635-4690. After 6 p.m APPLES various kinds; $1 up. containers, Algoma Orchards, Road North, half-mile of Taunton Koad HONEY NATURE'S PUREST FOOD Fresh From The Beehive 268 RITSON RD. N. 725-2441 DELIVERED SIM LASH HIS TRIV up. Spys es bag, inquets 'able Rotes Auditions 725-8762 Plumbing and Heating ALL PLI MBING and heating supplies 2 H. Stark and engineer South types of repairs and 'used Estimates free and remodelling als. Reasonable Dial 728-6931. J mater for further PART time perous and time position teacher, age Arthur Murray Street South Mr BE ASSURED OF CHRISTMAS SHOPPING MONEY Port-time information training now interesting for a pros full or pa as a_ receptionist or 30, Apply in person Studios, 11% Simcoe Marks 21 i 1 $1.25 Telephone Brook- bring Thickson work PE OPLE "WHO need your rning to the Oshawa Times Classified Section everyday. Tell them about your 'firm with an inexpensive Classified Ad. | Dia} 723-3492 now Servi ; S Classified, 2----Farmers Column MANURE for phone 725-6028 sale, delivered {Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721 Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Ltd. 11 |TOP MONEY for dead farm stock, R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J, collect 24-hour, seven-day service. FOR SALE 600 bales straw, bales hay, 800 bushels oats, 400 bushel wheat, feed. Telephone MA. 3-2837 Bowmanville, after 5 p.m FARMER'S NEEDS Treat Rug--Upholstery Service CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- covered like new. Get the best for less at Modern |! pholstering, 142 Simcoe South. Call 728-6451, free estimate, CHESTERFIELDS "yebui It, re-covered ike new, Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed Mattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial 725-0311 CHESTERFIELDS re-styled terial for ing. 5 re-upholstered and Free estimates. See our ma re-covering. Dalton Upholster. 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. t ment for calf scours, -| Mortgages |FIRST and second mortgages {agreements purchased and sold jmick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 Street East. 723 CLIENTS' gage purchased Creighton, doch FIRST mortgages, mercial projects, second houses. D. W. Holden, 51 King | Oshawa, 728-6081 and 723-3376. money to loan on first NHA Fraser mor industrial MORTGAGES -- arranged, i Mr, Bolahood 6544 or 58333. John Ltd. Realto: FIRST AND ranged Ww Broker, 10 sold anytime A. J 'SECOND mortgages Schatzmann Dundas West MORTGAGE LOANS rs acreage, ess, summer Members Ont Brokers Assoc E. Ho SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITEL exper ce Resi opts., bus e Mortgag MCGE ST..N.. OS '| HA ipe, all floor coverings. Free esti- mraies. Work guaranteed. 728-0850 'surance HEED estimates on digging basements|ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save apd grading by bull dozer. MO 8-5612.|\'0 20 ber cent, six months to pay > " Personal service at your home, WRAPTING SERVICES -- Mechanical) +35. 1695 amd plant layout. Telephone 728-3566. vt ys D. W. HOLDEN, awa, 728-6081 and and casualty insurance Fo Si King East, Fire, Christmas Trees cal} SUNNYBRAT Osh auto PHONE. 725-3568 Sale Hen King |East mort Mortgage and ry eae of sale jing. arranged, Drynan and Mur-|TY . Radio Repairs and com mortgages on East, Bolahood bought and + V 36) } Mortgage MO 8-3338. properties e mostitis bloat Milk end pig an- filters, sulphurie SHORTS PHARMACY BROOKLIN ndo evenings | Surveyors FLIM and TROLLOPE Ontario Land Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue Phone 725-6881 DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN Land Surveyor, Commercial Intario Street emia acid Ontario Blue-print 5632, TV, RADIO, car nakes. Thompson r Elliott. Avenue radio repairs, Electronics 723-9792 (Fred) Wednesda Parking at ~ Tele- DEAD farm stock picked up promplly. and disabled 400 No experience CALL 725-8466 17--Male Help Wanted SALESMEN, would you like to supple ment your income $100 - $200 per month from your own home in spare time? {Call 725-1356, CHARTERED accountants' quire junior students. Grade tial nell Moore and Co East 6451 DAVIDSON off-set capable of work. necessary office re 13 essen- 130 King 8 pressman. Must be producing top quality color Permanent position with alj bene- fits 'Apply 75 Richmond Street West, or telephone 723-2233. Ask for Mr. G Dowling. |ATTENTION -- Due to tremendous in- crease in our fall business Fuller Brush Company requires three men to handle territories in and outlying areas Must have car. Previous sales experience not neces sary. We will train, For appointment, call J. D. Dodge, AM 7-6823 ~| downtown Organist Choir Leader required for Albert St. United 7--Trailers HEATING equipment. and se Accessones for small and large ers Miller Heating, Ajax. WH 2-3491 TOWERS GIBBONS ST 28-8180 ar ce. trail Church, Oshawo, Hammond organ Reply stating experience. pected to Mr eis Open eveni OSHAWA T. S irvey gs. 8--Hunting Ny TAXIDERMIST | ed, $22.00, Birds and animals mount- ed. Rugwork. Contact Richard Flewell, RR 1, Claremont DEER hunting, $20 - $50. per Free and Estimates. SAMSON TV TOWERS Antenna Installations housekeepin week, guide extra, good same Duck hunting season now ope rates apply, Contart Bob Wed DE*R and moose, Telephone 728. skinned -4095 or 93 Agnes Street. deer heads mount-| ottages, 1oage | accommodation $8.50 per day, outlook den. RR 1 Clarendon, Ont. Mi-Jo Camp and cut. 264 Elizabeth CAREERS FOR YOUNG MEN IN THE CANADIAN ARMY If you are between the age Len & Lou's T.V, 725 7844 or 72 8 "5804 12--Articles Wanted A GOOD used oj] furnace or hot wate Seimagesee boiler and oj! tank: Telephone WHEN YOU WANT 3-2026 for more particulars. VHEN YO N DAY OR NIGHT! WANTED a Volkswagen T.V. and RADIO be in good condition, CALL 728-5286 nteed 'OSHAWA VICE iT SER motor A WANTED RAP. IRON, POULTRY | Guare "up NURSING HOMES Nursing No h Oshawa Home ghwa Call attendance Whitby REGISTERED ladies on ground Rest Home and 72 3 accommodation floor QGMRISTMAS trees for sale, beautifully UFuned Scotch pine, all sizes. Several dindred availanie. wholesale prices ped 3006 after 4.3) instruction PRIVATE teacher, exberience, 25-1054. = CHRISTMAS TREES. Pruned --~ Forestry Grown Scotch Pines All sizes --- wholesale prices ™ FOWLER - FORESTRIES 306 KING WEST Cartage JOUN'S MOVING and Storage. Oshawa- Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully equip-| ped and insured. Phone 728.3661 by interview only Act now. DEA, Ballet batic. Friday Temple, Centr HARVED DANCE tap, RAD ballet, Highland now. 424 King Street West, 7 Tap, Pre-School, and Saturday e Street, 723-725 ' LEARN TO ORIVE at the Oshawa Driving School Professional Instructors Dual Controlled Cors Standard ond Automatic Day and Evening Lessons 728-009 i LILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing School, A acro- Masonie Optometrists ACADEMY, Baton, Register jenses 6122 Orono 13 HAVEN Nursing SOUTH Home commodation for private and semi-pri student counsellor, vate patients, lounge, TV building modern 9 a.m. to 9 par Phone Newcastle Fully ed, new come rates 444 RN" between f t Lyntonhurst licens. Visitors wel Reasonable AND FEATHER TICKS Deer Hides and Raw Furs . TURNER 723-2043 723-3374 (collect) SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking, Parts for sa:e, also scrap iron ELECTRONICS 2? 2WHY B Real Service SAME DAY! ent in or ause we give Ac- Fast ffic SAVE MONE' Experier F, RICHARD BLACK, etry, the examination 136 Simcoe North Evenings by appointment c Tuck, RO, Ipay 'accounts at downtown Bank or 74 Burk Inv ined at home. Dial 725-4587 CAR FOR SALE? Bring our door with a Times Classified Ad Docto at 723-4191 Optometrist Street fast-action Dial _723 of Optom of eyes, contact Colborne Please Dominion alids exam nuyers right to Oshawa 3492 now ATISFIED DRIVE IN Tubes 'chec and metals, etc. bought Open Saturdoy all day. Phone 725-2311 89 BLOOR E and SAVE 4 ass set up fo ec ed, ver cl co of 17 and 23 and single, get' full information on exciting career opportuni- ties with the CANADIAN ARMY Visit your Army Recruiter at OSHAWA ARMOURY between 11 A.M. and3 P.M on TUESDAY and Thursday of each week r Must Telephone 725-77 1747. or write ARMY RECRUITING OFFICE 27 St. Clair Ave., East TORONTO 7, Ontcrio FIRE AND CASUALTY ture! A TOWER ? TRY US | pic for Street BEAUTY parlor Apply Celina 23-4807 rent, or furnished 5 telephon Movir er VARIETY Lock-up, centra excellent STORE na? Rania? \Painting and Decorating DODD & SOUTER Movi ng? CITY CARTAGE 725-2621 Gressmaking ify ISIBLE mending, re-weaving alterations. Call 725-9736 Lawn Mowers WE SHARPEN AND RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING GIVE US A CALL STAN'S ORNER NG AT BUR 723-3224 USE THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED COLUMNS and f 525 K FURRIER and DRESSMAKER w, Alterations Remodelling OW PRICES 22 ROWE STREET 728-6706 | PAIp NG & DECORATING CONTRACTO Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex F Woll M | Well Murals, ay BYRO? NTI RS u 107 3 TRIO 1 turnover, long established, long -- ¢ at reasonable rate. F rmation call Wm 728 Realty (Oshawa) Realtor BOND Pps 728-6781 A at 5123 Well Drilling-Digging W. WARD WELL DIGGING by i tehe i ag ZING IN 30' ONTARIO oyd Ltd LICENS LAUR hallen¢ ED WESTINGHOUSE NDROMAT STORE d leadership operated Financing in TILE 1 iLE laundry available Personal Service | MODERN G Bor-B-Qued Chicker e torr 725-3887 345 RITSON RD, SOUTH RILL e 8-3809 WES ) mpare our. complete pro before you buy ALD CANADA LTD. Belifield Road (Toror Ontario RO 6-7255 Want-Ads Don't ' Cost-They Pay 7 25 Rexdale TED VEENHOF pres, 2 WOR Telephone 728- siak 13--Business Opportunities INSURANCE INSPECTOR We mon mid-twenties, with at a completed Senior Matricu- lation to train as an inspector Ontario positic travelling, cor the candidate should to travel away from ident location, to t Relocation e equire a in his least, for This e nN requires exten equently be f his res ee for periods up wo weel Toronto to not This is an ome a pportun sociate t established Fire Insurance program P plete detai P. A: GRIFFITHS Federated utual and Casualty Insure UNIVERSITY AVE TORONTO and Casualty Company. A fu of e bene nployee fits ai ving ¢ Fire 500 13--Business Opportunities| Centre. | nidnight | 9 the Scarborough 4 18--Male or Female Help /25--Apts. & Flats for Rent Wanted |18--Male or Female Help THRE ag Wanted sig today fae) apartment, up " tairs, kitchen, hydro and heat, private CANVASSERS wanted, for heating and YOUNG people to "sell magazines. Good * , conditioning company, Salary. and,commission. Telephone 723-1990 eve- hath, yery central, near bus stop, 725-4729 inings and weekends only pply 119 Cadillac South, -- SIX-ROOM apartment with private TRE Royal Canadian 3 Air Force schools. Apply 305 Mitchell Avenue. needs YOUNG MEN and WOMEN hathnvens; closet space, modern kiteh- en, TV outlet, central. Adults preferred, 725-4837. Ve offer excellent training ond full employment in many cleri- cal, mechanical and electrical trades. This is an outstanding opportunity to learn a valuable trade air commission THREE-ROOM basement apartment ota ggnes stove, washer, dryer, TV outlet, parking, $65 monthly in apart- | ment building. Rossland East. 725-1310, THREE-ROOM heated apartment, sep- arate bath, TV outlet, located near | North General Motors. Immediate pos- | session. Telephone 725-1636, Ask for Mrs | Dayes, between 6.15 and 7 p.m. "ROOM apartment, unfurnished, ontained, stove and refrigerator, king, TV aerial, Adults. $85 monthly, Cleve Fox, 412 Simeoe Street North. |SINGLE or double rooms as for gentle- men, single beds, Close to bus, park- ing space. Located on Wilson Road South. Telephone 723-1733. MODERN one-and two-bedroom apart+ ments,, stove and refrigerator, laundry jfaciltiies, parking space (Triplex, jsouthend). Telephone 725 LOW rental apartments, ilding one year old, $87 monthly, modern two-bed- room, five rooms, free washer, dryers Parking. 728-3377 TWO-ROOM apartment, chen, heat, lights, or business couple. Road North. THREE-ROOM apartment with bath, and stove, very clean and 77 or 725-3911. BACHELOR apartment, furnished, pri- vate, in quiet home, heated. Suit. pen- sioner, abstainer, $40 monthly. Apply 8 Townline North, 725-4283. THREE or four-roomed apartment, unfurnished private entrance, TV FOR FULL INFORMATION, VISIT OBILE RECRUITING UNIT, OSHAWA ARMOURIES jjaftmished pri Telephone. 725-3847, "ci NOVEMBER 15th, 12 to 6 P.M ';-DUPLEX -- two bedrooms, bath, live ing room and kitchen, Apply 356 Simcoe 20--Room and Board 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|=-<< Sout or telephone: 723-9963 MODERN four-room apartment, pri- pri- ROOM and board in friendly home "No LOVELY two tedroom apartment, vate bath, cupboards in kitchen. In- te room, home cooked brand new building. refriger ator. wash- cludes heating, hot water, parking, ileges. Telephone 723- er and dryer included. Apply 1070 Ra- fear South General Motors. Apply 256 vine Road, Apt, 5 or call 723-4893. Malaga Road BACHELOR ments, refrigerator, trance, downtown phone 725-1932. furnished kit- water, suit one lady Benefits include medic 723-4817, 343 Ritson annual vacation al and dental care, uniforms ond 30 days' v Appli 17-29 Young educa ants must be y f single, age and must be Canadian cisizens or British subjects, have at least Grade 8 education 18 to 29 and have at least Grade 9 adies tion c 5 share, single FIVE 'room and gentieman, veniences, 8. }from ROOM beds $14 week NICE home, office de nd { and board 1¢-cooked Telephone to reals, 95; "three-room i apart. stove, private en- reasonable. Tele. After 6, 725. 3352. $50 MONTHLY, three-room | flat, private entrance, stove and refrigerator, tiled throughout, parking. Close to bus. South apartment, modern con private entrance, one mile Raglan, $35 monthly. Telephone 655-3069. or room and board, new) girls, teacher or student. | $50 ~ --THREE-ROOM unfurnished flat, m centre town 8.30 andjheavy wiring, cupboards, three-piece heated, near Shopping Centre 4 723 room in friendly very central East able, ed, have Street facil-| ;partment, ce an rds. Ap- five-room _bun- two bedrooms. Tele- "95 Nassau 725-0332; house, vacant $0 -- Street after Immediate 40° rec. Telephone 481 bath, lant. 725-5442 FOR YOUNG MEN home Child welcome. Telephone 725-1846 pesto a onan RS Sek Rea with good food, TV, Apply |THREE-ROOM, unfurnishd apartment, To. te ROOM apartment, upstairs, pri 11 Colborne Street Telephone heavy duty wiring, near South General *°*° eo rance, heavy duty wiring, beat. 725-7687. Motors. Apply 564 Park Road South or ©» near Shopping Centre adults. $50 PRIVATE rooms, in lovely quiet home, | "23-2432 LEIS: cee Foe Sid sailed dias good home cooked meals, lunches pack-| $79 MONTHLY and | up, modern one or 7 ed if requested. for two gentlemen, Ap-|two-bedroom apartments, new apart- BEAUTIFULLY located on Grandvi ply to 292 King Street East ment buildings, all -onvestiences, beau can aa oe ait uae aan Sata aamenaliy entrance, heat, lights ans PONTIAC INN -- room and board avail iully, decorated, centrally located. 748 |v ater supplied, Adulte only, 4S88ii1, home oked nreals, lunc! ckK- "3 CV lounge. Telephone 725-0078.|BRIGHT attractive apartment, down- crvie vac ne ee bp ges - 2 jet (town location, three rooms and bath, . aed | pear pt rpg emg ne refrigerator, stove, Reasonable rent for fithead included. $80 monthly, 725- meals. tree parking close fo every- 800d tenant. Telephone Mr, Michael Boe : SPS baie. 81 Park Hout Bouin *"| Clayton, 725-3501, 8 to 5. TWO large room furnished apartment, woes za wan A OREN it one or two gentlemen or couple, = FOUR-ROOM apartment, newly deco. SY! # orgy an one i iggee Pe sane ated, private bath and entrance, very Apply 72. Cadillac Avenue South. -- 4 ea a roeesee. -- central, Telephone 725-1829, THREE room apartment for rent, é a ere Ba We THREE. and four-room apartment centrally. located, $40 monthly. Tele- sOOMe Bl Mggeg shou acne apartment building, stoves, refrigera.;Phone 725-9717 for further information, sired, func ty a 9 tors, built-in cupboards, Laundromat,|QNE-BEDROOM apartment, all econ- Apply 26 Riis Suse See __. parking. 725-3938 or 68 Wayne Street. | veniences. erat December, 2, GOOD meals, single beds, for "gentle- THREE rooms ath, stove 3 and | monthly, Apply 801 Stone Street. men, near North GM. | 248 Arthur | refrigerator, ideal for couple, in build- FOUR-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, 725-2006 or 728-0723 .|ing block. Very central. Telephone! private entrance. Apply 79 Cromwell BOARDERS WANTED -- For informa-|725-4277 or 725-3911 LS eS Avenue or telephone 728-5451. V ~ : a "4 Hon, telephone MO §-4735, agg gp no Two| MODERN three: room apartment, om 23--Wanted to Rent ___|bearoome, closets. siak and cubits ipa", f00r of apariment bullding park kitchen and living combined, adults. 313| jim South for information, SINGLE car garage, vicinity of Albert Ritson South, and Bruce Streets. Telephone 723-7739. $10 MONTHLY -- threeaxoom ; apart: |FOUR ROOM, seit contalied R |ment, in apartment house, TV aerial, be th, TV 'antenna and eupbs 24--Houses for Rent Oshawa, laundry facilities, parking, | ply 375 M: Street, Oshaw: EANTING Avenue, near Shopping Centre, Adults. 212 Ste-/-- - - -- oes ae venue, vension Road South, ee bedroo: apartment, central, TV gal r . ~ tlet, laundry 5 ts e phone 725-0518. $50 MONTHLY -- three-room fiat, > Prl-| vate. 975 monthly or furnished Inciading HOUSE to rent on No. 2 Highway, near|Vate entrance stove and refrigerator, |py $95. Telephone 728-1203. Maple Grove Church, school, general |tied throughout, parking, close to bus, | a ---- Hate oil heated, hot "and cold running | south plant. 725-5442. FOUR ROOM Sparta, ee ae |water; garage. Immediate possession.| FINEST furnished apartment, fi in North or dial 128-3945, Smee M Telephone MA 3-2248. town, all conveniences everything su ae eg ge : " > a 'he lied, two bedrooms, $95 monthly, south BREE 1 rooms including chen cup- BL pir geval A ee end, business couple. Telephone 723-|boards and sink. Private bath, TV out- boar Located at 66 Emma Street, | 717 eee me es a bog -- Avey s. Li 7 s . Ce Ee Ae SEE SES, " ¢ a Telephone 728-1158. |THREE-ROOM apartment, partly ta aN eee ~ ia hia > . nished or unfurnished, warm and com- apartment: single house- ee a tree arom veouse:\fortable, quiet working, or elderly |keeping room, private entrance, cen. 5 Reasonable rent. Telephone 725-6634 |COUPIe desired, on bus line, 728-2798. betes Pa ee 5. ason. - s entre Stree between 5 and 7 FOUR"ROOM basement apartment. All omen ns ERRIE ESeg." Pad are nae facilities including stove, refrigerator,|FIVE-ROOM, self-contained, upper du- x- D cupboards and sink. TV outlet. Parking |Plex, electric stove. refrigerator, auto- ei aa apace, Telephone 723-4519. matic laundry facilities, Cedar Street six, 723-9210 Manes ----..|South. Adults preferred. 728-2764 after HOUSE for rent or for sale in Whitby FOUR-EOOM upetsire apattinant. also § ay cos ae Bugsy 4 with heated basement, bedroom $75,|FOUR-ROOM apartment, quiet build- vukeing TE 91764. [Available immediately. Central, 725-|ing. Hot water, stove refrigerator p.m. to Pickering TE 9-1763. 8133 supplied. Laundry, parking. Bus close, = --_ -- -- ----|165 Verdun Road, 723-3096. SORRGRGR, thie bed corms FIVE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, |----- = = ay ee ae te Seana, ypc ana|Se/f-contained, stove and refrigerator,| THREE-ROOM apartment, newly deco» Pela wo Fs Se a te clin -9908 parking, TV aerial, adults $85 month-|rated, all conveniences, no children, Pratl rig eaters anklin 29992+\1v. Cleve Fox. 412 Simcoe Street North.| Apply 592 Drew Street for further ine Cobourg ge Nea eee |formation. FOUR-BEDROOM new brick bung: | MODERN" two - bedroom apartment, low, attached garage, Donevan high} TWO BEDROOM | electrically conipoee: washer pie dryer, school area Immediate possession near south General Motors, on Wen' Children welcome. Call 728-1005 for in- APARTMENT |worth Street. Available December L formation, --_ 725-6338 fen a neniis ne'astoom'anht | cull Favigped en FOUR. Haga apa low, § Mi ment ilding, lar, level $165 monthly, Two-bedroom apart-| SIMCOE ST, N. ator, built og Foe tel Re ae Bowman and Gibson | 725-6343 parking, 725- 3938 or 68 Wi PARTLY furnished two-room fi use mvie mee siiecineries| 9 to 5 P.M. eng ee Available December 1. Telephone PEE ------ {48 Drew Street beween 5 cares | AVAILABLE three-room self-con- TWO-BEDROOM rent APARTMENT private entrance, Avot Sor Ring sos IN APARTMENT BUILDING THREE-ROOM apartment, kitchen, liv- ing-room, bedroom, private bathroom, Stove, Fridge, Washer, Dryer, Parking, etc TV outlet, separate entrance. North end $97.50 MONTHLY of city. Telephone 723-4452. $65 MONTHLY -- four-room "apartme Adults only. Immediate possession. unfurnished, newly decorated, built-in ___399 ELMGROVE cupboards, heated. Immediate posses: sion. 728-6820. 359 Verdun Road. EXCELLENT LOCATION NEW 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW Vicinity of Schools $95 MONTHLY Also 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT ADELAIDE AND PARK $95 MONTHLY Telephone 728.5282 _ -- six rooms, all conveni-| heated, Ideal for two or three $ per month. Telephone Newcastle 2491 SIX-ROOM house on Drew Street, | hot} water heating, aluminum storm win dows, lovely home, clean condition, Ap- dy 562 Drew Street. SIX room house, oil heated, heavy duty wiring, garage. $80 monthly. Immediate possession, Apply 443 Bloor Street East THREE room house, 339 Eulalie, oil heated, hot water tank, TV aerial 5-1783, 183 Oshawa Blvd. South. Six AVAILABLE NOW-- MODERN APARTMENTS Stove, frig., laundry facili- ties, locker, T.V, outlet, low rental. Call 8-3092 or 10) Craydon Rd., Apt. 8 After 5 p.m. rooms door, monthly 728-3292 a niow, south end, bus °o neated = broadioom, $100 i ailable Dec. 1. Telephone NEW five-room bungalow with three in basement, Available imme-| Wilson-Bloor area, $100 month- Telephone 725-2511 SIX-KOOM brick three bedrooms, phone 723-2171 RANCH bungalow, Mary Street, large living room with fireplace and broadloom, large modern kitchen three large bedrooms, attached garage de sirable location, Schofield Aker Real Estate. Telephone Henry Stinson, 725. storey, Tele- house, bath, two central 26--Rooms for Rent ROOM with kitchen privileges. Parking space, Apply 139 Albert Street or 148 Albert Street FURNISHED room for rent, board op+ 'ional, near North General Motors. Tele phone 728-6412 for further information. NICE furnished room for gentlema light housekeeping privileges if desired, garage available Apply 215 Ritson South. Telephone 728-4197. LARGE bright furnished bedroom, re« fined business lady preferred. Home privileges if desired, Near bus in pric vate home. Write to Box 215, Oshawa Times. LARGE bright furnished or unfurnished bed sitting room, al] conveniences and home privileges. Suitable for one or two. Apply 227 Chadburn Street. ATTRACTIVELY | BACHELOR SUITES | FURNISHED ROOMS 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent| | ] BEDROOM SUITES | Available in private home. NORTH-END apartment, three rooms, Call between 5 and 7 p.m. private bath and entrane d | Fetrgerator" Close to hospital, "adaits| 2 BEDROOM SUITES |"... pany ROAD N --Elevator Service : only, Telephone 723-3518 --Private Balcony 728-8671 BEAUTIFUL four-room nye es --Btivate Baleo pnly: Avetiahie' how --Cortrolled Entrances MODERN RCOMS pete ali HOTEL SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES Enquire at i 394: SIMCOE STS. Phone 725-3743 has} FARM house for rent, 20 miles east of Oshawa, one mile north of No. 2 High way. Telephone A 4-5365, Scarborough. $90 MONTHLY -- three-bedroom brick bungalow, oil heated, close to North General Motors' main office. Posses- sion December MO 83217 or at 8-016. 1, Oshawa's_ Finest \ PARK LANE APTS. SMALL three-room house, outside con veniences. running water North Osh a district, Suit couple) Telephone 5.4920 FOUR-ROOM conveniences, 723-3182 for house, oil furnace, all good location. Telephone further particulars. heated laundry facilities. | and bath Adults 320 Verdun after apart- TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, and earissrtos Contact MR. DON HOWE 725-7732 or 723-9692 evenings Howe & Peters, stove Private entrance and ties. Apply 43 Nassau DESIRABLE second floor downtown apartment, self-contained, three rooms,| bath, unfurnished, heavy wiring, heat} land water, adults only, $60. 728-8175. | Realtors

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