Soccer Champions Honored At Dinner Soccer -- the game that many say one day will gain summer sport ascendancy in Canada -- was given 2 good 'boot' for- ward locally at the UAW Hall Saturday night, when more than 300 players, officials (and friends) attended the Oshawa and District Soccer Association's annual banquet, presentation and dance. Amid resounding cheers and the victory songs of the top-dog teams and runners up, ODSA officials and guests presented trophies and crests to the vic- torious of the past season Prominent - guests included: Hon. Michael Starr MP, minis- ter of labor, and Mrs. Starr; Mayor Christine Thomas, who brought greetings from the city of Oshawa; and T. D. Thomas MPP mT * eeeerece shown in soccer in Canada,| especially at high school level,| she said that in her day a popu-) lar soccer term was "dribbling"| (taking the ball around an op- posing player, or players). Earlier, Oshawa hotel owner, Reg. Lancaster said that soccer, *'a highly competitive sport, is bringing out the vitality in Osh- awa" SEES NATIONAL SPORT Ontario Football Association official Albert Lipsham said: 'Although so much remains to be done, I know we all look for- ward to the day when soccer will. be the national sport of Canada." The evening got off to a color- ful start when Piper Don Pat-| terson and the GM Pipe Band piped in head table guests. Prior to turkey dinner, served THE TOP TEAMS and run- | ners-up were honored at the annual banquet of the Oshawa and District Soccer Associa- tion Saturday night at the | In the centre picture Klaus UAW Hall. In the picture at | Hess, left, captain of the left Malcolm Smith presents | Kickers Club, is seen receiv- the UAW Trophy to Jim To- | ing the Carling Trophy from The Oshawa Times rok, captain of the league | champion Hungaria Club. Jim Denholm, president of the As- sociation, looks on at right. of Carling Breweries. At right Renato Dreossi, left captain of the Italia Club, accepts the Lancaster Trophy from Reg. Lancaster, as President Den- holm looks on. Italia Team Captain Renato) ( --Oshawa Times Photos. Dreossi received the Lancaster Trophy from Reg Lancaster. Hungaria again received run- ners-up crests in this division. Leading goal scorer this year was Ted Budai, of Hungaria. He was presented with a trophy by Mr. Denholme Reg Lancaster called back - Hungaria again. He presented a SECOND SECTION new trophy to the three-time - ies winners. | umemon,_.Local Man Dies Head-On Crash as "having done quite a lot for soccer in a quiet way", Referee Walter McRae received a spe- MILTON (Special) -- William! Provincial Police said the La?fy Schrank, 22, of Taunton|Schrank car collided head-on road east, RR 2, Oshawa, has|with a car driven hy John A.) : MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 196] PAGE NINE cial award. Another back room boy, 'without whom soccer would fail" -- venerable stadium ticket taker Edward Hepworth -- re- Archie Vickers, representative , .|Canada -- everything stopped '\the two great wars that the 4\freedom, at ko Large Crowd Honors Oshawa's War Dead "In Flanders Fields Where| "These men, many of whom|Past" and "'Abide With Me," Poppies Blow |died in my arms, did not want|were sung, to the music by the Beneath The Crosses Row On|to die -- but they were ready|Band of the Ontario Regiment. Row --". to die for freedom, They gave| Many private citizens placed All over Oshawa all, but they did not lay down|wreaths at the cenotaph and their lives for one single family;numerous organizations also -- but for the freedom of evéry|laid a wreath. Branch 43 and man, woman and child in this|the Ladies Auxiliary placed a country,"" he continued. jwreath at the memorial in the Canadians are privileged to| Soldiers Plot in Union Cemetery. live in freedom passed on to|Padre Woolcock conducted a us by those who gave their lives|rief service at the cemetery, during the two great wars. Al-\rist OF WREATHS though the situation today looks|- The list of organizations which dl, nevertheless, we, ar, llplacea wreaths at the cenotaph onek eaid ' Saturday follows: ogni : Province of Ontario, Silver The fighting men of Canada|Cross Women of Canada, City groped their way in the shadows|of Oshawa, Branch 43 Royal -- and and heads were bowed in rever- ent silence at 11 a.m. Saturday as Canadians observed two minutes silence in memory of those who gave their lives in rest of Canada might live in Hundreds. of Oshawa citizens assembled at the Memorial Park Cenotaph and lined the Garden of the Unforgotten, to join with Branch 43, Royal Canadian Le- } wr by the UAWA Women's Auxil- '4 O iary, James Denholme gave a ceived the othe: special award. brief address of welcome, fol- Beamed Mr. Hepworth, him- lowed by Grace, said by Dr.'self a veteran soccer mane McGrail. hope to be with you always"'. TROPHIES PRESENTED Head table guests were: Mr Local 222 President Malcolm and Mrs. James Denholme, Mr. Smith presented Hungaria team|jand Mrs, Terrance Kelly, Dr. captain James Torok with the|and Mrs. Simon McGrail, Hon, gion, in observance of its annual Remembrance Day Service.' Whistles sounded throughout 4\the city at 11 a.m. to let people know~that two minutes silence was being observed by those at the park and in every other part of the Dominion. REATHS LAID SECRETARY PRESIDES ODSA Secretary Terry Kelly chaired the event. Also prom inent were James Denhom, president; Dr. S. J. McGrail, vice-president; Ernie Howard, treasurer; James Melvin, match secretary; and ODSA council members, Joe Schmid and of death that others may walk|Canadian Legion, Branch 43 in the way of life. As they gave) Ladies Auxiliary, Ontario Regi- their last fluttering breath, they| ment, Unit 42 Canadian Corps. had visions of a war to end) Assoc., Unit 42 Ladies Auxiliary, wars and have lasting peace,|Qshawa Naval Veterans, Wing the Padre said \420 Air Force Assoc., General | en Motors Veterans, Oshawa Sea ag ge agg of the. law Cadets, Oshawa Polish Veterans, |war, we found many scientists Ontario Regiment Assoc., Oan- been identified as the victim of a two-car head-on collision, on Highway 401, two miles east of here, Friday night. The victim was identified at the Oakville - Trafalgar Memo- rial Hospital, Sunday, by his narents, of Port Elgin Schrank, a London, Ont., race Gingrich, 33, of Toron to. Gingerich was released from hospital after treatment. Police said the Gingrich ve- hicle attempted to pass "aj rather large truck," on a curve) and the driver's view became} obstructed as he came abreast of the truck. UAWA League Roger Wolfe Banquet and presentation pro- ceedings were followed by a dance played by the Ron Tom Kinson Orchestra. Mavor Christine Thomas raised the roof when, after not- ing the greater interest being) Championship| Michael Starr and Mrs. Starr, Trophy. Thistle received run-/Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lancaster, ners-up crests from Mr. Smith. | Mr. and Mrs. William Simpson, Kickers' Captain Klaus Hess|Malcelm Smith, Albert Lipsham, received the Carling Challenge|James Melvin, Jack Meagher, Trophy from Archie Vickers.|Ernest Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Hungaria players received run-|Archie Vickers, Mr. and Mrs. track employee, was the driver of a car that collided head-on with a westbound car, in the west-bound lane of Highway at 8.40 p.m, Friday, A companion, Chamberlain Belanger, 43, of RR 1, Rayside,| Gingrich, police said, was met by the headlights of an oncom- ing car in the westbound passing lane, It is not yet determined how the victim got into the wrong highway lane. Schrank was thrown from the JOINS NEW CHAIN Gary Bunner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Bunner, 113. Hillcroft street, who leaves for to i" As wreath bearer after wreath looking forward to the next 50 bearer marched to the cenotaph|years. They envisaged certain to pay tribute to Oshawa's war stood beneath chilly grey 'skies, in hushed \ silence. Many fought back proud dead, crowds machinery that could be put into space and direct the sun's rays to any spot on the earth's sur- face -- but there is a moral tears as they remembered their awa Public Schools, O'Neill |Collegiate, Central Collegiate, |Donevan Collegiate, Local 222 | United Auto Workers, Local 1817 | Steelworkers, Local 2784 Steel- |workers, Local 1500 Steelwork- ers, Oshawa District Labor ners-up crests. |Roger Wolfe, James Bishop and} England next Wednesday Fallen Heroes Are Remembered | Centre Street United Church was filled to capacity Sunday morning when an impressive Remembrance Day Service was conducted by the minister, Rev. W. G. Dickson. Over 80 young people in uniform, made up of members of the Second Wolf Cub Pack, Second Boy Scout Troop, the Canadian Girls in Training and the Fourth Com- pany of Guides and Brownies, attended in a body. The front of the church was appropriately decorated with a large Union Jack, also a work- shop centre in which there were two crossed rifles, poppies, a wreaih, and service hats, made by Cecil MacKnight. The front of the church was decorated by, Starr,} him assisted by Roy chairman of the group commit- tee. Mr. MacKnight was chair man The minister, Rey. W. G Dickson, welcomed the large congregation and conducted the opening worship. He received the flags from the color party led by ASM Paul Black WREATH LAID The scripture was Gloria Parry of the 4th com- pany of Girl Guides. One rep- resentative of the Brownies, the Guides, the CGIT, the Cubs and Scouts recited their promises and purpose. The scoutmaster of the. Sec- ond Oshawa Scouts, Terry Gra ham. told the congregation of the significance and the impor- read by Chest Total Is $206,614 Arthur Doyle, executive sec- retary of the Greater Oshawa Community Chest announced this morning that $206,614.58 has been contributed. The list of contributions, not previously acknowledged. follows: W. F. Mercer (Contractor) Employees R. McNab Lewington Flowers Branch 43, Royal Canadian $ 20.00 Toronto Dominion Bank emp. (366 King east) additional Franklin's of Oshawa Lid. G T. MacDonald Mrs. J. M. Goodes Soroptimist Club of Oshawa and District Shell Oil Co, of Canada Lid Oshawa Engineering and Welding Co. Ltd. Manufacturers Life Insurance Company employees 15.00 10.00 10.00 30.00 25.00 100.00 RCAF Association 420 Wing A. P. Crain Northern Canada Supply Ltd. employees Mr. and Mrs. G. © McCormack Reg. T. Smith, Contractor Canada Bread Employees Walter M. Holliday, Columbus, Ont Anonymous Oshawa Hungarian Culture Club Metropolitan Stores Limited Total te date ' $75.00 5.00 5.00 74.00 + 0206,614.58' | tance of the promises and laws| of Scouting and Guiding. A Brownie and a Cub brought up} the memorial wreath and gave it to Roy Starr, chairman of the group cummittee, to place on the. altar William Dearborn read the names of those from the church who had paid the supreme sac- rifice in the First World War: Robert Keys, Philip J. Philips and Henry Pollolio. Audrey L. Weeks read the names of those! who had giver their all in the! Second World War: J. Stewart Bootiz, Robert Crouse, Harold Goldsmith, Fred Langley, Ralph Mechin, Leonard Watson, Max- well Barnes and Cyril H. Cars- cadden. Botts Mr. Dearborn and Mr. Weeks are veterans of the Second World War The Last Post by Bugler Lieut. the Cadet Services of Canada, followed by the Two Minutes Silence, the Reveille and the National Anihem, SCOUTER PREACHES The sermon was preached by a Scouter, Donald Whitbread, | who is the Akela of the. Cubs and 2 candidate for the lay min- istry of the United Church of| Canada. This young man made} a powerful appeal to the Youth present to dedicate their lives) for peace and work toward it as hard as the heroes worked and sacrificed for the victory which they passed on to us. He said one way to achieve peace was "To Love. Thy Neighbor. As Thyself."" The choir ship of- the was sounded R. Davies of under the leader- organist, R. K. Kellington, was heard in a spe- cial anthem, The Benediction and the Choral Amen brought this impressive service to a con- clusion Valleyview Plans Christmas Parties | The Neighborhood Associa- tion of Valleyview Park met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.| G. Brown, Warren Ave., re- cently. It was announced that a Pee Wee hockey team will be or- ganized to represent Valley- » view Park this season. Plans were made to hold a Christmas party for the chil- dren of pre-school age, on Sat-| urday, Dec. 2 from 2.30 to 4 p.m. For the children of school 2ge, up to 12 years of age, a} skating party is being held on} Friday, Dec. 8, during the eve- ning Dec. 7. } - Street High School senior foot- -- is in Oakville - Trafalgar Memo-|car and crushed when it rolled! rial Hospital with head injuries.|on top of him. His condition is not considered' Milton Detachment OPP Con- serious. stable A, EF. Miles investigated.| take a position with Fine Fare Food Stores, a new ven- United Kingdom. Gary, who will spend two years over- | seas is assistant scoutmaster of the 8th Oshawa Boy Scout Troop and a member of King Street United Church. CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating their birthdays today: Darlene MacDonald, 824 Rowena strcet and Arthur Coverly, 38 Prince street, Johnson Top Checker Man Eating Of Snow Not Dangerous the City of Oshawa was won recently by Jack Johnson in an eight-game series with Aime Poirier at the Oshawa Checker Club. Jack won five games. opTAWA (Special) -- Can-) "As far as is known at the drew two and lost one game. agian parents of young children| present moment radio active The championship - usually | ave no need to fear any radia-|fallout is not on a level which declared in the early spring-|tion danger to their youngsters|would cause immediate concern; This vents however, ws final as the result of the widespread) but should fallout reach propor-, play-off was delayed by illness.| youthful habit of eating snow,|tions constituting a danger to ball team was whitewashed 26-0 by the Tweed District High Schoo! squad in the COSSA Senior "B" Championship play- ed in Whitby Saturday. eh ne eto prot ohare National Health and Welfare of-| health and life, then it could con- -- ial Da Y aneatnian ficials here say. contaminate the snow to a point titles.' Last summer he compet-, 1M some areas, parents have) where - ge pec peng A ed in a three-day torunament|¢xPressed fear that the fallout) # ys ; se ise th his at Lakeside, Ohio, in which top|from recent and current Soviet|S1awa Board o ealth this U.S. and Canadian players par- nuclear tests would contaminate i EAGER LS frie eS OP kee ticipated. the snow which will fall on Can- Later this month tournament|#4a this coming winter. Be-| Pheasant Hunt play will start at the Oshawa/ cause many youngsters have - rogram club for the 1962 Class '<A' and| habit of eating snow while at Fi S Class "B" Trophies for the City| Play, it ge pe pape al . ine uuccess of Oshawa. source of danger to health might The opening of organized Mr, Johnson will again: com- develop. Dances Given,,.™..: aatne at Dartington pete for the Pe. Trophy which "This is not a realistic dang- /Provincial Park has met with was donated by the late W. H. er," a medical health olficer| 2 far greater success than had Karn. Two "B" players, Jim said "The children wouldn't} t 1 S d e been anticipated by the Lands Moore and Eugene Rymdzionek. be able to take in enough snow, and Forests Department, will compete for the "A" Tro-\even if it was contaminated.) Members of the Harvey School Up to last Friday, 99 appli- phy. under the kind of conditions we) of Dancing presented a mostijcations were received by the In the near future competition have experienced, to do themjenjoyable program recently at\department. An average of two for the "B" Trophy, donated byjany harm. The possible amount/ Hillsdale Manor. The program|birds per man have been taken Len Hagerman, will start at the}of radiation received this way|was arranged by the Oshawal since Oct. 14, bettering the es- CRA Building. Since two strong) would be so little that it is not|Kiwenis Club. ltimated Hamber of one per "B" players will compete in worth thinking about." The program included three|man Class 'A', the weaker plavers, His opinion was echoed by Phe Aaa g dances tainding! Three pheasants per man are will have less competition. New other health department offici-| Fower Ballet, Baton Twirl d|rele sed to the 2 hu ters al players' will be able to enter/als who poiint out that health) panceg from many lands "hae the each lane ge ryggrhen sea : BI cpg Waldo Monteith has| enjoyed were vocal selections|part of the park for hunting at he Oshawa Checker Club|made it clear that close checks hy Mary Beth McClement with ' The birds w ised holds weekly meetings Wednes-|will be made on all possible Mrs. Hatford at the ; delat la Hime. oh en thay sb ii day night at the CRA Building. sources of contamination from! ney Brownlee who eat) an oral pg ted greatest of i ALD 8 ey pa Se ' b F y ap-| : j cet tie alle dived WT any|Peared on the Tiny Talents tele-| Duck hunting has also met und danger is likelv. "| vision program. with great success in its sec- wee Ins There would be more danger, The numbers in the Flower|ond season. Last year, upwards from drinking contaminated welt) Ballet and _ those participating} of 500 participants hunted duck 2 water or from milk, because of| Were: Waltz of the Flawers,|in the park area and this year's it e the vastly greater quantities) Noreen Arnold, Sandra Scott and) success seems assured, accord- consumed, the department points| Bonnie Crouter; My Flower Bou-|ing to park officials. WHITBY (Staff) -- The Henry, out quet: Cora Lyn Mazar, Lindsay; The park's organization pro- Hagerman, Gail Beattie, Wendy) vides controlled, safe and heal- Hs Ewart and Beatrice Two Accidents Dance Ballet: Debbie Douglas, | million people owing to its ad- ' Kathy Kiraly and Erna Tiemes;|yantageous position. Little Swiss Waltz: Darlene Mac-|------ : 7. a, tweet riied' 9 sere 0 Are Reported -- fer'Soqua" "Wo ed Tn points in the third period in oF ae : Those taki art in the Be ew ren posting the victory. An estimated $715 damage was, Those taking part in the Baton Glen Brough led Tweed, scor-/caused in two accidents report-| /wirls were: Line Drill: Mari-| . ® ing three touchdowns. Terry Le.|ed to Oshawa Police Department|!vn Cross, Carol Hobbs. Gayle] Beef Shipping Sage tallied cne TD and kicked'during the weekend. feet iar rete = Mari-| two converts The collision of two curs, driv-|!vn Elsey: Solo Twirls: Maria) gprAWA (CP)--A new tre Coach Alan King of thejen by Louis P. Surrette, 271|Drvgala; Team Twirls "Ruthet-|j, slate the titahare of tive Whitby team said Saturday that/Park road south and Fred L,|te*": Ruthann Deboski, Carol/heef cattle being shipped long Tweed was a well balanced and/Cowan, RR 2, Whitby, on Park)"eenham and Penny McMullen. |qistances to market, says crisp team hitting the Whitby road south, near the intersection) Those taking part in the Dan-|C. K, Hetherington of the fed- ven Ard causing fumbles. He! of Gibb street, Sunday morning.|ces From Many Lands were:|eral agriculture department. said that Henry Street team) recited in an estimated $450|Ozzark Hill Billys, Cliff Chamb- fumbled five times during the damave Constabl William|erlin and Wayne Elli 7g pate : P _ i game and Tweed recovered ge. onstable illiam/erlin an ayne Elliott; West-jcars, loaded at recently built three of them Hayes investigated ern Tap, Lee Brownlee, Bob| western slaughtering plants, are "This was the first time this) AN accident at Ritson road|Kelly and Eddy ven de Walker: |supplying chain stores and season the Whitby team \south and Athol street east, Hungarian Dance, Lyn Lee and|packing houses in Eastern Can- bled," he said "Tweed had full Sunday evening, caused an esti-| Mary-Beth McClement; Spanishjada. value for their win." mated $265. The cars involved)Dance: Novelettes; Gypsy Dan-| The frozen carcasses can be n Friday the Henry Street|were driven by Paul Adam-|ce: Leslyn Chamberlain. Mari-jhauled more cheaply than the : 0 A: Christmas pot luck supper|jynior football team beat 'the|owicz, 374 Athol street.cast and|Ivn Burnett and Carol Brown; |old cattle-car method on which n0.00) 18 being planned for members|Tweed junior team 13-7 in the|Robert P. Brant, 331 Oshawa|Merrily Skip: Darlene MacDon- freight had to be paid for in-jhis own efforts, may provide! snoo|Of the association on Thursday,/COSSA Junior "B" champion-|boulevard north Constable M.|ald and Dev Brownlee; Flame/cdible materials such as hides, ship game played at Tweed. |Baker Investigated. (Twirl: Ruthann Deboski andibones; hooves and horns ture in supermarkets in the | 'Nomination Snooks: |thy sporting to an area of 414| Dr.| Refrigerated trucks and rail} aspect to be remembered." "No invention that was ever jmade in a vacuum -- therefore it comes back to mind that God has his own way, one which I call catastrophic and He will create a war to end all wars) and give lasting peace, Padre} Woolcock said. The parade to the Cenotaph moved off from the Armories at 10.30 a.m., led by the Band of the Ontario Regiment. Fol- lowing the band were the men of the regiment and tri-service cadets, the Royal Canadian Le- gion Color Party, wreath bear- ers, Branch 43 Royal Canadian Legion and representatives of various veterans' organizations. Council, Oshawa Police Assoc- iation, Jubilee Chapter IODE, Prince Philip Chapter IODE, Oshawa Fire Fighters Assoc., Oshawa Postal Clerks, Oshawa Letter Carriers, Girl Guides -- Boy Scout Assoc. Oshawa Rotary Club, Osh- awa Lions Club, Oshawa Kins- men Club, Knights of Columbus, Royal Black Preceptory 763, Corinthian No 61 IOOF, West- mount Kiwanis Club, Oshawa Hebrew Community, B'Nai B'Rith Society, Hotel Lancaster, Mike's Place (Unknown Sol- dier), Duplate Social and Sports Club, Oshawa Red Cross, Osh- awa Public Utilities Commis- sion, Local 51 NUPSE, Oshawa Dairy, Tom Hart and Crew, During the service, the Hymns|RCSCC Drake Sea Cadets and "0 God Our Help In Ages|Oshawa Kiwanis Club. life would have no meaning -- hy without memory there would; Week Recognizes Retarded Kiddies "There is no man, woman or jchild in this city, or in this country, that does not owe a lot to those who met the call lof the hour and gave their last _The Oshawa and District Asso-| shop for Retarded Young Adults lfluttering breath that Canadians| "ation for Retarded Childrenjis in the formative stage. A iy 'live in. fredlom,"' Padre will participate in National Re-| Gestetner machine and type- Woolcack said : tarded Children's Week which is|writer have already been pur- sieeKaad being observed in the United|chased. The general public is States and Canada this week.|welcome to make enquiries re- |The theme of the observance is| garding this work. Arthur Holds- "Retarded Children Can be/worth is chairman of this proj- Helped" ect. It is interesting' to note, Oshawa, the Home of the|there are 64 schools and 10 General Motors of Canada, has|Workshops for retarded, across jits share of fine buildings and| Ontario. beauty spots. It can be more] The interest of people in all | . than proud of one of the newer| walks of life in the problems Held Frida buildings, "Glenholme School] that confront retarded children |for Retarded Children." jand their families is remark- the 10621. Spacious lawns and landscap- able Children have a universal Pare o 'll wii 4 "ling give the school its "Wel-|appeal. Our schools for retard- own Council were received at/ come" look. A welcome to every\ed children are havens of joy a meeting of members ofjeducatable retarded child in|and understanding for these Yeensville at the Oshawa CRA|Oshawa and district, long neglected children. Building last Friday. : Another milestone has been, During the work done in tell- | Those nominated were Rich-|reached:in the history of Glen-| ing others of our story, the local jard Annis, Karen Bell, Clint) holme school. A sheltered work-|assoviation is constantly being | Brown, William Corby, John jasked: 'What can I do?' |Gooding, David Lee, George} People are concerned. People |Lee, il MceM: lS | i} 6 ees Gall Mester, Cart soe! TWO SIRENS ao care, We bald new lesevee TO OPERATE |Slade, David Thompson, Wil-| me Only two of the five sirens |liam Walmsley, Jim Wilson and Whitton Termed in Oshawa will sound the Marie Zakarow. Each of the candidates will . . ye in exercise TOCSIN Unfit For Office today. 0 OTTAWA (CP)--An Ottawa be screened for eligibility by) |the CRA advisors. | The nominees will be permit-; Lt.-Col. F S. Wotten, co- : ted to make a three-minute| ordinator of the Emergency |woman said today she and 12 |speech during the next three) Measures Organization in friends are circulating a petition wecks and will be allowed to| Ontario County, said that to have Mayor Charlotte Whit: exhibit two posters, The elec-| installation of three of the ton. removed from her post as ltion will be held Friday, Dec,| 'tems was held up bécause head of the city's Emergency 3 y; '| of ged gar with a Laeneag: Organization. Kee . a supply of wiring material. | Mrs. E rns sai | The six successful candidates; He stressed that it was not lar bald aes Oe ome will elect a mayor, business ad-| the contractors' fault. Orig- |port and she estimates it will ministrator, police and fire' jnally much more time had [have 5,000 signatures for pres- commissioners, a recreation! been allocated for comple- entation to city council next commissioner, a membership! tion of the installation, but |week., 5 and publicity commissioner, and| it had become a rush job | Mavor : sae yor Whitton took over as because of the unexpected temporary chief of the civil de- \fence unit last week after a \a property and works commis- : c , sioner from among their num oy bora Col. Wotton point- |ber. Each commissioner will ap-| @4 out. lcouncil hassle over the resigna- point their commission mem- He sage! find out what tion of Major R. F. Walker he aim | only two of the sirens will leomplained of interference by | . te dg te do. They. are located at the | | Teensville is an organization) Acmories and in the yard of |the mayor and others. jthrough which the teenager, by| the Oshawa Works Depart- | The petition says the mayor ment at Ritson road and jhas proven herself "incapable Wentworth street. Fe unfit of holding such of- i fice." loved ones who left and never) returned. Army, Sea and Air Cadets guarded the Cenotaph with rifles lat the slope during the service. |\Standardbearers held Union Jacks at each end of the Ceno- taph and beneath the statue of the Unknown Soldier stood one of the Silver Cross Women bearing the flag of that order,| The color party took up its! position in front of the cenotaph and was flanked on all sides by Militia members, Legionaires jand cadets of the three services THREAD OF LIFE Branch 43 Padre, Rev. Woolcock reminded the people of Oshawa that they had as-\SING TWO HYMNS sembled, once again, to remem-| ber and pay tribute to those who paid the supreme sacrifice. "Memory." he said, "is the) thread of life -- without ane Tosaieilla - Nominations for jrecreational and educational! [facilities for himself,