= F dey, November 11, 1961 25---Apts. & Flats for Rent|25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|27--Real Estote For Sale (27--Real Estate for Sale (27--Real Estate ter Sele (31--Automobile Repairs _(32----Articles tor Sele _|__TW OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey 15 900 FULL price, $700 down. Six-room Y¥ Ww 0" psta o wi |21G ZAG sewing macihne, sews ftor- TWO-ROOM spartment, furnished kit- paRTLY furnished two-room fat, se 37 » . Six- HARMONY Road North area, five--TWO rooms, upstairs, one down stairs, ICT SMISSION |e" " . : water it one "i home, central location, low taxes $112 nd brick bungalow, 1%|three-piece bath, laundry facilities, use AUTOMATIC TRANSM |ward and reverse, makes buttonholes, 32--Articles to Sale * t chen, heat, ligh ater, stil lady of washing machine. Adults. Apply at : 1 it room stone a! if rt | ir | ri decorative stitches. Drigina} price 7 7, 343 Rit Act fast, Call Irwin Cruikshank at!yeasg old, nicely landscaped with fenc-|kitchen, clean and warm, Married i Can be had for palance owing,|CIGARETS carton $3.00; bulter 64c Ibs or business couple. 723-4817, son' 48 Drew Street between § and # p.m. 735123 Loyd Realty Oshawa iimited, 2a hack yard. Aluminum storms and|couple, girls, gentlemen. Apply 67 Sec- C Savi 1$47.00 cash of seven payments of $7.\Gem margarine 4 ibs. $1; bread, 2 Road North. _ cm en AVAILABLE now, three-room age Realtor. Nt |screens, TV tower, Fr per cat -- ond Avenue : "es | omp' ge ervice | Write Box 428 Oshawa Times loaves ae, Savings galore, sh aby. . FIVE room two bedroom apartment. itained apartment with sun-porch and| gage. Owner transferred. Ca' uss " ft which st | | our rer | Glecoft's permarket, Ritson | Ce ee mace tereet Semen" [Patras enuzanee. Apply 208 King btroct| [Reeve Schotield-Aker Lid. at 728-4040. SO0TN, oor, two-storey $10,990 with AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION |iemxnowsr with ie-spring tuneup [S0uth, Oshawa. Open every night till 10, Is Wee. sion. Apply 786 Simcoe Street South. |Past, 725-3139. | TO RENT i home for sale, extra($530 down. One mortgace only, low pay-| CENTRE Free pick up and delivery. Telephons|imAN'® brown Elysian overcoat, in reall Canaan tment with bath,|7qREE-ROOM apartment, kitchen, liv- boos Bie gag oe gpa Se location | ments. Hurry! Call 728-5123 Lloyd Real- 1038 SIMCOE N Mo 8-4511 'good sae a4 hie | TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian | | | ; ; Ein incl OE RETIN os central Taszr? or 725-911. |egToam, edsowm, Peace. North end) APPROXIMATELY _ [please all Mo_ esis. ¥ ones ee See: \CALL Eimer when boying or selling 2-44. ne 728.9711 na|For more information telephone |motor - vehicle production this 39 : oes bores ; e * i : . televisions, oi} | 725-1455, _i week is estimated at 9,899 units BACHELOR apartment, furnished, pri-|of city. Telephone 723-4452, | 50 ACRES. OF WHITBY -- Six-room detached bunga-| _ _.|furniture, televisions, mi in qniet home, heated. Suit pen-|> -- ens : |low, $9,800 full price. $2 500 down to one [heaters, 'vacuums. 'The best for le8s.|GOOD 'selection of Fecond tioned Vs compared with 9,424 last week, vate, quiet home, heated. Suit -1$65 MONTHLY -- four-room apartment, i NHA rtgage, carries $71 monthly, a 'elephone ax 3- 5 __|at reasonable prices. Parkway Tele-| sioner, abstainer, $40 monthly. Avply|tnrumnished, newly decorated, buitin| WORKABLE LAND | HOWE & PETERS Tie nthe sod esse er erm] THOS ONL ® GARAGE |GRDERG taken for wood stor sasbes,|vislon, 918 Simeoe Street North. Your|Says the Canadian Automobile . meee ae Pp le! - ey | will hold second, Telephone } . ' ality \ s, 5 * ane ae iment, | sion, 124-6820. 390 Verdun Road eae | For 3 or more years on | REALTORS 1d d, Telephone MO 8-8707. ons Se ee pL Este ise. 4 saally ord iy. 723-4989. Sak a a | nameoer sf Commmeres THREE or f 'oome: apartment, J J . | P [ Bag agg ; ne, five-room L " - ifree. . Order early. . NO) refrigerator, across top; Production this week consisted unfurnished private entrance, TV out-| | Stevenson Rd. N. Partial use pis }$600 DOWN, $9100 full price, | commence er" 'eer = 'am,\freezer, Hotpoint electric heavy duty * 7 : : as pingalow, close Central Collegiate,| PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. ELECI r service, Sunbeam, | " i let, close to bus. Telephone 725-3047. _|26----Rooms for Rent ot bam possible No live |67 KING ST. E. 725-4701 Nees stage, Sk water beating, >| MOTOR TUNE. UP" ANG. [Roatan ba patahiee mae stove. Both very good condition. nee, jof 6.700 peligean yg ich . 'DUPLEX -- two bedrooms, bath, liv-| Site furnished room for gentieman,| stock. For further intorma- Jcorated and large lot, Terms to be ar-| CEnERAL REPAIRS leon, ete. Cords, cutting heads in stock, |Sonable. MO : ;465 last week and 1, rucks ing room and Kitchen. APD eee oo |light housekeeping privileges if desired,! tio Dial 725-9970 or 725- | $600.00 DOWN jranged, Phone Douglas L. Gower Real- a7 Kina st W |Meagher's, 5 King Street West, FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lb-compared with 959. uth or telephone (c'.-- |garage available. Apply 215 Ritson } y brick bungalow, | tor.' 728-4651. , We | OVERWEIGHT? You can lose inches in|@?@l_ trade-in allowance. Free dem . four-room apartment, pri-|South. 'Telephone 728-4197. <a a PON FE gcc ge age 6 ___ 723-7822 _ OVERWEIGHT? You can lose inchet i= stration, Telephone 728-4683, | 'Production this year to date » cupboards in Kitchen, |13-| F7RNISHED room <a weskig, weate:| | eran headend fd € 28--Real Estate Wanted . -- |beits, Barrell m ssagers. Slim Rite Cen is to a may! = cludes heating, hot water, parking) man only. For further particulars tele wax cee as taney bedrooms Weeks deed |tre, 204 King Street East, 728-4501, | jcompared wit : in ween Ss ow Mes ee Bowman oreo, Cll Farle Allen, 725- [awe te Mgeraetrons Nepee et) 6 HILLCREST OSHAWA ra REFRIGERATOR, General Electric, 9! icorrespondi ; ccroom apart. |LARGE bi ishe 7782. | a down payment, Call Rurs leu, ft. Also Motfat electric range with ponding period last year, BACHELOR and three-room apart-|LARGE bright furnished or unfurnished Haye goo pay le f made up of 267,391 cars com- h wi |bed sitting room, alj conveniences and . \Reeve of Schofield-Aker Ltd, at 725 |many extras. Both in good condition. } ' ments, refrigerator, stove, private @M-|) .. orivileges, Suitable for one or & Gi son $1000. DOWN SUNOCO ww bide chadga > 0 48:40. |Reasonable. Telephone 728-8737. | Tl MES \pared with 277,941 and 54,714 wn, 80) } $ ie -- ; svoosid teed AR os e Gone 725-1992, Alter 6, 125-3384 two. Apply 227 Chadburn Street East end near Ritson, 4-room tor ALL your Motoring Needs ee FwO yosma ant ¢ is Ae: r VERS jaw fe viee lags compared with 62,183. NTHLY, three- \ flat, private|TWO rooms and kitchenette, complete brick bungalow with garage, WE HAVE BUr 1 mile East or Oshowe |free estimates. ¥ | Car production by companies entrance, stove and, refrigerator, tied | furnished, refrigerator and he 8 5 INSURANCE | oil heating, 10 years' old. FOR LOWER PRICED No, 2 Highway Se ee ed kal WANT ADS __ {itis week and this year to date, throughout, parking. Close to bus. South /aipiy gat 'Merritt Street, Oshawa. | 11] DUNDAS STREET W., | Full price $10,000. Coll Don | OPEN 'TIL 11 NIGHTLY | WI™ ; , all] jsizes, Oshawa Hardware and Electrie,| with figures for last week and THREE-ROOM apartment, upstairs pr | NICELY furnished room, 'continuous | WHITBY | Howe, 723-9692 HOMES 25-4811} $ Church Street, 723-7624. the corresponding period last vi color TV |hot water. central to hospital, North B. F. H Stores -- Tires, bat- year in brackets: vate entrance, heavy duty wiring, hea IGeneral Motors. Light housekeeping if 44 We urgently need listings on | 5 \B. F. en bb : . e' 3 Agh' MA ; WwW ' u bd | 4 refrigerators, tele- pen nh ges ag Sg po Olay Ped desired garage, board optional. 723-9895, $6,500.00 Full Price. Terms. | RY STREET - |32---Articles for Sale tee be . mon y. iy 38 - 8) 4 Av ' LET TAP we a : | Located neor O.C.V.1., 2- properties -- $10,000, or |24--~ re © ___' vision, Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543, _ ' ist cane BE ar ome (341), aiter 7 p.m LARGE bright furnished bedroom. re-| 3/2 Acres. Good garden | storey brick, garage, oil under. For tree oppraisal lryPEWRITERS for students, Guaran-/TELEVISION, combination, record * ; Chrysler 1,186 (963), BEAUTIFULLY located on Grandview {ined business lady preferred. Riggurd land, Fruit and shade trees. | heated, ear! 'possession, mae jtee standards at low prices. Bill Ham-|player and radio, Telephone 728-3994. 444 (43,440); Ford 2,416 (2,- Street. Three-room apartment, private ees Wile G Ber ais: Oshews 5-room Cottage Running | onoble t be Call : Don call pte Neat bandied eae | WRINGER » automatic pump, in MOST ANYTHING 568), 79,847 (80,183); General bath and entrance, heat, lights. and! Tite home. water. Hydro, : ba ibid SCHOFIELD - AKER LTD. |vumer-rrece bedroom suite, mat-\A-l condition. Apply 433 Fairlawn Motors 4,626 (4,416), 137,506 water supplied. Adults only. 728-8111. Ee | Mowe 728-9692) 0 tiie gal eer Febacoreior," cane. Sireet: : EES ROE (149,509); Studebaker" Packoeg GROUND floor, two-bedroom ultra mod-| ote ment or couple. child welcome.| $8,500.00 Full Price, with | Doytime 723-2265 --_| aie, television, tabi, tree chalts, Con CHESTERFIELD set, one chair, tatei-| 95--Legel 178 (177), 4,973 (4,800). rtment electrically equipped, | Sentle 3 ) : heges : ,, Lr sravciat "Sehetiek' WA oak. ot 809). po eeoring. centre, automatic wash.|APPly_716 Cedar Street. | terms. (3-pc. bath), 4-room PEDWELL Evenings 725-0243 |728-7723. en set, Mare eepi = i i 4 25-2674 after 5 p.m. ing facilities. Apply 208 Cromwell Ave-'TWO housekeeping rooms, furnished, cottoge. Built-in refrigerator. 728.8423 ESS gece wee res perme pone Ne 74 al P THE CORPORATION OF artment One bedroom and kitchen with sink and eup-} Oj] hot water heating. Alum- y |\M brown suit and grey wool sub- ue, rtm = ree 4 1 1726 gale for cash. Telephone 728-2112, ask| Uso, coat as new, size 4042, Reason. E CITY OF OSHAWA SPORTS BRIEFS FIVE-ROOM. second floor "apartment, mie abt Agee sive parking space.| Pond -- Ping screens. | REAL ESTATE 725 for McNeill, ae heehee ee TH ee aa avidin ivi aerial, stele la os | ry ne 7 a beeline. ocho om ESO OOH OSs OU Ser sealer tncleded. $0 monthly. Mie |fwO hashed seems, ommiraL abaain.| "OVOd drive. Low foxes | 125 Acres on No. 2 Highway, |29--Automobiles for Sale |$ELEING furniture? Wer buy it. Re-\Cietis turquoise winter eo 2, frigerators, + Washers, pianos,| 4 LEADS GOLF To 1343. ere oF Vaht housekeenins tf destred. $10,900.00 Ful j Il workable, bonk bern 40' --------- ts te. For ~, chamois lining, good condition. Regular COMPANY LIMITED UR ee Py 2 fi 1 A ull Price, with | ail workabie, bonk X |1960 PONTIAC Strato-Chiet, 6, power|#t°Y etc. For top cash. offer contact #29, sell for' $12. Telephone 725-9218. Fe Orne EE SY Oe BEE EY Park Appls 45 Drew. Street or tele-| ton Sohn Vielen | 100" slesl Iplamant daad, 960 ra ie P | sell for elephone 725-921 BEAUMONT, Tex. (AP)--Don ion,|19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131. - - steering, automatic transmission,) " : ' * "i A aitad Re" eeute caey Soemalp tarpuned bacher| brick house pe. bath, New | frame house Im good. concl: [tant extras. "One owner. "Teepbese| WARDROBE, walnut fash, goed" eni- LADY'S vane acrordian, Cameras TENDERS FOR Fairfield used only 26 strokes a ac re uu: South, s ; A . $ ac ris an te r . . ' 33 ith : ss! id 4 faa T a paitnanl dae Peat | anart ent, hot water; close to General forced air furnoce. Garage | tion, This is one of the bet- 7224038: ' BOK Beery aeeard yo Hg ge Psi Toes et ois al cb Oa CONSTRUCTION OF A | stelgeed a he ursday and re- tentrally jocated, £40 monthly. Tele.(Motors and bus. Apply 1C5 Ritson North ter farms, first time offered CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor ear-| 655.4705, BEACH cook stove for coal or wood, lg ve - under - par peal 725-9717 for further information. 1300 Phone ony time MO 8-3521 Pe radios, lowest prices in town, Try Do-|---- a en white porcelain enamel, in very good LIMITED DIVIDEND } 6 to take a two - stroke lead xen ROOM Renee; ail 5 HOUSEKEEPING room with refrigera Member O. D. R. E. B. 100 Acres, 90 acres cultivat- nin'on Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West. peer i geo gd rrehga nice condition, Compact size with porcelain HOUSING PROJECT in the opening round of the NE-BEDROOD apartment, a con- me ag se nase Bh me i 2 a | , & mt é , OMtonren "Available December 1 $56 tor, dishes, linens, hotplate, er ed, good frame house, bank '444 puICK special car for sale. Apply|unit, upper unit overhauled. Telephone \°%en- Write Box 634 Oshawa Times, _ $20,000 Beaumont Invitational monthly, Apply 801 Stone Street eat a vie vee born, double-deck pig ond 373 Olive Avenue after 4 P.M to see. 723-7841 STOVE, Frigidaire Imperial, 40" wide, FOUR-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, - olf tournament . | hn REAR , ealed tenders, clearly mark- |8 * ck ae Rk Ga a hen house, only $10,000, +35 FORD sedan, reliable transportation, REFRIGERATOR, excelent condition. i", excellent condition. Apply 17 Me-| Si : private entrance, Apply 79 Cromwell | NICE » IS OW | easy payments {ced at $275, Telephone MO 8-3762. Telephone 723-1874, hin Boulevard after 5. === || ed as to contents and addres- Piso Rosburg, Jay Hebert and Avenue or telephone 728-5451 housekeeping facilities. Very central Load i pine :é er? ila PANDA - | USED juicer for sale, extracts pulp| sed to the undersigned, will be |@@ne Coghill all had 68s to tie oxo nse ee Parking space. Apply 105 Mary Street Sivahal weil: teens ENGLISH car won't start? No powert '53 PONTIAC, mechanically A-l. Oneliree juice, Will give guarantee, Tele- ived 1 3:00 for second place. MODERN three-room apartment, on| Telephone 728.0764, vera a Valve and ring job only $45 Fen lady's bleycle, man's bicycle, violin. Dione 728-7721 receive -- om Montreal's Al' Johnston 'k- } KO. paies, vit i W 25-1667. F; = tigen jon lo sti and main ea of are Bae tg" Sater NICELY furnished bedroom in warm | 3 Bedroom ranch house, oil _sales, ning West, 725 For quick sale. Reasonable. Telephone ig Mattress King" eaves you money Thursday, November 23rd, Winnipeg's Wilf Homeniuk Baad Seats Sor' tatormaised clean home, suit refined gentleman, tumace, 4-piece bathroom, | 1958 PONTIAC, body and motor A-1, : 1961, for the construction of ' niuk were 4 Wis 2 entral, board optional. Telephone 725- ess Wi it. All branded lines} an apartment building, con- |im @ 15-piayer bracket at 71, it |phone 728-1690 ition, priced at $275. 'Telephone MO) TiMOCs* 108 have pa 9, f self-< ora-ocre of lend. clone to. (me upholstered, Sacrifice, $350. Tele-/LADY'S piano accordion Camerano, 120/°% ,Wuelity mattresses. If you need a FOUR-ROOM self-contained apartment, | 3979 cada nd, cl ate ine " ine IB See ee er Pe ceeiras aes Newtonville A _-- bargain, low, low discount prices. Genuine} sisting ot sixteen units, on eger of Val Morin, He : : 8-762. : i ini 4 it CLEAN room,. close to bus stop, cen. 33 ROVER, black, 4speed transmis-|"°'0 00 m |Serta quilted mattress, regular $89.50, ; ue., finished fa: bath, TY antenna and cupboards. AP-|. 1" isdy er gentleman. Telephone $8,500. Low down payment. |sion, mechanically sound, Owner leav-|THREE plece mohair chesterfield sulte,|now two mattresses for $89.50. Serta; Yestmount ng A in the 7 r back with a ply 375 Mary Street, Oshawa ei 725-2249. REALTORS HAROLD C. PEDWELL ng town, 728-3086 evenings, 5 - 7.30. _|extra aan suitable for gg or| smoot sop nentiress,, seguiat Se 86: poids Heil he gl . N tment, central, al ~ = -- ORS 4 Be " ? .|recreation room, good con: . Tele-;\now two ment is bein structe y rr _ Suis, Intdry taeiitiee, cheaplalely Sil c unt acme ace peatighie: Ape Real Estate ond Mortgage Broker |47.8" Renee ae bon four phone 723-3707, and one box spring both for $79.50. See) the City of Oshawa of a oy END UNDEFEATED SEASON vate, $75 monthly or furnished 'nelading oy a Te err eet or telephone 725-4150. BROOKLIN FARM Newcastle Phone 3856 |b Needs some motor work, but|LIVING room dining room drapes, tke King", Ed. Wilson's, tel boule pelea VANCOUVER (CP) -- Uni- TV $95. Telephone 728-1203 a rasa bs Gslagmon: John Healt runnin 5. Telephone 728-5855 or 872\bedroom drapes and matching bed.|~OUre! SOC; versity of British Columbia SASEMENT iment. central, three-|2W9 furnished rooms, bedroom and 100 acre dairy farm, twenty sca hn pb yadiuded |\spread. Good as new. Telephone|SINGER sewing machine, electric por- elderly persons. under the Thunderbi wee Senheks bent, gan cupboards, eee ine gta ta 3 one Holstein milk cows, hay, Newcastle 4511 : "VAUXHALL deluxe, good condition | 725-3339. : table excellent condition, $40. Ajax| Notional Housing Act. bb rseypla Pd abet three : . <¢ ta on '|boards ani sink, all conveniences. ; " Y - -------- -- -- | 1958 1 uL . tl ree ON i i " 7} ii iia" ceacpae' streak" mw Ply 887 Ritson Road South grain, bulk cooler, Surge Will take trade-in, Telephone MO 8-5270.|COLEMAN i heater with blower, Air taba eramen wh cycled Plans and specifications may day to defeat the vataes Cit < " - i ae ners 'i ' } 3 ; ¢ id piccisar "acarussss" Sauuhen ae| TERRE 00M furnished | basement ptkoomgthecreps Py es = _ SOMETHING '32 FRONTENAC. Goos condition, wood preg ag Phan cael ingy Pag will sel homie gic tas te eae aa a be pg ed Paes - -- versity of Saskatchewan Hus- : f apartment, newly decorated, sink, cup. ments, Just o ighwo 2. ysiy 3,60) miles, South of Myrtle, | "OF Sf2- {Ciernene eel tects, ounthwalte $$0- Naor dial FaIe tT boards. Suitable for couple or "sirls.| Full price $38,000 with Sell to highest bidder, 635-3429. |ONE Supro B lifer, almost Eireet South, 7284873. Call us for warh-| elotes, 93. Yorkville Avenue, |@S $1 in the rain and mud Xo or oe ----_----------|Closer to South GM. Apply 172 Hibbert rs , 4957 PONTIAC four door sedan, aute-/new. Two microphones with' plug-in|oy range and radio repairs y ' |as the Western Intercollegiate THREE rooms including kitchen cup-|Street $20,000 down * \inatic, excellent condition, $1,100, Tele- jacks; also 1982 Excelsior motorcycle, |ert "== . - Toronto, Ontario, upon de- Football . Conference sea boards and sink. Private bath, TV out-' =. ae . shone 783-1508 for pahiculars. |Telephone Robert Olliffe, 725-7954. |USED parts and repairs for all makes) posit of $35.00. son let, in very clean quiet home, Apply SINGLE fur ished room, ladies or COAAMAUTER'S FARM shin bia : we --- - of wringer type washers, % hp motors, ended. The Thunderbirds were 124 Tyler Crescent for details, Sentlemen, use of kitchen and washing '3 MERCURY, in good condition, low|TWIN baby stroller "Lioyd". In good §5 io $8, guaranteed reconditioned wash-| Lowest or any tender not ne- undefeated. winni th L hine, central location. Telephone) 86 acres with creek, ten miles |mileage, $100 snd take over payments.|condition. Reasonable, 309 Bloor Street ers and stoves. Paddy's Market, HAMP-| costrii accented quines wal Sie A Bg, val @ from ha ' For more details telephone 728-5262. wt 728- » , Sr ae s : . e A niversity Le rere Reasonable. Apply 96 FURNISMPD bedroom in new bunga-| on bd y ti cetgenr eer 139 CHEV two-door hard-top, V8 Cus-|AMPEG Jet Amplifier, nearly new. OVERWEIGHT? You can love inches in (Miss) Evelyn M. Found, jof Alberta in the other. Alberta Centre. Street : 2b ace Dagger ig rsh hn Hoe oad elke lode NA ed | tom radio, new whitewall tires, two-| Telephone -725-3258 for more particulars|3 days, Home rentals for vibrators Assistont Secretary, |was second with two victories, 2 ws n j A 7 q - 'an- ' FIVE-ROOM, self-contained, upper du- 735.4961 before four, Saturday anytime. | jsted ot $22,000 with rea- ee grind Py ay one ae ile eT a Han we as ry reowyy ttc toed me Slim-Rite Can | Oshowo Housing Company Ltd, |two ties and a loss, and Saskat- Meee etity tectitive, Cedar, Street {ONE of two rooms furnished or ua-| sonable terms Telephone 728-7211 Mantle radio $5, #45 Somerville Street, |SrMPLICITY 208-| 50C a chewan last = 798.27 furnished, light housekeeping jesir-| nee eects ghee =" trent " d Apply 763 Ritson entre Stree go ARGS referred Teena MST ed. 'Telephone 733-1463 | FAMILY HOME COMING |e cen fons, pelat, deador skizea| Ane ete clecicle seetearnet eis a Oshowa, Ontoric, | .THL MARKS BIRTHDAY ve Ea er 3 » r * + | fu) » ic! i. Si - sissimnieniensediiiances PRET ese ars di hans M eilb FOUR-ROOM apartment, quiet build |NICELY "furnished room with leit | whitewalls, radio, dual speakers, motor, |and three compartment sink. Telephone TENTS, tarpaulins, camp cote, ground 2 z TORONTO (CP) -- The Tor- i. "oye = pet 'refrigerator housekeeping privileges, separate en-| Impressive looking, near new, |transmission and body all in excellent | 723.3394, sheets, rentals, Osha' Hardware, 8) NOTICE TO CREDITORS onto Hockey League, from ing. + te jtrance, parking facilities, Close to South | r rick oO i condition. Apply 208 Centre Street ! ~. - as Hi ' 4 d ied. Laundry, parking. Bus close | red brick home with six REM 8 ity Church Street. 723-7624. whose ranks h 168 Verdun Road,' 723.3096." General Motors. Telephone 728-7453. | rooms, attached garage and TO FORD Consul, "50 Pontiac, your cholee Pepa ay ely Pdf ght ee cage eg gs en AND OTHERS schved of phot ; hy omy 6 pnt thn Manet tie Bote as a me b> mw ah We " oe Bey aoe ¥ 2 IN Gener is § ssiona: ars, cel- ~ ATTRACTIVELY furnished rooms b , ony $95, Easy terms. wart Motor Sales, gave. Platform rocking chairs, dis- yerhauled $69. Phillips 21" id THREE-ROOM apartment, newly Gece (private home, 74 Oshawa Bouley Nash oust Harmony Road King West, 725-1667, count price $29.88, cedar chests from|Detely guethanies vmvaranteed" Meag: IN THE ESTATE OF ebrates its 50th anniversary loots 592 Drew Street for further in- Seuth Telephone 728-0852. ofr coca HON neor schools Austin, Priced cor quick aale et |$49; Two-piece chesterfield and sofa-\ners, 5 King Street West. Sormation. CLEAN tarnished room with kitchen,, Owner moving out of city is BRAEMOR FURNISHED apartment: single house-| 725-8150. with a dinner Wednesday night. : 3 i Fina Service Station, 627 Simcoe Breet) Oot tate arses $1.00; many color.|FURNACES, forced air, ten year guar ARTHUR WALDRON, |The league now embraces some TWO furnished rooms, heated, kitchen, |st0ve and refrigerator. sult goenohous, cnious to sell, Eegeie siaiaii:e! teaideor waste esocks $3.95; five-plece kitchen antes, Fee ms ee re deceased. 900 teams with an annual en- i 5s te. Sul sion- | 4 58 OLDSMOBIL lour-door, cu it 88, ment. id | pone Rage Pipe "mame a a _| FOR INFORMATION ON THESE reat ceaditions Telaphions Tas tee Reece ea Beles BAN, Kal Tras. oc . rolment of more than. 12,000 North. 725-4283. TT | AND OTHER PROPERTIES 9528 for further information. --_--_| Church Street, : |FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, 1959 model, m aphid is Pr cgat players. MODERN two - bedroom apartment, ATTRACTIVELY GARDENS \'S2 CHEVROLET, dependable trans-|i1-Fi four speaker, over $200 in LP|8, cuble foot, like new. Telephone wn. st the estate said METS SI electrically |, washer and dryer, ROOMS CALL portation, good motor, light green, 965.|records; also record bar $100, Also '54 | 728-6635. ur Waldron, late of the GN TV PACT nipped. washer and 4:7¢t-| FURNISHED ROO ' Apply 188 Wayne Street or telephone| Buick, $300. Dunbarton, 839-2709 \TXPING paper on wale, letter eize,| City of Oshawa, in the NEW YORK (AP) -- New Available in private home Howard Forder, 728-041 STEVENSON'S RD. N SONTIAG Pasisioane, fall <z| TYPEWRITERS, cash registers, add. |white re as og ag hy bam! bid Ontario, Labourer, | York Mets, who enter the Na- eee yr eager aE | ~ +|'@1 PONTIAC Parisienne, fully power ers, sales, service, new, used. Bill Ham- a , 4 eee k H i FOUR-ROOM apartment, in | Call between 5 and 7 p.m. Farm Representative Jequipped with only 11,500 miles, Tele- |jjto cc mteckila. |Cireulation Department. Oshawa Times pape 33 Dong pr per peggy next mayo have ment building, large stove, refriger-| 82 PARK ROAD N Office 728-5107 AN phone MO 8-3762. nee, Ss -- 30° ELECTRIC stove, fully auto' say uly, g' ~ year television ame. Seete | entponren, laaearernt| : Home 728-2155 id iS] METEOR standard transmission, |\req een enet, piicgs in the city or Perfect condition. Sacrifice or swap for} 1961, ore required to file |and radio package with a brew- ee ee waine | 728-8671 | tworone blue and white, good condl:|Store, 7239271, 444 Simcoe South, ood automatic sewing machine, Tele! proof of the same with the ling company, the New York 2 is ree roo! lurnish- y ua < P } - [ ; et 'i ed apartment, upstairs, private bath, __19 Athol. St. W. Oshawa ANNAPOLIS AVE epee beh eon oe, gi thay ine 3. |GAS range, white enamel, four burner, | ~~ sci ~| undersigned solicitors for the {Daily News says. The News heavy wiring, includes heat, water, 27--Real Estate for Sale | 'inthis ice BFL SER RU ERT eR ON prnced . ---- |two storage drawers, in good condition, | hydro. 318 Albert Street. 728-7703 a a d Msc " ee Administratrix of the Estate [says the deal will bring the aft dcteltnetatvieln \*53 FORD, good t tation, $75. |p: 7 4153 Mat p 8 nydro. 318 A 'Breet. 72 3 iiNREwe cece ais Seid bas | heme PD eek teenie he Price $20. Telephone 725-4153, _ | DRAPERIES os said deceased on or |Metg $1,000,000 a year. $30 MONTHLY. hres room basemost apartment, hot water; close to General i Street South, | NATURAL ah Poman lamb ones, %) OF LATEST fe re hood oat day of VERDI REHIRED apartment, private bath and entrance, Motors and bus. Apply 105 Ritson North. nn - ar Wa excellent condition, worn a few) i lov t, hydro included. Close to south 725-1300. 1855 TRFON pick-up, Mercury V8, in\times., Telephone 725-9057. MODERN DESIGN ember, 1961, after Bear south G: worth Street. Available December 1. 723-6338. schools, bus. 728-5851. SINGLY er double furnished room, good condition, Must sell, Reasonable. and Cadillac, five-room power steering, hydramatic. Cash OF li¢g, 734-0691 anytime. '| Kitchen drapery, 69c yd. ing regard only to the claims |Syracuse Chiefs, Thursday was ge nn ag en Bicor | a cane inal cost. Reads notice, tional League baseball club for ----~| payment. 728-0334 after 5. Wes eet a Me aaa + He onere| RENT, RENT, RENT eh la dees perp | a | CREIGHTON, FRASER, | P Bonhas A ' | | matic, white walls, wheel discs, full} bucket with tongs. Highboll, _74 CELINA ST. _ 723-7827 | HORNETS BUY SMITH OC lor \ec- i r 5. i ce. 723-2674. + ose Fa only gg tna of | WINTER PRICES WHILE THEY LAST |e Seen coa caine pe erg Cake end cock Oikaue, Ontarians |burgh Hornets of the American red ; | "ARE YOU IN NEED - WOODED LOTS $60 PER FOOT tires. Only 3,600 miles, South of Myrtle. FURNITURE oe of : ot Vera Lorinda Maracle, tract of Dallas Smith from | ADVICE OR ASSISTANCE? Sargeant's Rental DISCOUNT Administratrix of the scid |Montreal Canadiens of the Na- AVAIVABLE NOW ts FOR INFORMATION WILLIS 9 ~| Baron's Home Furnishings NOTICE TO defenceman, has been playing rental. Call No Obligation jfarm team in the Eastern Pro- vate nics are _.. ....| Your AUSTIN Dealer 40-ft. structure. with all- ay Drugette Department -- Dry SCOTT ¢ one - year Joan to the Cana- After 5 p.m, 725-6027 | S O S / We have a good assortment ized, guaranteed 1 year. Goods, Children's Clothing, 'TT, late of the Town of jdiens from Boston Bruins, THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN OFTEN! roe ons, | Whitby, 725-0331 171 Bond St, East, 728-6781 and Kitchenware. | Persons having claims | VANCOUVER (CP) -- Van- very cen- THE FAMOUS Storm windows ond Prime Open to 10 p.m, daily day of December, 1961, after paper (news print) for only $1.00.|tral, large cupboard space. Phone MO : Install Canada's finest awn will distribute the estate, H Pari eh. ER ee MAKING, sults, conta, dresses }GOOD income home for sale, extra 1962 MODELS j ALUMINUM j fonships in aris Dec. 2-3 Go- price. Tele- ' M leant * a ET Living room dropery, 79¢ yd, | Which date the said Adminis- SYRACUSE, N.Y. (AP) -- THREE room apartment, central, pri-|ladies or gentlemen, use of kitchen and Telopnene. Br ti4e Meh Gomes Sen ear | and va. Bedroom drapery -- bbs odds will proceed to dis- Frank Verdi, who took over in yate | path. Telephone " 722-9891 or washing machine, central location, Tele- Ee DRBEM DRE: vers | spe signats (teed, rebullt machines. Estimates free.) satins and rayons, 1.40 yd. tribute the said estate, hav- |mid - season as manager of ctxt ee eee ion, y , 4 entals. Vacuum Cleaner Kepair Serv | ' ge ah re gn poe fae einion, two-car garage, in- S iN rt) | S trade, Telephone 728-8208. ielastics | up. Made to order by ex- of which she shall then have jnamed manager of the Interna- half-mile east of Myrtle. Miss Briggs. come basement apartment, low down Bi Section at. cleo next year The Chiefs, under te . OEE cot moce DATED at Oshowa this 2nd [ya |PRIVATE sale, fiv brick bunga-| SS @) Dong be serwanted fe Emme, Taree) Silvgr 4 ce. with troy, prices Verdi's management, won 34 APARTMENT [Renee Telephone 125-5308. = IN RO LAND MAN R 145 Queen West, Toronto, -- psa Prcahdag pitas M & C DRY GOODS day of November, A.D. 1961. [ang lost 46 games. SIMCOE and ABERDEEN ARE YOU THINKING (ROSSLAND RD. W. & GIBBONS ST.) 'Gi PONTIAC, convertible, V8, auto-| punch bow, and cups, ice ep a RR S Siieos Sb Nah." PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Pitts- ne BONTEN BUY YOUR gf vo byld alesdtise BUYING OR SELLING? \'33 FRONTENAC, good condition, good h #70. monthly Telephone 655-3429 anytime. Dinnerware for oll cccasions |Hockey League said Thursday elephone 655-3429 any Je SS | ia Ji they oS _Telephone 725-3302 FULLY SERVICED : Be | FREE DELIVERY Solicitors for jthey have purchased the con | 1 Estate. tional League for the remainder MODERN APARTMENTS Please feel free to MOTO R S | 725-3338 f PRICES ' ----~lof the 1961-62 season. Smith, a Tose ee etn | CM CY PREECE RALPH S. JONES 424 SIMCOE ST. S ith Montreal's Hull - 0 0 tlet ° INN } 'ms al' * ties, locker, T.V, outlet, low on coas TAUNTON ROAD EAST | EY. TOWERS CREDITORS [Ww ontreal's Hu ttawa MO 8-3092 L.'S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. |_ : i fessional League. He was on a or 101 Craydon Rd., Apt. 5 725-8761. OR EVENINGS channel antenna, al! galvan- Visit our new. Streamlined In_the estate of JOHN tu a ; : Ir, the County of of Used Cars | TRIO TELEVISION China and Glassware, Notions, | 'Ontario, Retired, deceased. ENTER WORLD MEET W : GLECOFF against the above estate ore |couver's Fred Matt, best judo HITBY CLASSIFIED ee | COMPLETE SALE OF SUPERMARKET required to file proof thereof jman in Canada, meets the best VOLVO | ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Jd Binae Wel Hack Pubes with 'he undersigned solici- {in the world next month, Matt, STUDENTS: A super value, approx!-|FOR RENT: Self contained three room | pentolOpm. daily. | forson or before the 15th jwho won his second Canadian mately 630 sheets of letter size typing| apartment, newly decorated, ; | y judo championship in April, will Ruck' Gabiwa. Tinie Office," Whitte |e cee. OF OUR 5 P.V.544 ; windows and doors only $40 which date the Administrator [travel to the world judo champ- Dundas Street West -- Sees ae @ -|G60 | ing and Poich railing. Very having regard only to claims |j ith him is Canadi n- tions, slip covers. Gowns and f-/Y41U8 ear fchools, excellent location. MODEL DISPLAY HOMES NOW ON DISPLAY | reasonable price. Call H of which the Administrator conan Hank Tener of Toronto. Se ee eee ; Jake & Bill's G | ALEX VAJDA, 723-9851 | DOORS AND shall then have notice. - 8-2372 : ae FOR SALE: Girl's bleycle, 25" frame WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION one FINA i aia a SEacioc gia yaeeoae sa emaeer capers BUSY AIRLINES aaneas " early new, asonable IN } pestle g BE ieee pod Leong phone MO 8-4716. 449 RITSON S, -- 728-0921 | SPECIAL -- Self-storing alu- WINDOWS JAMES G, SCOTT, modern; range, refrigerator and drapes. FOR SALE: Youth's bed and mattress, IN 5 Se ga = = minum doors, Reg. 49.50 Administrator, | _ Member airlines of Interna me MO 8-4775 1ardwood finish, excellent condition $15; i | Limited k availabe. yi 2 by his solicitors herein |tional Air Transport Association FOR RENT: Two roomed comfortably |hlgh chair $3; doll house $4. MO 82036 SOUTHWOOD PARK BUYING OR SELLING SEE, | $35.00 on ed . tay pic ae heritie! mteeing TOOLE & RUNIONS, (directly employed 400,000 peo- een, Mgaeoee Mave FOR SALE: Westnehoun sxlomate | TED CAMPIN. | = aise" "Cabinet carietly eral 123 Woolwich feet, ple it' 1960, & 100-per-cent in. Apply 305 Perry Street. MO Sell, $100, MO #3886, oe TOWN OF AJAX | gluminum windows and cano- $44.95 hea Rei io ee siete (WOMEN WANlGE tae GY WS GT E. MOTORS i |MERRY MENAGERIE record y: T y . 4 t : plo gl Cdl ote Bao ore Tens is my home,, steady red AWARD WINNING DESIGNS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA | FREE ESTIMATES on all in 3 track windows G Brock Street South, or phone- MO/3-4552. 8.4005 ---- nee Gust East of Wilson Road) | terior house remodelling. Self-storing screens z SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Walter Ward,! sollapacatansl th cliignn ana hne P P - perienced women available for baby 9.256 nore MO'OF CONTEMPORARY and COLONIAL STYLES HONE 728-4614 $19.95 FOR RENT: Two roomed seer Pe ad ag new wash, 15 cents. Two for one LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want space, Telephone MO 8-518, LOST ~ Lady's pink gold Gruen wrist) ""RIVIERA"--Coionlal 3 bedroom bungalow field stone front | SENS Da: TED: Th SPOT CASH CORP. LTD. & SONS Hair Styling requires experienced hair bem tings our specialty. Mra. Toms, MO| /RILLIUM"--Contemporary, 3-bedraom, tri-level, garage & den Good clean cars. Trode up | __OSHAWA |__WHitehall 2-5079 _ : rh oA ABER CR aan IE } 4 1, Pete by or down. Liens paid oft. vate home. Telephone MO 24834, Pri- | SELF-CONTAINED {our - roo apart. CARDINAL" --Colonial, 4 bedroom, 2 storey, extra 2 pce ~~ ~ : 723-9421 SEVEN-ROOM house f t. Avallabi washroom cm . 37 Dundas Street East or MOST COMPETITIVE PRICES sitting and homemaking in Whitby and apartment, hydro, heat, hot water in- gt Gry cleaning and pressing. MO THESE MODELS INCLUDE mi LONG SAULT un BEGLEY atch, brown cord sti r 318 dresser. Must apply before November|DRESSMAKING, suits, coats, dresera, SILVER BIRCH" --Contemporary ,3 bedroom, back split levei PAID FOR 134 SIMCOE ST. S. PICKERING ROOM and board. for one gentleman 28-2372. | Doe teh: ii |ment, In Whitby, parking space, recent. washroom DODD MOTOR SALES FOR EVERY BUILDING NEED FOR SALE. 52 Pontiac coach, best|!y decorated, private entrance apd Dee. 1. Apply 837 Dundas Street East or GRAVEL - LOAM 2 ts MO 8-3498 after 6. FOR RENT -- Attractively decorated | Cement, Grove! DOWN PAYMENTS $ALL CASH$ CALL THE 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 aorpinely, Watalles BABY sitting bureau has reliable ex- 204 Chestnut Street West. ind RES SS Re ;30--Automobiles Wanted 725-7147 Oshawa. Telephone 723-4921. WHITBY Coin Laundry, 106 Brock 725-1181. cluded, close to shopping, parking ---- Re ye CONSTRUCTION + neeitcat : |W HELP WANTED: The Culture Studio of Mary Street West or phone MO 8-42: 17. Telephone MO 8-3151, alterations, slip covers. Gowns and fit- | to share room, with twin beds, | ¥ ee : 314 PARK RD. S$. a6 offer. Apply 408 Peel Street Whitby. bath. Telephone MO 0.3246 "SAPPHIRE" --Colonial, 3 bedroom rancher, etxra 2-pce two-bedroom self-contained apartment | payed parking, laundry dryer, TV an-| Driveway Gravel and Fill t . a tenna, $80 monthly, Telephone 728-2633.! Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon " down. Liens paid off, FOR = $60 monthly three and four-| REPT $1195 TO ONE N.H.A. MORTGAGE NICOLS MOTORS LTD, [ mM b N mb com aupriment, balcony. restaeatal ERIC C. BRANTON enrs 512. BROCK ST. N., WHITBY U S j U o [ | ties, parking, close to schools, childreg MO 8-2660 NO SECONDARY FINANCING playground. Apply 300 High Street. meena meee ae a Sere Be, ACT NOW-DONT DELAY CARS. WANTED 128-4688 > | Boats, Shot Guns, Decoys Buying a New Car? 8C SERVICES. Complete bookkeepl ; 1 ) your used Car to "Ted" service for small businesses, weexin| Cabin Trailers, also Power Sell_yo Ed © 196: any Bras oa oh Walt Di P i Ge won ce Gan ike! cae ts ke" WE HAVE ONLY 5 ar Dealer and "SAVE McCULLOUGH LUMBER UU=UL Wor Rights Reverved {orcs eemaadihexinBitbaaon tis asi Equipmen y) 26 ml "i SIMCOE N. -- JUST SOUTH OF TAUNTON RD SOR RENT: Twobedroom apartments, WILDE RENTAL Fun uth IN AIGIL at Horedied Ava.' past shoasi TED CAMPIN MOTORS : pg TE Es iWintmmac | 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 | "YOU CAN COUNT ON OUR SERVICE" For clean cars we deal up or = "You can come out now, Elmer--Friday's over!" refrigerators. MO 8-3501, '| SERVICE & SALES, WHITBY follow signs to Southwood Park, f